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SIAI ---- -
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Published by Aircraft Service Division

Sesto Colende
I to I y

MAY l, 1969

Model S 208 Section I
Table of Contents


Figure . Figure Title Page


Table of Contents i
Introduction iv
Aircraft Reference Stations viii

1 General Arrangement of Complete Aircraft 1

1/1 Fuselage lnstalbtion 1. 1

1 /2 Fuselage Structure Assembly l .4
1 /3 Fuselage Structure Assembly 1. 9
1 /4 Fuselage Forward Section Structure Assembly l. 12
1 /5 Firewall Structure Assembly · · 1. 16
1 /6 Lower Fuselage Structure Assembly, Forward 1.18
1 /7 Lower Fuselage Structure Assembly, Sta 2 to 4 1. 21
1 /8 Lower Fuselage Structure Assembly, Sta 4 to 6 · l; 24 :
1/9 Fuselage Doors & Window Structure Installation 1.27
1 /10 Fuselage Forward Section Skin Assembly 1.30
1/11 Fuselage Aft Section Structure Assembly 1. 32
1 /12 F ;: ,c_ieL·. g ,. Do.::; r Installation 1. 36
1 / 13 .· Fus elage Flc orboard. Inst: :llation . 1 . 39
1 /14 Fuselr-i g \'c Windows Installation .1 42
· 1 /15 Cabin Door Assembly 1. 45
1 /16 Cabin Door Latch Installation 1.48
1 /17 Front Seat Installation · 1'.52
1 /18 Rear Seat Installation ( 4 Seater, Optional) 1. 55
1/19 Rear Seat Installation ( 5 Seater) -1: 5·7
1 /20 FJfth Seat Installation ( 5 Seater) . 1. 60
1 /21 Cabin ·Furnishing Installation 1. 62
1 /22 Cabin Vent System Installation 1. 6,5
1 /23 . Cabin Heat & Defroster System Installation · 1. 67
2/1 Wing Installation 2. 1
2/2 Wing Doors Installation 2.5
2 /3 Wing Structure Assembly. 2.8

Model S 208 Section I
Table of Contents

Figura Title Page
2/4 Wing Leading Edge Assembly 2. 12
2/5 Wing Front & Main Spar Assemblies 2. 15
2/6 Wing Trailing Edge Structure Assembly 2. 19
2/7 Wing Inboard Fuel Tank Installation 2.23
2/8 Aileron & Flap Assemblies 2.26
2/9 Wing Tip Fuel Tank Installation (Optional) 2.29

3/1 Tail Installation 3. 1
3/2 Stabilizer & Fin Installation 3. 3
3/3 Elevator & Rudder Installation 3.6


4/1 Alighting Gear General Arrangement 4. 1
4/2 Nose Landing Gear Installation 4.3
4/3 Nose Landing Gear Assembly 4.5
4/4 Nose Wheel Assembly 4.8
4/5 Nose Landing Gear Steering Installation 4. 10
4/6 Main Landing Gear Installation 4. 12
4/7 Main Landing Gear Assembly 4. 16
4/8 Main Wheel & Brake Assembly 4. 19
4/9 Landing Gear Retract System Installation 4.21
4/10 Landing Gear Emergency Extension Drive Installation 4.26
4/ 11 Brake System Installation (Single) 4.29
4/12 Brake System Installation ( Dual) 4.33
4/13 Brake Cylinder Assembly 4.36


5/1 Surface Controls General Arrangement 5. 1
5/2 Rudder & Elevator Control System Installation 5.3
5/3 Elevator Trim Tab Control System Installation 5.8
5/4 Aileron Control System Installation s. 12
5/5 Flap Control System Installation s. 16
5/6 Control Column Assembly s.21
5/7 Rudder Pedal Installation 5.25
5/8 Rudder Trim Control Cable Installatio_n s.zs
5/9 Flap, Rudder & Elevator Trim Control Pedestal Instl 5.31
5/10 Flap, Rudder & Elevator Trim Control Mechanism 5.34

Mo~I S 208 Section I
Table of Contents

Figure Title Page

6/1 Power Plant General Arrangement 6. 1

6/2 Power Plant Installation 6.3
6/3 Engine Cowl Installation 6.6
6/4 Engine Air Box Installation 6.9
6/5 Engine Exhaust System Installation 6. 11
6/6 Engine Oil System Installation 6. 14
6/7 Fuel System Installation 6. 17
6/8 Fuselage Fuel System Installation 6.19
6/9 Engine Controls Installation 6.22
6/10 Engine Baffle Installation 6.25
6/11 Fuselage & Wing Fuel System Installation (Optional) 6.29


7/1 Instrument System General Arrangement 7. 1
7/2 Instrument Panel Structure Installation 7.3
7/3 Instrument Panel Assembly 7.6
7/4 Instrument Panel Placard Installation 7. 11
7/5 Pitot System Installation 7. 14
7/6 Vacuum System Installation 7. 17


8/1 Electrical System Installation 8. 1
8/2 Wing Electrical System Installation 8.3
8/3 Fuselage Electrical System Installation 8.5
8/4 Engine & Firewall Electrical System Installation 8. 8
8/5 Dome & Baggage Light Installation 8. 11
8/6 Instrument Panel Electrical System Installation 8. 13
8/7 Forward Fuselage Electrical System Installation 8. 16
8/8 Battery Installation 8. 18


9/1 Narco VHF /VOR, ADF & ILS Radio Installation 9. 1
9/2 King VHF /VOR, ADF & ILS Radio Installation 9.4


10/1 Loose Tools &: Accessories 1o. 1

Numerical Index 11. 1
Model S 208 Section 1



This Illustrated Parts Catalog has been prepared to aid you in the identification
and the ordering of spare parts on the S 2 08 aircraft manufactured by Siai Mar-
chetti, Sesto Calende (Italy). This ~atalog is divided in three sections :
Section I - Introduction
Section II - Group Assembly Part List
Section III - Numerical Parts List

Preceding this introduction is found a Table of Contents whieh list the sections,
main groups, assemblies with corresponding figure number and the· applicable
page number of each assembly in the order they are presented in this catalog.


The following is -a list of standard abbreviations used thi:-ought th~s pubblicatlon:
As required AH. Left hand LH
Assembly Assy Main landing gear MLG
Attachment Att Next Righter Assembly NHA
Breakdown Bkdw Not procurable NP
Bulk item BI Nose landing gear NLG
Control Ctrl Outboard outbd
Forward fwd Reference Ref
Interconnection inter-conn Reinforcement reinf
Installation instl Right hand RH
Landing gear LG


This diagram show the conventiCI>nal number of each station fo the aircraft.
Since many items in the breakd<I>wn are located by station number, this diagram
provide a means by which the approssimate phisical location of parts may be


The arrangement of the material presented in this section is ·as follows:
Fuselage, Wing, Tail, Alighting Gear, Surface Controls, Power Plant, Instru-
ment System, Electrical System, Radio System, Special Equipment, It contains

Model S 2 08 Section I

listing and illustrations of the major assemblies, subassemblies, details and

attaching parts, illustrated in exploded fashion.
Each list contains six columns, which reading from left are headed: Figure and
Index No., Part Number, Description, Units per Assy, Availability, and Usable
on Code.


This column indicates the illustration figure and its index number.
Example: ( 5 /1-10) the 5 /1 is the figure number and 1 0 is the index number.
The ''Figure Number'' appears only once at the top of each parts listing page.


This column lists the manufaeturer' s, vendor's or Standard Parts Number of the
replacement parts, and this number must be shown on all Part Orders.

The Description column gives the name of the part assembly. This name must
be shown in all Part Orders. If a detailed breakdown of t,he assembly is contained
on a separate list there will follow in parentheses the notation (For breakdown
see fig.). On the list of the latter figure the same item will be referred back to
the original list on which it first appeared by the notation (For NHA see fig.).
Additional special information also may be found in this column in regard to the
part used as a spare, its physical location and ~tc.
The description column contains a number of vertical columns numered 1 to 6.
They permit the identification of the description of the various assemblies in order
to shown th~ir relationship. Each major assembly appears as a column 1 item.
Each subassembly is indented one column to the right, while each sub-subassem-
bly is indented one column to the right of the subassembly listing and so forth.
In this manner it is possible to determine the parts that would be received in an
assembly was ordered, since all replaceable parts contained within the assembly
would be listed in the next column to the right.
Example : See table I, page vi.
The listing is interpreted as follow:
If the Brace Assy is ordered, it will be completely furnished with indented items
listed under that assembly, that is items Index N° 2, 3, 4, 5. Attaching parts -1
(not indented) will not be furnished, while attaching parts -3 (indented) will be
If the Joint Assembly is ordered, it will include the indented items listed under
that subassembly, that is items Index N° -4-5. Attaching parts -3 (Not indented)
will not be furnished .
If the bolt (-1) is ordered, only that item will be furnished: if the bushing ( -4)
or the spacer ( -5) is ordered, only the item required will be furnished.

Model S 2 08 Section I
Tntrorh1rti or
·1 able I
Units ..0 Usob.
Figure ond ..2
Index Port Numbor DESCRIPTION por ·~
Number 4 5 6 Assy on code
1 2 3 ~

4/6 205-9-052-01 BRACE ASSY, MLG drag 1

Attaching parts
- 1 NAS1108-13D BOLT 2
AN960-816 WASHER 2
AN320-8 NUT 2
- 2 205-9-052-07 JOINT ASSY, Knee 1
Attaching parts
- 3 AN310-8 NUT 2
AN960-618L WASHER 2
- 4 205-9-052-21 . . BUSHING 1
- 5 29053-11 . SPACER 1

Attaching parts are listed immediately beneath the item to be attached and have the
same idention. A separation simbol (----o----) follows the listing of the :attach-
ing parts to distinguish them from the subsequent listing of items.


This column indicates the number of respective parts required to complete one
assembly, subassembly or sub-subassembly without regard to number of such
assemblies in the aircraft.
The quantity listed for attaching parts denotes the quantity necessary to attach
only one part.
Total q1J1antity necessary to attach more than one part is obtained by multiplying
the attaching parts quantity by the number of parts attached.
The following notations will also be found in this column:
Ref - Code for reference. When an assembly or installation are not broken down
on the list in which they first appear. ''Ref'' wiil appear in the unit per
assembly column. Item referenced will show a quantity where they are
broked down. In cases where such items are repeatedly listed, ''Ref'' will
appear in the unit per assembly column.
AR - Code. for as Required. This code is used to indicate bulk quantity where
an indefinite amouF1t is used and that will be furnished as necessary, such
as shims, fill materials etc.

When NP (not procurable) appears in this column, the listing is for reference
only, not for procurement.

Mod•I S208 Section I


This column indicates by a letter code the Seri.a l Number of aircraft to which
that item applies.
If no usable code appears in this column, the usage is applicable to all serials.
The code letters and the serials to which they apply are listed at the end of the
list page of each figure.


This section contains the numerical listing of all parts used in the aircraft as
called out in Section II, . wMch are arranged in alphanumerical order for ready
reference to Group Assembly Part List.


fiOW TO FIND The Location Description of an Item When the Part Number is
~nown: ·
l When the part number is known, . refer to Section III Numerical Index .. Locate
the part number and note the figure and index assigned to the part number.
2 Turn to the figure number indicated and locate the index number referenced in
the Numerical Index.
3 If .a pictoral representation of the part or its location is desired, refer to the
same index number on the accompanying .illustration.

HOW .,TO FIND The Part Number of ·an Item When the Physical Location on the
Aircraft is Known:
1 Refer to the_Table of Contents and locate the page number in Section II that .
illusttated the major assembly or the system in which the part is used.
2 On the indicated page, locate the part and the index number on the illustration.
3 Ref er to the same· index number on the accompanying list to determine complete
description and part number of the item in question.


When ordering parts, always use the COMPLETE manufascturer' s part number
l~sted in the Part Number column. Delays in filling spare parts orders often
occur as a result of incomplete information being furnished with the original
order, i.e. latck of model designation and serial number.

Section I

Aircraft Reference Stations


Model S208 Section II

COMPLETE AIRCRAFT - - - - - - - - - -

10 4 5

Figure 1. Aircraft General Arrangement

Model S 208 II
Group 1 Complete Aircraft

Figure and Unita .a Usab.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 123456 Any on code

1 S 208-5 AIRCRAFT, General arrangement 1 A

S 208-4 AIRCRAFT, General arrangement 1 B
- 1 21000Al . FUSELAGE INSTL, (For bkdw see Ref A
21 OOOA2 FUSELAGE INSTL, (For bkdw see Ref B
- 2 205-3-003-00A . WING INSTL, LH ( For bkdw see Ref
205-3-002-00A WING INSTL, RH (For bkdw see Ref
fig. 2 / 1)
- 3 27000Al . TAIL INSTL (For bkdw see fig. 3 /1) Ref
- 4 205-9-000Al ALIGHTING GEAR, General arrang. Ref
(For bkdw see sif. 4 /1)
- 5 26000Al SURFACE CONTROLS; General Ref
arrangement (For bkdw see fig. 5 /1)
- 6 25000Al . POWER PLANT, General arrangement Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 6 /1)
= 7 28000Al . INSTRUMENT SYSTEM, General Ref
- 8 28000Bl . SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 8 /1)
- 9 205-8-061 . SYSTEM INSTL, Radio Narco (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 9/1)
205-8-062 . SYSTEM INSTL, Radio King (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 9/2)

-10 205-2-150-00 LOOSE TOOLS and ACCESSORIES, Ref

(For bkdw see fig.10/1)

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

Model S208 Section II
Group l




Figure 1 /1. Fuselage Installation

-1. 1-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond ..2 Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Number 123456 ~

1/ 1 21000Al FUSELAGE INSTL (For NHA see fig. 1) 1 NP A

21 OOOA2 FUSELAGE INSTL (For NHA see fig. 1) 1 NP B

- 1 21000Bl . STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage, ( For Ref A

bkdw see fig. 1/2, 1/3)
21000B2 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage, (For Ref B
bkdw see fig. 1 /2, 1 /3)

- 2 21000Cl • DOORS INS TL, Fuselage, ( For Ref A

bkdw see fig.1/12)'
21000C2 • DOORS INSTL, Fuselage, (For Ref
bkdw see fig. l / 12)

- 3 21057Al . FLOORBOARD INSTL, Fuselage Ref A

(For bkdw see fig. 1/13)
21057A2 . FLOORBOARD INSTL, Fuselage Ref B
(For bkdw see fig. 1/13)

- 4 21002El . WINDOW INSTL, Fuselage, (For Ref

bkdw see fig. 1 / 14)
- 5 205-1-012-01 . DOOR ASSY, Cabin ( For bkdw Ref
see fig. 1 / 15)
- 6 205-1-060 • SEAT INSTL, Cabin front (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 1 / 17)
- 7 205-2-046-01 • SEAT INS TL, Cabin rear (For Ref A
bkdw see fig. 1 / 19)
205-2-017-01 • SEAT INST L, Cabin rear ( For Ref B
bkdw see fig. 1/ 18)

-8 205-2-037-01 • SEAT INS TL, Fifth ( For bkdw Ref A

see fig. l /20)
- 9 22020-01 • FURNISHING INSTL, Cabin (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 1/21)
- 10 205-5-034-01 • SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin vent (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 1 /22)
-11 25034-03 . SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin heat & Ref
defroster (For bkdw see fig. 1 /23)
-12 205-1-008-01 . FILLET ASSY, Wing to fuselage LH 1
205-1-008-02 • FILLET ASSY, Wing to fuselage RH 1

-13 205,..1-008-03 • • TRIMMING, Wing fillet (RH fillet l

-14 205-1-051-101 . T AILCONE, Fuselage 1

- 1. 2-
Model S 208 Section II
Group l Fuselage

Figure ond Units .a

..l! Usob ..
lndo>C Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·-
Numbor 123456 Assy ] on code

1/1 -15 NS3G062-l-3500 • SEAL, Weather, door frame, 138 in 1

long (BI)
-16 205-1-031-03 • PANEL ASSY, SidepedestalctrlboxLH l
205-1-031-04 • PANEL ASSY, SidepedestalctrlboxRH 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 • SCREW 6
-1 7 NS3G061 -400 • . SEAL, Rubber extrus. 16 in long ( BI l
-18 205-1-031-103 • PANEL ASSY, Front pedestal ctrlbox 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 • SCREW 9

COVER, Copilot pedestal guard 1
-19 205-1-123-11
Attaching parts
MS35206-Z43 • SCREW 3
-20 205-1-160-05 • DECK ASSY, Instrument panel 1
Attaching parts
NAS387-832-8P . SCREW 5
PLATE, Main spar opening enclos. LH ·1
-21 205-1-159-03
205-1-159-04 • PLATE, Main spar opening enclos. RH 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-230 • SCREW 3
MS35333-37 • WASHER, Lock 3

COVER, Rear seat opening enclosure l B
-22 205-1-116-01
-23 205-1-119-03 • WELD ASSY, Floorboard l
Attaching parts
-24 AN3-6A • BOLT, Fwd 2
AN4-6A • BOLT, Rear 2
AN960-10 • WASHER, Fwd bolt 4
AN960-416 • WASHER, Rear bolt 2
AN960-416L • WASHER, Rear bolt lower 1
NAS1252-416L • WASHER, Rear bolt upper 1
205-1-119-33 • WASHER, Rear bolt upper 1
MS2l042L3 . NUT, Fwd bolt 2
MS21042L4 • NUT, Rear bolt 2

-25 NS5BOI3 • PLACARD, Aircraft identification 1

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

-1. 3-
Model S208 Section II
Group l

FUSELAGE - ~ - - - - - - - - - -


~ ° 30

~~ 24 ~~
\j •o
~ ·

. 13
F igure 1 /2 . Fuselage St ructure Assembly

-1. 4-
Model S 208 Section II
Group I Fuselage

Unit• Ji u.. i. .
Figure and
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

on code

1/2 21000Bl STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage 1 A

(For NHA see fig. I/ 1)
21000B2 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage 1 B
(For NHA see fig. 1/1)

- l 21002-01 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage fwd Ref A

(For bkdw see fig. 1 /4)
21002-03 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage fwd Ref B
(For bkdw see fig. 1/4)

- 2 21005-01 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage aft Ref

(For bkdw see fig. 1 / 11)
- 3 2 05 -1-003-13 • ANGLE, Fwd to aft fuselage 1
connection LH
205- ·1 -003-14 • ANGLE, Fwd to aft fuselage 1
connection RH

- 4 205-6-239-25 . BRACKET, Brake fitting 2 C

205-6-239-25 • BRACKET, Brake fitting 4 D

- 5 205-1-180-01 • SUPPORT ASSY, NLG brace LH 1

205-1-180-02 • SUPPORT ASSY, NLG brace RH 1
Attaching parts
- 6 AN4-5A • BOLT, Fuselage left aide support 4
AN4-5A . BOLT, Fuselage right aide support 3
AN4-6A . BOLT, Fuselage right side support 1
AN960-416L • WASHER 4
MS21042L4 • NUT 4
-6A 205-1-059-13 .. BUSHING 1
- 7 205-1-059-11 • .PLATE, Shim 2
- 8 205-6-044-03 • . BRACKET ASSY, Pulley, elevator 1
control LH
205-6-044-04 • BRACKET ASSY, Pulley, elevator 1
' control RH
Attaching parts
- 9 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L • WASHER 2
MS21042L3 • NUT 2
-10 205-6-044-18 • BRACKET, Rudder ctrl bellcrank 2

- I. 5-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Unit• .a
Fioure and
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
Uaab .
on code

1/2 Attaching parts

-11 AN3-5A • BOLT 4
AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 • NUT 4
-12 205-6-044-13 . CHANNEL, Reinforeing, inbd .LH 1
205-6-044-14 . CHANNEL, Reinforcing, inbd RH 1
-13 205-6-044-15 . CHANNEL, Reinforcing, outbd LH 1
205-6-044-16 . CHANNEL, Reinforcing, outbd RH 1
-14 205-6-051-14 . BRACKET, Pulley, · flap ctrl LH 1
205-6-051-15 . BRACKET, Pulley, flap ctrl RH
Attaching parts

-15 AN3-3A . BOLT 2

AN960-10L . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . NUT 2
-16 205-6-023-11
. BRACKET, Elevator ctrl bellcrank 1
.. Attaching parts
-17 AN3-5A . BOLT 4
AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 • NUT 4
-18 205-6-021-01 • BRACKET ASSY, Ctrl bar RH 1
Attaching parts
-19 AN3-4A . BOLT 2
AN3-5A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 • NUT 4
-20 205-6-020-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Ctrl bar LH I
Attaching parts
-21 AN3-4A . BOLT. 2
AN3...-5A . BOLT 2·
AN960-10L ~
MS2l042L3 • NUT 4

-22 205-6-051-16
----o---- Pulley,
. BRACKET, trim tab ctr l 1
Attaching parts
-23 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . NUT
-24 205-6-051-17. . BRACKET, Pulley, flap & tab ctrl LH 1
205-6-051-18 . BRACKET, Pulley, flap & tab ctrl RH 1

-1. 6-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Unit, .a U,ob,

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
.i on code
Humber 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~

1/2 Attaching parts

-25 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 • NUT 2
-26 205-1-056-13 . BRACKET, Pulley, aileron ctrl upper 1
205-1-056-14 . BRACKET, Pulley, aileron ctrl. lower 1
Attaching parts
-27 AN3-4A . BOLT 2
AN960-I0L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT
-28 205-6-065-03 . BRACKET ASSY, Pulley, rudder ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-29 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN3-4A . BOLT 1
AN960-I0L . WASHER 3
MS21042L3 • NUT 3
-30 205-6-065-13 . BRACKET, Pulley, elevator ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-31 AN3-3A . BOLT 4
AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 • NUT 4
-32 205-1-055-11 • BOLT, Acft level fwd (NAS1096-3-9 2
AN315-3R . NUT, Check 4

-33 205tl-055-13 . BO LT, Acft level rear (NAS 1096-3-20 1

AN315-3R . NUT, Check .2
205-1-155-15 . SPACER l

-34 205-6-057-03 • BRACKET ASSY, Pulley, elev. ctrl LH; 1

· 205-6-057-04 . BRACKET ASSY, Pulley, elev. ctrl RH 1
Attaching parts
-35 AN3-4A . BOLT 2
AN3-5A . BOLT 1
AN960-I0L • WASHER 3
MS2l042L3 • . NUT 3
-36 205-6-057-07 . BRACKET ASSY, Elev. ctrl bellcrank I

- I. 7-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figur• and Units ..d Uaab,

· lndu
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
-~ on code

1 /2 • Attaching parts
.. 37 AN3-4A . BOLT 6
AN960-10L • WASHER 6
MS2l042L3 • NUT 6
-38 205-6-071-15 . BRACKET, Pulley, tab ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-39 AN4-6A . BOLT 2
AN960-416L • WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . NUT 2
-40 205-7-007-13
----o---- lnbd elevator hinge LH
205-7-007-14 . BRACKET, Inbd elevator hinge RH 1
Attaching parts
-41 AN4-5A . BOLT, (Quantity for LH & RH bracket) 3
AN960-416L . WASHER, (Quantity for LH & RH 3
MS2l042L4 • NtI!.! -~(3',:~~tity for LH & RH bracket) 3

-42 205-7-064-15 • STOP, Elevator travel, upper 1

-43 205-7-064:. 13 • STOP, Elevator travel, lower 1
-44 205-7-007-11 . BRACKET, Lower rudder hinge 2
-45 205-7-064-11 • STOP, Rudder travel LH 1
205-7-004-12 • STOP, Rudder travel RH 1
-46 205-1-157-11 . WEIGHT, Aircraft balance 4
Attaching parts
-47 AN3-32A . BOLT, (Quantity for all weights) 5
AN970-3 • WASHER, (Quantity for all weights) 10
MS2104ZL3 • NUT, (Quantity for all weights) 5
( Continued on figure 1 / 3)

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)
C = Single brake instl
D = Dual brake instl

-1. 8-
Model S208 Section II
Group l


F'igure 1/:3. Fuselage St ructure A ssembly

-1. 9-
Model S 208 Section I
Group 1 Fuselage

F igur• and Units ..0

.2 Usob.
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~ on <:ode
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
1 /3 ( Continued from figure 1 /2)
21 OOOBl STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage (For NHA Ref A
see fig. 1 /1)
21000B2 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage (For NHA Ref B
see fig.1 /1)

- 1 205-5-032-01 SCOOP ASSY, Cabin exhaust vent 1

- 2 205-5-124-01 . VALVE ASSY, Air scoop LH 1
205-5-124-02 VAL VE ASSY, Air scoop RH 1

- 3 205-6-222-01 BRACKET, LG emergency sprocket 1

- 4 205-2-037-05 . BRACKET, Fifth seat attaching 2 A
Attaching parts
- 5 AN3-4A . BOLT 4 A
NAS1252-10L . WASHER
4 A

-6 205-2-059-01
BRACKET ASSY Rear seat inbd LH

. BRACKET ASSY, Rear seat inbd RH

Attaching parts
- 7 AN509-1 OR 7 SCREW 2 A
MS21042L3 NUT 2 A
-8 205-2-059-03
. . BRACKET ASSY, Rear seat outbd
Attaching parts
2 A

... 9 AN509-1 OR 7 . SCREW 2 A

AN960-10L WASHER 2 A
MS21042L3 NUT 2 A
-10 205-5-043-01 TEE, Flanged, cabin heat 1
-11 205-6-044-05 TUBE, Master cylinder attaching LH 1
205-6-044-06 TUBE, Master cylinder attaching RH 1
Attaching parts
-12 . AN3-3A BOLT 2
AN960-10L WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
-13 • 205-6-044-19 . BRACKET; Ped~l bar LH 1
2 0 5 - 6 - 04 4 - 2 0 BRACKET, Pedal bar RH 1
Attaching parts
-14 AN3-6A BOLT 3
' AN960-10 WASHER 3
AN960-10L WASHER 3 '.

MS21042L3 NUT 3

Model S 208 Section I
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .0

.!? Usab .
Part Number DESCRIPTION por -~ on c:ode
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(

1 /3 -15 205-1-108-01 . HANDLE, Assist 1

Attaching parts
-16 AN509-10R6 SCREW 3
AN960-10 WASHER 3
MS21042L3 NUT 3
-17 205-6-231-15 PLATE, LG emergency handle travel 1
-18 205 6-231-11 . BRACKET, LG emergency ctrl, upper 1
-19 205-6-231-13 BRACKET, LG emergency ctrl, lower 1
-20 205-1-158-11 . ANGLE, Stiffener (Optional) 1
-21 205-1-158-13 . DOUBLER, Radio equipm. reinf. 1

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

Model S208 Section II
Group l


16 38

~ 36
~ /5
~/ ~
~ . .___37
3 8 ~ ..


11/ - ---,.i"l';'- 52
~ - 1e.
W---- 40



Figure 1 /4. Fuse lage Forwar d Sect10n Structure Assembly
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .Ji Usob .

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 123456 Assy < on code

1/4 21002-01 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage fwd 1 NF A

section (For NHA see fig. 1 /2)
21002-03 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage fwd 1 NF B
section (For NHA see fig. 1 /2)
- 1 21041-01 BULKHEAD ASSY, Firewall (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 1 /5)
- 2 21002Al STRUCTURE ASSY, Lower fuselage Ref
fwd (For bkdw see fig. 1 /6)
- 3 21002Bl STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower, Ref
Sta 2 to 4 (For bkdw see fig. 1 /7)
- 4 21034-01 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower, Ref A
Sta 4 to 6 (For bkdw see fig. 1 /8)
205-1-034 . STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower, Ref B
Sta 4 to 6 (For bkdw see fig.1/8)

- 5 21002Cl STRUCTURE INSTL, Fuselage wind- Ref

shield, doors & window (For
bkdw see fig. 1 /9)
- 6 21002Dl . SKIN ASSY, Fuselage fwd section Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 1/10)
- 7 205-1-002-118 . CHANNEL, Firewall to windshield 1
- 8 21002-07 . FITTING, Assy engine mount attaching 1
- 9 205-1-015 . FITTING, Engine mount attaching LH 1
205-1-016 . FITTING, Engine mount attaching RH 1

-10 205-1-002-40 ANGLE, Stringer, Sta 1 to 2 2

-11 205-1-002-24 ANGLE, Stringer, Sta 1 to 4 LH 1
205-1-002-25 . ANGLE, Stringer, Sta 1 to 4 RH 1

-12 205-1-002-15 . ZEE, Stringer, fuselage top LH 1

205-1-002-16 . ZEE, Stringer, fuselage top RH 1

-13 205-1-002-14 ANGLE, Upholstery panel support 1

-14 205-1-002-49 ANGLE, Stiffener 4
-15 205-1-153-11 SUPPORT, Cabin heat cup 2
-16 205-5-033-01 CUP, Cabin heat & exhaust vent 3
-17 205-1-002-104 . HAT, Stiffener fwd 1
205-1-002-103 HAT, Stiffener rear 1
-18 205-1-002-26 CHANNEL, Bulkhead, fus. top fwd 1
-19 205-1-002-27 CHANNEL, Bulkhead, fus. top, 1
center fwd

Model S 208 Section II
Group l Fuselage

Figure ancl Units ...0 Uaab.

lndo,c Part Number DESCRIPTION por
Number Any
·~ on code
l 2 3 4 5 6 <(

1/4 -20 205-1-002-28 • CHANNEL, Bulkhead, fuselage top, l

center rear
-21 205-1-002-29 . CHANNEL, Bulkhead, £us elage top, 1
-22 205-2-054-01 • STIFFENER ASSY, Radh antenna 1
-23 205-1-002-31 • ANGLE, Stringer, fuselage bottom 1
inbd LH
205-1-002-32 • ANGLE, Stringer, fuselage bottom 1
inbd RH

-24 205-1-002-33 • HAT, Stringer, £us elage b')ttom l

outer LH
205-1-002-34 • HAT, Stringer, fuselage bottom 1
outer RH

-25 205-1-002-110 • ANGLE, Wing spar opening LH I

205-)-002-111 • ANGLE, Wing spar opening RH 1
-26 205-1-002- 109 • STIFFENER, Wing spar opening LH 1
205-1-002-108 • STIFFENER, Wing spar opening RH 1
-27 205-1-034-17 . CHANNEL, Stringer, Sta 4 to 5 LH 1
205-1-034-18 . CHANNEL, Stringer, Sta 4 to 5 RH 1
-28 205-1-002-11 . LONGERON, Sta 5 LH l
205-1-002-12 . LONG ERON, Sta 5 RH I
-29 205-l"".117-23 • PLATE, Safety belt attaching 2
-30 205-2-016-0I • SUPPORT, Seat back 2 B
Attaching parts
-31 AN960-10L . WASHER 2 B
MS27039- l-08 • SCREW 2 B
-32 205-1-117-15 • • PAD, Rubber I B
-33 205-1-172-01 • SUPPORT ASSY, Rear seat & floor LH 1
205-1-172-02 . • SUPPORT ASSY, Rear seat & floor RH 1
-34 205-1-154-17 • SUPPORT, Cabin air valve fwd LH 1
205-1-15-4-18 • SUPPORT, Cabin air valve fwd RH 1
-35 205-1-154-19 • SUPPORT, Cabin air valve rear 2
-36 205-1-154-15 • SUPPORT, Cabin exhaust vent valve 1
-37 04-14802-01 . VALVE ASSY, Cabin vent 4
-38 205-5-035-01 . CUP, Cabin vent 4

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Fl9ure ancl
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

u.. 11.
on cocle

1/4 -39 205-1-002-05 • SUPPORT ASSY, Rear seat arm l

rest LH
205-1-002-06 • SUPPORT ASSY, Rear seat arm l
rest RH
-40 205-1-002-116 • ANGLE, Upholstery panel support l
-41 205-1-027-21 • ANGLE, Upholstery panel support 1
-42 205-1-002-121 • ANGLE, Stiffener 1
-43 205-1-002-122 • ANGLE, Stiffener 1
-44 205-1-002-53 . BRACKET, Angle LH 1
205-1-002-54 • BRACKET, Angle RH l
-45 205-1-002-112 . PLATE, Sun visor attaching l
-46 205-1-002-105 . BRACKET, Angle 2
-47 205-1-002-60 . BRACKET, Angle 8
-48 205-8-044-18 • ANGLE, Dome light panel fwd 1
-49 205-8-044-17 • ANGLE, Dome light panel fwd LH 1
205-8-044-16 • ANGLE, Dome light panel fwd RH l
-50 205-8-044-15 • ANGLE, Dome light panel center LH 1
205-8-044-14 • ANGLE, Dome light panel center RH 1
-51 205-8-044-13 • ANGLE, Dome light panel rear LH 1
205-8-044-12 • ANGLE, Dome light panel rear RH 1
-52 205-1-017 • PLATE, Sta 5 to 6 LH 1
205-1-018 . PLATE, Sta 5 to 6 RH 1

A :c 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

-1. 15-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1





Figure 1 /5. Firewall Structure Assembly

-1. 16-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Unih .o

Port Number
Any !
on code

1 /5 2 1 04 1 - 01 BULKHEAD ASSY, Firewall (For NHA 1

see fig. 1 /4)
- 1 2 05-1:.. 041- 03 BRACKET ASSY, NLG attaching LH 1
2 0 5 -1 - 04 1 - 04 BRACKET ASSY, NLG attaching RH 1

- 2 2 0 5 - 1 - 04 6 . . BUSHING 1
- 3 21041-11 . BULKHEAD 1
- 4 21041-12 . SHIELD, Cres, firewall 1
- 5 21041-3 5 ANGLE, Cowl support, upper LH 1
21041-3 6 ANGLE, Cowl support, upper RH 1

- 6 205-1-041-32 . STRIP, Rubber, 26 in long (BI) 2

- 7 205-1-041-27 . ANGLE, Cowl support, lower LH 1
205-1-041-28 . ANGLE, Cowl support, lower RH 1

- 8 205-1-041-24 . STRIP, Rubber, 36 in long (BI) 2

- 9 205-1-041-18 . DOUBLER 1
-10 21041-41 . ANGLE, Stiffener, fwd 1
- 11 21 04 1 - 3 9 . ANGLE, Stiffener; rear 1
-12 205~1-041-13 . HAT, Stiffener, vertical LH 1
2 0 5 -1 - 04 1 -14 . HAT, Stiffener, vertical RH 1

-13 205-1-041-19 CHANNEL 1

-14 205-1-041-21 . GUSSET, LH 1
205-1-041-22 . GUSSET, RH 1
-15 205-1-041-30 BRACKET, Angle, cabin floor support 1
-16 205-1-041-34 . BRACKET, Angle, cabin floor support 1
-17 205-1-041-33 BRACKET, Angle, cabin floor support 1
-18 205-6-239-07 BRACKET, Parking brake ctr! pulley 2
-19 205-6-239-27 SHIM, Bevel 2
-20 205-6-234-01 . BRACKET, Parking brake ctrl case 1
-21 205-8-128-01 . BRACKET, Fuel pump 1
-22 205-5-027-03 . BRACKET, Cowling door stay rod 2
- 23 04 - 2 2 51 3 -11 . CLIP, Cowling door stay rod 2
-24 205-6-061-15 . TUBE, NLG steering ctr! cable guard 2
-25 205-6-061-03 . BRACKET ASSY, Pulley 2
-26 205-5-127-11 . BRACKET, Engine exhaust suspension 2
-27 205-1-031-01 . BRACKET, Angle, pedestal LH 1
205-1-031-02 . BRACKET, Angle, pedestal RH 1
-28 205-6-265-11 CHANNEL, Stiffener 1
-29 205-6-265-13 . BRACKET, Mixture ctr! 1

-1. 17-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1






Lower Fuselage Forwar d Structure Assembly

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figur• ond Unita A Uaob .

Port Number "i on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy ,(

1 /6 21002Al STRUCTURE ASSY, Lower fuselage fwd 1 NP

(For NBA see fig. 1 /4)
205-1-014-01 . STRUC1 URE ASSY, Nose gear well 1
- 1 205-1-058-03 . COVER ASSY, Nose gear well 1
- 2 205-1-014-11 .
ANGLE, Upper LH 1
205-1-014-12 . . ANGLE, Upper RH 1
- 3 205-1-014-14 . . ANGLE; Stiffener fwd l
- 4 205-1-058-01 WALL ASSY, Nose gear well LH 1
205-1-058-02 . . WALL ASSY , Nose gear well RH 1

- 65 205-1-014-13 . . ANGLE, Stiffener rear 1

- 2 0 5 - 6- 04 4 -11 . . CHANNEL , Stiffener 1
-7 205-1-014-15 . DOUBLER 3
-8 205-1-058-19 . . WALL, Nose gear well rear LH 1
205-1-058-20 . WALL, Nose gear well rear RH 1
.. 9 205-1-058-05 . . WALL , Nose gear well aft lower 1
.. 10 205-1-058-17 . . COVER, Nose gear well aft 1
-11 205-6-033-01 . BRACKET, Stiffener 1
-12 205-6-033-02 . . BRACKET, Rear ctrl bar travel stop 1
-13 205-6-034 . ANGLE, Fwd ctrl bar travel stop 1
-14 205-1-013-01 .. SUPPORT ASSY, NLG ctrl arm l
-15 205'-1-013-13 . . BUSHING l
-16 205-1-151-01 . TRUSS ASSY, NLG bracing 1

2 0 5 -1 - 04 2 - 01 . BULKHEAD ASSY, STA 2 1

-17 205-1-042-11 . BULKHEAD HALF, Lower LH 1
205-1-042-12 .. BULKHEAD HALF, Lower RH 1
-18 2 05-1 - 04 2 -13 . . CHANNEL, Upper LH 1
2 0 5 - 1 - 04 2 -14 . . CHANNEL, Upper RH 1

-19 205-1-042 - 15 . CHANNEL, Doubler LH 1

205-1-042-16 . . CHANNEL, Doubler RH 1
-20 205-1-042-19 . . BRACKET, Angle 4
-21 205-1-042-18 . . ANGLE 2
-22 2 0 5 -1 - 04 2 -1 7 . . BlJLKHEAD, Center 1
-23 205-1-042-03 . . BRACKET, Angle LH 1
2 05-1 -04 2 - 04 . . BRACKET, Angle RH 1

-24 2 0 5 -1 - 04 2 - 2 3 . • JAMB, Cabin door 1

-25 205-1-173-11 . . DOUBLER, LH 1
205-1-173-12 . . DOUBLER, RH 1

-1. 1 9-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Units .ri
Figure and .E Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per 0
Assy > on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 <i

1 /6 -26 205-6-044-13 . . CHANNEL, Inbd LH 1

2 05-6-044-14 .. CHANNEL, Inbd RH 1

-27 205-6-044-15 . • CHANNEL, Outbd LH 1

205-6-044-16 . . CHANNEL, Outbd RH 1

-28 205-1-130-11 . PLATE, Reinforcement LH 1

205-1-130-12 . PLATE, Reinforcement RH 1

Model S208
Section II
Group l




1 25


34 35

Figure 1 /7. Lower Fuselage Structure Assembly, Sta 2 to 4

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Unit:. ..a

.2 Usab.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number < on code
123456 Assy

1/7 21002Bl STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower, 1 NP

Sta 2 to 4 ( For NHA see fig. 1 / 4)
- 1 205-1-002-95 • KEEL, Sta 2 to 2 bis, outbd LH l
205-1-002-96 • KEEL, Sta 2 to 2 bis, outbd RH 1

- 2 205-1-002-47 • KEEL, Sta 2 to 2 bis, inbd LH 1

205-1-002-48 • KEEL, Sta 2 to 2 bis, inbd RH 1

- 3 205-1-002-41 • ANGLE, Cabin floor support LH l

205-1-002-42 . ANGLE, Cabin floor support RH 1
- 4 205-1-002-45 . ANGLE 2

205-1-043-03 . BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 2 bis 1

- 5 205~1-043-16 •• BULKHEAD, Rear 1
205-l..l-043-17 • . BULKHEAD, Forward 1
-SA 205-1-043-19 DOUBLER 2
- 6 t05-l-043-13 PLATE, Reinforcement 4
- 7 205-1-043-15 STRIP l
- 8 205-1~002-97 • KEEL, Sta 2 bis to 4, outbd LH 1
205-1-002-98 • KEEL, Sta 2 bis to 4, outbd RH l
- 9 205-1-002-43 • BULKHEAD, Sta 2 bis to 4, inbd 2
-10 205-1-002-44 • ANG LE, Cabin floor support 2
-11 205-1-060-01 , BRACKET ASSY, Front seat belt LH 2
205-1-060-02 • BRACKET ASSY, Front seat belt RH 2

-12 205-1-061-01 • BRACKET, Control pulley l

-13 205-1-114-11 . BRACKET, Fuel strainer 1
-14 21003-11 • BRACKET, Fuel selector valve 1
-15 205-6-051-11 • BULKHEAD, Ctrl pulley support fwd 1
-16 205-6-051-13 • CHANNEL, Stiffener 2
-17 205-6-051-25 . BULKHEAD, Ctrl pulley support rear l
-18 205-6-051-23 • ANGLE, Reinforcement 1
-19 205-6-051-22 • CHANNEL, Reinforcement 1
-20 205-1-002-117 • STIFFENER, Sta 2 bis to 4 l
-21 205-1-060-19 . DOUBLER, Pilot seat attaching 2

205-1-044 . BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 4 1

-22 205-1-044-11 . • BULKHEAD HALF, Lower 1
-23 205-1-044-13 • . CHANNEL, Reinforcement LH 1
205-1-044-14 . • CHANNEL, Reinforcement RH 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Units .d
Figure and ..!! Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 <

1 /7 -24 205-1-064-11 . . BRACKET, Bulkhead attaching LH 1

205-1-064-12 .. BRACKET, Bulkhead attaching RH 1

-25 205-1-066 . . PLATE, Main wing spar bearing 2

-26 205-1-044-17 • . BULKHEAD HALF, Upper 1
-27 205-1-044-19 • . CHANNEL, Window post 1
-28 205-1-044-21 • . BRACKET, Angle LH 1
205-1-044-22 • . BRACKE:T, Angle RH 1

-29 205-1-044-23 . . IX>UBLER 2

-30 205-1-044-25 . . JAMB, Cabin door 1
-31 205-1-034-21 • GUSSET, LH 1
205-1-034-22 • GUSSET, RH 1

-32 26069-11 . BRACKET, Flap actuator support I

-33 26068-11 . COVER, Flap actuator support 1
-34 21022-11 • SUPPORT, Flap ctrl pedestal fwd 1
21022-13 . SUPPORT, Flap ctrl pedestal rear 1
-35 205-1-002-123 • ANGLE, Stiffener LH 1
205-1-002-124 • ANGLE, Stiffener RH 1

-36 205-1-060-21 • ANGLE, Pilot seat attachirxg reinf LH 1

205-1-060-20 • ANGLE, Pilot seat attaching rein! RH 1

-1. 23-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - FUSELAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1 17

Figure 1 /8. Lower Fuselage Structure Assembly, Sta 4 to 6

-1. 24-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figur• and Units ..D U11ab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 123456 Any on code

1/8 21034-01 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower 1 NP A

Sta 4 to 6 (For NHA see fig.1/4)
205-1-034 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage lower 1 NP B
Sta 4 to 6 (For NHA see fig.1/4)

- 1 205-1-035-05 • BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 LH 1

205-1-035-06 • BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 RH 1

- 2 205-1-035-37 • PLATE, Fwd 1

- 3 205-1-035-33 • PLATE, Rear 1
- 4 205-1-035-41 • ANGLE, Bulkhead attaching LH 1
205-1-035-42 • ANG LE, Bulkhead attaching RH 1

- 56 205-1-061-11 • HAT, Ctrl pulley bracket support 1

- 205-1-061-17 • BRACKET, Ctrl pulley LH 1
205-1-061-16 • BRACKET, Ctrl pulley RH 1

- 78 205-1-061-18 • PLATE, Cable guard 1

-9 205-1-034-24 • ANGLE, Stiffener fwd 1
- 205-1-034-23 • ANGLE, Stiffener rear 2
-10 205-1-152-11 • SUPPORT, Retract gear ctrl upper 1
205-1-152-12 • SUPPORT, Retract geat ctrl lower 1
-11 205-1-034-13 • ANGLE, LH 1
205-1-034-14 • ANGLE, RH 1
-12 205-1-124-17 • BRACKET, Angle, 5 seater floorboarc 2 A
-13 205-1-124-19 • BRACKET, Angle, 5 seater floorboarc 2 A
-13A 205-1-124-26 • BRACKET, Angle, 5 seater floorboarc 1 A
-14 205-1-124-25 • BRACKET, Angle, 5 seater floorboarc 1 A
-15 205-1-056-15 • BRACKET, Aileron ctrl pulley upper 1
-16 205-1-056-16 • BRACKET, Aileron ctrl pulley lower 1

205-1-045-03 • BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 5 1

-17 205-1-045-17 •• BULKHEAD HALF, Lower 1
-18 205-1-045-13 •• BULKHEAD HALF, Upper 1
-19 205-1-045-15 •• ANG LE, Stiffener 1
-20 205-1-045-18 •• ANG LE, Stiffener 1
-21 205-1-056-23 •• CHANNEL, Stiffener 1
-22 205-1-037 •• FITTING, Rear wing spar att. LH 1
205-1-036 •• FITTING, Rear wing spar att. RH 1

-23 205-1-045-21 •• STIFFENER, Bulkhead 2

-24 205-1-035-39 • BRACKET, Bulkhead attaching LH 1
205-1-035-40 • BRACKET, Bulkhead attaching RH 1

-1. 25-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units ..D Uaob.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
'i on code

1/8 -25 205-2-037-03 . BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 LH 1 A

-26 205-2 .. 037-04 . BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 center 1 A
205-1-035-29 . BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 center 1 B
-27 205-1-035-30 • BULKHEAD, Sta 5 to 6 RH l
-28 205-1-034-15 . BRACKET, Angle 2 B
-29 205-1-034-11 • ANGLE, Floor support LH 1
-30 205-1-034-12 • ANGLE, Floor support RH 1
-31 205-1-056-11 . BRACKET, Flap ctrl pulley upper 1
-32 205-1-056-12 • BRACKET, Flap ctrl pulley lower l
-33 205-1-056-02 . BRACKET ASSY, Aileron ctrl pulley 1
-34 205-6-243-03 . BRACKET ASSY, LG actuator 1
microswitch fwd
.. 35 205-6-243-05 . BRACKET ASSY, LG actuator 1
microswitch rear

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

-1. 26-
Model S208 Stction II
Group 1



Figure 1 /9. Fusealge Doors and Windows Structure Installation

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Unit, ..d

Part Number
Au,y <·0
on code

1/9 21002Cl STRUCTURE INSTL, Fuselage wind- 1 NF

shield, doors & windows (For NHA
see fig.1 /4)
- 1 205-1-002-57 CHANNEL, Upper windshield post fwd 1
- 2 205-1-002-67 . CHANNEL, Upper windshield post 1
rear LH
- 3 205-1-002-58 SECTION, Upper windshield post 1
rear RH & cabin door jamb
- 4 205-1-002-71 STRIP, Skin, windshield LH 1
- 5 205-1-002-73 STRIP, Skin, windshield RH 1
- 6 205-1-002-03 . SECTION ASSY, Center windshield 1
- 7 205-1-002-77 . . STRIP, Skin, windshield center 1
- 8 205-1-002-64 . ZEE, Lower windshield post 1
- 9 205-1-002-119 DOUBLER, Lower windshield post LH 1
-10 205-1-002-65 . ANGLE, Lower windshield post 1
-11 205-1-002-50 . BRACKET, Angle, upper 1
-12 205-1-002-52 BRACKET, Angle, lower 1
-13 205-8-255-03 .BRACKET, Compass 1
-14 205-1-112-01 BRACKET ASSY, Instrument panel LH 1
205-1-112-02 BRACKET ASSY, Instrument panel RH 1

-15 205-1-002-61 BRACKET, Angle LH 1

205-1-002-62 BRACKET, Angle RH 1

-16 025-1-002-63 . PLATE, Reinforcement 2

-17 205-1-002-66 . GUSSET, Sta 2 upper 2
-18 205-1-002-13 JAMB, Cabin door sill 1
-19 205-1-109-03 CHANNEL, Reinforcing 1
-20 205 1-012-23 JAMB, Cabin door, fwd (See fig. 1 /6) Ref
-21 205-1-044-25 • JAMB, Cabin door rear ( See Jig. 1 /7) Ref
-22 205-1-002-39 . CHANNEL, Door post, upper 1
-23 205-1-002-37 . JAMB, Cabin door upper 1
-24 205-1-002-38 CHANNEL, Jamb splice 2
-25 205 1-070-11 CHANNEL, Cabin door latch retainer 1
-26 205-1-148-11 PIN, Cabin door latch retainer 1
-27 205-1 147-01 STRIKE, Cabin door 1
-28 205-1-146-11 PLATE, Cabin door latch bolt retainer 1
Attaching parts
-29 MS35206-245 SCREW 2
-30 205-1-069-01 FRAME ASSY, Baggage door 1
-31 205-1-040-11 HINGE HALF, Baggage door 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figuro ond
~- ~

Units Usob.

lndox Port Number DESCRIPTION por
-~ on code
Numbor 1 2 3 4 5 6 <{

1 /9 -32 205-1-002-21 ZEE, Fwd window post, upper 1

-33 205-1-002-22 ZEE, Fwd window post, lower 1
-34 205-1-002-17 . ZEE, Center window post, upper LH 1
205-1-002-18 ZEE, Center window post, upper RH 1
-35 205-1-002-19 ZEE, Center window post, lower LH 1
205-1-002-20 . ZEE, Center window post, lower RH 1
-::16 2 0 5 - 1 - 02 9 - 11 . FILLET, Center window, upper LH 1
205-1-029-12 FILLET, Center window, upper RH 1

-37 205-1-027-17 . FILLET, Center window, lower LH 1

205-1-027-18 . FILLET, Center window, lower RH 1
-38 205-1-027-15 . GUSSET, LH 1
205-1-027-16 . GUSSET, RH 1
-39 2 05 -1 - 02 7 -11 FRAME, Window aft LH l
-40 205-1-027-13 FRAME, Window aft RH 1
-41 205-1-029-17 BRACKET, Angle 2

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1



8 .....____

Figure l /1 o. Fuselage Forward Section Skin Assembly

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond
Part Number
j u..b.
on code

1/10 21002Dl SKIN ASSY, Fuselage, fwd section 1 NP

(For NHA see fig. 1 / 4)
- 1 205-1-002-78 • SKIN, Nose, upper 1
- 2 205-1-002-79 • SKIN, Nose, lower outbd LH 1
205-1-002-80 • SKIN, Nose, lower outbd RH 1
- 3 205-1-002-125 • SKIN, Nose, lower inbd LH 1
205-1-002-126 • SKIN, Nose, lower inbd RH 1
- 4 205-1-002-99 • GUSSET, Fuselage, Sta 2, lower LH 1
- 5 205-1-002-94 • GUSSET, Fuselage, Sta 2, lower RH l
- 6 205-1-048-11 • SKIN, Nose LG well, fwd ?.
- 7 205-1-048-13 • SKIN, Nose LG well, rear 1
- 8 205-1-002-69 • SKIN, Bottom fuselage, Sta 2 to 4 1
- 9 205-1-065-05 • FRAME ASSY, Inspection door 1
-10 SS-225 •• SPRING, Fastener ( Dzus) 1
-11 205-3-022-22 • • HINGE HALF, Inspection door 1
-12 205-1-002-75 • STRIP, Skin, doubler 2
-13 205-1-002-68 • SKIN, Bottom fuselage, Sta 4 to 6 1
-14 205-1-002-81 • SKIN, Side fuselage lower, 1
Sta 2 to 4 LH
205-1-002-82 • SKIN, Side fuselage lower, 1
Sta 2 to 4 RH
-15 205-1-002-83 • SKIN, Side fuselage, Sta 4 to 5 LH 1
205-1-002-84 • SKIN, Side fuselage, Sta 4 to 5 RH 1
-16 205-1-002-85 • SKIN, Side fuselage, Sta 5 to 6 LH 1
-17 205-1-002-35 • GUSSET, Sta 5 LH 1
205-1-002-36 • GUSSET, Sta 5 RH 1
-18 205-1-002-87 • SKIN, Side fuselage upper, 1
Sta 2 to 5 LH
-19 205-1-002-88 • SKIN, Side fuselage, upper, 1
Sta 4 to 5 RH
-20 205-1-002-128 • SKIN, Side fuselage, Sta 5 to 6 RH 1
-21 205-1-002-89 • SKIN, Deck, Sta 3 to 4 1
-22 205-1-002-90 • SKIN, Deck, Sta 4 to 5 1
-23 . 205-1-002-129 • SKIN, Deck, Sta 5 to 6 l
-24 21182-03 • FRAME ASSY, Valve fuel selector 1 A
drain door
-25 2I2-l2D2 •• RECEPTACLE, Fastener (Camloc) 1 A
-26 260-18-12-14 • HINGE HALF 1 A

lA = Aircraft with wing tip fuel tank (Optic nal)

- 1.31-
Model S208 Section II
Group l



1 0




26 27 28 23
Figure 1 /11. Fuselage Aft Section Structure Assembly
-· 1.32-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond Units ..d

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·a
Humber 123456 Auy ~ on codo

