November 16, 2018

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135 Years

Volume 136 Issue 36 Friday, November 16, 2018 90 cents plus tax

Van Goes Up In Flames

There was some
cause for excitement
mid-week in the
southwest residential
corner of town. On
Wednesday, November
14th at approximately
2:00 p.m., a van,
belonging to an out-of-
town business, caught
on fire in a driveway
along 4th Avenue
S.W. across from the
staff parking lot of the
Minnedosa Personal
Care Home.
At the time that the
call came in, a train
was travelling through
the Main Street rail
crossing delaying the
local fire department
from reaching the fire
for a few minutes.
Once on scene, the
firefighters quickly
extinguished the
flames before the
fire could spread to
neighbouring homes.
At presstime, the cause
of the vehicle fire was Photo by Karen Mitchell

Nostalgic Musical Memories

By KAREN MITCHELL music. That’s the experi- ation experience the songs
ence we wanted to bring to and sounds,” stated Birch.

B rought to town by the

Minnedosa Legion,
Sgt. Wilson’s Army Show
Minnedosa,” said local Le-
gion member, Elvin Birch.
In honour of the one-
Some of the songs featured
in the show were part of
the popular hit parade de-
was held on the evening of hundredth year marking cades ago.
Tuesday, November 13th the end of World War One, Some of the artists
at the Minnedosa Com- the Minnedosa Legion whose music was fea-
munity Conference Cen- wanted to do something a tured in the show included
tre. With a cast of only five little extra special for the Vera Lynn, Glenn Miller,
performers, the produc- community this year in Frankie Laine and the An-
tion brought you back to addition to its annual Re- drews Sisters. Of course, no
the 1940 and 1950s when membrance Day service performance from that era
life was a little less hec- and awards banquet. “We would be complete with-
tic. “People in those days are bringing back some old out Marilyn Monroe!
didn’t have TV and tech- school entertainment for
nology like we do now, the older generation and Continued on Page 6
Photo by Karen Mitchell they had their radios and having the younger gener-
2 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Hampton Earns Numerous SeneGence Awards

By KAREN MITCHELL Personal Volume. In Oc- ceiving these awards ig- ing than seeing someone
tober at the Leaders Con- nites a fire in me. It makes you have sponsored and

D ominique Hamp-
ton has had a very
successful year winning
ference in Tulsa, she won
three awards; third top first
line points value, fourth
me want to do better for
myself and my team. One
huge misconception that I
trained reach heights they
never thought they would.
Seeing people realize their
awards at two differ- top first line downline get all the time is that this potential is truly the best
ent conferences in 2018. points value and fourth top is easy work. I work hard gift this company has given
Hampton started selling personal sponsors. to achieve these awards. me.”
SeneGence cosmetics, an In order to achieve Between doing live tutori- Hampton was born
international company, in these awards Hampton als and providing amazing and raised in Minnedosa,
December 2016. Coming had to share the oppor- customer service, to com- is married, has two chil-
up to her second year in tunity with others and ing up with different mar- dren and plans to head
business she already has train them on how to run keting ideas and unique back to school in January
103 ladies selling under a successful business of packaging, I am in charge to take nursing, thanks
her. their own. “By offering of my small business in all to her success with Sen-
In April, travelling to trainings and brainstorm- aspects. This business is eGence. “I love this job, it
Tulsa Oklahoma, Hamp- ing sessions my downline the same as any other small honestly doesn’t feel like
ton picked up two awards; has proved to be one of business out there; you get work. I still can’t believe
seventh in attendance for the strongest in Canada,” out of it what you put into this is what I get to do ev-
Sponsors and Downline explained Hampton. “Re- it. There is no greater feel- eryday and get paid for it.
Photo submitted

Town Council Appointments to Boards

By DARRYL HOLYK ommended by CAO Mar- committees and commis- Dowsett. Regional Library tion to suspend operations upcoming Association of
zoff and reviewed by coun- sions: Community De- – T. Dowsett. Community at 12 noon on Monday De- Manitoba Municipalities

T he newly
Council met for its first of-
Council appointments
were made to the follow-
velopment Corporation
– J. Dowsett and Skatch,
Minnedosa and District
Complex (Golf/Curling)
– Saler. Regional Archives
– Taylor. Tourism – Blais.
cember 24th and also at 12
noon on Monday, Decem-
ber 31st.
Convention in Winnipeg
November 25th to 28th. As
a result, Council will not
ficial business meeting in ing Standing Committees: Foundation – Butler. Yel- Heritage Village – T. Dow- The Minnedosa Com- meet for its Committee of
Council Chambers on the General Government Ser- lowhead Regional Employ- sett. Yellowhead Highways munity Christmas Dinner the Whole this month.
evening of Tuesday, No- vices – J. Dowsett, Blais and ment Skills and Services Association – Skatch. committee, as in year’s Mayor Skatch ad-
vember 13th. Mayor Skatch Butler. Protective Services – T. Dowsett, Minnedosa Council accepted, past, have requested the journed the first meeting
called the meeting to order – Saler, Blais, T. Dowsett. District Veterinarian Board with regret, the resignation Town to cover the rental of the new Town Council at
at 6:30 p.m. with Council- Public Works and Utilities – Saler. Minnedosa District of Lillian Antoniw as the fee of the Minnedosa Com- 7:23 p.m.
lors Blais, Taylor, Butler, T. – Butler, Taylor, T. Dow- Health Foundation – Saler. Citizen Rep on the Com- munity Conference Centre
Dowsett, Saler and J. Dow- sett. Planning and Devel- Centennial Handivan – munity Conference Centre for its event on Christmas
If your label reads
sett in attendance. opment Services – Taylor, Blais. Spruce Plains Jus- board. To fill this vacancy, day. Council agreed to
First reading was given Blais, Butler. Recreation tice - Blais. Little Saskatch- Council appointed Len once again compensate 18/11/30
to the Town’s organiza- and Cultural Services – ewan River Conservation Luker as the new Citizen the group on the rental fee. It’s time to renew
your subscription!
tional and procedures by- Blais, Saler and J. Dowsett. District – Butler. Evergreen Rep on the hall board ef- Members of Council, the
law to make some minor Council appointments Environmental Technolo- fective immediately. CAO and ACAO were all 204-867-3816
updates, such as council were also made to the fol- gies – Taylor. Tanner’s Harvey Wedgewood authorized to attend the
meeting times, etc. as rec- lowing community boards, Crossing Planning Dis- was appointed as the Citi-
trict – Taylor, Butler, Blais. zen Rep on the Minnedosa
Services to Seniors – T. District Foundation board.
Dowsett. Recreation Com- In regards to the Christmas
mission – Blais. Commu- hours for the Town Office,
Darwin Matthews TV Sales & Service
nity Conference Centre – J. council passed a resolu- After serving our valued customers in Minnedosa
and the surrounding area for over 30 years,
Darwin Matthews TV Sales & Service
has closed effective November 15, 2018.
We would like to thank all of our customers
Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa Non-Profit
for their patronge over the past years.
Co-operative Ltd.
NOTICE OF MEETING Darwin Matthews & Cam McLaughlin


Saturday, November 24th, 2018

2:00 P.M.
RFM Office
2nd Floor – 103 Main Street South
(Minnedosa Town Office – the steeple clock)
DOG &are CATasked
OWNERS to submit their
Enter at South side funding requests and projects for the
All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa
all ice fishermen & snowmobilers
must be licensedyear by
November 30th, 2018must be
A certificate of vaccination for rabies the aeration system at antons lake
This meeting is open to members only. produced before a license is issued (located at jct of #10 & #16 hwy just
A member of the co-operative is one who 2014 Dog & Cat licenses are available at the
A copy of the Town Policy and Procedures
Office north of the truck stop) is now
has purchased a $1.00 share and paid their
one-time fee of $250.00.
respecting GrantsDogs
Owners of unlicensed to Organizations
& Cats, Dogs & Cats is in operation for the winter. open water
running at large, as well as nuisance and vicious
Please join us. This is your opportunity to have a say in available at the Town Office or at
animals are subject to various penalties and
will exist all winter so we urge you to
how the event proceeds. If you are interested in
A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is use caution if you are near this lake.
running for the Board of Directors contact any of the available at the Town Office for examination by
existing Directors. Nominations can be made in any person during regular hours.
advance or from the floor. The Town of Minnedosa(33/36) minnedosa game and fish association
The Town of Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 3

