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SAP Replication Server 15.7.1 SP301

Document Version: 1.0 – 2015-09-30

Replication Management Agent

Configuration and Users Guide

1 Conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Introduction to Replication Management Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 RMA Replication Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Before You Begin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Managing the Replication Environment with RMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1 Starting the RMA on UNIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Starting the RMA on Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Verifying the RMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4 Shutting Down the RMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.5 Shutting Down the RMA via the Agent Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.6 Connecting to the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.7 Setting Up the Replication Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
About RMA Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
About RMA Error Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting the Server Session Credentials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Deploying a Replication Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Undeploying a Replication Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Listing Tables in the Replication Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Configuring Tables for Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Configuring DDL Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
4.8 Monitoring the Replication Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Viewing Replication Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Obtaining Latency Timings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Viewing Task Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Viewing Error Log and Performance Data of the Agent Container. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Viewing Replication Related Log Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5 Troubleshooting Replication Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.1 Common Troubleshooting Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2 Oracle to SAP HANA Database Replication-Specific Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Microsoft SQL Server to SAP HANA Database Replication-Specific Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

6 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

PUBLIC Replication Management Agent Configuration and Users Guide

2 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Content
1 Conventions

These style and syntax conventions are used in SAP® documentation.

Style conventions

Table 1:
Key Definition

monospaced(fixed-width) ● SQL and program code

● Commands to be entered exactly as shown
● File names
● Directory names

<italic monospaced> In SQL or program code snippets, placeholders for user-specified values (see ex­
ample below).

● File and variable names
● Cross-references to other topics or documents
● In text, placeholders for user-specified values (see example below)
● Glossary terms in text

bold san serif ● Command, function, stored procedure, utility, class, and method names
● Glossary entries (in the Glossary)
● Menu option paths
● In numbered task or procedure steps, user-interface (UI) elements that you
click, such as buttons, check boxes, icons, and so on

If necessary, an explanation for a placeholder (system- or setup-specific values) follows in text. For example:


<installation directory>\start.bat

where <installation directory> is where the application is installed.

Replication Management Agent Configuration and Users Guide PUBLIC

Conventions © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3
Syntax conventions

Table 2:
Key Definition

{} Curly braces indicate that you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not type the
braces when you enter the command.

[] Brackets mean that choosing one or more of the enclosed options is optional. Do not type the
brackets when you enter the command.

() Parentheses are to be typed as part of the command.

| The vertical bar means you can select only one of the options shown.

, The comma means you can choose as many of the options shown as you like, separating your
choices with commas that you type as part of the command.

... An ellipsis (three dots) means you may repeat the last unit as many times as you need. Do not in­
clude ellipses in the command.

<> Angled brackets are not part of the syntax. Rather, they denote variables within the syntax. For ex­
ample, if the syntax calls for a variable such as a password, this is denoted as <password>. How­
ever, when using the syntax in a command or query, omit the angled brackets. So, instead of using
<MyPassword> use MyPassword.


● All command syntax and command examples are shown in lowercase. However, replication command
names are not case-sensitive. For example, RA_CONFIG, Ra_Config, and ra_config are equivalent.
● Names of configuration parameters are case-sensitive. For example, Scan_Sleep_Max is not the same as
scan_sleep_max, and the former would be interpreted as an invalid parameter name.
● Database object names are not case-sensitive in replication commands. However, to use a mixed-case
object name in a replication command (to match a mixed-case object name in the primary database),
delimit the object name with quote characters. For example: pdb_get_tables "<TableName>"
● Identifiers and character data may be case-sensitive, depending on the sort order that is in effect.
○ If you are using a case-sensitive sort order, such as “binary,” you must enter identifiers and character
data with the correct combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
○ If you are using a sort order that is not case-sensitive, such as “nocase,” you can enter identifiers and
character data with any combination of uppercase or lowercase letters.


SAP® Replication Server® works with various components to enable replication between supported database
such as, SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise (SAP® ASE), SAP HANA® database, SAP® IQ, Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB,
and Microsoft SQL Server. SAP Replication Server uses SAP ASE for its Replication Server System Database
(RSSD) or it uses SAP® SQL Anywhere® for its embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD).