1/11 21005-01 STRUCTURE ASSY, Fuselage aft (For 1

NHA see fig. 1 /2)
- 1 205-1-005-17 SKIN, Side fuselage Sta 6 to 8 LH 1
205-1-005-18 . SKIN, Side fuselage Sta 6 to 8 RH 1

- 2 205-1-005-11 . SKIN, Deck Sta 6 to 7 1

- 3 205-1-005-13 SKIN, Deck Sta 7 to 8 1
- 4 205-1-105-0l , FIN ASSY, Fuselage 1
- 5 205-1-105-19 SEAL, Rubber strip 2
- 6 205-1-005-15 SKIN, Deck Sta 8 to 10 1
- 7 205-1-005-59 . DOUBLER, Top fuselage slot LH 1
- 8 205-1-005-61 . DOUBLER, Top fuselage slot RH 2
- 9 205-1-005-65 . ANGLE, Tail fin fillet LH 1
205-1-005-66 ANGLE, Tail fin fillet RH 1
-10 205-1-005-19 . SKIN, Side fuselage aft LH 1
-11 205-1-054-13 FRAME, Inspection door 1
-12 205-1-005-71 . SKIN, Side fuselage aft RH 1
-13 205-1-170-03 FRAME ASSY, Battery door 1
-14 205~1-170-21 . HINGE HALF 1
-15 212-12 . RECEPTACLE, Fastener (Camloc) 5
-16 205-1-005-21 . SKIN, Bottom fuselage Sta 6 to 8 1
-17 205-1-005-23 SKIN, Bottom fuselage aft 1
-18 205-1-005-25 ANGLE, Stringer, top fusel. Sta 6 to 9 1
-19 205-1-005-29 . ANGLE, Stringer, side fuselage upper 2
-20 ' 205-1-005-33 ANGLE, Stringer, side fus. lower LH 1
205-1-005-34 ANGLE, Stringer, side fus. lower RH 1

-21 205-1-005-31 ANGLE, Stringer, bottom fus. LH 1

205-1-005-32 . ANGLE, Stringer, bottom fus. RH 1

205-1-005-03 BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 6 1

-22 205-1-005-35 . BULKHEAD, Top 1
-23 205-1-005-37 . . BULKHEAD, Side LH 1
205-1-005-38 .. BULKHEAD, Side RH 1

-24 205-1-005-39 . BULKHEAD, Bottom 1

-25 26111-13 CHANNEL, Stiffener 1
-26 205-1-122-03 BRACKET 2
-27 205-1-122-13 . SILL, Baggage compartment 1
-28 205-1-122-15 ANGLE, Baggage compartment sill 1
-29 205-2-037-07 . CHANNEL, Head set support 1 A
205-2-067-03 , SECTION, Hat shelf, fwd 1 B
-30 205-2-067-15 . CHANNEL, Hat shelf, aft 1 B

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units 1 U1ob.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·o
Number 123456 Any -< on code

1 /11-31 205-1-005-53 CHANNEL, Bulkhead Sta 6a 1

-32 205-1-005-69 . GUSSET, LH 3
205-1-005-70 GUSSET, RH 3
-'33 205-1-126 FRAME ASSY, External power recept. 1
-34 S5-225 SPRING, Fastener receptacle (Dzus) 1
-35 205-1-127-13 BRACKET, Receptacle, fwd 1
-36 205-1-127-11 BRACKET, Receptacle, rear 1
-37 205-1-129-11 . HINGE HALF, Receptacle door 1

2 0 5 - 1 - 0 0 5 - 05 BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 7 1

-38 205-1-005-41 BULKHEAD, Top 1
-39 205-1-005-43 BULKHEAD, Side LH 1
205-1-005-44 BULKHEAD, Side RH 1

~40 205-1-005-45 BULKHEAD, Bottom 1

-41 205-1-062-15 . REINFORCING 1
-42 205-1-062-11 BRACKET, Pulley tab ctrl cable LH 1
205-1-062-12 BRACKET, Pulley tab ctrl cable RH 1

-43 205-1-005-55 CHANNEL, Bulkhead Sta 7a 1

-44 26111-11 BRACKET, Trim mechanism LH 1
26111-12 BRACKET, Trim mechanism RH 1

205-1-005-07 BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 8 1

-45 205-1-005-47 BULKHEAD, Top 1
-46 205-1-005-49 BULKHEAD, Side LH 1
205-1-005-50 BULKHEAD, Side RH 1

-47 205-1-005-51 BULKHEAD, Bottom 1

-48 205-1-005-57 CHANNEL, Bulkhead Sta 8a 1
-49 205-1-007-11 ANGLE, Battery support 2
-50 205-1-110-17 BRACKET, Angle attaching, fwd LH 1
205-1-170-18 . BRACKET, Angle attaching, fwd RH 1
-51 205-1-170-19 BRACKET, Angle attaching, rear LH 1
205-1-170-20 BRACKET, Angle attaching, rear RH 1
-52 205-1-052-15 BRACKET, Dorsal fin 1

205-1-049 BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 9 1

-53 205-1-049-13 DOUBLER 1
-54 205-7-007-15 . PLATE, Shim 2
-55 205-1-005-27 ANGLE, Stringer, top fuselage rear 2

-1 ,. 34 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units ..0

.!? Usab .
Index Port Numbor DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~

1 /11 205-1-053 . SKID INSTL, Tail fuselage 1 NP

-56 205-1-053-11 . . CHANNEL 1
-57 205-1-053-13 .. STIFFENER, LH 1
205-1-053-14 .. STIFFENER, RH 1
-58 205-1-053-15 . . SKID 1

205-1-050 . BULKHEAD ASSY, Sta 10 1

-59 205-1-050-13 . . DOUBLER 1
-60 205-7-007-17 . . PLATE, Shim 2

A = 5 Seater standard
B = 5 Seater with hat shelf (Optional)

-1. 35-
Model S208 Section II
Group l




1\ 1L--·"7_1.----


F'igure 1 /12. Fuselage D oors Installation

Model S 208 ~ Section II
Group 1 ~ Fuselage

Figure and Units ..0

.2 Usab .
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy s(
on code

1 /12 21000Cl DOORS INSTL,, Fuselage (For NHA 1 NF A

see fig. 1 /1)
21000C2 DOORS INSTL, Fuselage (For NHA 1 NF B
see fig.1/1)

- 1 205-1-065-03 DOOR ASSY, Fuel strainer inspection 1

Attaching parts
- 2 205-3-022-24 . PIN, Hinge

- 3 205-3-022-23 .. HINGE HALF 1

- 4 AW5-30 . STUD, Fastener wing head (Dzus) 1
GA5-312 . GROMMET, Fastener (Dzus) 1

205-1-038-01 . DOOR ASSY, Baggage compartment 1

Attaching parts
- 5 205-1-040-13 PIN, Hinge

- 6 205-1-038-03 . RIVETED ASSY 1

- 7 205-1-040-12 . . HINGE HALF 1
- 8 205-1-038-21 .. SOUNDPROOFING 1
- 9 205-1-144-03 . LOCK ASSY, Key cylinder with 1
2 keys
-10 205-1-039-13 . . SEAL, Rubber 1
-11 205-2-025-03 . PANEL ASSY, Baggage door 1
Attaching parts
-12 8-48-046-0-90 . CLIP - (Zedapa) 8
-13 205-8-280-13 . . PLACARD, Baggage limit load 1
-14 205-8-280-11 PLACARD, Compartment max load 1 A

205-1-168-03 . . ARM ASSY, Baggage door stay 1

Attaching parts
-15 MS27039-l-09 . SCREW l
AN960-l OL .. WASHER 2
205-1-169-11 . . BUSHING l
-16 AN960-l OL . . WASHER 2
MS24665-l 30 . PIN, Cotter 2
-17 205-1-168-101 ... GUIDE ASSY 1
-18 205-1-168-103 . BAR ASSY, Sliding 1
-19 205-1-149-16 .. . . SPRING 1
-20 205-1-149-17 .. ROLLER 1
-21 205-1-128-01 . DOOR ASSY, External power recept. 1
Attaching parts
-22 205-1-129-15 . PIN, Hinge

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Uni ta ..0
Figure and .!! Uaall .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
on code

1/12 -23 205-1-129-13 . . HINGE HALF wing head ( Dzus) l

-24 AW5-30 • • STUD, Fastener, 1
GAS-312 • . GROMMET, Fastener (Dzus) 1
-25 205-1-035-49 • DOOR, LG actuator inspection 1 A
205-1-035-31 • DOOR, LG actuator inspection 1 B
Attaching parts
-26 MS27 039-1-08 • SCREW 14
-27 205-1-170-05 • DOOR ASSY, Battery 1
Attaching parts
-28 205-1-170-15 . PIN, Hinge
-29 205-1-170-23 •. HINGE HALF 1
-30 2600-2 .. STUD, Fastener ( Camloc) 5
Z600LW .
• WASHER (Camloc) 5

-31 205-1-054-11 . DOOR, Surface ctrl inspection 1

Attaching parts
-32 MS27039-0807 • SCREW 10
- - - -o- - -- -
-33 21182-05 . DOOR, Valve fuel selector drain 1 C
Attaching parts
-34 260-18-12-19 • PIN, Hinge 1 C
-35 • • HINGE HALF, Door I C
-36 2600W . • STUD, Fastener ( Camloc) I C
Z600LW • • WASHER ( Camloc) 1 C

A = 5 Seater
B ::z 4 Seater (Optional)
C= Aircraft with wing tip fuel tank (Optic mal)

-1. 38-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - FUSE LAGE




Figure 1 /13. Fuselage Floorboard Installation
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond Unita Usob .

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
.i on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 <(

1/13 21057Al FLOORBOARD INSTL, Fuselage ( For 1 IN'P A

NHA see fig. 1 / 1)
21057A2 FLOORBOARD INSTL, Fuselage (For 1 INP B
NHA see fig. 1 / 1)

- 1 205-1-057-01 . PANEL, Floorboard fwd LH 1

205-1-057-02 . PANEL, Floorboard fwd RH 1
Attaching parts
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - 1 - 1 0 . SCREW 4
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - 1 - 1 3 . SCREW 2
NAS 1252-1 OL . WASHER 6
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet sping (Simmonds)

- 2 205-1-057-03 . PANEL, Floorboard Sta 2 to 4 LH 1

205-1-057-04 . PANEL, Floorboard Sta 2 to 4 RH 1
Attaching parts
MS27039- l - l 0 . SCREW 1
MS27039- l - l 3 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-I0L . WASHER 3
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds)

- 3 21057-01 . PANEL, Floorboard center fwd 1

Attaching parts
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - 1 - 1 0 SCREW 2
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - 1- 13 . SCREW 2
NAS 1252-1 OL . WASHER 4
SNU0530 . ----0----
NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds) 2

- 4 21057-03 PANEL, Floorboard center rear 1

Attaching parts
MS27039- l - l 0 . SCREW 2
MS27039- l - l 3 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 3
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds)

- 5 205-1-124-03 . PANEL, Floorboard Sta 4 to 5 LH 1 A

205-1-124-04 . PANEL, Floorboard Sta 4 to 5 RH 1 A
Attaching parts
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - 1 - 1 0 . SCREW 7 A
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 7 A
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds)
7 A

- 6 205-1-124-15 . ZEE, Floorboard support LH 1 A

205-1-124-16 . ZEE, Floorboard support RH 1 A

-1. 40-
Model S208 Section II
Group I Fuselage

FigU1'o and Units .c Usob .

lnde11 Port Number DESCRIPTION per a
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy > on code
·- ,c{

I I 13- 7 205-1-124-05 . COVER 1 A

Attaching parts
MS35206-244 . SCREW 3 A
----o ----
3 A

- 8 205-1-057-101 . PANEL, Floorboard, baggage compt. 1 A

205-1-057-09 . PANEL, Floorboard, baggage compt. 1 B

Attaching parts
MS27039- l - l 0 . SCREW 4
N AS 1 2 5 2 - 1 0 L . WASHER 4
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds)

- 9 205-1-057-53 .. CARPET, Rubber l B

-10 205-1-133-03 . RING, Baggage tie down belt 2
Attaching parts
MS 2 7 0 3 9 - l - 14 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER I
SNU0530 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds)

-11 205-1-133-01 . BELT ASSY, Baggage tie down 2

Attaching parts
MS27039- l-l 0 . SCREW 1

-12 205-1-060-11 . TRACK, Front seat 4

Attaching parts
AN509-10R8 . SCREW

-13 205-1-060-12 . BLOCK , Seat travel stop 4

Attaching parts
-14 AN3-l 1A . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER
- ---o- - --

A = 5 Seater
B = 4 Seater (Optional)

- 1.41-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1



Figure 1 /14. Fuselage Windows Installation
Model S 208 Seetio1, II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond Units .a UM1b .

Pott Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
on cQde,

1 /14 21002El WINDOWS INSTL, Fuselage (For NI·:lA 1 NP

see fig. 1 /1)
- 1 205-1-019 . GLASS, Windshield LH 1
205-1-020 . GLASS, Windshield RH 1
Attaching parts
- 2 MS27039-0810 SCREW 10
205-1-002 .. 30 . WASHER, Cushion 10
MS21042L08 . NUT

- 3 205-2-024-03 . MOULDING, Wind&hield LH 1

205-2-024-02 MOU WING, Windshield RH 1

- 4 205-2-024-01 MOULDING, Windshield center 1

205-1-023-01 WINDOW ASSY, Cabin fwd LH 1

- 5 205-1-023-05 . GLASS, Window
- 6 205-1-023-19 . HINGE HALF, Glass 2
Attaching parts
- 7 205-1-028-01 . . BOLT & NUT ASSY 2
NAS1252-10L . . WASHER 2
- 8 205-1-023-03 . GLASS, Storm window 1
Attaching parts
-9 205-1-023-21 PIN, Hinge

-10 205-1-023-17 HINGE HALF, Storm window 2

Attaching parts
-11 205-1-028-01 . BOLT & NUT ASSY 1
NAS1252-10L .. WASHER 1
-12 205-1-023-23 . LATCH, Storm window 1
Attaching parts
-13 205-1-028-03 . BOLT & NUT ASSY 1
205-1-023-25 . WASHER, Cushion 1
-14 205-1-010-11 . GLASS, Door window ( See fig. 1 /15) Ref
-15 205-2-024-14 MOULDING, Door window (See fig,1/15) Ref
-16 205-1-021 . GLASS, Center cabin window LH 1
205-1-022 GLASS, Center cabin window RH 1

-17 205-2-024-23 . MOULDING, Fwd & center window LH 1

-18 205-2-024-22 . MOULDING, Center window RH 1
-19 205-1-026-11 . GLASS, Rear window LH 1
205-1-026-12 . GLASS, Rear window RH 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Unita .ti Ur.ob .

Figure and ..!!
Index Port Numb.r ·~ on code-
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 /14-20 205-2-024-19 MOULDING, Rear window LH
205-2-024-20 . MOULDING, Rear window RH 1

-1. 4 4-
Model S208 Secilon II
Group 1



18 23~

21 20

Figure 1/15. Cabin Door Assembly

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1
Figure and Units .0 Usob.
lnde1< Port Number DESCRIPTION pet ·o> on code
Number 123456 Assy <(

1 /15 205-1-012-01 DOOR ASSY, Cabin (For NHA see fig. 1 /1 1

Attaching parts
- 1 AN3H3A BOLT 4
MS35338-43 WASHER, Lock 4

- 2 205-1-012-03
. WELD ASSY, Cabin door 1
- 3 205-1-070-01 . LATCH INSTL, Cabin door (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 1 /16)
- 4 NS3G051-1-3000 . SEAL, Sponge rubber, 118 in long (BI) 1
- 5 NS3G052-1-1020 SEAL, Sponge rubber, lower, 1
40 in long (BI)

205-1-063-01 . HINGE ASSY, Cabin door 2

Attaching parts
- 6 AN3H3A . BOLT 2
MS35338-43 . WASHER, Lock 2
- 7 205-1-063-11 . HINGE HALF, Forward 1
- 8 04 - 11 8 5 3 - 1 1 . . BUSHING 2
- 9 205-1-063-13 . HINGE HALF, Rear 1
-10 04 -118 54-11 .. PIN, Flat head 1
04 -11 8 5 5 -11 .. WASHER 1
MS24665-151 .. PIN, Cotter 1
-11 205-1-010-11 . GLASS, Cabin door window 1
-12 205-2-024-14 . MOULDING, Door window 1
-13 · 205 2-025-01 . PANEL, Door upholstery 1
Attaching parts
-14 8-48-046 /0-90 CLIP, (Zedapa) 9

-15 205-2-021-11
. ARM REST, Cabin door 1
Attaching parts
MS27039-1-22 . SCREW 2

-16 04 - 11 2 1 2 -1 1
. STRIKER, Cabin door (When 1
exhausted use 04-l l 212-l 3MF)
04-11212-13MF STRIKER, Cabin door (Alternate 1
for 04 -11212 -11 )
Attaching parts
-17 AN509-1 OR8 SCREW 2
205-1-168-01 . ARM ASSY, Cabin door stay 1
Attaching parts
-18 AN23-9A . BOLT 1
205-1-169-11 . BUSHING 1

- 1.46-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .0

..!! Usob .
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
·t on code

1/15-19 AN960-1 OL . WASHER 2

MS24 665-130 . PIN, Cotter

-20 205-1-168-07 .. GUIDE, Door stay arm 1

-21 205-1-168-09 BAR ASSY, Sliding 1
-22 205-1-168-19 . . SPRING 1
-23 205-1-149-17 . . ROLLER 2
- 24 205-1-145-11 PLACARD, Locked 1

-1 ..4 7-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1




Figure 1 /16. Cabin Door Latch Installation

-1 .48-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ancl
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

1/16 205-1-070-01 LATCH INSTL, Cabin door (For NHA 1

see fig. 1 /15)
205-1-072-01 . LATCH ASSY, Cabin door, upper 1
Attaching parts
- 1 MS24621-17 . SCREW, Tapping 6
SNJ1198-17-06 . NUT, Spring (Simmonds) 6

- 2 205-1-072-03
. . PLATE ASSY, Latch housing 1
- 3 205-1-072-25 . . . PLATE 1
Attaching parts
- 4 MS27039-1-05 . . . SCREW 2
MS21042L3 . . . NUT 2
- 5 205-1-072-05 ..
Attaching parts
- 6 205-1-072-19 . . BUSHING 1
- 7 AN23-l 9A . . BOLT 1
MS21042L3 . . NUT 1

- 8 205-1-072-17
. . LINK, Bellcrank connection 1
Attaching parts
- 9 MS20392-2C9 . . PIN 2
AN960-l OL . . WASHER 2
MS24665-130 . . PIN, Cotter 2

-10 205-1-072-11 ..
CATCH, Upper latch 1
Attaching parts
-11 MS20392-2Cll . . PIN 1
AN960-10L . . WASHER 1
MS24665-130 . . PIN, Cotter 1

-12 AN509-l OR20 . . SCREW 1

MS21042L3 . . NUT 1
-13 205-1-072-15 ..
SPACER, Upper 1
-14 205-1-072-13 . SPACER, Lower 1
-15 MS20392-2C33 .. PIN 2
AN960-10L .. WASHER 2
MS24665-130 .. PIN, Cotter 2

-16 205-1-071-31 , SPRING 1

205-1-135-01 . CONTROL ASSY, Upper latch 1

-1. 49 -
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units ..0 Usob.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION por ·~
Number Assy on code
1 2 3 4 5 6 <
1 /16 Attaching parts
-17 MS203 92-2Cl 1 PIN 2
MS24665-l 30 PIN, Cotter ·2

-18 AN742D4 CLAMP 2

MS27039-1-06 SCREW 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-19 205-1-135-11 . CABLE ASSY, Teleflex 1
-20 AN665-21R . TERMINAL, Clevis 2
-21 205-1-136-11 HANDLE, Door, inner 1
Attaching parts
-22 MS9048-109 Pl,!'!_,_ §g.:I~~ 1
-23 205-1-137-01 . ESCUTCHEON, Door inner handle 1
Attaching parts
-24 MS35206-245 SCREW 3
-25 205-1-138-01 . BELLCRANK, Door latch (When 1
exhausted use 2 05-1 -138-15)
205-1-138-15 . BELLCRANK, Door latch (Alternate 1
for 205-1-138-01)
205-1-139-01 ROD ASSY, Handle connection 1
Attaching parts
-26 MS20392-2C7 . PIN, Flat head 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
MS24665-130 PIN, Cotter 1
-27 MS2 03 92-2C2 9 PIN, Flat head 1
MS24665-130 PIN, Cotter 1
-28 205-1-139-03 . TUBE ASSY, Rod 1
-29 ANl 50407 NUT, Check 1
-30 205-1-139-17 . ROD END, Eye 1

205-1-140-01 ROD ASSY Door latch ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-31 MS20392-2C7 PIN 1
MS24665-130 PIN, Cotter 1
-32 205-1-140-03 TUBE ASSY, Rod 1
-33 205-1-140-17 . ROD END, Pin 1

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .0 Usob,

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~ on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(

1 /16 Attaching parts

-34 MS20392-1C15 PIN 1
AN960-4 . . WASHER 1
MS24665-130 . PIN, Cotter

205-1-141-01 . HANDLE ASSY, Door, outer 1

Attaching parts
-35 AN960-10L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
-36 205-1-141-03 . HANDLE SUBASSY, Door 1
Attaching parts
-37 205-1-141-19 PIN 1
-38 205-1-141-13 .. . BUSHING 1
-39 205 1-141-05 .. ESCUTCHEON, Door outer handle 1
-40 205-1-142-11 GASKET, : Do-or outer handle 1
-41 205-1-144-01 LOCK ASSY, Key cylinder with 2 keys 1
-41A 21131-01 . RING, Key holder, with aircraft 1
serial No. plate

205-1-143-01 . LATCH ASSY, Cabin door, lower 1

Attaching parts
-42 MS35206-245 SCREW 4
-43 205-1-143-03 . SUPPORT,. Cabin door, lower latch 1
-44 205-1-143-05 . BOLT, Latch RH 1
-45 205-1-143-25 SPING, Cabin door lower latch 1
-46 205-1-143-07 . SUPPORT, Latch sping 1
Attaching parts
-47 MS35206-228 .. SCREW 2
AN960-6 . WASHER 2
MS21042L06 . . NUT 2

Model S20S Soctlon II
Group 1


/ 17. Front Sea t Installation

Figure 1 -1 . 52-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Unita ..0
Figur• ond
Port Humber
1 2 3 4 S 6
Usoll .
on code

1/17 205-1-060 SEAT INSTL, Cabin front (For NHA 1 NP

see fig . 1 /1)
2 05-2-004-01 . SEAT ASSY, Cabin front, upholstered 2

- 1 205-2-004-03 . BOTTOM ASSY, Front seat, 1

-2 205-2-006-01 .. . WELD ASSY, Seat bottom 1
-3 205-2-006-03 . . ROLLER & BUSHING ASSY 4
Attaching parts
- 4 AN3-11 .... BOLT 1
AN960-8L .. WASHER 1
AN310-3 .. . NUT 1
MS24665-132 .. PIN, Cotter 1
- 5 205-2-006-35 . . . . . ROLLER ·1
- 6 205-2-006-37 . . . . BUSHING 1
- 7 205-2-006-09 . . . HANDLE, Seat adjusting 1
Attaching parts
-8 MS20392-1C7
AN960-6L . . .
PIN, Flat head
MS24665-130 .. PIN, Cotter

- 9 205-2-006-05 ... ROD, Seat adjusting 2

Attaching parts
-10 MS20392-1C7 .... PIN, Flat head 2
AN960-6L . WASHER 2
MS24 665-130 .. PIN, Cotter

-11 205-2-006-41 . . . PIN, Seat adjusting 2

-12 205-2-006-07 . WHEEL & CAM ASSY, Seat back 1
Attaching parts
-13 AN385-2Pl 2 .
. . . PIN, Tapered 1
-14 205-2-006-53 ... CAM, Seat back adjusting 1
Attaching ·parts
-15 AN385-2Pl 2 . . . PIN, Tapered 1
-16 205-2-006-27 . TUBE, Carn interconnecting 1
-17 205-2-006-47 . . SPRING, Adjusting handle 2
-18 205-2-004-013 . • BACK ASSY, Front seat 1
upholstered 1
Attaching parts
-19 MS21042L5 . • NUT 2
AN960-516 . . WASHER
-- - -o----

-1. 53 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .a Uaab .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION par -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any an cod•
1/17-20 205-2-002-03 . WELD ASSY, Seat back 1
-21 205-1-060-05 BELT ASSY, Safety 2
-22 205-1-060-17 . FITTING, Safety belt 2
-23 205-1-060-03 . CABLE ASSY, Belt attaching 4
Attaching parts
-24 NAS1103-6 BOLT 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-1. 54-
Model S208 Section II
Group 1


Figure l /18. Rear Seat Installation (4 Seater, optional)

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

1/18 205-2-017-01 SEAT INSTL, Cabin rear ( 4 Seater, 1 NP

optional) (For NHA see fig. 1 /1)
205-2-003-107 SEAT ASSY, Cabin rear, upholstered 1
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-4A BOLT 4
NAS1252-10L WASHER 4

- 2 205-2-003-105
. . BOTTOM ASSY Rear seat, 1
- 3 205-2-001-05 . . WELD ASSY, Rear seat bottom 1
- 4 205-2-001-41 . . . STRIP, Cushion, 46 in long (BI) 3
- 5 205-2-003-05 . . BACK ASSY, Rear seat, upholstered 1
- 6 205-2-005-01 . . WELD ASSY, Rear seat back 1
- 7 205-2-005-25 . . . LINK, Arm rest, upper 2
Attaching parts
- 8 MS20392-3C47 . . PIN, Flat head 1
AN960-416L WASHER 2
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

- 9 205-2-005-27
LINK, Arm rest lower 2
Attaching parts
-10 MS20392-3C47 PIN, Flat head 1
AN960-416L WASHER 2
MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1
-11 205-2-003-07 ARM REST ASSY, Upholstered 1
Attaching parts
-12 205-2-005-31 . SCREW 4
205-2-005-29 WASHER Spherical 4
-13 205-2-005-03 . . WELD ASSY, Arm rest 1
-14 205-1-060-05 BELT ASSY, Safety 2
Attaching parts
-15 AN3-6A BOLT 1
AN960-10L . WASHER 2

-16 AN3-11A BOLT, (Quantity for two belts) 1

AN960-10L . WASHER, (Quantity for two belts) 2
MS21042L3 NUT, (Quantity for towo belts) 1

-17 205-1-060-17
. . FITTING, Safety belt 2

Model S208 Section II
Group 1




Figure 1 /19. Sliding Rear Seat Installation (5 Seater)

Modt)I S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

figure and Units ..0 Usa ...

lndox Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy on c:od•

1/19 205-2-046-0I SEAT INSTL, Cabin rear, sliding 1 NP

(5 seater) (For NHA see fig. 1/1)
205-2-041-101 . SEAT ASSY, Cabin rear, 1
upholstered LH
205-2-041-102 . SEAT ASSY, Cabin rear, 1
upholstered RH
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-4A . BOLT, Inbd 1
AN3-5A . BOLT, Outbd 1
AN960-10L • WASHER l

- 2 AN3-6A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L • WASHER 2
- 3 205-2-041-08 • . BOTTOM ASSY, Upholstered LH 1
205-2-041-09 . . BOTTOM ASSY, Upholstered RH 1
- 4 205-2-048-01 . . • WELD ASSY, Rear seat bottom LH 1
205-2-048-02 . . . WELD ASSY, bottom RH l

-5 205-2-006-07 • • • • WHEEL &t CAM ASSY, Seat back


Attaching parts
- 6 AN385-2P12 • • • • PIN, Tapered

-7 205-2-006-S3 • • . • CAM, Seat back adju1ting 1

Attaching parts
-8 AN385-ZPlZ .•. • PIN, Tapered 1
-9 205-2-004-13 • • • • ROD, Cam interconnecting 1

205-2-060-01 • • • • HANDLE ASSY, Seat adjusting ll-I 1

205-2-060-0Z ..
• • • HANDLE ASSY, Seat adjusting .RH
Attaching parts

-10 AN960-10L • • • • WASHER 1

• • • • NUT
----o----· 1
-11 • • • •• HANDLE, LH 1
205-2-060-lZ • • • • • HANDLE, RH 1
-12 205 ~Z-064-11 • • .
-13 205-2-004-013 • • BACK ASSY, Upholstered 1
Attaching parta
-14 AN960-516 • • WASHER 2
MS2l042L5 • • NUT 2
-1. 5 8-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Uni ta ..0

Part Number
1 2 3 4 S 6
As .. y

on code

1/19-15 205-2-002-03 . . . WELD ASSY, Rear seat back 1

-16 205-1-060-05 . BELT ASSY, Safety 1
Attaching parts
-17 AN3-6A . BOLT z
AN960-10L . WASHER 2

Model S208
Group 1

-------------FUSELAGE ··,

.ft. we..
r~~ \'-- / 2

l I I

: ~ \4
· ~s

Figure l /20. Fifth Seat Installation ( 5 Seater)

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond
Port Number
1 2 3 4 S 6
..! u..i. .
on code
1/20 205-2-037-01 SEAT INSTL, Fifth (5 seater) (For 1 NP
NHA see fig. 1 /1)
205-2-038-01 . SEAT ASSY, Fifth, upholstered 1
Attaching parts
- 1 205-2-037-17 . SPACER 2
- 2 AN3-20A . BOLT 2
NASl 252-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
205-2-038-03 . • BOTTOM ASSY, Fifth seat 1
- 3 205-2-038-05 ... WELD ASSY, Fifth seat bottom 1
- 4 205-2-038-101 .... BASE 1
- 5 205-2-038-09 . .... LEG ASSY 1
Attaching parts
- 6 205-2-038-29 .... SPACER 2
- 7 AN3-10A . ... BOLT 2
AN960-10L .... WASHER 2
MS21042L3 ... , NUT 2
. . . . . PAD, Rubber 2
- 8
- 9 205-2-038-07 .. . , CLOTH ASSY, . Fifth seat back 1
-10 205 2-038-103 . • . CUSHION, Fifth seat bottom 1 NF
-11 205-2-038-105 . . • CUSHION ASSY, Fifth seat back 1
-12 205-2-037-09 . HEADREST ASSY, Fifth seat 1
Attaching parts
-13 MS35206-228 . SCREW 4
AN960-6 . WASHER 4

-14 205-1-060-05 .
BELT ASSY, Safety 1
Attaching parts
-15 AN3-22A . BOLT 2
NASl 252-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . NUT 2

-1. 61-
Model S 208 ~ Section II
Group l


Cabin Furnishing Installation

Model S208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figur• and Units ..0 Uaab.

lndox Port Number DESCRIPTION por
Numb•r 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
on code

1 /21 22 02 0-01 FURNISHING INSTL, Cabin 1 NP A

22020-03 FURNISHING INSTL, Cabin 1 NP B
22 02 0-05 FURNISHING INSTL, Cabin 1 NP C
- 1 205-2-025-107 . PANEL ASSY, Cabin ceiling 1
- 2 205-8-071-11 . PANEL, Dome light 1
- 3 205-2-025-108 . PANEL ASSY, Cabin left side upper 1 A
205-2-025-06 . PANEL. ASSY, Cabin left side upper 1 C
Attaching parts
- 4 8-4 8-046-0-90 CLIP (Zedapa) 6
- 5 205-2-022-01 ASH TRAY ASSY 3
- 6 205-2-025-104 . PANEL ASSY, Cabin right side upper 1 A
205-2-025-02 PANEL ASSY . Cabin right side upper 1 C
Attaching parts
- 7 8-48-046-0-90 . CLIP ( Zedapa)

- 8 205-2-021-11 . ARM REST 3

Attaching parts
MS27039-1-22 SCREW 2
- 9 205-2-02 6-0 5 PANEL ASSY Cabin side lower LH 1
205-2-026-02 PANEL ASSY, Cabin side lower RH 1
-10 205-2-025-105 PANEL ASSY Cabin aft 1 A
205-2-025-106 PANEL ASSY, Cabin aft 1 B
205-2-025-05 . PANEL ASSY, Cabin aft 1 C

-11 205-2-026-16 . PANEL, Wing spar covering 1 A-B

205-2-026-14 . PANEL, Wing spar covering 1 C

-12 205-2-025-07 . PANEL ASSY, Baggage compartment 1

Attaching parts
-13 8-48-046 -0-90 CLIP ( Zedapa) 7
-14 205-2-066-13 MOLDING, Cabin floor, rear LH 1 A
205-2-066-14 MOLDING, Cabin floor, rear RH 1 A
-15 205-2-035-11 . ESCUTCHEON, LG emergency ctrl 1
-16 205-2-027-04 . CARPET, Cabin floor, fwd 1
-17 205-2-027-05 CARPET, Cabin floor, center 1
-18 205-2-027-06 CARPET, Cabin floor, rear 1 A-B
-19 205-2-033-01 . BOOT, Rudder pedal 4
-20 205-2-032-01 . CURTAIN ASSY, Window fwd LH 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Fi9ure ond
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

1 /21-21 205-2-032-02 CURTAIN ASSY, Cabin door 1

-22 205-2-032-03 . CURTAIN ASSY, Window center LH 1
205-2-032-04 . CURTAIN ASSY, Window center RH 1

-23 205-2-032-07 . CURTAIN ASSY, Window aft LH 1

205-2-032-08 . CURTAIN ASSY, Window aft RH 1
-24 205-2-032-05 . STRAP ASSY , Curtain retainer 5
-25 205-2-020-17 . TRACK, Curtain, fwd window LH, upper 1
-26 3019-12 SCREW, Tappin, track att. (Aghina) 60
-27 3017 . SCREW, Curtain travel stop (Aghina) 24
-28 205-2-020-15 . TRACK, Curtain fwd & center 1
window LH, lower
-29 205-2-020-16 TRACK, Curtain center window LH 1
-30 205-2-020-11 TRACK, Curtain, door window upper 1
-31 205-2-020-12 . TRACK, Curtain, door window lower 1
-32 205-2-020-13 TRACK, Curtain, center window RH 1
-33 205-2-020-14 . TRACK, Curtain, center window RH 1
-34 205-2-065-11 TRACK, Curtain, aft window lower LH 1
205-2-065-12 . TRACK, Curtain, aft window lower RH 1

-35 205-2-065-13 . TRACK, Curtain, aft window upper LH 1

205-2-065-14 TRACK, Curtain, aft window upper RH 1
-36 205-2-037-101 . TUBE ASSY, Cloth peg 1
Attaching parts
AN509-10R9 . SCREW 2
-37 205-2-023-01
LIGHTER ASSY, Cigar et 1
-38 2 05-2-0:rn-01 VISOR ASSY, Sun 2
Attaching parts
AN509ClOR9 . SCREW 3

-39 205-2-029-11
WASHER, Air vent valve 4
-40 205-6-232-11 . PLACARD, LG emergency extension 1

205-1-134 . SOUNDPROOFING INSTL, Fuselage 1 NF

-41 205-2-025-08 . . PANEL, Firewall 1
-42 205-1-134-11 . . PANEL, Sta 5 to 6 upper LH 1

-1. 64-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units ..ri

..!:! Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 As s y > on code

1 /21-43 205-1-134-13 . PANEL, Sta 5 to 6 lower LH 1

-44 205-1-134-15 PANEL, Sta 6 to 7 upper 2
-45 2 05 -1 - 134 -1 7 . PANEL, Sta 6 to 7 lower 2
-46 205-1-134-19 . PANEL, Sta 7 to 8 upper 2
-47 205-1-134-21 .. PANEL, Sta 7 to 8 lower 2
-48 205-1-134-23 . . PANEL, Sta 8 to 9 2
-50 205-2-067-17 CONTAINER, Hat shelf 1 B
Attaching parts
MS2 712 9-1 . WASHER, Furnishing, counter sunk 16 B
NAS384-4-6P . SCREW, Tapping 16 B

A = 5 Seater, standard
B = 5 Seater with hat shelf (Optional)
C = 4 Seater (Optional)

Model S208 Section II
Group 1





~ 12




Figure 1 /22. Cabin Fresh Air Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units .o

.!? Usob.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·o
Number 123456 Assy ~ on code

1 /22 205-5-034-01 SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin vent (For NHA 1 NP

see fig. 1 /1)
- 1 205-5-034-19 . HOSE, Cabin vent fwd 2
- 2 NS4F020-1 CLAMP, Strap, hose attaching 14
- 3 205-5-025-01 TEE 2
- 4 205-5-034-17 HOSE, Cabin vent aft 2
- 5 205-5-034-15 HOSE, Cabin vent 3
- 6 NS3F001-6-2000 HOSE, Pvc, . 236 ID x. 059 x 79 in (Bl) 1
Attaching parts
- 7 MS21919DG4 CLAMP, Cushion 4
MS35206-228 SCREW 4
MS21042L06 NUT 4
- 8 MS35489-9 GROMMET, Rubber 2
- 9 04 -1 21 0 2 - 01 VALVE ASSY, Register 1
-10 04 -1 21 0 3 - 1 1 . HOUSING, Register valve 1
-11 04 -1 21 04 - 1 1 REGISTER, Valve 1
-12 NAS1252-416L WASHER 1
-13 04-12105-11 SPACER 1
-14 04-12106-11 SPRING 1
-15 04 -1 21 0 7 -1 1 KNOB 1
-16 205-5-124-01 VALVEASSY, AirscoopLH(Seefig.1/3) Ref
205-5-124-02 VALVEASSY, AirscoopRH(Seefig.1/3) Ref

-17 04-14802-01 VALVE ASSY, Cabinairvent(Seefig.1/4) Ref

-18 205-5-032-01 SCOOP ASSY, Exhaustvent(See fig. 1 /3) Ref

Model S208 Section II
Group 1




Figure 1 /23. Cabin Heat & Defroster System Installation

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure ond Units ..o

.!1 Usob.
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456
Assy !
on code

1 /23 25034-03 SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin heat & defroster 1 NP

(For NHA see fig. 1 /1)
25034-101 . SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin heat, engine .1 INP
- 1 25038-01 . , HOSE, Cold air inlet 1
Attaching parts
- 2 MS21919DG38 . . CLAMP, Cushion 1
NAS1096-3-8 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . . NUT 1

- 3 NS4F020-1 . CLAMP, Strap, hose attaching 4

- 4 25036-01 .• ELBOW 1
- 5 205-5-168-19 . . ADAPTER, Hose to muffler 1
- 6 205-5-161-13 HOSE, Muffler outlet 1

205-5-188-07 . SYSTEM INSTL, Cabin heat, fuselage 1 .NP

205-5-031-0l . . VALVE ASSY, Flap, cabin heat 1
Attaching parts
- 7 MS3 5206-24 5 . . SCREW 4
- 8 205-5-031-02 BOX ASSY, Heat flap calve 1
- 9 205-5-031-03 . . SHAFT 1
-10 205-5-031-05 FLAPPER 1
-11 205-5-019-15 . HOSE, Windshield defroster 1
Attaching parts
-12 AN737TW38 . CLAMP, Tangential 1
-13 MS21919DG17 . CLAMP, Cushion 1
NAS1096-3-8 SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . . NUT 1

-14 NS4F020-1
. . CLAMP, Strap, hose attaching 7
-15 205-5-019-17 . . HOSE, Cabin heat, fwd 1
-16 205-5-044-01 . . ADAPTER, Flanged, Sta 2 fwd 1
Attaching parts
-17 MS35207-262 . . SCREW 4
NAS1252-10L . . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . NUT 4

-18 205-5-119-01
. TEE, Reduction, Sta 2 aft 1
-19 205-5-120-13 . HOSE, Register valve fwd 1
-20 205-5-120-21 . HOSE, Register valve aft 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 1 Fuselage

Figure and Units ...:i Usob.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Any on code,
Nurnbar 1 2 3 4 5 6 «(

1 /23 Attaching parts

-21 MS2 l 919DG17 .
. CLAMP, Cushion 1
NASl 096-3-8 .. SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L .. WASHER 1
MS21042L3 .

-22 NS4F001-3 .
. BRACKET, Support clamp 1
-23 04 -1 21 0 2 - 01 .. VALVE ASSY, Register (For 2
breakdown see fig.1 /22)
-24 NS5D002-1365 . . CONTROL ASSY, Selector valve 1
Attaching parts
-25 MS21919DG5 .. CLAMP, Cushion 2
NASl 096-3-7 .. SCREW 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 .. NUT

-26 NS5E005-1 .. . KNOB 1

-27 205-6-2 72-01 .. PLATE ASSY, Firewall sea.ling 1
-28 205-5-043-01 TEE, Flanged (See fig. 1 /3) Ref

Model S209 Section II
Group 2




• 19





8 7

Figure 2 /1 - Wing Installation
-2. 1-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Units ..o

.2 Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number Assy on code
123456 <{

2/1 205-3-003-00A WING INSTL, LH (For NHA see fig.1) 1 INP

205-3-002-00A WING INSTL, RH (For NHA see fig. 1) 1 INP
205-3-003-01 . PANEL ASSY, Wing LH 1
205-3-002-01 PANEL ASSY, Wing RH 1
Attaching parts
- 1 ANl 76-11 . BOLT, Front spar 1
AN960-616 WASHER 1
MS21042L6 NUT 1

- 2 ANl 76-12 . BOLT, Rear & main spar 3

AN960-616 WASHER 3
MS21042L6 . NUT 3
- 3 205-3-003-02 STR UCTURE ASSY, Wing LH (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 2 /3)
205-3-002-02 . STRUCTURE ASSY, Wing RH (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 2 /3)

- 4 205-3-027- 05 . TIP, Wing LH 1

205-3-028- 05 TIP, Wing RH 1
Attaching parts
- 5 MS27039-1-09 SCREW 26
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 26
--- o----
- 6 23020Al DOOR INSTL, Wing LH (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 2/2)
23020A2 DOOR INSTL, Wing RH (For · Ref
breakdown see fig. 2 /2)

- 7 205-3-069 LUG, Tie down 1

Attaching parts
- 8 AN509-10Rl2 SCREW 2
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
----o---- 1
- 9 MS90298-1 RECEPTACLE, Fuel nozzle
grounding (RH wing only)
-10 205-8-042 . PLACARD, Grounding (RH wing only) 1
-11 205-3-020-88 WALKWAY, Rubber RH 1
-12 205-3-020-103 STRIP, Walkway retainer 1
-13 NS:3G020-1-780 SEAL, Rubber, 31 in longRHwing(BI) 1
-14 NS:3G02 0-1-1800 SEAL, Rubber, 71 in longLHwing(BI) 1

Model S 208 SectlOA II
Group 4 Wing

Fi9ur• anJ
lnJ•1C Part Number DESCRIPTION ,.,
Unit• ..,
.! u~.
Numbu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy on cod-
; -<
2/1 -15 205-8-113-03 TANK INSTL, Fuel,wing inbd LH Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 2 /7)
205-8-113-04 TANK INSTL, Fuel, wing inbd RH Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 2 /7)

-16 205-3-013-11 PLATE, Main spar interconn. upper 1

Attaching parts
-17 AN6-10 . BOLT, Outbd 8
AN6-11 BOLT, Center outbd 4
AN6-12 BOLT, Center 4
AN9'60-616 WASHER 16
MS21042L6 NUT 16
-18 205-3-013-12 PLATE, Main spar interconnection, 1
Attaching parts
-19 AN6-10 BOLT, Outbd 8
AN6-11 BOLT, Outbd 4
AN6-12 BOLT, Center 4
AN960-616 WASHER 16
MS21042L6 . NUT
-20 205-3-013-13 CHANNEL, Splice 1
-21 205-3-013-01 BRACKET, Splice 1
Attaching parts
-22 AN4-10A BOLT, Upper and lower 4
AN4-6A BOLT, Center 6
AN960-416L WASHER 10
MS21042L4 NUT 10
-23 205-3-013-15 BRACKET, Lower LH 1
205-3-013-14 . BRACKET, Lower RH 1
Attaching parts
-24 AN4-6A BOLT 1
AN960-416L WASHER 1
MS21042L4 NUT 1
-25 205-3-013-21 BRACKET, Upper LH 1
205-3-013-20 BRACKET, Upper RH 1
Attaching parts
-26 AN4-6A . BOLT 1
AN960-416L . WASHER 1
MS21042L4 NUT 1

-2. 3-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Fi9ure and
Part Humber
1 2 3 ,4 5 6

on .:O<i@

2 /1 -27 205-4-005 FLAP ASSY, Wing LH (For breakdown Ref

see fig. 2/8)
205-4-004 . FLAP ASSY, Wing RH (For breakdown Ref
see fig. 2 /8)

-28 205-4-007 AILERON ASSY, Wing LH (For Ref

breakdown see fig. 2 /8)
205-4-006 . AILERON ASSY, Wing RH (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 2 /8 )
Attaching parts
-29 NAS1104-8D BOLT 2
AN960-416L WASHER 2
AN320-4 NUT 2
MS24665-134 PIN, Cotter 2
-30 205-8-027-11 . DETECTOR, Wing navigation light LH 1
205-8-027-12 . DETECTOR, Wing navigation light RH 1

-31 AN3033-l4 LIGHT ASSY, Red, LH wing tip (See Ref

fig. 8 /2)
AN3033-15 LIGHT ASSY, Green LH wing tip (See Ref

-32 164S ACTUATOR, Stall warning ( See fig. 8 / 2) Ref

-33 205-8-184-01 TUBE ASSY, Pitot (See fig. 7 /5) Ref



Model S208 ~ Section II
Group 2


10-1 12
13 \




Figure 2 /2. Wing Doors Installation

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 2 Wing

figure and Unita ..d Uaab .

lndftx Port Number DESCRIPTION p9r -~
Numb"r 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any 011 code,

2 /2 23020Al DOORS INSTL, Wing LH (For NHA 1 NP

see fig. 2 /1)
23020A2 DOORS INSTL, Wing RH (For NHA 1 NP

- 1 205-3-023-01 DOOR ASSY, Fuel transmitter LH 1

205-3-023-03 DOOR ASSY, Fuel transmitter RH, 1
rubber covered
Attaching parts
- 2 AN509-1 OR6 SCREW

- 3 2 05-8-084-01 JUMPER, Fuel tank grounding 1

- 4 205-3-023-13 . COVERING, Rubber (For 1
205-3-023-03 only)
- 5 205-3-022-07 . DOOR ASSY, Fuel tank filler cap 1
Attaching parts
- 6 205-3-022-24 . PIN, Hinge 1
- 7 205-3-022-23 . HINGE HALF 1
- 8 A5-30 . STUD, Fastener (Dzus) 1
GA5-312 GROMMET, Fastener (Dzus) 1

9 205-3-020-03 PANEL ASSY, Fuel tank door LH 1
205-3-020-04 PANEL ASSY, Fuel tank door RH 1
Attaching parts
-10 AN509-1 ORB . SCREW, Inbd rib 8
AN509-1 ORl 0 SCREW, Front spar and outbd rib 21
AN509-10R12 SCREW, Main spar 15
-11 205-3-020-94 STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion inbd 1
-12 205-3-020-95 .
. STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion center 1
-13 205-3-020-96 .
STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion outbd 1
-14 205-3-050-01 DOOR ASSY, Fuel tank drain line 1
-15 205-3-026-103 DOOR ASSY, Main gear wheel LH 1
205-3-026-104 . DOOR ASSY, Main gear wheel RH 1
Attaching parts
-16 MS27039-1-09 SCREW 20
-17 205-3-075-13 PLATE, MLG door 1
Attaching parts
-18 MS27039-1-09 SCREW 3

Model S 208 Section II
Group ~ Wing

Figure and Units .a Uaab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 . 5 6 Any
on code

2 /2 -19 205-3-022-17 DOOR, Inspection, ventral 2

Attaching parts
-20 AN509-8R6 SCREW 18

Model S208 Section II
Group 2


Figure 2 /3 . Wing Structure Assembly

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Unih .,,; Usob,

lndo Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 123456 Assy c( on code

2/3 205-3-003-02 STRUCTURE ASSY, Wing LH (For NHA 1

see fig. 2 /1)
205-3-002-02 STRUCTURE ASSY, Wing RH (For NHA 1
see fig.2/1)
- 1 205-3-017 L. E. ASSY, Wing LH (For bkdw see Ref
205-3-018 . L. E. ASSY, Wing RH (For bkdw see Ref
- 2 205-3-015 SPAR ASSY, Wing front LH (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 2 /5)
205-3-016 . SPAR ASSY, Wing front RH (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 2 /5)
- 3 205-3-005 . SPAR ASSY, Wing main LH (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 2 /5)
205-3-004 . SPAR ASSY, Wing main RH (For bkdw Ref
- 4 205-3-007 STRUCTURE ASSY, T. E. (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 2/6)
205-3-006 • STRUCTURE ASSY, T. E. (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 2 /6)
= 5 205-3-020-01 . PANEL ASSY, Wing lower aft LH 1
205-3-020-02 PANEL ASSY, Wing lower aft RH 1
- 6 205-3-020-05 PANEL ASSY, Wing lower fwd LH 1
205-3-020-06 PANEL ASSY, Wing lower fwd RH 1
- 7 205-3-020-07 PANEL ASSY, Wing upper fwd inbd LH 1
205-3-020-08 . PANEL ASSY, Wing upper fwd inbd RH 1
- 8 205-3-020-99 • . STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion 1
- 9 205-3-020-98 STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion 1
-10 · 205-3-020-97 STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion 1
-11 205-3-020-100 . STRIP, Rubber, tank cushion 1
-12 205-3-020-101 . . GASKET, . Fuel tank filler 1
-13 205-3-022-22 HINGE HALF, Fuel tank door 1
-14 S5-225 . . SPRING, Fastener receptacle (Dzus) 1
-15 205-3-020-09 . PANEL ASSY, Wingupfwd outbd LH 1
205-3-020-10 . PANEL ASSY, Wingupfwd outbd RH 1
-16 205-3-020-11 . PANEL ASSY, Wing upper aft inbd LH 1
205-3-020-12 . PANELASSY, WingupperaftinbdRH 1
-17 205-3-020-104 PAD, Rubber 1
-18 205-3-020-13 PANEL ASSY, Wing upper aft outbd LH 1
205-3-020-14 . PANEL ASSY, Wing upper aft outbd RH 1
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing
-----.--------.........------·--·----- ---·---------.-----.---
Figure ond Unih .,;i
.2 Usob .
Index Porl Number DESCRIPTION pe, 'f on code
Number 123456 Auy ,(

2/3 -19 205-3-031-11 RIB, Main fwd LH, Sta 1 1

205-3-032-11 RIB, Main fwd RH, Sta 1 1

-20 205-3-031-12 RIB, Main rear LH, Sta 1 1

205-3-032-12 RIB, Main rear RH, Sta 1 1

-21 205-3-033-01 RIB ASSY, Main fwd LH, Sta 2 1

205-3-034-01 RIB ASSY, Main fwd RH, Sta 2 1

-22 205-3-033-21 STRIP, Rubber, fuel tank cushion 1

-23 205-3-033-02 RIB ASSY, Main rear LH, Sta 2 1
205-3-034-02 RIB ASSY, Main rear RH, Sta 2 1
-24 205-3-035-11 RIB, Main fwd LH, Sta 3 1
205-3-036-11 RIB, Main fwd RH, Sta 3 1

-25 205-3-035-01 RIB ASSY, Main rear LH, Sta 3 1

205-3-036-01 RIB ASSY, Main rear RH, Sta 3 1

-26 205-3-037-11 RIB, Main fwd LH, Sta 4 1

205-3-038-11 RIB, Main fwd RH, Sta 4 1

-27 205-3-037-01 RIB ASSY, Main rear LH, Sta 4 1

205-3-038-01 RIB ASSY, Main rear RH, Sta 4 1

-28 205-3-090-11 . BRACKET HALF, Aileron ctr 1, 2

upper LH and lower RH
205-3-090-12 BRACKET HALF, Aileron ctr 1, 2
lower LH and upper RH

-29 205-3-090-13 ANGLE, Aileron ctrl bracket attachm 1

-30 205-3-039-01 RIB ASSY, LH, Sta 5 1
2 05-3-040-01 RIB ASSY, RH, Sta 5 1

-31 205-3-011-11 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge inbd LH 1

205-3-012-11 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge inbd RH 1

-32 205-3-003-11 SECTION, Gear door rabbet, fwd LH 1

205-3-002-11 SECTION, Gear door rabbet, fwd RH 1

-33 205-3-003-12 SECTION, Gear door rabbet, rear LH 1

205-3-002-12 SECTION, Gear door rabbet, rear RH 1

-34 205-3-002-14 STRINGER, Inbd 1

-35 205-3-002-15 STRINGER, Center 1
-36 205-3-002-16 STRINGER, Outbd 1

-2. 1 0-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Units .a
F igur• and
Part Numb.,
l 2 3 .C 5 6

"( -

2 / 3 -3 7 205-3-057-01 SKIN ASSY, Trailing edge upper LH 1

205-3-057-02 SKIN ASSY, Trailing edge upper RH 1
-38 205-3-054 . FAIRING, Aileron control rod l
-39 205-3-002-13 . DOUBLER, T. E. upper skin 1
-40 205-3-003-17 SKIN, Trailing edge lower LH 1
205-3-002-17 SKIN, Trailing edge lower RH 1
-41 205-3-051-11 SKIN, T.E. flap inbd LH 1
205-3-052-11 . SKIN, T.E. flap inbd RH 1

-42 205-3-051-12 SKIN, T.E. flap center inbd LH 1

205-3-052-12 SKIN, T.E. flap center inbd RH 1
-43 205-3-051-01 SKIN, T.E. flap center inbd LH 1
205-3-052-01 . SKIN, T.E. flap center inbd RH 1

-44 205-3-051-14 . SKIN, T.E. flap center LH 1

205-3-052-14 SKIN, T.E. flap center RH 1

-45 205-3-051-15 . SKIN, T.E. flap center outbd LH 1

205-3-052-15 SKIN, T.E. flap center outbd RH 1
-46 205-3-051-16 SKIN, T.E. flap outbd LH 1
205-3-052-16 . SKIN, T.E. flap outbd RH 1
-47 205-3-055-11 SKIN, T.E. aileron inbd 1
205-3-056-11 SKIN, T.E. aileron inbd 1

-48 205-3-055-12 . SKIN, T.E . aileron center LH 1

205-3-056-12 SKIN, T.E. aileron center RH 1
-49 205-3-055-13 SKIN, T.E. aileron outbd LH 1
205-3-056-13 SKIN, T.E. aileron outbd RH 1

-50 205-3-026-05 SUPPORT ASSY, MLG door LH 1

205-3-026-06 SUPPORT ASSY, MLG door RH 1
-51 MS35489-9 . GROMMET, Rubber, electric system 8
-52 MS35489-9 GROMMET, Rubber, pitot system 2
STA 2 & 3 (LH wing only)
-53 MS35489-1 GROMMET, Rubber, electric system 1

-2. 11-
Model S208 Section II
Group 2


Figure 2/4. Wing Leading Edge Assembly

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Unita -'

.i u.. b.
lndeic Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'i -c~e

2/4 205-3-017 LEADING EDGE ASSY, Wing LH (For 1

NHA see fig. 2/3)
205-3-018 LEADING EDGE ASSY, Wing RH (For l
NHA see fig. 2 /3)
205-3-017-01 LEADING EDGE SlJBASSY, Wing LH 1
205-3-018-01 LEADING EDGE SUBASSY, Wing RH l

- 1 205-3-017-17 . SKIN, Leading edge inbd LH 1

205-3-018-17 . . SKIN, Leading edge inbd RH 1

- 2 205-3-017-11 . RIB,Leading edge LH, Sta 1 1

205-3-018-11 . RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 1 1

- 3 205-3-017-12 . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta la 1

205-3-018-12 . . RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta la 1

- 4 205-3-017-13 . . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta lb 1

205-3-018-13 . . RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta lb 1

- 5 205-3-017-14 . . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 2 1

205-3-018-14 . RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 2 1

- 6 205-3-017-15 . . DOUBLER, LH, Sta 2 1

205-3-018-15 DOUBLER, RH, Sta 2 1
- 7 205-3-017-16 DOUBLER, LH, Sta 1 to 2 1
205-3-018-16 . . DOUBLER, RH, Sta 1 to 2 1

205-3-017-02 LEADING EDGE SUBASSY, Wing LH 1

205-3-018-02 LEADING EDGE SUBASSY, Wing RH 1

- 8 205-3-017-24 . SKIN, Leading edge center LH 1

205-3-018-24 . . SKIN, Leading edge center RH 1

- 9 205-3-017-20 . . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 2a 1

205-3-018-20 . , RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 2a 1

-10 205-3-017-21 - . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 3

.. 1
205-3-018-21 . RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 3 1

-11 205-3-017-22 . RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 3a 1

205-3-018-22 RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 3a 1

Model S208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Uni ta .a UHb .

lndo>C Port Numb., DESCRIPTION per
Numb.r 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
'i on code

2 /4 -12 205-3-017-23 DOUBLER, LH, Sta 3a 1

205-3-018-23 DOUBLER, RH, Sta 3a 1

-13 205-3-017-29 DOUBLER, Jack point space LH 1

205-3-018-29 . DOUBLER, Jack point space RH 1

205-3-017-03 LEADING EDGE SUBASSY; Wing LH 1

205-3-018-03 LEADING EDGE SUBASSY, Wing RH 1

-14 205-3-017-28 SKIN, Leading edge outbd LH 1

205-3-018-28 SKIN, Leading edge outbd RH 1
-15 205-3-017-25 RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 4 1
205-3-018-25 RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 4 1

-16 205-3-017-26 . • RIB, Leading edge LH, Sta 4a 1

205-3-018-26 RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 4a 1

-17 205-3-017-27 . .. RIB,Leading edge LR, Sta 5 1

205-3-018-27 RIB, Leading edge RH, Sta 5 1

Model S208 Section II
Group 2




Figure 2 /5. Wing Front and Main Spar Assemblies

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure cmd Units .d U11ab.

