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Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Fakultas Teknik
Teknik Metalurgi

Reduksi Bijih Besi

TMT 614306

Aglomerasi dan Karakter Feed/Umpan

G ANJIL 2 0 18/2019
Pelet Definisi
Aglomerasi Pembuatan

Karakter Umpan
The primary purpose of agglomeration is to improve
permeability and gas solid contact.

A good agglomerate :
1. Should contain 60% or more iron, a minimum of
undesireable constituents, a minimum of material less
than 6 mm and a minimum of material larger than 25
2. Should be strong enough to withstand degradation
during stockpillling handling and transportation.
3. Must be able to whithstand the high temperatur
4. Should be reasonably reducible
Pellet untuk
Sinter Untuk Furnace
Blast Furnace dan DR
Sintering and pelletizing are processes by which
iron ore fines are agglomerated into larger places
with or whitout incorporation of lime and
magnesia as fluxes
Pelet Definisi
Aglomerasi Pembuatan

Karakter Umpan
Pelletisation is a process af aglomeration of iron ore. Particle
smaller than 0.2 mm are converted into 12 – 15 mm green pellet.
On drying and firring, green pellet become hard and strong to be
used as feed for BF and DRI units.

Addition For pelletizing :

Binder : Bentonite (Al2O3.4 SiO2.H2O), clay or hydrated lime
Consumption : 6.3 – 10 Kg/ton feed
Water : Optimum moisture content is 9 – 12 %

1st patent of pelletizing in rotating drum

❑ Anderson, Sweden, 1912
❑ Brakelsberg, Germany 1913
Properties of Bentonite
Typical chemical composition of
magnetite/hematit pellet feed

% Grain Size : < 0.2

Fe 65.5 70 – 80 % < 40 micron

SiO2 7.8
Al2O3 0.5
CaO 0.5
MgO 0.6
Mn 0.25
P 0.032
S 0.003
TiO2 0.1
Moisture 10
Green Ball Formation
When two ore particles which
are coated with binder slurry
come in contact with each other
during to motion on pelletizing
machines, they collide with
another particle to form liquid
bridge acting as capillary. Surface
tension of the fluid capillary keep
the particle together
Methods to produce green pellet
Rotating Spiral

Variable Speed
8 – 14 rpm

Angle Variable = 6 – 10 °

Dimension of Rotating drums for green pellet production with

capacity 130 ton/h


Rotating Disk to produce green
Dimension of Rotary disk for green pellet production
with capacity of 90 – 140 t/h
Rotating Disk To produce green
Rotating Disk To produce green
Mixture ready for green ball

green ball
Pellet Hardening
Green pellet is hardened by heating (firring at sufficiently
high temperature ± 1200 C)
Strong bonding of pellets is belived to be due to grain
growth from oxidation magnetite to hematite

Methods of pellet hardening

◦ Traveling gate
◦ Greate kiln
◦ Shaft futrnace
Typical Pelletizing plant
Zone of the indurating Zone

Definition : Burning of fuel ( coke breeze, anthracite) mix with iron bearing
material, e.g fine iron ore, concentrate, steel shop waste under control
Sintering mix composition
Definition : Burning of fuel ( coke breeze, anthracite) mix with iron bearing
material, e.g fine iron ore, concentrate, steel shop waste under control