Replication Agent™ is a generic term used to describe the Replication Agents for SAP ASE, SAP HANA
database, Oracle, IBM DB2 UDB, and Microsoft SQL Server. The specific names are:

PUBLIC Replication Management Agent Configuration and Users Guide

4 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Conventions
● RepAgent – Replication Agent thread for SAP ASE
● Replication Agent for Oracle
● Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
● Replication Agent for UDB – for IBM DB2 on Linux, Unix, and Windows
● Replication Agent for DB2 for z/OS

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Conventions © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5
2 Introduction to Replication Management

Replication Management Agent (RMA) is a distributed management agent that you can use to set up and
manage replication from any supported databases into an SAP HANA database.

Using RMA, you can set up replication for the following primary databases:


● Microsoft SQL Server
● Oracle

Related Information

RMA Replication Architecture [page 6]

2.1 RMA Replication Architecture

RMA replication architecture diagram illustrates a very basic replication environment, which consists of the
primary and the replicate sites.

Each site, whether primary or replicate, contains a database and optionally a portion of the replication
software. Each site contains replication software and an RMA instance that provides local access to the host
system, when needed.

Replication is set up to support replication in one direction between the primary and replicate. In a typical
replication scenario, the SAP application connects to and updates data on the primary site. The replication
software captures transactions, and replicates to the replicate site.

During the initial setup and configuration, you connect to the RMA client on the primary or replicate site, and
issue commands or follow instructions to define the environment and set up replication. After the replication
environment is set up, you can also connect to an RMA client on either site to monitor and administer the
replication environment.

Your replication software may be installed on multiple servers. It is often advantageous to install the
Replication Agent on the same host as the primary database, and the SAP Replication Server on the same host
as the replicate database. This spreads processing across multiple servers and allows database
communication to be near the database that is being communicated with, allowing local client library
installations to be used. However, you can install the replication software on the same host or totally separate
hosts, as all communication is over TCP/IP. The replication environment diagram is just one example.

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6 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Introduction to Replication Management Agent
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Introduction to Replication Management Agent © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7
3 Before You Begin

Before using the RMA, you must have installed the SAP Replication Server software (which includes RMA) and
also the Replication Agent software on the machines that host the replication processing. Start the SAP
Replication Server installer with the -DDR =true argument to install the RMA. For example, use setup.exe
-DDR=true for Microsoft Windows environment and ./setup.bin -DDR=true for UNIX or Linux.

You can install SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent on every host. The software is only used on the
hosts you select during the environment configuration.

Primary and Replicate Databases Prerequisites

Each primary and replicate database have different prerequisites that must be met to allow successful
replication. The RMA reports any prerequisites that are not satisfied during the replication model deployment,
however, you can review in advance the lists of prerequisites in the Quick Start Guide for SAP HANA Database.

Primary Database Connectivity

The RMA connects to the primary data servers using JDBC drivers that implement a minimum of the JDBC 3.0
standard. Before you start the RMA or the RMA designer, you must have a JDBC driver available for your
primary data server, and must already exist in your CLASSPATH environment variable on the machine where
you will start the RMA. Without the correct JDBC driver in the CLASSPATH, the RMA will start successfully, but
will not be able to connect to your primary database.

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8 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Before You Begin
4 Managing the Replication Environment
with RMA

Use the RMA to manage and monitor your replication environment.

Related Information

Starting the RMA on UNIX [page 9]

Starting the RMA on Windows [page 10]
Verifying the RMA [page 11]
Shutting Down the RMA [page 11]
Shutting Down the RMA via the Agent Designer [page 12]
Connecting to the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer [page 12]
Setting Up the Replication Environment [page 13]
Monitoring the Replication Environment [page 30]

4.1 Starting the RMA on UNIX

Run the RMA on a UNIX platform.


