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for News in Brief,

subscriptions to Subud Voice
and links to many other Subud sites:

World Congress is coming…


THE TSUNAMI See page 2 for latest updates

From all around the world stories have vision made their trips immediately and keting, boats, household articles, clothes.
been coming in of the generosity and ac- joined hands in relief works. Though this They report that all happened within three
tivity of the Subud community in helping was strong at my gut level, my reasons and minutes just like lightning.
the victims of the tsunami disaster. Here experience in Oxfam warned me not rush
is a selection of some of the news… in too fast. Hence I waited, and visited the Just three waves destroyed their whole
Tsunami victims after three weeks. village / Kuppam / Koodisaigal. There are
FROM INDONESIA different types of feelings among them.
I met the families of the affected at Chen- The families have recovered from the ini-
As earlier reported Susila Dharma nai. These families, women, children and tial shocks and a sense of emptiness has set
International and Subud Youth have men have suffered the loss of all...their in. Initially they “felt stunned” for days.
organized a unit to go to Aceh to help the very HOPE. The seashore where I met Now they have started becoming slightly
people there. Now Ariana Susanti, SDIA these families show the sand pits, with active. The fisher people, unlike the farm-
Director in Jakarta, writes… pieces of broken homes entangled amongst ers, are those who live by daily earning.
the clothes and distorted vessels, where They do not seed, cultivate and store.
Mardiana and Agus of Subud Youth in their houses once were. The clothes of the Their job is to harvest and distribute im-
Jakarta have collected Rp. 1.842.000 children and saris were flying like flags mediately. Now they are left with nothing
(USD$198) and goods (basic needs such here and there. I met with around thirty- in store.
as food, water, medicine, clothes etc, a five families. Had discussion with twenty-
total of four truckloads). The goods have five women. Met the local youth forum What they suffer from is a lack of courage
been delivered, at first phase on 3rd Jan members who offered their help to the and inadequate strength to face the future.
and will be delivered on the second phase really needy ones. Suddenly they feel too old to start another
on 7th Jan by Hercules plane direct to life. The onlookers come and go. The gov-
Aceh, facilitated by one of her relatives. The actual area I selected was Srinivasapu- ernment makes a lot of promises on the
ram Kodisai and Bhavanikuppam, which media and through their officials. The for-
They also plan to send strong volunteers. are located just near Marina beach in malities are laborious. The immediate
They have selected ten volunteers who Chennai. Out of 535 families, 120 families doles reach them on and off. There are
will be replaced by the next volunteers have totally vanished. Since none from other poor around their area who also
every two weeks. These volunteers will those families are alive, there were no make use of this opportunity to take their
also cooperate with one of the local TV mourners and help seekers. Another 45 share from the lots.
stations which organized emergency relief families had moved out on 26th December
for Aceh's disaster (If possible, they also 2005, for some reason or other. There The children who are still left alive, are to
will cooperate with the Subud branch in were 370 families where one member or pursue their education at any cost. They
North Sumatra, located in Medan), and the other had been washed away scream- need to go back to schools. They need
IRDN, and other institutions. They will be ing for help and survival which was being their books, uniforms and some
coordinated by SD Indonesia. witnessed by their very close relatives decent clothing. We asked one girl Uma
helplessly. Meheshwari why she did not go to
FROM INDIA school. She explained that she did not have
Some of them do not sleep peacefully even uniform to wear. Such genuine needs and
Bella, Susila Dharma Chair in India, now, feeling guilty for not having joined expectations ought to be met.
writes… them in death. Their settlements were de-
stroyed and their livelihoods stolen by the The second need is to help them search for
Ever since the disaster in Asia happened, I very sea that sustained them. Families got an alternative livelihood. It is time for the
was longing to visit them and stretch out a fragmented. Many of these families had
helping hand. My friends with similar lost their fishing nets, baskets for fish mar- Continued on page 14.

SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 1

Reduced Rates for Less Developed Subud countries meet and make their deci-
Countries (LDCs): sions about how things are going to go
The reduced rate being offered for mem- forward for the next term.
bers in LDCs is intended only for those As an association we have an obligation to
who really need it. However, the comput- ensure that all countries can attend and, as
erised system will automatically calculate we are unfortunately not sitting on a big
the lower fee. We are aware that there are pile of reserve money, we are obliged to
members in the developed countries who split these costs among those attending
may also need support in going to con- who come from richer countries. (Even
gress, so for those members who can af- so, the amount allocated in the World
ford the normal rate a donation to make up Congress budget may well fall short of
the difference can be made by adding it to what is needed, so we are still dependent
the section for donations. on efforts made by countries or individuals
who contribute extra to the help fund.)
Passports and Visas:
You need to REGISTER, click 'pay later', To read the full letter go to www.
and the 'require visa' box, in order to get an and look at News in Brief
invitation from us for the visa applica- for February 15 2005. Or contact Osanna
tion. Remember, it can take a few at
weeks (in some countries, months) to get
a passport and to apply for visas. If neces- RADIO STATION
sary you can give your old passport num- Osanna Vaughn, ISC Treasurer,
ber at the registration to meet the early explains about Congress costs. A group of young people have had the idea
deadline, and inform us of the new one as that a radio station to run during World
soon as you receive it. Congress could be great fun. It would be
congress. Some discussions have begun in
an opportunity to play music by Subud
the monthly Subud World News newslet-
Payment: members, organize interviews, make daily
ter (online at http://www.subudworldnews.
Payment by credit card is completely safe congress announcements and whatever
com/english/index1.php on the WSA/ISC
via the online registration system. How- else they might come up with. There are
page), on the internet and more may take
ever, for reservation of accommodation, various possibilities how this radio station
place at the many events planned in the
you are not encouraged to could be transmitted, and one includes via
Zone before July. There is also a forum
send your credit card numbers unpro- internet world-wide.
on the congress website for discussion at
tected by e-mail to the Innsbruck Reser-
vation. It is better to either call or fax this However, they need a project leader with
information if it is required. experience in this kind of work who would
Tel:+43-512-56 2000 210 be willing to coordinate the whole thing.
It is suggested that any new topics find a
Fax: +43-512-56 2000 220
place inside the five proposed working
and give them the number per fax or If you are that person, please contact
parties. This is in the hope that any result-
phone. Amalia at amalia.dickie@chello.
ing resolutions and recommendations are
do-able and will include funding solutions
if necessary, for one thing. World
Anyone interested in leading a project /
Congress is the foremost authority in
workshop, volunteering or joining the or- TRANSLATING FOR BAPAK: Sharif
Subud. A delegate handbook covering
ganising team as a staff member, should Horthy & Isniastuti Wirjohudojo will
procedures and more will be circulated
fill out this form. Staff members are eligi- give a talk about their years of experience
closer to the Congress.
ble to receive some discounts so for as translators of Bapak’s Talks. Of special
those looking for ways to finance their interest to translators and all Subud mem-
expenses, this is an option! bers!
Assistance for Youth Initiatives: For more information about the very ex-
ISC Treasurer Osanna Vaughn has written
The Guerrand Hermes Foundation for tensive writers program being organised
a very good letter explaining the costs of
Peace is considering applications for assis- for Congress write to:
World Congress. As well as explaining
tance for Young Members wishing to initi-
many issues such as costs of venues, im-
ate activities for youth at congress. Check Rasunah, SWI Chair
pact of volatile exchange rates and so on
the direct link on the We're all Going web- Website:
she goes on to talk about an issue which I
site: writers/index.shtml
am sure goes to the “heart of the matter”.
create/index.shtml?x=229 Mailing list:
“Probably the next major budget item for
GUIDELINES FOR WORLD a World Congress is the fund to help en-
CONGRESS sure that delegates from less well-off
countries can be there to participate. The
Guidelines for the business of delegates at
World Congress is, after all (and despite
World Congress have been circulated to all David Dickie wants to get a rock and pop
those who would prefer just to have a
National Committees. Discussion on these concert together for the World Congress.
friendly gathering), the time when the
topics is welcome and encouraged before Contact him at
World Subud Association members of the

2 SUBUD VOICE - March 2005

Recently we received this letter from a several free online services. We don’t approach, and it could make a lot of differ-
Subud member in Moscow who gets a gift mind the competition. It is good, but it ence to our viability. We all want Subud
subscription of Subud Voice. gives us new challenges financially. Voice to continue, don’t we?