Legion Service Pins Presented

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Photo submitted It’s�time�to�fix�wait�time�issues�across�the�province�–�

Minnedosa Legion President, Duane LaCoste congratulates Boyd Grant on
receiving his 60 Year Service Pin during the Remembrance Day banquet. Faster�services�are�on�the�way�for�hip�replacement,�
By KAREN MITCHELL times to honour 100th an- were; Kristjan Johnson re- M� I�and�CT�scans.�We�are�also�improving�
niversary of the end of ceiving his twenty-five year
A pproximately
people attended the
Legion Banquet held on
130 World War One.
Special presentations
made during the evening
pin; Elizabeth Sims, Ruth
Hutton and Mike Hengen
receiving their thirty year
��. ������� ��������
the evening of Sunday, No- included; Boyd Grant, pin; Margaret Dunphy re- � ������ ��������� ��. �����
vember 11th. Guest speak- Veteran WWII and Legion ceiving her thirty-five year
er, John Thompson, from member, who received his pin; F.E. Taylor and Len
McConnell, MB shared sixty year pin; Mary Slash- Luker receiving their forty
stories of losing his father insky, Legion Ladies Aux- year pin; Gwen Wilkinson,
in the war and the places iliary, received a lifetime Reg Scott, Leonard Nelson, 18113gm6
he has travelled to in hon- membership; and the La- Carl Bialas, Duane Lacoste,
our of his father. dies Auxiliary president, Hazel Instance, Mac Da-
Prior to the start of Lori Laming presented vidson, Fred Brown and
the banquet, Norm Sims Duane LaCoste, Legion Wayne Hopkins receiving
Jr. (son of Norm Sims, past president, with a cheque their forty-five year pin
legion president) rang the for $5,000. and Piper Dan Jardine was
Anglican Church Bell 100 Other presentations presented with a watch.

Co-op’s Amalgamate
By KAREN MITCHELL for growth, I believe we approximately 1,250 mem-
will certainly be stronger bers, many of which are

O n December 30th the

Strathclair and Heri-
tage Co-op’s will amalgam-
There will be no jobs
lost as a result of the amal-
also members of Heritage
Co-op. “The amalgama-
tion with Heritage Co-op
ate together to build a big- gamation. All staff and benefits all members, and
ger and stronger Co-op. managers will have the op- compliments the services
The recent vote in- portunity to be employed provided by Strathclair Co-
cluded 95 members from with the amalgamated Co- op,” said Strathclair Co-op
Strathclair and 43 mem- op, although this may in- Manager, Valerie Collins.
bers from Heritage, where volve new duties for some. “Our retails have worked
136 ballots came back in “The overwhelming sup- together in the past, and
favour of the amalgama- port for the resolution to now we will be stronger
tion and two ballots were amalgamate gives us great working as a unified Co-
spoiled. Lorne Zacharias, confidence that the mem- op. The resources that
General Manager for Heri- bers of both retails are pos- Heritage Co-op brings will
tage Co-op stated “The itive about working togeth- strengthen Strathclair Co-
main reason for amalga- er,” stated Zacharias. “We op’s operations, allowing
mation is to strengthen our will offer our members the for future growth which
Co-op to allow us to re- ability to use their Co-op was becoming difficult as a
main competitive and rele- number across six com- smaller retail.”
vant in a challenging retail munities at 23 locations Both Managers are
landscape. The strength of – an even greater opportu- very pleased with the posi-
the Co-op business model nity to realize the Lifetime tive comments they have
allows us to work together Membership Benefits that heard from members and
with our neighbouring Co- come with our Co-op busi- staff, and are excited about
op’s. With a wider trading ness model.” the next steps as they move
area, and the opportunity Strathclair Co-op has forward together.
4 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Around Local Clinic Committee

Recognized by MLA at Legislature
Town... By Darryl Holyk
Dr. Ajai Khandewal Primary Care Centre built entirely with donated funds

Mazier is the man…

Between November 8th and 10th, four nomination G reg Nesbitt, the Pro-
gressive Conservative
MLA for Riding Mountain,
meetings were held to select the Conservative Party can-
didate in the 2019 election for Member of Parliament for recognized the commit-
the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding. The meetings tee involved in the con-
were held in Swan River, Russell, Dauphin and Minnedo- struction of a new prima-
sa and once all votes were counted, Justice area farmer, ry care medical clinic in
Dan Mazier was elected as the Federal Conservative can- Minnedosa in a member’s
didate for this riding defeating fellow candidates Floyd statement in the Manitoba
Martens and Ben Fox. Legislature on Wednesday,
November 7th.
“After five years of
Time To Be Santa’s Helper… planning, and a year of
This year’s edition of the Be a Santa To a Senior Pro- construction, the Dr. Ajai
gram is up and running! The public is encouraged to Khandewal Primary Care
drop by the Services to Seniors office, in the 50+ Cen- Centre is now home to
tre on Main Street to choose a gift idea for a senior who the medical professionals
may not have anyone to receive a gift from this holiday serving Minnedosa and
season. Once you have your gift idea, do some shopping surrounding area.
around town and return your wrapped gift by December The building was
Facebook photo
12th. The generously donated, wrapped gifts will then be named after Dr. Khandel-
personally delivered by Santa’s volunteer elves to help wal in honour of his 44 (L-R): Construction Chair – Rick Nylen, MLA Greg Nesbitt, Recruitment
make a senior’s Christmas special! years of providing medical Chair – Ray Orr, Secretary – John Mendrikis, Member – Pat Skatch,
service to the Minnedosa Chairman – Gord Lane, Director – Monty Peckover, Treasurer – Ray
region. Morgan and Director – Bruce Dalgarno. Missing: Fundraising Chair –
Botices Act Passes... The $2.2 million- Susan Glasgow, Media Chair – Brandi Thompson, Member –
On November 8th, the Pallister government passed dollar facility, which was
Jennifer Brykaliuk and Member – Brad Ross.
The Government Notices Modernization Act. After much officially opened on Sep-
pushback from the public and the newspaper industry, tember 20th, was funded
the government has promised not to proclaim the claus- and constructed by a this regional facility was a has room for up to eight able for residents now and
es of Bill 8 which remove the requirement to publish charitable organization, combined donation from physicians and supporting well into the future.
government notices in local newspapers at this time. The the Minnedosa Primary the Lions Club Interna- staff, with space in a walk- I would invite my col-
Manitoba Community Newspapers Association (MCNA) Care Centre Inc., and is tional Foundation and the out basement for other leagues to welcome many
is committed to meeting with the current provincial gov- leased to the Minnedosa local clubs in Minnedosa, medical professionals. The members of the committee
ernment to continue dialogue on this precedent-setting Medical Group. The funds Sandy Lake, Rapid City and new clinic is wired with the who have joined us today
piece of legislation. came from a combination Erickson in the amount of latest technology and has in the gallery.
of personal, corporate and $230,000. The local clubs allowed the physicians to Madam Speaker, I ask
service club donations, as raised $100,000 and the move to electronic medi- for leave to have the names
Philanthropy Day... well as municipal contri- foundation matched the cal records. of all those who served on
Tomorrow, Saturday, November 17th, is National butions from the Town of amount in U.S. dollars. Madam Speaker I the committee during the
Philanthropy Day. We enourage you to donate to the Minnedosa, and the Mu- Built adjacent to the would like to congratulate planning and construction
Minnedosa and District Foundation on that day as all do- nicipalities of Minto-Oda- hospital, the 5,000 square all those involved in the of this facility recorded in
nations will be increased by 20%. To donate, call 1-877- nah, Oakview and Harri- foot facility replaced an planning and construction Hansard.”
974-3631 or stop by the local library between 10 a.m. and son Park. aging medical clinic in of this modern building to
2 p.m. and donate through a Foundation volunteer. An example of a gift to Minnedosa. The building insure health care is avail-

Go to the game…
We have a pair of Brandon Wheat Kings tickets to
give away for tomorrow night’s game (Saturday, Novem-
We Welcome Letters to the Editor
ber 17th) when the Wheaties take on the Prince Albert Letters to the Editor can be sent to or Box 930, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
Raiders. To win, be the first person to call our office at
204-867-3816 and tell us who scored the Chancellors Views expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer and
goal in their game against the Renegades in Reston last are not necesarily the views of The Tribune, its owner or staff.
Saturday. The answer can be found in today’s Tribune.