Set the environment variables:

1. Log in to the host using the same operating system user that was used to install the RMA and SAP
Replication Server.
2. Go to the $SYBASE directory where the SAP Replication Server software was installed.
3. Set the necessary environment variables by running the appropriate command.
○ Bourne shell:


○ C shell:

source SYBASE.csh

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Set the environment variables only once.


1. Change to the bin directory of the RMA installation:

cd $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/bin

2. Execute the appropriate command for your shell.

These examples direct the output to the file rma.out. If this output file already exists, you may need to
use additional shell operators to append to or truncate the file.

○ Bourne shell (sh) or Bash:

○ nohup ./ 2>&1 > rma.out &

○ For an instance, C shell:

nohup ./ >& rma.out &

4.2 Starting the RMA on Windows

Run the RMA on both the primary and replicate sites on Windows.


Verify that you have the administrator privilege, which allows you to create and delete Windows services for
SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent.


1. Log in to the host using the same operating system user that was used to install the RMA and SAP
Replication Server.
2. Open a command window and run as administrator:
a. Click the Windows start button.
b. Enter cmd in the Search Programs and Files window.
c. Right-click cmd.exe, and choose Run as administrator.

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10 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
3. From the command window, navigate to the directory where the RMA is installed.
4. Run SYBASE.bat to set the necessary environment variables.
5. Change to the bin directory of the RMA installation:

cd $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/bin

6. Enter RunContainer.cmd to start the RMA.

4.3 Verifying the RMA

(UNIX only) Verify that the RMA process is running.


In addition to logging in to RMA with a client to determine availability, grep the Java process to verify that it is
running on UNIX boxes within your installation directory.

ps -ef |grep ContainerRuntime

4.4 Shutting Down the RMA

Shut down from a client session attached to RMA.


1. Log in with isql to connect to RMA:

isql -Shost:TDS_port -URMA_admin -P<password>

2. Execute:


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4.5 Shutting Down the RMA via the Agent Designer

Shutdown the server agent container using the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer.


This task assumes that you have already deployed a replication model.


In the Agent Servers pane, right-click on the AgentContainer node, and select Stop Server AgentContainer.

4.6 Connecting to the SAP Replication Management Agent


Connect to the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer to use RMA.


If you are connecting to the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer on the UNIX platform, verify that
you have xWindows support on your local machine or UNIX systems.

If you do not have xWindows support, the client stops without error. Currently, OpenText Exceed is the only
supported xWindows software for Windows.


1. Set the environment variables.

Source or SYBASE.csh

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12 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
○ Windows:
Run SYBASE.bat
2. Change to the bin directory of the RMA installation.

cd $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/bin

○ Windows:

cd %SYBASE%\RMA-15_5\bin

3. Start the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer.

○ Windows:
Run AdminCC.cmd

4.7 Setting Up the Replication Environment

Use the RMA to set up the replication environment, configuring each host to support replication.


An SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent instances are created and configured on the primary host
server. One primary database is configured to support replication. The server supports multiple databases,
but only one may be replicated by a single RMA instance.

Related Information

About RMA Security [page 14]

About RMA Error Handling [page 14]
Setting the Server Session Credentials [page 14]
Deploying a Replication Model [page 15]
Undeploying a Replication Model [page 26]
Listing Tables in the Replication Environment [page 26]
Configuring Tables for Replication [page 27]
Configuring DDL Replication [page 30]

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4.7.1 About RMA Security

The RMA does not store its own security credentials, but enforces authentication by pass-through
authentication to the primary or replicate SAP Replication Server. For credentials that are required to connect
to the databases, the credentials are identified at setup time, but RMA does not store those credentials.

4.7.2 About RMA Error Handling

There are some situations under which a command may fail because of conditions in the environment.

For example, the setup command may fail if the host computer does not have enough disk space to create a
replication device. When an error occurs in the RMA, the user can make the necessary environment changes,
then re-run the failed command. The RMA starts executing where the last failure occurred. Errors, information,
and trace messages are written to the RMA log file, which is located under the RMA instance directory
structure, for example, $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/instance/AgentContainer/logs.