“The gift of Subud Voice is very useful to What’s to be Done? If you enjoy Subud Voice, talk about it to
us because not all the members of Moscow friends and help us get more subscribers.
group have computers so Subud Voice is What’s to be done? We have cut our costs
our link to the Subud World. If some arti- as much as we feel we can. We have con- If you can afford it, you might also like to
cles are of interest to us, they are trans- sidered other options for doing printing think about taking out a gift subscription
lated into Russian for members. Besides and mailing but we have not been able to for a group or person in a developing coun-
there are several members here who speak come up with anything cheaper or more try. It could be that your group would be
English and they read it as well. efficient than what we do now. happy to provide a gift subscription to an-
other group. You can see from the letter
“But the most important thing is that this Could we increase the costs of the publica- above what a big difference this can make
gift is a material and tangible expression tion to the subscriber? In order to make in people’s lives.
of human care, love and attention to other Subud Voice viable we would need to
human beings. It proves that love can be charge AUD$80-90 per annum for the sub- Become a “Subud Voice Ambassador”. Be
seen and that we can act with love and scription which currently costs AUD$60. the first on your block to wear this proud
attention towards each other. We do not feel that our market (which in- and rewarding title. We are looking for
cludes many pensioners) would be able to people in all parts of the world to act as
“I for one, look for the familiar names and cope with the increase. news and subscription gatherers for us. If
faces and then, in the ‘invisible’ world of you are interested please let us know at the
the emotions, I am never alone.” We believe the only way forward is to in- email address below.
crease, in fact, double our subscription
It is such letters of course which make us base. This we hope to do over the next two Finally, if there are any enterprises or indi-
feel that what we are doing at Subud Voice years, and we will now start marketing viduals out there who would like to pro-
is worthwhile, but at the same time we are ourselves more energetically. vide a ‘straight out’ donation to the Subud
facing a few difficulties. We felt we would Voice operation then that would be most
like to share them with our family of read- We know that our actual readership – the welcome. Recently we received such a
ers and let you know how you might be number of people who read Subud Voice – donation from SIHA for which we (all) are
able to help us. is about three times the number of sub- most grateful.
scribers. So we believe there is potential
Currently we have about 750 subscrip- out there for us to substantially increase Nobody Wants to see Subud Voice
tions, including both print (610) and online our subscription base. If readership can be Disappear
(140), and unfortunately this is not enough translated into subscriptions, all will be
to sustain the publication financially. At well. We are sure nobody wants to see Subud
the moment Subud Voice runs at a loss of Voice go under. Subud Voice is the only
AUD$1,000 (US$750/UK£400/€590) a How Can I Help? independent and international publication
month and is only able to continue because coming to you in print and online.
some members subsidize it. Some ways you can help us are:
We have also added many other products
This is a situation that cannot continue Continuing to renew your subscription of and service such as our web site with its
forever and if we are not able to increase course! And please help us by renewing comprehensive explanation of Subud and
our income then a time may come when your subscription when it first comes due its twice a month News in Brief updates.
we will seriously have to think about so that we do not have to send you out We also support translations of News in
whether we can sustain Subud Voice. several reminder notices which cost us Brief in Russian, Indonesian and Spanish.
admin time and postage. We have also produced videos and books,
Subud Voice is also only able to continue especially our Bapak: the Man and His
because certain very large jobs consuming Online subscribers please do not give your Mission video series which tells the story
many hours each month – such as the ad- Subud Voice password to other people and of Bapak’s life and the history of Subud.
ministration which includes subscription please do not circulate our Subud Voice We will soon be announcing the re-issue of
management, distribution, finances, and files! There is a GIFT subscription facility these videos in multi-lingual DVD format.
many other aspects – are carried out on an available if you feel someone (or a group)
entirely voluntary basis. should have access to Subud Voice. Remember, this is your magazine, so if you
think all this is valuable and worth sustain-
We have all the problems of any small- We also hope that print subscribers will ing please help spread the word about
circulation publication. That is, we have show restraint in sharing the publication. Subud Voice.
high production costs spread over too Show it to those in your household of
small a subscription base. Moving the op- course, but please do not distribute twenty Bradford Temple
eration to Australia has also meant higher photocopies! for the Subud Voice team
mailing costs. Tel: ++ 61 2 42615566
Group subscribers who have now chosen Fax: ++ 61 2 42621725
And these days we have to compete with a to get the OnLine version, please only Email:
number of online news services. At one make one copy for your notice board and PO Box 311, Dapto,
time Subud Voice was the only way to get not many copies for all your group mem- NSW, 2530, Australia.
news about Subud, now we compete with bers. All we are asking is a reasonable

SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 3

Hanafi Hayes frm Australia recently put The World Council has already proposed a
forward some radical proposals for re- permanent staffed office for ISC to be de-
structuring our Subud organisation cided in Innsbruck, along with the perma-
worldwide, as below. With World Con- nent ISC accounting office decided by the
gress 2005 getting nearer, Subud Voice Bali Congress. The only point is how to
would also like to publish other view- fund such a needed office, as it may take a
points as a basis for discussion… good portion of the WSA budget at its cur-
rent level of around $300,000.
Hanafi’s Proposals
Even though Hanafi's proposal has some
1. Amalgamate WSC and ISC. good aspects, I think we need the WSC
and its annual meeting, as this provides a
2. Have a permanent office for the new much needed cohesion for the Subud
body. Paid staff of Chair; Secretary and world that otherwise might evolve into
Treasurer on four year contracts - re- isolated cultural islands - not having
negotiable. Let's call it the ISC Secretariat. Bapak for all of us to focus on.

3. Locate world congresses in each zone The IHs and Zone Reps travel around and
by rotation. Therefore the next spread the words and ideas developed at
zone to host it would be zone 5 and so on. those meetings, whose cost of around
This will cut out the lobbying and ques- $50,000 doesn't seem to be too much in
tionable testing etc and allows zones to order to keep Subud as just one worldwide
plan in advance - like the Olympic games. group of individual members and not a Hanafi Hayes.
collection of countries.
4. All appointments for period between I believe that a less elaborate and bureau-
congresses, i.e., International office hold- Another proposal of WSC in Rungan Sari cratic structure, for what still is a very
ers; zonal representatives, “zonal” help- last June was that both SES and Youth small organisation, would set the stage for
ers - this term, to replace “international” should be services provided by ISC, who a much needed warmer, more caring and
helpers; Chairs of Wings etc to be tested would appoint their Chairs, as term after more humane atmosphere in Subud.
by all the delegates present at congress and term our present arrangement has not
voted on by them. worked properly. It is time that we look less at our own na-
vels and create a simpler and smoother
5. Zone representatives and zone helpers to We come to World Congress without a working platform which will encourage
liaise with SD and ISC in identifying the clear picture and by a kind of inertia new again more participation and support from
real needs in their zones that genuinely Chairs are appointed by Congress to both the side of the membership towards that
warrant financial assistance for group lati- Wings, but having no real support from the organisation.
han facilities or for staging zonal kejiwaan members nor a constituency that can pro-
days, etc. and ISC to make application on vide the ground for their task - their roles Let's be more courageous, let's concentrate
their behalf to MSF or by appeal to get the seem to be rather hopeless, just existing to on two important pillars as regards our
necessary funds. fill in our current organizational structure. “worldly” activities: enterprises and cul-
tural activities, which will enable us to
6. Zones should have annual kejiwaan It was considered that for Youth we would achieve goals and to enhance our lives and
gatherings - not international jamborees, prefer to offer programmes and activities make for lively and interesting communi-
but with total concentration on the latihan devised by professionals - not by non pro- ties.
and the helpers responsibilities. fessional youngsters - or any kind of or-
ganization whose purpose is not clear. Let us change the attitude of poverty and
7. Zonal reps should meet as an interna- lack of ability into one of wealth and
tional body (council) just once after three From Hermina Ruetz Hermina was one unlimited abilities and possibilities. For
years, to compare notes and make recom- of the team which organised the Bali this we need the youth to be in the centre
mendations (based on submissions from all World Congress. She was the manager of of our family. Why was there a more thriv-
national committees in their zone) for the the congress organizing team and also ing, more enthusiastic and more exciting
next congress. served as ISC secretary from 1971 to life in our community in the pioneering
1975... period? One of the main reasons was cer-
8. Subud Youth as a separate association tainly that most of us were young then.
or entity should be disbanded and ab- Thanks for the breath of fresh air, Hanafi !
sorbed into the whole body of Subud. I agree to all points in your message and I
truly hope that your proposal will be thor- Haris Wolfgang, USA, had the following
There's a start. Probably needs fleshing out oughly pondered with an open attitude by comments to each of Hanafi’s proposals,
a bit more, but perhaps the various points Congress as it contains decisive steps and they are numbered in the same order
can be discussed. which can turn around rather painful and as Hanafi’s proposals.
unnecessary ailments in our community.
Hanafi Hayes, from the Zone 7 1. Seems like an idea worth serious dia-
Listserver: e/m Streamlining and simplifying the organisa- logue.
tional set up in this way would not only
Laurencio Young, present ISC Chair, allow for more continuity but would create 2. Seems like a long overdue idea and
replied to Hanafi’s proposals as follows: a more effective organisation truly serving worth dialogue.
the purpose of its existence.
Continued on page 14.