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'i<( on co<l,i,

2 /5 205-3-015 SPAR ASSY, Wing front LH (For NHA 1

see fig. 2/3)
205-3-016 SPAR ASSY, Wing front RH (For NHA 1
- 1 205-3-015-11 CHANNEL, Front spar inbd LH 1
205-3-016-11 CHANNEL, Front spar inbd RH 1

- 2 205-3-015-12 CHANNEL, Front spar outbd LH 1

205-3-016-12 CHANNEL, Front spar outbd RH 1

- 3 205-3-015-13 CHANNEL, Front spar splice LH 1

205-3-016-13 CHANNEL, Front spar splice RH 1

- 4 205-3-015-14 ANGLE, Spar reinf upper LH 1

205-3-016-14 ANGLE, Spar reinf upper RH 1

- 5 205-3-015-15 . ANGLE, Spar r einf lower LH 1

205-3-016-15 ANGLE, Spar reinf lower RH 1

- 6 205-3-015-16 . PLATE, Spar root reinf fwd LH 1

205-3-016-16 PLATE, Spar root reinf fwd RH 1

- 7 205-3-015-17 PLATE, Spar root reinf rear LH 1

205-3-016-17 .. PLATE, Spar root reinf rear RH 1

- 8 205-3-071-11 BRACKET, Fuel tank strap . 2

attaching LH
205-3-071-12 BRACKET, Fuel tank strap 2
attaching RH

- 9 205-3-068-12 BRACKET, Jack point support 1

-10 205-3-068-13 ANGLE, Reinforcement LH 1
205-3-068-14 ANGEL, Reinforcement RH 1

-11 205-3-068-11 ADAPTER, Jack point 1

Attaching parts
-12 AN3-6A BOLT 2
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
205-3-005 SPAR ASSY, Wing main LH (For NHA 1
see fig. 2/3)
205-3-004 SPAR ASSY, Wing main RH (For NRA 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Unih .A Uaab.

Porl Numbe,
·r on code
2/5 -13 205-3-005-11 ANGLE, Main spar cap, upper LH 1
205-3-004-11 ANGLE, Main spar cap, upper RH 1

-14 205-3-005-12 ANGLE, Upper spar cap reinf LH 1

205-3-004-12 ANGLE, Upper spar cap reinf RH 1

-15 205-3-005-13 ANGLE, Main spar cap, lower LH 1

205-3-004-13 ANGLE, Main spar cap, lower RH 1

-1 6 205-3-005-14 ANGLE, Lower spar cap reinf LH 1

2 0 5 - 3 - 0 04 -14 ANGLE, Lower spar cap reinf RH 1
-17 205-3-005-15 WEB, Main spar inbd LH 1
205-3-004-.15 WEB, Main spar inbd RH 1

-18 205-3-005-16 CHANNEL, Main spar outbd LH 1

205-3-004-16 CHANNEL, Main spar outbd RH 1

-19 205-3-005-17 PLATE, Main spar root reinf 1

-20 205-3-005-20 CHANNEL, Stiffener 1
-21 205-3-005-19 BRACKET, Angle 2
-22 205-3-005-29 ANGLE, Reinf 0utbd 1
-23 205-3-005-21 ANGLE, Stiffener 6
-24 205-3-005-23 ANGLE, Stiffener 6
-25 205-3-059-11 PLATE ASSY, Main gear bracket 1
attaching LH
205-3-059-12 PLATE ASSY; Main gear brachet 1
attaching RH

-2 6 205-3-041 BRACKET ASSY, Main gear att. LH 1

205-3-042 BRACKET ASSY, Main gear att. RH 1
Attaching parts
-27 AN176-11 BOLT 3
AN960-616 WASHER 3
MS21042L6 NUT 3
.: 28 2 0 5 - 3 - 04 3 - 1 1 BUSHING 1

205-3-046-03 FITTING ASSY, Main gear drag att. 1

Attaching parts
-29 ·AN176-ll BOLT, Lower 2
ANl 76-10 BOLT, Upper 1
AN960-616 WASHER 3
MS21042L6 NUT 3

-30 205-3-045-03

-2. 1 7 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Units .d Uaab.

Index Part DESCRIPTION per .i cod~
Number I 2 3 4 5 6 Auy <(

2 /5 -31 2 0 5 - 3 - 04 5-1 3 . BUSHING 1

-32 MS15720-1 . . FITTING, Lubrication 1
-33 205-3-046-11 . BOLT, Eye 1
Attaching parts
-34 AN960-816 . WASHER 1
AN320-8 . NUT 1
MS24665-3 53 . PIN, Cotter 1
-35 205-3-070-01 BRACKET ASSY, Fuel tank strap att. 2
-36 205-3-070-15 PAD, Rubber 1
-37 205-3-072-01 BRACKET, LG microswitch LH 1
205-3-072-02 BRACKET, LG microswitch RH 1

-38 205-3-068-15 JACK POINT, Removable (See fig.10/1) Ref

-2. 18-
Mod•I S208 Section II
Group 2

6 1

1. l7 38



Figu r e 2 /6. Wing Trailing Edge Stru c ture Assembly

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Unit• Usab.
Part Numbor
1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
Ofl cad&

2/6 205-3-007 S fRUCTURE ASSY, Wing trailing edge 1

LH (For NHA see fig. 2 /3)
205-3-006 STRUCTURE ASSY, Wing trailing edge 1
RH (For NHA see fig. 2 /3)
- 1 205-3-007-11 . CHANNEL, Rear spar inbd LH 1
205-3:-006-11 . CHANNEL, Rear spar inbd RH 1

- 2 205-3-007-12 CHANNEL, Rear spar outbd LH 1

205-3-006-12 CHANNEL, Rear spar outbd RH 1

- 3 205-3-007-13 . CHANNEL, Rear spar splice 1

- 4 205-3-007-14 ANGLE, Spar reinf upper LH 1
205-3-()06-14 . ANGLE, Spar reinf upper RH 1

- 5 205-3-007-15 ANGLE, Spar reinf lower LH 1

205-3-006-15 ANGLE, Spar reinf lower RH 1

- 6 205-3-007-16 . PLATE, Rear spar cap LH 1

205-3-006-16 PLATE, Rear spar cap RH 1

- 7 205-3-011-12 RIB, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-12 RIB, Trailing edge RH 1

- 8 205-3-011-13 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-13 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge RH 1

- 9 205-3-011-14 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-14 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge RH 1

-10 205-3-011-15 . RIB, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-15 RIB, Trailing edge RH 1

-11 205-3-011-16 RIB, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-16 RIB, Trailing edge RH 1

-12 205-3-011-01 RIB ASSY, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-01 . RIB ASSY, Trailing edge RH 1
-13 205-3-011-18 RIB, Trailing edge LH 1
205-3-012-18 RIB, Trailing edge RH 1

-14 205-3-011-19 RIB, Trailing edge LH 1

205-3-012-19 . RIB, Trailing edge RH 1
-15 205-3-010-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Flap track, inbd 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

F igute and Unih ..o

.!! Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·i on code
Number 123456 Auy <
2/6 -16 205-3-007-17 ANGLE, Flap bracket inbd attaching 1
left side
Attaching parts
-17 AN3-4A BOLT 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-18 205-3-007-18 ANGLE, Flap bracket inbd attaching 1
right side
Attaching parts
-19 AN3-4A BOLT 2
AN960-10L WASHER 4
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-20 205-3-010-02
BRACKET ASSY, F],ap track center 1
-21 205-3-007-19 ANGLE, Flap bracket attaching, left 3
Attaching parts
-22 AN3-3A BOLT 2
AN960-10L WASHER 4
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-23 205-3-007-20 ANGLE, Flap bracket attaching, right 3
Attaching parts
-24 AN3-3A BOLT 2
MS2 l 042L3 NUT 2
-25 205-3-010-03 BRACKET ASSY, Flap track, center 1
-26 205-3-010-04 BRACKET ASSY, Flap track, outbd 1
-27 205-3-009 BRACKET ASSY, Aileron hinge inbd 1
Attaching parts
-28 AN3-5A BOLT 6
AN960-.1 OL WASHER 12
MS21042L3 NUT 6
-29 LSS4 BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1
-30 205-3-007-22 . SECTION, Reinf inbd 1
-31 205-3-007-23 SECTION, Reinf outbd 1
-32 205-3-008 BRACKET ASSY, Aileron hinge outbd 1
-33 LSS4 BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Units .a Usab .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <:(
on cod"'

'i2 /6 -34 205-3-007-21 . ANGLE, Aileron bracket attaching 2

Attaching parts
-35 AN3-4A . BOLT 2
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-36 205-3-007-24 ANGLE, Stiffener 1
-37 205-3-047 . BRACKET ASSY, Main gear att. LH 1
205 3-048 . BRACKET ASSY, Main gear a tt. RH 1
Attaching parts
-38 ANl 75-7 BOLT 3
205-3-053-11 . WASHER, Bevel 2
AN960-516L WASHER 1
MS21042L5 NUT 3
-39 205-3-049 BUSHING 1
-40 205-3-088-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Flap ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-41 AN3-3A BOLT 4
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 . NUT 4
-42 205-3-088-15 ANGLE, Reinforcement 2
-43 205-3-093-01 BRACKET, Aileron ctrl pulley, 1
lower LH
205-3-092-01 . BRACKET, Aileron ctr 1 pulley, 1
lower RH

-44 205-3-093-02 BRACKET, Aileron ctrl pulley, 1

upper LH
205-3-092-02 . BRACKET, Aileron ctrl pulley, 1
upper RH

-45 205-3-094-01 . BRACKET, Flap ctrl pulley. 2

-46 205-3-007-27 ANGLE, Main gear door support a tt. 1
-47 2 05-3-007-2 8 . PLATE, Reinforcement 1

Model S208 Section II
Group 2


Figure 2 /7. Wing Inboard Fuel Tank Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Unih .a Usob .

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
·~ on code

2/7 205-8-113-09 TANK INSTL, Fuel, wing inbd LH ( For 1 NP

NBA see fig. 2/ 1)
205-8-113-10 TANK INSTL, Fuel, wing inbd RH (For 1 NP
NHA see fig. 2/ 1)
205-8-112-105 .TANK ASSY, Fuel, wing LH 1
205-8-112-106 .TANK ASSY, Fuel, wing RH 1

-1 205-8-112-07 . . SHEEL ASSY, Wing fuel tank LH I

205-8-112-08 . . SHEEL ASSY, Wing fiuel tank RH 1

-2 5419 . . CAP ASSY, Filler (Moeller) l

-3 205-8-093-11 . . FITTING, Drain cock 1
-4 205-8-094-11 . . GASKET, Drain cock fitting 1
- 5 CCA4850 . . COCK, Fuel tank drain ( Curtis) 1
-6 205-8-361-01 . . TRANSMITTER ASSY, Fuel quantity 1
(See note)
Attaching parts
- 7 MSZ0073-03-04 .. BOLT 5
NASl 252-1 OH .. WASHER, Plain 5
MS35338-43 .. WASHER, Lock

- 8 04-72266-11 .. GASKET, Fuel transmitter 1 A

205-8-097-11 .. GASKET,. Fuel transmitter 1 B

-8A 205-8-124-11 . . ADAPTER, Fuel transmitter 1

Attaching parts
-BB MS2007 3-04-05 . . BOLT 8
NAS1252-416H . . WASHER 8
-BC 205-8-097-13 . , GASKET, 2
- 9 04-72209-11 .. PLATE DATA, Fuel tank 1
-10 205-8-114-01 . STRAP ASSY, Fuel tank, inbd 1
205-8-114-02 . STRAP,ASSY, Fuel tank, outbd 1
Attaching parts
-11 MS20392-2C41 . PIN, Flat head 1
AN960- lOL . WASHER 1
MS24665- l 30 . PIN, Cotter 1

-12 MS20392-2Cl7 . PIN, Flat head 1

AN960-10L . WASHER 1
MS24665- l 30 . PIN, Cotter
----o----Rubber, inbd strap cushion

-13 205-8-114-19 . . STRIP, Rubber, outbd strap cushion 1

205-8-114-21 . . STRIP, 1

-.2. 24.,.
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Units .0

Uaab .
Part Numb.,
1 2 3 . 5 6

on code

2/7 -14 205-8-114-15 .. BOLT, Eye 1

MS2l042L3 .. NUT 1
-15 205-8-114-17 .. NUT 1
-16 205-8-114-23 . . SPACER 1
-17 205-8-115-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Cushion 1
Attaching parts
-18 AN3-3A . BOLT 2

-19 205-8-115-13 .. PAD, Rubber 1

-20 205-8-109-32 . HOSE, MIL-H-6000, size 3/BxlO 1
in ( Bl)
Attaching parts
-21 AN737TW26 . CLAMP, Tangential

A = Serial 001 to 1-09

B = Serial 1- l'Q & on

Note - For serial 001 to 1-09, Part N •

205-8-361-01 (Index No, 6).
May be used for spares in conj Im-
ction with 205-8-097-11 (Index !No. E
205-8-124-11 (Index No, 8A)
205-8-097-13 (Index No. 8G)
and pertinent attaching parts
(Index No, SB)

Model S208 Section II
Group 2


Figure 2 /8. Aileron and Flap Assemblies

- 2.26 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 2 Wing

Figure and Units _g U,ob.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
'f<( on code

2 /8 205-4-007 AILERON ASSY, Wing LH (For NHA 1

see fig.2/1)
205-4-006 AILERON ASSY, Wing RH (For NHA 1
see fig. 2/1)

- 1 205-4-003 . STRUCTURE ASSY, Aileron & flap LH 1

205-4-002 . STRUCTURE ASSY, Aileron & flap RH 1

- 2 205-4-007-11 . PLATE, Aileron hinge inbd 2

Attaching parts
- 3 AN3-3A . BOLT 4
NAS1252-10L . WASHER

- 4 205-4-007-12 . PLATE, Aileron hinge outbd 2

Attaching parts
- 5 AN3-3A BOLT 4
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 4
- 6 205-4-009 . WEIGHT, Aileron balanceLH 1
205-4-008 . WEIGHT, Aileron balance RH 1
Attaching parts
- 7 AN3-3A BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 1

- 8 MS27039-1-07 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-1 OL . WASHER 2
- 9 205-4-007-13 . TAB 1

205-4-005 FLAP ASSY, Wing LH (For NHA see 1

fig. 2 /1)
205-4-004 FLAP ASSY, Wing RH (For NHA see 1
fig. 2 / 1)
Attaching parts
-10 NAS1104-16D BOLT 8
AN960-416 . ·WASHER 8
AN320-4 NUT 8
MS24665-153 PIN, Cotter 8
' '
-11 205-4-003 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Aileron & flap LH 2
205-4-002 . STRUCTURE ASSY, Aileron & flap RH . 2
-12 205-4-005-01 . BALCKET, Flap ctr! attaching 1

Model S 208
~ Section II
Group 2 ~ Wing

Figur• and Units ..0 Usab.

Index Part DESCRIPTION per 0
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy > an code

2/8 Attaching parts

-13 MS27039-1-07 SCREW 4
AN960-10L WASHER 4

-14 205-4-005-11
PLATE, Flap hinge 8
Attaching parts
-15 AN3-3A . BOLT 3
NAS1252-10L WASHER 3

-16 205-4-005-14
. ROLLER, Flanged, flap track 8
-17 205-4-005-15 WASHER, Flanged 8
-18 205-4-005-16 . SPACER 8
-19 205-4-005-17 . PLATE, Flap splice, upper 1
Attaching parts
-20 MS27039-1-07 . SCREW 6
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 6
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
--- -o-- --
-21 205-4-005-18 . PLATE, Flap splice, lower 1
Attaching parts
-22 MS27039-1-07 . SCREW 4
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 4

Model S208 ~ Se-ction 11
Group 2

Figure Z/9. Wing Tip Fuel Tank Installation (Optional)

Model S 208 SoctiOft II
Group Z Wing

FltUN ~ Units j Ueall.

Part Number
A~•:y J on code

2/9 205-8-198-01 TANK INSTL, Fuel wing tip LH 1 NP

205-8-198-02 TANK INSTL, Fuel wing tip RH 1 NP
205-8-193-01 • TANK ASSY, Fuel wing tip LH 1
205-8-193-02 • TANK ASSY, Fuel wing tip RH 1
Attaching parts
- 1 MS27039-I-08 • SCREW 18
- Z 205-8-193-03 •• SHELL ASSY, Wing tip tank LH 1
205-8-193-04 •• SHELL ASSY, Wing tip tank RH 1
- 3 99871 C098 •• RECEPTACLE, Fastener (Airloc) 1
- 4 205-8-194-03 •• DOOR ASSY, Filler cap & 1
Attaching parts
- 5 205-8-194-31 •• PIN, Hinge 1
- --- -o- - - -
- 6 98264-1-180 • • • STUD, Fastener (Airloc) 2
2E005-l • • • WASHER, Rubber 2
997 85-2 • • • PIN, Fastener stud 2
- 7 205-8-195-01 •• TRANSMITTER, Fuel quantity 1
Attaching parts
- 8 MSZ0073-03-05 •• BOLT 5
MS35338-43 •• WASHER, Lock spring 5
NAS1252-10H •• WASHER 5
- 9 205-8~097-11 •• GASKET, Fuel transmitter 1
-10 5010B •• CAP ASSY,
Filler (Moeller) 1
-11 205-8-194-29 •• GASKET, Drain plug _ 1
-12 205-8-194-05 •• PLUG ASSY, Drain with screen 1
-13 CCA4850 •• COCK, Drain ( Curtis) 1
-14 AN3033-14 •• LIGHT ASSY, Red (See fig. 8/Z) Ref
AN3033-15 •• LIGHT ASSY, Green (See !lg. 8/Z) Ref

Model S208 Section II
Group 3


Figure 3 /1. Tail Installation

-3. 1-
M.odel S 208 Stctiu II
Group 3 Tail

Figur• end
Nu.m ber
J! U•~-
oe1 code
' 2 3 4 5 l <

3 /1 27000Al TAIL INSTL (For NBA see fig. 1) 1 I.NP

- I 27002-00 STABILIZER & FIN INSTL (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 3 /2)
- 2 27050-00 ELEVATOR & RUDDER INSTL (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 3 /3)
- 3 205-7-057-03 TUBE, Torque, elevator 2
Attaching parts
- 4 AN960-1 OL WASHER 4
MS2I042L3 NUT 4
- 5 205-7-057-02 . ARM ASSY, Elevator ctrl 1
Attaching parts
- 6 AN3-6A . BOLT 4
AN960-10L WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . NUT 4

- 7 AN173-6A BOLT 1
AN960-10L . WASHER 1
MS2l042L3 . NUT
----0 .............
... 8 MS2726IKSP3 . . BEARING, Ball, self aligning 1
- 9 LSS4 .BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1
-10 205-7-057-04 TUBE, Torque, rudder 1
Attaching parts
-11 AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 . NUT

-12 205-7-057-01 BELLCRANK ASSY, Rudder ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-13 AN3-5A BOLT 4
MS21042L3 NUT 4

-14 ANl 73-7A . BOLT 1

AN960-1 OL . WASHER 1
MS21042L:3 . NUT 1
-15 MS27261 KSP3 BEARING 1
-16 MS252 77-2 LIGHT ASSY, Anticollision ( See fig. 8 /9) Ref

-3. 2 ...
Model S208
Group 3

TAIL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


5 6

r:1 4

Figure 3 /2. Stabilizer and Fin Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group :3 Tail

Figur• and Units .a Uaab .

Index Part Numh<,r DESCRIPTION per
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
'f on code

3 /2 27002-00 STABILIZER & FIN INSTL (For NHA 1 lNP

- 1 205-7-002-01 STABILIZER ASSY 2
Attaching parts
- 2 ANl 75-5 BOLT, Front spar , upper 2
AN960-516 WASHER 2
MS21042L5 NUT 2

- 3 AN175-6 BOLT, Front spar, lower~and rear 6

AN960-516L WASHER 6
MS21042L5 NUT 6
- 4 205-7-002-11 SKIN 1
- 5 205-7-002-03 CHANNEL, With bolts 4
- 6 205-7-002-13 BRACKET, Outbd and center hinge 4
Attaching parts
- 7 AN960-1 OL WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
- 8 205-7-002-19 DOOR 1
Attaching par ts
- 9 , MS27039-0805 SCREW

-10 205-7-061-01 TUBE ASSY, Trim ctrl chain guard 1

Attaching parts
-11 MS27039-0805 SCREW 1
-12 04 -4 11 3 0-1 1 CLAMP, Tube retainer 1
Attaching parts
-13 MS35207-262 SCREW 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
--. -o----
-14 205-7-002-01 FIN ASSY, Equal to stabilizer assy 1
Attaching parts
-15 ANl 75-5 BOLT, Front spar 4
AN960-516L WASHER 4
MS21042L5 NUT 4

-16 ANl 75-7 BOLT, Rear spar 4

AN960-516L . WASHER 4
MS2104 2L5 NUT 4
-17 205-7-063-11 TIP, Stabilizer and fin :3

Model S208 Section II
Group 3 Tail

Figure and Units ..ri

..!! Usab .
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per 0
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy > on code

3 /2 Attaching parts
-18 MS35206-230 . SCREW 11
NAS1252-6L . WASHER, Plain 11
MS35333-37 . WASHER, Lock 11
-19 205-7-063-13 . TIP, Fin, anticollision light (Optional) 1
205-7-063-15 . TIP, Fin, anticollision light with 1
cutout for VOR antenna (Optional)

-20 205-8-086-13 . DOUBLER 1

Model S208 Section II
Group 3







o' '(
" :
''1 -J'

Figure 3 /3. Elevator and Rudder Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 3 Tail

Figure and
Part Number DESCRIPTION ,.,

on cod•
1 2 3 4 5 6 <(

3 /3 27050-00 ELEVATOR & RUDDER INSTL (For 1 NP

NHA see fig. 3 /1)
205-7-050-01 .ELEVATOR ASSY, LH 1
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-11A BOLT 2
AN960-1 OL .WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
- 2 205-7-050-11 SKIN, Leading edge 1
- 3 205-7-050-13 SKIN, Upper aft 1
205-7-050-15 SKIN, Lower aft 1
- 4 205-7-050-07 CHANNEL, With bolts 1
- 5 205-7-055-01 BRACKET ASSY, Hinge 2
Attaching parts
- 6 AN960-1 OL WASHER 4
MS21042L3 NUT 4
- 7 MS27261KSP3L . BEARING, Ball, self aligning 1
- 8 205-7-050-09 CHANNEL, With bolts 2
- 9 205-7-054-13 . HINGE HALF, Trim tab 1
-10 205-7-056 TIP, Elevator 1

205-7-050-03 . ELEVA TOR ASSY, RH 1

205-7-050-05 . RUDDER ASSY 1
Attaching parts
-11 AN3-11A BOLT 2
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-12 205-7-050-11 SKIN, Leading edge 1
-13 205-7-050-17 SKIN, Aft, elev. upper & rudder LH 2
205-7-050-19 SKIN, Aft, elev. lower & rudder RH 2
-14 205-7-050-07 CHANNEL, With bolts 4
-15 205-7-055-01 BRACKET ASSY I Hinge 2
Attaching parts
-16 AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 .. NUT

-17 MS27261KSP3L . BEARING, Ball, self aligning 1

-18 205-7-050-09 . CHANNEL, With bolts 2
-19 205-7-056 . TIP, Elevator an rudder 1
-20 205-7-050-33 . TAB, Rudder only 1
-21 205-7-053 . TAB ASSY, Elevator trim 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 3 Tail

Figure and Units .a

Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

Uaob .

on code

3 /3 Attaching parts
-22 205-7-053-19 PIN, Hinge, inbd 1
205-7-053-21 PIN, Hinge, outbd 1
-23 205-7-053-23 HORN, Tab ctrl 1
-24 205-7-054-11 HINGE HALF, Tab 1

Model S208
Group 4


Figure .
4/1 · Alighting G ea r Genera 1 Arrangement

-4. 1 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Unita ..0
Figure and Usab.
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

an code

4/1 205-9-000Al ALIGHTING GEAR, General arrangement 1 NP

(For NHA see fig. 1)
- 1 205-9-l 50Al GEAR INSTL, Nose landing (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 4 /2)
- 2 205-6-063-01 . STEERING INS TL, Nose landing Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 4/5
- 3 205-9-060Sl . GEAR INSTL, Main landing LH Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 4 /6)
205-9-060Dl GEAR INSTL, Main landing RH Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 4 /6)

- 4 205-6-201-03 SYSTEM INSTL, LG retract (For Ref

breakdown see fig. 4/9)
- 5 205-6-217-01 . DRIVE INS TL, LG emergency exteh- Ref
sion (For breakdown see fig. 4 /10)
- 6 205-8-322-03 . SYSTEM INSTL, Brake, single Ref
(For breakdown see fig.4/11)
205-8-332-03 SYSTEM INSTL, Brake, dual (Optional) Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 4 / 12)

Model S208 Section II
Group 4


~ '-----.
"" ', "--
,OD· /, 13'
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f;;>f ). .
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/,, ,


14 16

Figur e 4 /2. Nose Lan ding Gear Installation

-4. 3-
Model S 208 Section · II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

F igur• and
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

4/2 205-9-150Al GEAR INSTL, Nose landing (For NHA 1 NP

see fig.4/1)
- 1 205-9-150-03 GEAR ASSY, Nose landing (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 4 /3)
- 2 205-9-142-103 . BRACE ASSY, Nose gear drag
Attaching parts
- 3 AN4-14A BOLT 2
AN960-416L WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . NUT 2
- 4 205-9-132-13 SPACER 1
- 5 NAS1105-26D • BOLT 1
AN960-516L • WASHER 1
AN320-5 • NUT 1
MS24665-136 . PI,N_, __ s;.9!te_r 1
- 6 205-9-144-03 . • ARM ASSY, Microswiteh actuating 1
Attaching parts
- 7 AN4-7A •. BOLT 2
NASl 252-416L •• WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . . NUT 2
- 8 205-9-144-15 . BRACKET, Actuating switch 1
Attaching parts
- 9 NAS1096-2-10 SCREW 1
MS21042L08 NUT 1
-10 205-9-142-29 BUSHING, Spacer 1
-11 NAS1105-15D BOLT 1
AN960-516L WASHER 1
AN320-5 NUT 1
MS24665-136 PIN, Cotter 1
-12 205-1-059-15 PIN, Rear brace attaching 2
-13 205-1-059-14 , WASHER 2
-14 205-6-247-11 LOOP, Wheel up braking 1
Attaching parts
-15 205-6-247-13 PLATE 1
-16 MS27039-0811 SCREW :3
MS21042L08 . NUT 3
-17 5.00-5 • TIRE, 6 ply rating (Goodyear or equiv.) 1
-18 5,00-5 TUBE, (Goodyear or equivalent) 1

-4. 4-
Model S208 Stctlon II
Group 4




I 14

I 39


Figure 4/3 · Nose Landing G ear A ssembly

. -4. 5-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Units ...;
Figure ond .!? U1ob.
Port Number
123456 Any
'i<( on code

4/3 205-9-150-03 GEAR ASSY, Nose (For NHA see fig. 4/2) 1
- 1 205-9-133 PIN, Gear attaching 2
- 2 AN3-13A BOLT 2
NAS1252-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

- 3 205-9-134 . WASHER 2
- 4 205-9-101-05 BRACE, Nose gear 1
- 5 205-9-102 . . BEARING, NLG brace 2
- 6 205-9-140-11 . PLATE DA TA, NLG strut 1
- 7 MS15720-1 . FITTING, Lubricator 2
- 8 205-9-103 . CYLINDER, NLG strut 1
- 9 205-9-151-11 . BEARING, NLG strut 1
-10 AN6227-32 PACKING, Bearing ''O'' ring 1
-11 AN6227-30 PACKING, Bearing ''O'' ring 1
-12 205-9-106 NUT, Bearing retainer 1
-13 205-9-044 . RING, Felt, wiper 1
-14 205-9-107 . BARREL, NLG strut 1
-15 205-9-152-11 . NUT, Ring, barrel retainer 1
-16 205-9-112 . RING, Snap 1
-17 205-9-113 PISTON, Metering valve 1
-18 AN6227-24 . PACKING, Piston ''O'' ring 1
-19 205-9-118 . VAL VE, Metering 1
-20 205-9-117 . PLATE, Orifice, metering valve 1
,;.21 MS16625-1112 . RING, Retainer 1
-22 205-9-119 NUT, Cylinder retainer 1
-23 205-9-120 NUT, Spanner 1

205-9-145-01 YOKE ASSY, Steering ctrl 1

-24 205-9-145-03 . . BAR, Cross, with guide 1
-25 205-9-145-17 . . ROLLER 2
Attaching parts
-26 AN3-7A . BOLT 1
AN960-10L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-27 205-9-145-15 BUSHING 2
-28 205-9-146-13 . . BRACKET, Angle 1
Attaching parts
-29 MS35207-261 . . SCREW 2
NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 NUT 2
-30 205-9-122 . FERRULE, Steering yoke retainer 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Fleur• oncl
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
on cod•

4/3 -31 205-9-121 . NUT, Spanner 2

-32 AN6227-I2 . PACKING, Piston gland 11 0 11 ring 1
-33 MS24690 • GASKET 1
-34 205-9-146-15 . NIPPLE 1
-35 205-9-146-03 . ELBOW ASSY 1
-36 AN3 I6-7R . NUT 1
-37 205-9-146-17 . BUSHING, Reducer l
-38 MS28889-1 VALVE ASSY, Air charge 1
-39 205-9-124 .• LINK ASSY, Torque 2
Attaching parts
-40 205-9-137-11 . PIN, Headless (Quantity for two links) 1
-41 205-9-138-11 • PIN, Headless (Quantity for two links) 1
-42 MS20392-1C2I . PIN, Flat head 1
MS24665- l 32 • PIN, Cotter 1
-43 205-9-153-11 . BOLT, (Quantity for two links) 1
AN960-516L . WASHER, (Quantity for two links) 2
AN320-5 . NUT, (Quantity for two links) 1
MS24665 - 136 . PIN, Cotter (Quantity for two links)
-44 205-9-126 .. BUSHING 3
-45 205-9-154-01 .. FITTING, Lubricator 5
-46 205-9-127 . FORK, Nose gear 1
Attaching parts
-47 AN509-416R5 .. SCREW 6
AN960-416L . WASHER 6
MS21042L4 . NUT

-48 9532926 . WHEEL ASSY, Nose Ref

(For bkdw see fig.4/4)
Attaching parts
-49 205-9-128 • AXLE, NLG wheel 1
-50 205-9-129 . FERRULE, Wheel end 2
-51 205-9-130 • SFACER, NLG wheel 2
-52 205-9-131 . WASHER, Shim, laminated 2
-53 AN5-63 . BOLT I
AN960-516L . WASHER 2
MS21042LS • NUT 1

-4. 7-
Model S208 Stctlofl II
Group 4



Figure 4 /4. Nose Wheel Assembly
Model S208 II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and Units .a Usob.

lndo>< Port Number DESCRIPTION p,,r
Assy ~ on code
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 <

4/4 9532926 WHEEL ASSY, NLG (Goodyear) (For 1

NHA see fig.4/3)
- 1 9541898 . WHEEL HALF, (Goodyear) 1
- 2 LM6701 OXL . CUP, Bearing, Tyseal ( Tyson) 1
- 3 9525675 .
PLATE DATA, (Goodyear) 1
- 4 9541899 WHEEL HALF, (Goodyear) 1
Attaching parts
- 5 AN4-14A BOLT 3
AN960-416 WASHER 3
MS21042L4 . NUT

- 6 LM67010XL . CUP, Bearing, Tyseal (Tyson) 1

- 7 9525676 PLATE DATA, (Goodyear) 1
- 8 LM67048XL . CONE, Bearing, Tyseal ( Tyson) 1
- 9 5.00-5 TIRE - 6 ply rating (See fig. 4/2) Ref
-10 5.00-5 TUBE, (See fig. 4/2) Ref

-4. 9-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4

I --... ~ ',,
I I ,,
22 \I'
"" ''\,

'\ \
\\ I




12 M 13 l2
~ 15
16 V~ I
---Q::---0 J:) D- -GIUU!lll:::====~C:;):•======>-_J._
Figure 4 /5. Nose Gear Ste ering
. Installation
-4. 1 0-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure ond
Units 1 Uaob.
Port Number
Number 123456 A~•:y ] on code

4/5 205-6-063-105 STEERING INSTL, Nose LG (For NHA 1 NP

see fig.4/1)
- 1 205-6-245-01 . SUPPORT ASSY, Nose LG bellcrank
Attaching parts
- 2 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
- 3 205-6-245-17 . . BUSHING 2
- 4 205-6-062-105 . BELLCRANK ASSY, NLG steering 1
Attaching parts
- 5 MS20002C8 WASHER 1
- 6 205-6-062-15 BUSHING 1
- 7 NAS387-1032-14f . SCREW 1
AN960-10L . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT 1
- 8 . BUSHING 2
- 9 205-6-062-17 CAM, Steering adjusting 2
Attaching parts
-10 IAN960-1
NASll 03-6
. BOLT 2
. . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . . NUT 2

-11 205-6-114-01
. CABLE ASSY, Steering ctrl 2
Attaching parts
-12 AN23-ll BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
AN320-3 . NUT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 2
-13 205-6-114-03 . . CABLE SUBASSY, Steering ctrl 1
-14 MS21251B5S . . BARREL, Turnbuckle 1
-15 MS21256-1 . CLAMP, Locking, turnbuckle 2
-16 205-6-111 . . FORK 1
-17 MS24566-3B ". PULLEY, Cable 2
Attaching parts
-18 AN4-10A . BOLT 1
AN960-416L . WASHER 1
MS21042L4 . NUT 1
-19 MS20392-1C21 . PIN, Cable guard 2
MS24665-130 . PIN, Cotter 2

-20 205-2-014-01 . FAIRLEAD ASSY, Cable, firewall 2

-21 205-9-150-03 GEAR ASSY, Nose, (See fig.4/3) Ref
- 22 2 0 5 - 6- 04 0 PEDAL INSTL, Rudder (See fig. 5/7) ij, ef
-4. 11-
Model S208
Section II
Group 4






30 26

Figure 4/6. Main Landi ng Gear Installation

-4. 12-
Model S 208 II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Units .0
Figure ond
Port Humber
I 2 3 ,4 5 6

Uaob ..
on code

4/6 205-9-060Sl GEAR INSTL, Main landing LH (For 1 NP

NHA see fig. 4 /1)
205-9-060Dl GEAR INSTL, Main landing RH (For 1 NP
NHA see fig. 4 /1)

- 1 205-9-060-02 . GEAR ASSY, Main LH (For breakdown Ref

see fig. 4/7)
205-9-061-02 . GEAR ASSY, Main RH (For breakdown Ref
see fig. 4 /7)

205-9-052-01 BRACE ASSY, MLG drag 1

Attaching parts
- 2 · NAS 11 08-13D . BOLT 2
AN960-816 WASHER 2
AN320-8 . NUT 2
MS24665-285 . PIN, Cotter 2

- 3 205-9-047-11 BOLT, Eye 1

AN960-816 . WASHER 1
AN320-8 NUT 1
MS24665-353 . PIN, Cotter 1
- 4 . 205-9-052-03 . . ARM ASSY, Inbd drag brace 1
-5 205-9-052-19 . . BUSHING, Flanged 2
-6 205-9-052-25 PIN 1
- 7 LSS4 .. BEARING, Uniball spherical(Heim) 1
-8 MS15720-1 . FITTING, Lubricator 1
-9 205-9-052-07 . JOINT ASSY, Knee 1
Attaching parts
-10 AN310-8 . . NUT 2
MS35338-48 . . WASHER, Lock 2
AN960-816L .. WASHER, Plain 2
MS24665-285 . . PIN, Cotter 2
-11 205-9-052-21 . . BUSHING 1
-12 NAS 11 08-13D . . BOLT 1
205-9-052-23 . . WASHER, Bolt head 1
AN960-816 . . . WASHER 1
AN320-8 . . ·, NUT 1
· MS24665-285 . . PIN, Cotter 1
-13 205-9-052-05 ARM ASSY, Outbd drag brace 1
-14 205-9-052-19 .. . BUSHING 1
-15 MSl 572 0-1 .. . FITTING, Lubricator 1

-4. 13-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and Units U1ob .
Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 Au,y "i<( on codo

4/6 -16 205-9-052-21 BUSHING 2

-17 205-9-053-03 BRACKET ASSY, Actuating switch 1
Attaching parts
-18 AN3-7A BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-19 205-3-021-01 DOOR ASSY, MLG LH 1
205-3-021-02 DOOR ASSY, MLG RH 1
-20 205-3-021-29 PIN, Hinge 1
-21 205-3-021-25 HINGE HALF, Door 1
-22 2 0 5 - :3 - 0 2 1 - 2 7 HINGE HALF, Wing 1
-23 205-3-021- 3 1 SEAL, Rubber strip, 14 in long (Bl) 2

205-3-021-07 FITTING ASSY, Door ctrl rod 1

Attaching parts
-24 MS35206-228 SCREW 4
-25 205-3-021-05 PLATE 1
-26 205-3-019-11 BOLT, Eye 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

-27 04 - 12 9 3 8 - 11 . BUSHING 2

205-3-030-01 ROD ASSY, Door c trl 1

Attaching parts
-28 AN3-7 BOLT 2
AN310-3 NUT 2
MS24665-l 32 PIN, Cotter 2
-29 2 05-:3 -03 0-03 FORK, Rod end 2
-:30 AN316-4R NUT, Check 2
-31 205-:3-030-11 ROD 1
-32 205-:3-029-17 JOINT, Swivel 1
Attaching parts
-33 AN3-7 BOLT 1
AN310-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

-4. 14 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Fi9ure ond
Port Number
I 2 3 4 5 6
Uaob .
4/6-34 205-3-029-19 BUSHING 1
-35 205-3-029-21 BUSHING 1
-36 205-3-029-03 . CLAMP 1
Attaching parts
-37 AN3-l 2A . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-38 6.00-6 . TIRE, 6 ply rating (Goodyear or equiv.) 1
-39 6.00-6 . TUBE, (Goodyear or equivalent) 1
-40 205-9-055-11 . DISC, Wheel cover 1
Attaching parts
-41 MS35206-241 . SCREW 3
MS35338-42 • WASHER, Lock 3

-4. 15-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4





i..__ , ----~
- ·-- • __J

Figure 4 / 7 . Marn
. Landing Gear Assembly
-4. 16-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and Unih j Uaab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456
Auy !
on cod•

4 /7 205-9-060-02 GEAR ASSY, Main landing LH (For 1

NHA see fig.4/6)
205-9-061-02 GEAR ASSY, Main landing RH (For 1
NHA see fig. 4 /6)
- l 205-9-041-11 WASHER, Shim fwd, . 020 thick l
205-9-041-13 WASHER, Shim fwd, . 040 thick l
205-9-041-15 WASHER, Shim fwd, . 060 thick l
205-9-041-17 WASHER, Shim fwd, . 080 thick 1
- 2 205-9-042-11 WASHER, Shim rear, . 02 0 thick 1
205-9-042-13 WASHER, Shim rear, . 040 thick 1
205-9-042-15 WASHER, Shim rear, . 060 thick l

- 3 205-9-012-05 BRACE ASSY, MLG LH 1

205-9-013-05 BRACE ASSY, MLG RH 1
- 4 205-9-012-13 BUSHING 1
- 5 205-9-048-11 PLA 1 E DATA, MLG strut LH l
2 05-9-048-12 PLATE DATA, MLG strut RH 1
- 6 MS15720-1 FITTING, Lubricator 1
- 7 205-9-024 CYLINDER & AXLE ASSY, MLG LH 1

- 8 205-9-062-11 BEARING, MLG cylinder 1

- 9 AN6227-32 PACKING, Bearing ''O'' ring 1
-10 AN6227-30 . PACKING, Bearing ''O'' ring 1
- 11 2 0 5 - 9 - 04 4 RING, Felt, wiper l
-12 205-9-106 NUT, Bearing retainer l
-13 205-9-152-11 NUT, Cylinder retainer l
-14 205-9-112 RING, Snap 1
-15 205-9-030 PISTON, Metering valve 1
-16 AN6227-23 PACKING. Piston ''O'' ring 1
-17 205-9-033 . VALVE, Metering 1
-18 205-9-034 PLATE, Orifice, metering valve 1
-19 MS16625-1112 . RING, Orifice plate retainer 1
-20 205-9-050 CAP, Cylinder 1
-21 205-9-121 . NUT, Spanner 2
-22 205-9-038 WASHER 1
-23 AN6227-12 PACKING, Piston gland ''O'' ring 1
-24 MS28889-1 . VALVE, Air charge 1
-25 205-9-035 LINK ASSY, Torque 2
Attaching parts
-26 205-9-043-11 PIN, Headless 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Fi9ur• and Units ...0 Uaolt.

lnd•x Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Numb., 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'f on code

4./7 -27 MS20392- l C27 . PIN, Flat head l

MS24665- l 30 . PIN, Cotter I
-28 205-9-063-Il . BOLT, Link interconnecting l
AN960-516L . WASHER l
AN320-5 . NUT 1
MS24665 - 134 . PIN, Cotter
-29 205-9-036 . . BUSHING, Link fork end 2
-30 205-9-049 . . BUSHING, Link male end 1
-31 205-9-154-01 . FITTING, Lubricator 3
-32 9532522 . WHEEL ASSY, MLG (See fig. 4/ 8) Ref
Attaching parts
-13 205-9-039 . WASHER l
-34 205-9-040 . NUT, Spanner
-35 953218) . BRAKE ASSY, MLG (See fig. 4/ 8) Ref
Attaching parts
-36 NAS145DH14 . BOLT 3
AN960-5I6L . WASHER 3

-37 NAS146DH14 . BOLT 3

AN960-616L . WASHER

-4. 18-
Model S208 SectlM 18
Group 4




10 '


Figure 4 /8. Main Wheel and Brake Assembly

-4. 19-
Model S 208 II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and Unit a ..0 U.ab .

lndo1< Part Number DESCRIPTION por
Number I 2 3 4 5 6 Au.y
'f on code

4/8 9532522 WHEEL ASSY, MLG (Goodyear) (For 2

NRA see fig. 4 /7)
- l 9524201 WHEEL HALF, Inbd (Goodyear) 1
- 2 9525059 CLIP, Disc (Goodyear) 3
- 3 13830 . CUP, Bearing (Timken) or equivalent 1
- 4 9525391 PLATE DATA, Adhesive (Goodyear) 1
- 5 9524318 WHEEL HALF, Outbd (Goodyear) 1
Attaching parts
- 6 NAS144-23 BOLT 3
MS20002C4 WASHER, Counter sunk 3
MS2Q002-4 WASHER, Plain 3
MS21042L4 NUT 3
- 7 13830 . CUP, Bearing (Timken) or equivalen 1
- 8 9525392 . PLATE DATA, Adhesive (Goodyear) 1
- 9 13889 CONE, Bearing ( Timken) or equivalent 2
-10 9524218 SEAL, Bearing (Goodyear) 2
-11 9524491 CLIP, Valve (Goodyear) 1
Attaching parts
-12 AN504-8R8 SCREW, Self tapping 1

9532181 BRAKE ASSY, (Goodyear) (For NHA 2

see fig . 4 /7)
-13 9541458 HOUSING, Brake (Goodyear) 1
-14 9521184 BUSHING, Mounting bolt (Goodyear) 1
-15 9524223 PISTON, (Goodyear) 1
-16 AN6230-2 PACKING, Piston ''O'' ring 1
-17 9524343 HEAD, Cylinder (Goodyear) 1
-18 AN6230-3 PACKING, Cylinder head ''O'' ring 1
-19 MS16625-1212 RING, Retainer 1
-20 511846-4 WASHER, Bleeder (Goodyear) 1
-:-21 AN502-10-6 SCREW, Bleeder 1
-22 MS28778-4 GASKET, Inlet 1
-23 9520448 PLUG, Inlet (Goodyear) 1
-24 9511269 LINING, Piston (Goodyear) 1
-25 9511271 LINING, Disc (Goodyear) 1
-26 9532277 DISC, Brake (Goodyear) 1
~27 9525433 PLATE DATA, Adhesive (Goodyear) 1
-28 6.00-6 TIRE, 6 ply rating (See fig. 4/6) Ref
-29 6.00-6 TUBE, (See fig.4/6) Ref

-4. 2 0-
Model S208
Section II
Group 4


Figure 4 /9, Landing Gear Retract System Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Flour• an• Unih .a u.. it.

