T Loop Faulkner1989

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J. Biomechanics Vol. 22, No. 611, pp. 637647, 1989.

c 1989 Pergamon Press plc
Printed in Great Britain




*Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada: tSuite
520, 11044-82Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta,Canada

Abstract-This study considers the effectsof several parameters on the force/moment systems produced by
T-loop retraction sp’rings.The springs are studied by using the finite element method and by experimentally
measuring the forces and moments from the various designs. The results show that varying the spring height
can produce larger moment to force ratios as the height increases. Changes in the preactivation bends result
in unsymmetric moment characteristics and also produce large intrusive/extrusive forces. The addition of
helices at the bends did little to alter the springs’ mechanical characteristics.

INTRODUCTION (Haack and Weinstein, 1963; Christiansen and Bur-

stone, 1969). If the clinician desires the incisor to be
The segmented arch technique for space closure gen- retracted along the imaginary occlusal plane, displa-
erally uses a retraction spring which applies a cing it with a center of rotation at infinity (thereby
force/moment (couple) system to portions of the den- achieving translation) he would have to supply a M/F
tal arch consisting of a front or anterior segment ratio of 10/l at the bracket slot. This force system
(usually incorporating cuspid and incisor teeth) and a would be equivalent to placing a single force at the
rear or posterior segment (incorporating molar and center of resistance. If the clinician desires a center of
bicuspid teeth). The spring is placed between these rotation at the apex of the tooth root (controlled
two segments to close space created by the selective tipping) or nearer the center of resistance (uncontrol-
extraction of certain teeth, usually first or second led tipping) then he must produce a force system with
bicuspids. If the incisor teeth are considerably crowd- a M/F ratio less than 10/l. On the other hand if he
ed then the cuspid is retracted posteriorly separately desires a center of rotation at the crown of the tooth
to provide adequate arch length for the alignment of (root movement) then he requires a M/F ratio greater
the front incisor teeth. Following the alignment of all than 10/l [see Fig. l(c)].
cuspid and incisors these teeth are retracted en masse The T-loop design, shown in Fig. l(d), is very com-
in an anterior segment until all of the extraction site monly employed to deliver the proper ratio of mo-
space is closed. One technique used to accomplish this ment to force (M/F) necessary for the desired’ tooth
movement is shown in Fig. 1. displacement. Before application, the spring geometry
In Fig. l(a) a retraction spring is shown attached to is adjusted by adding certain bends to the design
the auxillary tubes of a bracket on a first molar (preactivation bends). The spring is then positioned
(posterior segment) and a bracket on a cuspid (an- and activated between the cuspid and molar attach-
terior segment) for en masse retraction. The initial T- ment tubes (interbracket distance) to produce vari-
loop design was preactivated by bending and then ations in the delivered force systems. Several of the
activated to produce a certain force system at the parameters of the T-loop including the spring height,
attachment points. the placement of the spring within the interbracket
A tooth or group of teeth in a segment possesses a distance (clamping position), the amount of preactiv-
center of resistance defined as that point at which an ation and axial activation can be changed to appreci-
applied force would produce translation. For a single ably alter the force/moment system delivered to the
rooted tooth this center of resistance is approximately arch segments. The aim of this study is to quantify the
0.33 of the distance from the alveolar crest to the apex effects of these parametric changes on the force/
of the root (Burstone, 1962,1984; Smith and Burstone, moment system produced.
1984). As seen in Fig. l(b) an average incisor possesses Previous investigations have considered the meas-
a center of resistance approximately 10 mm away urement and prediction of the force/moment systems
from the bracket slot. Since the clinician must confine from various orthodontic appliances. The exper-
the application of the force system to the bracket imental apparatus developed by Solonche et al. (1977)
attached to the tooth he requires the precise metering allowed limited measurements of the axial force
of the forces and moments to achieve the desired (along the line of direction of activation) and moments
tooth displacement. The center of rotation describes perpendicular to the plane of the spring. These meas-
the point about which a body (such as a tooth) rotates urements were in good agreement to the theoretical
predictions of Koenig et al. (1980) for non-preacti-
Received in final from 6 July 1988. vated T- and rectangular loops over a range of axial


OP=Occlusal Plane
a b C=Alveolar Crest
F=Force (Axial)
A=Apex of Root
CR-Center Of Resistance



(Mwng 1st Blcuspld)

12 mm
3mmL I----(
+ T f height (9 mm)