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

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Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883.
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
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Phone: (204) 867-3816 All contents copyright 2018
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 5

Friends of the Lake Meet With Stakeholders

SUBMITTED dace Parks from Manitoba
Aquatic Invasive Species
Significant and con-
tinuing silting of lakes
“The Little Saskatch-
ewan River and Lake Sys-
Ye O l d
T he organizing com- have both taken weed sam- along the Little Saskatch- tem plays an important

mittee of Friends of ples from the Lake. While ewan River - between silt- role to the economic well
Lake Minnedosa met Oc- deemed non-invasive, ing and the weed growth, being of the communities
tober 13th with interested they’re growing in Lake a general estimate is we and individuals along its
groups, organizations, Minnedosa at an alarming have lost approximately 20 banks,” committee chair-
community associations, rate! North American Mil- - 25% of Minnedosa Lake person Brian Martineau
businesses and individu- foil can grow in up to six at the north end for power noted in urging all parties
als at an inaugural general metres of water - it is very boats and associated water to work together to save
meeting with representa- prolific - in a shallow lake sports. the lake. Identifying and
tion from 40 stakeholders. such as Minnedosa, if not Zebra Muscle threat to developing solutions, as
Several key issues are iden- stopped, could take over our rivers and lakes - a pre- well as educating the pub- 1888 – The Tribune will accept cordwood as payment
tified as follows: the entire lake. Dr. McGo- sentation from Sandy Lake lic are encouraged through for subscriptions.
Water quality - in- nigle has agreed to further Water Protection Working the committee’s Facebook
crease of Phosphorus lev- analyze the weed samples Group Inc. indicates that page. 1898 – Mr. P. LeBoutillier, of Clanwilliam, a couple
els in our shallow lake re- and provide us with a full there are significant gaps Efforts continue with of horses and a colt, fell through the ice of a pond. After
sulting in weed and algae report later this winter. in the current Provincial all levels of government some time, he managed to get himself and the horses out,
growth spreading rapidly. Spillway control struc- Aquatic Invasive Species and stakeholders to en- but one of the horses died shortly after being brought to
Alarming encroach- ture (stop logs) are not be- Program and we need to gage with them in working shore.
ment of weeds and variet- ing properly maintained put additional protective together to improve and
ies that have not been pre- resulting in erratic lake lev- measures in place to pro- revitalize both the Little
viously seen. Dr. Terence els. The province is respon- tect our waters and the Saskatchewan River and 1918 – The water in the lake is higher now than any
P. McGonigle from Bran- sible for this structure and Minnedosa Lake system. time since the dam was constructed and it is hoped that
economies that depend on
don University and Can- needs to better maintain it. the light service will be continuous throughout the win-

A Little Bit of Vegas in Bethany 1958 – In spite of talk and rumours of hard times, until
the end of September this year, there were 13 cases re-
ceiving some form of relief from Town Council. Last year,
at the same period, there were nine cases. The figures
By DARRYL HOLYK haven’t changed hardly any.

1968 – Fire inspector, Alex Ross, reports excellent re-

T he annual Vegas Night
fundraiser was held at
the Bethany Community
sults of fire drills at the local schools. The South School
can be evacuated in 55 seconds and the North School
Centre on the evening of and Collegiate in 60 seconds.
Saturday, November 10th.
Just under 50 people 1978 – Construction started last week on a 3,000 foot
came out for the event and airfield on the farm of Ken Kane, east of Minnedosa
tried their luck on the vari- Beach. The completed field will be equipped with lights
ous Vegas style games such and meet provincial and federal standards.
as Blackjack, Poker, Rou-
lette, Horse Racing and
Plinko. 1988 – The Chamber of Commerce is functioning
Tickets were avail- well under its new structure. The following Chamber
able for $15 which gave sub-committees have been established: Retail Sector,
the player $15,000 in play Non-retail and Senior Citizens, Tourism and Recreation,
money to bet and gamble Economic Development and Community Services,
with. Membership and Fundraising, Guest Speakers and En-
Once the games were tertainment, and Other Projects.
wrapped up, players had
Photo by Darryl Holyk
an opportunity to bet on
Betting big on 1998 – The first snowfall of the season amounted to two
a wide variety of auction inches of white stuff that fell in the late afternoon and
prizes generously donated the Roulette wheel
evening of November 2nd.
by businesses and indi- at Bethany’s Vegas Minnedosa Lions Club and the Minnedosa Lions Beach
vidual supporters of Beth- Night last Saturday. Enhancement Club would like to extend a
any’s Vegas Night. 2008 – Town workers have located a major break in the
"THANK YOU" ten-inch sewer force main. The break is located near the
north shore of the river across the road form the Provin-
to Minnedosa and surrounding communities for their cial Highways yard in the Industrial Park. Sewage form

support of our Haunted House!!! the break seeped into the river contaminating the water
A very special thank you to the following people: and the Town will be working with provincial and federal
agencies to get this repaired and cleaned up.
Allan, Barb and Katrina Dalrymple
MCI Change Group
Rubber or Greg and Kathy Grant
Senior Bowling League
Men's Shed
Self-inking Ian & Linda Kennedy
Steven Ritchie B owlers of the week of November 12th were Dan Mo-
tuz +112 and Debbie Tarn +52
Morey Zwarich Other good games were Lynette Johnson 131, Ava

The Minnedosa
Luke Palson Harris 127, Rosemary Hamilton 176,194, Donna Mac-
Donald 107, Vivian Cullen 175, Dan Motuz 250, Jim Clark
Since 1883
Glen Kingdon
165,160, Debbie Tarn 224, Hazel Stonehouse 148, Bev
Kim Moffat Chapski 251, Wray Douglas 214, 213, Alan Tarn 219, Betty
Barb Kingdon Ann Bertrend 184, Vicky Bugg 168, Fred Stonehouse 138,

204-867-3816 and our spouses/partners who are always

helping behind the scenes.
127, Robert Hendry 220,198,208, Doug Pettigrew 190,243,
Ray Criddle 240, 223 and Vivian Penner 137.
6 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Sgt. Wilson’s Army Show Seniors Bombers Back in Action

By KAREN MITCHELL Cory Hodgson, Troy Johnson, Kelly
Stinson, Michael Birch, Brad Lewis,

F ive games down for the Minnedo-

sa Senior Bombers in the 2018/19
league. With one win, two losses and
Wes Lewis, Shane Cameron, Clay
Bergeson, Travis Erickson, Derek Cam-
eron, Jonathon Kowal, Wyatt Rapsky,
two ties currently, their next game is Ryan Heino, Tyler Jury, Aidan Arvisais,
tomorrow night, Saturday November Russ Huyghe, James McCarville, Brad
17th in Souris at 8:00 p.m. The Bomb- Wilson, Cody Pollon, Colin Slobodian
ers next home game is Saturday, De- and Matt Saler.
cember 1st at 7:30 p.m. Prior to their first league game
The Senior Bombers have a roster on October 26th, the Bombers played
of 24 players from around Minnedosa against the Neepawa Farmers for the
and area. Craig Cameron and Marty sixth annual Orange Cup on October
McNabb coach and Bruce McNabb 6th and 12th. The Neepawa Farmers
manages the team. The players consist took the cup, evening out the record of
of; Nathan Stephenson, Nick Cameron, now 3-3.