In••• Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Numb.r 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'i on code

4/9 205-6-201-03 SYSTEM INSTL, Landing gear retract l NF

(For NHA see fig. 4/ 1)
- 1 423W3 • ACTUATOR, Landing gear (Lear) 1
Attaching parts
- 2 N AS 1 1 0 5 - 2 1 D . BOLT 2
NAS1252-516H . WASHER 2
AN320-5 • NUT 2
MS24665-134 • PIN, Cotter 2

205-6-209-01 . BOX ASSY, Emergency extension 1

drive (When exhausted use
205-6-209-05 . BOX ASSY, Emergency extension 1
(Alternate for 205-6-209-01)
Attaching parts
- 3 NAS1103-2 . BOLT 3
NAS1252-10H . WASHER 3
MS21042L3 • NUT 3

- 4 NASl 104-4 . BOLT, Upper 2

NAS1252-416H . WASHER 2
MS21042L4 • NUT 2

- 5 NAS1103-4 . BOLT, Lower 2

NAS1252-10H . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . NUT

-6 205-6-209-03 . . BOX 1
-7 205 - 6-214-11 . • SUPPORT HALF 2
Attaching parts
- 8 NAS1104-36 . . BOLT 2
NAS1252-416H • • WASHER 2
MS2l042L4 •• NUT 2
- 9 205-6-214-15 . • FORK, Actuator attaching 1
-10 OlAPPL .. BEARING, Ball (Riv) 1
- 11 205-6-214-13 . • SPROCKET, Chain, emergency l
Attaching parts
-12 AN4-12A .. BOLT 1
AN960-416 .. WASHER 1
MS21042L4 . • NUT
-121 205-6-214-19 . • WASHER 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

fl9ure en4' Uaolt.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
- Number 123456 Any on code

4/9 -12B ELP17 •• BEARING, Ball (Riv) l

-12C 205-6-214-17 •• HOUSING, Bearing ball 1
-13 205-6-223-01 • TUBE ASSY, Torque 1
Attaching parts
-14 205-6-226-11 ~ BOLT 1
NAS 1252-5 I6L • WASHER 2
MS21042L5 • NUT 2

-15 PLUG ASSY, Torque tube 2
-16 LSS4 .. • BEARING, Uniball, spherical

-17 LSS4 .. BEARING, Uniball, spherical l

-18 205-6-208-09 • ROD ASSY, MLG ctrl outbd LH 1
205-6-208-10 • ROD ASSY, MLG ctrl outbd RH I
Attaching parts
.. 19 NAS 1104- 8D • BOLT 2
NAS1252-416H • WASHER z
AN320-4 • NUT 2
MS24665-l 34 • PIN, Cotter 2
-20 205-6-248-11 ••
Clevis 2
.. 21 AN316-5R • • NUT, 2
-22 205-6-208-07 • TUBE, LH
0 1
205-6-208-08 TUBE, RH 1
-23 205-6-208-25 •• WASHER 1
-24 205-6-208-21 TERMINAL, Spring guide 1
Attaching parts
-25 NAS1 l04-16D
AN320-4 •• NUT I
MS24665- l 34 •• PIN, Cotter 1
-26 205-6-205-13 ••
·Z7 205-6-208-23 • • WASHER 1
-28 205-6-246-01 • ADAPTER, Ctrl rod sealing boot LH 1
205-6-246-0Z • ADAPTER, Ctrl rod •ealing boot RH 1
-29 205-6-233-01 • BOOT ASSY, MLG ctrl rod sealing 2
Attaching parts
MS35206-230 • SCREW 4
MS35337-37 • WASH ER, Lock 4
--- . o----
-30 205-6-207-05 • ROD ASSY, MLG inbd 1

Model s 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Fl9ure ond Uaob.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456 on code

4/9 Attaching parts

-31 NAS1104-8D • BOLT 2
NAS1252-416H • WASHER .z
AN320-4 • NUT 2
MS24665-134 • PIN, Cotter 2
-32 205-6-207-07 •• TUBE I
-33 AN316-5R •• NUT, Check 2
-34 205-6-248-11 •• ROD END, Clevis 2

205-6-213-01 • BELL CRANK ASSY, MLG ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-35 AN4- IOA • BOLT 3
NAS1252-416L • WASHER 3
MS2l042L4 • NUT 3
-36 205-6-213-03 •• BELLCRANK &: BOLT ASSY l
Attaching parts
-37 AN960-5 l 6L •• WASHER 1
MS2I042L5 •• NUT I
. ----o----
-38 LSS4 • • • BEARING, Uniball, spherical 2
-39 205-6-213-13 •• BODY, Bellcrank support 1
-40 MS2.020IKP5A •• BEARING, Ball 1
-41 MS2020IKP10A •• BEARING, Ball I
-42 205-6-206~09 • ROD ASSY, MLG rear 1
Attaching parts
-43 NASI I04-8D • BOLT 2
NAS I252-416H • WASHER 2
AN320-4 • NUT 2
MS24665-134 • PIN, Cotter 2
-44 205-6-206-07 •• TUBE 1
-45 205-6-208-25 WASHER 1
-46 205-6-206-15 • • TERMINAL, Spring guide 1
Attaching parts
-47 NASl 104- I3D •• BOLT 1
AN960-416L •• WASHER 1
AN320-4 •• NUT 1
MS24665-134 • • PIN, Cotter 1
--.--o-- ·-
~48 205-6-205-13 •• SPRING 1
-49 205-6-208-23 •• WASHER 1
-50 AN316-5R .. NUT, Check 1
-51 205-6-248-11 •• ROD END• Clevis 2

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure ancl Units .4

.!1 Uaab .
Incl•• Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
"f on cod•

4/9 - 52 205-6-227-01 . BOOT ASSY, NLG ctrl rod sealing l

-53 205-6-204-01 . F AI READ ASS Y, NLG ctrl rod l
Attaching parts
-54 MS27 039-0808 . SCREW 3
NAS 1252-BL . WASHER 3
MS21042L08 . NUT

-55 205-6-204-13 .. ROLLER 3

Attaching parts
-56 205-6-204-17 .. PIN, Flat head l
MS24665-130 .. PIN, Cotter

-57 205-6-l02-0l . ARM ASSY, Idler, NLG ctrl l

Attaching parts
-58 205-6-202-05 . ANGLE ASSY, Incorporating AN4- 15 1
NAS 1252-416H . WASHER 1
AN320-4 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter

-59 LSS4 .. BEARING, Uni ball, spherical (Heim) 2

-60 205-6-202-13 . BUSHING, Flanged 1
-61 205-6-216-15 . LINK, Gear position mechanical indic. l
Attaching parts
·- 62 AN509-8R9 . SCREW 2
NAS 1252-BL . WASHER 2
MS21042L08 . NUT

-63 205-6-216-03 . ROD, Gear position indicator 1

-64 205-6-216-11 . CUP, Indicator ball housing 1
-65 205-6-216-13 . SEAL, Sponge rubber 1
-66 205-6-203-03 . ROD ASSY, NLG ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-67 NAS1104-8D . BOLT 2
NAS1252-416H . WASHER 2
AN320-4 . NUT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter
-68 AN315-5R .. NUT, Check 2
-69 205-6-203-13 .. ROD 1
-70 205-6-248-11 .. ROD END, Clevis 2
-71 205-6-243-15 . BRACKET, Micros witch 1
-72 205-6-243-03 . BRACKET ASSY, Actuator switch fwd Ref
(See fig. 1 / 8)

Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Fi9ur• and Units .0 Uaall.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
"i on code
Nu111ber 1 2 3 4 S 6
- Any

4/9 -73 205-6-243-04 . BRACKET ASSY, A c tuato switch aft Ref

(See fig. l / 8)

-4. 25a.-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4



I /
~ ~ ~ ,1' ,/

\~~ I



Figure 4 / 10. Landing Gear· Emergency Extension Drive Installation

-4. 2G-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure ond Units Usob.
Ind,,,, Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 123456 Auy on code

4 /10 205-6-217-01 DRIVE INSTL, LG emerg. extension 1

(For NBA see fig.4/1)
205-6-218-09 HANDLE ASSY, Emergency extension 1
Attaching parts
- 1 MS9048-139 PI~,_ ~g.:i::~ 1
- 2 205-6-218-19 KNOB 1
Attaching parts
- 3 NAS1252-416H WASHER 1
AN960-416L WASHER 1
MS21042L4 NUT 1
- 4 205-6-218-21 SPACER 1
- 5 205-6-218-101 BOLT & PAWL ASSY, Handle lock 1
Attaching parts
- 6 MS27039-1-17 SCREW 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1

- 7 ARM ASSY 1
- 8 205-6-218-103 . BUTTON, Push 1
- 9 205-6-218-37 SPRING 1
-10 205-6-231-15 PLATE, Handle stop (See fig. 1 /3) Ref
-11 205-6-231-11 BRACKET, 90° drive, upper (Seefig.1/3 Ref
-12 205-6-231-13 BRACKET, 90° drive, lower (See fig. 1/3 Ref

205-6-230-01 DRIVE ASSY, Emergency extension 90° 1

Attaching parts
-13 MS2 7039-083 2 SCREW 2
NASl 252-8L . WASHER 2
MS21042L08 NUT 2
-14 205-6-228-01 BOX, Split 1
-15 MS27039-0814 . SCREW, Box half connection 3
MS21042L08 NUT 3

-16 . 205-6-229-11 . PINION, Emergencyextensiondrive 2

-17 205-6-219-01 ROD ASSY, Emerg.extensiondrive, fwd 1
Attaching parts
-18 MS27039-0814 . SCREW 2
MS21042L08 NUT 2
-4. 27-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure oncl ·Units .0 u .. tt.

lncle,c DESCRIPTION per
Port Number 'i,c
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 Any - c•
4/10 205-6-215-01 . JOINT ASSY, Universal 1
-19 205-6-215-11 . . FORK, Universal joint 2
-20 205-6-215-17 . BLOCK, Universal joint 1
-21 205-6-215-13 .
PIN, Universal joint 1
-22 205-6-215-15 BUSHING 1
-23 MS20615-3 Ml4 RIVET 1
-24 205-6-219-03 ROD ASSY, Emerg. extension drive, 1
Attaching parts
-25 MS2 7039-0814 SCREW 2
MS21042L08 NUT 2
-26 205-9-058-11 . FAIR LEAD ASSY, Drive rod 1
Attar;hing parts
-27 AN3-7A . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-28 205-6-222-01 SUPPORT ASSY, Sprocket(See fig. 1 /3) Ref
-29 205-6-219-11 SPROCHET, Chain 1
-30 205-6-219-21 SPACER 1
-31 205-6-220-01 CHAIN ASSY 1

205-6-221-01 . STRETCHER ASSY, Chain 1

Attaching parts
-32 AN3-3A . BOLT 1
NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-33 205-6-221-11 . BRACKET, Chain stretcher 1
-34 205-6-221-13 . SPROCKET, Chain 1
Attaching parts
-35 AN3-l OA .. BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L .. WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT

-36 205-6-209-01 BOX ASSY, emergency extension drive Ref

( See fig. 4 / 9)

Model S208
Section II
Group 4


6 17

30 28 21 21, _ 23'--t
~. '1J ..Jll
--07 ·~y,,
26 25 24 22


Figure 4 /11. Brake System Installation ( Single)

Model S 208 S•ction II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and Unih .d Uaob .

Part Number
I 2 3 4 5 6

on cocl.

4 /11 205-8-322-03 SYSTEM INSTL, Brake, single 1 NF

(For NRA see fig. 4 /1)
- 1 205-8-335-01 CYLINDER ASSY, Brake master Ref
(F0r breakdown see fig.4/13)
Attaching parts
- 2 AN23-14 BOLT 1
AN960-1 O WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

- 3 AN23-l 2 BOLT 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1
- 4 AN816-4D NIPPLE, Pipe to thread 2
- 5 MS28741-4-0150 HOSE ASSY, Cylinder 2
- 6 AN832-4D . UNION, Bulkhead 7
NASl 252-716H WASHER 7
AN924-4D NUT 7

- 7 205-8-322-11 LINE ASSY, LH brake fwd l

- 8 2.05-8-322-12 LINE ASSY, RH brake fwd 1
- 9 NS4F001-3 BRACKET, support clamp 2
-10 MS21919DG6 CLAMP, Cushion 4
MS35206-243 SCREW 4
NASl 252-8L .. WASHER 4
MS21042L08 NUT 4

-11 205-8-322-13 LINE ASSY , LH brake rear 1

-12 205-8-322-16 LINE ASSY, RH brake rear inbd 1
-13 205-8-322-18 LINE ASSY, RH brake rear outbd 1
-14 205-8-322-20 BRACKET, Support fitting 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 SCREW 1
NASl 252-8L WASHER 1
MS21042L08 NUT 1
-15 AN74:3-12R BRACKET, Support clamp 4
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 SCREW 1
NASl 252-8L WASHER 1
MS21042L08 NUT 1

-4. 30-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Unita .a u·aob.
F igur• and
Part Number
1 2 3 -4 5 6
on co4e

4/11-16 MS21919DG4 CLAMP, Cushion 7

MS35206-243 SCREW 7
MS21042L08 NUT 7
-17 MS28741-4-0444 HOSE ASSY, Wheel brake 2
-18 205-6-241-11 CLAMP 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-19 AN837-4D ELBOW, Bulkhead 4 5 ° 2

MS28778-4 GASKET 2
MS28777-4 RING, Gasket back-up 2
AN6289D4 NUT 2

205-6-235 BRAKE INSTL, Parking 1 NP

Attaching parts
-20 AN3-3A BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-21 AN507B832R7 SCREW 2

NASl 252-8L WASHER 2
MS21042L08 NUT 2

205-6-236-01 CONTROL ASSY, Parking 1

- 22 04-57311-11 HANDLE, Parking brake ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-23 205-6-236-11 PIN 2
-24 205-6-237-ll SHAFT 1
-25 04 - 5 7 3 14 - 1 1 FITTING, Cable retainer 1
-26 205-6-238-11 .GUIDE, Parking brake ctrl cable 1
-27 04-57315-11 SET SCREW 1
- 28 205-6-239-03 CABLE ASSY, Parking brake ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-29 205-6-239-21 BOLT, Cable clamp 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-30 NS5B066-1 -600 CASE, Cable, 24 in long (BI) 1
-31 205-6-239-05 CABLE ASSY, Cylinder intercon. 1
-32 MS24166-1 B PULLEY, Cable 2

Model S208 S•ctlon II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Unita .0
Figure ond
Port Humber
1 2 3 ,4 5 6
Uaeb .
on eode

14 /11 Attaching parts

-33 AN3-5A BOLT 1
MS2l042L3 . NUT 1

-4. 32-
Model S208 Section II
Group 4




Figure 4 /12. Brake System Installation (Dual)

Model S 208 Section
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Unih .a Uaab.
Figure and
Port Humber
1 2 3 4 5 6

on eode

4/12 205-8-332-03 SYSTEM INSTL, Brake, dual (Optional) 1 NP

(For NHA see fig.4/1)
- 1 205-8-335-01 CYLINDER ASSY, Brake master (For Ref
breakdown see fig.4/13)
Attaching parts
- 2 AN23-14 BOLT 1
AN960-10 WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

- 3 AN23-12 BOLT 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1
- 4 AN816-4D NIPPLE, Pipe to tube 4
- 5 MS28741-4-0150 . HOSE ASSY, Cylinder 4
- 6 AN832-4D . UNION, Bulkhead 9
NAS1252-716H WASHER 9
AN924-4D NUT 9

- 7 1...:25074 . VALVE ASSY, By-pass ( Magnaghi) 2

- 8 205-1-111-01 CLAMP BLOCK ASSY, By-pass valve 1
- 9 205-8-332-11 LINE ASSY, Hose to valve, LH pilot 1
-10 205-8-332-12 LINE ASSY, Hose to valve, RH pilot 1
-11 205-8-332-13 LINE ASSY, Hose to valve, LH copilot 1
-12 205-8-332-14 LINE ASSY, Hose to valve, RH copilot 1
-13 205-6-242-01 . CLAMP BLOCK ASSY, Lines LH 1
-14 205-6-242-03 CLAMP BLOCK ASSY, Lines RH 1
-15 205-8-332-15 . LINE ASSY, Valve to union, LH brake 1
-16 205-8-332-16 .. LINE ASSY, Valve to union, RH brake 1
-17 A815-4D . UNION 2
-18 205-8-332-17 LINE ASSY, Union to Sta 4, LH brake 1
-19 205-8-332-18 LINE ASSY, Union to Sta 4, RH brake 1
-20 NS4F001-3 BRACKET, Support clamp 2
-21 MS21919DG6 CLAMP, Cushion 4
· MS35206-243 SCREW 4
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 4
MS21042L08 NUT 4

Model S 208 Soction II
Group 4 Alighting Gear

Figure and
·- Unit& -4
.!! Uaab .
Pod Numbor
l 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'i,( on CO<kl

4 /12-22 205-8-322-13 LINE ASSY, LH wing 1

-23 205-8-322-16 . LINE ASSY, RH wing inbd 1
-24 205-8-322-18 LINE ASSY, RH wing outbd 1 1
-25 205-8-322-20 BRACKET, Support fitting 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 SCREW 1
MS2 l 042L08 NUT 1
-26 AN734-12R BRACKET, Support clamp 4
Attaching parts
MS35206-243 SCREW 1
NASl 252-8L WASHER 1
MS21042L08 NUT 1
-27 MS21919DG4 CLAMP, Cushion 6
MS35206-243 SCREW 6
MS21042L08 NUT 6

-28 MS28741-4-0444 HOSE ASSY, Wheel brake 2

-29 205-6-241-11 . CLAMP 2
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-30 AN837-4D ELBOW; Bulkhead 4 5 ° 2

MS28778-4 GASKET 2
MS28777-4 RING, Gasket back up 2
AN6289D4 NUT 2

-31 205-6-235 BRAKE INSTL, Parking (For 1 NF

breakdown and attaching parts
see fig. 4/11)

-4. 3 5 -
Model S208 Section II
Group 4


Figure 4 /13. Brake Cylinder Assembly

Model S 208 ~ Section II
Group 4 ~ Alighting Gear

Figur• and
Index Port Numb.r DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

4/13 205-8-335-01 CYLINDER ASSY, Brake ( For NHA 2 A

see fig.4/11)
205-8-335-01 CYLINDER ASSY, Brake (For NHA 4 B
see fig.4/12)
- 1 205-8-342-11 . FORK, Rod end 1
- 2 AN316-5R NUT, Check 1
- 3 205-8-338-11 ROD, Piston 1
Attaching parts
- 4 MS21042L08 NUT 1
- 56 205-8-350-11 PLUG 1
-7 205-8-349-11 RING, Snap 1
- 205-8-353-11 FELT, Dust seal 1
- 8 205-8-341-11 . HEAD, Brake cylinder 1
- 9 205-8-337-11 . PISTON, Brake cylinder 1
-10 DE062 . PACKING, ''V'' ring (Angst & Pfister) 1
-11 205-8-340-11 . GUIDE, Spring 1
-12 205-8-345-11 SPRING, Piston 1
-13 205-8-336-11 BODY, Brake cylinder 1
-14 205-8-352-11 . PLATENAME 1
-15 205-8-339-11 PLUG, Parking valve 1
-16 AN6227-5 . PACKING, ''O'' ring 1
-17 MS28778-6 . GASKET, ''O'' ring 1
-18 205-8-351-11 WASHER, Ball housing 1
-19 90142008 BALL, Stee, 1 /4'' diameter (RIV) 1
-20 205-8-346-11 SPRING, Parking valve 1
-21 MS28778-4 . . GASKET, ''O'' ring 1
-22 205-8-348-11 . FITTING 1
-23 205-8-343-11 . SHAFT, Cam 1
-24 MS9048-077 PIN, Spring 1
-25 AN6227-2 PACKING, ''O'' ring 2
-26 MS9048-071 . PIN, Spring retainer 2
-27 205-8-347-11 . SPRING, Parking valve arm 1
-28 205-8-344-11 , ARM, Parking valve ctrl 1

A = Single brake installation

B = Dual brake installation

Model S203 Section II
Group 5

SURFACE CONTROLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Figure 5 /1. Surface Controls General Arrangement

-5. 1-
Model S 2 08 II
Group 5 Surfa c e Controls

Units .0
Figure and .!? Usab .
lndo>< Port Number DESCRIPTION por
'f on code
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 ,(

5 /1 26000Al SURFACE CONI'ROLS, General arrange 1 tNP

ment (For NHA see fig. 1)
- 1 26001-03 CON I'ROL SYSTEM INSTL, Ruddec & Ref
elevator (For breakdown see fig. 5 /2):
- 2 26001-05 CONTROL SYS fEM INSTL, Elevator Ref
trim tab (For breakd.o wn see fig. 5 /3)
- 3 26002-03 CONTROL SYS fEM INSTL, Aileron Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 5 /4)
- 4 26002-09 CONTROL SYSTEM INS I'L, Flap Ref
(For breakdown see fig. 5/5)

Model S208 Section II
Group 5

- - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE C O N T R O L S - - - - - - - - - - -

. I ~

1J~ S¥
2r e::::::19 19
6 y
fJ <m» l j
I ~
Figure 5 /2. Rudder and Elevator Control System Installation
Model S 208 S•ction II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unita .a Uaab.

lndo" Port Number DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 <

5/2 26001-03 CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Rudder and 1 NP

elevator (For NBA see fig. 5 /1)
- 1 26010-07 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl (For bkdw see Ref
26010-09 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl (For bkdw see Ref
26010-101 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl (For bkdw see Ref
26010-103 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl (For bkdw see Ref

- 2 205-6-040 RUDDER PEDAL INSTL, (For bkdw Ref

see fig. 5/7)

205-6-025-01 ROD ASSY, Elevator ctrl fwd 1

Attaching parts
- 3 NAS1104-9 BOLT 2
AN960-416L . WASHER 2
MS21042L4 NUT 2
- 4 205-6-025-11 .
- 5 AN316-4R .
NUT, Check 2 :
- 6 205-6-084-11 ROD END, Clevis 2 I

- 7 205-6-022 BEL LC RANK ASSY, Elevator ctrl fwd 1

Attaching parts
- 8 AN23-25A BOLT 1
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1

- 9 LSS4 BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1

-10 MS2 02 01 KP3A . BEARING, Ball 2
-11 205-6-072-11 . SPACER 1
-12 2 6050-01 • PEDESTAL INSTL, Flap, rudder & Ref
elevator trim ctrl (For bkdw see
-13 26095-01 CABLE INSTL, Rudder trim (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 5 /8)

205-6-066 CABLE ASSY, Rudder ctrl 2

-5. 4-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units .a Uaalt .

Port Number
1 2 3 .C 5 6

on code

5 /2 Attaching parts
-14 AN23-11 BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
AN320-3 . NUT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter

-15 205-6-066-01 . , CABLE ASSY, Fwd l

-16 MS21251B5S . BARREL, Turnbuckle 1
-17 MS21256-1 . CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 2
-18 205-6-066-02 . , CABLE ASSY, Rear 1

205-6-067 . CABLE ASSY, Pull up 1

Attaching parts
-19 AN23-1 l BOLT 2
AN960-10L. . WASHER 2
AN320-3 . NUT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter

-20 205-6-067-01 .. CABLE ASSY, Fwd 1

-21 MS21251 B5S .. BARREL, Turnbuckle 1
-22 MS2 l 256-l . • CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 2
-23 205-6-067-02 . . CABLE ASSY, Rear 1

205-6-068 • CABLE ASSY, Dive 1

Attaching parts
-24 AN23-1 l . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
AN320-3 . NlJT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 2
-25 205-6-068-01 . . CABLE ASSY, Fwd 1
-26 MS21251B5S . , BARREL, Turnbuckle 1
-27 MS21256-1 . , CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 1
-28 205-6-068-02 . , CABLE ASSY, Rear 1
-29 205-6-057-06 v
. LINK 1
Attaching parts
-30 AN23-11 . BOLT 1
AN960-10L , WASHER 1
AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter
- .. --o----

-31 205-6-057-05 . BELLCRANK ASSY, Elevator ctrl 1


Model S 208 II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unih ..0 Usob .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Assy on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~

5 /2 Attaching parts
-32 AN3-15A . BOLT 1
AN960-10L • WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT 1
-33 LSS4 . . BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1
-34 MS20201KP3A . . BEARING, Ball 2
-35 205-6-057-23 .. SPACER 1

205-6-058-01 . ROD ASSY, Elevator ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-36 AN4-10A . BOLT 2
AN960-416L . WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . NUT 2
-37 205-6-058-03 . • TUBE 1
-38 AN315-4R . . NUT, Check 2
-39 205-6-084-11 . . ROD END, Clevis 2
-40 MS20220-2 . PULLEY, Cable 12
-41 AN5-16 • BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 • NUT 1
-42 MS20392-1C51 . PIN, Headed, cable guard 1
MS24665-130 . PIN, Cotter 1
-43 · 205-1-061-14 . SPACER 1
-44 AN5-25 . BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1
-45 205-1-061-19 . PIN, Stright, cable guard 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 2
-46 AN5-23 . BOLT 2
AN960-516L . WASHER 2
MS21042L5 .,
. NUT 2

-47 205-6-065-14 • PIN, Straight, cable guard 1

MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 2
-48 AN5-11 . BOLT 3
AN960-516L . WASHER 3
MS21042L5 • NUT 3
-49 MS2 0392-1C27 . PIN, Headed, cable guard 1
MS24665-l 32 . PIN, Cotter 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Fivure and Units
.2 u .. ab .
Index Part Number DESCRIP.TION per -~
Number Assy on code
l 2 3 5 6
"' ""
5 /2 -50 MS20392-1C29 . PIN, Headed, cable guard 2
MS24665-l 32 . PIN, Cotter 2

Model S20B Section II
Group 5


~18 .


17 1 i-w
. 2~

8 16


Figure b /3.
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unih ..0 Usal,,

Port Numbov
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
"i on code

5 /3 26001-05 CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Elevator 1 INP

trim tab (For NHA see fig. 5 /1)
26001-07 .CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Fuselage 1 NP
- 1 26050-01 • . PED EST AL INS TL, Flap, rudder & Ref
elevator trim ctrl (For breakdown
see fig. 5 /9)

26112-01 CABLE ASSY, Trim tab ctrl inbd 1

205-6-069-03 CABLE ASSY, Trim tab ctrl outbd 1

- 2 205-6-070-09 CABLE ASSY, Fwd inbd 1

205-6-069-09 . . . . CABLE ASSY, Fwd outbd 1

- 3 M S212 51 B2S BARREL, Turnbuckle 1

- 4 MS21256-1 . . . CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 2
- 5 26112-03 CABLE ASSY, Rear inbd 1
205-6-069-07 CABLE ASSY, Rear outbd 1
- 6 MS20219-1 . . PULLEY, Cable 8
- 7 AN3-14A .. BOLT 1
AN960-416L .• WASHER 1
MS21042L4 . NUT 1

- 8 MS20392-1C33 . . PIN, Cable guard 3

MS24665-132 . . PIN, Cotter 3

- 9 04 - 5 11 5 2 - 0 1 . . PULLEY, Cable 2
-10 205-6-051-19 .. BUSHING 1
-11 205-6-051-21 . SPACER (See fig. 5/5) Ref
-12 205-6-051-20 .• SPACER (See fig. 5/5) Ref
-1 3 04 - 5 2 1 04 - 01 .. CLAMP ASSY. Tab travel stop 2
-14 205-6-065-15 .• FAIR LEAD HALF, Cable 2
Attaching parts
-15 MS35206-243 • . SCREW 2
AN960-8 ~ . WASHER 2
MS21042L08 . • NUT 2

-16 AN4-14A
. . BOLT 1
AN960-416L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L4 . • NUT 1
-17 AN4-27A •• BOLT 1
AN960-416L .• WASHER 1
205-6-089-11 .. WASHER 1
MS21042L4 .. NUT 1

Model S 208 Stctio11 II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unit• ..0 UMtlt,

Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
on code

5/3 -18 205-6-057-28 . . PIN, Cable guard 1

MS24665-132 . . PIN, Cotter 1

-19 ANl 74-16A . . BOLT 1

AN960-416L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L4 . NUT 1
-20 205-6-071-14 . . PIN, Cable guard 1
MS24665-136 . • PIN, Cotter 1

-21 ID387-003 · .. SERVO ASSY, Trim tab etrl l
Attaching parts
-22 AN3-5A . BOLT 4
NAS1252-1 OH . WASHER 4
MS21042L'3 . . NUT

205-6-080-01 MECHANISM INSTL, Tab ct r 1, tail 1 NP

205-7-058-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Tab ctrl mechanism 1
Attaching parts
-23 AN3-3A . . BOLT 4
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . . NUT 4
-24 205-7-058-11 . .. BRACKET 1
-25 04 - 5 2 2 2 3 - 01 . . BEARING ASSY 1
-26 MS27261KSP4 . BEARING, Ball, self aligning 1
-27 205-6-093-15 . . BRACKET, Chain guard 1
Attaching parts
-28 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . . NUT

-29 205-6-092-03 . . CHAIN ASSY, Tab ctrl 1

-30 205-6-082-01 .. TU BE & SPROCKET ASSY, Torque 1
Attaching parts
-31 AN310-4 . . NUT 1
. MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter

-32 04 - 5 2 2 01 -11 . HUB, Universal joint 1

-33 04-52289-11 . . PIN, Universal joint 1
Attaching parts
-34 AN565A4H3 . SCREW, · Set 1
-5. 10-
Model S 208 II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and
p.,,, Humber
l 2 3 ~ 5 6

Uaab .
on cado

5 /3 -35 205-7-060-01 . SUPPORT ASSY, Tab ctrl mechanisrr 1

Attaching parts
-36 MS27039-0805 .. SCREW

-37 LSS4 .. . BEARING, Uniball spherical (Heim) 1

-38 04 - 5 2 2 14 -11 . . SCREW, Tab control mechanism 1
-39 205-6-081-01 . . TUBE & NUT ASSY, Rear 1
Attaching parts
-40 NASl l 03-5D . BOLT 1
AN960·-l O . . WASHER 1
AN320-3 .. NUT 1
MS24665-130 .. PIN, Cotter

-5. 11 -
Mod•I S208 S•ctlon II
Group 5

- - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE C O N T R O L S - - - - - - - - - - -



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b- ~@ I {oil.~~'9
Cl:=~: > - - - ....1..2(---"10CJ22J[al

Figure 5 /4. Aileron Control System Installation

-5. 12 -
Model S 2 08
~ Section II
Group 5 ~ Surface Controls

Unita .A
Figure and .2 Uaob .
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
on code

5/4 2 6002-03 CONTROLS SYSTEM INSTL, Aileron 1 :NP

(For NHA see fig. 5 /1)
26002-05 . CONTROLS SYSTEM INSTL, Fuselage -i NP

- 1 26010-07 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, (See fig. 5/2) Ref

26010-09 . COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, (See fig. 5/2) Ref
26010-101 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, ( See fig. 5 /2) Ref
26010-103 . COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, (See fig. 5/2) Ref

- 2 MS20220-2 . PULLEY, Cable 8

- 3 AN5-34 BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER 1
205-6-089-11 WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1
- 4 205-6-019-11 PIN, Cable guard 1
MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1

- 5 205-6-105-01 . CABLE ASSY, Fuselage LH 1

205-6-106-01 . . CABLE ASSY, Fuselage RH 1

- 6 MS21251B5S . BARREL, Turnbuckle 2

- 7 MS21256-1 . CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 4
- 8 AN5-l 6 BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1

- 9 MS2 03 92-1 C5 l PIN, Cable guard 1

MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1

-10 AN5-12 . BOLT 1

AN960-516 WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1

-11 MS20392-1C29 , . PIN, Cable guard 1

MS24 665 .. 132 . PIN, Cotter 1

-12 AN5-l l . . BOLT 1

AN960-516L .. WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1

-13 MS20392-1C27 . PIN, Cable guard 1

MS24 665-13 2 . PIN, Cotter 1

-14 205-1-156-01 . . FAIR LEAD ASSY, Cable 1

Model S 208 II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units j Uaab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456 : . e:y j an code

5/4 26002-07 CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Wing LH 1 INP

26002-08 . CON fROL SYSTEM INSTL, Wing RH 1 INP
-15 205-6-105-02 . CABLE ASSY, Wing LH -1
205-6-106-02 . . CABLE ASSY, Wing RH 1
Attaching parts
-16 AN23-11 BOLT 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1
-17 205-6-107-01 CABLE ASSY, Ail. inter-conn. LH 1
Attaching parts
-18 AN23-11 . . BOLT 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1
-19 MS21251B5S BARREL, Turnbuckle 1
-20 MS21256-1 CLIP, Locking, turnbuckle 2
-21 205-6-107-02 CABLE ASSY, Ail. inter-conn. RH 1
Attaching parts
-22 AN23-11 BOLT 1
AN960-10L . . WASHER 1
AN320-3 . . NUT 1
MS24665-134 PIN, Cotter 1
-23 MS20220-1 PULLEY, Cable 5
-24 AN5-l 1 . BOLT 1
AN960-516L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 NUT 1
-25 MS20392-1C27 . PIN, Cable guard 1
MS24665-l 32 PIN, Cotter 1
-26 AN5-11 . BOLT 4
-27 205-6-098-01 BELLCRANK ASSY, Aileron ctrl LH 1
205-6-098-02 BELLCRANK ASSY, Aileron ctr 1 RH 1
Attaching parts
-28 AN3-24A . BOLT 1
AN960-10L WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . . NUT 1
-29 LSS4
. . . BEARING, Uniball, spherical(Heim) 1
-30 MS20201KP3A . BEARING, Ball 2

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Fi9ure and Units .D

.!l Uaob,
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per .i on codo
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(

5/4 -31 205-6-072-11 . . SPACER 1

205-6-097-02 . ROD ASSY, Aileron ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-32 AN4-7A . BOLT 2
AN960-416L .. WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . . NUT 2
-33 205-6-097-11 . . .. TUBE 1
-34 AN316-4R . NUT, Check 2
-35 205-6-084-11 . . ROD END, Clevis 1
-36 HM4 . . ROD END , Uniball bearing (Heim) 1


205-6-105 CABLE ASSY, Aileron ctrl LH assem- Ref

bled (Co11plete of parts: 205-6-105-01,
HS21251B5S, MS21256·1, 205-6-105·02) ·
205-6-106 . CABLE ASSY, Aileron ctrl RH assem- Ref '
bled (Complete of parts: 205-6-106-01,
HS21251B5S, MS21256-1, 205-6-106-02)
205-6-107 CABLE ASSY, Aileron inter-conn, Ref
assembled (Complete of parts: 205-6-107-01,
HS2125185S, HA21256-1, 205-6-107-02)

-5.15 -
Model S208 Section II
Group s
40 ~v ~
ef' 43






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cu: G \ .~


Figure 5 / 5. Flap Control System Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure ond Unita .0 Usob .

lndeK Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number Assy
·~ on code
1 2 3 4 5 6 ~

5/5 26002-09 CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Flap 1 tNP

(For NHA see fig. 5 /1 \
26002-101 .CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Fuselage 1 NP

- 1 26050-01 . PEDESTAL INSTL, Flap, rudder & Ref

elevator trim ctrl (See fig. 5/9)
- 2 205-6-104-01 . CABLE ASSY, Flap down fwd 1
Attaching parts
- 3 AN23-14 . BOLT, Fwd 1
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 1
AN320-3 . . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . . PIN, Cotter 1

- 4 AN23-1 l BOLT, Rear 1

AN320-3 .. NUT 1
MS24665-134 PIN, Cotter 1
- 5 205-6-110 . PLATE 2
- 6 205-6-109-02 CABLE ASSY, Flap down, rear LH 1
205-6-109-03 .. CABLE ASSY, Flap down, rear RH 1
Attaching parts
- 7 AN23-l l . BOLT 1
AN960-1 OL .. WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-134 . • PIN, Cotter

- 8 MS21251 B5S BARREL, Turnbuckle 4

- 9 MS21256-1 CLIP, Locking turnbuckle 8
-10 205-6-108-01 . . CABLE ASSY, Flap up fwd 1
Attaching parts
-11 AN23-ll . BOLT 2
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 2
AN320-3 .. NUT 2
.. PIN, Cotter

-12 205-6-108-02 . CABLE ASSY, Flap up rear LH 1

205-6-108-03 CABLE ASSY, Flap up rear RH 1
Attaching parts
-13 . AN23-11 . BOLT 1
AN960-10L . WASHER 1
AN320-,3 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units ..ti

..£ Usab.
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number Assy ~ on code
l 2 3 4 5 6 <(

5/5 -14 MS20220-2 . PULLEY, Cable 7

-15 AN5-12 . BOLT 1
AN960-516L . . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . . NUT 1
-16 MS20392-1 C29 . . PIN, Cable guard 2
MS24665-132 . . PIN, Cotter 2
-17 NASl 105-50D . . BOLT 1
AN960-516L . . WASHER 1
AN310-5 . . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1
-18 205-6-050-11 . . PIN, Cable guard 1
MS24665-134 . . PIN, Cotter 1

-19 205-6-051-20 . . SPACER 1

-20 205-6-051-21 . . SPACER 1
-21 205-6-055-13 . . PULLEY, Cable 1
Attaching parts
-22 205-6-055-14 . . BUSHING 1
-23 AN3-7A .. BOLT 1
AN960-1 OL .. WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . . NUT 1
-24 205-1-156-01 .
-25 AN5-15 . . BOLT 2
AN960-516L . . WASHER 2
MS21042L5 .. NUT 2

-26 MS20392-1C45 . . PIN, Headed, cable guard 4

MS24665-132 . . PIN, Cotter 4

26002-103 . CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Wing LH 1 NP

26002-104 . CONTROL SYSTEM INSTL, Wing RH 1 NP
-27 205-6-109-04 . . CABLE ASSY, Flap down, wing LH 1
205-6-109-05 . . CABLE ASSY, Flap down, wing RH 1
Attaching parts
-28 AN223-11 . . BOLT 1
. AN960-10L . . WASHER 1
AN320-3 . . NUT 1
MS24665-134 .• PIN, Cotter
-29 205-6-108-04 . . CABLE ASSY, Flap up, wing LH 1
205-6-108-05 .. CABLE ASSY, Flap up, wing RH 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figur• and Units .a Usob .

Index Port Numbe-r OESCRIPTfON per
Humber 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy on code
5/5 Attaching parts
-30 AN23-1 l . BOLT 1
AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-l 34 PIN, Cotter 1
-31 MS20220-2 . PULLEY, Cable 1
-32 MS20220-l . . PULLEY, Cable 1
-33 AN5-16 BOLT 1
AN960-516L . • WASHER 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1

-34 MS20392-1C45 PIN, Cable guard 1

MS24 665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1
-35 205-6-099-01 . BELLCRANK ASSY, Flap ctrl 1
Attaching parts
-36 AN3-20A . BOLT 1
AN960-l OL . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-37 -LSS4 . BEARING, Uniball, spherical 1
-38 MS20201 KP3A .. . BEARING, Ball 2
-39 205-6-099-13 . SPACER 1

205-6-097-01 . ROD ASSY, Flap ctrl l

Attaching parts
- 40 AN4-7A BOLT 2
AN960-416L WASHER 2
MS2l042L4 NUT 2
. ---o----
-41 205-6-097-11 .. . TUBE, Control rod 1
-42 AN316-4R .. . NUT, Check 2
-43 HM4 .. ROD END, Uniball bearing (Heim) 1
-44 205-6-084-11 ... ROD END, Clevis 1


205-6-109 CABLE ASSY, Flapdown, assembled Ref
(Complete of parts: 205-f.104-01, 205-6-110
& mounting bolts, 205-6-109-02, 205-6-109-03,
HS2125185S, HS21256-1, 205-6-109-0~, 205-6-109-05)

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unita .a Usall .

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 '1 5 6 Any l on code

5 /5 205-6-108 CABLE ASSY, Flap up, assembled Ref

(Complete of parts: 205-6-108-01, 205-6-110 &
1ountln9 bolts, 205-6-108-02, 205-6-108-03,
ffS2125185S, HS21256·1, 205-6-108-0\, 205-6-108-05)

-5. 20-
Mod•I S208
Section II
Group 5


Figure 5 /6. Control C 0 1umn A

-5. 21- ssembly
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure ancl
lnclex Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number 123456

5/6 26010-07 COLUMN ASSY, Ctr 1, (For NHA see 1 A

fig. 5 /2)
26010-101 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, with LH & RH 1 B
wheel mike ctrl switch (For NHA
see fig. 5/2)
26010-09 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, copilot quick 1 B
release, (For NHA see fig. 5 /2)
26010-103 COLUMN ASSY, Ctrl, copilot quick 1 B
release, with LH & RH wheel mike
ctrl switch (For NHA see fig.5/2)
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-11A BOLT 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
- 2 26113-01 . WHEEL ASSY, Ctrl column LH, with 1 A
trim tab ctrl switch (When
exhausted use 2 6113-101)
26113-101 . WHEEL ASSY, Ctrl column RH, with 1 A
trim tab ctrl switch (Use on
26010-07, 26010-09) (Alternate
for 26113-01)
26113-103 . WHEEL ASSY, Ctrl column LH, with 1 B
trim tab & mike ctrl switch (Use
on 26010-101, 26010-103)
26113-05 WHEEL ASSY, Ctrl column RH (Use 1 A
on 26010-07, 26010-09)
26113-09 WHEEL ASSY, Ctrl column RH, with 1 B
mike ctrl switch (Use on 26010-101,
Attaching parts
- 3 AN386-1-14A . PIN, Thread, taper 1
AN975-3 . WASHER 1
22Kl-02 . NUT, Self locking cap 1
- 4 26113-01 . . BRACKET, Switch (LH whe~l only) 1
(Use on 26113-01)
26113-17 .. PLATE, Switch attaching 1
(LH wheel only) (Use on
26113-101, 26113-103)

- 5 13AT401T2 .. SWITCH AS_SY, Trim tab ctrl 1

(LH wheel only) ( Microswitch)

- 5.22-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Fig11re and Units 1 Usa\.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ~>
Number 123~56 Assy on code

5/6 -5A 205-6-009-13 . . SWITCH ASSY, Mike (Use with 1 B

26113-103, 26113-09)
Attaching parts
-5B AN565B4H4 . . SETSCREW 1 B

- 6 26114-11 ..
- 7 26013-01 . ROD ASSY, Catl bar LH (Use with 1
26010-03, 26010-05, 26010-07,
26013-01 . ROS ASSY, Ctrl bar (Use with 2
26010-101, 26010-103)
205-6-013-01 . ROD ASSY, Ctrl bar RH (Use with 1
26010-03, 26010-05, 26010-07,
2 6010-09)
Attaching parts
- 8 04 -54 2 5 3 -11 . PIN 1

- 9 04-54252-11 .
BLOCK, Universal joint 2
Attaching parts
-10 ANl 73-13 . BOLT, LH & RH block 1 A
ANl 73-13 . BOLT, LH block 1 B
AN975-3 WASHER, LH & RH block 1 A
AN975-3 WASHER, LH block 1 B
AN320-3 . NUT, LH & RH block 1 A
AN320-3 . NUT, LH block 1 B
M:324665-132 . PIN, Cotter, LH & RH block 1 A
MS24665-13 2 . PIN, Cotter, LH block 1 B
NAS1333S3Cl OD . PIN, Quick release, RH block 1 B

-11 205-6-015-01
. ARM ASSY, Aileron ctrl LH 1
205-6-015-02 . ARM ASSY, Aileron ctrl RH 1
Attaching parts
-12 AN960-616L . WASHER 1
AN320-6 . NUT 1
MS24665-283 . PIN, Cotter 1

-13 LSS4
. . BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1
-14 205-6-011-103 . WELD ASSY, Column, with bear rings 1
-15 . MS20201KP8A . . BEARING, Ball 6
-16 MS20201KP3A . . BEARING, Ball 2
-17 LSS4 . . BEARING, Uniball, spherical(Heim) 1
-18 205-6-014 . PULLEY ASSY, Aileron ctrl 1

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure oncl
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
.!! Uaol,.
on code

5 /6 Attaching parts
-19 AN960-616L . WASHER 1
AN320-6 . NUT 1
MS24665-283 . PIN, Cotter 1
-20 LSS4 . BEARING, Uniball, spherical (Heim) 1
-21 205-6-014-14 . • PLATE, Cable retainer 2
Attaching parts
-22 AN3-7A . BOLT 1
AN960-10L . WASHER 1
MS2l042L3 .

-23 205-6-017-01 ROD ASSY, Aileron ctr 1 2

Attaching parts
-24 NAS1104-9 . BOLT 2
AN960-416L . WASHER 2
MS21042L4 NUT 2
-25 205-6-017-03 . TUBE 1
-26 205-6-084-11 . ROD END, Clevis 2
-27 AN316-4R NUT, Check 2
-28 MS20220-2 PULLEY, Cable 2
Attaching parts
-29 AN5-20 BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER 1
MS21042L5 NUT 1
----o--- -

A = Standard
B = Optional

-5. 24-
Model S20S Section u
Group 5



Figure 5/7. Rudder p edal Installation

Model S 208
~ Section II
5 ~ Surface Control
Figure ond Unit, .0 Usob.
lndo>< Port Numbor DES C RIPTION per
-~ on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 b <(

5/7 205-6-040 PEDAL INSTL, R udder (For NHA 1

2 0 5 - 6 - 04 1 - 01 PEDAL ASSY, Rudder ctrl 4
Attaching par ts
- 1 AN23-42 BOLT 1
AN960-l 0 WASHER 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-134 PIN, Cotter 1
- 2 205-6-041-03 PEDAL 1
- 3 205-6-031 . BUSHING 3
- 4 205-6-041-14 COVER, Ped al 1
- 5 205-6-042-01 ARM ASSY, Ru dder pedal, outbd LH 1
205-6-042-02 ARM ASSY, Ru dder pedal, outbd RH l

- 6 2 05-6-042-14 . BEARING, S leeve 2

- 7 LSS4 . BEARING, U niball, spherical (Heim) 1
- 8 205-6-042-03 ARM ASSY, Ru dder pedal, inbd LH 1
2 0 5 - 6 - 04 2 - 04 ARM ASSY, Ru dder pedal, inbd RH 1

- 9 205-6-042-14 BEARING, S leeve 2

-10 LSS4 BEARING, U niball, spherical (Heim) 1
-11 I 205-6-031 BUSHING 1
-12 · 205-6-043-03 TUBE, Rudder pedal bar 2
Attaching par ts
-13 AN3-3A BOLT 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

-14 MS24665-355 PIN, Cotter 1

-15 205-6-043-13 SPACER, Rudd er pedal, inbd 2
-16 205-6-043-12 SPACER, Rud der pedal, center 2
-17 205-6-043-15 SPACER, Rud der pedal, outbd 2

205-6-046-01 ROD ASSY, Be llcrank push 1

Attaching par ts
-18 AN4-1 OA BOLT 2
AN960-416L WASHER 2
MS21042L4 NUT 2
-19 205-6-046-03 TUBE, Belle rank rod 1
-20 AN316-4R NUT, Check 2
-21 205-6-084-11 ROD ENI), C levis 2

Model 8208 Section II
Group 1 Surface Control

Figure and Unill .0 Uaob .

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
on code

5 /7 -22 205-6-048 . LINK, Copilot pedal 2

Attaching parts
-23 AN23-12 . BOLT 2
AN960-10L . WASHER 2
AN320-3 . NUT 2
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 2
-24 2 05-6-04 7-01 . ROD ASSY, Belle rank push-pull 4
Attaching parts
-25 AN4-10A , BOLT 2
AN960-416L . WASHER 2
MS21042L4 . NUT 2
-26 205-6-047-03 . . TUBE ASSY, Bellcrank ctrl rod 1
-27 AN316-4R . . NUT, Check 2
-28 205-6-084-11 . . ROD END. Clevis 2
-29 205-6-045-01 • BELLCRANK ASSY, Rudder ctrl LH 1
205-6-045-02 . BELLCRANK ASSY, Rudder ctrlRH 1
Attaching parts
-30 AN3-24A . BOLT 1
AN960-10L • WASHER 1
MS21042L3 • NUT 1
-31 205-6-072-11
. . SPACER 1
-32 LSS4 . , BEARING, Uniball, spherical 3
-33 MS20201KP3A . . BEARING, Ball 2
-34 205-6-031 . . BUSHING 1
-35 205-6-049 . SPRING, Rudder ctrl return 2
-36 205-8-335-01 CYLINDER ASSY, Brake Master Ref
(See fig.4/13)
Model S208
Section II
Group 5

- - - - - - - - - - SURFACE C O N T R O L S - - - - - - - - - - -

~ <1:!~..
:ii~ ~

Figure 5 /8. Rudder Trim Control Cable Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Unih .a Uaob .

Index Port Numb..r DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
'f on code
5/8 26095-01 CABLE INSTL, Rudder trim ctrl 1
(For NHA see fig. 5/2)
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-4A .BOLT, Upper & lower center 3
NASl 252-1 OL .WASHER 3
MS21042L3 NUT 3

- 2 AN3-4A . BOLT, Lower outside 2

MS35333-39 . WASHER, Lock 2

- 3
26099-02 .. BRACKET ASSY, RH 1

- 4 26098-01 . . BELLCRANK, LH 1
26098-02 . . BELLCRANK, RH 1
Attaching parts
- 5 AN3-l OA . . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10H . WASHER 1
MS2l042L3 . • NUT 1
- 6 26094-11 . BUSHING 2
- 7 26084-01 LINK ASSY, Spring attaching 2
Attaching parts
- 8 NAS1103-4D BOLT 1
NASl 252-1 OL . WASHER 1
AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1
- 9 26096-01 CABLE ASSY, LH 1
Attaching parts
-10 NASl 103-6D BOLT 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-134 .. PIN, Cotter 1
-11 26096-02 . CABLE ASSY, RH 1
Attaching parts
-12 NAS1103-6D . BOLT 1
AN960-1 OL . WASHER 1
AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 . PIN, Cotter 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units .ll U1ob .

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
"f on code

5 /8 -13 NASl 103-9D BOLT 1

AN320-3 . NUT 1
MS24665-134 PIN, Cotter 1


Attaching parts
-14 AN3-3A . BOLT 4
NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . NUT

-15 26099-03 . BRACKET ASSY 1

-16 205-6-055-13 . ROLLER 1
Attaching parts
-17 205-6-055-14 . SPACER 1
-18 AN3-10A . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10H WASHER 1
MS21042L3 .. NUT 1

-19 MS20392-1Cl 9
.PIN, Cable guard 1
MS24665-132 PIN, Cotter 1



- 5.30-
Mod ti S208 Section II
Group ~



Figure 5 /9. Flap, Rudder & Elevator Trim Control Pedal Installation
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units .J:i Usolt .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 123456 Assy ~ an code

5/9 26050-01 PEDESTAL INSTL, Flap, rudder & 1 NP A

elevator trim ctrl (For NHA see
26050-03 • PEDESTAL INSTL, Flap, rudder &: 1 NP B
elevator trim ctrl (For NHA
see fig. 5/2)
- 1 26050-03 • UNIT ASSY, Flap rudder &: elevator 1
trim ctrl (For bkdw see fig. 5/ 10)

26085-01 • COVER ASSY, Pedestal 1 A

26085-03 • COVER ASSY, Pedestal 1 B

- 2 26086-11 •• COVER, Pedestal 1 A

26086-15 •• COVER, Pedestal 1 B

- 3 26093-11 BUSHING 1
- 4 26088-11 •• PLATE DATA, Flap position 1
- 5 26088-13 •• PLATE DATA, Rudder trimposition 1
- 6 205-8-117-15 •• PLATE DATA, Wing fuel tank 1 A
205-6-054-29 •• PLATE DATA, Wing fuel tank 1 B

- 7 205-6-054- 13 •• PLATE DATA, Trim tab position 1

26087-01 •• INDICATOR ASSY, Rudder trim 1

Attaching parts
- 8 MS27039-0810 •• SCREW 2
NAS1252-8L •• WASHER 4
MS21042L08 •• NUT 2

- 9 AN509-8R13 •• SCREW 2
NAS1252-8L •• WASHER 2
MS21042L08 •• NUT 2
-10 NAS1096-2- 14 ••• SCREW, Adjusting 1
-11 MS20341-8S ••• NUT, Check 1
-12 26089-11 ••• TUBE 1
-13 26092-13 ••• BRACKET, Lower 1
-14 26090-11 ••• SPRING 1
-15 26091-01 • GABLE ASSY 1
-16 26092-11 ••• BRACKET, Upper 1
-17 2609·2-15 • • • BLOCK, Cable retainer 1
-18 AN565A6H8 ••• SCREW 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figu,e and Unita .A

J! Uaab.
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
·t on code

5/9 26100-01 . CONTROL ASSY, Fuel selector 1 A

28206-05 . CONTROL ASSY, Fuel selector I B
Attaching parts
-19 MS24665- l 32 . PIN, Cotter 1 A
MS24665-283 . PIN, Cotter
1 B
-20 26100-11 .. HANDLE, Fuel selector 1
Attaching parts
-21 NAS387-632-8P . • SCREW 1
AN960-6 . 0 WASHER
-22 26100-02 .. ROD ASSY, Fuel selector 1 A
26138-01 .. ROD ASSY, Fuel selector 1 B
-23 26070-01 • ACTUATOR ASSY, Flap ctrl 1
(Airsearch 25080 reworked)
Attaching parts
-24 AN4-13A . BOLT, Fwd 1
NAS1252-416H . WASHER 1
MS2l042L4 • NUT 1
-25 AN5-13A . BOLT, Rear 1
AN960-516 • WASHER 1
MSZ1042L5 • NUT 1
-26 26071-01 .. EYE END, Actuator 1
Attaching parts
-27 AN3-12A .. BOLT 2
AN960-10L .. WASHER 4
MS2l042L3 .. NUT
-28 26067-11 . • SPACER, Fwd 1
-29 26067-13 .. SPACER, Rear 1
-30 26066-01 . TUBE ASSY, Actuator attaching 1
Attaching parts
-31 AN4-5A . BOLT 4
NAS 125Z-416H . WASHER 4
MS21042L4 . NUT 4

-32 AN4-5A . BOLT 2

NAS l 252-416H . WASHER

A = Standard
B = Aircraft with wing tip fuel tank (Opt onal

Model S208 Section II
Group 5

- - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE CONTROLS - - - - - - - - - - -




Figure 5 /1 O. Flap, Rudder & Elevator Trim Control Mechanism Assembly

-5. 34-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units ..a Uaob .

lnde11 Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
'i on code

5/10 26050-03 UN1T ASSY, Flap, rudder & elevator 1

trim ctrl (For NHA see fig. 5/9)
Attaching parts
- 1 AN3-4A BOLT 8


NAS1252-10L WASHER 4
- 2 26051-01 • SUPPORT ASSY 1

26074-01 • ACTUATOR ASSY, Rudder trim ctrl 1

Attaching parts
- 3 AN3-26A . BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
MS2I042L3 . NUT

- 4 26075-01 • . BODY, Actuator 1

- 5 26077-01 .. COVER, Actuator 1
- 6 26079-11 • . NUT, Actuator 1
- 7 26080-11 . • SCREW, Actuator
Attaching parts

- 8 AN960-4I6H .. WASHER 1
,, AN31'0-4 .. NUT 1
MS24665 -134 . • PIN, Cotter

- 9 26081-01 . BELLCRANK ASSY, Rudder trim ctrl 1

Attaching parts
-10 26073-11 • SPACER 1
-11 AN4-12A . BOLT 1
NAS1252-416L • WASHER l
MS2l042L4 • NUT 1
-12 205-6-079 . WHEEL, (When exhausted use 2
205-6-079-01 • WHEEL, (Alternate for 205-6-079) 2
Attaching parts
-13 AN3-l 1A . BOLT 1
NAS 1252-1 OH . WASHER 1
MS2l042L3 • NUT 1

26052-01 • TUBE ASSY, Torque, flap ctrl 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units

2 Usob.
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per 0
Number Assy > on code
l 2 3 4 5 6 <(

5/10 Attaching parts

-14 NAS1106-90 . BOLT 1
NAS1252-616H . WASHER 1
AN320-6 . NUT 1
MS24665-285 PIN; Cotter 1
-15 26053-11 . . TUBE 1
-16 26054-01 . . CAP ASSY, Complete with bearing 2
-17 26056-11 . ARM, Actuator attaching 1
Attaching parts
-18 NASl 104-6 . . BOLT 1
26055-11 . WASHER, Ball seat 1
NASl 252-416L • WASHER, Plain 1
MS21042L4 NUT 1

26059-01 . BRACKET ASSY, Actuating switch 1

Attaching parts
-19 NASl 104-8 .. BOLT 3
26055-11 . . WASHER, Ball seat 3
NAS1252-416L . WASHER, Plain 6
NAS1252-416H WASHER, Plain 3
MS21042L4 . NUT

-20 26059-03 . RIVETED ASSY 1

-21 NASl 096-3-2 0 .. BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
AN315-3 .. NUT, Check 2

-22 AN42B3A . . BOLT, Eye head 1

-23 26057-01 . . ARM, Cable attaching 1
Attaching parts
-24 NASl 104-6 • . BOLT 4
26055-11 . WASHER, Ball seat 4
NAS1252-416L .. WASHER, Plain 4
MS21042L4 . ----o----

26061-01 . ROD ASSY, Flap position indicator 1

Attaching parts
-25 MS20392-2Cll . PIN, Fwd 1
NAS1252-1 OL . WASHER 1
MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1

-5. :rn-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 5 Surface Controls

Figure and Units ..o

..!i1 Usab .
Index Part Number. DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number 123456 Assy < an code

5/10-26 MS20392-2C7 PIN, Rear 1

NAS1252-1 OL • WASHER 1
MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1
-27 26061-03 . . ROD 1
-28 AN665-21R . FORK, Rod end 1
-29 26062-11 . POINTER, Flap position indicator 1
Attaching parts
-30 MS20392-2C7 • PIN, Flat head 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 1
MS24665-132 • PIN, Cotter 1
-31 205-6-077-19 • SPACER, Wheel 1
-32 205-6-077-21 . SP AC ER, Drum 1
-33 MS16624-1118 . RING, Retaining 2
-34 205-6-077-15 . WASHER, Shoudler 2
-35 205-6-077-17 • DRUM, Tab ctrl cable 1

26063-01 . INDICATOR ASSY, Trim tab position 1

Attaching parts
-36 AN3-4A BOLT 2
NAS1252-1 OL . WASHER 2
M S21042L3 . NUT 2
----o---- 1
-37 205-6-053-05 . BRACKET ASSY
- 38 04 - 5 2 3 0 6 -11 • . SPROCKET, Worm 1
Attaching parts
-39 MS9048-038 . . PIN, Spring 1

-40 205-6-053-18
. SHAFT; Worm sprocket 1
-41 205-6-053-21 . POINTER, Tab position indicator 1
Attaching parts
-42 MS35206-214 . SCREW 1
AN960-4 •. WASHER 1
----o---- 1
-43 205-6-053-22 . PIN, Cable guard
MS24665-132 . PIN, Cotter 1

-44 MK4BR . MICROSWITCH, Flap actuator 2

Attaching parts
-45 MS35206-235 • SCREW 2
NASl 252-6L • WASHER 2
MS21042L06 . NUT 2
-46 MS35489-9 • GROMMET, Rubber 2

Model S208 Section II
Group 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - POWER PLANT

Figure 6 /1. Power Plant General Arrangement

-6. 1 -
Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figur• encl Units A Usab .

lncle,c Part Numb.r DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Numb., I 2 3 4 S 6 ~

6/1 25000Al POWER PLANT, General arrangement l NP

(For NHA see fig. 1)
- 1 25002-00 .PLANT INSTL, Power (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 6/ 2)
- 2 25002-03 .COWL INSTL, Engine ( For bkdw Ref
see fig.6/3)
- 3 25008-01 .BOX INSTL, Engine air ( For bkdw Ref
see fig.6/4)
- 4 25013-00 .SYSTEM INSTL, Engine exhaust Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 6/5)
- 5 28130-01 .SYSTEM INSTL, Engine oil (For Ref
bkdw see fig. 6/6)
- 6 28083-01 .SYSTEM INSTL, Fuel (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 6/7)
- 7 26150-01 .CONTROLS INSTL, Engine ( For Ref
bkdw see fig. 6/9)
- 8 25023-01 . BAFFLE INSTL, Engine (For bkdw Ref
see fig. 6/ 10)

Model S208 Section II
Group 6




.r -

Figure 6 /2. Power Plant Installation

Model S208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units .a Usob.

lndo,c Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 123456 Any on code

6/2 25002-00 PLANT INSTL, Power (For NHA see 1 NF

fig. 6 / 1)
- 1 0-540-E4A5 . ENGINE ASSY, 2 60 HP ( Lycoming) 1
Attaching parts
- 2 J3804-20 MOUNT ASSY, Engine shock (Lord) 4
- 3 AN7-42 BOLT 4
NAS1252-716H . WASHER 8
AN310-7 NUT 4
MS24665-285 . PIN, Cotter 4
- 4 25003-03 . MOUNT ASSY, Motor 1
Attaching parts
- 5 ANl 76-10 BOLT, Upper 3
NAS1252-616L . WASHER 3
AN310-6 NUT 3
MS24665-285 , PIN, Cotter 3

- 6 ANl 76-1 7 . BOLT, Lower 2

NASl 252-616L . WASHER 2
AN310-6 . NUT 2
MS24665-285 PIN, Cotter 2
- 7
,... , HUB ASSY, Spider((Hartzell)
- 8 1 8477-8R . . BLADE ASSY, Propeller (Hartzell) 2

. .
!I .SPINNER ASSY, Propeller (Hartzell) 1

- 9 I AN4-12A
/ AN960-416L
Attaching parts
; . BOLT
MS21042L4 . NUT 12

-10 C885
. BULKHEAD, Propeller spinner 1
-11 C888-4 SPINNER, Propeller (Hartzell) 1
Attaching parts
-12 AN526Cl 032R5 SCREW 14
-13 F4-4 GOVERNOR ASSY, Prop. (Hartzell) 1
-14 25022-13 . HOSE, Generator cooling 1
Attaching parts
-15 AN737TW38 CLAMP, Tangential 2
-6. 4-
Model S208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figur• ancl Unita ... Uaeb .