4.7.3 Setting the Server Session Credentials

Set the login ID and password to access the RMA server for all activities.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer window, expand the system name in the Agent
Servers pane.
2. Select AgentContainer.
The current properties of the selected container appeared in the right pane.
3. In the Properties tab under the Session Credentials section, enter the login ID and password.
This login and password are used as the administrative credentials for any SAP Replication Server or
Replication Agent instance that is created, and also the required administrative user to access RMA in the

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14 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
4.7.4 Deploying a Replication Model

To deploy a replication model, provide property values for each replication component. RMA verifies the
database configuration and provides the ability to generate scripts to correct the database configuration, if


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer window, right-click the highlighted AgentContainer
and select Deploy a Model.

2. The Replication Model Deployment wizard appears in a separate window. Select a primary database to use
for replication from the list, and specify its required configuration information. If you have a previously
saved replication model properties file (.props) and credential file (.credentials), click Load, browse
through your local directory, select the file, and click Open.

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Managing the Replication Environment with RMA © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15
(Oracle only) In the data change interface combo box, select either the XStream or LogMiner. If you
select LogMiner, you have the option to provide the archive directory. Otherwise, this field is disabled as
it is not applicable to replication using XStream. Click Save to store the information for later use.

3. Click Next.
RMA verifies the source database configuration. If you select Oracle, RMA detects if Data Vault is in use
with the database and verifies Data Vault privileges.
4. If the verification fails, select either:

Option Description

Automatically 1. (Oracle only) In the pop-up dialog, enter the Data Vault admin credentials.
create users and
configure the Note
The credentials are only used during configuration correction, and are not retained when
the correction is complete.

2. Enter the DBA user and password.

3. (Optional. Oracle only) Select As SYSDBA check box to execute the auto-configuration or
verification as SYSDBA.
4. Click Configure.
5. (Optional) Click Reverify with DBA.

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16 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
Option Description

Some configuration tasks can only be performed manually. The tasks vary depending on the
database type.

Manually create 1. Click View Scripts.

users and The Database Configuration Scripts window appears.
configure the
2. Use the scripts provided in each tab as your guide to configure the database and/or create
the required user.
3. (Optional) Click either:
○ Save Script – to save script to a file for later use.
○ Copy Script – to copy script to the clipboard.
4. Edit the scripts based on the required configuration, and run them using the command line.
5. When the configuration is done, close the Database Configuration Scripts window, and click
Reverify in the deployment wizard.

The Next button is disabled until verification passes.

5. Click Next.
6. Specify all the required configuration information for the replicate database. RMA verifies the replicate
database configuration. For example, it checks if SID is configured.
(Optional) Click Save to store the information for later use.

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7. Click Next.
RMA verifies the replicate database configuration. If it does not pass the verification, you are provided with
similar options to correct the database configuration.
8. Specify all the required configuration information for the Replication Agent.
(Optional) Click Save to store the information for later use.

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18 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
9. Click Next.
10. Specify all the required configuration information for the SAP Replication Server.
(Optional) Click Save to store the information for later use.

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11. Click Next.
12. Review the Replication Model Summary.
(Optional) Click Save to store the summary of replication model.

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20 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
13. Click Deploy.


After a successful deployment, the replication model is visible in the Agent Servers pane. To see it, expand the

If the deployment does not complete successfully, you see an error message in the deployment progress
window. The information in this window may help you fix the problem. The Agent Container log also provides
the information regarding the errors.

Additionally, if the deployment fails, a suspect model may remain deployed to the AgentContainer. It allows
you to diagnose the failure. After you have determined the cause of the deployment failure, first undeploy the
suspect model, and thereafter re-deploy a new model. Failure to do so may result in an unsuccessful

Related Information

Primary Database Configuration Properties [page 22]

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Replicate Database Configuration Properties [page 24]
Replication Server Configuration Properties [page 25]
Replication Agent Configuration Properties [page 25] Primary Database Configuration Properties

When deploying a replication model using the RMA, some configuration properties are required for the primary

Table 3: SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Configuration Properties

Property Name Description

Logical Host Name The logical host name of the SAP Adaptive Server Enter­
prise (ASE).