Chancellors Hockey Report

By LAURA GOOD opened up the scoring for added unassisted goals in
the Chancellors unassist- the second period to give

T he Minnedosa/Erick-
son Chancellors had
a busy week with three
ed. Our second goal went
to Owen Riffel with the as-
sist going to Malik McKay.
the boys a three-goal lead
heading into the third pe-
riod. The third period saw
games in four days. Luke Parrott put the Chan- the Plainsmen make a bit
The first game was cellors up 3-1 at the end of of a comeback and cut the
Wednesday November 7th the first period with the as- lead to one goal at 5-4. But
Photo by Karen Mitchell
This game had the team sist going to Mitch Collyer. Luke Parrott scored again
The ladies of Stg. Wilson’s Army Show. heading to Brandon to play The Chancellor’s contin- in the third to get the hat
the Crocus Plainsmen. The ued their strong play in the trick with an assist from
Continued each night before heading Show was headed to Alber- Plainsmen were first on second period. Luke Par- Mitch Collyer put the game
from Page 1 off to their next destina- ta where they performed the board but Sam Wilman rott and Mitch Collyer each away with a win 6-4.
tion. Currently on a Ca- in Lethbridge last night The Chancellors host-
The cast of five, all hail-
ing from the Netherlands,
transport their entire stage,
nadian tour, the cast will
complete 30 shows in Can-
ada, heading east to west,
(Thursday). Other Mani-
toba locations include Sel-
kirk, Victoria Beach and
Basswood News ed the Plainsmen on Fri-
day, November 8th. Mitch
Collyer scored with assists
sound system, lights and before heading home for Riverton. Sgt. Wilson Army going to Sam Wilman and
Christmas. Following their show has been running By ZeLDA FiRBy Blair Desiatnyk put the
sets to each destination
they perform at. They set Minnedosa show Tuesday successfully for 12 years. Chancellors on the board.
up, perform and take down night, Sgt. Wilson’s Army
P leased to report that Linda Birch is home and doing
well after having knee surgery.
Kathleen Medeiros and daughter, Karen of Bermuda,
The Plainsmen were quick
to answer back and scored

two goals 30 seconds apart
Jim and Margaret Robertson of Edmonton, AB returned to finish the first period
home Saturday after spending a week with Esther Rob- with a one goal lead. The
204-867-3816 ertson, Kelly and Maxine Gray and cousins in the area. Chancellors fought back
The Robertson’s also visited with Margaret’s relatives in and Owen Riffel with the
Brandon. lone assist going to Konlyn
business of Marla Pearce of Calgary, AB returned home Monday
after spending a few days with the Firby’s. Reg, Melanie
Nemetchek tied things up
at two goals a piece. The
Neighbours Indeed the month and Abi Simms of Brandon were Sunday visitors with the
final goal for the Chancel-
lors was scored by Blair
Be a Neighbour... Minnedosa Chamber of Desiatnyk with assists go-
And announce Commerce ing to Konlyn Nemetchek
these special events thanks this business for its’ contribution to
to your community the business community and Owen Riffel in the sec-
November 2018 ond period. The third pe-
●Birth of Child riod was scoreless, giving
●Wedding Minnagro the Chancellors a 3-2 win.
●Wedding Anniversaries The third game was
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th a long road trip to Reston
●New home residency on Saturday night to take
You may qualify for a on the REMP Renegades.
personalized keepsake The Renegades took the
gift offer compliments lead in the first period
of local business and
professional sponsors and the Chancellors were
not able to close the gap.
Minnedosa Pharmacy The Chancellors lone goal
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd. Minnagro Ltd. is a locally owned business located at 79 Armitage was scored by Lucas Be-
Minnedosa insurance Services Avenue. The business has been a part of the community for decades atty with an assist to Erik
Kim’sQuality Foods
Integra Tire
and was previously known as Minnedosa Feed Mill. The feed mill Barrett. The Chancellors
was purchased by Don and Doris McNabb in 1968 and taken over dropping this decision
Heritage Co-op by their son Bob and his wife Elaine in 1977. Currently, Minnagro
Minnedosa Tribune provides custom feed blends for cattle, pet supplies and feed and
with a final score of 4-1.
Gateway Motel Liam Jardine was in net for

November 21st
a parts department for farm equipment. Minnagro staff presently
includes Manager Tim Kingdon, Rhonda Curle, Dan Northam, all three games and con-
Be part of your Community! Brad Delgaty and Riley Barrett. tinued his strong play.
Contact Tillie Johnson
7:00 p.m.
Next Chamber meeting:
204-867-3414 Thursday, November 22nd at Cornerstone Grill
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 7

Mayor Skatch Addresses Chamber

By DARRLY HOLYK business closes that means “Of course, with the wa- happening and drawing a strong membership of Unlock the Magic of Main
we have less dollars in the ter and sewer, that means people to the community,” over 120 members, there Street. Some added attrac-

N ine members gath-

ered at the Cham-
ber of Commerce lunch
coffers. We only have an x-
number of dollars and they
only go so far so how can
paving. Id’s like to see our
paving program get back
on track with a long-term
mentioned Skatch. “We
can’t fix it all and we can’t
do anything without every-
are presently three vacan-
cies on the executive. As
a result, the executive has
tions are in the works for
this year and watch this
newspaper for more de-
meeting at the Lorelei on we generate more income paving program.” body working together.” discussed the possibility of tails to be advertised.
Thursday, November 8th for the Town.” Mayor Skatch believes While on this topic, she hiring a part-time Cham-
to meet with and hear from She also talked about strongly in partnerships also asked how the Town ber employee. An online
Minnedosa’s new mayor,
Pat Skatch.
the ongoing need for infra-
structure upgrades in the
within a community and
referred to some of the
and Chamber could pos-
sibly work together. “When
survey has been circulat-
ed to Chamber members Bridge Club
One of the business- community – be it water, past round table discus- I used to come to Chamber asking for their views and
related topics Mayor service or paving. “We all sions in which local groups meetings years ago, there input on this possibility
Skatch addressed in her drink the water, we all use or businesses were able would be double or triple which the executive will
presentation was the clo- the water. I’d like to see us to open the lines of com- the amount of people review before making its 1st - Boyd Grant/
sure of local businesses. get a long-term program munication and find ways here today,” noted Mayor decision. Doug Thiessen
“That to me is sad and going so that we don’t have to work together or help Skatch. “How do we get With the Christmas 2nd - John Cullen/
upsetting,” stated Skatch. as many water breaks and each other out for a com- more members out, how season now upon us, the Wilf Taylor
“One of the areas I’d like can concentrate on mov- mon cause. “There are a can we make it exciting for Minnedosa Chamber is   3rd - Cheryl Orr/
council to focus on is busi- ing ahead and being in lot of good things happen- them so that they want to once again busy planning Jean Garbolinsky
ness and residential tax front of the eight ball in- ing in the community and contribute?” for its annual Christmas 4th - Judy McFadden/
base. We need to increase stead of behind the eight we need to work together Although the local initiatives in early Decem- Val St.John
the tax base. Every time a ball,” said Mayor Skatch. to keep these good things Chamber currently has ber such as Santa Day and

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
NOVEMBER 16TH - NOVEMBER 22ND * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

NN™ canola oil .......................................................................... 3lt ............. $5.99
FM muffins asstd ................................. 6x110g ...... $3.99
PC™ soda asstd .......................................................................... 2lt ............. $1.15 Furlani texas toast garlic ..................................................... 16x40g ............. $3.99
Folgers classic roast .................................................................920g ............. $9.49 PC™ cheesecake selection .......................................................1kg ........... $16.99
Royale tiger towels, Facial tissue, Bathroom tissue6rl-12rl.... $5.99 PC™ frozen yogurt fieldberry/caramel pecan ......................... 2lt ............. $3.99
GM Cheerios, Charms, Nesquick, Reese Puffs asstd342-450g .. $3.49 Hungry man dinners asstd ............................................. 360-455g ............. $3.49
Unico tomatoes diced, Olives asstd ............................... 375-540g ............. $1.49 Pogo original ............................................................................750g ............. $5.99
Unico beans black/red/white .............................................. 796ml ............. $1.49 Pilsbury Pizza pops asstd .......................400g ...... $2.79
NN™ pancake mix old fashioned ..........................................905g ............. $1.99