4 SUBUD VOICE - March 2005

Helina van Zeggelen, from Ottawa, feed Malvina twice and help other babies,
Canada, writes about an amazing 7 so that Malvina remains stable, until she
months in her life helping the children goes to a foster family, that the Christian
of Romania... Foundation is looking for. The Founda-
tion was so happy with the progress of
Since one of my sons was taking a course Malvina that they kept calling her “the
at the University of Ottawa, I decided to miracle baby”.
go into the wide world and do some char-
ity work. I did “testing” with my Ottawa The whole experience, opened my eyes
sisters and Wisma Mulia in the UK came and heart to a huge problem that exists in
out as a very positive place to go. the East-European countries. I would love
to be able to DO more. For example try-
I did have some other possibilities, but this ing to influence the government about
seemed the most positive and “needed” birthcontrol, better salaries, schooling etc.
one, for both the parties, them and me. So Helina van Zeggelen The drop in the ocean is the only thing I
I set off and met my wonderful older can do at present, but I would love to be
Subud brothers and sisters at Wisma Mu- Malvina was always vomiting and only able to continue, working with those poor
lia. losing weight, and was extremely hungry. abandoned babies. I do have some ideas
In the hospital they nick-named her “the how!
But the work permit that I needed to work monkey”. I changed that to a more positive
in the UK was going to take a long time one of “little birdie” - she was literally a 1. Going with a group of 4 people, volun-
and was expensive, so I decided to go to very hungry birdie. teer in the hospital, in two’s or sometimes
Holland for a while where I am originally all four, so that the other two can take
from, and try to get some work there. But In 3 months she had doubled her weight some time off and support one another.
the same thing happened, lots of work but and was the happiest baby on the floor. Hopefully we could do it under the name
no work permit. I became a Canadian Just by having been given, love, thickened SUBUD, the SUSILA DHARMA branch.
citizen in the 80’s. feeding, being held and last but not least… What remains important is the children.
burped. Bapak many times stressed the importance
So my last and actually my favorite idea of the children.
was in the planning stage…. It was to go The Conditions in Romania
to Romania, to work with babies in or- 2. Have a “Van” and offer soup, coffee,
phanages or hospitals. I had the email On the floor were about 20 babies, most of bread etc. to the beggars and at the same
address of a woman, who was working them abandoned. The situation is hard to time educate the mothers about birth con-
there, from an article in Homemakers describe, but I will try. trol and give the children some interesting
Magazine. things like books, puzzles etc. I under-
Everything in Romania that I saw, is bro- stand this would be a huge commitment,
After a few tries, I got a reply: “Yes!! you ken, rusty, in a state of disrepair, and this but I like to dream…I did read a booklet
are needed here, come and you can stay is also true of the hospital. The staff had about a lady in Australia who did the
with me in the beginning. But you must little compassion for the babies, I was not “van” thing and had very good results!!!
share the living-room with one my 3 fos- treated well in the beginning. Only at the
ter-children.” end, when they saw my dedication and the I hope I have been able to pass on some of
results, they were a little nicer - I can come the urgency that exists in that country. If
Via Budapest, by a long bus and train back! you feel able to help, physically or finan-
ride, I arrived in Oradea, late in the eve- cially I have now a totally honest contact.
ning. I had planned to stay 3 months and Often I was left alone with the babies, so I She helps two families that cannot survive
it worked out that you can live there for 90 could hold, burp and cuddle them, while on their meager salaries with their 5 chil-
days without a special visa. the staff was smoking and yakking in their dren.
office. The staff in general handled the
What I experienced in Romania, has babies extremely roughly and this was She also helps a gypsy Mom, who is start-
touched my heart forever. I did not DO very frustrating. ing to become financially independent by
latihan there much, but I LIVED the lati- starting her small enterprise of selling sec-
han. Often I wanted to scream and shake them, ond hand clothes. Also a little old lady,
to make them understand that these were who is so poor that she had to choose be-
Through my contact in Oradea, I was in- little ones were human beings, with feel- tween wood for heat or hot meals - she
troduced to a Christian Foundation, in or- ings and needs. Often I was told, “They chose heat in the winter. I could help her
der to be ALLOWED in the hospital. It is are ONLY! Gypsies” - one of the big prob- out with money for meals thank God.
not easy to be admitted into anything in lems in Romania!
Romania - people are very suspicious and May God keep blessing all of us and hope-
distrusting. The State Orphanages are off- The babies kept me going, often I had to fully bless the ones with a lot less then us.
limit for most foreigners. say to myself, “ I came for the children
and ONLY for the children!” Helina van Zeggelen,
So my “work” in the hospital started soon
and from then on I volunteered 7 days a It was very rewarding to see my little
week. A very sick baby was assigned to “starving” Malvina turn into the happiest PS: My little Malvina is now in a foster
me, she was skin and bones, 3 kg. and baby on the floor. After my departure, I family and thriving, so thank God she is
about 9 months old, no birthdate was organized a young woman, who is going out of that horrible hospital!
available. into the hospital from 10am to 1pm, to

SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 5

Bapak’s Talk in London, August 17 1959, Recording 59 LON 2
From Bapak’s Talks Volume 5, Chapter 3, Subud Publications International
Ladies and gentlemen, Bapak welcomes since their effort does not go beyond the religions don’t discriminate in their rules
you to this meeting this evening. use of the thinking mind. and content between people of different
races. Whoever is willing to embrace the
As Bapak said the other day, in reality The Most Dangerous Disease religion is accepted and brought to the
what relates to the soul is not the work of worship of God.
human beings but of God; a human being The fact is that the most dangerous disease
simply receives God’s work within his or is not the kind that produces physical So, in religion there is no discrimination
her being. But, because of the greed of the symptoms, but the kind that lies in the between races and other groupings; and it
human heart and of human desire, human character or inner nature of a person. This is the same with us in Subud. In the latihan
beings claim God’s work for themselves is a more dangerous kind of disease than there is no discrimination between race or
when they create teachings to help others cancer and the like. Bapak will illustrate. religion, because any discrimination be-
find the right way to God. The result is Out of a thousand people perhaps only ten tween human beings becomes a block in
that, in the end, human beings are more are afflicted by physical illness; but if one our progress towards God. A person who
familiar with the working of their own person has a flawed character that causes keeps an animal makes sure that it is well
mind than with the true way that leads to him to seek only his own advantage and to cared for and comes to no harm; but there
God. strive for the total gratification of his de- are quite a number of people who, at
sires and passions, he may drag down times, look upon their fellow men as lower
With the appearance in the world of thousands of others to misery and death - than the animals. It is taught by the proph-
Subud - that is, of the latihan you have as happens in war and other calamities. ets - the messengers - that if you wish to
received and have been practising - you be loved you must also love others and it
return to an experience that, though it may is the same for them.
appear to be new, is in reality very old. It “It is truly a paradox
has been present in human beings since that on the one hand The greatest obstacle for a person is not
they were first created on this earth. hatred of God, but hatred of their fellow
people look after them- men. If a person hates, or dislikes God,
Bapak said that the soul is God’s responsi- selves and look after that doesn’t matter, as that can easily be
bility, because it is the content of every changed and cleared. But if they do not
living creature. So, in a human being the their health very well, yet like other people and other living things,
soul is the content, which means that - that is more difficult, for it darkens the
whether it is the right kind or not - it has
on the other hand they atmosphere of their feelings in a more
authority and holds the initiative in their incite others to fight one serious way.
inner feeling. However, being unaware of
this, we regard whatever we do as coming another through war. Therefore, in Subud, in your worship, Ba-
from our own intention. People are unable, So they are spared from pak would like you to look upon all living
of themselves, to know and understand beings - upon all your brothers and sis-
[the true situation], because their powers illnesses but succumb ters - as you do yourself, truly one in feel-
of understanding and knowledge are instead to the sickness of ing, truly united. For the heart and the
merely instruments, and their thoughts and thinking mind, which continually make a
feelings arise only as a result of the initia- war…” distinction between ‘I’ and ‘you’, are only
tive and influence of the forces working motivated by the low forces, forces that
within them. It is truly a paradox that on the one hand always seek to bring about disorder in hu-
people look after themselves and look after man life, so that human beings argue with
So it’s clear that it is the presence, within a their health very well, yet on the other one another.
person, of a soul that does not correspond hand they incite others to fight one another
to his or her human form that leads them through war. So they are spared from ill- That is what the low forces want; they
to a state of misery, both with regard to nesses but succumb instead to the sickness want human beings to fall from their
their health and to their actions and behav- of war, which demands thousands and proper level so that low forces can take
iour. This is because they will pursue only millions of casualties. their place. This is the way and behaviour
the pleasures of their heart and the im- of the low forces; they fill people’s being
pulses of their passions, forgetting the lim- As a result of this, in time of war people in order that they may carry out their will
its of their strength. This causes all sorts of hardly know the meaning of good will without people being aware of it. Since the
illnesses and all sorts of suffering of the towards other human beings. Such is the entire being of a person - their feelings,
inner feeling and of the body, which be- effect of forces that are out of place within heart and brain - are permeated by these
come increasingly severe as time goes on. the self of human beings - they provoke forces, it is impossible for that person to
people to destroy each other. perceive reality or understand his or her
People try to cure their illnesses and the true condition.
faults within their being using their intelli- Therefore the best way - the way we need
gence and their thinking, but that just to find - is one that enables us to transform No Other Option for Humankind
patches up something that is inherently people’s character so they truly come to
defective or damaged. So, even though it appreciate human life; to feel the feelings The truth is that there is no other option
is repaired, it still remains damaged. They of people everywhere; to know what har- for humankind as a whole, or for each one
are unable to discover the prime cause that mony in human life is like, and to know of you individually, but to return to
lies at the root of all that has gone wrong, one God and one human race. That is why
Continued on page 11.

6 SUBUD VOICE - March 2005

March 2005

Editor Ilaina Lennard


ON BUDDHISTS AND HINDUS be imbued with a noble character; and

afterwards, if possible, the awareness and
IN SUBUD consciousness of his inner self will face
the power of God, which envelops the
Many people ask about Bapak’s attitude Dewas and several times you pronounced whole universe. In religion, what is set
to the Buddhist and Hindu religions. mantras which you had learned. Indeed, forth above all is called the hakekat (the
Below is a letter on this subject that he such things are not wrong, because all of truth or reality).
sent to one Subud member that has become your faith, your capacity
and the condition of your inner as a That is Bapak’s clarification. As yet,
..And so, with regard to a Subud brother person of the Buddhist or Hindu religion. Bapak cannot give further explanations
of the Buddhist or Hindu religion, if his In fact, the actual result of what you have because the time has not yet arrived for
inner feeling is no longer influenced by learned and believe. you. Therefore Bapak hopes that you will
the nafsu and if his thinking mind is no just be patient, because patience is the
longer tempted to think of all kinds of Gradually, the condition you mention important condition which protects you
things, then, inasmuch as the Buddhist or will become clearer and clearer and more from confusion and which will make
Hindu religion has become what he apparent until you will be opened in your possible the smooth process of
believes in and has also become included inner self and be aware and able to see purification of the inner self and the
in the capacity and state of his inner self, that your life has truly to face the power development of your jiwa.
he will certainly get clarifications in his of God which envelops the whole
receiving about the real meaning of what universe.
is obtained in his religion. Extract from a letter, published in
Therefore religion, in its outer aspect, is LIVING RELIGION IN SUBUD by
In your letter you mention that in the in fact a guidance so that man may be Matthew Sullivan. Available from SPI.
latihan you always say the name of the able, with that guidance, to act nobly or

he lived in Solo. At that time Bapak met

Subud and the Cults a man who was well practised in esoteric
teachings. In fact, the man of whom
Bapak speaks had written many books
- from A LIFE WITHIN A LIFE, Dominic Rieu’s selection of Bapak’s advice. containing teaching about perfection - in
other words, a teaching of a kind of
guidance to enable a person to find the
right way when he dies.
Dominic gives the following introduction MEDITATION (SAMADI)
to his selection: After conversing for a while, Bapak
'If you still use such ways it will remain asked him, 'Have you yourself
Markedly different from Bapak's attitude easy for the angels to tempt you.’ experienced what you have written about
to the established religions is his attitude in your book containing education or
to the cults. He considers them to be Meditation is nowadays becoming as guidance in the teaching on perfection?'
unavailing, or confusing, or dangerous. interesting and important to many
He discourages Subud members from Westerners as it has always been in the He answered, 'Yes... I have experienced
'mixing', that is combining the latihan East. I give passages, without comment, it all.'
with other ways and practices. from some of the talks in which Bapak
However, - though he speaks absolutely speaks about it. Bapak asked again, 'If I may be permitted
and with no qualification about the cults, to ask, what is the way or what do you do
when he meets the followers of any cult Bapak and the teacher of meditation to receive something like that?'
he treats them with a marvellous Bapak would like to tell you of an
courtesy and gentleness, as we shall see. experience he had a long time ago when Continued on page 8.