ASE Host The host machine where ASE is running.

ASE Port The TCP/IP port for ASE.

ASE Server Name The database server name for ASE.

Database Name The name of the database configured on the ASE server.

ASE Admin User The administrator user name for ASE.

ASE Admin Password The administrator password for ASE.

ASE Maintenance User The maintenance user name for ASE.

ASE Maintenance Password The maintenance user password for ASE.

Table 4: UDB DB2 Configuration Properties

Property Name Description

UDB Host The host machine where UDB is running.

UDB Port The TCP/IP port for UDB.

UDB Home Directory The home directory for the UDB installation user (pointed to
by the environment variable <$HOME> when logged on as
the same user who installed the UDB.)

Instance Name The name of the UDB instance.

Alias Name (Optional) The alias for the UDB, typically required only
when the RMA is installed on the remote host from the pri­
mary host. The primary database remote client allows an
alias to be used to reference the remote primary database
server. The value can be empty or the same name as the
udb_name, if RMA is running on the same host as the UDB

Archive Directory The directory where archive files are located. This property
must exist, but can be set to an empty or valid temp direc­

Remove Archive Files Select the check box to remove the archived files.

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Property Name Description

UDB Admin User The administrator user name for UDB.

UDB Admin Password The administrator user password for UDB.

UDB Maintenance User The maintenance user name for UDB.

UDB Maintenance Password The maintenance user password for UDB.

Table 5: Oracle Configuration Properties

Property Name Description

Oracle Host The host machine where Oracle is running.

Oracle Port The TCP/IP port for Oracle.

Oracle Home Directory The home directory for the Oracle installation user (pointed
to by environment variable <$HOME> when logged on as the
same user who installed the Oracle.)

Instance Name The Oracle instance.

Alias Name (Optional) The alias for the Oracle, typically required only
when RMA is installed on the remote host from the primary
host. The primary database remote client allows an alias to
be used to reference the remote primary database server.
The value can be empty or the same name as the ora­
cle_name, if RMA is running on the same host as the Oracle

Archive Directory The directory where archive files are located. This property
must exist, but can be set to an empty or valid temp direc­

Oracle Admin User The administrator user name for Oracle.

Oracle Admin Password The administrator user password for Oracle.

Oracle Maintenance User The maintenance user name for Oracle

Oracle Maintenance Password The password of the maintenance user for Oracle

Table 6: Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Properties

Property Name Description

MSSQL Host The host machine where MS SQL is running.

MSSQL Port The TCP/IP port for MS SQL.

MSSQL Home Directory The home directory for the MS SQL installation user
(pointed to by environment variable <$HOME >when logged
on as the same user who installed the MS SQL.)

Server Name The server name for MS SQL.

Database Name The database name for MS SQL.

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Property Name Description

Alias Name (Optional) The alias for the MS SQL, typically required only
when RMA is installed on the remote host from the primary
host. The primary database remote client allows an alias to
be used to reference the remote primary database server.
The value can be empty or the same name as the
mssql_name, if RMA is running on the same host as the MS
SQL database.

MSSQL Admin User The administrator user name for MS SQL.

MSSQL Admin Password The administrator user password for MS SQL.

MSSQL Maintenance User The maintenance user name for MS SQL.

MSSQL Maintenance Password The maintenance user password for MS SQL. Replicate Database Configuration Properties

When deploying a replication model using RMA, some configuration properties are required for the SAP HANA

Property Name Description

HANA Host The host machine on which HANA is running.

HANA Port The TCP/IP port on which the HANA instance is listening. The default is typically 3xx15,
where ‘xx’ is the HANA instance number.

HANA Home Directory The home directory for the HANA installation. Currently not used.

HANA Instance Name The logical name for the HANA database. Can be any value and is not validated, but is used to
uniquely identify the HANA instance as if this name represents the HANA database <name>.

Replication Delay Replication delay value in minutes.

Alias Name Not currently used, but you must provide an empty value.