NN™ syrup asstd .................................................................. 750ml ............. $2.29
Catelli lasagna/lasagna express oven ready .................. 375-500g ..........2/$5.00
Catelli sauce asstd ................................................................ 640ml ............. $1.99
PC™ chocolate chips asstd........................................... 2226-300g ............. $2.99
PC™ Tassimo Great Canadian single pods ...........................14ea ............. $7.99
PC™ tea asstd .................................................................... 20-36ea ............. $2.49 Lean ground beef CP ......................................... $3.49/lb
Robin Hood flour all purpose/Whole wheat ......2.5kg ...... $4.49 Eye of the round roast .............................................................................. $4.39/lb
Eagle Brand milk sweetened condensed ............................ 300ml ............. $2.99 T-Bone beef steak ............................................... $7.99/lb
Quaker Rice cakes asstd .................................................. 127-140g ............. $1.69 PC™ bacon ..............................................................................500g ............. $4.49
Hellmanns real mayo/Squeeze asstd ...... 750-890ml ...... $5.00 Janes Pub style chicken nugget, burger, fries ........................800g ............. $9.59
ED Smith pie filling asstd ..................................................... 540ml ............. $4.00 NN™ canton egg rolls meat, CP ................................................................... $8.49
Gatorade asstd .................................................................. 6x591ml ............. $5.49 NN™ beef burger ...................................................................1.36g ............. $9.99
Mini Wheats regular ................................................................510g ............. $4.99 NN™ coil garlic sausage .........................................................750g ............. $6.49
Instant Quaker Oatmeal asstd ........................................ 288-380g ............. $3.00 Seaquest™ crab flakes ............................................................454g ............. $4.99
NN™ dish liquid lemon ....................................................... 950ml ............. $2.00 Seaquest™ shrimp ring ..........................................................227g ............. $4.99
Balderson marble cheese........................................................280g ............. $5.99 Pork Loin chops centre cut ...................................................................... $2.99/lb

Becel margarine soft/olive oil/avacado oil.................... 850-907g ............. $4.99
Yoplait tubes asstd ................................................................. 8x60g ............. $2.49
NN™ orange juice ................................................................. 1.75lt ............. $2.99
Source yogurt straw/feildberry/rasp/peach ................... 16x100g ............. $5.99
I Can’t Beleive It’s Not Butter .................454g ...... $1.99
NN™ shredded cheese asstd..................................................320g ............. $4.99 FM Russet potatos ................................... 10lb ...... $3.99
Grapefruit ....................................................................................................4/$3.00

ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Navel oranges............................................................................................ $1.79/lb
Chinese Mandarin ..................................................................... 5lb ............. $5.99
Iceberg lettuce .......................................................................................... $1.99/lb

OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821 Wonder bread asstd ..................................570g ...... $2.49
*PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY Little Debbie pasteries asstd ........................................... 269-459g ............. $1.99
8 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 9

10 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

4-H Teen and Multipurpose Club Newdale News

By Raven’s Glen WI had her uncle, Paul Sta- of two minutes of silence,
siuk, of Sandy Lake and followed by the Last Post.

N ewdale Raven’s Glen

WI hosted the first
coffee and cookies after-
cousins, Walter and Elsie
Scruten, from Nokomis,
SK for a visit on November
The service ended with
the singing of Let There Be
noon on November 9th 9th where they all enjoyed Just before sunset on
for the public to view the supper at the hotel. November 11th a group
Travelling Art Show offer- Robin Young was out gathered at the church
ings. Some very nice pic- for the weekend visit- where the local Legion
tures are featured in this ing her parents Bob and members prepared a short
years’ showing. They are Willene Young. service which was to be
here another week and A solemn church followed by the ringing of
you have another Friday to service was held Sunday the Church bells 100 times
view this gallery of art with morning November 11th in honour of the 100th An-
refreshments to be provid- remembering the 100th niversary of the ending of
ed. Come join us. Anniversary of the end of World War 1 in Europe.
Photo submitted Our deepest sympathy World War 1, 1914 – 1918, Fred Howard (nephew of
is sent to Tanya Dalgarno when Bruce Dalgarno Frederick Howard, MIA
By ashley MaGnusson club may participate in. a senior and try to brighten and her boys, Douglas and took the service with spe- 1917) and Bob Young
Our artwork will be sent to their Holiday Season with Daniel, on the passing of cial readings and a story (nephew of Robert Young

O ur 4-H Teen and Mul-

tipurpose meeting
was called to order at 7
Michigan, and Poland 4-H
Clubs to let them see what
we think living in Canada
thoughtful gifts. 4-H is
also meant to be fun! We
are doing laser tag and ski-
their mother and grand-
mother in Saskatchewan
time presented by Carol
and Karen Dalgarno ex-
1894 – 1916) who both had
uncles die in WW 1, began
last week, and also to the plaining why we wear a the ringing of the bells.
p.m. on November 5th at is all about. There is also a ing and snowboarding at rest of Tanya’s family mem- “poppy” over our hearts Unfortunately, a “frayed”
the MCI Canteen. We did Gardening Challenge that Minnedosa Ski Valley this bers. on November 11th. The rope ended our ringing of
our 4-H Pledge and 4-H sounds like fun. year for our fun events. Peter Weetman has re- names of those brave New- the bells after only 10 rings,
Motto. Then we moved on Our 4-H Club is meant We took a picture of turned from visiting family dale soldiers who lost their when the rope broke. The
to roll call where you said to give back to our com- our 4-H Club and the 4-H members in England, re- lives from both World Wars ceremony ended with the
what your favourite ani- munity and so we voted on Executives, in our green turning home last week. were read out by Bruce fol- playing of Amazing Grace.
mal was. This was our first two Community Service 4-H shirts! That is a lot of Shirley A. Pedersen lowed by the observance
meeting of the year with Projects. For our commu- green!
new executives. We have nity service this year we This meeting instead
30 members in total this
Our Head Leader,
are making cookies and
delivering them to differ-
ent deserving groups in
of doing a game at the end
of a meeting we did some-
thing called a fun speaking
Legion Ladies Auxiliary Report
Corinne Topham talked the community. There break. We picked a partner suBMITTeD on October 10th with Bev io Command for placing
about the Provincial Lead- are so many volunteers told them two things about Chapski, Janis Wahoski, a box ad in their Military

ers Conference and all the and people in Minnedosa our self and then the other he regular meeting Anita Holdaway, Carol Service Recognition Book.
great ideas. Laci Mailman, that make it a great place partner told those things to of the Legion Ladies Hopkins and Lorrie Lam- Minutes of the District
our assistant leader, dis- to live. We are also doing the entire group. It was fun! Auxiliary was called to or- ing in attendance. Two Executive meeting
cussed an International “Adopt A Senior” with the Our next meeting is Mon- der by President Laming The November Tea held in Plumas on Septem-
Art Challenge that our 50+ Centre. We will select day, December 3rd. on November 5th. Before and Bake Sale and No- ber 29th were read. The
starting the business of the vember 11th lunch fol- District meeting is to be

Decorations In Place
meeting President Lam- lowing Remembrance Day held in Elkhorn in March
ing called on Sergeant-at- Service were set up. Also, 2019. Mdm Val Anderson
Arms Schumacher to bring plans were made for the will be the guest speaker.
forward new member, Seniors Christmas Party Also, an 89-year-old Colo-
Carol Taylor for initiation. which is organized by the nel, who has written a
Initiation was held and Legion Branch. book about his life in the
Carol was welcomed to the Thank you card for Air Force, will speak at this
Auxiliary. Evelyn Ingaldson was re- meeting.
President Laming ceived from the Ingaldson Once again Santa suit
then informed the Auxil- and Whitby families and rentals will be organized
iary about the Convenors from Royal Canadian Le- by Dot Schumacher.
meeting, which was held gion Manitoba/NW Ontar-


When you support the businesses in your
home community, those businesses can
return the favour by providing donations
Photo by Karen Mitchell and sponsorships to events, attractions,
With Halloween and Remembrance Day now behind us, it’s full speed programs and athletics in your
ahead racing toward Christmas! Some local homes and downtown community. Without your support,
businesses are already aglow with Christmas lights, the Main Street those businesses cannot give
Fountain has taken on a festive appearance and on Wednesday, the
Town crew was busy installing the illuminated decorations purchased
back to the things which make
some years ago through a partnership between the Town of Minnedosa a community a great place to live!
and Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 11

Sandy Lake News Cadurcis News

By Diane Bachewich sing-song lead by Doreen vies home from his short Speedy recovery to By Doreen TroTT
and Gary Stapleton and stay at the Neepawa Hos- Mike Buhay who is in the