INNER VOICE - March 2005 7

Many of these people asked Bapak, ‘How
can this be? I used to be able to do this and
More About Subud and the Cults this, and it has been the source of my
livelihood. But now that I’ve joined Subud
and received the Subud movements, the
Continued from page 7. jiwa can only be awakened through the old movements have completely
grace of Almighty God. All you have to do disappeared. Can they come back or are
For a moment the man looked a little is surrender to the power of Almighty God they gone forever?
doubtful and then he answered: ‘All right I with patience, trustful acceptance and
do not mind at all doing it in front of you,' sincere submission. Bapak replied, ‘Yes, they are gone forever.
and he then sat down to practise samadi. It But don't worry; similar movements will
immediately appeared that his breathing Fortunately, you are old and to some arise within your being, and these will not
was controlled so that soon he did not extent already practised in patience and be initiated by your desires and thoughts,
seem to breathe at all. tranquillity, so when you receive God's as were those you used to receive; they
grace you should just remain surrendered will be moved from within, by the power
Bapak also sat down at the same time but to the power of Almighty God outwardly of God that envelops your being outwardly
Bapak then quietened himself and and inwardly with trustful acceptance and and inwardly.’
surrendered everything to the power of sincere submission. You should not bring
Almighty God. Suddenly the old man methods of any kind into it, like the ones Indeed, quite a few of these energies in
moved and fell down, weeping and asking you have studied, because such methods methods other than Subud are used for
Almighty God for forgiveness for all his just close the opening of the way to your healing. It is quite appropriate if they are
sins. For a while Bapak remained quiet eternal life.' used for that purpose, because what is
and just let the man weep, and then Bapak being healed is just this physical body. So
stood up and called his name. After saying this, Bapak left him. it is appropriate if these energies received
outside of Subud, which can only affect
When the old man got up and was seated This is a short story from Bapak's journey the physical - since they are activated by
again in his previous place, Bapak asked long ago to illustrate that it is out of place the desires that reside in the heart and
him, 'What did you feel just now?' to call the latihan kejiwaan of Subud, thinking - are used for the physical body,
which comes and is present through the since they cannot possibly penetrate
He answered rather hesitantly, 'Yes.. ., grace of Almighty God, an ilmu kebatinan deeper, to the soul.
indeed that was the way I usually practise (esoteric teaching). It is only fitting to say
samadi, but then I felt the presence of that it is latihan kejiwaan received through So, it is in fact quite appropriate if the
something strange which I have never the guidance and direction of God's power, energies in methods other than Subud are
experienced before - that is. I suddenly felt based on complete surrender to the will of used for healing. That is why Bapak says
as though I were pulled upwards and then I Almighty God. that in Subud you should not only
understood no more and felt nothing until Pewarta Special Supplement 3 pp.19-23 emphasise healing, or only expect healing.
finally you called me. So I must ask you: Cilandak, 15 October 1969 Because if you only look for healing, what
what really happened to me and how did it will be healed and repaired will be just
happen?' your physical body; what is most
Bapak replied, 'Such is the limitation of
SUBUD AND HEALERS important for you all is that not just the
physical but the fine part too - meaning the
man's understanding derived from The following passage comes from soul - is repaired.
information or advice he has studied. Volume 10 of Bapak’s Talks
Actually, you can reach the realm of death
with your practices, which means that you ..In fact, in Indonesia, lots of people make
will be dead. But you have not yet reached movements like those we have in Subud,
the point of being able to experience the even children do them, as a kind of game. ORDERS FOR
course of your life, that is, the way your
life continues.
They make these involuntary movements BAPAK'S TALKS
using mantras, and it looks just like what
we do in Subud. Each volume of BAPAK'S TALKS
So when you wept just now and asked
costs £13.00 UK, £14.00 Europe,
Almighty God's forgiveness for your sins, This is in case you want to know whether £16.00 Other
everything happened beyond your outside of Subud there are also the kind of
understanding. This shows that the movements we have in Subud. Of course You can order BAPAK'S TALKS
strength and breadth of human there are. But do not forget that although from
understanding, with its power of they look the same, in reality they are very Subud Publications International
concentration, extends only so far. Beyond different. You need to know and be aware (SPI)
that is the power of Almighty God that outside of Subud there are many Loudwater Farm, Loudwater Lane,
enveloping the self of man outwardly and practices that involve movements that Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 4HG
inwardly, and there too is the jiwa which appear similar to those in Subud. Tel: 01727 762210
becomes the content of your inner self, just
Fax; 01727 858080
beginning to be awakened by the power of To confirm the truth of what Bapak has e-mail:
Almighty God. been saying about the difference between
the movements inside and outside of Methods of Payment
Thus, you really wept and asked for God's Subud: there are many Subud members International Money Order/Draft/UK
forgiveness just now, but your heart and who, before they joined Subud, had Bank Account cheque - payable to:
mind had no power at all, except to received those kinds of movements and Subud Publications International or
observe what was happening. That is why used them for all sorts of things; for Credit Card - MASTERCARD *
the heart and mind cannot be used to find example, to heal the sick, to guide others VISA * AMERICAN EXPRESS
the life which is called the continuation of and to pass the movements on to others.
life after life on earth. This can only be But once they joined Subud and received A LIFE WITHIN A LIFE is now
done and experienced by the jiwa, and the movements in Subud, the movements they out of print.
used to receive disappeared.

8 INNER VOICE - March 2005

newspaper group (not the one on which
Varindra worked) saying:
Subud Comes to Sri Lanka "A person called Pak Subuh who has
started revolutions in several countries is
visiting Sri Lanka. He will not succeed.”
Meteorological changes often
accompany the advent of Subud to a After Bapak’s arrival rumours reached
country. This is the considered view
Some stories Varindra's ears that that there might be an
of an English Subud sister who has from Suren de attempt to deport him. When a worried
lived in Cilandak and travelled with Silva Varindra rushed to tell Bapak about these
Bapak, his family and others sent on reports, Bapak smiled, saying:
Subud missions. "Don’t worry, nothing will happen. If
however, it is God's will that I am forced
Sri Lanka was no exception. One of the to leave, l will go."
Well-lit verandas were on three sides of
stormiest evenings in the island's history the drawing room. Icksan said he would
saw the arrival at the Ratmalana airport of As Bapak had predicted, nothing did
switch off the lights in the drawing room,
Icksan Ahmed and Rachman Pane, two happen, in fact Bapak and his party stayed
presumably to help us feel less self-
emissaries sent by Bapak from lndia. That for over a fortnight. Icksan was there, but
was on 27th December, 1957. The not Ismana and a request by some Sri
following day Muftiah Arnold, Lankan members that Ismana join her
He said we could keep our eyes open or
affectionately named 'Bulbul', joined the husband Icksan in Colombo was turned
closed but that we should quieten our
other two. down by Bapak.
All three of them were guests of Ronald Icksan looked very tired as he left with
He then spoke the words:
and Rohanna Jayatilake in their spacious Bapak for Singapore. Within a week he
"Prepare to submit yourselves to the grace
home at 26, Brownrig Road (now succumbed to a heart attack while opening
of God.... Begin."
Keppitipola Mawatta) Jawatte. People new members there.
who, like me, are interested in I found myself involuntarily genuflecting,
synchronicity - the term Carl Jung coined Varindra and Sir Falil Caffoor flew to
as one of my knees buckled. As I raised
to describe unlikely coincidences - would attend the funeral. Varindra sent a
myself to my original standing position,
find it interesting that jawatte" in Sinhala telegram from Singapore. It read: "Icksan
ripples of ecstasy traversed my body from
means Javanese Garden, and that Bapak, died peacefully. Last words, Allah, Allah"
head to toe. And then, hearing a muffled
during a visit to Colombo some years thud, I momentarily opened my eyes to see
later, said that one of his ancestors by the He later told us that, at the funeral, Bapak
one of the prominent personalities prone
name of 'Jayatilego' had been an army was seated on a grave-stone in the
on the floor. Hardly had I closed my eyes
commander on the island many, many cemetery, singing. He explained to those
again when there was another muffled
years ago! assembled that they might now understand
thud and the second of the famous trio was
his refusal to send for Ismana in Colombo:
on the floor... and it did not take long for
Rachman Pane could take little part in it was to prepare both Icksan and Ismana
the third to follow.
openings. He was unwell (the result of too for what was to follow - Icksan's death.
many openings it was said) and returned to Latihans twice a week for ordinary
India. All the openings therefore were left A few months later, in September 1959,
members and a third for those termed
to Icksan and 'Bulbul' (later Muftiah the Prime Minister was shot at close range.
elders at the time continued for a few
Arnold. Ed.) For 20 hours his life hung in the balance.
months at the Jayatilake residence. The
group then found a new home - a rented
It is on record that between them, when At the time, Varindra was Editor of the
two-storied house in Torrington Avenue,
they left about three weeks later, 345 Ceylon Observer and I was his Front Page
also located in Jawatte.
persons had been opened. Sub editor. Emerging events, never
publicly revealed in Sri Lanka, struck both
It was here, late in 1958, that the Colombo
My own entry into Subud happened on 8th Varindra and myself by their strange
group was able to welcome Bapak, his
January 1958, which I should regard as my paralleling of those earlier statements by
wife lbu, Rochanawati, and his party for
own Year of Grace. this Prime Minister. We had received the
the first time on Sri Lankan soil as they
terrible news of the shooting and were
stopped over on the Island on their way to
That evening as it became dark and the awaiting the outcome.
Europe. Bapak’s entourage included our
house lights had been switched on, Icksan beloved Icksan and his wife Ismana.
came to those of us assembled and said: At my desk I had prepared a possible
Not long afterwards, the then left-of-centre
"Would about ten men who are here for "A surgical miracle saves the Prime
Prime Minister seemed to take an inimical
the first time, please come in." Minister."
stance against Subud. He virtually sacked
the Inspector General of Police, making a
A Kuoni rep. from abroad, a post-office At about seven in the morning of the day
statement in Parliament on the cessation of
worker, a local Muslim businessman and I following the assassination attempt, I was
the I.G.P contract....
were joined by three prominent hastily summoned to Varindra's office. As
personalities as we entered the spacious I entered he was on the phone. He
Extraordinarily, he concluded the sentence
drawing room which had been emptied of beckoned to me to hurry to him. Then I
reported in Hansard, with the words:
all furniture. These dignitaries were: heard him ask the hospital reporter at the
"Even a Subud miracle could not save
- the former Prime Minister, then Leader other end of the phone:
Osmond de Silva".
of the Opposition, the Honourable Dudley
Senanayake "And what were his last words?"
Significantly, when Bapak and his party
- Sir Fatil Caffoor, gem merchant and As he listened on the phone his eyes grew
called again in Colombo earlier that year,
philanthropist larger and larger with amazement and I
on the return journey from Europe, the
- Osmond de Silva, the Inspector General Premier gave an interview to a rival
of the Police... Continued on page 10.