HANA Admin User Name The administrator user name for HANA.

HANA Admin Password The administrator user password for HANA.

HANA Maintenance User The maintenance user name for HANA.


HANA Maintenance The maintenance user password for HANA.


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24 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA Replication Server Configuration Properties

When deploying replication model using RMA, some configuration properties are required for the SAP
Replication Server.

Property Name Description

Logical Host Name The host name for the RMA and SAP Replication Server.

Replication Server Host The SAP Replication Server instance.

RMA Port The RMA TDS port. Default value: 7001.

Replication Server Port The TCP/IP port on which the data applier listens.

RSSD Port The TCP/IP port the data applier assigns to its system database.

Sybase Directory The installation directory in which the RMA and SAP Replication Server components are

Device Buffer Directory The directory where files are created that hold or buffer data to be replicated by the data

Device Buffer Size (MB) The initial allocation, in megabytes, that a static file acquires in the directory specified by
the device_buffer_dir. This is the minimum buffer that is always available to the
data applier. 60MB is the recommended minimum. This is adequate for a simple test
environment with low volume and few tables. If replicating an entire ERP system, the
value must be substantially larger. Replication Agent Configuration Properties

When deploying a replication model using RMA, some configuration properties are required for the Replication

Property Name Description

Logical Host Name The name that is given to the data collector or Replication Agent instance.

Replication Agent Host The host name for the RMA and Replication Agent.

RMA Port The RMA TDS port. Default value: 7001.

Replication Agent Port The TDS port on which the Replication Agent instance listens. The Replication Agent also
uses this port number +1; the two sequential ports are used starting from, and including, this

Sybase Directory The installation directory in which the RMA and Replication Agent components are installed.

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4.7.5 Undeploying a Replication Model

Removes the current replication model. This shuts down the SAP Replication Server and Replication Agent,
but not the primary and replicate databases.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer.

2. Right-click the RMA node, and select Undeploy RMA.
If your credentials are loaded, an undeploy confirmation dialog appears, otherwise a dialog prompting for
credentials appears.
3. If you are prompted for credentials, either:

○ Enter the admin and maintenance user credentials for each component manually, or,
○ Click Load to use a previously saved set of credentials.
4. Click OK.

4.7.6 Listing Tables in the Replication Environment

View the list of tables in the replication environment.


Deploy a replication model.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer RMA .

2. Right-click (REPPATH) reppath and select Setup Table Replication.
The tables in your replication environment are listed on the right side of the SAP Replication Management
Agent Designer window.

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4.7.7 Configuring Tables for Replication

You can specify the tables that you want to replicate and materialize.


Deploy a replication model.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer RMA .

2. Right-click (REPPATH) reppath, and select Setup Table Replication.

3. Click one or more tables to replicate.

You can filter the table list using the Primary Schema list, the Expression field, and wildcards. You can also
include or exclude tables that begin with the text you specify.

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4. Click Configure Tables.
5. In the Configure Table Replication wizard, enter a replicate schema name.

6. Select a replication and materialization action for the selected tables, and click Execute.

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At the bottom of the wizard, you see a preview of the selected primary and replicate tables for replication,
with their corresponding row count and replicate status.
The commands are sent to the server as a single batch of requests. The server then executes those
commands asynchronously. It may take some time, depending on the number of table requests and the
system load for the status to reflect your request.

Related Information

Monitor Replication and Materialization Table Details [page 29] Monitor Replication and Materialization Table


The detailed information for each primary and replicate table includes the requested action, the replication
status, and materialization progress. To refresh the current materialization status of the tables, click Refresh
in the upper right corner.

A dialog appears when batch materialization is complete. If a terminal error occurred, the error is displayed in
the dialog.

Column Name Description

Primary Table Name The source tables present in the primary database.

Replicate Table Name The target tables present in the replicate database.

Requested Action The selected replication and materialization action in the Configure Table Replication

Status The status of the table replication.

Materialization Progress The percentage of materialization progress.

Row Count The approximate number of rows present in the source table.