T he Remembrance Day
program was very well
attended on Sunday morn-
just a fun fellowship by ev-
eryone present ended the
Robert and Linda Le-
wandoski and Jerry and
Minnedosa Hospital.
Ken and Angela Brook-
man of Winnipeg and Bob
O ur sympathy is extended to Shawn and Christine
Rose on the recent passing of Christine’s grandfa-
ther Ben Burley of Winnipeg.
ing at the Drop-In Centre. Dennis Lewandoski Gladys Ryback and John and Bev Nakonechny of A large number attended the funeral service for the
The guest speaker was has landed at the city of and Donna Slashinsky Minitonas, MB attended late Mary Ida Herbert of Basswood on Saturday, Novem-
Master Warrant Officer Sriracha, Thailand where attended the Remem- the Jackfish/Ozerna Har- ber 3rd.
Shawn Wood from Shilo, he will be spending the brance Day Banquet at the vest Wind-up at Jackfish Sunday visitors with Jim and Nancy Greer were
MB who gave a very inter- next five months touring Minnedosa Legion where Hall on Saturday night. Shawn and Hunter Greer of Kenmay and Robert and Na-
esting presentation. Coffee different places. Sriracha is their mother, Mary Slash- Ken and Angela also visit- tasha Greer and family of Nesbitt.
and goodies were served at situated between Bangkok insky, was awarded a life ed mom, Helen Derhak, at Deer hunting started on Monday. Good Luck and
the end of the program. At and Pattaya, Thailand. membership in Royal Ca- the Personal Care Home. practice safety.
5:00 p.m. “Bells of Peace” Walter and Elsie nadian Legion Auxiliary. This past week a dou- Donna Northam of Airdrie, AB Is spending a few days
ringing of the bells in San- Scruten of Nokomas, SK Diane Bachewich at- ble Decker Semi with a visiting with her parents Don and Margaret Northam and
dy Lake from the church visited with Elsie’s dad, tended the Westman Se- load of cattle overturned other family.
on the 100th Anniversary Paul Stashuk, at the Per- niors Council meeting on on the icy road just three- Shawn and Christine Rose of Rapid City and Victoria
of the Armistice of Novem- sonal Care Home. Wednesday at the Shoal and-a-half miles north- Rose and friend Reyna of Brandon visited Sunday with
ber 11th, 1918 that ended Kevin Lewandoski of Lake Drop-In Centre. west of town. The cattle Malcolm and Shirley Rose.
fighting on land, sea and The Pas is home for a few Laura Lewandoski of were being moved from Shirley Rose accompanied Wendy St. John to New-
air. days to enjoy deer hunting. Winnipeg spent the week- the summer pasture to dale on Friday where they viewed the travelling artwork
The same evening a Sympathy is extended end with her mom and their winter destination. of Arts West Travelling Gallery. Joan Trott (nee MacDon-
potluck supper was held to the family of Stanley dad, Robert and Linda Le- Doug and Linda Hay- ald) who grew up in this area was one of the artists.
for the Legion and Ladies Byskal who passed away at wandoski. hurst are thrilled to an-
Auxiliary and families. At the age of 89 on November Brian Shandala along nounce the arrival of their
this time, President Diane 6th. His funeral was held with Diane and Debbie first granddaughter on
Bachewich of the Legion at the Erickson Ukrainian Pradey of Brandon visited November 2nd. Proud par- Have a news tip
Ladies Auxiliary presented Catholic Church and buri- with Irene Shandala at the ents are Doug and Linda’s
a 60-year pin to Sadie Rys- al at the parish cemetery. Personal Care Home re- son Rob and Sawantha
or story idea?
tephanuk and a 50-year Darryl Wasyinko has cently. Heinback of Kelowna, BC.
pin to Lil Kiliniuk for their returned to Edmonton, AB Doug and Liz Watson Let us know!
years in the Auxiliary. The for the winter months. spent the weekend in Win-
evening was spent with a Nice to see Chad Da- nipeg with family.

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14 - 3rd Avenue S.W. Open M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed between 12 noon and 1 p.m.
12 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: BATTERIES FOR EVERY- Minnedosa Legion “Live
CLASS 1 St. Mark’s Anglican
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. THING. Automotive, farm, Band Talent Showcase” fea-
TRUCK DRIVER Church in Minnedosa
construction, ATV, mar- turing Blues, early Rock and
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING To run Canada - must Fall Supper. Roast Turkey
ine, motorcycle, golf carts, have BC experience Roll plus classics such as Patsy
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, and Meatballs with all the
phones, tools, radios, com- - Paid pick, drops, Cline’s “I Fall to Pieces” on
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 trimmings. Brownie fudge
puters etc. Reconditioned, layovers and stat pay Friday, November 30th  at
- Multi drop runs
dessert. Sunday, Novem-
BY FAX 204-867-5171 obsolete and hard-to-find 7:00 p.m.  Open Mic spots for
- Cell usage ber 18th from 4:30 – 6:30
batteries. SOLAR equipment. - Benefi t package
walk-in performers available
p.m. $14 per person and 8
BY E-MAIL The Battery Man. Winnipeg. - Dedicated truck after 9:00 so come on down
years and under FREE. Live
1.877.775.8271 www.battery- - Sign on bonus and help us kick off the start of
- Quarterly and annual Music with John Cullen another season of live music. 
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to bonus and friends. Door Prizes. A
- Reset at home Free will offering at 8:00 to
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa warm Invitation! X
SALES – FINANCING - Weekend home time help out of town musicians
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any – LEASING of Trucks, Truck- - Paid training cover their travel costs. (36-3) x
Shevchenko Dance En-
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be beds, Trailers, full repair, safe- - Referral program
semble invites you to attend
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third Derek (204) 793-7465
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear
ties and Autopac trailer repair.
their annual Turkey Bingo on HEALTH
Kaldeck Truck and Trailer & LEASING LTD. Sunday, November 25th, 2018
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Inc., Hwy #1 MacGregor, at the Sandy Lake Community
any advertisement which is published. MB. 1-888-685-3127 www.
COMING EVENTS Hall at 1:00 p.m. Doors open Trouble
RATES at noon. Prizes include tur-
keys, dainty trays and raffle
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each.
1998 Aeromax Semi:
Covenant Women Chris- prizes. Bring your own bingo Hip or Knee
3406 Cat Eaton 13 SP. Plati-
tams Tea and Bake Sale on chips! (36-2) x Replacement?
Repeat ads - Half Price. num engine overhaul Touro-
Saturday, November 17th Restrictions in daily
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & mont Wpg. New front power St. Jude’s Christmas Bake
from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. at the activities?
bolding, and centering). divider. $39,900.00 firm. Call Sale and Perogy Lunch Satur-
Covenant Church. Everyone $2,500
204-825-7903. day, December 1st from 11:00
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & Welcome. (35-2) x Tax Credit
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at St. Jude’s $40,000
Looking for a gift that
Annual Christmas Tur- Church Main Street Erickson. refund cheque/
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. continues to give all year long?
key Bingo’s being held on Perogies, sausage, coleslaw rebates
How about a one-year gift sub-
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 Saturday, November 24th and desserts for lunch. Adults Disability Tax
scription to Western Canada’s
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 and Saturday, Dececember $10.00, 12 and under $5.00. Credit.
Oldest Weekly Newspaper,
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. 8th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at 5 and under FREE. Perogies,
The Minnedosa Tribune. Call
Cabbage rolls, dainties and
204-867-3816 or email class@ the Minnedosa Legion Club
Deadlines for Room. All games are 1 line
or 4 corners with prices the
more for sale. Raffles. Every-
one Welcome. (36-3) x MISCELLANEOUS
rates and more details.
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later same as last year (3 cards for
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s a Loonie per game played) Floor Curling at the SERVICES
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE FOR RENT All area residents welcome Minnedosa 50+ Centre on
Terry’s Home Enrich-
insertion. so come on down and join us.  Monday and Thursday after-
noons. Contact Betty at 204- ment Maintenance. T.H.E.M.
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for Two bedroom main (License #1269-B1-27631) cell 204-868-8088 (them@
floor apartment. Only quiet, (35-4) x 867-3631, Bob at 204-867-2241
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor MINOR REPAIRS
responsible, non-smoking or Cherokee at 204-868-0786.
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of and  MAINTENANCE in your
adults need apply. William A.O.T.S. Pancake Supper (36-2) x
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. home! Fix-it jobs…  Now
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Rose Apartments. Call 204- on November 23rd from 5:00
  Family Curling League booking  snow clearing for
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. 867-7360. (35-2) x – 7:00 p.m. and Fair Trade
starts on November 18th run- driveways and sidewalks.
Sale from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
ning for four Sundays;  2:00 Flexible  arrangements to
LAND FOR SALE at the Minnedosa United
Church. Adults $7.00, Youth p.m. start time $60 family/ suit the need! Affordable
AUCTIONS FOR SALE (12 and under) $3.50. (35-3) x team,  $15 single person rate, service for folks with mobil-
¼ section of land for $4 person drop in rate. Sun- ity issues to manage ice and
sale. SW 15-16-20. Newdale Have an upcoming day #1-off ice basic explana- slip hazards. Hourly rate with
Caught you peeking!
McSherry Auction Province Wide Classifieds clay loam send bits to folc@ event? Wanting good atten- tion of ice and equipment and running total, (if regular up-
12 Patterson Dr. or phone Steve dance? Remember, there are game. Get acquainted with keep all winter.) Flat rate for
reach over 415,000 readers
Stonewall, MB at 204-849-2061. (34-3) x still many people who do not the ice, hack and rocks and 1-time event such as storms.
weekly! That’s 415,000 see-
Estate & Moving have access to online adver- each other and some fun small Also;    painting (Interior and
ing your information. Need
Sat Nov 24 @ 10:00 AM to sell something? Need to EMPLOYMENT tising or social media and end games. Lessons/skills will Exterior)  Interior paint is very
OPPORTUNITY be very informal. Equipment near odorless now so book
Estate & Moving advertise? Get us working rely on the local newspaper
that interior work. x 
Sat Dec 1 @ 10:00 AM for you! What are you wait- to find out what’s happen- needed;  Clean shoes for ice,
MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- ing in their community. Let broom and slider. We do have
Yard * Recreation * Tools * ing for? Call this newspaper
Antiques * Furniture * Misc NOW to book an ad or email
TION! In-demand career! Em- our readers know by plac- some extra brooms and sliders WANTED
* Household * ployers have work-at-home ing a simple Coming Event at rink if you do not have. Text for
positions available. Get on- ad in The Tribune. Word ads 204-867-0918 or  email ktom-
Consignment Sale pricing and details.
line training you need from an starting at $9.00 plus tax for (36-3) Used Ukelele with cover.
Sat Dec 8 @10:00 AM Call 204-867-3615 (36-2) x
employer-trusted program. the first 40 words. Call 204- x
(204) 467-1858 or Visit: or
(204) 886-7027 867-3816 or email your ad to
1-855-768-3362 to start train- class@minnedosatribune.
ing for your work-at-home ca- com
reer today!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 13