INNER VOICE - March 2005 9

Selected from SUBUD AND THE
Changing One's Some reflections from The book can be purchased from Amazon.
com and from:
Name Simon Monbaron
Simar Enterprises,
P.O. Box 1400, Sutherlin,
OR 97479 USA,

One of the areas where some Subud It is only when I changed my name legally, price $32.95 U.S.
members lack courage and understanding that I realised how often we use our names.
is in the effect that a name has on our own Every time we call on the phone, every Name changes were a top priority with
self and the importance of changing our time we sign cheques orletters or any Bapak. Among the many letters he
name. Even though this is available, some documents. We use our own name many, would receive, letters concerning name
do not take advantage of this real many times every single day. So if our changes would be answered first. This
opportunity. own name has a bad effect on us, that ef- shows that he regarded the effect of the
fect is multiplied by all the times we use it. name of a person as an important factor in
Some others get a name that is correct for It is like inflicting a severe punishment their lives.
their inner self and for their development, upon our own selves because we repeat it
but then only use the name with Subud day and night for the whole length of our Some people wrote to Bapak several times
members, which means that the use of the lives. to request a second name. After some time,
name, and therefore the benefits that some people felt that they had "outgrown"
someone gets, is close to being onexistent. What a punishment. If anyone else would their new name so they would write for
punish us in this manner, we would bitterly another name. Bapak usually obliged and
Still others who changed their name some complain. We would say that whoever is would give another name to the person.
years ago when Bapak was alive are now doing that to us is a ruthless person. But
going back to their former name, which we do this to our own selves constantly. Now that Bapak is no longer with us, Ibu
has a detrimental effect on them. They This is what lack of courage and lack of Rahayu has explained that it is better to ask
went forward for several years and now understanding can do to us. for only one name and then stick to it, and
they are going backward. They will go not go on changing. When one changes his
back to the nature and problems they had We have God's help and guidance avail- or her name, it is a new beginning. To
before changing their names. able to us, but it is as though we don't want change one's name several times, means
to use it. We don't want the guidance. Then that the person starts from the beginning
It is true that one needs courage to change we complain of not getting results or help again and again. When someone asked her
one's name. I changed my name, and it by being in Subud and practicing the lati- why Bapak gave several names, she replied
took some courage to tell people, "My han. that he did not want to disappoint people.
name is now Simon." I changed my name
o completely that my old name Roland is The helpers need to give more explana-
completely forgotten. Even my relatives or tions and ought to test with the members USE AND LEGALISE THAT NEW
my old friends or acquaintances now know and helpers on this matter (Of course one NAME
me only as Simon. To people calling of the problems is that helpers are not
"Roland", after I had changed my name, I really helpers, and they also lack under- a letter from Sudarto Martohudojo, Subud
would say, "Roland is dead." standing of what Subud is and what effect International Secretariat. Published in
our name has on us). Pewarta Vol. 5, No. 4, Nov. 1967.

In answer to your question as to whether it

is important for a person to be called by his
Subud Comes to Sri Lanka new name, Bapak says that if a person's
I returned to my desk and amended my
headline. It now read: name has been changed, it is best, and
Continued from page 9. certainly that person should be called by
PREMIER DEAD his or her new name (that is, the name
could hardly bear the suspense. As he which has replaced his old name), and
replaced the receiver Varindra faced me Even a surgical miracle could not save write it, and call
and said: our late leader. himself by it.

He died saying what sounded like Pak, As he read it before we put the paper to With regard to your question as to whether
Pak, Pak ...!" bed, Varindra looked at me knowingly it is necessary for the women in Subud
and said: whose husbands are not in Subud to inform
After the Premier's condemnation of our their husbands of their new name, Bapak
beloved Pak Subuh, Bapak, we wondered Putha (son), does this headline remind says that it is necessary that a woman
how we could present this to the public at you of what it reminds me?" inform her husband even though he is not
large who would all be eagerly expecting yet in Subud.
to hear those last words. We both nodded as we silently
remembered the Prime Minister's As for your question as to whether it is
I had a sudden flash of inspiration and words about Osmond de Silva: necessary to have one's name changed
said to Varindra: legally, Bapak says that, if it is possible, it
"Varindra, he was a classics scholar. "Not even a Subud miracle could save is best if the name change be made official
Could he have been trying to say 'Pax, Osmond de Silva." And his published and be legalised.
pax, pax - peace, peace, peace'..?" remark that"Pak Subuh... will never
Varindra's round, expressive face, broke succeed in Sri Lanka".
into a smile of relief; "'Brilliant!" he said
"We will run with that"' - Suren de Silva

10 INNER VOICE - March 2005

that God and God’s power are not affected This is so difficult and so deep that it
by the light of the day or by the darkness of would be very hard for anyone today, par-
BAPAK’S TALK the night or by anything whatsoever. On ticularly someone living here in London,
the contrary, the power of God is able to to practise such a thing; all the time he
Continued from page 6. penetrate everything that God has created. would hear cars passing by, the sound of
people walking, the shouting of his chil-
Almighty God. And the condition for Therefore the closeness of God to human dren and the voice of his wife, or he would
being close to God is to surrender, with beings, to all of you, is closer than any- remember that he hasn’t seen some film,
patience, acceptance and willingness to let thing you see, closer than anything you and so on. So it is extremely difficult for
go, as the prophets did - among them Je- hear or anything you can perceive with people today [to deal with this situation]
sus. Jesus once said, ‘The only one whom your senses. The truth is that people are without the help of God that is in accor-
I love and to whom I am ready to sacrifice unable to know God and to see God be- dance with the conditions of human life in
my body and soul is God my Father, cause they are obstructed by their own see- this present age.
whom I worship both in this world and in ing; they are unable to hear the power of
the life after death.’ That is why Bapak God because they are obstructed by their Apart from that, [the way of meditation] is
always recommends that in your latihan own hearing, as well as by their other fac- not in accordance with God’s will for hu-
you should have real faith, and surrender ulties. So this means that whenever you try man beings. Bapak illustrates it in this
with patience and acceptance to the great- to think about God, you yourselves are way: if you received the gift of God and
ness of God, whose power you have re- closing the way whereby God could purify were able to get close to God through the
ceived - although still only to a small de- your thoughts and make them able to un- practise of meditation - through emptying
gree - in this latihan we practise. derstand God’s power. your desires, your heart and mind, and
living in some lonely spot isolated from
When one says that a person knows God, Condition of the Newly Born the world - then you would continue to
or that God is close to them, this does not live like that for ever; and if everyone
mean that all the power of God enters into Bapak compares this state to that of a child were to follow the same way, the world as
them. There are people who, because of newly delivered from its mother’s womb. we know it would be deserted. There
their own wrong understanding, claim When a child is newly born it is unable to would be no more cinemas or aeroplanes,
themselves to be God, to be Allah - to be see the forms or to recognise the sounds of no large buildings such as this one we are
the creator of the human race and the this world. The child is still closely in in at the moment. It would not be neces-
whole universe. touch with its own pure inner feelings, sary for this present world to exist, be-
which are still connected with its soul. This cause people would wish to live only in
But the truth is that the power of God re- is the reason why the child sometimes the forests or on the mountains.
ceived by any person, and which they are looks happy and sometimes looks sad.
able to approach, is in proportion to their Then Difference between Surrender
own strength and to the limit of their hu- As soon as the child begins to be able to and Self Denial
man capacity. For if the whole power and see the forms of this world, to hear, to
reality of God were to enter into a person, smell, and to perceive its atmosphere, little To give an example of this: Bapak once
the earth itself would disappear, because by little the connection between the child, knew a man who was indeed highly gifted;
God’s power is greater than everything its pure feelings and its soul begins to that is to say, he had the power to know
God has created. close. This closes further as the child be- the future, and to know things that cannot
gins to think and to use its heart and de- be understood through the intellect. He
The Difference between Human Beings sires, until in the end the child is more attained these powers through the practice
and God aware of this world than of its life before of self-denial; through fasting and restrain-
coming into this world, or of its own inner ing all his desires. At that time he was still
Therefore, although human beings may self. practising these austerities, and his abili-
attain knowledge reaching to the skies, ties and his awareness were indeed amaz-
they still remain human and can never be This is why Bapak said earlier that human ing.
like God. For however pure and clean a beings are unable to see the power of God
person may be, he or she nevertheless pos- because they are obstructed by their own But later he began to spend a lot of time
sesses desires, a heart and a thinking mind; seeing; that is, by everything they have with people from the city, and began to eat
and the nature of these faculties is that seen from the time they were children until bread, butter and cheese; he began to drink
they like to arrange this and that, to change they grew up. Likewise it is very difficult milk and to eat biscuits that came in a tin,
this and that, and to choose this and that. for people to think about God with their and then his extraordinary powers became
So if a person were to possess power as brain and intellect, because the contents of blocked. It is clear that the faculties ac-
mighty as that of God, maybe they would their brain, heart and feelings consist only quired through this kind of austerity will
change today into a thousand days, so they of experiences encountered throughout disappear when one no longer practises it,
could just keep on working and make a their life, from childhood to old age. for the powers thus attained demand the
large profit. They would want everyone to constant practice of fasting and depriving
bow before them and would regard them So, it is clear that throughout our life the oneself of sleep and all comforts - and no
as nothing more than tools or instruments - influences of the world have penetrated eating butter for the rest of one’s life. So if
which is what happened in the time of the very deeply into our feeling of self. There- you wish to go by that way you will have
pharaohs. Pharaoh, the all-powerful king, fore there is no other way for our inner to refrain from eating bread, butter, cheese
claimed to be God, and treated the rest of feeling to be liberated from all this except and so on. [Laughter.]
the people as tools or instruments. by the way of death. This way has long
been followed and perhaps is still being However, in Subud, brothers and sisters,
This is why it is not possible, and could followed by those who practise semadi or we receive this by the will of God. We
never happen, that all the power of God meditation. Meditation means bringing the receive the contact with God’s greatness
should reside in the self of any human be- desires, the heart and the thinking mind to
ing. For by their very nature human beings a standstill; and to come to this state really
means to die - hence the expression: ‘to die Continued on page 12.
possess desires, a heart and a thinking
mind; whereas all the prophets have said while still in this life’. In Javanese this is
called mati sajroning urip.

SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 11

Black contains no beauty, but contains how you will invest your money when you
seriousness. have plenty of it. Or it is like when you
BAPAK’S TALK buy a lottery ticket - which is, of course,
That is why black garments are usually not certain to win - and you begin to calcu-
Continued from Page 11. worn when attending a funeral or a mar- late, ‘If I win it, I shall buy ten houses near
riage. It signifies that, since the dead per- the road and let them, and with the income
in a state where we are still familiar with son is no longer influenced by anything, from this I won’t need to work; I’ll be able
butter, bread, cheese and so on. So if, nev- the minds of those who attend and accom- to travel around, go to the opera from time
ertheless, we are able to receive this from pany them should not be preoccupied with to time, and so on.’
God, it means that we shall continue to be a lot of thoughts but should be worship-
able to receive it whilst living and working ping God, so that the soul of the one who That is the way the thinking mind works;
as normal people in this world. has died may return directly to God. if we give it free rein it will occupy itself
with all sorts of nonsense. So don’t do
Someone in Indonesia once said to Bapak, Similarly, when people go to a wedding that. Just do your latihan - as long as you
‘Bapak, you are very strange; you still dressed in black, their garments signify a do it diligently and without getting bored.
wear a necktie although you are a spiritual sincerity untouched except by the hope Simply accept what you receive and don’t
man and are supposed to have a noble that the couple will lead a harmonious life have any feeling of being in a hurry or
soul. You still smoke cigarettes and drink and be protected from the influences as- wanting to speed up the process so as to
tea. Sometimes you go to the opera and the sailing them on every side. receive a lot.
cinema; at other times you go to the shops
and so on. For the effect of such influences would be For God’s work in the human self is like
to break the bonds that unite the two peo- opening a way through a series of walls:
Yet all these things are regarded as useless ple. Apart from that, it also implies the the wall of the feelings, the wall of the
and as closing the way to God. Why don’t wish that in coming together, the husband understanding and the wall of conscious-
you allow your beard to grow and lean on and wife may not be disturbed by outer or ness; all of which have been formed and
a stick as those other teachers do, who are worldly influences, so that they may give come into being entirely through the influ-
said to be near to God?’ birth to a child who is not affected by these ences of this world. So Bapak hopes that
influences, and whose inner content is a you will not be in a hurry to understand the
Bapak answered, ‘Oh, no; Bapak is not pure and noble soul. meaning of what you receive. Simply ac-
like that. Bapak is willed by God to be cept it, because when you have reached the
simply as Bapak is - to drink coffee, to eat All these things are symbols for human required stage you will understand it spon-
butter, bread and cheese, also to smoke - life, which you will be able to understand taneously.
because this is what people ordinarily do. through doing the Subud latihan. Eventu-
It will not close my way to God, because ally, you will not merely conform to cus- So, all this means that God comes before
God wills me to be so.’ tom without seeing and being certain of everything that is beginning. The qualities
what is true and what is false, because you of the prophets of old may serve as an ex-
God is All-knowing and All-wise, and God will be taught about everything by God ample. The feeling of their hearts was
gives to human beings in such a way that Himself, through God’s power working opened, their understanding and the aware-
they do not need to withdraw from normal within each one of you; the power that will ness of their soul was opened, but not be-
life. They can truly receive God’s great- bring about all necessary changes within cause they wished for it or studied it. It
ness and the contact with God’s power at you, putting right all that is wrong, and came as a result of God’s grace, based on
all times - whenever they are doing their making whole and perfect whatever is still the purity and cleanness of their hearts and
work, and in every moment of their lives. defective. the sincerity of their worship and faith in
God’s greatness.
Long ago, in the times of the prophets, The Faults We Suffer From
they wore the long shapeless robes that In this way you [too] will eventually reach
were customary in those days because For the faults we have and suffer from the required state. And hopefully, you will
there were no tailors; they allowed their pervade not only our flesh and blood but be able to bring it into this world, resulting
beards to grow because there were no bar- also our understanding and awareness; one in a world filled with general well-being
bers. But nowadays there are barbers and could say they penetrate even into our in- and harmony between human beings who
there are excellent tailors who make well- ner self. Therefore putting them right can- truly worship their God.
cut suits and dresses, which, for instance, not be accomplished quickly; it is certain
you can see at Harrods. to take a lot of time. This is the end of Bapak’s talk this eve-
ning; he will continue it next Saturday. He
Why, then, should people choose and wear You, of course, would like to know and hopes that his short explanation will have
tasteless clothes? That is not the will of understand how to solve the problems you given you some satisfaction. Thank you.
God. They are not the means by which a have within you as soon as possible. But
person can be near to God. No. Those God knows better than you, so God will BAPAK‘S TALKS
means are purity of heart and mind. A man work within you and grant this no slower VOLUME 5
may be well dressed, but if his heart is not or faster than your individual strength will 14 August 1959 - 29 August 1959
good he cannot be near to God, whereas a allow. And if you follow the efforts of CHAPTER 3
person who may not be outwardly impres- your heart and mind to try to speed up
sive but who is pure in heart - that is the what you receive, this may instead bring Available from:
person who can be near to God. you an undesirable experience, known as a Subud Publications International
crisis. Loudwater Farm,
The black clothes and the white clothes Loudwater Lane,
that are traditionally worn when people It is like when you want to be rich but Rickmansworth, Herts.
want to show that they are good, are really don’t do any work; that is to say, your WD3 4HG
symbols. The colour black represents sin- wish remains only in your head, and as UK
cerity that is not affected by anything. you sit and dream, you begin to imagine
what it will be like when you are rich and
12 SUBUD VOICE - March 2005
Ibu Wisnu, “Sri Tentrem”-Setyaningsih, 1930-2002
Sylvia des Tombe remembers a much ya, ya!” My father understood from this seanna Sawrey-Cookson. She proof-read
loved Indonesian Subud member, Ibu that he was finally going to have a son the Indonesian texts. She was also an ac-
Wisnu, “Sri Tentrem”-Setyaningsih, (something he had really wished for; there tive helper. She read widely in the lan-
1930-2002, in this article based on an were already four of us girls!). My brother guages she had mastered; reading was one
interview with Ibu Wisnu’s daughter, Sri was born in Ankara, after the trip. of her favorite activities. She had great
Utami Geiger December 2004… determination and will power. She al-
In 1968, when the time in Turkey was ways seemed to be happy; I never remem-
My mother’s complete name was Sri Ten- over, we all returned to Indonesia. ber my mother being down or sad. Of
trem Setyaningsih Wisnu Brodjohudojo. course she was busy—being the mother of
She was born in Solo, Central Java, on (Mardiningsih, the eldest daughter, adds:) four girls and one son couldn’t have been
April 28, 1930. Mami was one of a family Times were not easy. Indonesia had just easy, but she managed.
of nine: three girls and six boys (she was had a real bloodbath, and my father’s sal-
the youngest of the girls). She married my ary had to stretch a long way. Neverthe- In 1983, my parents went to the Subud
father in 1952. Actually, my parents are less, Mother did her best to ensure that we World Congress in London, at Anugraha. I
first cousins, and I think I remember my got the best education available. Even think that was the first time when Bapak
father saying that when he proposed, he though we didn’t have the “key money” began to appoint international helpers.
was wondering if it was all right for first for me to attend the Tarakanita High Bapak called Mami out of the audience
cousins to marry. He checked if it was School for Girls, Mother fought to have and suggested that she be one of them. My
correct from all points of view, and was me accepted and succeeded. One day, mum was very good with languages. First
told it was OK if the relation was on the sitting on the verandah of our home near a of all, she spoke Javanese and Indonesian,
mother’s side (my grandmothers were sis- rambutan orchard, Mother was close to and then she learned English, German and
ters). desperation. There was no money left, and French. When we lived in Turkey, she
she didn’t know how to feed her family. used to speak Turkish, too. Later, when
My father worked in the Foreign Service. She decided to let go and stop thinking she was working at Ekonid, she did trans-
His first mission, in the late 50’s, was to about it; if she continued, she would just lation jobs at home after work, translating
Bangkok. That is where my father learned give herself a headache! As she sat, a ven- German to Indonesian and vice-versa, and
about Subud. He had been searching al- dor suddenly appeared and asked how English to Indonesian. When she stopped
ready, but he had found nothing suitable. much she would take for the ripe “jengkol” working at Ekonid, she continued with her
Papi’s colleague in the Foreign Service fruit growing in a corner of our garden. translation work. She worked at Ekonid for
was a Subud member and told him about Mother hadn’t even realized that this tree, fifteen years, until she was about 60.
it. When he heard the word “Subud,” Papi whose fruit was used in a favorite Jakarta
asked about the requirements. When the dish, was there! She mentioned a sum, Mother had a problem with her thyroid
answer was: “You just need to believe in and the family was fed. gland and was operated on. The doctors
God,” he said: “OK; I’ll join!” My mother took out some growths, but probably dam-
joined Subud because she didn’t want to My mother also gave lessons in Bahasa aged the vocal chords in doing so. After
be left behind by my father. This was in Indonesia to a lot of Subud members who the operation, Mother’s voice never re-
1957 or 1958, and my parents used to do were living in the Compound, ladies such gained its normal strength. Later, she
latihan together with the couple who as Ibu Sabaria Mutoh from Japan, Salamah started to develop Parkinson’s Disease, but
opened them (all four of them). Later, they Pope, and others. My father continued his it wasn’t diagnosed for a long time. But
discovered that it was not really right to be work with the Foreign Service. what we all remember is that, however
doing so. many times she fell or whatever pain she
We went to Germany, and then, on our was suffering from, Mami was always
My mum became a faithful Subud member return, he retired. My mother took a job positive in her outlook and very brave. She
who did the latihan diligently. As a young with Ekonid, the German Chamber of never lost faith in her chance to recover.
woman, she had had a lot of painful head- Commerce here in Jakarta, which was run
aches. When she joined Subud, the head- by Valentin Willecke. When Valentin of- When Mami died in September of 2002, it
aches disappeared. *Throughout her life, fered her the job, Mami said: “I only was as a consequence of complications of
she lived with full surrender and in a state graduated from High School, I don’t even pneumonia. She developed pneumonia
of receiving: very often, when she was in have that certificate; how can you possibly from a cough, and, because of the Parkin-
difficulty, the solution to that problem hire me?” Nevertheless, Valentin insisted, son’s, which reduces one’s motor skills,
would come to her as and when it was and so she agreed. At that time, she was she could not cough out the phlegm. She
needed. already 45. She took the position as the was taken to the hospital to be treated. It
office manager and then as the accountant. was in the hospital that she told me, seven
My parents moved back to Jakarta from days before she died, that it was her time.
Bangkok in the early 60’s. Next, we She was a very hard-working woman, and She said she had completed her work in
moved to Turkey and Mother became a because she really enjoyed working, she this world and that the angels had come to
helper. There was a Subud woman in An- instilled the concept among her children to pick her up. She gave me advice about the
kara. My father also became a helper as always be productive, to be of use. She funeral. She said: “When people come to
there were people in that area who needed managed the office very well; she even the funeral, do not be sad. Charter a bus to
to be opened, many from Israel. When learned how to do accounting, and not just go to the graveyard, and take it as though