Port Number
l l 3 4 5 6
- code

6/2 -16 25036-03 . ELBOW 1

Attaching parts
-17 AN737TW38 . CLAMP, Tangential 1
-18 28082-1 . BOX ASSY, Fuel pump cooling 1
-19 205-5-120-15 HOSE, Fuel pump cooling 1
Attaching parts
•20 NS4F020-l . CLAMP, Strap

-21 AN4076·1 FITTING, Cylinder head temperature 1

-22 MS24482•1 . BULB, Cylinder head temperature 1
-23 MS28034-1 BULB, Oil temperature 1
.;.24 B5 . BULB, Air carburetor temperature 1
-25 l 0-163010-10 MAGNETO, LH (Scintilla), type Ref
S6LN-200, supplied with engine
-26 10-163050-9 MAGNETO, RH (Scintilla). type Ref
S6LN-204, supplied with engine
-27 Al 0-4404 CARBURETOR, Model MA-4-5 Ref
(Marvel Shebler), supplied
with engine
-28 75507 PUMP, Fuel, low pressure (Lycoming), Ref
supplied with engine
.... 29 MHB4001 STARTER, 24V, geared (3. 38: 1 ratio) Ref
( Prestolite) or equivalent, supplied
with engine
-30 1105052 GENERATOR, 24V-40A (Delco Remy) Ref
supplied, with engine
75220 ALTERNATOR, 24V-50A (Prestolite Ref
model 1105052) supplied with
•31 1182B3 PLUG, Spark (Champion model Ref
REM40E) or equivalent, supplied
with engine

-6.5 -
Model S208 Section II
Group 6





Figure 6 /3. Engine Cowl Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units .a

.!l U,ob.
lnde,c Port Number DESCRIPTION
Huml,.,r 123456 A~•:y ] on code

6/3 25002-03 COWL INSTL, Engine (For NHA see 1 NP

fig. 6/1)
- 1 25004-01 . COWL ASSY, Nose 1
Attaching parts
- 2 MS27039-l -08 . SCREW 16
- 3 25005-05 . COWL ASSY, Upper 1
Attaching parts
- 4 MS27039-1-08 SCREW 6
- 5 , 205-5-141-15 . STRIP, Rubber, 1 7 in long (Bl) 1
- 6 205-5-148-11 . HINGE HALF, Cowl door 2
- 7 260-18-12~14 HINGE HALF 1
- 8 212-12 RECEPTACLE, Fastener (Camloc) 1
2600LW . WASHER, (Camloc) 1

- 9 260-18-12-05 DOOR ASSY, Oil filler cap 1

Attaching parts
-10 260-18-12-19 . . PIN, Hinge 1
-11 2700-6 STUD, Fastener (Camloc) 1
2600LW WASHER, (Camloc) 1

-12 260-18-12-14 HINGE HALF 1

-13 205-5-142-01 . DOOR ASSY, Engine cowl LH 1
205-5-142-02 DOOR ASSY, Engine cowl RH 1
Attaching parts
-14 205-5-148-15 . PIN, Hinge 1
-15 205-5-148-13 . HINGE HALF , Cowl door 1
-16 205-5-142-11 . STRIP, Rubber, 30 in long (BI) 1
-17 205-5-142-23 . STRIP, Rubber, 32 in long (Bl) 1
-18 205-5-018-03 . FASTENER ASSY, Cowl door 3
Attaching parts
-19 MS35207-263 . SCREW 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
----o--- -
-20 25006-01 COWL ASSY, Lower 1
Attaching parts
-21 MS27039 - 1 -08 . SCREW 12
-22 205-5-143-21 STRIP, Rubber, 45, 5 in long (BI) 1
-23 205-5-018-11 CUP, Cowlfastener 6
-24 99833Pl 30 . RECEPTACLE, Fastener (Airloc) 6

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units ..0 U,cib .

Part Number
l 2 3 4 5 6

on code

6/3 -25 25011-01 . . SCOOP, Air filter 1

-26 205-5-027-13 . ROD, Cowl stay 2
Attaching parts
-27 MS35206-231 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-6L . WASHER 1
MS2l042L06 . NUT 1
-28 25033-01
----o----Landing light
Attaching parts
-29 MS35207-261 . SCREW 4
.. 30 205-1-164-13 . RETAINER, Landing light 1
-31 NASl 096-2 ... 7 . SCREW, Landing light adjusting 1
-32 GE4591 LIGHT, Landing (See fig. 8 /4) Ref


Model S208 Section H
Group 6


Figure 6/4. Engine Air Box Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure oncl
Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

on cod.

6/4 25008-01 BOX INSTL, Engine lilir (For NHA 1 NP

see fig. 6/1)
- 1 25020-01 FILTER ASSY, Air 1
Attaching parts
- 2 AN3-14A . BOLT 4
NAS1252-l OL . WASHER 4
- 3 25010-01 . DUCT ASSY, Air scoop 1
- 4 25021-11 . . GASKET, Rubber 1

25009-01 . BOX ASSY, Engine air 1

Attaching parts
- 5 205-5-020-27 . BOLT, AN4Hl lA reworked 4
NAS1252-416L . WASHER

- 6 25009-05 .. BOX, Weld & riveted assy 1

- 7 25009-15 .. . DUCT, Rubber 1
- 8 25009-03 .. SHAFT, Flapper valve 1
- 9 25009-31 .
Attaching parts
-10 NASl 096-2-9 . SCREW 3
NASI252-8L . . WASHER 3
MS21042L08 . . NUT

-11 260-13-101-11 . SPRING 1

-12 205-5-020-18 . GASKET 1
-13 205-5-161-15 . DUCT, Carburetor heat 1
Attaching parts
-14 MS21919DG48 . CLAMP, Cushion 1
-15 NS4F020-l CLAMP, Strap 1
-16 25013-03 MUFFLER & STACK ASSY, LH (See Ref
fig. 6/5)

Model S208 Section U
Group 6
POWER PLANT _ _,,._..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~-r L

r, ~2
. ....

l L

) I

Figure 6 /5. Engine Exhat1st System Installation

- 6. 11-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units ..0 Uaob·.

Part Number
I 2 3 4 5 6
-~ on code ·

6/5 25013-00 SYSTEM INSTL, Engine exhaust (For 1 NP

NHA see fig. 6/1)
Attaching parts
- 1 205-5-029-11 NUT 6
AN960-516L WASHER 6
- 2 25015-01 STACK ASSY, LH 1
- 3 205-5-185-11 CLAMP 1
- 4 205-5-185-17 BOLT 1
MS21042L5 NUT 1

- 5 202001-102 MUFFLER ASSY, ( Turbo System) 1

- 6 202001-106 SHROUD AS SY, Heater LH (Turbo 1
- 7 205-5-168-01 . SCREEN, Carburetor air 1
- 8 205-5-185-13 .. CLAMP 1
- 9 205-5-185-19 BOLT 1
MS21042L4 NUT 1

25016-01 . TUBE ASSY, Tail pipe 1

-10 25016-03 WELD ASSY 1
-11 25016-11 . SHIELD 1
, Attaching parts
-12 AN3-3A BOLT 2
NASl 252-1 OL I. WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2


Attaching parts
-13 205-5-029-11 NUT 6
AN960-516L WASHER 6
-14 25014-01 .STACK ASSY, RH 1
-15 205-5-185-11 CLAMP 1
-16 205-5-185-17 BOLT 1
MS2l042L5 NUT 1
-17 202001-102 MUFFLER ASSY, (Turbo System) 1
-18 202001-105 . SHROUD ASSY, Heater RH (Turbo 1
-19 205-5-185-13 . CLAMP 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units j U,ab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number l 2 3 .C 5 6 Any
"i on cocltB
6/5 -20 205-5-185-19 . BOLT 1
MS21042L4 . . NUT 1

-21 25017-01 . . TUBE, Tail pipe 1

205-5-127-01 . SUSPENSION ASSY I Tail pipe LH 1 NP

205-5-127-02 . SUSPENSION ASSY, Tail pipe RH 1 NP
-22 205-5-127-03 . . CLAMP 1
-23 205-5-127-15 . . SPRING 2
Attaching parts
-24 AN4-20 . . BOLT 1
AN960-416 . . WASHER 1
AN310~4 . . NUT 1
MS24665-153 . • PIN, Cotter

-25 205-5-127-17 . . SPACER 1

-26 205-5-127-11 BRACKET, Spring attaching ( See fig. 1/5) R~f

Model S208 Section II
Group 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - POWER P L A N T - - - - - - - - - - - -



. 1/
I /

Figure 6/6. Oil System Installation

-6. 14-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Unita .a Uaab.

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
on code

6/6 28130-01 SYSTEM INSTL, Engine oil (For NRA 1 N'P

see fig.6/1)
28130-101 . SYSTEM INSTL, Oil, engine 1 NP
- 1 8526250 COOLER ASSY, Oil, Model 1
AP07AU06-03 (Harrison)
Attaching parts
- 2 AN3-40A BOLT 4
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 8
MS21042L3 NUT 4

- 3 260-13-64-1 SPACER 4
- 4 MS20822-8D ELBOW, Pipe to tube 90° 2
- 5 28130-11 LINE ASSY, Oil cooler inlet 1
- 6 28130-13 LINE ASSY, Oil cooler outlet 1
- 7 MS21919DG8 . CLAMP, Cushion 6
- 8 NASl 096-3-8 SCREW 2
NAS1252-10H . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2

- 9 AN815-8D . UNION 4
-10 MS28741-8-0130 HOSE ASSY, Oil cobler 2
-11 28131-11 . BRACKET, Support clamp 1
Attaching parts
-12 MS27039-1-05 SCREW 1

-13 205-8-136-13 SPACER 1

-14 NAS1096-3-14 SCREW 1
NAS1252-10H WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1

-15 28130-15 LINE ASSY, Engine oil outlet 1

-16 28130-17 LINE ASSY, Engine oil inlet 1
-17 AN816-8D "'
NIPPLE, Pipe to tube 1
-18 205-8-131-11 REDUCER, External thread 1
205-8-132-11 GASKET 1
-19 MS20823-4D ELBOW, Pipe to tube 45° 1
-20 · 28130-23 HOSE, MIL-H-6000, size lx15 in(BI) 1
Attaching parts
-21 AN737TW46 CLAMP, Tangential 2
-22 MS28741-4-0100 HOSE ASSY, Oil pressure fwd 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Units .0
Figure and
Part Number
1 2 3 4 S 6

on code

6/6 28130-103 SYSTEM INSTL, Oil, fuselage 1 NP

-23 AN832-4D UNION; Bulkhead 1
NAS1252-616L . . WASHER 1
AN924-4D NUT 1
-24 MS28741-4-0217 . . HOSE ASSY, Oil pressure rear 1
-25 AN816-4D . . UNION 1
-26 28130-19 . LINE, Engine breather 1
Attaching parts
-27 MS21919DG16 . . CLAMP, Cushion 2
NAS1096-3-8 . . SCREW 2
NASl 252-1 OH . WASHER 2 ·
MS21042L3 . . NUT


Model S208 Section II
Group 6


,,,,.,,,,. ......

,,,._.;' ...... -,b

-- .........
-.. . . . -.
··- -- ---- --- ----


Figure: 6 /7 ~ Fuel System Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Units ..0 Usob .

Fi9ure and .!
lnd1t11 Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 S 6 Assy on code

6 /7 28083-01 SYSTEM INSTL, Fuel (For NHA see 1 INP

fig. 6/1)
28083-101 SYSTEM INSTL, Fuel engine 1 tNP

- 1 AN816-3D .. NIPPLE, Pipe to tube 1

- 2 28083-26 . . LINE ASSY, Manifold pressure 1
- 3 AN832-3D . UNION, Bulkhead 1
NAS1252-616L WASHER 1
AN924-3D . NUT 1
- 4 28084-11 . . BRACKET, Support fitting 1
- 5 MS28741-3-0154 . . HOSE ASSY, Manifold pres sure fwd 1
- 6 205-8-119-01 . ELBOW, Restrictor 1
- 7 MS28741-3-0270 . . HOSE ASSY, Fuel pressure 1
- 8 MS20822-6D . . ELBOW, Pipe to tube 90° 1
- 9 28083-05 . HOSE ASSY, Asbestos covered carb. 1
to engine pump
-9A MS28741-6-0257 . . HOSE ASSY 1
-10 AN804D6 . . TEE, Bulkhead on tun 1
MS28777-6 . RING, Gasket back up 1
MS28512-6 .. . GASKET, ''O'' ring
, 1
AN6289D6 . NUT 1

-11 MS20823-4D . ELBOW, PipE! to tube, 45 ° 1

-12 28083-15 LINE ASSY, Engine pump drain fwd 1
-13 205-8-109-19 . HOSE, MIL-H-6000, size 1 /4x8 1
in (Bl)
Attaching parts
-14 AN737TW22 . . CLAMP, Tangential

-15 28083-07 . . HOSE ASSY, Asbestos covered, 1

engine to electric pump
-1 !iL\ MS28741-6-0120 .. . HOSE ASSY 1
-16 AN833-6D .. ELBOW, Bulkhead 90° 1
MS28777-6 . . RING, Gasket back up 1
MS29512-6 . . GASKET, ''O'' ring 1
AN6289D6 . NUT 1
-17 2 8083-03 . . HOSEASSY, Asbstos covered engine 1
fuel pump to tee
-18 MS28741-6-0200 . HOSE ASSY 1
-19 28083-103 . SYSTEM INSTL, Fuel, fuselage (For Ref
breakdown see fig. 6/8)
-20 205-8-113-03 TANK INSTL, Fuel LH (See fig. 2/7) Ref
205-8-113-04 TANK INSTL, Fuel RH (See fig. 2/7) Ref

Model S208
Group 6


t I

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\ I I I
)' I I
1/ I
,, \ /
'\ II
\ I
\ I
\ I
' I
' I
'' I
' ' , , _ / II



'\ \

' \



Figure 6 /8. Fusela ge F ue l System Installation

Model S 208 Sectio" II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units ..0 Utali.

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
·~ on code
6/8 28083-103 SYSTEM INSTL, Fuel, fuselage (For 1 NP
NHA see fig. 6/7)
- 1 475953 PUMP ASSY, Fuel, electric (Bendix) 2
Attaching parts
- 2 205 - 8-129-11 SPACER, (Quantity for two pumps) 1
- 3 MS27039-1-09 . SCREW, ( Quantity for two pumps) 3
MS27039-1-17 SCREW, (Quantity for two pumps) 1
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
- 4 MS20822-4D ELBOW, Pipe to tube, 90° 2
- 5 MS20826-4D . TEE, Pipe to tube 1
205-8-126-11 . REDUCER 1

- 6 MS28741-4-0035 HOSE ASSY, Pump interconnection 2

- 7 MS20825-4D . TEE, Pipe thread on side 1
205-8-126-11 . REDUCER 1
- 8 28083-17 . LINE ASSY, Electric pump to tee 1
- 9 AN804D6 . TEE, Bulkhead on run 1 ;

NASl 252-916L WASHER 1

AN924-6D NUT 1
-10 25083-18 LINE, Engine pump drain 1
Attaching parts
-11 MS21919DG4 . CLAMP, Cushion 2
MS35207-2 62 . SCREW 2
NASl 252-1 OL . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
-12 AN832-3D . UNION, Bulkhead 1
NASl 252-616L . WASHER 1
AN924-3D NUT 1
-13 AN837-3D . ELBOW, Bulkhead 45 ° 1
NASl 252-616L WASHER 1
AN924-3D . NUT 1
-14 MS28741-3-02 66 . HOSE ASSY, Fuel & manifold pressure 2
-15 AN816-3D . UNION, Pressure gage 1
-16 205-8-108-01 RESTRICTOR, Manifold pressure gage 1
-17 205-8-109-14 . LINE ASSY, Firewall to strainer 1
Attaching parts
-18 MS21919DG6 CLAMP, Cushion 2
MS35207-262 SCREW 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Unita .0 Uaob,

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any
"i on code
6/8 -19 NS4F001-3 . BRACKET, Angle 3
-20 8-270-1171 STRAINER ASSY, Fuel ( Transaereo) 1
-21 205-8-138-11 .
PLUG, Fuel strainer 1
-22 CCA1550 . COCK, Fuel strainer drain. (Curtis) 1
-23 AN816-6D . NIPPLE, Pipe to tube 5
-24 28083-13 . LINE ASSY, Fuel strainer to selector 1
-25 205-8-118-01 VALVE ASSY, Fuel selector 1
Attaching parts
-26 AN4-4A BOLT 2
AN960-416L WASHER 2.
MS21042L4 . NUT

-27 28083-11 LINE ASSY, Sleeter valve to LH tank 1

Atta c hing parts
-28 MS21919DG6 CLAMP, Cushion 2
MS35207-2 62 . SCREW 2
NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
-29 28083-12 . LINE ASSY, Selector valve to union 1
-30 AN815-6D . UNION 1
-31 28083-14 . LINE ASSY, Union to RH tank 1
Attaching parts
-32 MS21919DG6 CLAMP, Cushion 2
MS35207-2 62 SCREW 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-33 MS35489- 20 • GROMMET, Rubber 2
-34 MS35489-16S GROMMET, Rubber, split 4
-35 26100-01 HANDLE ASSY, Fuel selector ( See Ref .
fig. 5 /9)

Model S20S Section II
Group 6


31 32

22 21 3 /

~~ ~/--
36 ~

~ 42



Figure 6/9. 43
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Fi,gure ond Units .0 U1ob .

lnde>C Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Numbu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
on code

6/9 26150-01 CONTROLS INSTL, Engine (For NHA 1 INP

see fig. 6/1)
- 1 205-6-159-01 CONTROL ASSY, Mixture 1
Attaching parts
- 2 AN4-6 BOLT 1
AN320-4 NUT 1
MS24665-151 .PIN, Cotter

- 3 NS5D001-2-1205 CABLE ASSY, Teleflex 1

- 4 NS5E004-1 .. BUTTON, Push 1
Attaching parts
- 5 AN507-832R8 .. . SCREW 1
' 1
-7 NS5E002-3 .. KNOB 1
-8 AN150407 . NUT, Check 1
-9 205-6-167-13 .
. TERMINAL, Clevis 1
-10 205-6-272-01 . PLATE ASSY, Firewall sealing 4
-11 MS21919DG1l . CLAMP, Cushion 2
-12 NS4F022-1 . CLAMP 2
Attaching parts
-13 NAS1096-3 7 SCREW 1
MS21042L3 . NUT 1
-14 260-13-94-01 CONTROL ASSY, Propeller governor 1
Attaching parts
-15 AN3-7 . BOLT 1
AN320-3 NUT 1
MS24665-151 PIN, Cotter 1
-16 NSSDOOl -3-1886 .. CABLE ASSY, Teleflex 1
-17 NS5E004-1 .. . BUTTON, Push 1
Attaching parts
-18 AN507-832R8 ... SCREW

-19 NS5D011 SPRING 1

-20 NS5E003-2 . . KNOB 1
-21 AN150407 . NUT, Check 1
-22 205-6-259-11 .. TERMINAL, Clevis 1

260-13-97-01 BRACKET ASSY, Prop governor ctrl 1

-23 260-13-97-11 . BRACKET 1
-24 260-13-97-13 .CLAMP 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units ..0

~ Uaab.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Humber 1 2 3 4 5 6 /4.ssy on code

6/9 Attaching parts

-25 AN3-3A . BOLT 2
AN960-10 .
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-26 MS21919DG4 CLAMP, Cushion 2
Attaching parts
-27 NASl 096-3-7 SCREW 1
AN960-10 WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT 1
-28 205-6-161-01 CONTROL ASSY, Throttle 1
Attaching F)arts
-29 AN3-6 BOLT l
AN320-3 . ' NUT 1
MS24665-15 l . PIN, Cotter 1
-30 NS5D001-1-l 220 . . CABLE ASSY, Teleflex 1
-31 NS5E004-1 . BUTTON, Push l
Attaching parts
-32 AN507-832R8 .

-33 NS5D011 . .. SPRING 1

-34 NS5E001-1 . KNOB l
-35 ANl 50407 . NUT, Check 1
-36 205-6-167-11 . . TERMINAL, Clevis 1
-37 260-13-17-1 . BRACKET, Thr.ottle microswitch 1
-38 NS5D002-1265 . CONTROL ASSY, Carburetor heating 1
-39 NS5E005-1 . . KNOB 1
-40 NS4F022-l . CLAMP 1
-41 15688"61 SHAFT ASSY, Flexible, tacho'm.eter 1
-42 2 05-6-27 2-01 . PLATE ASSY, Firewall sealing 1
-43 BZ2RW84 MICROSWITCH, Throttle ( See fig. 8 /3) Ref

-6. 24-
Model S208 Section II
Group 6




Figure 6/10. Engine Baffle Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figura and Units ..!! Uaab .
1ndox Port Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy
"f<( on code
6/10 25023-01 BAFFLE INSTL, Engine ( For NHA 1 INP
see fig. 6/1)
. 25029-01 \"x, BAFFLE ASSY, Fwd LH 1
Attaching parts
- 1 AN503-10-8 SCREW 1
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 1

- 2 AN503-416-8 BOLT 2
NAS1252-416L WASHER, Plain 2
MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock 2
- 3 25029-101 RIVETED ASSY, Fwd baffle LH 1
- 4 25029-27 . SEAL, Rubber 1
- 5 25029-09 .' \ SUPPORT, Fwd baffle LH 1
'i Attaching parts
- 6 NAS1096-3-8 . SCREW 2
NASl 2 52-1 OL . WASHER

25028-01 . BAFFLE ASSY, Fwd RH 1

Attaching parts
- 7 260-13-72-11 . BOLT 2
NAS1252-616L WASHER 2
MS35333-42 . WASHER, Lock 2
- 8 25028-03 RIVETED ASSY, Fwd baffle RH 1
- 9 25028-19 SEAL, Rubber 1
-10 260-13-62-1 .. SUPPORT, Fwd baffle RH 1
Attaching parts
-11 NAS1096-3-8 . SCREW 2
NASl 252-1 OL . WASHER 2
-12 25026-01 BAFFLE ASSY, Left side fwd 1
Attaching parts
-13 AN3-3A BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L WASHER 2
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-14 AN503-416-8 . SCREW 2
. NASl 252-416L . WASHER, . Plain 2
MS35333-40 WASHER, Lock 2
-15 25026-15 . SEAL, Rubber 1
-16 25027-01 BAFFLE ASSY, Left side center 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Fig\,lr• and Units ..ri

..!? Usob .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 Assy on code

6/10 Attaching parts

-17 AN503-416-8 SCREW 2
NAS1252-416L • WASHER, Plain 2
MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock 2
-18 25027-13 . SEAL, Rubber 1

25031-01 BAFFLE ASSY, Aft LH 1

Attaching parts
-19 AN503-416-8 SCREW 2
NAS1252-416L WASHER, Plain 2
MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock 2
-20 25031-03 .
-21 25031-11 .
SEAL, Rubber, lateral 1
-22 25031-17 . SEAL, Rubber, rear 1
-23 25031-05 .. BAFFLE SUBASSY, Aft 1
Attaching parts
-24 MS27039-0805 .. SCREW 3
-25 25031-21 . . SEAL, Rubber 1
-26 · 25031-25 . . SEAL, Rubber 1
-27 25024-01 .. BAFFLE ASSY, Right side fwd 1
Attaching parts
-28 AN503-416-8 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-416L . WASHER, Plain 2
MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock 2

-29 AN3-3A BOLT 2

NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . ----o----

-30 25024-13 .. SEAL, Rubber 1

-31 25025-01 BAFFLE ASSY, Right side center 1
Attaching parts
-32 AN503-416-8 SCREW 2
. NASl 252-416L . WASHER, Plain 2 .

MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock


-33 2502 5-13 . SEAL, Rubber 1

-34 25030-01 . BAFFLE ASSY, Aft RH 1

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and ..!i! Usab .
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·.:;
Assy > on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 <(

6/10 Attaching parts

-35 AN503-416-8 SCREW 2
NAS1252-416L . WASHER, Plain 2
MS35333-40 . WASHER, Lock 2
-36 25030-17 . . SEAL, Rubber, lateral 1
-37 260-13-56-27 . SEAL, Rubber, rear outbd 1
-38 260-13-56-19 . . SEAL, Rubber, rear inbd 1
-39 260-13-66-11 ROD, Fwd & rear baffle interconn. LH 1
260-13-66-12 ROD, Fwd & rear baffle interconn. RH 1
Attaching parts
-40 AN315-3R . NUT, Check 2·
NAS1252-l OL . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 NUT 2
-41 25037-01 TUBE, Magneto cooling 2
Attaching parts
-42 MS27039-0805 SCREW 3
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 3
MS21042L08 . NUT 3
----o---- Ref
-43 PLATE, Spark plug cable (Supplied
with engine)
Attaching parts
-44 MS27039-0805 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2

Model S208 Stctlo91l ii
· Group 6

POWER P L A N T - ~ - - - - - - - - = -

------·- --· ---.

Figu r e 6/ 11. Fuel Fuselage & Wing System Installation (Optional)
-6 , 29-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure ond
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION
per .,
.!l Uaa~.
on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any

6/ 11 28083-103A SYSTEM INSTL, . Fuel fuselage & wing 1 rt',JP
- 1 475953 . PUMP ASSY, Fuel electric Ref
(See fig. 6/ 8)
- 2 205-8-109-14 . LINE ASSY, Firewall to strainer Ref
(See fig.6/8)
- 3 8-270-1171 • STRAINER ASSY, Fuel (See fig. 6/ 8) Ref
- 4 MS20823-6D . ELBOW, Pipe to tube 45 ° 3
- 5 28085-23 . LINE ASSY, Strainer to valve fuel 1

205-8-207-01 . VALVE ASSY, Fuel selector I

Attaching parts
- 6 AN503-I0-8 • SCREW 2
MS35333-39 . WASHER

- 7 HE748 .. VALVE, Fuel selector (H. & E.) 1

- 8 205-8-208-11 .. NIPPLE 1
- 9 CCA4850 .. COCK, Valve fuel selector drain 1
-10 28206-05 . CONTROL ASSY, Fuel selector Ref
(See fig. 5/9)
-11 28085-17 . LINE ASSY, Valve to junction, 1
outbd LH
28085-15 . LINE ASSY, Valve to junction, 1
inbd LH
-12 • 28085-11 . LINE ASSY, Valve to junction, 1
outbd RH
28085-13 . LINE ASSY, Valve to junction, 1
inbd RH
-13 MS20822-6D . ELBOW, Pipe to tube, 90° 1
-14 AN816-6D . NIPPLE, Pipe to tube 2
-15 MS35489-12S • GROMMET, Rubber 8
-16 AN815-6D · . UNION 4
-17 28085-19 .
: LINE ASSY, Union to tank 2
Attaching parts
-18 MS2l9l9DG6 . CLAMP, Cushion 2
NAS1096-3-8 . BOLT 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
MS21042L3 . NUT
- - - -o- - ·- -

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Fleur• and Units ..0 u.. i. .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(
on code

6/11-19 28085-22 . LINE ASSY, Union to elbow, LH 1

28085-21 . LINE ASSY, Union to elbow, RH 1
Attaching parts
-20 MS219I9DG6 . CLAMP, Cushion

-21 AN833-6D . ELBOW, Bulkhead 90° 2

AN960-616 . WASHER 2
AN924-6D . NUT 2
-22 205-8-109-32 • HOSE, MIL-H-6000, size 3/8x 10 2
in ( Bl)
Attaching parts
-23 AN737TW26 . CLAMP, Tangential
-24 205-8-197-25 . LINE ASSY, Wing 2
Attaching parts
-25 MS219 l 9DG6 . CLAMP, Cushion 6
NASl 096-3-9 . BOLT 3
NAS1096-3-10 . BOLT 1
NAS1096-3-18 . BOLT 1
NAS1096-3-8 . BOLT 1
205-8-197-29 • SPACER 1
205-8-197-27 • SPACER 1
NASI252-10L . WASHER 6
MS21042L3 . NUT
-26 205-8-195-13 • SUPPORT, Line LH 3
205-8-195-14 • SUPPORT, Line RH 3
Attaching parts
NAS1096-3-8 . BOLT 1
NAS 1252- lOL . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT

-27 AN743-12R . BRACKET, Line support 2

Attaching parts
NAS1096-3-10 . BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT

-28 NS3F00l-I0-1890 . HOSE, Pvc, .3931Dx.078x75in (BI) 2

-29 205-8-197-23 0 TUBE, External 2

Model S 208 Section II
Group 6 Power Plant

Figure and Units j Uaal..

Part Number
Assy <
an code

6/11 Attaching parts

-30 MS21919DG12 • CLAMP, Cushion 2
NAS1096-3-9 • BOLT 2
NASl 252-1 OL • WASHER 2
MS21042L3 • NUT 2
-31 205-8-196-15 • SUPPORT, External tube LH 2
205-8-196-16 • SUPPORT, External tube RH 2
Attaching parts
NAS1096-3-8 • BOLT 1
NAS1252-10L • WASHER 1
MS21042L3 • NUT 1
-32 205-8-197-31 • HOSE, MIL-H-6000, size 3/ 8 x 16 1
in ( Bl)
Attaching parts
-33 AN737TW26 • CLAMP, Tangential 2
-34 205-8-113-03 • TANK INS TL, Fuel LH (See fig. 2/7) Ref
205-8-113-04 • TANK INSTL, Fuel RH (See fig. 2/7) Ref

-35 205-8-198-01 • TANK INSTL, Fuel wing tip LH Ref

(See fig. 2/9)
205-8-198-02 • TANK INSTL, Fuel wing tip RH Ref
(See fig. 2/9)

Model S208 Section II
Group 7



Figure 7 /1. Instrument System General Arrangement

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure ond Units .d Usob .

Part Numbor
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy
"i on code
7 /1 28000Al INSTRUMENT SYSTEM, General 1 !NP
arrangement (For NHA see fig. 1)
- 1 28240-01 PANEL ASSY, Instrument (For Ref A
bkdw see fig. 7 /3)
28240-05 PANEL ASSY, Instrument (For Ref B
bkdw see fig. 7 /3)

- 2 205-8-190-01 .. SYSTEM INSTL, Pitot (For bkdw Ref

see fig. 7 /5)
- 3 2 0 5 - 8-1 64 - 01 SYSTEM INSTL, Vacuum (Optional) Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 7 /6)
- 4 NS5F037 COMPASS ASSY, Magnetic 1
Attaching parts
- 5 205-8-245-11 . BOLT 2

-6 205-8-255-13 . GASKET 1
-7 NS5F032-2 . GAGE, Free air temperature 1
-8 205-8-265-15 . SUPPORT, Timer (Optional) 1
-9 205-8-265-13 TIMER (Optional) 1

A = Serial 001 to 2-20

B = Serial 2 .;.21 & on

Model S208 Section II
Group 7



17 \

· 23~

~ 5
4 '

})CJ8· oo~
· ·
··o · o· · ··
\ .·o o·O.


• •

Figure 7 /2. Instrument Panel Structure Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure ond Units ..ri

.E Usob .
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy on code

7/2. 28241-00 STRUCTURE INSTL, Instrument panel 1 NP A

(For NHA see fig. 7 /3)
28241-00A STRUCTURE INSTL, Instrument panel l NP B
28241-01 . FRAME ASSY, Instrument panel, 1

- 1 205-8-241-01 . . FRAME ASSY, Upper 1

Attaching parts
- 2 MS27039- 0807 .. SCREW 4
- 3 MS35206-228 .. SCREW 4
NAS1252-6L .. WASHER 4
MS21042L06 . . ----o----

- 4 205-8-241-13 . . . FRAME HALF, Left side 1

- 5 205-8-241-12 . . . FRAME HALF, Right side 1
- 6 205-8-241-14 . . • ANGLE, Splice 1
- 7 205-8-248-01 . . . BRACKET, Left side 1
- 8 205-8-248-02 . . . BRACKET, Right side 1
- 9 28241-03 . . FRAME ASSY, Lower 1
Attaching parts
-10 MS27039-0807 . . SCREW

-11 28241-11 . . . CROSS, Lower frame 1

-12 205-8-249-0l ... BRACKET 4
-13 205-8-244-11 . BEARING, Teflon, control bar 2
Attaching parts
-14 MS27039- l-12 • SCREW 4
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 • NUT 4
-15 205-6-073-15 • SLEEVE, Control bar lock (Optional) 1
-16 205-8-267-05 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Shock panel 1 A
28242-01 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Shock panel 1 B
28242-03 • STRUCTURE ASSY, Shock panel I C
Attaching parts
-17 AN4- l 1A . BOLT 6
NAS1252-416L . WASHER 6
MS21042L4 • NUT 6
-18 205-8-246-0l . . BRACKET ASSY
Attaching parts

-19 AN960C416L .. WASHER 1

22Kl-048 .. NUT, Cap

-20 NS4C009-2 ... CAP, Bolt retainer 1

- 7.4-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure ancl Unita ..0 Usal,.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy ,(
on code

7/2 -21 AN4-3A . .. BOLT 1

-22 04-77024-11 • GROMMET, Rubber 2
MS35489-56 • GROMMET, Rubber (Optional) l
-23 AN8008Dl0 . INSULATOR, Vibration 6
Attaching parts
-24 MS27039-0807 . SCREW 4
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 4
MS21042L08 . NUT
-25 AN8013D2 . WASHER 2
-26 ZOS-8-253-11 . BRACKET, Bracing, left side 1
-27 205-8-253-lZ . BRACKET, Bracing, right side 1
-28 205-8-258-11 . TUBE, Bracing LH I
205-8-258-12 . TUBE, Bracing RH 1
Attaching parts
-29 MS27039-0805 • SCREW 1
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 1
MS2104ZL08 • NUT 1
-30 28250-13 . COVER, Shock panel, LH (Optional) 1
28250-11 . COVER, Shock panel, RH (Optional) 1

A ::: Serial 001 to Z-ZO

B = Serial 2-21 & on
C = Aircraft with wing tip fuel tank (Opti tmal)

Model S208 Section II
Group 7


10 11




TO 2-20

Figure 7 I 3. Instrume nt Pane l Assembly

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure and Units .n Usob.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 As5y on code
-· -<

7 /3 28240-01 PANEL ASSY, Instrument (For NHA 1 NP A

see fig. 7 /1)
28240-05 PANEL ASSY, Instrument (For NHA 1 NP B
see fig. 7 /1)
- 1 28241-00 . STR UC fURE ASSY, Instrument panel Ref A
(For bkdw see fig. 7 /2)
28241-00A . STRUCTURE ASSY, Instrument panel Ref B
(For bkdw see fig. 7 /2)
- 2 MS25041-3-327 LIGHT ASSY, Green, LG indicator Ref
(See fig. 8/6)
- 3 MS25041-2-327 LIGHT ASSY, Red, LG indicator Ref
(See fig. 8/6)
- 4 NS5F035 . CLOCK, 8 days ( Optional) 1
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl 4 . SCREW 2
NAS487-20 NUT, Instrument mounting 2
- 5 205-8-272-01 . COVER, Optional clock space 1
Attaching parts
AN507B632R7 SCREW 2
NASl 252-6L WASHER 2
MS21042L06 • NUT 2
- 6 NS5F012-2 . INDICATOR, Airspeed 1
Attaching parts
AN507 B632R14 . SCREW 4
NAS487-20 , NUT, Instrument mounting 4
- 7 NS5F006-2 ALTIMETER, Milliber scale 1
NS5F006-2 ALTIMETER, Millibar scale (Optional) 2
NS5F006-1 . ALTIMETER, Inch of mercury scale 1
NS5F006-1 . ALTIMETER, Inch of mere . scale(Opt.) 2
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl 4 . SCREW 3
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting 3
- 8 NS5F020 • INDICATOR, Turn and bank 1
Attaching parts
AN507B632R14 . SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting 4
- 9 NS5F047 . DIRECTIONAL GYRO, (Optional) 1
Attaching parts
AN507Bl 032R14 . SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting 4
Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure and Units ..0 Usab.

lnde,. Port Number DESCRIPTION per
-~ on code
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 <

7/3 -10 NS5 F02 l . GYRO HORIZON, (Optional) 1

Attaching parts
AN507 B1032Rl4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . ----o----
NUT, Instrument mounting 4
-11 NS5F009 . INDICATOR, Rate of climb 1
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl4 • SCREW 3
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting
-12 205-8-260-01 . COVER, Optional instrument space 3
Attaching parts
AN507 B632R 7 • SCREW 4
NAS l 252-6L . WASHER 4
MS21042L06 . NUT
-13 205-8-051-11 . COVER, Optional radio space 1
Attaching parts
AN507B832Rl2 • SCREW 8
-14 205-6-159-01 . CONTRO ASSY, Mixture (See fig. 6/9) Ref
-15 260-15-09-1 • SWITCH ASSY, Flap ctrl (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
-16 MS35058-22 . SWITCH, Fuel pump ctrl (See fig. 8/6) Ref
-17 NS5F018-l • GAGE, Fuel pressure 1
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting
-18 NSSF015 • GAGE, Manifold pres sure 1
Attaching parts
AN507 B632R 14 . SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . ----o----
NUT, Instrument mounting 4

-19 NS5F013-4 .TACHOMETER, cw rotation 1

Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument mounting

-20 NS5F04l-l . INSTRUMENT, Cluster 1 C

NS5F062-l . INSTRUMENT, Cluster 1 D
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 . NUT, Instrument ri. ,unting
-21 NS5F04I-ll .. INDICATOR, Left fuel 1
-22 NS5F041-12 .. INDICATOR, Right fuel 1

- 7. 8-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure and Units j Uaob.

Index Port Number o ·E SCRIPT ION per ·~
Number 123456 Assy J on code

7/3 -23 NS5F041-13 •• AMMETER 1

-24 NS5F041-14 •• GAGE, Oil pressure 1
-25 NS5F041-15 •• THERMOMETER, Oil temperature l
-26 NS5F041- 16 •• THERMOMETER, Cylinder head l
-27 NS5 FOl 7 • GAGE, Suction (Optional) l
Attaching parts
AN507B632Rl4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 • NUT, Instrument mounting 4
-28 205-8-261-01 • COVER, Optional suction gage space 1
Attaching parts
AN507B63ZR7 • SCREW 4
NAS1252-6L • WASHER 4
MSZ 1042L06 • NUT 4
-29 NS5 F026- l • INDICATOR, Stall warning 1
Attaching parts
AN507B632RI4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 • NUT, Instrument mounting 4
-30 NS5F028 • GAGE, Air carburetor temperature 1
Attaching parts
AN507B632RI4 • SCREW 4
NAS487-20 • NUT, Instrument mounting 4
-31 JK34A 0 JACK, Mike (See fig. 9 / l) Ref
-32 JK33A • JACK, Phone (See fig.9/1) Ref
-33 MS25017-10 • CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1 OA (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
-34 - MS25017-15 • CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15A (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
- 35 MS 2 5 0 1 7 - 5 0 • CIRCUIT BREAKER, 50A (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
-36 MS25041-4-327 • LIGHT ASSY, Fuel pump indicator Ref
(See fig. 8/ 6)
-37 NS5D002-l365 • CONTROL ASSY, Cabin heat Ref
(See fig. 1/23)
-38 AN3155-50-100 • RHEOSTAT, Instrument light Ref
(See fig. 8/ 6)
-39 260-13-94-01 • CONTROL ASSY, Propeller Ref
(See fig. 6 /9)
-40 205-6-161-01 • CONTROL ASSY, Throttle (See fig. 6/9) Ref
-41 205-8-069-01 • SWITCH ASSY, LG ctrl (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
-42 205-6-170-01 • CONTROL ASSY, Carburetor heat Ref
{See fig. 6/9)

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Fleur• oncl Units .a Uaob.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy ,(
on code

7/3 -43 MS35058-22 • SWITCH, Toggle (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref

-44 10-357200-1 • SWITCH, Ignition (See fig. 8/ 6) Ref
-45 205-6-236-01 . CONTROL ASSY, Parking brake Ref
(See fig.4/11)
-46 28240-101 . PLACARD INSTL, Instrument panel Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 7/4)

A =
Serial 001 to 2-20
B = Serial 2-21 & on
C =
D =
Aircraft with wing tip fuel (Optional)

-7. 10-
Model S208 Section II
Group 7

- - - - - - - - - - - - INSTRUMENT

Figure 7 /4. Instrument Panel Placards Installation

Mod,:?I S208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figuru and Units A
..2 Usob.
lnde>< Port Number DESCRIPTION per ~
Number Assy < on code

7/4 28240-101 PLACARDS INSTL, Instrument panel 1 NP

(For NHA see fig. 7 /3)
- 1 205-8-252-46 PLACARD, Down 3
- 2 205-8-252-45 . PLACARD, Up 3
- 3 205-8-252-44 PLACARD, Landing gear 2
- 4 205-8-252-47 PLACARD, LG operation limitation 1 A
205-8-243-31 . PLACARD, LG operation limitation 1 B

- 5 205-8-252-30 PLACARD, Max maneuvering speed 1 A

205-8-243-11 PLACARD, Max maneuvering speed 1 B

- 6 205-8-252-49 PLACARD, No acrobatic maneuvers 1 A

205-8-243-17 PLACARD, No acrobatic maneuvers 1 B

- 7 205-8-252-48 PLACARD, Airplane category 1 A

205-8-243-27 . PLACARD, Airplane category 1 B

- 8 04-77065-01 CALIBRATION CARD ASSY, Compass 1

- 9 04-77065-13 . CARD, Compass calibration 1
-10 205-8-256-11 . PLACARD , Registration mark 1
-11 205-8-252-56 . PLACARD, Radio call 1
-12 205-8-252-34 PLACARD, Booster pump 1
-13 205-8-252-25 PLACARD, Off 3
-14 205-8-252-26 PLACARD, On 2
-15 205-8-252-36 . PLACARD, In case of engine fire 1 A
205-8-243-25 . PLACARD, In case of engine fire
I1 B

-16 205-8-252-38 . PLACARD, Flight operations 1 A

205-8-243-23 PLACARD, Flight operations 1 B
-17 205-2-049-13 NAMEPLAT'E, Trim designer 1
-18 205-8-252-11 . PLACARD, Mike 2
~19 205-8-252-20 . PLACARD, Phone 2
-20 28243-13 .. PLACARD, Flaps & elevator trim 1
-21 205-8-252-53 . PLACARD, Landing gear ctrl 1
-22 205-8-252-42 . PLACARD, Radio 2 1
-23 205-8-252-41 PLACARD, Radio 1
-24 205-8-252-23 . PLACARD, Engine ctrl 1
-25 205-8-252-55 . PLACARD; Ext. lights, internal lights 1
-26 205-8-252-40 PLACARD, Turn & bank stall, LG 1
-27 205-8-252-50 . PLACARD, Generator 1
-28 205-8-252-54 PLACARD, Alternator ctrl limitation 1 C

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure and Units .a Usob .

Index Port Numbe r DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy on code

7 /4 -29 205-8-252-13 PLACARD, Cabin heat ctrl 1

-30 28243-11 PLACARD, Flaps 1
-31 205-8-252-24 PLACARD, Mixture ctrl 1
-32 205-8-252-27 PLACARD , Propeller ctrl 1
-33 205-8-252-14 . PLACARD; Throttle ctrl 1
-34 205-8-252-15 PLACARD, Carburetor heat ctrl 1
-35 205-8-252-21 PLACAR D, Generator, bm.ttery switch 1
-36 205-8-252-12 PLACARD, Pitot heat, turn & bank 1
-37 205-8-252-57 PLACARD, Internal lights switch 1
-38 205-8-252-29 PLACARD, External lights switch 1
-39 205-8-252-31 PLACARD, Brake parking 1
-40 205-8-252-22 PLACARD, Panel light 1

A = All aircraft other then the Germany c nes

B = Aircraft for Germany
C = Aircraft with engine alternator


-7. 1:3-
Model S208 S0ctlo11 II
Group 7



Figure 7 /5. Pitot System Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Fi9ure and Units

.!l Uaob .
lnde,c P<!rt Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 As.,y 'i on code

7/5 205-8-190-01 SYSTEM INS TL, Pitot (For NHA see 1 NP

fig. 7 / 1)
205-8-184-0l . TUBE ASSY, Pitot _(When exhausted 1
use 205-8-184-05)
205-8-184-05 . TUBE ASSY, Pitot (Alternate for 1
Attaching parts
- l AN509-10Rl 1 . SCREW 4
AN960-10L . WASHER 4
MS21042L3 . NUT

- 2 205-8-186-0l . .
TUBE, Pitot (AN58 l 2-l reworked) 1
- 3 205-8-184-03 . .
MAST ASSY, Pitot (When exhausted 1
use 205-8-184-07)
205-8-184-07 . .
MAST ASSY, Pitot (Alternate for 1
- 4 NS3FOO 1-5-290 . .
HOSE, Pvc, .1971Dx.059xl2 in (BJ l
- 5 205-8-179-11 . BRACKET, Support clamp I
- 6 205-8-190-11 . LINE I
Attaching parts
- 7 MS2I 9l 9DG4 . CLAMP, Cushion I
NASI 096-3-7 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 1
MS21042L3 . NUT

- 8 NS3FOO 1-5-5600 . HOSE, Pvc, .197IDx.059x22lin(BI) 1

- 9 NS3FOO 1-5-900 . HOSE, Pvc, • '19'7 ID x. 059 x 36 in (Bl) 2
-10 NS3F001-5-700 • HOSE, Pvc, • 1 9 7 ID x . 0 5 9 x 2 8 in ( BI) 1
-11 AN807-4D .
ADAPTER, Hose to universal 4
MS29512-4 .
AN924-4D .

-12 NS5FOI2 . INDICATOR, Air speed (See fig. 7 / 4) Ref

-13 NS5F006-2 . ALTIMETER, (See fig. 7 /4) Ref
-14 NS5F009 . INDICATOR, Rate of climb Ref
(See fig. 7 / 4)
-15 04-72103-11 . CROSS 1
~16 NS3F001-5-6000 . HOSE, Pvc, • l97IDx.059x236in(BI) 1
-17 MS25281 F8 . CLAMP, Plastic 2
AN507-832R6 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-8L . WASHER z
MS21042L08 . NUT 2

Model S 208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure and
Part Number
1 2 3 4 5 6

on code

7/5 -18 205-8-183-01 . TEE 1

-19 NS3F001-5-1000 • HOSE, Pvc, .197 IDx. 059x40 in (BI) 1
-20 NS3FOO 1-5-750 • HOSE, Pvc, • 197 ID x. 059 x 30 in ( Bl) 1
.. 21 MS25 281 F5·, . CLAMP, Plastic 4
NAS1096-2-7 • SCREW 4
NAS1252-8L . WASHER 4
MS21042L08 • NUT 4

-22 205-8-182-01 . FITTING, Anemostat 2

-23 MS35489-l l • GROMMET, Rubber 2

-7. 16-
Mod•I S208 Section II
Group 7

- - - - - - - - - - - - INSTRUMENT - - - - - - - - - - - -

19 18


1 4

Figure 7 /6. Vacuum System Installation

-7. 17-
Model S208 Section II
Group 7 Instrument

Figure ond Unit& .,; Usob.

lndox Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number A .. y on code
123456 <(

7/6 28164-01 SYSTEM INSTL, Vacuum (For NHA 1 NP

see fig. 7 /1)
- 1 200cc PUMP ASSY, Vacuum, dry type 1
(Airborne Mechanism)
- 2 B3001Al GASKET, (Airborne Mechanism) 1
- 3 MS24519-6 ELBOW, Pipe thread and hose, 90° 3
- 4 205-8-161-17 HOSE, MIL-H-5593, size 8 x 18 in ( BI) 1
Attaching parts
- 5 AN737TW30 CLAMP, Tangential 2

VALVE, Air pump suction relief 1
- 6
- 7 205-8-162-11 ADAPTER, Straight, pipe to hose 1
NASl 252-1216L . WASHER 1
AN924-8D . NUT 1

- 8 NS3F001-12-350 HOSE, Pvc, . 472 ID x. 098 x 14 in (BI) 1

- 9 04-72852 -01 • TEE 1
-10 NS3F001-9-2 50 HOSE, Pvc, . 3 54 ID x. 098 x 1 0 in (BI) i I
-11 NS3F001-9-400 HOSE, Pvc, . 354 ID x. 098 x 16 in (BI) 2
-12 NS5F025 . FILTER, Air central 1
Attaching parts
NASl 252-1 OL WASHER 1
MS21042L3 NUT 1
-13 NS3F001-9-300 HOSE, Pvc, . 354 ID x. 098 x 12 in (BI) 1
-14 NS5F047 DIRECTIONAL GYRO, (See fig. 7 /3) Ref
-15 NS5F021 . GYRO HORIZON, (See fig. 7 /3) Ref
-16 MS24522-4 . ADAPTER, Straight, pipe to hose 4
-17 NS3F001-5-1000 HOSE, Pvc, . 197 ID x. 059 x 40 in (BI) 1
-18 NS5F017 GAGE, Suction (See fig. 7 /3) Ref
-19 MS24522-2 . ADAPTER, Straight, pipe to hose 2

-T•. 18-
Model S208 Section II
Group 8


Figure 8 /1. Electrical System Installation

Model S 208 II
Group 8 Electrical System

Units .d
Figure and .2 Usob .
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per D
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy > on code

8 /1 28000Bl SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical (For NHA 1 INP

see fig. 1)
- 1 28000B2 SYS1'EM INSTL, Fuselage electrical R'ef INP
(For bkdw see fig. 8 /3)
- 2 28000B3 SYSTEM INSTL, Wing electrical LH Ref INP
(For bkdw see fig. 8 /2)
28000B4 SYSTEM INSTL, Wing electrical RH Ref NP
(For bkdw see f~g. 8 /2)
. 3 AN753-1 SPLICE, Electrical disconnect 11
- 4 MS25281F3 CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 4

Model S208 Section II
Group 8



Figure 8 /2. Wing Electrical Sys tem Installation

-8. :1-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and Unita .a Usob .