The Minnedosa Legion
Ladies Auxiliary would like to
invites applications for thank all those who so gener-
Edith Evelyn Ingaldson
(1) CFS Worker for Western - Brandon Sub Office ously donated fruit and vege-
(nee Gunnarson) passed away
tables this year. X
(1) CFS Worker for Waywayseecappo First Nation peacefully in her home on Octo-
ber 14th, 2018 at the age of 96.
WRCFS is a mandated First Nations child and family services Agency responsible to Thank you from the
Evelyn will be sadly missed and
provide a full range of services, including statutory services, voluntary services and Family of Evelyn Ingaldson!
lovingly remembered by her
prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, residing on The Family of Evelyn Ingald-
and off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and son Wayne (Norma), daughter
son (Gunnarson) would like
enhance family and community life. Reporting to the Community Based Team Brenda (Burt) Phillips, grand-
to thank friends, family and
Supervisor, the workers will be responsible to work as part of a team in delivering a children; Brent Ingaldson,
community members for
full range of child and family services utilizing a community based model of service Leanne Feener, Jana Whitby and
all of the love and support
delivery, with emphasis on prevention and resource services as a frontline approach. great grandchildren Bodin and Mia
shown to our dear Mother
DUTIES INCLUDE: Ingaldson, Emma and Remi Feener
over the years. She lived a
• Ensure a working knowledge of CFS legislation, regulations, standards and In Loving Memory of and Raven Whitby. She is also survived
long and full life in Minnedo-
WRCFS policy and procedures ANNE SOLTYS by her sister Violet Lowe of Texas City,
sa and was always treated so
• To operate within the mandate, understanding the role of a mandated worker Garry Gunnarson of Onanole, son-in-law Bryan Whitby and
kindly. She had dear friends
• Complete the Structured Decision Making as required A year has passed, numerous nieces, nephews and her many longtime friends.
at Stewart House where she
• Provide Intake services using the Intake Module (IM) and time goes on. Evelyn was predeceased by her dear husband Gordon, son
lived in recent years who al-
• Provide direct service; Placement You had a heart of gold. Thorburn and six sisters and six brothers.
ways watched out for her. The
• Ensure there is development of relevant community resources of an ongoing One of the best to behold. Evelyn was born in Bethel, Manitoba to Ebba and Sven
nature and networks effectively with the existing resources Home Care ladies treated her
You were Generous, Gunnarson and was one of fourteen children. She lived in
• Ensure culturally appropriate services with respect and kindness
Loving, and Kind. the Clear Lake district until post WW11 when she and Gordon
• Make referrals to appropriate resources based on family assessments and always made her feel spe-
These are the memories you bought a home in Minnedosa where they lived and raised their
• Complete necessary administrative duties cial. Susan Nelson and Iryna
left behind. three children. Evelyn was always involved in the Community
• Establishment of good working relationships with other community services and Kundys were her recent care-
donating her time and effort to baking and cooking for her fa-
resources givers and treated her like
• Provision of a full range of statutory child welfare services Loved and Remembered vourite activities and fundraisers. She was a longtime member
family! Stan and Zelda Firby’s
• Provision of individual and family counseling always by; of the Minnedosa United Church and was a lifetime Member of
family were always there for
Your Family the Golf and Curling association. She excelled at both sports
QUALIFICATIONS: special occasion meals and
and watching Curling on TV or at the rink was one of her most
• BSW with at least two years related experience preferably in First Nations Child treats and helped out tremen-
PEARL CHUPKA favourite passtimes in later years. Evelyn worked for many years
& Family Services. An equivalent combination of training and experience will dously with the final move
be considered. 1922 – 2017 at Lowres Drug Store and Alexander Pharmacy where she was
out of her apartment. Elgin
• Must have a commitment to First Nations Child & Family Services, community One year ago on always remembered as greeting her customers with a big smile.
Hall was such a great sup-
based planning & service delivery. November 15th Evelyn was also a Member of the Minnedosa Legion Ladies
port and did a wonderful job
• Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential. we lost a dear mother, Auxiliary and was active as a Greeter up until her passing. She
of paying tribute to my Mom
• The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset. grandma was also a Member of the Eastern Star for many years.
and has been a longtime fam-
• Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and within a ily friend. The Legion Ladies and great grandma. Evelyn loved and was very proud of her grandchildren and
multi-disciplinary approach. great grandchildren and was always very interested in all of
Auxiliary made her service
• Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office There is a sweet their sports and musical activities. She never forgot a birthday.
• Be familiar with the Structured Decision Making assessment tools, Intake & CFSIS very special by forming the
remembrance, She loved the visits of her favourite nieces and nephews when
is essential. Honour Guard. Of course,
There is a memory they would drop in on their way through town.
last but not least we want
The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record Check that fond and true, Evelyn’s many hobbies included Knitting at which she was
to thank the United Church
includes a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry Check, Prior contact check and There is a token an expert and many family members are still enjoying the awe-
Ladies for putting on such
Driver’s Abstract prior to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid of affection, some sweaters and baby outfits she enjoyed making. She was
driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of a lovely lunch – homemade
And a heartache an excellent cook and loved to make dainties and of course Vi-
employment. dainties and sandwiches
still Mother for you. naTarta but was most ‘famous’ for her bread! She enjoyed her
were Mother’s favourites! A
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial garden and her flowers. In later years she never missed a con-
big thankyou to Tammy from
pay scale. Missed by cert or live show of any kind and travelled to local events with
the Flower Shop for doing
Please submit resumes clearly advising which position you are applying for to the: Cecelia, Sheldon and Tammy, Susan and Barrett Nelson.
mother’s flowers just the way
Human Resource Department Rob and Judy, Nathan, Evelyn and Gordon were very active together over the
West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. she loved them. So, from the
Ty and Brody Pollichuk. years and enjoyed mutual activities. Mom always delivered
Box 280 bottom of our hearts, Brenda,
x meals out to Gordon during harvest in his farming years. They
ERICKSON, Manitoba R0J 0P0 Fax: (204) 622-5248 Wayne and family send our
loved to travel together and spent many wonderful trips visiting
deepest appreciation to ev-
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: Tuesday, November 27th, 2018 eryone who showed your love
family and friends around Canada and the U.S.
We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. and support to us at such a If your label reads A Celebration of Life was held for Evelyn on October 27th