they were living in Turkey, my parents plain accounting, but accounting in several you are all going to a picnic. Bring some
traveled to Germany when Bapak was currencies. The auditors were actually im- ‘nasi bungkus’ (rice in little packets).”
there. In order to get there, they drove in a pressed by her work. The family gathered together in the hospi-
little Volkswagen all across the Eastern tal, and Mami also called my sister in
block countries with another couple from After work, Mami would help the transla- Frankfurt. She told her not to rush to Ja-
Turkey; it was an adventure! My father tion unit at Wisma Subud translating some karta as she had just been there.
later said that, when he was doing latihan of Bapak’s talks; she would check the
Continued on page 14.
with Bapak in Germany, Bapak said, “Ya, translations with Sofyan Brugger and Ro-
SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 13
Continued from page 13.
Continued from page 1. Continued from page 4.
It was like a goodbye call. After that, she
talked to each of us, one by one, about men and women to go for any job avail- 3. Why not?
how we should proceed with our lives. In able to meet their day to day living costs.
most of her advice, she said never to stop Quite a number of them have agreed to go 4. I would add extending the terms of all
doing the latihan. She gave appropriate, for domestic works. The local Domestic officers/helpers three months to assure a
different advice for each of us. Even Workers Forum is informed to streamline continued functioning committee and
though she had Parkinson’s, Mami’s voice them for jobs. smooth transition - often it takes a chair or
was strong and confident. When she spoke committee a whole year to get the hang of
to my children, she switched to English The men are running to the government to the job. I strongly believe we are missing
(my husband is Australian). She spoke rebuild their homes and other papers to get the boat completely with the purpose and
very clearly to them. Mami also asked back the fishing nets, small boats etc. function of the Wings. They are there to
about her friends; she wanted to contact Once they are able to secure some assis- serve the organization and the membership
those whom she hadn’t seen for a long tance from the government, then SD-India through collaboration and working on pro-
time. She wanted to leave everything in a along with this local group, Nalanda jects together.
good way. She called a friend whom she Charitable Trust will come forward to re-
had forgotten to invite for her birthday; she build their home. 5. SD is not equipped nor is it its mission
felt really bad and wanted to apologize. to do this kind of work. The current or-
Recommendation: At the moment they ganization is adequately set up to acquire
My father was with her, and Mami said, want assistance to rebuild their livelihood. the information needed to be aware of the
“I’m going first (“Saya pergi duluan”), but This is the most pressing need. Right now needs and health of the organization on all
we will meet again. Do not be in a rush to I request all SD-nationals to give whatever levels. But it will only function properly
see me!” Now I think that what my mother they can to support this small initiative. I when all the dewans are healthy and func-
meant was that it was her wish that Papi would like to thank SD-Australia's contri- tioning. I believe this is the primary work
should enjoy the remainder of his life, do- bution of 500 Australian Dollars. SD-India we must focus on in the next four years.
ing what he loves to do. has raised Rs 15,000 /- and Subud-India Then Subud will grow and prosper. And
has pledged Rs 10,000. we must also engage the skills of the
Mami’s condition got worse over the next Wings in projects together.
few days. The doctor urged that she be put FROM ACEH
in the ICU. She had said “No” to that op- 6. The men at Menucha recently tested:
tion, but somehow, we felt a kind of hope The American Subud charity American What is the role of members of grandpar-
that, if she went into the ICU, she would Overseas Medical Aid Association ents’ age, of members who are of parent-
get better. When my father and I visited (AOMAA) is working with another or- ing age and of young people in Subud?
her there, my mother whispered to him, The most outstanding for me was feeling
ganization to help survivors in Aceh.
“How come the scenario has changed?”
Here is a report from Peter Perry who is the incredible vitality and energy of the
When I walked out of the ICU, I felt, “This
the AOMAA courier/Field Representa- young people.
is not what my mother wanted.” We de-
tive. He is working with Dr Jack and Dr
cided, my sisters and I, to take her back to
Julia who have set up a health center in a I did some testing with the national youth
her room. It was such a difficult thing to
do, but it had also been a great problem school and are taking care of the rural chairs during our preparations for the
not to be able to visit her freely as she people. CARING congress last year. The latihan
wanted. and testing energy was absolutely electric.
Lucia Cargill of AOMMA writes, “They I still think of myself inside as youthful
Mami was moved to her previous room the are our Medical Field Reps and the ongo- but though I could feel how I had become
next morning, and later on Ibu Rahayu ing recipients of AOMAA donations. This more balanced and wider I was also fixed
came to visit. Ibu Rahayu just sat quietly, clinic is our project. As they need much and rigid.
and my sisters, Muti, and I were there. We more to sustain the clinic, I am seeking
were in a quiet latihan. After half an hour, partnerships with other organizations, So young people are an essential part of
Ibu said, “Ya, baik. Ibu baik-baik too. I have presented the situation to our body. We must make generous room
saja” (these may not have been her precise Adopt-a-Doctor in Rhode Island, and am for them to be themselves, make mistakes
words, but she was saying that Mami was waiting for their decision.” and learn in their own ways. SYA and the
fine, maybe meaning her way was open). brave folks that serve in the youth leader-
Peter Perry writes… ship positions must be made a real part of
Then, at around lunch time, Mami passed the national dewans and know they are not
away peacefully. It was such a beautiful As we pass over the mountainous heart of out there on their own.
experience for me, because I was suddenly Sumatra the views are breathtaking. The
transported into a state of latihan. It was pilot jokingly reminded the passengers not
very blissful and light and happy. I think to smoke as we held our breath against the Haris Wolfgang later added the
that was just a wonderful passing. She had fumes rising from the cargo of generators following:
said to me a few days previously, that and fuel. Coming in to land on the shat-
when you die, it is just like entering the tered Meulaboh runway beauty turned to ISC and WSC are not at the top of the or-
next room. I said, “Mami, when you die, I chaos. Mile upon mile of foundations ganizational structure, but truly in the cen-
am really going to miss you.” She an- swept clean. Coconut trees laid down in tre the horizontal dynamic which repre-
swered, “When I die, I will be even closer rows just like the pictures of destruction sents the subud family, facilitating com-
to you!” This is true, because I feel very surrounding Mount St Helens. munication passing through the centre and
close to my mum. back linking us together.
Continued on page 15.
* Contributed by Setiawati (Sati), one of
the other children of Ibu Wisnu.
SUBUD VOICE - May 2004
14 SUBUD VOICE - March 2005
BAPAK’S Hillel Natanson remembers
Pierre Eliot…
ited Pierre in London during these declin-
ing years commented that he still experi-
ASCENSION I have just learned in the hour that Pierre
enced moments of tremendous lucidity
that served as reminders of how pro-
Eliot passed away the morning of January foundly insightful a mind this man pos-
2. He was aged around 91 or 92. sessed. I have no doubt he is missed by
Previously we have written about Istigo- the many people whose lives he touched
mah Jenkins’ fabric art enterprise which You may have already learned this from and guided.
she began in Kalimantan where she took other sources, but if not, now you know. I
children’s drawings and turned them into don't know whether or not you knew him, He leaves behind his widow Vivian, and a
fabric objects such as dolls, cushions and because I wasn't around in Subud in the large number of children. One of his
wall hangings. early days, and don't know so much about daughters is a practising Subud member in
it. But just in case you don't know, he was England, or at least she was as of a few
We also wrote about how Isti took a draw- John G. Bennett's nephew, and Bapak years ago.
ing by Freeman Wyllie of Central Austra- asked Pierre to be International Secretary
lia and turned it into a wall hanging. At the of Subud for two years, I believe, back in Hillel Natanson, <>
recent Subud Australia Congress this was the early days. It was something like from
auctioned and made a total of AUD$2,000 1961 to 1963. Pierre was very involved
which was donated to support the travel of with Subud then, but left Subud the same
Asian delegates to the World Congress. time that John Bennett did. I do know that TSUNAMI
he continued to do latihan in later years,
There was a fine poetic twist to the story and had great respect for Subud and for
because the wall hanging went to Interna- Bapak. Continued from page 14.
tional Helper Arifah Burra who lives in
I knew Pierre from my eleven years in the I am reminded of the bombed villages of
Central Australia. Arifah and her husband
Gurdjieff Work. He was the Director of “Saving Private Ryan”. Helicopter over-
Laksar have recently bought a property
Studies at Claymont, a residential school head, craters and a blasted landscape.
near Alice Springs where they plan to start
a tourism-orientated enterprise featuring in West Virginia which offered nine-
month intensive courses to give students a Beside the runway a cluster of tents look
their star talks.
chance to really experience the ideas and like an REI display gone wrong. Pitched
methods of Gurdjieff. Claymont was under a roof that is all that remains of the
These star talks, which present a wonder-
founded the same year Bennett died, and only structure left standing, I greet a team
ful guide to the stars, have proved ex-
overlapped for one year with Sherborne, of very tired looking American pilots.
tremely popular with visitors to Australia’s
the similar school Bennett ran in England. Each day they fly sorties delivering food
aid using the broken remnants of roads as
Pierre was a physicist, an inventor and was landing strips.
The talks combine a mixture of science
and mythology, including Aboriginal very dedicated to the Gurdjieff Work. He
was a great judge of character. I remem- Our twisted truck, both headlamps broken,
dreamtime lore.
ber some of us at Claymont called him weaves among a ghostly landscape of stray
"Ole Eagle Eye". He could be quite tough animals, stunned people and wreckage.
Thus, the wall hanging which originated in
with people, but one always felt great Everywhere small red and white Indone-
Central Australia has returned to its right-
compassion and wisdom beneath this exte- sian flags mark the last remains of those
ful home and will hang in the Milky Way
rior. He was very circumspect about his lost to the 20 foot high surge.
Café on the Burra’s property.
own affairs, which resulted in many ru-
mours. Two which I believe to be true On arrival I am given one of the best beds
Buoyed up by this success, Isti wants to go
were: That he served in the underground in the camp. My place of honor is the sur-
forward with a new idea.
resistance in France during the Second gery floor.
She would like to do a large wall hanging World War (he was fully bilingual in
French and English), and that he invented Today's first case is a 4 year old girl bitten
depicting Bapak’s ascension to be auc-
a very specialised machine that was used by a monkey. Despite the pain she left
tioned at the World Congress. The money
in making some of the extraordinary clutching a small doll, one of only a few
raised will go to continue the development
graphics in Stanley Kubrick's film small things for kids collected on
of her “Fabric Art” project in Kalimantan.
"2001: A Space Odyssey." Bainbridge, that I managed to cram into
a backpack full of medicines. There was
So Isti is inviting anyone to submit an il-
Pierre had a love for mountains, Native no room on the plane for luxuries.
lustration depicting Bapak’s ascension.
American artifacts, and a very special in-
terest in and understanding of Tibetan cul- The backpack was a last minute gift of
It will be remembered that Isti’s project
ture and religious practices. He was one of supplies from Peter Lindsay, filled with
has a strong “susila dharma” component in
the first Westerners to make the pilgrim- energy food The fruit, leather and raisins
providing training and employment for
age of Mt. Kailash in Western Tibet in the are long gone to refugee camps outside
Dayak women in Kalimantan.
1980's after the Chinese opened it to some Medan and the pack has now become a
foreigners then. When I made this same mobile medical kit for an aid team leaving
The story of the enterprise is now available
pilgrimage this past year in August, I for Calang.
on DVD. For more detail write to:
Isti or to 73 Clareville could feel his presence on the trail.
The next patient winces as Dr Julia goes to
Road, UKI, NSW 2484, Australia.
He suffered from Alzeimer's Diseases in work with sutures. The injured man has
his last years. But many people who vis- Continued on page 16.