Rows Remaining The approximate number of rows remaining to be materialized to the target table.

Messages The messages related to the replication and materialization of the target table. Double-
click this field to view messages in a dialog.

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4.7.8 Configuring DDL Replication

Configure DDL replication in the replication environment. Enabling DDL replication allows you to replicate
simple table DDL changes in the primary database.


Deploy a replication model.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer RMA .

2. Right-Click (REPPATH) reppath, and select Setup DDL Replication.

3. Select the Enable DDL replication check box.

4. Click Configure to set the DDL replication configuration.

4.8 Monitoring the Replication Environment

You can check the replication status and other related processes in your environment using the RMA console.

Related Information

Viewing Replication Status [page 31]

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30 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Managing the Replication Environment with RMA
Obtaining Latency Timings [page 31]
Viewing Task Status [page 32]
Viewing Error Log and Performance Data of the Agent Container [page 32]
Viewing Replication Related Log Files [page 33]

4.8.1 Viewing Replication Status

View the current status of the replication after you have deployed and set up your tables for replication.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer RMA .

2. Right-click (REPPATH) reppath, and select Replication Status.
The replication status appears in the Replication Status pane on the right. Review the information on host,
state, latency time, and commit time.

4.8.2 Obtaining Latency Timings

Send a trace flag to the replication process for instances where you check on the replication status and the
latency time is unknown.


1. In the Agent Servers tree view, right-click the (REPPATH) reppath node and select Send a Trace (Ticket).

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It may take several seconds for the trace to make its round trip, depending on the system load.

You see a confirmation message that the trace sent is successful.

2. View the Replication Status to see the replication latency time.
You may need to refresh the Replication Status by clicking Refresh.

4.8.3 Viewing Task Status

Monitor the progress of a recently performed task. Many activities are done asynchronously.


For example, when you mark the tables for replication, a batch of commands is sent to the server and
processed one-by-one. You can view the status of this task using RMA.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand AgentContainer.

2. Right-click the RMA node and select Task Status.
You see a Task Status window that shows all the information about the task being performed, along with
status messages.
3. (Optional) Click Refresh to refresh the status for each task.

4.8.4 Viewing Error Log and Performance Data of the Agent


To view the error log and performance data of the Agent Container in real time, use RMA.


1. In the SAP Replication Management Agent Designer, expand the system name in the Agent Servers pane.
2. Select AgentContainer.
The Properties, Server Log, and Performance tabs appear to the right of the window.

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3. Click the corresponding error log and performance tabs to see their information.

4.8.5 Viewing Replication Related Log Files

View replication errors, information, and trace messages written to the log files.


Go to the log directory of the replication components to see the log files.

○ RMA – $SYBASE/RMA-15_5/instance/AgentContainer/logs
○ SAP Replication Server – $SYBASE/RMA_REP_HANARep/ RMA_REP_HANARep.log
○ Replication Agent – $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/RMA_REP_<name>/log/ RMA_REP_<name>.log

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5 Troubleshooting Replication Environment

This section contains the information and pointers to help you troubleshoot problems you encounter while
using RMA and configuring database replication.

Related Information

Common Troubleshooting Tasks [page 34]

Oracle to SAP HANA Database Replication-Specific Tasks [page 35]
Microsoft SQL Server to SAP HANA Database Replication-Specific Tasks [page 35]

5.1 Common Troubleshooting Tasks

Provides some guidelines for setting up replication and using RMA to deploy replication model.

While deploying a replication model for the first time, ensure that:

● The JDBC drivers of the primary database are copied successfully to the following directory:
● The connector library of the replicate database is copied successfully to the following directory:
● The required privileges are granted to the users.

If the deployment does not complete successfully, you see an error message in the deployment progress
window. While re-deploying your replication model, ensure that:

● The last failed RMA model is already un deployed.