A=Uncontrolled Tippmg
. =Center of Resistance
B=Controtled Tippmg
O=Center of Rotation
0 D=Root Movement

<10/l 10/l >lO/l 0 2mm
Ratio ’

Fig. 1. Space closure technique using a retraction spring. (a) Segmented arches with retraction spring,
(b) center of resistance position, (c) effect of moment to force ratio, (d) T-spring with no preactivation.

activations. This apparatus was further utilized in method has also been used to model the entire
several studies of T-loop springs including that of tooth-appliance-alveolar structure (Miyakawa et al.,
Sachdeva (1983). 1985). The interaction between the appliance and the
Another instrument for measuring the force system teeth has been modelled so that the initial movement
produced by orthodontic appliances was designed of the entire system could be evaluated.
and constructed by Paquien (1978). This system was The present study concentrates on the force/
built around a triangular base plate which resolved moment systems produced by preactivated T-loop
the force system into three forces parallel and three springs. A preactivated spring, unlike the T-loop in
forces perpendicular to the edges of the equilateral Fig. l(d), has additional bends with the resulting
base. This apparatus was used in studies by Sullivan shape as shown in Fig. 2(a). These springs are used by
(1982) for alignment wires by Lock (1980) for cuspid first bringing them to a neutral position in which the
retraction mechanisms. ends are colinear with no axial force applied to the
The numerical studies used to evaluate appliances spring. In the neutral position there will be only a
have employed various techniques. Waters (1975) couple applied at each end. To properly activate the
idealized the appliance as an assembly of straight spring it is extended in the axial direction. The three
beams then analyzed each segment by simple beam positions, undeformed, neutral and fully activated are
theory. Yang (1973) outlined a finite element formu- shown in Fig. 2(b) in a computer simulation for one-
lation and this procedure was applied to a vertical half of a spring. The complexities involved in starting
loop and to one with multiple helices by Yang and from the undeformed shape and first searching for the
Baldwin (1974). A finite difference scheme was used by neutral position before considering the axial activ-
Koenig and Burstone (1974) for several appliances ation, caused the computer simulations to require
including a vertical loop. More recently, Greif et al. excessively long runs. For example, the simulation
(1982) described a three dimensional finite element shown with the calculations of forces and moments
approach in which orthodontic springs were modelled required 26,4-node isoparametric elements. The total
with straight beam elements. Geometrically nonlinear of 79 nodes.[see Fig. 2(b)] took in excess of 1 h on the
problems were analyzed using an updated lagrangian AMDAHL 5870 Computer. The large amount of time
incremental formulation and an iterative was made necessary because only small steps in the
(Newton-Raphson) procedure. This approach was forces could be taken to limit the rotations occurring
again applied to a vertical loop. The finite element in each step. Because of the excessive computer time
Force/moment systems of T-loop retraction springs 639

and the prescribed activation of up to 7 mm (3.5 mm

to each half) was applied [see Fig. 2(b)].