Iron Ore : 55.5 %

Circulation component : 4.8 %
Fluxes : 12.7 %
Return Material : 27 %
Raw mix : 100 %
Raw Mix : 92.1 %
Coke Breeze : 2.3 %
Moisture : 5.6 %
Sinter mix : 100 %
Sinter Feed
Iron Iron content is to be as high as possible > 60 % is preferable,
50 – 60 % is adequate, <50 % is low grade. High Fe increase
the iron content yield of the sinter and reduces transportation
Silica The normal range for SiO2 is 4.5 to 5.5 % to match the desired
SiO2 level of sinter product, > 5.5 % is considered high, <4.5 %
is helpful to balance out higher SiO2, but larger amount of
very low SiO2 (<1%) ore require use of siliceous ore or olivine
to restore normal sinter SiO2 level. Excessive SiO raises the
blast furnace slag volume and the coke rate
Alumina An Increase in Al2O3 content improves sinterability by
improving balling characteristic. It also allow an increase in
CaO/SiO2 ratio in the blast furnace slag, which reduces hot
metal Si content. However an increase in Al2O3 decrease the
Reduction Disintegration Index (RDI), strength of the sinter
Sinter Feed
Phosporus P is undesirable for steel properties. Increase P Increase steel
making slag volumes and reduces the ability to recyle BOF
slag. The target level is < 0.030 % P
Sulfur An increase in sulfur content increases the blast furnace sulfur
load, the blast furnace slag volume and coke rate, and
increases hot metal desulfurization cost. The target level is <
0.010 % S.
Manganese An increase in manganese will increase the blast furnace coke
rate and steel making slag volume. The target level is < 0.050
% Mn.
Titania High TiO2 levels > 1% cause undesireable sinter properties
however some TiO2 is useful for blast furnace hearth
Basic Oxides The basic oxides CaO and MgO at moderate levels(up to 2-3%)
are not problem, aside from reducing Fe content, as these flux
materials need to be added to the sinter mix.
Sinter Feed
Alkalis The alkalis Na2O and K2O should be minimal, total less than
0.1 % as they cause blast furnace operating problems such as
scab formation
Vanadium and These impurities should be at very low levels <0.020% for
cooper steel product quality reasons
Moisture An increase in moisture content will incrase sinter fuel
requirements and transportation cost, but some moisture
doea reduce dusting problems.
Carbon as Reduction Agent
Althought the oxides of iron may be reduced to metallic
iron by many agents, carbon (direct or indirect) is the
reducing agent found to be the best suited for economical
production of iron.

Carbon of suitable reactivity and phycical strength was

produces in the former time from wood by distillation,
yielding wood charcoal.

Coke for metallurgical puposes must be carbonized in the

higher range temperature (900 - 1095)
Carbon as Reduction Agent
The most important physical property of metallurgical
coke is its strength to withstand breakage and abrasion
during handling and its used in the blast furnace

Most blast furnace operators prefer coke sized between

18.5 to 76 mm
Typical Coal Analysis for coking
Constituents %

Ash 9.8 – 10.2

Sulphur 0.9 – 1.2

Moisture 3.5 – 6.0

C 97.5 – 97.8

H 0.25 – 0.6

O 0.25 – 0.6

N 1.0 – 1.3

S 0.9 – 1.1
Typical Coal Analysis for coking
Volatile matter Type of coal Application of Coal
in Coal
< 10 Antracite Intense heat in coal bed for hand
forging of steel
15 - 18 Non Caking bituminus combustion

22 – 30 Caking butuminous Coke making

27 – 40 Non caking bituminous Steam boiler/gasification

45 - 55 Lignite Gasification/distilation/briqueting
Sintering and pelletizing are processes by which iron ore
fines are agglomerated into larger places with or whitout
incorporation of lime and magnesia as fluxes

Selection of feed materials

for DRI should take into
some considerations

✓ Properties dictated by type process

✓ The feed material properties necessary

for maximum process efficiency

✓ The product quality required to

optimize the performance of the DRI in
subsequant steelmaking operations
Pelet Definisi
Aglomerasi Pembuatan

Karakter Umpan
Properties dictated by type of
Such as

Rotary Kiln Process

Fluidized Bed Process

Vertical Shaft Process
The size distribution of the feed must be
consistent with the attainment of
good fluidized characteristic