in the Minnedosa United Church with Internment in Rosewood
difficult time.
Memorial Gardens in Brandon. Memorial tributes may be
One experienced season-
al applicant to work on bee
M & M Autobody is look-
ing for a responsible person
STEEL It’s time to renew made to The Minnedosa United Church, Minnedosa, MB. R0J
1E0 or Minnedosa Legion Ladies Auxiliary, c/o Lorrie Laming,
farm in Minnedosa (DES ½ to clean vehicles and do small BUILDINGS your subscription! Minnedosa, MB. R0J1E0.
BLK 39176) as an Apiary Tech- mechanical jobs. Apply in STEEL BUILDING
nician/Worker from April 15th person and ask for Merv. (35- CLEARANCE ... “FALL SUPER
to October 31st, 2019. Must be 4) x SAVINGS EVENT - ALL MOD-
able to work full time days, ELS PRICED TO CLEAR!”

evenings and weekends. Must 20x23 $5,974. 25x25 $6,629.
have drivers license. Dut- GOT 28x29 $7,775. 30x33 $9,125.
ies include feeding, splitting,
pulling, extracting honey, D YOUR 32x31 $9,680. End Wall In-
cluded. Pioneer Steel 1-855-
making up nucs, unwrapping
overwintered beehives, mak- V ATTENTION? 212-7036 www.pioneersteel.
ca Prairie Mountain
Gwen Usick
Ph: 204-867-4657
Fax: 204-867-2150
ing up brood nests, supering,
medicating etc. Theses duties E Book this
Independently Owned
and Operated Broker Realtor
include handling heavy loads,
standing for lengthy periods R space for
of time, bending, crouching
and kneeling. Must be able to T your next ad Office space for rent.

handle heat, dust and odours

as most work is done out- I Call
Former Minnedosa Medical
building. 2,200 sq. ft., 8 of- MINNEDOSA
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hours a week. Benefits: Work- S 204-867-3816
fices and reception area. Will
renovate to suit. Open to the FRANKLIN MINNEDOSA - 1,680 sq. ft., 1 3/4 storey
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14 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


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Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
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Jon Kowal
Onanole, MB Open prices
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Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
Suite A 867-0145 Custom
Shoal Lake, MB 110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
204-759-2680 Minnedosa
Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - 204 867-5550 Call today to book your
15 1st Ave. S.W. ● Roofing ● Decks
Phone: 204-638-3005
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Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 Main line
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Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6350
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Fairmount Solar and Electrics Brad Ross
For All Your Electrical Needs 204-867-6366
MÊ GijsbersÊ
204-874-2360 Terry McLenehan
Susan Glasgow
Chartered Professional BACKHOE & TRUCKING
Accountant Inc.

MinnedosaÊ Debbie Strelczik

Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê 204-867-6360
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê Electrical Inc. (48-4)
Dan Quesnel
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
M&M ●Electrical
GRAIN 204-867-6359
Donna Dowsett
AUTO BODY Contracting HAULING 204-867-6361
BDO Canada, LLP All Auto Body Repairs Ph: 867-3238
Candice Brown
Chartered Accountants Ph: 867-2083
and Advisors 5 Main St. North
Cell: 868-5741
Brian Horner Alayna McTavish
Farm, Business & Individual Grain & Fertilizer Kim Butler
Professional Services: Hauling 204-867-6352
~ Tax
Book this spot Book this spot Joanne Clarke
~ Accounting
~ Farm Programs $5.52/week $5.52/week Gaylene Johnson
Sarah Campbell, CGA Call 204-867 3816 Fax
39 Main Street South Call 204-867 3816 204-867-6391
Minnedosa 867-2957
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, November 16, 2018 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
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142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. • Lawn Mowing & Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
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Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 • Dandelion Spraying -
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204-867-3121 867-2416
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Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People (204)Ê 476-4705Ê
Law Office - Committed to Caring -
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
Meetings are held at Ventilation/Air quality Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
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Burgess Law
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Russ Huyghe
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Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB
16 Friday, November 16, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

All Ages Involved With Remembrance Ceremonies

Legion members made Crossing, the gymnasium
their rounds throughout was packed with students,
Minnedosa to sit front and family, cadets and high
centre and be honoured school band students.
for their sacrifice and ser- Dan Jardine again led the
vice. The Minnedosa Per- guests into the gym play-
sonal Care Home held a ing the bagpipes, where
service for residents, fam- they were seated on the
ily, staff and honoured west side facing the crowd.
guests at 10:00 a.m. Led Several students stood to
in by Dan Jardine, Legion perform poems, essays
member, men and women and speeches to honor the
alike dressed in full uni- veterans. A powerful pow-
form marched their way er point presentation was
to their seats. Dan led the created by Payton Moyer
service with opening com- and Dallas McFarland.
ments, scripture reading Duane LaCoste performed
and prayer and Legion La- the laying of the wreath.
dies Auxiliary member Ja- Honoured guests in-
Photo by Karen Mitchell nis Wahoski read “In Flan- cluded; Duane LaCoste,
ders Field”. Following the Vince Saler, George Collen,
The Tanner’s Crossing School gymnasium was filled with staff, students
formal service, residents, Allen McManus, Jim Clark,
and special guests for the school’s Remembrance ceremony last Friday.
family members and hon- Warren Pearson, John Cul-
oured guests were treated len, Lori Laming, Janis Wa-
By KAREN MITCHELL World War. The sacrifices and give a moment of si- not nearly enough, and
to coffee, tea and dainties. hoski, Muriel McManus,
endured and the courage lence to remember those one should always hold
From there the guests Dorothy Schumacher and
N ovember 11th, 1918
marked the end of
World War One. A monu-
that young men displayed
is far from what the aver-
age person can imagine.
who either fought or are
currently fighting away
from their families and
this in their hearts and
thank those that served, no
matter what the calendar
of honour made their way
over to Minnedosa Colle-
Dan Jardine.
The community Re-
giate and Tanner’s Cross- membrance Day service
mental day for that era and To this day, we still see the sacrifice their lives for us. tells us.
ing School to join students was held on Sunday at the
for everyone as we remem- effects of war and what it A day devoted to these On Friday Novem-
in their Remembrance Community Conference
ber what all soldiers gave does to our men and wom- warriors at heart. A mo- ber 9th, War Veterans and
Day services. At Tanner’s Centre.
for our freedom. 73 years en. On Remembrance Day, ment on a day marked on
ago ended the second people bow their heads the calendar however is


Photo by Karen Mitchell

Minnedosa Personal Care Home Remembrance Ceremony.

Heritage Memory Lights

Light a white Christmas bulb in memory of your loved one.
Your loved one’s name will be displayed in The Minnedosa Tribune
following the lighting of the tree
in Tanner’s Crossing Park.
Please send this form, along with $10.00 per person being remembered to
Heritage Memory Lights, c/o The Minnedosa Tribune
Box 930, Minnedosa MB, R0J 1E0
Make cheques payable to
Minnedosa District Museum and Heritage Village Corp.
Donations can also be made at The Minnedosa Tribune office - 14 - 3rd Ave S.W.

Please light a Heritage Memory Light in memory of

Remembered by

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