Force/moment/displacement apparatus
In order to evaluate the force/moment system pro-
duced by a particular spring, the experimental appar-
atus was designed to measure forces and moments at
one end while the activation (displacements) was
measured at the other. The basic design is shown
schematically in Fig. 3. The forces and moments are
determined using the cross resolver which is in turn
suspended from six pairs of ‘binocular’ load cells. The
output from these load cells is monitored by a multi-
channel strain indicator and converted into moments
and forces by an IBM personal computer. At the same
time the displacemets of the other end of the spring
were measured using digital micrometers.
The key component in the apparatus is the load
cells which were carefully machined to give the proper
outputs for the forces expected. These ‘binocular’
Fig. 2. Preactivated T-spring configurations. (a) Undefor-
med shape, (b) simulated undeformed, neutral and fully ac- beams which have been briefly described by the
tivated shapes. Measurements Group (1985), were matched into pairs
and the wire joining them pretensioned to approxi-
mately one-half the transducers’ linear range. The cell
required for the preactivated springs, numerical re- was assembled by passing these wires through the
sults are compared to experimental data for only a cross resolver and fixing the wire to the resolver.
limited number of cases. More extensive experimental Because of the load cell design, the displacement of
investigations considered the effect of varying spring the resolver (and therefore the one end of the spring)
height, preactivation angles, offsetting the clamping was less than 0.1 mm under maximum load. As the
positions and the use of additional spiral winds of deflection measured at the other end would be in the
wire (helices) in the appliance. order of 5 mm, the error in neglecting this movement
would be approximately 2%. A more complete de-
scription of the apparatus is given by Faulkner et al.
The instrument was calibrated using dead weights
The numerical analyses of the springs were con-
applied in the various directions. The apparatus was
ducted using the ADINA finite element package
able to measure forces up to 5 N with an accuracy of
(1984). Geometrically nonlinear analyses were used
3.6% and moments of 40 Nmm with an accuracy of
because of the large displacements and rotations
4.5%. The resolution of forces was 0.003 N in the y
which can occur. Even though the displacements
direction and 0.005 N in the x and z directions. The
could be relatively large, the strains were assumed to
corresponding resolutions for moments are 0.06 Nmm
be infinitesimal so that a linear constitutive relation-
(y-axis) and 0.10 Nmm (x and z axes).
ship was employed.
A numerical simulation was done for a preactivated
TMA (titanium molybdenum alloy) spring with a Parametric studies
0.017 x 0.025 in. (0.43 x 0.64 mm) cross-section. The In order to evaluate the effect of various parameters
values of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio were on the force/moment system generated, four series of
taken as 69 GPa and 0.31 respectively (see Goldberg preactivated springs were constructed from 0.017 x
et al., 1983). The sequence modelled numerically in- 0.025 in. TMA wire.
cluded clamping the spring at an interbracket distance Series I: spring height variations. This series of
of 19 mm (each clamp was 2.0 mm from the activation springs, shown in Fig. 4(a), varied in height from 5 to 8
bends) deforming it to the neutral position (i.e. the mm before preactivation. With the exception of the
clamping positions have parallel slopes and there is variation in spring height, the dimensions of the T-
no axial load applied) and then activating it in the springs before preactivation bends were incorporated
axial (z) direction to increase the interbracket distance were identical to the spring of Fig. l(d). Each spring
by increments up to 7 mm. The program was run to was clamped at a distance of 2 mm from the activation
allow the calculation of the moments necessary to bends nearest the ends, deformed into the neutral
maintain the neutral position. It was then restarted position and then activated to increase the inter-
640 M. G. FAULKNER et at..


Fig. 3. Schematic and free-body diagram of measurement system.

lined above. However, as the springs were unsym-

metric, the moments created at the a and B ends were
different. This difference in moments meant that there
would also be forces perpendicular to the axial
(activation) direction and in the plane of the spring.
These forces, described as extrusive or intrusive forces,
are not present in symmetric designs.
Series III: non-centered bracket placement. It is also
possible to create a difference in the moments applied
at each end by clamping a symmetric spring un-
symmetrically. This will again give rise to the
intrusive/extrusive forces at each end. This effect was
b) Activation Angle Varlstions evaluated by testing the 8 mm spring (series I)
clamped at a distance of 6 mm from the activation
bends and subsequently offset by 2 and 4 mm towards
the a side [see Fig. 4(c)]. Each of the springs were
w h=Bmm tested four times in a manner similar to previous tests.
Series I VI addition of helices. The fourth parameter
evaluated was the addition of a single helix turn (inner
m h=smm
diameter 2 mm) at each of the upper ends of the 6 and
d) Addition of Helicss
8 mm springs [Fig. 4(d)]. Each spring was tested four
times with each end clamped 2 mm from the activ-
Fig. 4. Spring design variations evaluated. (a) Spring height ation bends. As these were symmetric springs the only
variations, (b) preactivation angle variations, (c) non- forces were axial.
centered bracket placement, (d) addition of helices.

bracket distance by 7 mm. Four tests were conducted RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
on each spring.
Series II: preactiuation angle variations. In this ser- The results reported below include a comparison of
ies four springs based on variations of the 8 mm the finite element numerical procedure and the exper-
design in series I were constructed as shown in imental results for both non-preactivated and pre-
Fig. 4(b). The a and B angles, originally both 30”, were activated symmetric springs. Additional experimental
varied to produce the four unsymmetric designs studies investigated the effect of the geometrical par-
shown. The springs were mounted and tested as out- ameters described above.
Force/moment systems of T-loop retraction springs 641

---- Theoretical - - - - Theoretical

g 1.5

; 1.0

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 5. Comparison of previous and current force-moment relationships for non-preactivated spring.
(a) force-deflection, (b) momenkieflection.