SUBUD VOICE - March 2005 15

EVENTS TSUNAMI Yamba Yamba Orchestra - ‘Rainstorm’ £11.00
Robert Millard ‘Piano Recital 2 (Chopin)’ £11.00
MARCH Continued from page 15. Adrienne Thomas ‘Speaking In Tongues’ £11.00
Harlan Cockburn ‘Ship Without Rudder’ £11.00
5: WORLD LATIHAN Leonard Paice ‘The Ashgrove’ £11.00
been drilling wells outside the surgery,
21:00 (CET) - 20:00 (GMT)
trying to improve on the brown water Prices include postage anywhere.
10 – 13: Spirit of Enterprise Meeting at used for everything from cooking to (Credit Card option on website)
Seven Circles Retreat, Badger, California, bathing. His co-workers are melting DJC Records
USA. sections of PVC pipe over a fire of card- 104 Constitution Hill,
or board boxes trying to make well cas- Norwich, NR34 BB UK.
24-26: Zone 3 Meeting at Pelham House
in Lewes, UK. Deadline for registration Surgery takes place on a board swabbed
February 23rd, 2005. Check NEWS for with alcohol lying across a bucket half
Registration Information. Check MORE full of soiled dressings. There is enough
for Registration Form disinfectant thanks to supplies left by the WORLD LATIHANS
Singapore air force. Malaria pills are in
APRIL short supply and reports are coming in of
21:00 (CET) - 20:00 (GMT)
more cases further up the valley.
4:00 (CET) - 3:00 (GMT) Six doctors and paramedics sleep here 4:00 (CET) - 3:00 (GMT)
among old pallets stacked with medi-
28-May 2: Active Spirit Meeting at cines. Luckily the abandoned trade MAY 1: WORLD LATIHAN
Loudwater Farm, UK. school was available for Dr. Jack's 50 12:00 (CET) - 10:00 (GMT)
volunteers. His team includes child psy-
MAY chologists, doctors, paramedics and help- To find the corresponding time
ers. The team now maintains a clinic and in your part of the world go to:
1: WORLD LATIHAN two mobile field hospitals serving camps
12:00 (CET) - 10:00 (GMT) in 4 villages.

5-8: Two days Kejiwaan Gathering The money we delivered was distributed SUBUD VOICE
followed by two days Subud Norway quickly to buy vegetables that have been is published monthly.
Annual Meeting. in short supply. Our 3 bottles of Be-
tadyne now make a total of 10 lined up DEADLINE FOR
27-30: USA National Gathering in Estes along the clinic walls. Cash donations NEXT ISSUE:
Park, Rocky Mountains, Colorado. from Bainbridge also enabled two more

mobile hospitals and financed the whole
operation for another 2 weeks.
15 March 2005
4: WORLD LATIHAN The third case of the day is a man who Send to Harris Smart,
22:00 (CET) - 20:00 (GMT) hobbles in on crutches made of bamboo Editor Subud Voice, preferably by email to or
and electric tape. He must come every
JULY 73 Clareville Rd, Uki, NSW, 2484, Australia.
day to have his dressings changed. Tel: + 61 2 6679 4020
3: WORLD LATIHAN The Singaporean field hospital wanted to SUBSCRIPTIONS:
5:00 (CET) - 3:00 (GMT) amputate, so he came here. With hours of Bradford Temple, PO Box 311,
Dapto, NSW, 2530, Australia
21 - Aug 4: 12TH SUBUD WORLD care the volunteers have managed to save Email:
CONGRESS - in Innsbruck, Austria. his leg but not his spirits. He fondles a Fax: + 61 2 4262 1725
For full information and registration: photo of his missing son and waits until
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