1. Size Distribution
▪ The control and setting size distribution inside the furnace are
2. Ability material to resist degradation due to impact and abrasion
• Material containing a high amount of fines are unsatisfactory,
promote channeling
• Material that have tendency to to stick together also will cause
3. Phycical and chemical behaviour during reduction at elevated
• Material that swell or degrade during reduction ann those that
are weak in the reduction state also undesireable
The Efficiency Of Reduction Greatly
Favored By A Highly Permeable Bed
Factor that affected permeable bed are :

1. Size Distribution
▪ Material at narrow size distributioan are desireable
2. Ability material to resist degradation due to impact and abrasion
• Material containing a high amount of fines are unsatisfactory,
promote channeling
• Material that have tendency to to stick together also will cause
3. Phycical and chemical behaviour during reduction at elevated
• Material that swell or degrade during reduction ann those that
are weak in the reduction state also undesireable
Heat & mass transfer are not greatly influenced
by the permeability of the bed.
Some Factor that greatly affected vertical shaft will not demonstrated
the same effect on the rotary kiln :

1. Size Distribution
▪ Material with size distribution too small in vertical shaft will
processed satifactorily in a rotary kiln
2. Material with good ability resist degradation due to impact and
abrasion also important in rotary kiln.
• Material with good cold strength are desirable due to rotary kiln
using centrifugal force to moved the material inside
3. Phycical and chemical behaviour during reduction at elevated
• Material that swell or degrade during reduction generate more
iron dust and leave the kiln unreduced
To attain high productivity feed
material should be:
❑High Reducible
❑ Asocciated with highly porous
structure which lead to smooth
passage for gas reductant
❑ To obtain high rate reducibility, top
size of the feed must be limited.
❑ pellet which contain very low sillica Especially in
do not have adaquated strength in vertical shaft
moderately temperature, and should process
be added with additive such as
limestone or dolomit
❑Non Sticky
❑ Can be added with silica or dolomit to
avoid sticky phenomena
❑Non Swelling
❑ Less then 25% of swelling still
accaptable as feed material
To optimize the performance of the feed in steelmaking
operations, it needs to enhance the quality of feed

❑ Quality of feed such as DRI should have :

❑ High degree of metallization (more
than 90 to 95%)
❑ Dense
❑ Resist degradation due to handling in
EAF and moderate temperature
❑ Minimum amount minus 3 mm fines
❑ Contain minimum undesireable
element such as S, P, Silica, and
Direct reduction proceses consist of the steps of :

There are some pellet changes during this operations, to

observed this behaviour, it need several test for evaluating
the metalurgical, physical also chemical properties of feed.
Direct Reduction Pellet
▪Zn – Zn is not normally present in ores but Zn from recyled material
would be unsuitable for shaft furnaces processes due to internal
recycling. Zn could be proceesed in the off gases from RHF or rotary
▪Other minor elements – Cr, Pb, Cu, Sn, Ni, Mo, Ar, Sb, V and Li
should be as low as possible. The total of Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo and Sn
should be low as these are the key residual being monitores in the
scrap supply
▪Free moisture and LOI – Free moisture and lost of ignition (LOI) as
CO2 and H2) are undesireable in the feed material because of the
extra heat load and increase volume of gas to be hendled.
Direct Reduction Pellet
▪Fe – Total iron content should be as high as possible, preferably >
67 %
▪Acid Gangue – SiO2 + Al2O3 should be as low as possible,
preferably below 2%. Acceptable limits are up to 3%.
▪Basic Oxides – CaO + MgO. A limited amount of basic oxides <3%
may reduce flux in steel making
▪P – should be as low as possible, preferably below 0.030% as P
must be removed in steelmaking
Direct Reduction Pellet
▪S – should be below 0.008% as it is released during shaft furnace
reduction and goes to the process gas which is fed to the reformer
excessive sulfur can foul the reformer tubes in the midrex process
▪Mn and Ti – should be as low as possible to reduce EAF slag
formation, TiO2 should preferably be below 0.15 %
▪Alkalis – Na and K shoud be as low as possible as these promote
sweling and degradation during reduction

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