Comparison of numeiical and experimental investiga- = 11.4 mm) then adding the activation required
tion (7 mm). The IBD is then (19.0- 11.4 + 7) 14.6 mm.
A summary of the results for the non-preactivated A linear numerical analysis of the displacement to
stainless steel spring [see Fig. l(d)] are given in the neutral position predicted a displacement of only
Fig. 5 (a), (b). This figure shows both the experimental 2.76 mm compared to the nonlinear answer of 5.89. As
and numerical values from the current study as well as the rotations are now relatively large the linear anal-
those reported by Koenig et al. (1980) for a similar ysis is no longer useful. From the neutral position to
spring. Also included are the results obtained using complete activation resulted in the forces and mo-
the linear option in the ADINA package. ments shown in Fig. 6. While the nonlinear numerical
All of the results show good agreement for both the scheme shows an overprediction, the general agree-
force and moment over the activation tested (2.0 mm). ment is within 15% which is sufficient from a practical
In fact, the linear approximation also gives satis- viewpoint.
factory results. This is to be expected as the deflections
and rotations for this case are relatively small. There Parametric experimental studies
is some difference between the current study and those Series I: effects of spring height variations. The
previously reported by Koenig. It is possible that shape of the 5,6,7 and 8 mm high springs is shown in
these differences are at least partially due to variations Fig. 4(a) while a summary of the results is given in
in the geometry between those previously reported Fig. 7. Figure 7(a) shows the axial forces and 7(b)
and the current results. shows the moments generated by the activations from
The second numerical experimental comparison the neutral position of each spring. Generally, as the
was done for the preactivated TMA spring shown in height increases the force decreases much more rap-
Fig. 2(a). The spring was symmetrically clamped at an idly than the moment. As an example at an activation
interbracket distance of 19 mm, loaded with moments of 4 mm the force delivered by the 5 mm spring was
until the neutral position was reached (the clamping 2.8 times that for the 8 mm spring while the corre-
points now had the same slopes) and then activated sponding increase in moment was only a factor of 1.3.
axially to increase the interbracket distance by 7 mm Figure 7(c) shows the corresponding increase of the
from the neutral position. This sequence is shown in moment to force (M/F) ratio as the height of the
Fig. 2(b). From the original position the clamping spring is increased. The results also indicated that
points (on one-half the spring) rotated 67” to reach the the 8 mm spring has the highest ratio throughout the
neutral position. During the same period the inter- entire range of activation. It is also seen that a M/F
bracket distance on the same one-half spring de- ratio of z 10 is possible with an 8 mm spring even
creased by 5.89 mm. The prescribed activation of with an activation of 7 mm. It should be noted that
7 mm (3.5 mm on one-hall) was then applied. While these comparisons are based on the activations from
the numerical results showed a decrease of 5.89 mm, the neutral positions and do not consider that each
the experimental results showed 5.7 mm. This means spring has a somewhat different activated IBD.
that the spring tested is designed for an interbracket Table 1 is a summary of the M/F ratios and inter-
distance (IBD) of 14.6 mm for a total activation of bracket distances (IBDs) at full activation (7 mm).
7 mm. This is calculated by taking the original IBD of Series II: effect of preactivation angle variations. By
19 mm and subtracting the decrease of distance varying the preactivation angles, it is possible to pro-
necessary to reach the neutral position (2 x 5.7 mm duce different moments while essentially maintaining
642 M. G. FAULKNERet al..

0 Experimental 0 Experimental
- Non-linear .L
- Non-linear
1.fi- /

E 1.0l-


a b
0 & I , 1 1 I I 0 I I 1 I I 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 6. Numerical and experimental results for preactivated T-spring. (a) Force-deflection from neutral
position, (b) moment-deflection from neutral position.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

q =5mm
25 0 =6mm
40 -
A =7mm
P \ 0=6mm
E 20

5 15
2 10

I I I I I 1
0 0
0123456 0 123456

Fig. 7. Effect of spring height variation on force/moments produced. (a) Force-deflection, (b) moment-
deflection, (c) M/F ratio-deflection.

the same force vs axial activation relationship. Fur- the axial ones but ones which are in the plane of the
ther, if this variation is done in an unsymmetric man- spring. These additional forces would be responsible
ner, the moments produced at each end will be differ- for intrusive/extrusive forces applied to the arch seg-
ent. Because of differences in end moment these un- ments which would not occur in symmetric designs.
symmetric springs generate forces perpendicular to The effects of unsymmetrically varying the preactiv-
Force/moment systems of T-loop retraction springs 643