Index Port Humber DESCRIPTION per -~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy on code

8/2 28000B3 · SYSTEM INSTL, Wing electrical LH 1 NP

(For NHA see fig. 8/1)
28000B4 SYSTEM INSTL, Wing electrical RH 1 NP
(For NHA see fig. 8 /1)

- 1 AN3033-14 . LIGHT ASSY, Red, Wing tip LH 1

AN3033-15 . LIGHT ASSY, Green, Wing tip RH 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-231 . SCREW 3
NAS1252- 6L WASHER 3
- 2 AN3033-10 LAMP HOLDER 1
- 3 AN3042-3 .. COVER, Red 1
AN3042-4 . COVER, Green 1
Attaching parts
- 4 AN507-632R12 .. SCREW 1
AN889-1 GASKET, Rubber 1
- 5 MS25309-7512 LAMP 1
- 6 205-8-186-01 . TUBE ASSY, Pitot (See fig. 7 /5) Ref
- 7 164S ACTUATOR, Stall warning, RH wing 1
(Safe Flight)
Attaching parts
MS35206-218 . SCREW 2
- 8 MS25281F3 . CLAMP, Plastic 3
- 9 MK4BR MICRO SWITCH, MLG (Burgess) 1
Attaching parts
MS3 5206-2 34 SCREW 2
MS2l042L06 NUT 2
-l 0 28030-01 CABLE ASSY, Wing LH 1
28030-02 CABLE ASSY, Wing RH 1

-11 205-8-095-01 TRANSMITTER, Fuel quantity Ref

(See fig. 2 /7)

Model S208 Section II
Group 8


Figure 8 /3. Fuselage El e ctrical System Installation
Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure ond Units ..0 Usab.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per ·~
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy on code
8/3 28000B2 SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, fuselage 1 NP
(For NHA see fig. 8 /1)
- 1 28000B21 .SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, engine & Ref
firewall (For bkdw see f gi. 8 /4)
- 2 28000B22 .SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, dome & Ref
baggage light (For bkdw see f,ig. 8 /5)
- 3 28000B23 .SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, cockpit Ref
(For bkdw see fig. 8/6)
- 4 28000B24 SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, fuselage Ref
fwd (For bkdw see fig. 8 /7)
- 5 205-8-032-01 .BATTERY INSTL (For bkdw see Ref
fig. 8 /8)

28030-03 . CABLE ASSY, As assembled on 1

- 6 28030-05 . CABLE ASSY, Before assembly on 1
Attaching parts
- 7 MS35206-214 . . SCREW 4
AN960-4L .. WASHER 4
MS21042L04 NUT 4
- 8 MS3100R14S-6P . CONNECTOR, Firewall 1
MS3057-6A .
MS3420-6 . . . BUSHING 1

- 9 MS3 l 06Al OSL-3S . CONNECTOR, Turn & bank indic. 2

& anticollision light
MS3057-4A .. CLAMP 2
MS3420-4 . BUSHING 2

-10 MS3108Rl 8-8S ... . CONNECTOR, Instrument cluster 1

MS3057-10A .. . CLAMP 1
MS3420-10 .. . BUSHING 1

-11 MS2106A14S-2S CONNECTOR, Air carb. temp. 1

MS3057-6A .. . CLAMP 1
MS3420-6 .. . BUSHING 1

-12 MS3101R16S-6S . . CONNECTOR, LG actuator 1

MS3057-8A . . CLAMP 1
MS3420-8 . . BUSHING 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and Units .d

.!! u.ab.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Auy on code
8 /3 -13 126-217 . . CONNECTOR, Trim tab actuator 1
-14 28030-07 . CABLE ASSY, Engine ( See fig. 8 /4) Ref
-15 28030-11 . . CABLE ASSY, Engine ground Ref
(See fig. 8/4)
-16 28030-12 . CABLE, Starter to relay (See Ref
-17 28030-13 .. CABLE, Throttle microswitch to LG Ref
microswitch (See fig. 8 /4)
-18 MS3106R12$-3S , CONNECTOR, Oil temperture bulb Ref
(See fig. 8/4)
MS3057-6A . CLAMP (See fig. 8 /4) Ref
MS3420-4 . BUSHING (See fig. 8/4) Ref
-19 28030-14 . CABLE, Battery ground (See fig. 8/8) Ref
-20 28030-16 . CABLE, Battery to relay (See Ref
fig. 8/8)
-21 ID387-003 SERVO ASSY, Trim tab ctrl (See Ref
-22 MS35489-4 . GROMMET, Rubber 6
-23 MS25281F8 . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 3
-24 NS4F01 l-1 B , CLAMP, Wire harness 2
-25 MS25281F3 CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 2
-26 MS25219-3 , LIGHT ASSY, Navigation tail 1
Attaching parts
MS352 06-217 . SCREW
-27 MS25219-1 .. LAMP HOLDER 1
-28 MS35478-1683 . LAMP 1
-29 MS23006-2 . LENS, White, non diffusing 1
-30 MS25277-2 LIGHT ASSY, Beacon anticollision 1
Attaching parts
MS352 06-22 8 SCREW 3
-31 MS35338-7079 . LAMP, Anticollision light 2

Model S208 Section U
Group 8



28 29 24


23 24
20 24 21

Figure 8 /4. Engine & Firewall Electrical System Installation

Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figur• and Units j Usab.

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION
Number Apsesry ] on code

8/ 4 28000 B2 l SYSTEM INSTL, Engine &: Firewall, 1 NP

electrical ( For NHA see fig. 8/ 3)
.. 1 GE4591 • LIGHT ASSY, Landing, 28V- 1 OOW (GE) 1
- 2 1105052 • GENERATOR, (See fig. 6/2) Ref
- 3 MS25 l 7 1- 2S • NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 2
- 4 MS25171-1S • NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 3
- 5 MHB4001 • STARTER (See fig. 6/2) Ref
- 6 BS • BULB, Air carburetor temperature Ref
(See fig. 6/2)
• 7 BZ2RW84 • MICROSWITCH, Throttle (Honeywell) 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-235 • SCREW 2
NAS1252-6L • WASHER 2
MS2l042L06 • NUT Z
-- --·o- -- -
- 8 10-163010-10 • MAGNETO, LH (See fig. 6/2) Ref
- 9 10-163050-9 • MAGNETO, RH (See fig. 6/2) Ref
-10 94B016-l • CAPACITOR, Magneto filter ( Bendix) 2
or equivalent
-11 MS28034- l • BULB, Oil temperature (See fig. 6/2) Ref
-12 MS3106R12S-3S • CONNECTOR, Socket 1
MS3057-4A • CLAMP l
MS3420-4 • BUSHING 1
-13 MS24482- l • BULB, Cylinder head temperature Ref
(See fig, 6/2)
-14 28030-07 • CABLE ASSY, Engine 1
-15 MS3108Rl4S-6S •• CONNECTOR, Socket, firewall 1
MS3057-6A •• Clamp 1
MS3420-6 •• BUSHING 1

-16 28030-11 • CABLE ASSY, Engine ground 1

Attaching parts
-17 MS353 l 0-62 • BOLT 1
AN960B6I6 • WASHER, Plain 1
MS35338- l 03 • WASHER, Lock 1
MS20341-616B • NUT 1
• CABLE, Starter to starter relay 1
-18 · 28030-12
-19 28030-13 • CABLE, Throttle microswitch NLG 1
micro switch
-20 MS25281 F4 • CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 5
-21 MS25281F5 • CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 2
-22 MS25281 F6 • CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 2

-8. 9-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure ond Unit• ..0 Uaab .

lndo,c Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number Auy on code
1 2 3 4 5 6 -<

8/4 -23 MS'2 5281F8 . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 5

-24 MS25281 FlO . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 3
-25 MS35489- l 7 • GROMMET, Rubber l
-26 10-176487-241 . VI BRA TOR, Starting 24V (Bendix) 1
Attaching parts
MS27039-0808 • SCREW 2
NAS1252-8L • WASHER 2
MS21042L08 . NUT

-27 119273C . REGULATOR, Voltage, 24V-40A Ref

(Delco Remy), supplied with
Attaching parts
MS35207-263 . SCREW 3
AN960-10L . WASHER

-28 SAW4404 . RELAY, Starter (Prestolite) supplied Ref

with engine
Attaching parts
MS35207-263 . SCREW 2
AN960-10L . WASHER

-29 AN960B6l6 . WASHER, Plain 2

MS35338-103 . WASHER, Lock 2
MS20341-616 B • NUT 2

-30 MK5BR . MICROS WITCH, NLG (Burgess) 1

Attaching parts
MS35206-235 . SCREW 2

-31 475953 . PUMP ASSY, Fuel (See fig. 6/8) Ref

-32 CU9-15-270-00 . CAP, Electrical terminal 2

-8. 10-
Model S208 Section II
Group 8



. .


Figure 8 /5. Dome Light El ectr ical System Installation

· Model S208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure ancl
Part Humber

Uaob .
on code

8/5 28000B22 SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, dome & 1 NP

baggage light(For NBA see fig. 8/3)
- 1 MS35489-11 GROMMET, Rubber 2
- 2 MS25281F3 . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 3
- 3 NS5F037 COMPASS, Magnetic (See fig. 7 /3) Ref

205-8-070-01 . LIGHT ASSY, Dome 1

- 4 205 8-071-ll . . PANEL, Dome light (See fig.1/21) Ref
- 5 S591 . . SWITCH ( Bulgin) 3
Attaching parts
MS352 06-215 SCREW 2
MS21042L04 . NUT 2
- 6 205-8-072-01 . BOX ASSY, Cockpit light 1
- 7 205-8-075-01 . . COVER, Cockpit light box 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-230 . . . SCREW 4

- 8 MS15570-303 .
- 9 205-8-072-03 . LAMP HOLDER ASSY, Cabin light 1
-10 205-8-077-13 . . LENS, Red, cockpit light 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-213 . . SCREW 2
NAS446-1-1 . . NUT, Sheet sp'i:'ing 2

-11 205-8-077-11
. . LENS, White, cabin light 1
Attaching parts
MS35206-213 . . SCREW 4
SNU0520 . . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds) 4
-12 A424-1
. SPEAKER ASSY, Radio(See fig. 9/1) Ref
-13 MS25207-2 • LIGHT ASSY, Baggage (Without lampi:,;) 1
Atta~hing parts
MS35206-228 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-6L . WASHER 2
MS21042L06 . NUT 2
-14 MS352069-1495 . LAMP, Baggage light 1

-8. 12-
Model S208 Section II
Group 8



29 28 27



~ 17

Figure 8/ 6, Instrument Panel Electrical System Installation

- 8. 13-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and Units .Ii

_g Usab.
lndek Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·-
Number 123456 Assy ! on code

8/6 28000B23 SYSTEM INSTL, Instrument panel l NP

electrical (For NHA see fig. 8/3)
- 1 NS4F0l l-4A . CLAMP, Wire harness 2
- 2 205-8-030-ll . BRACKET, Support clamp 3
- 3 MS25083-1BI0 . JUMPER, Instrument panel bonding 2
Attaching parts
MS35207-267 • SCREW 1
AN960-10L . WASHER, Plain 3
MS.35338-43 • WASHER, Lock 1
MS21042L3 • NUT 1
- 4 MS91586-2 • SHUNT, Ammeter, 50A, 50 mV l
Attaching parts
AN507 B632Rl 2 . SCREW 2
NASl 252-6L . WASHER 2
MS2I042L06 • NUT 2
- 5 MS 2 5 0 l 7 - 1 0 . CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1 OA 5
Attaching parts
AN507 B632R8 . SCREW 2
- 6 MS 2 5 0 l 7 - l 5 • CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15A 2
Attaching parts
AN507 B632R8 • SCREW 2
- 7 MS25017-50 • CIRCUIT BREAKER, 50A l
Attaching parts
AN507B632R8 • SCREW 2
260-15-09-1 • SWITCH ASSY, Flap ctrl 1
- 8 MS35059-27 . • SWITCH, Toggle 1
- 9 260-15-09-13 • , GUIDE, Lever lock 1
-10 260-15-09-11 . • LEVER 1
-11 AN.3155-50-100 • RHEOSTAT, Instrument light 1
-12 MS25166-1 , , KNOB, Pointer 1
-13 AVS40V10 • FUSE, Lighter, IOA (Ferne) l
-14 205-2-023-01 • LIGHTER ASSY, Cigaret (See Ref
fig. 1/21)
-15 NS4F01 l-2A • CLAMP, Wire harness 1

205-8-069-01 • SWITCH ASSY, LG ctrl

-16 MS24659-23D •• SWITCH, Toggler, lever lock

-8. 14-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figur• and Un,ts ..d

..!? Usab.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·- 123456 Au.y ! on code

8/6 -17 205-8-069-11 •• KNOB, LG ctrl switch I

Attaching parts
AN565B4H5 •• SCREW, Set .1
-18 MS35058-22 • SWITCH, Toggle, single pole 10
-19 10-357200-1 • SWITCH, Ignition ( Bendix) 1
- 20 MS 2 5 1 7 1 - 1S • NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 3
-21 MS25041-2-327 • LIGHT ASSY, Red, LG indicator I
MS25041-3-327 • LIGHT ASSY, Gree,;i, . LG .indicator i A
MS25041-3-327 • LIGHT ASSY, Green,, LG indicator 3 B
-22 MS25237-327 •• LAMP I
-23 NS5F020 • INDICATOR, Turn & bank (See fig. 7 / 3 Ref
-24 MS25041-4-327 • LIGHT ASSY, Yellow, fuel pump indic. I
-25 MS25237-327 . • LAMP 1
-26 NS5F041-l • INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (See fig. 7 /3) Ref
-27 NS5F028 • GAGE, Air barb. temp. (See f~g. 7 / 3) Ref
-28 NSSF026-l • INDICATOR, Stall warning (See Ref
fig. 7 /3)
-29 No Number • RESISTOR, Flasher, 10.1\../ I OW 1
-30 28054-01 , LINK, Switch connection 1

A = Serial 001 to 2-20

B = Serial 2-21 & on

- 8. 15-
Model S208 Section II
Group 8


• 9


Figure 8 /7. Fuselage Forward Electrical System Installation

Model S208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and Units .d

.!! Usab.
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per ·a> on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy -<(

8 /7 28000B24 SYSTEM INSTL, Electrical, fuselage 1 NP

fwd (For NHA see fig. 8/3)
- 1 20-273-00 . FLASHER, LG warning (Carello) 1
- 2 NS4F010-3 . CLAMP, Wire harness 1
- 3 NS4F011-3A . CLAMP, Wire harness 3
- 4 NS4F0l 1-2A CLAMP, Wire harness 3
- 5 NS4F010-2 . CLAMP, Wire harness 1
- 6 AN753-1 SPLICE, Electrical disconnect 5
- 7 MS25281F4 . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 6
- 8 MS25281F8 . CLAMP, Plastic, wire harness 3
- 9 NS4F001-3 . BLACKET, Angle 1
-10 MS219l9DG16 . CLAMP, Cushion l
-11 MK4BR . MICROSWITCH, LG actuator (Burgess) 2
Attaching parts
MS35206-234 SCREW 2
· MS2 l 042L06 . NUT 2
-12 MS35489-25 . GROMMET, Rubber 1
-13 AN2552-3A . RECEPTACLE, External power 1
Attaching parts
-14 AN507-1032R14 . SCREW 2
NAS1252-10L . WASHER 2
MS2l042L3 . NUT 2
-15 28030-17 . CABLE, External power grounding 1
Attaching parts
-16 AN5-7 . BOLT 1
AN960-516L . WASHER, Plain 2
MS35338-45 . WASHER, Lock 1
MS2l042L5 . NUT 1
-17 MS25171-l S NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 1
-18 MS2 5171-3S . NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 1
-19 MS25171-4S .. NIPPLE, Electrical terminal. 1
-20 423W3 . ACTUATOR, LG ctrl ( See fig. 4 /9) Ref
. -21 26070-01 . ACTUATOR, Flap ctrl ( See fig. 5 /9) Ref
-22 MK4BR . MICROSWTICH, Flap actuator Ref
(See fig. 5/10)
-23 . 28030-04 CABLE ASSY, LG actuator 1
-24 MS35489-25 . GROMMET, Rubb er 2
-25 28030-18 CABLE, Trim tab ctrl switch 1
-26 13AT401 T2 . SWITCH ASSY, Trim tab ctrl (See Ref

Model S208 Section II
Group 8




Figure 8 /8. Battery Installation

-8. 18-
Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and
lndu Part Number DESCRIPTION
Units 1 Usab.
per >
Number 123456 A ssy < on code

8/8 205-8-032-01 BATTERY INSTL(For NHA see fig.8/3) 1 NP

- 1 62440 . BATTERY, 12V-24AH, type AC54 2
(Exide) or equivalent
- 2 205-8-031-11 . BOX, Battery 1
Attaching parts
- 3 MS27039-1-08 . SCREW 4
AN960-10L • WASHER 8
MS21042L3 NUT 4
- 4 205-8-029-19
. PLATE, Felt, battery cushion 1
- 5 205-8-029-17 . STRIP, Felt, batteny cushion 2
- 6 205-8-029-21 . STRIP, Felt, battery cushion 1
- 7 04-73451-01 . LID ASSY, Battery hold down 1
- 8 04-73451-11 . . STRIP, Felt, battery cushion 1

205-8-037-01 . TIE ROD ASSY, Battery hold. down 2

Attaching parts
- 9 MS21042L4 . NUT 1
AN960-416L . WASHER 1
-1 0 04 -7 344 9-11
. . KNOB 1
-11 205-8-039-11 . • ROD 1
Attaching parts
-12 MS20392-2C17 . . PIN, Flat head 1
MS24665-149 . . PIN, Cotter 1
-13 205-8-038-11 ..
BOLT, Fork head 1
-14 'NS3F001-8A360 , HOSE, Pvc, . 315 ID x. 040 x 14 in (Bl) 1
•15 NS3F001-8A400 . HOSE, Pvc, .315IDx.040xl6 in(BI) 1
-16 MS25281F5 . CLAMP, Plastic 1
MS35206-228 . SCREW 1
NAS1252-6L . WASHER 1
MS21042L06 . NUT 1
-17 205-8-041-11 . FITTING, Battery vent terminal 1
Attaching parts
AN960B416 . WASHER 1
MS21042B4 . NUT 1

-18 NAS816-23
• PLUG, Bat.t ery vent, or equivalent 1
-19 28030-14 . CABLE ASSY, Battery ground 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 8 Electrical System

Figure and Units ...d Usob .

Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per
A ,sy
-~ on code
Number l 2 3 4 5 6 <
8/8 Attaching parts
-20 AN5-7 BOLT, Battery ground 1
AN960-516L . WASHER, Plain 1
NAS1252-516L WASHER, Plain 1
MS35338-45 WASHER, Lock 1
MS21042L5 . NUT 1
-21 28030-15 . JUMPER, Battery inter-conn 1
-22 28030-16 . CABLE, Battery to relay 1
-23 MS24171Dl RELAY, 28V, 200A 1
Attaching parts
-24 MS35207-2 64 SCREW 2
MS21042L3 . NUT 2
-25 MS251 71-3S NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 2
-26 MS25171-1S . NIPPLE, Electrical terminal 2
-27 MS25281F6 . CLAMP, Plastic 1
-28 MS25281F12 . CLAMP, Plastic 1
-29 MS25381Fl0 CLAMP, Plastic 1

Model S208 Section II
Group 9


30 29


I J 24




Figure 9 /1. Narco VHF /VOR, ADF & ILS Radio Installation (Optional)

-9. 1-
Model S 208 Section II
Group 9 Gear

F igur• ond Units .a

.!l Usob,
Index Part Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number Auy < on code

9 /1 205-8-061 RADIO INSTL, Narco VHF /VOR, ADF 1 NP

& !LS
- 3 MBT24 . RECEIVER, Marker Beacon (Narco) 1
- 4 MARK 12A RADIO UNIT, Comm transceiver, 2
360ch, Navreceiver, lOOch(Narco)
- 5 ADF31 . RADIO UNIT, Receiver, ADF (Narco) 1
- 6 205-8-052-27 PANEL, Radio mounting 1
- 7 205-8-052-11 ANGLE, Radio panel mounting LH 1
205-8-052-12 . ANGLE, Radio panel mounting RH 1

- 8 01074-101 . REGULATOR, Voltage, ADF (Narco) 1

- 9 EL2044 . OSCILLATOR, Beat frequency (Narco) 1
-10 JK 34A . JACK, Microphone 2
PTT430 . JACK, Microphone (Veam) (Alternate 2
for JK 34A)

-11 JK33A . JACK, Headset 2

PJB 430 JACK, Headset (Veam) (Alternate 2
for JK 33A)

-12 UGAl ANTENNA, Glide slope with cable

-13 90628-240 CABLE ASSY, Sensor (Narco) 1
-14 T24MP 12 . POWER UNIT, Modular (Narco) 2
-15 52085-101 PLATE, Modular mounting base 2
-16 UGR2 . RADIO UNIT, Receiver, glide slope 1
-17 UGR2-Base SHOCK MOUNT, Receiverbase(Narco) 1
-18 VMAl . ANTENNA, Marker Beacon (Narco) 1
-19 VRP37 . ANTENNA, VOR, fin mounting(Narco) 1
OD-1 . ANTENNA, VOR, alternate to VRP-37 1
Attaching parts
-20 MS35206-236 SCREW 2
NASl 252-6L . WASHER 2

-21 . 205-8-028-11
• SPACER, VOR antenna 2
-22 01073-101 . LOOP ANTENNA, ADF, Narcomatic 1
Sensor (Narco)
-23 71164-1 . GASKET, Loop antenna ( Narco) 1
-24 90615-96 WIRE ASSY, Sense antenna ADF 1

Model S 208 Section II
Group 9 Gear

Figure ond Units ...0

J! Usab.
Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per -~
Number Assy on code
1 2 3 4 5 6 <

9 /1 -25 205-8-086-11 . HOOK, Sense antenna 1

-26 VCA1 ANTENNA, Broad band VHF, (Narc0) 2
-27 A424-1 . SPEAKER ASSY, Radi0 (Irel) or equiv. 1
Attaching parts
-28 MS35206-213 . SCREW 4
SPNl 048 . NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds) 4
-29 KA14 . MICROPHONE, DynamiG: (King) or 2
-31 MS25017-15 . CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15A 2
-32 AN753-1 . SPLICE Electrical disconnect 1
-33 205-6-009-13 . SWITCH ASSY , Mike (See fig. 5 /6) Ref
-34 MS25123-1-7 . TERMINAL BOARD . Electrical 1

-9.3 -
Model S208 Section II
Group 9


27 i
26 16 14

I J iO



Figure 9 /2. King VHF /VOR, ADF & ILS Radio Installation (Optional)

-9. 4-
Model S208 Section II
Group 9 Radio

Figure and Units ..d Usob,

Port Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
-~ on code

9 /2 205-8-062 RADIO INSTL, King VHF, VOR,ADF 1 NP

- 1 KI201 INDICATOR, VOR /LOC ( King) 1
- 2 KI211 . INDICATOR, VOR/LOC, ILS & glide 1
slope receiver (King)
- 3 KRlOAnt. . RECEIVER, Marker Beacon (King) 1
- 4 KX160 . RADIO UNIT, Comm transceiver 2
360 ch, Nav receiver, 100 ch(King)
- 5 KR80 . RADIO UNIT, ADF receiver & 1
instrument (King)
-6 KA18 OSCILLATOR, Beat frequency &
tuning meter (King)

- 7 205-8-052-25 PANEL, Radio mounting 1

- 8 205-8-052-11 ANGLE, Radio panel mounting LH Ref
(See fig. 9 /1)
2 05-8-052-12 ANGLE, Radio panel mounting RH Ref
(See fig.9/1)

- 9 KA22 ANTENNA, Glide slope (King) 1

-10 KA31 ANTENNA, Broad band VHF (King) 2
-11 A424-1 SPEAKER ASSY, Radio (!rel) or equiv. 1
Attaching parts
-12 MS35206-213 SCREW 4
SPN1048 NUT, Sheet spring (Simmonds) 4
-13 90615-96 WIRE ASSY, Sense antenna ( Narco) or 1
-14 205-8-086-11 HOOK, Sense antenna 1
-15 071-1006-10 LOOP ANTENNA, ADF (King) 1
-16 VRP37 ANTENNA, VOR, fin mounting (Narco) 1
ODl ANTENNA, VOR, alternate to VRP-3 7 1
Attaching parts
-17 MS35206-236 SCREW 2
NAS1252-6L . WASHER 2
-18 205-8-028-11 SPACER, VOR antenna 2
-19 KR20Re:c. ANTENNA, Marker Beacon (King) 1
-20 KS505 . POWER UNIT, (King) 2
-21 . 155-2000-1 CABLE ASSY, Sense antenna 1
-22 155-2000-11 . CABLE ASSY ,. Loor antenna 1
-23 JK34A . JACK, Microphone 2
PJT430 • JACK, Microphone (V e am) (Alternate 2
for JK 34A)

Model S 208 Section II
Group 9 Radio

Figure and Units ..0 Usab .

lndo,i Part Number DESCRIPTION per .f on code
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(

9 /2 -24 JK 33A JACK, Headset 2

PJB 430 . JACK, Headset (Veam) (Alternate 2
for JK 33A)
-25 MS25017-15 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1 5A ( See fig. 9 / 1) Ref
-26 KA 14 . MICROPHONE, Dinamic (King) or 2
-28 AN753-1 SPLICE, Electrical disconnect 1
-29 205-6-009-13 SWI f'CH ASSY, Mike (See fig. 5/22) Ref'
-30 MS25123-1-7 . TERMINAL BOARD Electrical
I Ref

Model S208 Section II
Group 1 0





Figure 10 /1. Loose Tools & Accessories

Model S 2 08 Section II
Group 10 Special Equipment

Figure and Unih ..0 Usob.

Index Port Number DESCRIPTION per
·~ on code
1 2 3 4 5 6 Assy <(

10 /1 205-2-150-00 TOOLS & ACCESSORIES, Loose 1 NP

- 1 205-2-150-01 WRENCH, Socket, oil filler cap 1
- 2 205-2-150-03 WRENCH, Socket, oil drain (Optional) 1
- 3 NA75015-11 EXTENSION, Torque wrenck prop. 1
- 4 205-2-151-15 WRENCH, Spanner, LG wheel nut LH 1
205-2-151-16 WRENCH, Spanner, LG wheel nut RH 1

- 5 205-2-157-01 JACK ASSY, Screw, acft hoisting, 2

wing ( Optional)
- 6 205-2-158-01 JACK ASSY, Screw, acft hoisting, 1
tail ( Optional)
- 7 205-3-068;..15 JACK POINT, Wing, removable 2
- 8 205-2-050-01 . TOW BAR ASSY 1
- 9 205-2-152-01 ROD, LG wheel rigging (Optional) 1
-10 205-6-073-03 . LUG, Ctrl bar lock ( Optional) 1
-11 205-2-154-01 SHOE, MLG wheel lock (Optional) 2
-12 2 05-2-155-01 FUNNEL, Engine oil (Optional) 1
-13 205-2-160-01 VALVE & GAGE ASS¥, LG shock strut 1
air pressure ctrl (Optional)
-14 205-2-053-01 . COVER, Pitot tube 1
-15 205-2-036-01 CASE, Card holder 1

22070-101 COVER ASSY, Aircraft parking 1

-1 7 22070-03 . COVER, Fwd 1
-18 22070-05 . COVER, Rear 1
-19 205-2-153-01 , WRE~CK , Socket, engine· spark plug 1

~~@® T

Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

ADF31 9/1- 5 1 AN23-12 5/7-23 4 ANJ-JA 1/3-12 4

ANH-HA 4/2- 3 2 AN23-14 4/ 11- 2 1 2/2-16 4
4/4- 5 3 4/12- 2 1 2/6-22 12
AN150407 1/16-29 1 5/5- 3 1 2/ 6-24 12
6/9- 8
6/9-21 ,
1 AN23-19A
1/16- 7
5/2- 8
6/9-35 1 AN23-42 5/7- 1 4 2/8- 3 16
AN173-13 5/6-10 2 AN23-9A 1/15-18 1 2/8- 5 16
AN173-6A 3/1- 7 1 AN2552-3A B/7-13 1 2/8- 7 2
AN173-7A 3/1-14 1 AN3-10A 1/20- 7 2 2/8-15 48
AN174-16A 5/ 3-19 1 4/10-35 1 4/5- 2 2
AN175-5 3/2- 2 4 5/8- 5 2 4/10-32 1
3/2-15 4 5/8-18 1 4/11-18 2
AN175-6 3/2- 3 12 ~N3-11 1/ 17- 4 8 4/11-20 2
AN175-7 2/6-38 6 AN3-11A 1/13-14 4 4/12-29 2
3/2-16 4 1/18-16 2 5/3-23 4
AN176-10 2/5-29 2 3/3- 1 2 5/3-28 2
6/2- 5 3 3/ 3-11 4 5/7-13 4
AN176-11 2/1- 1 2 5/6- 1 2 5/8-14 4
2/5-27 6 5/10-13 2 6/5-12 2
2/5-29 4 AN3-12A 4/ 6-37 2 6/9-25 2
AN176-12 2/1- 2 6 5/9-27 2 6/10-13 2
AN176-17 6/2- 6 2 AN3-13A 4/3- 2 2 6/10-29 2
AN223-11 5/5-28 2 AN3-14A 5/3- 7 1 AN3-32A 1/2-47 5
AN23-11 4/5-12 4 6/ 4- 2 4 AN3-·U 1/2-19 2
5/2-14 4 AN3-15A 5/2-32 , 1 1/2-21 2
5/2-19 2 AN3-20A 1/20- 2 2 1/2-27 4
5/2-24 2 5/5-36 2 1/2-29 1
5/2-30 1 AN3-22A 1/20-15 2 1/2-35 4
5/ 4-16 2 AN3-24A 5/ 4-28 2 1/2-37 6
5/ 4-18 1 5/7-30 2 1/3- 5 8
5/ 4-22 1 AN3-25A 5/2- 8 1 1/18- 1 4
5/5- 4 1 AN3-26A 5/10- 3 2 1/19- 1 2
5/5- 7 2 AN3-3A 1/2- 9 2 2/6-17 4
5/5-11 2 1/2-15 4 2/6-19 4
5/5-13 2 1/2-23 2 2/6-35 8
5/5-30 2 1/2-25 4 2/ 6-41 ·8
AN23-12 4/11- 3 1 1/2-29 2 5/8- 1 6
4/12- 3 1 1/2-31 4 5/8- 2 4

-11. 1-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Part Number and per Port Number and per Part Number and per
Index No . Article Index No. Article Index No Article

AN3-4A 5/10- 1 8 AN310-3 1/17- 4 8 AN320-3 5/2-24 2

5/10-36 2 4/6-28 4 5/2-30 1
AN3-40A 6/6- 2 4 4/6-33 2 5/3-40 1
AN3-5A 1/2-11 8 AN310-4 5/ 3-31 1 5/ 4-16 2
1/2-17 4 5/10- 8 1 5/ 4-18 1
1/ 2-19 2 6/5-24 2 5/ 4-22 1
1/2-21 2 AN310-5 5/5-17 1 5/5- 3 1
1/2-35 2 AN310-66 6/2- 5 3 5/5- 4 1
1/19- 1 2 6/2- 6 3 5/5- 7 2
2/6-28 12 AN310-7 6/2- 3 4 5/5-11 2
3/1-13 4 AN310-8 2/1- 9 2 5/5-13 2
4/11-33 2 4/6-10 4 5/5-28 2
5/3-22 4 AN315-3 5/10-21 2 5/5-30 2
5/10-1A 4 AN315-3R I 1/2-32 4 5/6-10 2
AN3-6 6/9-29 1 1/2-33 2 5/7- 1 4
AN3-6A 1/1-24 2 6/10-40 2 5/7-23 4
1/2-19 2 AN315-4R 5/2-38 2 5/8- 8 2
1/ 3-14 6 AN315-5R 4/9-68 2 5/8-10 1
1/18-15 2 AN3155-50-100 8/ 6-11 1 5/8-12 1
1/19- 2 4 AN316-4R 4/6-30 4 5/8-13 1
1/19-17 2 5/2- 5 2 6/9-15 1
2/5-12 4 5/ 4-34 4 6/9-29 1
3/1- 6 4 5/5-42 4 AN320-4 2/1-29 4
AN3-7 4/6-28 4 5/6-27 4 2/8-10 16
4/ 6~33 2 5/7-20 2 4/9-19 4
6/9-15 1 AN316-5R 4/9-21 4 4/9-25 2
AN3-7A 4/3-26 2 4/9-33 2 4/9-31 2
4/6-18 2 4/9-50 1 4/9-43 2
4/10-27 1 4/ 13- 2 4 4/9-47 1
5/5-23 1 AN316-7R 4/ 3-36 1 4/9-58 1
5/6-22 2 AN320-3 4/5-12 4 4/9-67 2
AN3H3A 1/15- 1 4 4/6-26 2 6/9- 2 1
1/15- 6 4 4/11- 2 1 AN320-5 4/2- 5 1
AN3033-10 8/2- 2 2 4/ 11- 3 1 4/2-11 1
AN3033-14 8/2- 1 1 4/12- 2 1 4/3-43 1
AN3033-15 8/2- 1 1 4/12- 3 1 4/6- 2 4
AN3042-3 8/2- 3 2 5/2-14 4 4/6- 3 2
AN3042-4 8/2- 3 2 5/2-19 2 4/6-12 2

Model S 208 ~ Section Ill
~ Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty figure Qty

Port Number ond per Port Number O(!d per Port Number and per
lndeJ< No . Article Ind e x No . Article lndeJ< No Article

AN320-5 4/7-28 2 AN4-6A 1/2-39 2 AN507-1032R14 8/7-14 2

4/9- 2 2 2/1-22 12 AN507-632R12 8/2- 4 1
AN320-6 5/ 6-12 2 2/1-24 2 AN507-832R6 7/5-17 2
5/6-19 1 2/1-26 2 AN507-832R8 6/9- 5 1
5/10-14 1 AN4-7A 4/2- 7 2 6/9-18 1
AN320-8 2/5-34 2 5/ 4-32 4 6/9-32 1
4/6- 2 4 5/5-40 4 AN507B1032R14 7/3- 9 4
4/6- 3 2 AN4076-1 6/1-21 1 1I 3-10 4
4/ 6-12 2 AN42B3A 5/10-22 1 AN507B632R12 8/6- 4 2
AN385-2P12 1/17-13 1 AN5-11 5/2-48 3 AN507B632R14 7/3- 4 2
1/17-15 1 5/ 4-12 1 7/3- 6 4
1/19- 6 2 5/4-24 1 7/3- 7 6
1/19- 8 2 5/ 4-26 8 7/3- 8 4
AN 386-1-14A 5/6- 3 2 AN5-12 5/ 11- 10 1 7/3-11 3
AN4-10A 2/1-22 8 5/5-15 1 7/3-17 4
4/5-18 2 AN5-13A 5/9-25 1 7/3-18 4
4/9-35 3 AN5-15 5/5-25 2 7/3-19 4
5/2-36 2 AN5-16 5/2-41 1 7/3-20 4
5/7-18 2 5/4- 8 1 7/3-27 4
5/7-25 8 5/5-33 2 7/3-29 4
AN4-11 A 7/2-17 6 AN5-20 5/6-29 2 7/3-30 4
AN4-12A 4/9-12 1 AN5-23 5/2-46 2 AN507B632R7 7/3- 5 2
5/10-11 1 AN5-25 5/2-44 1 7/3-12 12
6/2- 9 12 AN5-30 2/2- 8 2 7/3-28 4
AN4-13A 5/9-24 1 AN5-34 5/ 4- 3 1 AN507B632R8 8/6- 5 10
AN4-14A 4/2- 3 2 AN5-63 4/3-53 1 8/6- 6 4
4/4- 5 3 AN5-7 8/7-16 1 8/6- 7 2
5/3-16 1 8/8-20 1 AN507B8 32R12 7/3-13 8
AN4-20 6/5-24 2 AN502-10-6 4/8-21 2 AN507BB32R7 4/11-21 2
AN4-27A 5/3-17 1 AN503-10-8 6/10- 1 1 AN509-10R10 2/2-10 42
AN4-3A 7/2-21 6 6/11- 6 2 AN509-10R11 7/5- 1 4
AN4-ltA 6/8-26 2 AN503-416-8 6/10- 2 2 AN509-10R12 2/1- 8 4
AN1t-5A 1/2- 6 1 6/10-14 2 2/2-10 30
1/2-41 3 6/10-17 2 AN509-10R20 1/16-12 1
5/9-31 4 6/10-19 2 AN509-10R6 1/3-16 J
5/9-32 2 6/10-28 2 2/2- 2 12
AN4-6 6/9- 2 1 6/10-32 2 AN509-10R7 1/3- 7 4
AN4-6A 1/1-24 2 6/10~35 2 1/3- 9 4
1/2- 6 1 AN504-8R8 4/8-12 2 AN509-10R8 1/13-12 16

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty figure Qty

Port Number and por Part Number and per Part Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article lnde>< No Article

AN509-10R8 1/15-17 2 AN737TW22 6/7-14 2 AN833-60 6/7-16 1

2/2-10 16 AN737TW26 2/7-21 4 6/11-21 2
ANS09-10R9 1/21-36 2 6/11-23 2 AN835-2P12 1/17-13 2
ANS09-416R5 4/3-47 6 6/11-33 2 1/17-15 2
AN509-8R13 5/9- 9 2 AN737TW30 7/6- 5 2 1/19- 6 2
AN509-8R6 2/2-20 72 AN737TW38 1/23-12 1 1/19- 8 2
AN509-8R9 4/9-62 2 6/2-15 2 AN837-30 6/8-13 1
AN509C10R9 1/21-38 6 6/2-17 1 AN837-40 4/11-19 2
AN526C1032R5 6/2-12 14 AN737TW46 6/ 6-21 2 4/12-30 2
AN565A4H5 5/3-34 1 AN74204 1/16-18 2 AN889-1 8/2- 4 2
AN565A6H8 5/9-18 1 AN743-12R 4/11-15 4 AN924-30 6/7- 3 1
AN56584H4 5/6-50 1 6/11-27 2 6/8-12 1
AN56584H5 8/6 1 AN753-1 8/1- 3 11 6/8-13 1
AN6-10 2/1-17 16 8/7- 6 5 AN924-40 4/11- 6 7
2/1-19 16 9/1-32 1 4/12- 6 9
AN6-11 2/1-17 8 9/2-28 1 6/6-23 1
2/1-19 8 AN8008D10 7/2-23 6 7/5-11 4
AN6-12 2/1-17 8 AN801302 7/2-25 2 AN924-60 6/8- 9 1
2/1-19 8 AN80406 6/7-10 1 AN924-80 7/6- 7 1
AN6227-12 4/3-32 1 6/8- 9 1 AN960-10 1/1-24 4
4/7-23 2 AN807-40 7/5-11 4 1/3-14 6
AN6227-2 4/13-25 8 AN815-40 4/12-17 2 1/3-16 3
AN6227-23 4/7-16 2 AN815-60 6/8-30 1 1/3-28 6
AN6227-24 4/3-18 1 6/11-16 4 4/11- 2 1
AN6227-30 4/3-11 1 AN815-80 6/6- 9 4 4/12--2 1
4/7-10 2 AN816-30 6/7- 1 1 5/3-40 1
AN6227-32 4/3-10 1 6/8-15 1 5/7- 1 4
4/7- 9 2 AN816-40 4/11- 4 2 6/9-25 2
AN6227-5 4/13-16 4 4/12- 4 4 6/9-27 2
AN6230-2 4/8-16 2 6/6-25 1 AN960-10L 1/2- 9 2
AN6230-3 4/8-18 2 AN816-4R 5/7-27 8 1/2-11 8
AN628904 4/11-19 2 ANB16-60 6/8-23 5 1/2-15 4
4/12-30 2 6/11-14 2 1/2-17 4
AN628906 6/7-10 1 AN816-80 6/6-17 1 1/2-19 4
6/7-16 1 AN832-30 6/7- 3 1 1/2-21 4
AN665-21R 1/16-20 2 6/8-12 1 1/2-23 2
5/10-28 1 AN832-40 4/ 11- 6 7 1/2-25 4
AN7-42 6/2- 3 4 4/12- 6 9 1/2-27 4
AN73it-12R 4/12-26 4 6/6-23 1 1/2-29 3

-11. 4-
Model S 208 Section Ill
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figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

AN960-10L 1/2-31 4 AN960-10L 2/8-13 8 AN960-10L 5/5-13 2

1/2-35 6 2/8-20 4 5/5-23 1
1/2-37 6 3/1- 4 8 5/5-28 2
1/3- 7 4 3/1- 6 4 5/5-30 2
1/3- 9 4 3/1- 7 1 5/5-36 2
1/3-12 4 3/ 1-11 4 5/6- 1 2
1/3-1't 6 3/1-13 4 5/6-22 2
1/4-33 2 3/1-14 1 5/7-13 4
1/12-15 2 3/2- 7 16 5/7-23 4
1/12-16 2 3/2-13 1 5/7-30 2
1/13-18 4 3/3- 1 2 5/8-10 1
1/13-20 4 3/3- 6 8 5/8-12 1
1/15-19 2 3/3-11 i 4 5/8-13 1
1/16- 9 2 3/3-16 8 5/9-27 4
1/16-11 1 4/3-26 2 6/ 6-12 1
1/16-15 2 4/5- 7 1 7/5- 1 4
1/16-17 2 4/5-10 8 8/ 4-27 3
1/16-27 2 4/6-26 2 8/ 4-28 2
1/16-31 2 4/6-28 4 8/6- 3 6
1/16-35 2 4/6-33 2 8/8- 3 8
1/18-15 2 4/10- 6 1 8/8-24 4
1/18-16 4 4/11- 3 1 AN960-4 1/16-34 1
1/18-17 4 4/12- 3 1 5/10-42 1
1/19- 1 2 5/2- 8 1 AN960-4L 8/2- 7 2
1/19- 2 4 5/2-14 4 8/3- 7 4
1/19-10 2 5/2·19 2 AN960-416 1/1-24 2
1/19-17 2 5/2-24 2 2/8-10 16
1/20- 7 2 5/2-30 1 4/4- 5 3
2/5-12 4 5/2-32 1 4/9-12 1
2/6-17 8 5/3-23 4 6/5-24 2
2/6-19 8 5/3-28 2 AN960-416H 5/10- 8 1
2/6-22 24 5/ 4-16 2 AN960-416L 1/1-24 1
2/6-24 24 5/ 4-18 1 1/2- 6 8
2/6-28 24 5/ 4-22 1 1/2-39 2
2/6-25 16 5/ 4-28 2 1/2-41 3
2/6-41 8 5/5- 3 1 1/18- 8 4
2/7-11 4 5/5- if 1 1/18-10 4
2/7-12 4 5/5- 7 2 1/18-13 4
2/7-18 4 5/5-11 2 2/1-22 20

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and por
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

AN960-416L 2/1-2 4 2 AN960-516L 4/7-36 6 AN960-816 4/6- 2 4

2/1-26 2 4/9-25 2 4/6- 3 2
2/1-29 4 4/9-37 1 4/6-12 2
4/2- 3 2 5/2-41 1 AN960-816L 4/ 6-10 4
4/3-47 6 5/2-44 1 AN960B416 8/8-17 1
4/ 4- 5 3 5/2-46 2 AN960B616 8/ 4-17 1
4/5-18 2 5/2-48 3 8/ 4-29 2
4/9-47 1 5/ 4- 3 1 AN960C416L 7/2-19 6
4/10- 3 1 5/ 4- 8 1 AN970-3 1/2-47 10
4/12- 3 2 5/ 4-12 1 AN975-3 5/6- 3 2
5/2- 3 2 5/ 4-24 2 5/6-10 2
5/2-36 2 5/5-15 1 AVS40V10 8/6-13 1
5/3- 7 1 5/5-17 1 AW5-30 1/12- 4 1
5/ 3-16 1 5/5-25 2 1/12-24 1
5/3-17 1 5/5-33 2 A10-4404 6/2-27 Raf
5/3-19 1 5/6-29 2 A424-1 8/5-12 1
5/ 4-32 4 6/5- 1 6 9/1-27 1
5/5-36 2 6/5-13 6 9/5-11 1
5/5-40 4 8/7-16 2 822RW84 8/4- 7 1
5/6-24 4 8/8-20 1 B3001A1 , 1I 6- 2 1
5/7-18 2 AN960-6 1/16-47 2 < 85 6/2-24 1
5/7-23 4 1/20-13 4 CCA1550 6/8-22 1
6/2- 9 12 5/9-19 1 CCA4850 2/7- 5 2
6/8-26 2 5/9-21 1 2/9-13 1
8/8- 9 2 AN960-6L 1/17- 8 4 6/11- 9 1
AN960-516 1/17-19 4 1/17-10 4 C885 6/2-10 1
1/19-14 4 AN960-616 2/1- 1 2 C888-4 6/2-11 1
3/2- 2 4 2/1- 2 6 C119-15-270-00 8/ 4-32 2
5/ 4-10 1 2/1-17 32 OE062 4/13-10 4
5/9-25 1 2/1-19 32 EL2044 9/1- 9 1
AN960-516L 2/6-38 2 2/5-27 6 ELP17 4/9-128 1
3/2- 3 12 2/5-29 6 EOR18790 6/2-30 Ref
3/2-15 4 6/11-21 2 F4-4 6/2-13 1
3/2-16 4 AN960-616L 4/7-37 6 GA5-312 1/12- 4 1
4/2- 5 1 5/6-12 2 1/12-24 1
4/2-11 1 5/6-19 1 2/2- 8 2
4/3-43 2 AN960-8 5/3-15 4 6[4591 8/ 4- 1 1
4/3-53 2 AN960-8L 1/17- 4 8 HCC2YK1 B 6/2- 7 1
4/7-28 2 AN960-816 2/5-34 2 HCC2YK1884 77-8R 6/2 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figu re Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index Na. Article Index No Article

HE748 6/11- 7 1 LSS4 5/ 6-13 2 HS20220-1 5/ 4-23 10

HH4 5/ 4-36 2 5/6-17 2 5/5-31 2
5/5-43 2 5/6-20 1 HS20220-2 5/2-40 12
HS33 9/1-30 2 5/7- 7 2 5/4- 2 8
9/2-27 2 5/7-10 2 5/5-14 7
!0387-003 5/3-21 1 5/7-32 6 5/5-31 2
JK33A 9/1-11 2 HAR12A 9/1- 4 2 5/6-28 2
9/2-24 2 HBT24 9/1- 3 1 MS20341-6168 8/ 4-17 1
JK34A 9/1-10 2 HHB4001 6/2-29 Ref 8/ 4-29 2
9/2-23 2 MK48R 5/10-44 2 HS20341-8S 5/9-11 1
J3804-20 6/2- 2 4 8/2- 9 1 MS20392-1C15 1/16-34 1
KA14 9/1-29 2 8/ 7-11 2 MS20392-1C19 5/8-19 1
9/2-26 2 MK5BR 8/ 4-30 1 MS20392-1C21 4/3-42 1
KA18 9/2- 6 1 MS15570-303 8/5- 8 5 4/5-19 2
• KA22 9/2- 9 1 MS15720-1 2/5-32 2 MS20392-1C27 4/7-27 4
KA31 9/ 1-10 2 4/3- 7 2 5/2-49 1
Kl201 9/1- 1 1 4/6- 8 2 5/ 4-13 1
Kl211 9/2- 2 1 4/6-15 2 5/4-25 2
KR10Rec. 9/2- 3 1 4/7- 6 2 MS20392-1C29 5/2-50 2
KR20Ant. 9/2-19 1 MS16624-1118 5/10-33 2 5/ 4-11 1
KRBO 9/2- 5 1 MS16625-11n 4/3-21 1 5/5-16 2
KS505 9/2-20 2 4/7-19 2 HS20392-1C33 5/3- 8 3
KX160 9/2- 4 2 MS16625-1212 4/8-19 2 HS20392-1C45 5/5-26 4
LM60710XL 4/4- 2 1 HS20002-4 4/8- 6 6 5/5-34 2
4/ 4- 6 1 MS20002C4 4/8- 6 6 HS20392-1C51 5/2-42 1
LH67048Xl 4/4- 8 1 MS20002C8 4/5- 5 1 5/4- 9 1
LSS4 2/6-29 2 HS20073-03-04 2/7- 7 10 HS20392-1C7 1/17- 8 4
2/6-33 2 HS20073-03-05 2/9- 8 10 1/17-10 8
3/1- 9 1 HS20073-04-05 2/7-BB 16 HS20392-2C11 1/16-11 1
4/6- 7 2 HS20201KP10A 4/9-41 1 1/16-17 2
4/9-16 2 MS20201KP3A 5/2-10 2 5/10-25 1
4/9-17 1 5/2-34 2 HS20392-2C17 2/7-12 4
4/9-38 2 5/ 4-30 4 8/8-12 2
4/9-59 2 5/5-38 4 MS20392-2C29 1/16.:27 · 1
5/2- 9 1 5/6-16 2 HS20392-2C33 1/16-15 2
5/2-33 1 5/7-33 4 HS20392-2C41 2/7-11 4
5/ 3-37 1 MS20201KP5A 4/9-40 1 HS20392-2C7 1/16-26 1
5/ 4-29 2 MS20201KP8A 5/ 6-15 6 1/16-31 1
5/5-37 2 MS20219-1 5/3- 6 8 5/10-26 1

.. .

