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Suraj Kumar Singh


Vishal Vora



At the outset, I wish to thank my father and my family for their

abounding love, encouragement, and support they have bestowed
upon me. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my guide Prof.
Shyamoo Jaitiya. for his tremendous support, patience and guidance
throughout my dissertation. I am sincerely thankful to Head of the
Department Prof. Sushil Kr Mittal and other committee members for
their support and spending their valuable time in evaluating my
dissertation work. My special thanks to Management of my college
and Principal for their support, and valuable time. I also express deep
sense of gratitude to the staff of Department of Civil Engineering for
their cooperation and support throughout the session.

I am thankful to my family, friends and other well wishers whose

names could not be mentioned but without their direct or indirect
contribution this project work would never have been a success. Last
but not the least, my heartiest thanks to my parents for their blessings
and to my family for keen interest, active support and pains taken by
them during the entire duration of my studies. Finally, I would like to
thank all those who contributed remotely for my success.

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