Table 1. Effect of spring height variations ation angles are illustrated in Fig. 8 for the four
springs shown in Fig. 4(b). For the four cases shown
Spring Fully activated M/F ratio
(all based on an 8 mm height), the axial force is shown
height IBD full activation
in Fig. 8(a). The relationships between the amount of
(mm) (mm) (mm)
activation and the axial force produced are all close to
5 17.5 5.22 each other and to the result shown earlier for the
6 18.5 6.48 8 mm spring.
7 19.0 8.23
The intrusive/extrusive forces (F,, in the x-
8 19.5
direction, Fig. 3) produced by these designs are shown

a Activation Angles
3.0 q :a:~“;p=300
0 =a=90”:/3=30”
0 = a = 600; p=_30”

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Activation Angles
Activation Angles
q = (I = 600: PZ30”
0 = (x = 90”; P-30”
0 = (I = 600; p-30”

o I 2 3
4 5
6 7
0 1 2 3
4 5
6 7

Activation Angles
0 =a = 60’; B=30° Activation Angles
0 : (I = 90”; flE30” q =a=6OQ:6=3O0
60- * : 0 60”;
q p-30”



OOW 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 8. Effect of preactivation angle variations on force/moments produced. (a) Axial forcedeflection,
(b) intrusive force (F&deflection, (c)moment (a end)deflection, (d) moment (b endweflection, (e) M/F
ratio (a end), (f) M/F ratio (/? end).
644 M. G. FAULKNER et al..

in Fig. 8(b). As the a and /I angles are changed, these The moments produced at the a and /I ends are
forces increase as the changes from the symmetric shown in Fig. 8(c) and (d). In general, compared to the
situation increase. These intrusive/extrusive forces symmetric case, altering the a angle mainly affects the
tend to be approximately constant over the entire moments produced at the a end while changing fl
range of activations. In fact, for the most nonsym- affects the /I moments. For example, for a = 60” and
metric design (a = W, fi = - 30”) these forces are large 90” the a moments increased 20 and 50% respectively
enough to cause rapid intrusive/extrusive tooth move- from the symmetric case. The change in the ,!I mo-
ment. ments for these alterations [see Fig. 8(d)] was very

Placement b
0 = centered
2.0 0 = 2 mm offset 0 = 2 mm offset
A = 4 mm onset A = 4 mm offset

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
OO 1234567

0 1 2 3 4
6 7


50- W-

40 -

30- 30 -

20 -

10 10 -

‘0 1 2 3 4 5 6 OO_

Fig. 9. Effect of non-centered bracket placement on forces/moments produced. (a) Axial forc+deflection,
(b) intrusive forc+deflection, (c) moment (a end)-deflection, (d) moment (B endeeflection, (e) M/F ratio
(a end), (f) M/F ratio (/?end).
Force/moment systems of T-loop retraction springs 645

Table 2. Effect of preactivation angles Table 3. Effect of non-centered brackets

Spring Fully M/F (a) M/F (8) Spring Fully M/F (a) M/F (B)
preactivation activated IBD Full Activation preactivation activated IBM Full Activation
angles (mm) (mm) (mm) angles (mm) (mm) (mm)