-11. 7-
Model S 208 ~ Section Ill
~ Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number ond per Port Number and per Part Number and per
Index Na . Article Index No. Article Index No Article

HS20392-2C ~ 5/ 10-30 1 HS21042L08 4/10-18 2 HS21042L3 1/ 3-12 4

HS20392-2C9 1/16- 9 2 4/10-25 2 1/3-14 6
HS20392-3CH 1/18- 8 2 4/11-10 4 1/3-16 3

4/10-23 ,
2 4/11-14
1/16- 4
1/16- 7
HS20822-40 6/8- 4 2 4/11-16 7 1/16-12 1
HS20822-60 6/7- 8 1 4/11-21 2 1/16-18 2
6/11-13 1 4/12-21 4 1/16-35 2
KS20822-80 6/6- 4 2 4/12-25 1 1/17-24 8
KS20823-40 6/ 6-19 1 4/12-26 4 1/18- 2 2
6/7-11 1 4/12-27 6 1/18-16 2
HS20823-60 6/11- 4 3 4/13- 4 4 1/19-10 2
HS20825-40 6/8- 7 1 5/3-15 4 1/20- 2 2
HS20826-40 6/8- 5 1 5/9- 8 2 1/20- 7 2
KS2104284 8/8-17 1 5/9- 9 2 1/20-15 2
HS21042L04 8/3- 7 4 6/ 4-10 3 1/23- 2 1
8/5- 5 6 6/10-42 6 1/23-13 1
HS21042l06 1/16-47 2 7/2-24 24 1/23.;17 4
1/22- 7 4 7/2-29 2 1/23-21 1
5/10-45 4 7/5-17 2 1/23-25 2
6/3-27 2 7/5-21 2 2/1- 8 4
7/2- 3 4 8/ 4-26 2 2/5-12 4
7/3- 5 2 HS21042LJ 1/1-24 2 2/6-17 4
7/3-12 12 1/2- 9 2 2/6-19 4
7/3-28 4 1/2-11 8 2/6-22 12
7/6- 9 2 1/2-15 4 2/6-24 12
8/2- 9 2 1/2-17 4 2/6-28 12
8/ 4- 7 2 1/2-19 4 2/6-35 8
8/5-13 2 1/2-21 4 2/6-41 8
8/6- 4 2 1/2-23 2 2/7-14 4
8/7-11 4 1/2-25 4 2/8-20 4
8/8-16 1 1/2-27 4 3/1- 4 8
HS21042l08 1/14- 2 20 1/2-29 3 3/1- 6 4
4/2- 9 1 1/2-31 4 3/1- 7 1
4/2-16 3 1/2-35 6 3/1-11 4
lt/9-54 3 1/2-37 6 3/1-13 4
lt/9-62 2 1/2-47 5 3/1-14 1
4/10-13 2 1/3- 7 4 3/2- 7 16
4/10-15 3 1/3- 9 4 3/2-13 1

-1 I. 8-
Model S208 Section Ill
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Figure Qty Fi yure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number ond per Part Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

HS21042L3 3/3- 1 2 MS21042L3 5/9-27 2 HS21042L4 1/2-41 3

3/3- ti 8 5/10- 3 2 2/1-22 20
3/ 3-11 4 5/10-13 2 2/ 1-24 2
3/ 3-16 8 5/10-36 2 2/1-26 2
4/3- 2 2 6/3-19 12 4/2- 3 2
4/3-26 2 6/5-12 2 lt/2- 7 2
4/3-29 2 6/6- 2 4 4/3-47 6
4/5- 2 2 6/6- 8 2 4/4- 5 3
4/5- 7 1 6/ 6-14 1 4/ 5-18 2
4/5-10 4 6/ 6-27 2 4/8- 6 6
4/ 6-18 2 6/8-11 2 4/9- 4 2
4/6-37 2 6/8-18 2 4/9- 8 4
4/9- 3 3 6/8-28 1 4/9-12 1
11/9- 5 2 6/8-32 1 4/9-35 3
4/10- 6 1 6/9-13 2 4/10- 3 1
4/ 10-27 1 6/9-25 2 5/2- 3 2
4/10-32 1 6/9-27 2 5/2-36 2
4/10-35 1 6/10-13 2 5/3- 7 1
4/11-18 2 6/10-29 2 5/3-16 1
4/11-20 2 6/10-40 2 5/3-17 1
4/11-29 1 6/10-44 2 5/3-19 1
4/11-33 2 6/11-18 4 5/ 4-32 4
4/12-29 2 6/11-25 12 5/5-40 4
5/2- 8 1 6/11-26 6 5/6-24 2
5/2-32 1 6/11-27 2 5/7-18 2
5/3-22 4 6/11-30 4 5/7-25 8
5/3-23 4 6/11-31 4 5/9-24 1
5/3-28 2 7/2-14 8 5/9-31 ,.
5/ 4-28 2 7/5- 1 4 5/ 10-11 1
5/5-23 1 7/5- 7 1 5/10-18 1
5/5-36 2 7/6-12 1 5/10-19 3
5/6- 1 2 8/6- 3 2 5/10-24 4
5/6-22 2 8/7- 3 4 6/2- 9 12
5/7-13 4 8/7-14 2 6/5- 9 1
5/7-30 2 8/8- 3 ~ 6/5-20 1
5/8- 1 6 8/8-24 2 6/8-26 2
5/8- 5 2 HS21042l4 ;
1/1-24 2 7/2-17 6
5/8-14 4 1/2- 6 6 8/8- 9 2
5/8-18 1 1/2-39 2 MS21042L5 1/17-19 4

Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Part Number and per Part Number and per Part Number and per
Index No . Article Index No . Article Index No Article

HS21042L5 1/19-14 4 HS2125185S 5/ 4-19 2 HS24522-2 7/6-19 2

2/6-38 6 5/5- 8 4 HS24522-4 7/6-16 4
3/2- 2 4 HS21256-1 4/5-15 4 HS24666-3B 4/5-17 2
3/2- 3 12 5/2-17 4 HS24621-17 1/16- 1 6
3/2-15. 4 5/2-22 2 HS24659-23D 8/6-16 1
3/2-16 4 5/2-27 1 HS24665-130 1/12-16 2
4/3-53 1 5/3- 4 4 1/15-19 1
4/9-14 2 5/ 4- 7 4 1/16- 9 2
4/9-37 1 5/ 4-20 4 1/16-11 1
5/2-41 1 5/5- 9 B 1/16-15 2
5/2-44 1 HS219190G11 6/9-11 2 1/16-17 2
5/2-46 2 HS219190G12 6/11-30 4 1/16-26 1
5/2-48 3 HS219190G16 6/6-27 2 1/16-27 1
5/ 4- 3 1 8/7-10 1 1/16-31 1
5/ 4- 8 1 HS21919DG17 1/23-13 1 1/16-34 1
5/ 4-10 1 1/23-21 1 1/ 17- 8 4
5/ 4-12 1 HS219190G3B 1/ 32- 2 1 1/17-10 8
5/ 4-24 2 HS21919DG4 1/22- 7 4 2/7-11 4
5/5-15 1 4/11-16 1 2/7-12 4
5/5-25 2 4/12-27 6 4/5-19 2
5/5-33 2 6/8-11 2 4/7-27 4
5/6-29 2 6/9-26 2 4/9-56 3
5/9-25 1 7/5- 7 1 5/2-42 1
6/5- 4 1 HS219190G48 6/ 4-14 1 5/3-40 1
6/5-16 1 11S219190G5 1/23-25 2 kS24665-132 1/17- 4 8
8/7-16 1 HS219190G6 4/11-10 4 1/18- 8 2
8/8-20 1 4/12-21 4 1/18-10 2
ltS21042UI 2/1- 1 2 6/8-18 2 4/3-42 1
2/1- 2 6 6/8-28 1 4/6-26 2
2/1-17 32 6/8-32 1 4/6-28 4
2/1-19 32 6/11-18 4 4/6-33 2
2/5-27 6 6/11-20 4 4/11- 2 1
2/5-29 6 6/11-25 12 4/11- 3 1
ftS21251B2S 5/3- 3 1 HS219190G8 6/6- 7 6 4/12- 2 1
HS21251B5S 4/5-14 2 HS23006-2 8/3-29 1 4/12- 3 1
5/2-16 2 HS24166-1D 4/11-32 2 5/2-45 2
5/2-21 1 HS2417101 8/8-23 4 5/2-47 2
5/2-26 1 HS24482-1 6/2-22 1 5/2-49 1
5/ 4- 6 2 HS24519-6 7/6- 3 3 5/2-50 2

- l 1. l 0-
Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Numb•r ond per Port Number and per Part Number and per
Index No . Article Index No. Article lnde>< No Article

NS24665-132 5/3- 8 3 HS24665-134 5/5- 7 2 HS24665-355 5/7-14 2

5/3-18 1 5/5-11 2 HS24690 4/ 3-33 1
5/ 4- 4 1 5/ 5-13 2 MS25011-10 8/6- 5 5
5/4- 9 1 5/5-17 1 HS25017-15 8/6- 6 2
5/ 4-11 1 5/5-18 1 9/ 1- 31 2
5/ 4-13 1 5/5-28 2 MS25017-50 8/6- 7 1
5/ 4-25 2 5/5-30 2 MS25041-2-327 8/ 6-21 1
5/5-25 2 5/7- 1 4 MS25041-3-327 8/ 6-21 3
5/5-16 2 5/7-23 4 MS24041-4-327 8/6-24 1
5/5-26 4 5/8- 8 2 MS25083-1810 8/6- 3 2
5/5-34 2 5/3-10 1 MS25123-1- 7 9/1-34 1
5/ 6-10 2 5/8-12 1 MS25166-1 8/ 6-12 1
5/8-19 1 5/8-13 1 MS25171-1S 8/ 4- 4 3
5/9-19 1 5/ 10- 8 1 8/6-20 3
5/ 10-26 1 HS24665-136 4/2- 5 1 8/7-17 1
5/10-30 1 4/2-11 1 8/8-26 2
5/10-43 1 4/ 3-43 1 MS25171-2S 8/ 4- 3 2
HS24665-134 2/1-29 4 5/3-20 1 MS25171-3S 8/7-18 1
4/5-12 4 HS24665-H9 8/8-12 2 8/8-25 2
4/7-28 2 MS24665-151 1/15-10 2 MS25171-4S 8/7-19 1
4/9- 2 2 6/9- 2 1 MS25207-2 8/5-13 1
4/9-19 4 6/9-15 1 MS25219-1 8/3-27 1
4/9-25 2 6/9-29 1 MS25219-3 8/3-26 1
4/9-31 2 HS24665-153 2/8-10 16 MS25237-327 8/6-22 1
4/9-43 2 6/5-24 2 8/6-25 1
4/9-47 1 MS24665-253 4/6- 3 2 MS25277-2 8/3-30 1
4/9-58 1 HS24665-283 5/6-12 2 MS25281F10 8/ 4-24 3
4/9-67 2 5/6-19 1 HS25281F12 8/8-28 1
5/2-14 4 5/9-19 1 MS25281F3 8/1- 4 4
5/2-19 2 HS24665-285 4/6- 2 4 8/2- 8 3
5/2-24 2 4/6-10 4 8/3-25 2
5/2-30 1 4/ 6-12 2 8/5- 2 3
5/3 .. 31 1 5/10-14 1 HS25281F4 8/ 4-20 5
5/ 4-16 2 6/2- 3 4 8/7- 7 6
5/ 4-18 1 6/2- 5 3 HS25281F5 7/5-21 4
5/ 4-22 1 6/2- 6 2 8/ 4-21 2
5/5- 3 1 HS24665-353 2/5-34 2 8/8-16 1
5/5- Ii 1 4/6- 3 2 HS25281F6 8/ 4-22 2

-11. 11-
Model S 208 ~ Section Ill
~ Numerical Index

figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and pe r Port Number and per
Index No . Article Ind ex No . Article Index No Article

HS25281F6 8/8-27 1 HS27039-1-08 6/3-21 12 HS28741-4-0217 6/6:.24 1

HS25281F8 7/5-17 2 8/8- 3 4 HS28741-4-0444 4/11 -17 2
8/ 3-23 3 MS27039-1-09 1/12-15 1 4/12-28 2
8/ 4-23 5 2/1- 5 52 HS28741-6-0120 6/7-15A 1
8/7- 8 3 2/2-16 40 HS28741-6-0200 6/7-18 1
HS25209-7512 8/2- 5 2 2/2-18 6 HS28741-6-0257 6/7-9A 1
HS25381F10 8/8-29 1 6/8- 3 3 HS28741-8-0130 6/ 6-10 2
HS27039-0805 3/2- 9 12 HS27039-1-10 1/ 13- 1 8 HS28777-4 4/11-19 2
3/2-11 1 1/ 13- 2 2 4/12-30 2
5/3-36 3 1/13- 3 2 HS28777-6 6/7-10 1
6/ 10-24 3 1/13- 4 2 fi/7-16 1
6/10-42 6 1/13- 5 14 MS28778-4 4/8-22 2
6/ 10-44 4 1/ 13- 8 4 4/11-19 2
7/2-29 2 1/13-11 2 4/12-30 2
HS27039-0807 1/12-32 10 HS27039-1-12 7/2-14 8 4/13-21 4
7/2- 2 4 HS27039-1-13 1/13- 1 4 HS28778-6 4/13-17 4
7/2-10 4 1/13- 2 4 MS28889-1 4/3-38 1
7/2-24 24 1/13- 3 2 4/7-24 2
HS27039-0808 4/9-54 3 1/ 13- 4 1 HS29512-4 7/5-11 4
8/ 4-26 2 HS27039-1•14 1/13-10 2 HS29512-6 6/7-16 1
HS27039-0810 1/ 14- 2 20 HS27039-1-17 4/10- 6 1 HS3057-10A 8/3-10 1
5/9- 8 2 6/8- 3 1 MS3057-4A 8/3- 9 4
HS27039-0811 4/2-16 3 HS27039-1-22 1/15-15 2 8/ 4-12 1
HS27039-0814 4/10-15 3 1/21- 8 6 HS3057 -6A 8/3- 8 1
4/10-18 2 HS27129-1 1/21-36 16 8/3-11 1
4/10-25 2 HS27261KSP3 3/1- 8 1 8/ 4-15 1
MS3057-8A 8/3-12 1 ';
HS27039-08 32 4/10-13 2 3/1-15 1
HS27039-1-05 1/ 16- 4 2 MS27261KSP3L 3/3- 7 2 MS3100R14S-6P 8/3- 8 1
6/6-12 1 3/3-17 2 MS3101R16S-6S 8/3-12 1
HS27039-1-06 1/16-18 2 HS27261KSP4 5/3-26 1 HS3106A10SL-3S 8/3- 9 2
HS27039-1-07 2/8- 8 4 HS28034-1 6/2-23 1 HS3106A14S-2S 8/3-11 1
2/8-13 8 HS28512-6 6/7-10 1 HS3106R12S-3S 8/ 4-12 1
2/8-20 12 HS28741-3-0154 6/7- 5 1 HS3108R14S-6S 8/ 4-15 1
2/8-22 8 HS28741-3-0266 6/8-14 2 HS3108R18-8S 8/ 3-10 1
HS27039-1-08 1/ 4-33 2 HS28741-3-0270 6/7- 7 1 MS3420-10 8/3-10 1
1/12-26 14 HS28741-4-0035 6/8- 6 2 HS3420-4 8/3- 9 4
2/9- 1 36 HS28741-4-0100 6/ 6-22 1 8/ 4-12 1
6/3- 2 16 HS28741-4-0150 4/ 11- 5 2 HS3420-6 8/3- 8 1
6/3- 4 6 4/12- 5 4 8/3-11 1

-11. 12-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Part Number and per Part Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

HS3420-6 8/ 4-15 1 MS35206-243 1/1-16 12 HS35333-40 6/10-19 2

HS3420-8 8/3-12 1 1/1-18 g 6/10-28 2
HS35058-22 8/6-18 10 1/ 1-19 3 6/10-32 2
NS35059,.27 8/6- 8 1 4/11-10 4 6/10-35 2
HS35069-1495 8/5-14 1 4/11-14 1 MS35333-42 6/10- 7 2
HS35069-27 8/6- 8 1 4/11-15 4 HS35337-37 4/9-29 8
MS35204-241 4/6-41 6 4/ 11-16 7 MS35338-103 8/ 4-17 1
HS35206-213 8/5-10 2 4/12-21 4 8/ 4-29 2
8/5-11 5 4/12-25 1 MS35338-42 4/6-41 6
9/1-28 4 4/12-26 4 MS35338-43 1/ 15- 1 4
9/2-12 4 4/12-27 6 1/15- 6 4
HS35206-214 5/10-42 1 5/ 3-15 4 2/7- 7 2
8/3- 7 4 MS35206-244 1/13- 7 3 2/9- 8 10
MS35206-215 8/5- 5 6 MS35206-245 1/9-29 2 8/6- 3 2
MS35206-217 8/3 2 1/16-24 3 MS35338-45 8/7-16 1
MS35206-218 8/2- 7 2 1/16-42 4 8/8-20 1
MS35206-228 1/16-47 2 1/23- 7 4 MS35338-48 4/ 6-10 4
1/20-13 4 MS35207-261 4/3-29 2 MS35338-7079 8/3-31 2
1/22- 7 4 6/3-29 4 MS35478-1683 8/3-28 1
4/6-24 8 MS35207-262 1/23-17 4 MS35489-1 2/3-53 2
7/2- 3 4 3/2-13 1 MS35489-11 7/5-23 2
8/3-30 3 6/8-11 2 8/5- 1 2
8/5-13 2 6/8-18 2 HS35489-12S 6/11-15 8
8/8-16 1 6/8-28 2 MS3c;489-16S 6/8-34 4
HS35206-230 1/ 1-21 6 6/8-32 2 MS35489-17 8/ 4-75 1
3/2-18 33 MS35207-263 6/ 3-19 12 MS35489-20 5/3.:33 2
4/9-29 8 8/ 4-27 3 MS35489-25 8/7-12 1
8/5- 7 4 8/ 4-28 2 8/7-24 2
HS35206-231 6/3-27 2 MS35207-264 8/8-24 2 HS35489-4 8/3-22 6
8/2- 1 6 MS35207-267 8/6- 3 2 MS35489-56 7/2-22 1
HS35206-234 8/2- 9 2 MS35310-62 8/ 4-17 1 MS35489-9 1/22- 8 2
8/7-11 4 HS35333-37 1/1-21 6 2/3-51 16
HS35206-235 5/10-45 4 3/2-18 33 2/3-52 4
8/ 4- 7 2 MS35333-39 5/8- 2 4 5/10-46 2
8/ 4-30 2 6/11 .• 6 2 MS90298-1 2/1- 9 1
HS35206-236 9/1-20 i 2 MS35333-40 6/10- 2 2 MS9048-038 5/10-39 1
9/2-17 2 6/10-14 2 MS9048-071 4/ 13-26 8
HS35206-241 4/6-41 6 6/10-17 2 HS9048-077 4/13-24 4

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figura Qty

Port Numbor and per Port Number and per Part Number and per
Index Na . Article Index No . Article Index No Article

HS9048-109 1/16-22 1 NAS1103-9D 5/8-13 1 NAS1252-10L 1/13- 5 H

HS9048-139 4/10- 1 1 NAS1104-130 4/9-47 1 1/13- 8 4
HS91586-2 8/6- 4 1 NAS1104-16D 2/8-10 16 1/13-10 2
NA75015-11 10/1- 3 1 4/9-25 2 1/13-11 2
NAS1096-2-10 4/2- 9 1 NAS1104-36 4/9- 8 4 1/ 13-14 4
NAS1096-2-14 5/9-10 1 NAS1104-4 4/9- 4 2 1/14- 7 4
NAS1096-2-7 6/3-31 1 NAS1104-6 5/10-18 1 1/14-11 2
7/5-21 4 5/ 10-24 4 1/16-26 2
NAS1096-2-9 6/ 4-10 3 NAS1104-8 5/10-19 3 1/ 18- 1 2
NAS1096-3-10 6/11-25 2 NAS1104-80 2/1-29 4 1/18- 2 2
6/11-27 2 4/9-19 4 1/20- 2 2
NAS1096-3-14 6/ 6-14 1 4/9-31 2 1/20-15 2
NAS1096-3-18 6/11-25 2 4/9-43 2 1/23- 2 1
NAS1096-3-20 5/10-21 2 4/9-67 2 1/23-13 1
NAS1096-3- 7 1/23-25 2 NAS1104-9 5/2- 3 2 1/23-17 4
6/9-13 2 5/6-24 4 1/23-21 1
6/9-27 2 NAS1105-15D 4/2-11 1 1/23-25 2
7/5- 7 1 NAS1105-210 4/9- 2 2 2/1- 5 52
NAS1096-3-8 1/23- 2 1 NAS1105-260 4/2- 5 1 2/1- 8 4
1/23-13 1 NAS1105-500 5/5-17 1 2/8- 3 16
1/23-21 1 NAS1106-90 5/10-14 1 2/8- 5 16
6/6- 8 2 NAS1108-13D 4/6- 2 4 2/8- 7 2
6/6-27 2 4/6-12 2 2/8- 8 4
6/10- 6 2 NAS1252-10H 2/7- 7 10 2/8-15 48
6/10-11 2 2/9- 8 10 2/8-20 12
6/11-18 4 4/9- 3 3 Z/8-22 8
6/11-25 2 4/9- 5 2 2/9- 1 36
6/11-26 6 5/3-22 4 4/3- 2 2
6/11-31 4 5/8- 5 2 4/3-29 2
NAS1096-3-9 6/11-25 6 5/8-18 1 4/5- 2 2
6/11-30 4 5/10-13 2 4/5-12 4
NAS1103-2 4/9- 3 3 6/6- 8 2 4/6-18 2
NAS1103-4 4/9- 5 2 6/6-14 1 4/ 6-37 2
NAS1103-40 5/8- 8 2 6/6-27 2 4/10-27 1
NAS1103-fil 5/3-40 1 NAS1252-10l 1/3- 5 8 4/10-32 1
NA.S1103-6 1/17-24 8 1/ 13- 1 12 4/10-35 1
4/5-10 4 1/ 13- 2 6 4/11-18 2
NAS1103-60 5/8-10 1 1/13- 3 4 4/11-20 2
5/8-12 1 1/13- 4 2 4/11-29 1

Model S208 ~ Section Ill
~ Numerical Index

Figure Qty Fi gure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No . Article Index No. Article Index No Arti'cle

NAS1252-101. 4/11-33 2 NAS1252-1216L 7/6- 7 1 NAS1252-6L 7/2- 3 4

4/12-29 2 NAS1252-416H 2/7-8B 16 7/3- 5 2
5/8- 1 6 4/9- 4 2 7/3-12 12
5/8. 8 2 4/9- 8 4 7/3-28 4
5/8-14 4 4/9-19 4 8/2- 1 6
5/ 10- 1 8 4/9-31 2 8/2- Q 2
5/10-1A 4 4/9-43 2 8/ 3-30 2
5/10- 3 2 4/9-58 1 8/ 4- 7 2
5/10-21 2 4/9-67 2 8/ 4-30 2
5/10-25 1 4/ 10- 3 1 8/5-13 2
5/10-26 1 5/9-24 1 8/5-14 2
5/10-30 1 5/9-31 4 8/6- 4 2
5/10-36 2 5/9-32 2 8/7-11 4
6/ 3-19 12 5/10-19 3 8/8-16 1
6/ 4- 2 4 NAS1252-416l 1/1-24 1 9/1-20 2
6/5-12 2 1/22-12 1 9/2-17 2
6/6- 2 8 4/2- 7 2 NAS1252-616L 6/2- 5 3
6/8- 3
6/2- 6
6/6-23 ,

6/7- 3
6/8-12 ,

6/8-32 1 5/10-24 4 6/8-13 1

6/9-13 2 6/ 4- 5 4 6/10- 7 2
6/10- 6 2 6/10- 2 2 NAS1252-716H 4/ 11- 6 7
6/10-11 2 6/10-14 2 4/12- 6 g
6/10-13 2 6/10-17 2 6/2- 3 8
6/10-29 2 6/10-19 2 NAS1252-8L 1/ 13- 7 3
6/ 10-40 4 6/10-28 2 4/2- 9 1
6/11-18 4 6/10-32 2 4/9-54 3
6/11-25 12 6/10-35 2 4/9-62 2
6/11-26 6 7/2-17 6 4/10-13 2
6/11-27 2 NAS1252-516H 4/9- 2 2 4/10-15 3
6/11-30 4 NAS1252-516L 4/9-14 2 4/10-18 2
6/11-31 4 8/8-20 1 4/ 10-25 2
1/2-14 8 NAS1252-6L 1/22- 7 4 4/11-10 4
7/3-12 12 3/2-18 3 4/11-14 1
7/5- 7 1 4/6-24 8 4/11-15 4
7/6-12 1 5/10-45 4 4/11-16 7
8/7-14 2 6/3-27 2 4/11-21 2
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Fi gum Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No . Article Index No . Article Index No Article

NAS1252-8L 4/12-21 4 NAS487-20 7/3-29 4 NS4F020-1 1/22- 2 14

4/12-25 1 7/3-30 4 1/23- 3 4
1/23-14 7
4/12-26 4 NAS816-23 8/8-18 1 I 6/2-20 2
4/12-27 6 NS3F001-10-1890 6/11--28 2 6/ 4-15 1
5/9- 8 4 NS3F001-12-350 7/6- 8 1 NS4F022-1 6/9-12 2
519- 9 2 NS3F001-5-1000 7/5-19 1 6/9-40 1
6/ 4-10 3 7/6-17 1 NS58013 1/1-25 1
6/10- 1 1 NS3F001-5-290 7/5- 4 1 NS58066-1-600 4/ 11-30 1
6/10-24 3 NSJF001-5-5600 7/5- 8 1 NS50001-1-1220 6/9-30 1
6/10-42 6 NS3F001-5-6000 7/5-16 1 NS50001-2-1205 6/9- 3 1
6/10-44 2 NS3F001-5-700 7/5-10 1 NS50001-3-1886 6/9-16 1
7/1- 5 2 NS3F001-5-750 7/5-20 1 NS50002-1265 6/9-38 1
7/2-24 24 NS3F001-5-900 7/5- 9 2 NS50002-1365 1/23-24 1
7/2-29 2 NS3F001-6-2000 1/22- 6 1 NS50011 6/9- 6 1
7/5-17 2 NS3F001-8A360 8/8-14 1 6/9-19 1
7/5-21 4 NS3F001-8A400 8/8-15 1 6/9-33 1
8/ 4-26 2 NS3F001-9-250 7/6-10 1 NS5E001-1 6/9-34 1
NAS1252-916L 6/8- 9 1 NS3F001-9-300 7/6-13 1 NS5E002-3 6/9- 7 1
NAS1333S3C100 5/6-10 1 NS3F001-9-400 1I 6-11 2 NS5E003-2 6/9-20 1
NAS141t-23 4/8- 6 6 NS3G020-1-1800 2/1-14 1 NS5E004-1 6/9- 4 1
NAS1450H14 4/7-36 6 NS3G020-1-780 2/1-13 1 6/9-17 1
NAS1460H14 4/7-37 6 NS3G051-1-3000 1/15- 4 1 6/9-31 1
NAS384-4-6P 1/21-50 16 NS3G052-1-1020 1/15- 5 1 NS5E005-1 1/23-26 1
NAS387-1032-14P 4/5- 7 1 NS3G061-400 1/1-17 2 6/9-39 1
NAS387-632-8P 5/9-21 1 NS3G062-1-1050 1/21-9A 1 NS5F006-1 7/3- 7 2
NAS387-832-8P 1/1-20 5 NS3G062-1-3500 1/1-15 1 NS5F006-2 7/3- 7 2
NAS446-1-1 8/5-10 2 NS4C009-2 7/2-20 6 NS5F009 1I 3.11 1
NAS487-20 7/3- 4 2 NS4F001-3 1/23-22 1 NS5F012-2 7/3- 6 1
7/3- 6 4 4/11- 9 2 NS3F013-4 7/3-19 1
7/3- 7 6 4/12-20 2 NS5F015 1I 3-18 1
7/3- 8 4 6/8-19 2 NS5F017 7/3-27 1
7/3- 9 4 8/7- 9 1 NS5F018-1 7/3-17 1
7/3-10 4 NS4F010-2 8/7- 5 1 ·NS5F020 7/3- 8 1
1I 3-11 3 NS4F010-3 8/7- 2 1 NS5F021 7/3-10 1
7/3:-17 4 NS4F011-18 8/3-24 2 NS5F025 7/6-12 1
7/3-18 4 NS4F011-2A 8/6-15 1 NS5F026-1 7/3-29 1
1I 3-19 4 8/7- 4 3 NS5F028 7/3-30 1
7I 3-20 4 NS4F011-3A 8/7- 3 3 NS5F032-2 7/1- 7 1
7/3-27 ~ NS4F011-4A 8/6- 1 2 NS5F035 7/3- 4 1

Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Q1y Figure Qty·

Port Number and per Part Number onJ per Par! Number and per
Index No. Article Index No . Article Index No Article

NS5F037 7/1- 4 1 UGR2 9/ 1-16 1 04-57315-11 4/11-27 1

NS5F041-1 7/3-20 1 UGR2Base 9/1-17 1 04- 72103-11 7/5-15 1
NS5F041-11 7/3-21 1 VCA1 9/1-26 2 04-72209-11 2/7- 9 2
NS5F041-12 1I 3-22 1 VMA1 9/1-18 1 04- 72266-11 2/7- 8 2
NS5F041-13 7/3-23 1 VOA8 9/1- 1 1 04- 72852-01 7/6- 9 1
NS5F041-14 7/3-24 1 VOA9 9/1- 2 1 04-73449-11 8/8-10 2
NS5F041;..15 7/3-25 1 VRP37 9/1-19 1 04-73451-01 8/8- 7 1
NS5F041-16 7I 3-26 1 9/2-16 1 04- 73451-11 8/8- 8 1
NS5F047 7/3- 9 1 01APPL 4/9-10 1 04-77024-11 7/2-22 2
NS5F062-1 7/3-20 1 01073-101 9/1-22 1 04-77065-01 7/ 4- 8 1
0-540-E4A5 6/2-11 1 01074-101 9/1- 8 1 04- 77065-13 7/ 4- 9 1
00-1 9/1-19 1 04-11212-11 1/15-16 1 071-1006-10 9/2-15 1
9/2-16 1 04-11212-13MF 1/15-16 1 1-25074 4/12- 7 2
PJB430 9/ 1-11 2 04-11853-11 1/ 15- 8 4 10-163010-10 6/2-25 Ref
9/2-24 2 04-11854-11 1/15-10 2 10-163050-9 6/2-26 Ref
PJT430 9/1-23 2 04-11855-11 1/15-10 2 10-176487-241 8/ 4-26 1
PTT430 9/ 1-10 2 04-12102-01 1/22- 9 1 10-357200-1 8/6-19 1
REM40E 6/2-31 Ref 1/23-23 2 1105052 6/2-30 Ref
SAW4404 8/ 4-28 Ref 04-12103-11 1/22-10 1 119273G 8/ 4-27 Ref
SNJ1198-17-06 1/16- 1 6 04-12104-11 1/22-11 1 126-217 8/ 3-13 1
SNU0520 8/5-11 4 04-12105-11 1/22-13 1 13AT 401T2 5/6- 5 1
SNU0530 1/ 13- 1 8 04-12106-11 1/22-14 1 13830 4/8- 3 2
1/13- 2 2 04-12107-11 1/22-15 1 4/8- 7 2
1/13- 3 2 04-12938-11 4/6-27 4 13889 4/8- 9 4
1/13- 4 2 04 14802-01 1/ 4-37 4 155-2000-1 9/2-21 1
1/13- 5 14 04-22513-11 1/5-23 2 155-2000-11 9/2-22 1
1/13- 8 4 04-41130-11 3/2-12 1 1568861 6/9-41 1
1/13-10 2 04-51152-01 5/3- 9 2 164S 8/2- 7 1
SPN1048 9/1-28 4 04-52104-01 5/3-13 2 2E005-1 2/9- 6 2
9/2-12 4 04-52201-11 5/3-32 1 20-273-00 8/7- 1 1
S208-4 1 1 04-52214-11 5/3-38 1 200c 7/6- 1 1
$208-5 1 1 04-52223-01 5/ 3-25 1 20201-102 6/5- 5 1
SS-225 1/10-10 1 04-52289-11 5/3-33 1 6/5-17 1
1/11-34 1 04-52306-11 5/10-38 1 202001-105 6/5-18 1
2/3-14 2. 04-54252-11 5/6- 9 2 202001-106 6/5- 6 1
$591 8/5- 5 3 04-54253-11 5/6- 8 2 205-0-022-24 2/2- 6 2
· T24MP12 9/1-14 2 04-57311-11 4/11-22 1 205-1-002-03 1/9- 6 1
UGA1 9/1-12 1 04-57314-11 4/11-25 1 205-1-002-05 1/ 4-39 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty F iguro Qty

Port Number and per Part Number and per Part Number and per
Index No . Article Index No . Article Index No Article

205-1-002-06 1/ 4-39 .1 205-·J-002-27 1/ 4-19 1 205-1-002-71 1/9- 4 1

205-1-002-103 1/ 4-17 1 205-1-002-28 1/4-20 1 205-1-002-73 1/9- 5 1
205-1-002-104 1/ 4-17 1 205-1-002-29 1/ 4-21 1 205-1-002-75 1/10-12 2
205-1-002-105 1/ 4-46 2 205-1-002-30 1/14- 2 20 205-1-002-77 1/9- 7 1
205-1-002-108 1/ 4-26 1 205-1-002-31 1/ 4-23 1 205-1-002-78 1/10- 1 1
205-1-002-109 1/4-26 1 205-1-002-32 1/4-23 1 205-1-002-79 1/10- 2 1
205-1-002-11 1/ 4-28 1 205-1-002-33 1/ 4-24 1 205-1-002-80 1/10- 2 1
205-1-002-110 1/ 4-25 1 205-1-002-34 1/ 4-24 1 205-1-002-81 1/10-H 1
205-1-002-111 1/ 4-25 1 205-1-002-35 1/10-17 1 205-1-002-82 1/10-14 1
205-1-002-112 1/ 4-45 1 205-1-002-36 1/10-17 1 205-1-002-83 1/10-15 1
205-1-002-116 1/4-40 1 205-1-002-37 1/9-23 1 205-1-002-84 1/10-15 1
205-1-002-117 1/7-19 1 205-1-002-38 1/9-24 2 205-1-002-85 1/10-16 1
205-1-002-118 1/ 4- 7 1 205-1-002-39 1/9-22 1 205-1-002-87 1/10-18 1
205-1-002-119 1/9- 9 1 205-1-002-40 1/ 4-10 2 205-1-002-88 1/10-19 1
205-1-002-12 1/ 4-28 1 205-1-002-41 1/7- 3 1 205-1-002-89 1/10-21 1
205-1-002-121 1/ 4-42 1 205-1-002-42 1/7- 3 1 205-1-002-90 1/10-22 1
205-1-002-122 1/ 4-43 1 205-1-002-43 1/7- 9 2 205-1-002-94 1/10- 5 1
205-1-002-123 1/7-35 1 205-1-002-44 1/7-10 2 205-1-002-95 1/7- 1 1
205-1-002-124 1/7-35 1 205-1-002-45 1/7- 4 2 205-1-002-96 1/7- 1 1
205-1-002-125 1/10- 3 1 205-1-002-47 1/7--2 1 205-1-002-97 1/7- 8 1
205-1-002-126 1/10- 3 1 205-1 -002-48 1/7- 2 1 205-1-002-98 1/7- 8 1
205-1-002-128 1/10-20 1 205-1-002-49 1/4-14 4 205-1-002-99 1/10- 4 1
205-1-002-129 1/10-23 1 205-1-002-50 1/9-11 1 205-1-003-13 1/2- 3 1
205-1-002-13 1/9-18 1 205-1-002-52 1/9-12 1 205-1-003-14 1/2- 3 1
205-1-002-14 1/ 4-13 1 205-1-002-53 1/ 4-44 1 205-1-005-03 1/11 1
205-1-002-15 1/ 4-12 1 205-1-002-54 1/ 4-44 1 205-1-005-05 1/11 1
1/ 4-18 1 205-1-002-57 1/9- 1 1 205-1-005-07 1/11 1
205-1-002-16 1/4-12 1 205-1-002-58 1/9- 3 1 205-1-005-11 1/ 11- 2 1
1/ 4-18 1 205-1-002-60 1/ 4-4 7 8 205-1-005-13 1/11- 3 1
205-1-002-17 1/9-34 1 205-1-002-61 1/9-15 1 205-1-005-1S 1/11- 6 1
205-1-002-18 1/9-34 1 205-1-002-62 1/9-15 1 205-1-005-17 1/ 11- 1 1
205-1-002-19 1/9-35 1 205-1-002-63 . 1/9-16 2 205-1-005-18 1/ 11- 1 1
205-1-002-20 1/9-35 1 205-1-002-64 1/9- 8 1 205-1-005-19 1/11-10 1
205-1-002-21 11/9-32 1 205-1-002-65 1/9-10 1 205-1-005-21 1/11-16 1
205-1-002-22 1/9-33 1 205-1-002-66 1/9-17 2 205-1-005-23 1/11-17 1
205-1-002-24 1/4-11 1 205-1-002-67 1/9- 2 1 205-1-005-25 1/11-18 1
205-1-002-25 1/ 4-11 1 205-1-002-68 1/10-13 1 205-1-005-27 1/11-55 2
205-1-002-26 1/ 4-18 1 205-1-002-69 1/10- 8 1 205-1-005-29 1/11-19 2

- 11. 18-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

_........ , . ~......,..-,.._ ............ .,..,. ___ ..._, ....... -.. ...~--..,

Figure Qty f 1gut' e Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port f-i., rr. l,,er ond pe r Port Number and per
Ind e x No. Article ln lJex f~t:i. Arti c le Index No Article
·- i---·-- ~ ·

205-1-005- 31 1/11-21 1 205-1-014-14 1/6- 3 1 205-1-034-11 1/8-29 1

205-1.,.005-32 1/11-21 1 205-1-014-15 1/6- 7 3 205-1-034-12 1/8-30 1
205-1-005-33 1/11-20 1 205-1-015 1/ 4- 9 1 205-1-034-13 1/8-11 1
205-1-005-34 1/11-20 1 205-1-016 1/ 4- 9 1 205-1-034-14 1/8-11 1
205-1-005-35 1/11-22 1 205-1-017 1/ 4-52 1 205-1-034-15 1/8-28 2
205-1-005-37 1/11-23 1 205-1-018 1/ 4-52 1 205-1-034-17 1/ 4-27 1
205-1-005-38 1/11-23 1 205-1-019 1/ 14- 1 1 205-1-034-18 1/4-27 1
205-1-005-39 1/11-24 1 205-1-020 1/14- 1 1 205-1-034-21 1/7-31 1
205-1-005-41 1/11-38 1 205-1-021 1/14-16 1 205-1-034-22 1/7-31 1
205-1-005-43 1/11-39 1 205-1-022 1/14-16 1 205-1-034-23 1/8- 9 2
205-1-005-44 1/11-39 1 205-1-023-01 1/14 1 205-1-034-24 1/8- 8 1
205-1-005-45 1/11-40 1 205-1-023-03 1/ 14- 8 1 205-1-035.c05 1/8- 1 1
205-1-005-47 1/11-45 1 205-1-023-05 1/14- 5 1 205-1-035-06 1/8- 1 1
205-1-005-49 1/11-46 1 205-1-023-17 1/14-10 2 205-1-035-29 1/8-26 1
205-1-005-50 1/11-46 1 205-1-023-19 1/14- 6 2 205-1-035-30 1/8-27 1
205-1-005-51 1/11-47 1 205-1-023-21 1/14- 9 2 205-1-035-33 1/8- 3 1
205-1-005-53 1/11-31 1 205-1-023-23 1/14-12 1 205-1-035-37 1/8- 2 1
205-1-005-55 1/11-43 1 205-1-023-25 1/14-13 1 205-1-035-39 1/8;.24 1
205-1-005-57 1/11-48 1 205-1-026-11 1/14-19 1 205-1-035-40 1/8-24 1
205-1-005-59 1/11- 7 1 205-1-026-12 1/14-19 1 205-1-035-41 1/8- 4 1
205-1-005-61 1/ 11- 8 2 205-1-027-11 1/9-39 1 205-1-035-42 1/8- 4 1
205-1-005-65 1/ 11- 9 1 205-1-027-13 1/9-40 1 205-1-035-49 1/12-25 1
205-1-005-66 1/ 11- 9 1 205-1-027-15 1/9-38 1 205-1+036 1/8-22 1
205-1-005-69 1/11-32 3 205-1-027-16 1/9-38 1 205-1 -037 1/8-22 1
205-1-005-70 1/11-32 3 205-1-027-17 1/9-37 1 205-1-038-01 1/12 1
205-1-005-71 1/11-12 1 205-1-027-18 1/9-37 1 205-1-038-03 1/12- 6 1
205-1-007-11 1/11-49 2 205-1-027-21 1/ 4-41 1 205-1-038-21 1/12- 8 1
205-1-008-01 1/1-12 1 205-1-028-01 1/14- 7 4 205-1-039-13 1/12-10 1
205-1-008-02 1/1-12 1 1/14-11 2 205-1-040-11 1/9-31 1
205-1-008-03 1/1-13 1 205-1-028-03 1/14-13 1 205-1-040-12 1/12- 7 1
205-1-010-11 1/15-11 1 205-1-029-11 1/9-36 1 205-1-040-13 1/12- 5 1
205-1-012-01 1/15 1 205-1-029-12 1/9-36 1 205-1-041-03 1/5- 1 1
205-1-012-03 1/15- 2 1 205-1-029-17 1/9-41 2 205-1-041-04 1/5- 1 1
205-1-013-01 1/6-14 .1 205-1-031-01 1/5-27 1 205-1-041-13 1/5-12 1
205-1-013-13 1/6-15 1 205-1.-031-02 1/5-27 1 205-1-041-14 1/5-12 1
205-1-014-01 1/6 1 205-1-031-03 1/1-16 1 205-1-041-18 1/5- 9 1
205-1-014-11 1/6- 2 1 205-1-031-04 1/1-16 1 205-1-041-19 1/5-13 1
205-1-014-12 1/6- 2 1 205-1-031-103 1/1-18 1 205-1-0'i-1-21 1/5-14 1
205-1-014-13 1/6- 5 1 205-1-034 1/8 1 205-1-041-22 1/5-14 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numeri col Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figura Qty

Port Number and par Port Number and par Port Number and par
Index No . Article Index No. Article Index No Article

205-1-041-24 1/5- 8 2 205-1-045-17 1/8-17 1 205-1-058-03 1/6- 1 1

205-1-041-27 1/5- 7 1 205-1-045-18 1/8-20 1 205-1-058-05 1/6- 9 1
205-1-041-28 1/5- 7 1 205-1-045-21 1/8-23 2 205-1-058-17 1/6-10 1
205-1-041-30 1/5-15 1 205-1-046 1/5- 2 2 205-1-058-19 1/6- 8 1
205-1-041-32 1/5- 6 2 205-1-048-11 1/10- 6 2 205-1-058-20 1/6- 8 1
205-1-041-33 1/5-17 1 205-1-048-13 1/10- 7 1 205-1-059-11 1/2- 7 2
205-1-041-34 1/5-16 1 205-1-049 1/11 1 205-1-059-13 1/2-6A 2
205-1-042-01 1/6 1 205-1-049-13 1/11-53 1 205-1-059-14 4/2-13 2
205-1-042-03 1/6-23 , 1 205-1-050 1/11 1 205-1-059-15 4/2-12 2
205-1-042-04 1/6-23 1 205-1-050-13 1/11-59 1 205-1-060 1/17 1
205-1-041-11 1/6-17 1 205-1-051-101 1/ 1-14 1 205-1-060-01 1/7-11 2
205-1-042-12 1/6-17 1 205-1-052-15 1/11-52 1 205-1-060-02 1/7-11 2
205-1-042-13 1/6-18 1 205-1-053 1/11 1 205-1-060-03 1/17-23 4
205-1-042- 1'i 1/ 6-18 ·1 205-1-053-11 1/11-56 1 205-1-060-05 1/17-21 2
205-1-042-15 1/ 6-19 1 205-1-053-13 1/11-57 1 1/18-14 2
205-1-042-16 1/6-19 1 205-1-053-14 1/11-57 1 1/19-16 1
205-1-042-17 1/6-22 1 205-1-053-15 1/11-58 1 1/20-14 1
205-1-042-18 1/6-21 2 205-1-054-11 1/12-31 1 205-1-060-11 1/13-12 4
205-1-042-19 1/6-20 4 205-1-054-13 1/11-11 1 205-1-060-12 1/13-13 4
205-1-060-17 1/17-22 ,.,
205-1-042-23 1/6-24 1 205-1-055-11 1/2-32 2
205-1-043-03 1/7 1 205-1-055-13 1/2-33 1 1/18-17 4
205-1-043-13 1/7- 6 4 205-1-055-15 1/2-33 1 205-1-060-19 1/7-21 2
205-1-043-15 1/7- 7 1 205-1-056-02 1/8-33 1 205-1-060-20 1/7-36 1
205-1-043-16 1/7- 5 1 205-1-056-11 1/8-31 1 205-1-060-21 1/7-36 1
205-1-043-17 1/7- 5 1 205-1-056-12 1/8-32 1 205-1-061-01 1/7-12 1
205-1-043-19 1/7-5A 2 205-1-056-13 1/2-26 1 205-1-061-11 1/8- 5 1
205-1-044 1/7 1 205-1-056-14 1/2-26 1 205-1-061-14 5/2-43 1
205-1-044-11 1/7-22 1 205-1-056-1 !'i 1/8-15 1 205-1-061-16 1/8- 6 1
205-1-044-13 1/7-23 1 205-1-056-16 1/8-16 1 205-1-061-17 1/8- 6 1
205-1-044-14 1/7-23 1 205-1-056-23 1/8-21 1 205-1-061-18 1/8- 7 1
205-1-044-17 1/7-26 1 205-1-057-01 1/13- 1 1 205-1-061-19 5/2-45 1
205-1-044-19 1/7-27 1 205-1-057-02 1/13- 1 1 205-1-062-11 1/11-42 1
205-1-0~4-21 1/7-28 1 205-1-057-03 1/13- 2 1 205-1-062-12 1/11-42 1
205-1-044-22 1/7-28 1 205-1-057-04 1/13- 2 1 205-1-062-15 1/11-41 1
205-1-044-23 1/7-29 2 205-1-057-09 1/1 J.. 8 1 205-1-063 01 1/15 2
205-1-044-25 1/7-30 1 205-1-057-101 1/13- 8 1 205-1-063-11 1/15- 7 2
205-1-045-03 1/8 1 205-1-057-53 1/13- 9 1 205-1-063-13 1/ 15- 9 2
205-1-045-13 1/8-18 1 205-1-058-01 1/6- 4 1 205-1-064-11 1/7-24 1
205-1-045-15 1/8-19 1 205-1-058-02 1/6- 4 1 205-1-064-12 1/7-24 1

-11. 20-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

F iguro Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Part Number ond per Part Number ond por
Index No. Article Index No. Artie lo lndo,c No Article

205-1-065-03 1/12- 1 1 205-1-124-17 1/8-12 2 205-1-H 1-05 1/16-39 1

205-1-065-05 1/10- 9 1 205-1-124-19 1/ 8-13 2 205-1- 141-13 1/16-36 1
205-1-066 1/7-25 2 205-1-124-25 1/8-14 1 205-1-141-19 1/16-37 1
205-1-069-01 1/9-30 1 205-1-124-26 1/8-13A 1 205-1-142-11 1/16-40 1
205-1-070-01 1/16 1 205-1-126 1/11-33 1 205-1-143-01 1/16 1
205-1-070-11 1/9-25 1 205-1-127-11 1/11-36 1 205-1-143-03 1/16-43 1
205-1-071-31 1/16-16 1 205-1-127-13 1/11-35 1 205-1-143-05 1/ 16-44 1
205-1-072-01 1/16 1 205-1-128-01 1/12-21 1 205-1-143-07 1/16-46 1
205-1-072-03 1/16- 2 1 205-1-128-15 1/12-22 1 205-1-143-25 1/16-45 1
205-1-072-05 1/16- 5 2 205-1-129-11 1/11-37 1 205-1-144-01 1/16-41 1
205-1-072-11 1/16-10 1 205-1-129-13 1/12-23 1 205-1-144-03 1/12- 9 1
205-1-072-13 1/16-14 1 205-1-129-15 1/12-22 1 205-1-145-11 1/15-24 1
205-1-072-15 1/16-13 1 205-1-130-11 1/6-28 1 205-1-146-11 1/9-28 1
205-1-072-17 1/16- 8 1 205-1-130-12 1/6-28 1 205-1-147-01 1/9-27 1
205-1-072-19 1/16- 6 2 205-1-133-01 1/13-11 2 205-1-148-11 1/9-26 1
205-1-072-25 1/16- 3 1 205-1-133-03 1/13-10 2 205-1-149-16 1/12-19 1
205-1-105-01 1/11- 4 1 205-1-134 1/21 1 205-1-149-17 1/12-20 1
205-1-105-19 1/ 11- 5 2 205-1-134-11 1/21-42 1 1/15-23 2
205-1-108-01 1/3-15 1 205-1-134-13 1/21-43 1 205-1-151-01 1/6-16 1
205-1-109-03 1/9-19 1 205-1-134-15 1/21-44 2 205-1-152-11 1/8-10 1
205-1-111-01 4/12- 8 1 205-1-134-17 1/21-45 2 205-1-152-12 1/8-10 1
205-1-112-01 1/9-14 1 205-1-134-19 1/21-46 2 205-1-153-11 1/ 4-15 2
205-1-112-02 1/9-14 1 205-1-134-21 1/21-47 2 205-1-154-15 1/ 4-36 1
205-1-114-11 1/7-13 1 205-1-134-23 1/21-48 2 205-1-154-17 1/4-34 1
205-1-116-01 1/1-22 1 205-1-135-01 1/16 1 205-1-154~18 1/ 4-34 1
205-1-117-15 1/ 4-32 2 205-1-135-11 1/16-19 1 205-1-154-19 1/ 4-35 2
205-1-117-23 1/ 4-29 2 205-1-136-11 1/16-21 1 205-1-156-01 5/ 4-14 1
205-1-119-03 1/1-23 1 205-1-137 -01 1/16-23 1 5/5-24 2
205-1-119-33 1/1-24 1 205-1-138-01 1/16-25 1 205-1-157-11 1/2-46 4
205-1-122-03 1/11-26 2 205-1-138-15 1/16-25 1 205-1-158..;11 1/3-20 1
205-1-122-13 1/11-27 1 205-1-139-01 1/16 1 20 5-1-158-13 1/ 3-21 1
205-1-122-15 1/11-28 1 205-1-139-03 1/16-28 1 205-1-159-13 1/ 1-21 1
205-1-123-11 1/1-19 1 205-1-139-17 1/16-30 1 205-1-159-14 1/1-21 1
205-1-124-03 1/ 13- 5 1 205-1-140-01 1/16 1 205-1-160-01 1/1-20 1
205-1-124-04 1/13- 5 1 205-1-140-03 1/16-32 1 205-1-164-13 6/3-30 1
1/ 13- 7
1/13- 6
1/ 16
1/12 ,

205-1-124-16 1/ 13- 6 1 205-1-141-03 1/16-36 1 205-1-168-07 1/15-20 1

Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Artido Index No. Article Index No Article

205-1-168-09 1/15-21 1 205-2-005-27 1/18- 8 2 205-2-025-02 1/21- 6 1

205-1-168-101 1/12-17 1 205-2-005-29 1/18-12 4 205-2-025-03 1/12-11 1
205-1-168-103 1/12-18 1 205-2-005- 31 1/18-12 4 205-2-025-05 1/21-10 1
205-1-168-19 1/15-22 1 205-2-006-01 1/17- 2 2 205-2-025-06 1/21- 3 1
205-1-169-11 1/12-15 1 205-2-006-03 1/17- 3 8 205-2-025-07 1/21-12 1
1/15-18 1 205-2-006-05 1/ 17- 9 4 205-2-025-08 1/21-41 1
205-1-170-03 1/11-13 1 205-2-006-07 1/17-12 2 205-2-025-104 1/ 21- 6 1
205-1-170-05 1/12-27 1 1/19- 5 2 205-2-025-105 1/21-10 1
205-1-170-15 1/12-28 1 205-2-006-09 1/17- 7 2 205-2-025-106 1/21-10 1
205-1-170-17 1/11-50 1 205-2-006-27 1/17-16 2 205-2-025-107 1/21- 1 1
205-1-170-18 1/11-50 1 205-2-006-35 1/17- 5 8 205-2-025-108 1/ 21- 3 1
205-1-110 .. 19 1/11-51 1 205-2-006-37 1/17- 6 8 205-2-026-01 1/21- 9 1
205-1-170-, 20 1/11-51 1 205-2-006-41 1/17-11 4 205-2-026-03 1/21- 9 1
1/21- 9
1/21-11 ,

205-1-172-01 1/ 4-33 1 1/19- 7 2 205-2-026-16 1/21-11 1

205-1-172-02 1/ 4-33 1 205-2-014-01 4/5-20 2 205-2-027-04 1/21-16 1
205-1-173-11 1/ 6-25 1 205-2-016-01 1/ 4-30 2 205-2-027-05 1/21-17 1
205-1-173-12 1/6-25 1 205-2-017-01 1/18 1 205-2-027-06 1/21-18 1
205-1-181-01 1/2- 5 1 205-2-020-11 1/21-30 1 205-2-029-11 1/21-39 4
205-1-181-02 1/2- 5 1 205-2-020-12 1/21-11 1 205-2-032-01 1/21-20 1
205-2-001-05 1/18- 3 1 205-2-020-13 1/ 21-32 1 205-2-032-02 1/21-21 1
205-2-001-41 1/18- 4 3 205-2-020-14 1/21-33 1 205-2-032-03 1/21-22 1
205-2-002-03 1/17-20 2 205-2-020-15 1/21-28 1 205-2-032-04 1/21-22 1
1/19-15 2 205-2-020-16 .1/21-29 1 205-2-032-05 1/21-24 5
205-2-003-05 1/18- 5 1 205-2-020-17 1/21-25 1 205-2-032-07 1/21-23 1
205-2-003-07 1/18-11 1 205-2-021-11 1/15-15 1 205-2-032-08 1/21-23 1
205-2-003-105 1/18- 2 1 1/21- 8 3 205-2-033-01 1/21-19 4
205-2-003-107 1/18 1 205-2-022-01 1/21- 5 3 205-2-035-11 1/21-15 1
205-2-004-011 1/17 2 205-2-023-01 1/21-37 1 205-2-036-01 10/1-15 1
205-2-004-013 1/17-18 2 205-2-024-01 1/14- 4 1 205-2-037-01 1/20 1
1/19- 9 2 205-2-024-02 1/14- 3 1 205-2-037-03 1/8-25 1
1/19-13 2 205-2-024-03 1/ 14- 3 1 205~2-037-04 1/8-26 1
205-2-004-03 1/ 17- 1 2 205-2-024-14 1/15-12 1 205-2-037-05 1/3- 4 2
205-2-004-13 1/17-18 2 205-2-024-19 1/14-20 1 205-2-037-07 1/11-29 1
1/19- 9 2 205-2-024-20 1/14-20 1 205-2-037-09 1/20-12 1
205-2-005-01 1/ 18- 6 1 205-2-024-22 1/ 14-18 .1 205-2-037-101 1/21-36 1
205-2-005-03 1/18-13 1 205-2-024-23 1/14-17 1 205-2-037-17 1/20- 1 2
205-2-005-25 1/18- 7 2 205-2-025-01 1/15-13 1 205-2-038-01 1/20 1

Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

figure Qty figure Qty figure Qty
Port Number and per Port Numbd r and per Part Number and per
Index No. Article Inde x No. Article Index No Article

205-2-038-03 1/20 1 205-2-150-00 10/1 1 205-3-005-14 2/5-16 1

205-2-038-05 1/20- 3 1 205-2-150-01 10/1- 1 1 205-3-005-15 2/5-17 1
205-2-038-07 1/20- 9 1 205-2-150-03 10/1- 2 1 205-3-005-16 2/5-18 1
205-2-038-09 1/20- 5 1 205-2-151-15 10/1- 4 1 205-3-005-17 2/5-19 2
205-2-038-101 1/20- 4 1 205-2-151-16 10/1- 4 1 205-3-005-19 2/5-21 4
205-2-038-103 1/20-10 1 205-2-152-01 10/1- 9 1 205-3-005~20 2/5-20 2
205-2-038-105 1/20-11 1 205-2-153-01 10/ 1-19 1 205-3-005-21 22/5-23 12
205-2-038-27 1/20- 8 2 I 205-2-154-01 10/ 1-11 2 205-3-005-23 2/5-24 12
205-2-038~29 1/20- 6 2 205-2-155-01 10/1-12 1 205-3-005-29 2/5-22 2
205-2-039-01 1/21-38 2 205-2-157-01 10/1- 5 2 205-3-006 2/6 1
205-2-041-08 1/9- 3 1 205-2-158-01 10/ 1- 6 1 205-3-006-11 2/6- 1 1
205-2-041-09 1/9- 3 1 205-2-160-01 110/1-13 1 205-3-006-12 2/6- 2 1
205-2-041-101 1/19 1 205-3-002 2/1 1 205-3-006-14 2/6- 4 1
205-2-041-102 1/19 1 205-3-002-01 2/1 1 205-3-006-15 2/6- 5 1
205-2-046-01 1/19 1 205-3-002-02 i 2/3 1 205-3~006-16 2/6- 6 1
205-2-01+8-01 1/19- 4 1 205-3-002-11 2/3-321 1 i 205-3-007 2/6 1
205-2-048-02 1/19- .4 1 205-3-002-12 2/3-33 I 1 205-3-007-11 2/6- 1
205-2-049-13 7I 4-17 1 205-3-002-13 2/3-39 2
I 205-3-007-12 2/6- 2
205-2-050-01 1o/ 1- 8 I 1 205-3-002-14 2/3-34 2 II 205-3-007-13 2/6- 3 2
205-2-053-01 10/1-14 I 1 205-3-002-15 2/3-35 2 205-3-007-14 2/6- 4 1
205-2-054-01 1/ 4-22 I
1 205-3-002-16 2/3-36 2 I 205-3-007-15 2/6- 5 1
205-2-059-01 1/3- 6 1 205-3-002-17 2/3-40 1 205-3-007-16 2/6- 6 1
1/ 3-22 1 205-3-003 2/1 1 205-3-007-17 2/ 6-16 2
205-2-059-02 1/3- 6 1 205-3-003-01 2/1 1 I 205-3-007-18 2/6-18 2

205-3-003-02 2/3 I 1 205-3-007-19 2/6-21 6
205-3-003-11 2/3-32 1 205-3-007-20 2/6-23 6
205-2-060-01 1/19- 9 1 205-3-003-12 2/3- 33 1 205-3-007-21 2/6-34 4
205-2-060-02 1/19- 9 1 205-3-003-17 2/3-40 1 205-3-007-22 2/6-30 2
205-2-060-11 1/19-11 1 205-3-004 2/5 1 205-3-007-23 2/6-31 2
205-2-060-12 1/19-11 1 205-3-004-11 2/5-13 1 205-3-007-24 2/6-36 2
205-2-064-11 1/19-12 2 205-3-004-12 2/5-14 1 205-3-007-27 2/fi-46 2
205-2-065-11 1/21-34 2 205-3-004-13 2/5-15 1 205-3-007-28 2/6-47 2
205-2-065-13 1/21-35 2 205-3-004-14 2/5-16 1 205-3-008 2/6-32 2
205-2-066-13 1/21-14 1 205-3-004-15 2/5-17 1 205-3-009 2/6-27 2
205-2-066-14 1/21-14 1 205-3-004-16 2/5-18 1 205-3-010,.µ1 2/ 6-15 2
205-2-067-03 1/11-29 1

205-3-005 2/5 1 205-3-010-02 2/6-20 2
205-2-067-13 1/21-50 1 205-3-005-11 2/5-13 1 205-3-010-03 2/6-25 2
205-2-067-15 1/11-30 1 205-3-005-12 1 205-3-010-01+ 2/6-26 2
205-2-116-01 1/ l+-32 1 205-~-005-13 2/5-15 1 205-3-011-01 2/6-12 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Part Number and per
lnde>< No . Article Index t-lo. Article Index No Article

205-3-011-11 2/3-31 1 205-3-016-16 2/6- 6 1 205-3-018-25 2/ 4-15 1

205-3-011-12 2/6- 7 1 205-3-016-17 2/5- 7 1 205-3-018-26 2/ 4-16 1
205-3-011-13 2/6- 8 1 205-3-017 2/4 1 205-3-018-27 2/ 4-17 1
205-3-011-14 2/6- 9 1 205-3-017-01 2/ 4 1 205-3-018-28 2/ 4-14 1
205-3-011-15 2/6-10 1 205-3-017-02 2/ 4 1 205-3-018-29 2/ 4-13 1
205-3-011-16 2/ 6-11 1 205-3-017 -03 2/4 1 205-3-019-11 4/6-26 2
205-3-011-18 2/6-13 1 205-3-017 -11 2/ 4- 2 1 205-3-020-01 2/3- 5 1
205-3-011-19 2/6-14 1 205-3-017-12 2/ 4- 3 1 205-3-020-02 2/3- 5 1
205-3-012-01 2/6-12 1 205-3-017-13 2/ 4- 4 1 205-3-020-03 2/2- 9 1
205-3-012-11 2/ 3-31 1 205-3-017-14 2/ 4- 5 1 205-3-020-04 2/2- 9 1
205-3-012-12 2/6- 7 1 205-3-017-15 2/ 4- 6 1 205-3-020-05 2/3- 6 1
205-3-012-13 2/6- 8 1 205-3-017-16 2/ 4- 7 1 205-3-020-06 2/3- 6 1
205-3-012-14 2/6- 9 1 205-3-017-17 2/ 4- 1 1 205-3-020-07 2/3- 7 1
205-3-012-15 2/6-10 ; 1 205-3-017-20 2/ 4- 9 1 205-3-020-08 2/3- 7 1
205-3-012-16 2/ 6-11 1 205-3-017-21 2/ 4-10 1 205-3-020-09 2/3-15 1
205-3-012-18 2/6-13 1 205-3-0°17-22 2/ 4-11 1 205-3-020-10 2/3-15 1
205-3-012-19 2/6-14 1 205-3-017-23 2/ 4-12 1 205-3-020-100 2/ 3-11 2
205-3-013-01 2/1- 1 2 205-3-017-24 2/4- 8 1 205-3-020-101 2/3-12 2
205-3-013-11 2/1-16 2 205-3-017-25 2/ 4-15 1 205-3-020-103 2/1-12 2
205-3-013-12 2/1-18 2 205-3-017-26 2/ 4-16 1 205-3-020-104 2/3-17 2
205-3-013-13 2/1-20 1 205-3-017-27 2/ 4-17 1 205- 3-020-11 2/3-16 1
205-3;.013-14 2/1-23 1 205-3-017-28 2/ 4-14 1 205-3-020-12 2/3-16 1
205-3-013-15 2/1-23 1 205-3-017-29 2/ 4-13 1 205-3-020-13 2/3-18 1
205-3-013-20 2/1-25 1 205-3-018 2/ 4 1 205-3-020-14 2/ 3-18 1
205-3-013-21 2/1-25 1 205-3-018-01 2/4 1 205-3-020-88 2/1-11 1
205-3-015 2/5 1 205-3-018-02 2/4 1 205-3-020-9 4 2/2-11 2
205-3-015-11 2/5- 1 1 205-3-018-03 2/ 4 1 205-3-020-95 2/2-12 2
205- 3-015-12 2/5- 2 1 205-3-018-11 2/ 4- 2 1 205-3-020-96 2/2-13 2
205-3.,015-13 2/5- 3 1 205-3-018-12 2/ 4- 3 1 205-3-020-97 2/2-10 2
205-3-015-14 2/5- 4 1 205-3-018-13 2/ 4- 4 1 205-3-020-98 2/3- 9 2
205-3-015-15 2/5- 5 1 205-3-018-·14 2/4- 5 1 205-3-020-99 2/3- 8 2
205-3-015-16 2/5- 6 1 205-3-018-15 2/4- 6 1 205-3-021-01 4/6-19 1
205-3-015-17 2/5- 7 1 205-3-018-16 2/ 4- 7 1 205-3-021-02 4/6-19 1
205-3-016 2/5 1 205-3-018-17 2/ 4- 1 1 205-3-021-05 4/6-25 2
205-3-016-11 2/5- 1 1 205-3-018-20 2/4- 9 1 205-3-021-07 4/6 2
205-3-016-12 2/5- 2 1 205-3-018-21 2/ 4-10 1 205-3-021-25 4/ 6-21 2
205-3-016-13 2/5- 3 1 205-3-018-22 2/ 4-11 1 205-3-021-27 4/6-22 2
205-3-016-14 2/5- 4 1 205-3-018-23 2/ 4-12 1 205-3-021-29 l+/6-20 2
205-3-016-15 2/5- 5 1 205-3-018-24 2/4- 8 1 205-3-021-31 4/6-23 4

-11. 24-
Model S208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qry Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number ond per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

205-3-022-07 2/2- 5 2 205-3-038-01 2/3-27 1 205-3-068-11 2/5-11 2

1/10-11 1
4 205-3-038-11
2/5- 9
2/5-10 ,

2/3-13 2 205-3-040-01 2/ 3-30 1 205-3-068-14 2/5-10 1

205-3-022-23 1/12- 3 1 205-3-041 2/5-26 1 205-3-068-15 10/1- 7 2
2/2- 7 2 205-3-042 2/ 5-26 1 205-3-069 2/1- 7 1
205-3-022-24 1/12- 2 1 205-3-043-11 2/ 5-28 2 205-3-070-01 2/5-35 4
2/2- 6 2 205-3-045-03 2/5-30 2 205-3-070-15 2/5-36 4
205-3-023-01 2/2- 1 1 205-3-045-13 2/ 5-31 2 205-3-071-11 2/5- 8 2
205-3-023-03 2/2- 1 1 205-3..:046-03 2/5 2 205-3-071-12 2/5- 8 2
205-3-023-B 2/2- 4 2 205-3-046-11 2/ 5-33 2 205-3-072-01 2/5-37 1
205-3-026-05 2/3-50 1 205-3-047 2/ 6-37 1 205-3-072-02 2/5-37 1
205-3-026--06 2/3-50 1 205-3-048 2/ 6-37 1 205-3-075-13 2/2-17 2
205-3-026 .. 103 2/2-15 1 205-3-049 2/ 6-39 2 205-3-088-01 2/6-40 2
205-3-026-104 2/2-15 1 205-3-050-01 2/2-14 2 205-3-088-15 2/6-42 4
205-3-027 -05 2/1- 4 1 205-3-051-01 2/ 3-43 1 205-3-090-11 2/3-28 2 .
205-3-028-05 2/1- 4 1 205-3-051-11 2/ 3-41 1 205-3-090-12 2/3-28 2
205-3-029-03 4/6-36 2 205- 3-051-12 2/3-42 1 205-3-090-13 2/3-29 2
205-3-029-17 4/6-32 2 205-3-051-H 2/ 3-44 1 205-3-092-01 2/6-43 1
205-3-029-19 4/6-34 2 205-3-051-15 2/3-45 1 205-3-092-02 2/6-44 1
205:.3-029-21 4/6-35 2 205-3-051-16 2/3-46 1 205-3-093-01 7./6-43 1
205-3-030-01 4/6 2 205-3-052-01 2/ 3-43 1 205-3-093-02 2/6-44 1
205-3-030-03 4/6-29 4 205-3-052-11 2/ 3-41 1 205:.3-094-01 2/6-45 2
205-3-030-11 4/ 6-31 2 205-3-052-12 2/3-42 1 205-4-002 . 2/8- 1 1
205-3-031-11 2/3-19 1 205-3-052-14 2/3-44 1 2/8-11 2
205-3-031-12 2/3-20 1 205-3-052-15 2/3-45 1 205-4-003 2/8- 1 l
205-3-032-11 2/ 3-19 1 205-3-052-16 2/3-46 1 2/ 8-11 2
205-3-032-12 2/3-20 1 205-3-053-11 2/6-38 4 205-4-004 2/8 1
205-3-033-01 2/ 3-21 1 205-3-054 2/ 3-38 2 205-4-005 2/8 1
205-3-033-02 2/3-23 1 205-3-055-11 2/ 3-47 1 205-4-005-01 2/8-12 2
205-3-033-21 2/ 3-22 2 205 .. 3.055-12 2/3-48 1 205-4-005-11 2/8-14 16
205-3-034-01 2/3-21 1 205-3-055-13 2/ 3-49 1 205-4-005-14 2/8-16 16
205-3-034-02 2/3-23 1 205-3-056-11 2/ 3-47 1 205-4-005-15 2/8-17 16
205-3-035-01 2/3-25 1 205-3-056-12 2/ 3-48 1 205-4-005-16 2/8-18 16
205-3-035-11 2/3-24 1 205-3.-056-13 2/ 3-49 1 205-4-005-17 2/8-19 2
205-3-036-01 2/ 3-25 1 205-3-057-01 . 2/ 3-37 1 205-4-005-18 2/8-21 2
205-3-036-11 2/ 3-24 1 205-3-057-02 2/ 3-37 1 205-4-006 2/8 1
205-3-037-01 2/3-27 1 205-3-059 ..:11 2/5-25 1 205-4-007 2/8 1
205-3-037-11 2/ 3-26 1 205-3-059-12 ?./5-25 1 205-4-007-11 2/8- 2 4

-11. 25-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numeri col Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Part Number and per Part Number ond per
Index l~o. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

205-4-007-12 2/8- 4 4 205-5-127-11 1/5-26 2 205-6-023-11 1/2-16 1

205-4-007-13 2/8- 9 2 205-5-127-15 6/5-23 4 205-6-025-01 5/2 1
205-4-008 2/8- 6 1 205-5-127-17 6/5-25 2 205-6-02 5-11 5/2- 4 1
205-4-009 2/8- 6 1 205-5-141-15 6/3- 5 1 205-6-031 4/5- 8 2
205-5-018-03 6/3-18 6 205-5-142-01 6/3-13 1 5/7- 3 12
205-5-018-11 6/3-23 6 205-5-142-02 6/ 3-13 1 5/7-11 2
205-5-019-15 1/23-11 1 205-5-142-11 6/3-16 2 5/7-34 2
205-5-019-17 1/23-15 1 205-5-142-23 6/3-17 2 205-6-033-01 1/ 6-11 1
205-5-020-18 6/ 4-12 1 205-5-143-21 6/3-22 1 205-6-033-02 1/ 6-12 1
205-5-020-27 6/ 4- 5 4 205-5-148-11 6/ 3- 6 2 205-6-034 1/ 6-13 1
205-5-025-01 1/22- 3 2 205-5-148-13 6/ 3-15 2 205-6-040 5/7 1
205-5-027-03 1/ 5-22 2 205-5-148-15 6/3-14 2 205-6-041-01 5/7 4
205-5-027-13 6/3-26 2 205-5-161-13 1/23- 6 1 205-6-041-03 5/7- 2 4
205-5-029-11 6/5- 1 6 205-5-161-15 6/ 4-13 1 205-6-041-14 5/7- 4 4
6/5-13 6 205-5-168-01 6/5- 7 1 205-6-042-01 5/7- 5 1
205-5-031-01 1/23 1 205-5-168-19 1/23- 5 1 205-6-042-02 5/7- 5 1
205-5-031-02 1/23- 8 1 205-5-185-11 6/5- 3 1 205-6-042-03 5/7- 8 1
205-5-031-03 1/23- 9 1 6/5-15 1 205-6-042-04 5/7- 8 1
205-5-031-05 1/23-10 1 205-5-185-13 6/5- 8 1 205-6-042-14 5/7- 6 4
205-5-032-01 1/3- 1 1 6/5-19 1 5/7- 9 4
205-5-033-01 1/ 4-16 3 205-5-185-17 6/5- 4 1 205-6-043-03 5/7-12 2
205-5-034-01 1/22 1 6/5-16 1 205-6-043-12 5/7-16 2
205-5-034-15 1/22- 5 3 205-5-185-19 6/5- 9 1 205-6-043-13 5/7-15 2
205-5-034-17 1/22- 4 2 6/5-20 ' 1 205-6-043-15 5/7-17 2
205-5-034-19 1/22- 1 2 205-5-188-07 1/23 1 205-6-044-03 1/2- 8 1
205-5-035-0J 1/ 4-32 4 205-6-009-13 5/6-5A 1 205-6-044-04 1/2- 8 1
205-5-043-01 1/ 3-10 1 205-6-011-103 5/ 6-14 1 205-6-044-05 1/3-11 1
205-5-044-01 1/23-16 1 205-6-013-01 5/6- 7 1 205-6-044-06 1/3-11 1
205-5-119-01 1/23-18 1 205-6-014 5/ 6-18 1 205-6-044-11 1/6- 6 1
205-5-120-13 1/23-19 1 205-6-014-14 5/6-21 2 205-6-044-13 1/2-12 1
205-5-120-15 6/2-19 1 205-6-015-01 5/6-11 1 1/6-26 1
205-5-120-21 1/23-20 1 205-6-015-02 5/6-11 1 205-6-044-14 1/2-12 1
205-5-124-01 1/3- 2 1 205-6-017-01 5/6-23 2 1/6-26 1
205-5-124-02 1/3- 2 1 205-6-017-03 5/6-25 2 205-6-044-15 1/2-13 1
205-5-124-13 1/3- 7 2 205-6-019-11 5/4- 4 1 1/6-27 1
205-5-127-01 6/5 1 205-6-020-01 1/2-20 1 205-6-044-16 1/2-13 1
205-5-127-02 6/5 1 205-6-021-01 1/2-18 1 1/6-27 1
205-5-127-03 6/5-22 2 205-6-022 5/2- 7 1 205-6-044-18 1/2-10 2

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Part Number and per Part Number and per
Index No. Article Inde x Na. Article lnde,c No Article

205-6-044-19 1/3-13 1 205-6-057-05 5/2-31 1 205-6-077-19 5/10-31 1

205-6-044-20 1/ 3-13 1 205-6-057-07 1/2-36 1 205-6-077-21 5/10-32 1
205-6-045-01 5/7-29 1 205-6-057-06 5/2-29 1 205-6-079 5/10-12 2
205-6-045-02 5/7-29 1 205-6-057-23 5/2-35 1 205-6-079-01 5/10-12 2
205-6-046-01 5/7 1 205-6-057-28 5/3-18 1 205-6-080-01 5/3 1
205-6-046-03 5/7-19 1 205-6-058-01 5/2 1 205-6-081-01 5/3-39 1
205-6-047-01 5/7-24 4 205-6-058-03 5/2-37 1 205-6-082-01 5/3-30 1
205-6-047-03 5/7-26 4 205-6-061-03 1/5-25 2 205-6-084-11 5/2- 6 2
205-6-048 5/7-22 2 205-6-061-15 1/5-24 2 5/2-39 2
205-6-049 5/7-35 2 205-6-062-101 4/5- 4 1 5/ 4-35 2
205-6-050-11 5/5-18 1 205-6-062-15 4/5- 6 1 5/5-44 2
205-6-051-11 1/7-15 1 205-6-062-17 4/5- 9 1 5/~-16 4
205-6-051-13 1/7-16 2 205-6-063-101 4/5 1 5/7-21 2
205-6-051-14 1/2-14 1 205-6-065-03 1/2-28 1 5/7-28 8
205-6-051-15 1/2-14 1 205-6-065-13 1/2-30 1 205-6 .. 089-11 5/3-17 l
205-6-051-16 1/2-22 1 205-6-065-14 5/2-47 1 5/ 4- 3 1
205-6-051-17 1/2-24 1 205-6-065-15 5/3-14 2 205-6-092-03 5/3-29 1
205-6-051-18 1/2-24 1 205-6-066 5/2 2 205-6-093-15 5/3-27 1
205-6-051-19 5/3-10 1 205-6-066-01 5/2-15 2 205-6-097-01 5/5 2
205-6-051-20 5/ 5-19 1 205-6-066-02 5/2-18 2 205-6-097-02 5/4 2
1/7-18 ,
1 205-6-067
205-6-097-11 5/ 4-33
205-6-051-23 1/7-18 1 205-6-067-02 5/2-23 1 205-6-098-01 5/ 4-27 1
205-6-051-25 1/7-rl 1 205-6-068 5/2 1 205-6-098-02 5/ 4-27 1
205-6-053-05 5/ 10-37 1 205-6-068-01 5/2-25 1 205-6-099-01 5/5-35 2
205-6-053-18 5/10-40 1 205-6-068-02 5/2-28 1 205-6-099-13 5/5-39 2
205-6-053-21 5/10-41 1 205-6-069-03 5/3 1 205-6-104-01 5/5- 2 1
205-6-053-22 5/10-43 1 205-6-069-07 5/3- 5 1 205-6-105 5/4 Ref
205-6-054-13 5/9- 7 1 205-6-069-09 5/3- 2 1 205-6-105-01 5/4- 5 1
205-6-054-29 5/9- 6 1 205-6-070-09 5/3- 2 1 205-6-105-02 5/4-15 1
205-6-055-11 1/2-32 2 205-6-071-14 5/3-20 1 205-6-106 5/", Ref
205-6-055-13 1/2-33 2 205-6-071-15 1/2-38 1 205-6-106-01 5/4- 5 1
5/5-21 1 205-6-072-11 5/2-11 1 205-6-106-02 5/ 4-15 1
5/8-16 1 5/ 4-31 2 205-6-107 5/4 Ref
205-6-055.;14 5/5-22 1 205-6-073-03 10/1-10 1 205-6-107-01 5/ 4-17 1
5/8-17 1 205-6-073-15 7/2-15 1 205-6-107-02 5/ 4-21 1
205-6-057-03 1/2-34 1 205-6-077-15 5/10-34 1 205-6-108 5/5 Ref
205-6-057-04 1/2-34 1 205-6-077-17 5/10-35 1 205-6-108-01 5/5-10 1

Model S208 S.:, ,: I ,on 111
Nurnericol Index

Figure Qty Fi gum Qty Figura Qty

Part Number ond per Part Numbe r and per Port Number and per
lndax No. Articl., Ind e x No . Article Index No Article

205-6-108-02 5/5-12 1 205-6-208-?.3 4/9-49 1 205-6-222-01 1/3- 3 1

205-6-108-03 5/5-12 1 205-6-208-25 4/9-23 2 205-6-223-01 4/9-13 1
205-6-108-04 5/5-29 1 4/9-45 1 205-6-223-03 4/9-15 2
205-6-108-05 5/5-29 1 205-6-209-01 4/9 1 205-6-226-11 4/9-14 1
205-6-109 5/5 Ref 205-6-209-03 4/9- 6 1 205-6-227-01 4/9-52 1
205-6-109-02 5/5- 6 1 205-6--209-05 4/9 1 205-6-228-01 4/10-14 1
205-6-109-03 5/5- 6 1 205-6-213-01 4/9 1 205-6-229-11 4/10-16 2
205-6-109-04 5/5-27 1 205-6-213-03 4/9-36 1 205-6-230-01 4/10 1
205-6-109-05 5/5-27 1 205-6-213-13 4/9-39 1 2.05-6-231-11 1/3-18 1
205-6-110 5/5- 5 2 205-6-214-11 4/9- 7 2 205-6-231-13 1/3-19 1
205-6-111 4/5-16 2 205-6-214-13 4/9-11 1 205-6-231-15 1/3-17 1
205-6-114-01 4/5-11 2 205-6-214-15 4/9- 9 1 205-6-232-11 1/21-40 1
205-6-114-03 4/5-13 2 205-6-214-17 4/9-12C 1 205-6-233-01 4/9-29 2
205-6-159-01 6/9- 1 1 205-6-214-19 4/9-12A 1 205-6-234-01 1/5-20 1
205-6-161-01 6/9-28 1 205-6-215-01 4/10 1 205-6-235 4/11 1
205-6-167-11 6/9-36 1 205-6-215-11 4/10-19 2 4/12-31 1
205-6-167-13 6/9- 9 1 205-6-215-13 4/10-21 1 205-6-236-01 4/11 1
205-6-201-03 4/9 1 205-6-215-15 4/10-22 1 205-6-236-11 4/11-23 2
205-6-202-01 4/9-57 1 205-6-215-17 4/10-20 1 205-6-237-11 4/11-24 1
205-6-202-05 4/9-58 1 205-6-216-03 4/9-63 1 205-6-238-11 4/11-26 1
205-6-202-13 4/9-60 1 205-6-216-11 4/9-64 1 205-6-239-03 4/11-28 1
205-6-203-03 4/9-66 1 205-6-216-13 4/9-65 1 205-6-239-05 4/11-31 1
205-6-203-13 4/9-69 1 205-6-216-15 4/9-61 1 205-6-239-07 1/5-18 2
205-6-204-01 4/9~53 1 205-6-217-01 4/10 1 205-6-239-21 4/11-29 1
205-6-204-13 4/9-55 3 205-6-218-09 4/10 1 205-6-239-25 1/2- 4 4
205-6-204-17 4/9-56 3 205-6-218-101 4/10- 5 1 205-6-239-27 1/5-19 2
205-6-205-13 4/9-26 2 205-6-218-103 4/10- 8 1 205-6-241-11 -'t/11-18 2
4/9-48 1 205-6-218-19 4/10- 2 1 4/12-29 2
205-6-206-07 4/9-44 1 205-6-218-21 4/10- 4 1 205-6-242-01 4/12-13 1
205-6-206-09 4/9-42 1 205-6-218-31 4/10- 7 1 205-6-242-03 4/12-14 1
205-6-206-15 4/9-46 1 205-6-218-37 4/10- 9 1 205-6-243-03 1/8-34 1
205-6-207-05 4/9-30 1 205-6-219-01 4/10-17 1 205-6-243-05 1/8-35 1
205-6-207-07 4/9-32 1 205-6-219-03 4/10-24 1 205-6-243-15 4/9-71 1
205-6-208-07 4/9-22 1 205-6-219-11 4/10-29 1 205-6-245-01 4/5- 1 1
205-6-208-08 4/9-22 1 205-6-219-21 4/10-30 1 205-6-245-17 4/5- 3 2
205-6-208-09 4/9-18 1 205-6-220-01 4/10-31 1 205-6-246-01 4/9-28 1
205-6-208-10 4/9-18 1 205-.6-221-01 4/19 1 205-6-246-02 4/9-28 1
205-6-208-21 4/9-24 2 205-6-221-11 4/10-33 1 205-6-247-11 4/2-14 1
205-6-208-23 4/9-27 2 205-6-221-13 4/10-34 1 205-6-247-13 4/2-15 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

- ..
Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty
Port Number ond per Part Number and P'"' Part Number and per
Index No . Article Index Na. Articltt lnde>< Na Article

205-6-248-11 4/9-20 4 205- 7-053-23 3/3-23 1 205-8-044-13 1/ 4-51 1

4/9-34 2 205- 7-054-11 3/3-24 1 205-8-044-14 1/ 4-50 1
4/9-51 2 205-7-054-13 3/3- 9 1 205-8-044-15 1/ 4-50 1
4/9- 70 2 205-7-055-01 3/3- 5 2 205-8-044-16 1/ 4-1+9 1
205-6-259-11 6/9-22 1 3/ 3-15 4 205-8-044-17 1/ 4.1.9 1
205-6-265-11 1/5-28 2 205-7-056 3/ 3-10 1 205-8-044-18 1/ 4-48 1
205-6-265-13 1/5-29 2 3/3-19 2 205-8-051~11 7/3-13 1
205-6-272-01 1/23-27 1 205-7-057-01 3/1-12 1 205-8-052-11 9/1- 7 1
6/9-10 4 205-7-057-02 3/1- 5 1 205-8-052-12 9/1- 7 1
6/9-42 1 205-7-057-03 3/1- 3 2 205-8-052-25 9/2- 7 1
205-7-002-01 3/2- 1 2 205-7-057-04 3/1-10 1 205-8-052-27 9/1- 6 1
3/2-14 1 205-7-058-01 5/3 1 205-8-061 9/1 1
205-7-002-03 3/2- 5 8 205-7-058-11 5/3-24 1 205-8-062 9/2 1
205-7-002-11 3/2- 4 2 205-7-060-01 5/3-35 1 205-8-069-01 8/6 1
205-7-002-13 3/2- 6 8 205- 7-061-01 3/2-10 1 205-8-069-11 8/6-17 1
205-7-002-19 3/2- 8 2 205-7-063-11 3/2-17 3 205-8-070-01 8/5 1
205-7-007-11 1/2-44 2 205-7-063-13 3/2-19 1 205-8-071-11 1/21- 2 1
205-7-007-13 1/2-40 1 205-7-063-15 3/2-19 1 8/5- 4 1
205-7-007-14 1/2-40 1 205-7-064-11 1/2-45 1 205-8-072-01 8/5- 6 1
205-7-007-15 1/11-54 2 205-7-064-12 1/2-45 1 205-8-072-03 8/5- 9 1
205- 7-007-17 1/11-60 2 205- 7-064-13 1/2-43 1 205-8-075-01 8/5- 7 1
205-7-050-01 3/3 1 205-7-064-15 1/2-42 1 205-8-077-11 8/5-11 1
205- 7-050-03 3/3 1 205-8-027-11 2/1-30 1 205-8-077-13 8/5-10 1
205-7-050-05 3/3 1 205-8-027-12 2/1.30· 1 205-8-084-01 2/2- 3 2
205-7-050-07 3/3- 4 1 205-8-028-11 9/1-21 2 205-8-086-11 9/1-25 1
3/3-14 8 9/2-18 2 9/2-14 1
205-7-050-09 3/3- 8 2 205-8-029-17 8/8- 5 2 205-8-086-13 3/2-20 1
3/ 3-18 4 205-8-029-19 8/8- 4 1 205-8-093-11 2/7- 3 2
205-7-050-11 3/3- 2 1 205-8-029-21 8/8- 6 1 205-8-094-11 2/7- 4 2
3/3-12 2 205-8-030-11 8/6- 2 3 205-8-097-11 2/7- 8 2
205-7-050-13 3/3- 3 1 205-8-031-11 8/8- 2 1 2/9- 9 1
205-7-050-15 3/3- 2 1 205-8-032-01 8/8 1 205-8-097-13 2/7-8C 2
205-7-050-17 3/3-13 2 205-8-037-01 8/8 . 2 205-8-108-01 6/8-16 1
205-7-050-19 3/3-13 2 205-8-038-11 8/8-13 2 205-8-109-14 6/8-17 1
205-7-050-33 3/ 3-20 2 205-8-039-11 8/8-11 2 205-8-109-19 6/7-13 1
205-7-053 3/3-21 1 205-8-041-11 8/8-17 1 205-8-109-32 2/7-20 2
205-7-053-19 3/3-22 1 205-8-042 2/1-10 1 6/11-22 2
205-7-053-21 3/3-22 1 205-8-044-12 1/ 4-51 1 205-8-112-105 2/7 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No . Article Index No Article

205-8-112-106 2/7 1 205-8-193-03 2/9- 2 1 205-8-252-14 1I 4-33 1

205-8-112-07 2/7- 1 1 205-8-193-04 2/9- 2 1 205-8-252-15 1I 4-34 1
205-8-112-08 2/7- 1 1 205-8-194-03 2/9- 4 1 205-8-252-20 1I 4-19 2
205-8-113-09 2/7 1 205-8-194-05 2/9-12 1 205-8-252-21 1I 4-35 1
205-8-113-10 2/7 1 205-8-194-29 2/9-11 1 205-8-252-22 7/ 4-40 1
205-8-114-01 2/7-10 2 205-8-194-31 2/9- 5 1 205-8-252-23 7/4-24 1
205-8-114-02 2/7-10 2 205-8-195-01 2/9- 7 1 205-8-252-24 1I 4-31 1
205-8-114-15 2/7-14 4 205-8-195-13 6/11-26 3 205-8-252-25 1I 4-13 3
205-8-114-17 2/7-15 4 205-8-195-14 6/11-26 3 205-8-252-26 7/ 4-14 2
205-8-114-19 2/7-13 2 205-8-196-15 6/11-31 2 205-8-252-27 7/ 4-32 1
205-8-114-21 2/7-13 2 205-8-196-16 6/11-31 2 205-8-252-29 1I 4-38 1
205-8-114-23 2/7-16 4 205-8-197-23 6/11-29 2 205-8-252-30 7/ 4- 5 1
205-8-115-01 2/7-15 2 205-8-197-25 6/11-24 2 205-8-252-31 1I 4-39 1
205-8-115-13 2/7-19 2 205-8-197-27 6/11-25 1 205-8-252-34 1I 4-12 1
205-8-117-15 5/9- 6 1 205-8-197-29 6/11-25 1 205-8-252-36 1I 4-15 1
205-8-118-01 6/8-25 1 205-8-197-31 6/11-32 1 205-8-252-38 1I 4-16 1
205-8-119-01 '
; 6/7- 6 1 205-8-198-01 2/9 1 205-8-252-40 1I 4-26 1
205-8-124-11 2/7-8A 2 205-8-198-02 2/9 1 205-8-252-41 7I 4-23 1
205-8-126-11 6/8- 5 1 205-8-207-01 6/11 1 205-8-252-42 7I 4-22 1
6/8- 7 1 205-8-208-11 6/ 11- 8 1 205-8-252-44 7/ 4- 3 2
205-8-128-01 1/5-21 1 205-8-241-01 7/2- 1 1 205-8-252-45 7/ 4- 2 ~
205-8-129-11 6/8- 2 1 205-8-241-12 7/2- 5 1 205-8-252-46 7/ 4- 1 3
205-8-131-11 6/6-18 1 205-8-241-13 7/2- 4 1 205-8-252-47 7/ 4- 4 1
205-8-132-11 6/6-18 1 205-8-241-14 7/2- 6 1 205-8-252-48 7/ 4- 7 1
205-8-136-13 6/ 6-13 1 205-8-243-11 7/ 4- 5 1 205-8-252-49 7/ 4- 6 1
205-8-138-11 6/8-21 1 205-8-243-17 7/ 4- 6 1 205-8-252-50 7/ 4-27 1
205-8-161-17 7/6- 4 1 205-8-243-23 1I 4-16 1 205-8-252-53 1I 4-21 1
205-8-162-11 7/6- 1 1 205-8-243-25 7/ 4-15 1 205-8-252.-54 7/ 4-28 1
205-8-179-11 7/5- 5 1 205-8-243-27 7/ 4- 7 1 205-8-252-55 7/ 4-25 1
205-8-182-01 7/5-22 2 205-8-243.:31 7/ 4- 4 1 205-8-252-56 7/ 4-11 1
205-8-183-01 7/5-18 1 205-8-244-11 7/2-13 2 205-8-252-57 1I 4-37 1
205-8-184-01 7/5 1 205-8-245-11 7/1- 5 2 205-8-253-11 7/2-26 1
205-8-184-03 7/5- 3 1 205-8-246-01 7/2-18 6 205-8-254-11 7/2-27 1
205-8-184-05 7/5 1 205-8-247-01 7/2- 8 1 205-8-255-03 1/9-13 1
205-8-186-01 7/5- 2 1 205-8-248-01 7/2- 7 1 205-8-255-13 7/1- 6 1
205-8-190-01 7/5 1 205c..8-249-01 7/2-12 4 205-8-256-11 1I 1+-10 1
205-8-190-11 7/5- 6 1 205-8-252-11 1I 4-18 2 205-8-258-11 7/2-28 1
205-8-193-01 2/9 1 205-8-252-12 7/ 4-36 1 205-8-258-12 7/2-28 1
205-8-193-02 2/9 1 205-8-252-13 7/ 4-29 1 205-8-260-01 7/3-12 3

Model S 208 ~ Section Ill
~ Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Part Number and per Part Number and per
Index No. Article Index No. Article Index No Article

205-8-261-01 7/3-28 1 205-8-347-11 4/13-27 4 205-9-052-05 4/6-13 2

205-8-265-13 7/1- 9 1 205-8-348-11 4/13-22 4 205-9-052-07 4/6- 9 2
205-8-265-15 7/1- 8 1 205-8-349-11 4/13- 6 4 205-9-052-19 4/6- 5 4
205-8-267-05 7/2-16 1 205-8-350-11 4/13- 5 4 4/ 6-14 2
205-8-272-01 7/3-15 1 205-8-351-11 4/13-18 4 205-9-052-21 4/ 6-11 2
205-8-280-11 1/12-14 1 205-8-352-11 4/13-14 4 4/6-16 4
205-8-280-13 1/12-13 1 205-8-353-11 4/13- 7 4 205-9-052-23 4/ 6-12 2
205-8-322-03 4/11 1 205-8-361-01 2/7- 6 2 205-9-052-25 4/6- 6 2
205-8-322-11 4/11- 7 1 205-9-000A1 4/1 1 205-9-053-03 4/6-17 2
205-8-322-12 4/11- 8 1 205-9-012-05 4/7- 3 1 205-9-055-11 4/6-40 2
205-8-322-13 4/11-11 1 205-9-012-13 4/7- 4 2 205-9-058-11 4/10-26 1
4/12-22 1 205-9-013-05 4/7- 3 1 205-9-060-02 4/7 1
205-8-322-16 4/11-12 1 205-9-024 4/7- 7 1 205-9-06001 4/6 1
4/12-23 1 205-9-025 4/7- 7 1 205-9-060$1 4/6 1
205-8-322-18 4/11-13 1 205-9-030 4/7-15 2 205-9-061-02 4/7 1
4/12-24 1 205-9-033 4/7-17 2 205-9-062-11 4/7- 8 2
205-8-322-20 4/11-14 1 205-9-034 4/7-18 2 205-9-063-11 4/7-28 2
4/12-25 1 205-9-035 4/7-25 4 205-9-101-05 4/3- 4 1
205-8-332-03 4/12 1 205-9-036 4/7-29 4 205-9-102 4/3- 5 2
205-8-332-11 4/12- 9 1 205-9-038 4/7-22 2 205-9-103 4/3- 8 1
205-8-332-12 4/12-10 1 205-9-039 4/7-33 2 205-9-106 4/3-12 1
205-8-332-13 4/12-11 1 205-9-040 4/7-34 4 4/7-12 2
205-8-332-14 4/12-12 1 205-9-041-11 4/7- 1 2 205-9-107 4/3-14 1
205-8-332-15 4/12-15 1 205-9-041-13 4/7- 1 2 205-9-112 4/3-16 1
205-8-332-16 4/12-16 1 205-9-041-15 4/7- 1 2 4/7-11t 2
205-8-332-17 4/12-18 1 205-9-041-17 4/7- 1 2 205-9-113 4/3-17 1
205-8-332-18 4/12-19 1 205-9-042-11 4/7- 2 2 205-9-114-11 1/7-13 1
205-8-335-01 4/13 4 205-9-042-13 4/7- 2 2 205-9-117 4/3-20 1
205-8-336-11 4/13-13 4 205-9-042-15 4/7- 2 2 205-9-118 4/3-19 1
205-8-337-11 4/13- 9 4 205-9-043-11 4/7-26 4 205-9-119 4/3-22 1
205-8-338-11 4/13- 3 4 205-9-044 4/3-13 1 205-9-120 4/3-23 1
205-8-339-11 4/13-15 4 4/7-11 2 205-9-121 4/3-31 2
205-8-340-11 4/13-11 4 205-9-047-11 4/6- 3 2 4/7-21 4
205-8-341-11 4/13- 8 4 205-9-048-11 4/7- 5 1 205-9-122 4/3-30 1
205-8-342-11 4/13- 1 4 205-9-048-12 4/7- 5 1 205-9-124 4/3-39 2
205-8-343-11 4/13-23 4 205-9-049 4/7-30 2 205-9-126 4/3-44 6
205-8-344-11 4/13-28 .\ 205-9-050 4/7-20 2 205-9-127 4/3-46 1
205-8-345-11 4/13-12 4 205-9-052-01 4/6 2 205-9-128 4/3-49 1
205-8-346-11 4/13-20 4 205-9-052-03 4/6- 4 2 205-9-129 4/3-50 2

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number and per Port Numb.,, ond per Port Number and per
Index No. Article Index No . Article Index No Article

205-9-130 4/3-51 2 21002C1 1/9 1 25003-03 6/2- 4 1

205-9-131 4/3-52 2 2100201 1/10 1 25004-01 6/3- 1 1
205-9-132-13 4/2- 4 1 21002[1 1/14 1 25005-05 6/3- 3 1
205-9-133 4/3- 1 2 21003-11 1/7-14 1 25006-01 6/3-20 1
205-9-134 4/3- 3 2 21005-01 1/11 1 25008-01 6/ 4 1
205-9-137-11 4/3-40 1 21022-11 1/7-34 1 25009-01 6/ 4 1
205-9-138-11 4/3-41 1 21022-13 1/7-34 I 1 25009-03 6/ 4- 8 1
205-9-140-11 4/3- 6 1 21034-01 1/8 1 25009-05 6/ 4- 6 1
205-9-142-103 4/2- 2 1 21041-01 1/5 1 25009-15 6/ 4- 7 1
205-9-142-29 4/2-10 1 21041-11 1/5- 3 1 25009-31 6/ 4- 9 1
205-9-144-03 4/2- 6 1 21041-12 1/5- 4 1 25010-01 6/ 4- 3 1
205-9-144-15 4/2- 8 1 21041-35 1/5- 5 1 25011-01 6/3-25 1
205-9-145-01 4/3 1 21041-36 1/5- 5 1 25013-00 6/5 1
205-9-145-03 lt/3~24 1 21041-39 1/5-11 1 25013-01 6/5 1
205-9-145-15 4/3-27 2 21041-41 1/5-10 1 25013-03 6/5 1
205-9-145-17 4/3-25 2 21057 A1 1/13 1 25014-01 6/5-14 1
205-9-156-03 4/3-35 1 21057 A2 1/13 1 25015-01 6/5- 2 1
205-9-146-13 4/3-28 1 21057-01 1/13- 3 1 25016-01 6/5 1
205:.9-146-15 4/3-34 1 21057-03 1/13- 4 1 25016-03 6/5-10 1
205-9-146-17 4/3-37 1 21131-01 1/16-47A 1 25016-11 6/5-11 1
205-9-150-03 4/3 1 21182-03 1/10-24 1 25017-01 6/5-21 1
205-9-150A1 4/2 1 21182-05 1/12-33 1 25020-01 6/ 4-11 1
205-9-151-11 4/3- 9 1 212-12 1/11-15 5 25021-11 6/4- 4 1
205-9-152-11 4/3-15 1 1/21 1 25022-13 6/2-14 1
4/7-13 2 6/3- 8 1 25023-01 6/10 1
205-9-153-11 4/3-43 1 212-1202 1/10-25 1 25024-01 6/10-27 1
205-9-154-01 4/3-45 10 22K1-02 5/6- 3 2 25024-13 6/10-30 1
4/7-31 3 22K1-048 7/2-19 6 25025-01 6/10-31 1
21000A1 1/1 1 22020-01 1/21 1 25025-13 6/10-33 1
21000A2 1/1 1 22020-03 1/21 1 25026-01 6/10-12 1
2100091 1/2 1 22020-05 1/21 1 25026-15 6/10-15 1
2100082 1/2 ' 1 22070-03 10/1-17 1 25027-01 6/10-16 1
21000C1 1/12 1 22070-05 10/1-18 1 25027-13 6/10-18 1
21000C2 1/12 1 22070-101 10/1 1 25028-01 6/10 1
21002-01 1/ 4 1 2302041 2/2 1 25028-03 6/10- 8 1
21002-03 1/ 4 1 23020A2 2/2 1 25028-19 6/ 10- 9 1
21002-07 1/ 4- 8 1 25000A1 6/1 1 25029-01 6/10 1
21002A1 1/6 1 25002-00 6/2 1 25029-09 6/10- 5 1
2100281 1/7 1 25002-03 6/3 1 25029-101 6/10- 3 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Part Number and per Port Number and per Port Number and per
Index No . Article Index No. Article Index No Article

25029-27 6/10- 4 1 260-18-12-19 1/12-34 1 26059-03 5/10-20 1

25030-01 6/10-34 1 6/ 3-10 1 26061-01 5/10 1
25030-17 6/10-36 1 2600-2 1/12-30 5 26061-03 5/10-27 1
25031-01 6/10 1 26000A1 5/1 1 26062-11 5/10-29 1
25031-03 6/10-20 1 2600LW 1/12-30 5 26063-01 5/10 1
25031-05 6/10-23 1 1/12-36 1 26066-01 5/9-30 1
25031-11 6/10-21 1 6/3- 8 1 26067-11 5/9-28 1
25031-17 6/10-22 1 6/3-11 5 26067-13 5/9-29 1
25031-21 6/ 10-25 1 2600\.1 1/12-36 1 26068-11 1/7-33 1
25031-25 6/10-26 1 26001-03 5/2 1 26069-11 1/7-32 1
25033-01 6/3-28 1 26001-05 5/3 1 26070-01 5/9-23 1
25034-03 1/23 1 26001-07 5/3 1 26071-01 5/9-26 1
25034-101 1/23 1 26002-03 5/ 4 1 26073-11 5/10-10 1
25036-01 1/23- 4 1 26002-05 5/ 4 1 26074-01 5/10 1
25036-03 6/2-16 1 26002-07 5/ 4 1 26075-01 5/10- 4 1
25037-01 6/10-41 2 26002-08 5/4 1 26077-01 5/10- 5 1
250'.38-01 1/23- 1 1 26002-09 5/5 1 26079-11 5/10- 6 1
260-1 -101-11 6/ 4-11 1 26002-101 5/5 1 26080-11 5/ 10- 7 1
260-13-17-1 6/9-37 1 26002-103 5/5 1 26081-01 5/10- 9 1
260-13-56-19 6/10-38 1 26002-104 5/5 1 26084-01 5/8- 7 2
260-13-56-27 6/10-37 1 26010-07 5/ 6 1 26085-01 5/9 1
260-13-62-1 6/10-10 1 26010-09 5/6 1 26085-03 5/9 1
260-13-64-1 6/6- 3 4 26010-101 5/6 1 26086-11 5/9- 2 1
260-13-66-11 6/10-39 1 26010-103 5/6 1 26086-15 5/9- 2 1
260-13-66-12 6/10-39 1 26013-01 5/6- 7 2 26087-01 5/9 1
260-13-72-11 6/10- 7 2 26050;.01 5/9 1 26088-11 5/9- 4 1
260-13-94-01 6/9-14 1 26050-03 5/9- 1 1 26088-13 5/9- 5 1
260-13-97-01 6/9 1 5/10 1 26089-11 5/9-12 1
260-13-97-11 6/9-23 1 26051-01 5/ 10- 2 1 26090-11 5/9-14 1
260-13-97-13 6/9.;24 1 26052-01 5/10 1 26091-01 5/9-15 1
260-15-09-1 8/6 1 26053-11 5/10-15 1 26092-11 5/9-16 1
260-15-09-11 8/6-10 1 26054-01 5/10-16 2 26092-13 5/9-13 1
260-15-09-13 8/6- 9 1 26055-11 5/10-18 1 26092-15 5/9-17 1
260-18-12-05 6/3- 9 1 5/10-19 3 26093-11 5/9- 3 1
260-18-12-14 1/10-26 1 5/ 10-24 4 26094-11 5/8- 6 4
6/3- 7 1 26056-11 5/ 10-17 1 26095-01 5/8 1
6/3-12 1 26057-01 5/10-23 1 26095-03 5/8 1
260-18·12-15 1/12-35 1 26059-01 5/10 1 26095-04 5/8 1

Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figu,e Qty Figur e Qty F igvre Qty

Port Numb.,, and per Part Number and per Port Number and per
Index No . Article Ind ex No . Article Index No Article

26095-05 5/8 1 28030-01 8/2-10 1 28085-22 6/11-19 1

26096-01 5/8- 9 1 28030-02 8/2-10 1 28085-23 6/11- 5 1
26096-02 5/8-11 1 28030-03 8/3 1 280130-01 6/6 1
26098-01 5/8- 4 1 28030-04 8/7-23 1 28130-101 6/6 1
26098-02 5/8- 4 1 28030-05 8/3- 6 1 28130-103 6/6 1
26099-01 5/8- 3 1 28030-07 8/ 4-14 1 28130-11 6/6- 5 1
26099-02 5/8- 3 1 28030-11 8/ 4-16 1 28130-13 6/6- 6 1
26099-03 5/8-15 1 28030-12 8/ 4-18 1 28130-15 6/ 6-15 1
26100-01 5/9 1 28030-13 8/ 4-19 1 28130-17 6/6-16 1
26100-02 5/9-22 1 28030-14 8/8-19 1 28130-19 6/6-26 1
26100-11 5/9-20 1 28030-15 8/8-21 1 28130-23 6/6-20 1
26111-11 1/11-44 1 28030-16 8/8-22 1 28131-11 6/ 6-11 1
26111-12 1/11-44 1 28030-17 8/ 7-15 1 28164-01 7/6 1
26111-13 1/11-25 1 28030-18 8/7-25 1 28206-05 5/9 1
26112-01 5/3 1 28054-01 8/6-30 1 28240-01 7/3 1
5/3- 5
5/6- 2
6/7 ,1 28240-05
26113~03 5/6- 4 1 28083-03 6/7-17 1 28241-00 7/2 1
26113-05 5/6- 2 1 28083-05 6/7- 9 1 28241-00A 7/2 1
26113-09 5/6- 2 1 28083-07 6/7-15 1 28241-01 7/2 1
26113-101 5/6- 2 1 28083-101 6/7 1 28241-03 7/2- 9 1
26113-103 5/6- 2 1 28083-103 6/8 1 28241-11 7/2-11 1
26114-11 5/6- 6 2 28083-103A 6/11 1 28242-01 7/2-16 1
26138-01 5/9-22 1 28083-11 6/8-27 1 28242-03 7/2-16 1
26150-01 6/9 1 28083-12 6/8-29 1 28243-11 7/ 4-30 1
2700-6 6/3-11 1 28083-13 6/8-24 1 28243-13 7/4-20 1
27000A1 3/1 1 28083-14 6/8~31 1 28250-11 7/2-30 1
27002-00 3/2 1 28083-15 6/7-12 1 28250-13 7/2-30 1
27050-00 3/3 1 28083-17 6/8 - 8 1 3017 1/21-27 24
28000A1 7/1 1 28083-18 6/8-10 1 3019-12 1/21-25 60
2800081 8/1 1 28083-26 6/7- 2 1 32-436 7/6- 6 1
2800082 8/3 1 28084-11 6/7- 4 1 423W3 4/9- 1 1
28000821 8/ 4 1 28085-11 6/11-12 1 475953 6/8- 1 2
28000822 8/5 1 28085-13 6/11-12 1 5.00-5 4/3-17 1
28000823 8/6 1 28085-15 6/ 11-11 1 4/2-18 1
28000821\ 8/7 1 28085-17 6/ 11-11 1 50108 2/9-10 1
2800083 8/2 1 28085-19 6/11-17 2 511846-'i 4/8-20 2
2800084 8/2 1 28085-21 6/11-19 1 5208.5-101 9/1-15 2

- 11. 34-
Model S 208 Section Ill
Numerical Index

Figure Qty Figure Qty Figure Qty

Port Number ond per Port Number on<l per Port Number ond per
Index No . Article Index No. Article Index No Article

5419 2/7- 2 2 9532522 4/8 2

6.00-6 4/6-38 2 9532926 4/ 4 1
4/6-39 2 9541458 4/8-13 2
62440 8/8- 1 2 9541898 4/4- 1 1
71164-1 9/1-23 1 9541899 4/4- 4 1
75507 6/2-28 Ref 98264-1-180 2/9- 6 2
8-270-1171 6/8-20 1 99785-2 2/9- 6 2
8-48-046-0-90 1/12-12 8 .99833P130 6/3-24 6
1/15-14 9 99871C098 2/9- 3 1
1/21- 4 6
1/21- 7 8
1/21-13 7
835-20 6/2 1
8477-8R 6/2- 8 2
8526250 6/6- 1 1
90142008 4/13-19 4
90615-96 9/1-24 1
9/2-13 1
90628-240 9/ 1-13 1
948016-01 8/ 4-10 2
9511269 4/8-24 2
9511271 4/8-25 2
9520448 4/8-23 2
9521184 4/8-14 2
9524201 4/8- 1 2
9524218 4/8-10 4
9524223 4/8-15 2
9524318 4/8- 6 2
9524343 4/8-17 2
9524491 4/8-11 2
9525059 4/8- 2 6
9525391 4/8- 4 2
9525392 4/8- 8 2
9525433 4/8-27 2
9525675 4/4- 3 1
9525676 4/4- 7 1
9532181 4/8 2
9532277 4/8-26 2


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