a=60 19.0 12.98 10.14 Centered 29.5 6.48 6.48

fl=30 2mm
a=90 15.0 16.98 10.21 Offset 29.5 4.92 9.29
8=30” 4mm
a=60 19.0 18.64 1.11 Offset 29.5 3.18 11.40
a=60” 22.0 16.72 -2.18
p= -30”
Table 4. Effecectof added helices
minor. Nevertheless some change is noted in the Spring Fully activated M/F ratio
moment created at the constant angle side when the height IBM full activation
other was varied. (mm) (mm) (mm)
However, Fig. 8(d) shows the dramatic change in
6mm 19.0 6.48
the p moment which occurred as the p preactivation (No helices)
was changed. The combined effect of these alterations
6mm 20.0 6.11
on the M/F ratios produced is shown for the u and j (Helices)
ends respectively in Fig. 8(e) and (f). The fully activ- 8mm 19.0 9.47
ated IBD and M/F ratios are summarized in Table 2. (No helices)
Series III: effect of non-centered bracket placement. 8mm 20.0 10.40
As mentioned above, the effect of offsetting the spring (Helices)
will generate moments at the two ends which are
different and therefore will also result in
intrusive/extrusive forces. Figure 9(a) shows the minor CONCLUSIONS
change in the axial force to activation relationships
which occurs. The vertical forces (F,) are shown in The aim of this study has been to evaluate the force
Fig. 9(b) and again are essentially constant over the systems produced by T-loop retraction springs. Sev-
complete activation range. The forces resulting from a eral parameters in the T-loop design were evaluated
2 mm offset, are approximately 40% of the force de- to determine the effect they have on the overall forces
livered by a 4 mm offset. Figure 9(c) and (d) show the and moments produced. A limited numerical invest-
shifts in the moments at the LX and fl ends respectively. igation using a finite element package (ADINA) was
As the T-loop is moved toward the CL end clamp, the tl used to confirm the experimental results. The limited
moment increases and the p moment decreases. In fact computer use was a direct result of the large com-
for the 4 mm offset the /I moment is approximately puting time necessary to allow the large deflections to
one-third the a values. The effects of these offsets are be properly evaluated. None of the nonsymmetric
again evident from comparison of the M/F ratios at cases were numerically investigated for this reason.
the LX end [Fig. 9(e)] and the /I end [Fig. 9(f)]. As the The experimental results did yield several general
T-loop is offset towards the c1end the M/F increases conclusions regarding the effect of various geometric
while it decreases at the fi end. In summary, as the T- parameters. These include:
loop is offset closer to the attachment point a shorter (1) The increase in height of the spring resulted in a
and stiffer wire segment is created. This stiffer section smaller relative decrease in moment than in axial
is responsible for the production of a larger moment (horizontal) force. As a result, the M/F ratio increased
and proportionally larger M/F ratio. The asymmetry as the spring height increased.
in moments generated at the spring ends results in (2) Changing the preactivation angles did not make
intrusive/extrusive forces. These effects are summar- large changes in the axial force but did make sub-
ized in Table 3. stantial variations in the difference in moments cre-
Series IV: effect of added helices. The overall effect ated at the ends of the spring. The resulting
of the addition of the helices resulted in very little intrusive/extrusive forces are substantial and could
change in either the force or moment characteristics. cause intrusive/extrusive tooth movement.
The axial force, moments and M/F ratio for these Intrusive/extrusive forces were created only for the
springs are compared to the results given earlier for unsymmetric designs.
series I (Fig. 10). The addition of wire in the form of (3) By changing the position of the bracket attach-
helices to these areas of the spring was not as critical ments a symmetric spring design which is non-cen-
as expected and there would be little practical signifi- tered can also lead to intrusive/extrusive forces. Again
cance in incorporating them clinically. Table 4 illus- the axial forces are unaffected but the moments can be
trates the small variations found. altered by a significant amount.
646 M. G. FAULKNERet al..

Addition of helices
5.0 q =6mm
0 = 6 mm (helices)

0 = 6 mm (helices)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Addition of helices
q =6mm
0 = 6 mm (helices)
0 = 8 mm (helices)

‘ilb,, A~~~~~~ 10 -

0 I I , , I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0123456

Fig. f0. Effect of added helices on force/moments produced. (a) Force-deflection, (b) momentdeflection,
(c) M/F ratio.

(4) Helices added at the top of the spring have only rotation within the peridontal space. Am. J. Orthod. 55,
a small effect and therefore they have no practical 351-369.
significance. Faulkner, M. G., Hay, A., Fuchshuber, P. and Haberstock,
D. (1988) Development of a system for the measurement of
Other parameters also need to be investigated in forces and moments created by orthodontic appliance (to
order to provide a more complete catalogue of their be published). Proceedings VI International Congress on
effects on force and moment delivery. This includes Experimental Mechanics. June S-10, 1988 Portland, OR.
three-dimensional effects due to misalignment or Goldberg, A. J., Morton, J. and Burstone, C. J. (1983) The
flexture modulus of elasticity of orthodontic wires. J. dent.
adjustments. In addition, the force/moment delivered
Res. 62, 856858.
when the in vivo boundary conditions are used should Greif, R., Coltman, M., Gailus, M. and Shapiro, E. (1982)
be tested to determine the actual clinical forces which Force generation from othodontic appliances. J. biomech.
will be realized. These results would allow a better Engng 104,28&289.
Haack, D. C. and Weinstein, S (1963) Geometry and mech-
understanding of the actual force/moment system de-
anics as related to tooth movement studied by means of a
livered to the arch segments and allow the clinician to two-dimensional model. J. am. dent. Ass. 66, 157-164.
better interpret the above results. Koenig, H. A. and Burstone, C. J. (1974) Analysis of gen-
eralized curved beams for orthodontic applications.
J. Biomechanics 7, 429435.
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