● The required ports of the Replication Server and Replication Agent are available.
It is recommended to check the ports because it is possible that the last deployed RMA model may have
started the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) or Replication Server, and during the un
deployment, the RMA failed to shutdown these ports. As a result, when you try to re-deploy the replication
model, RMA may fail because the remaining processes of RSSD or Replication Server are still running.
● Clean the interfaces file in your <SYBASE_HOME> directory.
The RMA will not delete the content of the interfaces file. While re-deploying, if you provide a new port
number that is other than the port number used in the last deployment, the new port number will not be
registered in the interfaces file. Therefore, to rectify this issue, you need to clean the interfaces file by
deleting the host details in it.
● Delete the system tables and procedures for the Replication Agent in the primary database.
The RMA sends the ra_admin deinit, force command to the Replication Agent to remove any
Replication Agent transaction log base components. Sometimes, it may fail unexpectedly. Therefore, you
need to delete the Replication Agents objects from the primary database.

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34 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Troubleshooting Replication Environment
Post-deployment error rectification: Lists the errors that you may encounter while performing RMA
operations and their respective remedial actions:

● If the table list is not available in the Setup Table Replication page, check if the Replication Server is

5.2 Oracle to SAP HANA Database Replication-Specific


Provides the guidelines to rectify the errors that you may encounter while configuring database replication
between Oracle and SAP HANA databases.

Before you deploy the replication model with Oracle as the primary database, ensure that you have granted
the following privileges to the ORACLE ADMIN USER:


You can grant these privileges using the following commands:



You can grant these privileges before you deploy the replication model. However, note that you can also use
these commands to rectify the error generated after a replication model deployment fails.

5.3 Microsoft SQL Server to SAP HANA Database

Replication-Specific Tasks

Provides the guidelines to rectify the errors that you may encounter while configuring database replication
between Microsoft SQL Server and SAP HANA.

Before you deploy the replication model with Microsoft SQL Server as the primary database, ensure that:

● The sybfiltermgr utility is started.

<SYBASE_HOME>\RAX-15_5\bin\sybfiltermgr.exe start

Install and set up the sybfilter driver so that Replication Agent can read the primary transaction log
files. For more information, see topic Making the Primary Transaction Log Files Readable for Replication
Agent in the Quick Start Guide for SAP® HANA Database.

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● The JDBC drivers of the MS SQL Server have already been copied to the following directory:
Set the CLASSPATH environment variable point to the driver files.

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36 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Troubleshooting Replication Environment
6 Glossary

Glossary of terms used in replication systems.

active database A database that is replicated to a standby database in a warm standby application.
See also warm standby application.

application A predefined interface through which users or programs communicate with each
programming other. Open Client™ and SAP® Open Server™ are examples of APIs that communicate in
interface (API) a client/server architecture. RCL, the Replication Command Language, is the SAP
Replication Server API.

applied function A replicated function, associated with a function replication definition, that SAP
Replication Server delivers from a primary database to a subscribing replicate
database. See also replicated function delivery, request function, and function
replication definition.

article A replication definition extension for tables or stored procedures that can be an
element of a publication. Articles may or may not contain where clauses, which
specify a subset of rows that the replicate database receives.

asynchronous A method of replicating, from a source to a destination database, a stored procedure

procedure delivery that is associated with a table replication definition.

asynchronous A command that a client submits to SAP Replication Server where the client is not
command prevented from proceeding with other operations before the completion status is
received. Many SAP Replication Server commands function as asynchronous
commands within the replication system.

atomic A materialization method that copies subscription data from a primary to a replicate
materialization database through the network in a single atomic operation, using a select operation
with a holdlock. No changes to primary data are allowed until data transfer is
complete. See also nonatomic materialization, bulk materialization and no

autocorrection Autocorrection is a setting applied to replication definitions, using the set

autocorrection command, to prevent failures caused by missing or duplicate rows
in a copy of a replicated table. When autocorrection is enabled, SAP Replication
Server converts each update or insert operation into a delete followed by an insert.
Autocorrection should only be enabled for replication definitions whose subscriptions
use nonatomic materialization.

base class A function-string class that does not inherit function strings from a parent class. See
also function-string class.

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bitmap subscription A type of subscription that replicates rows based on bitmap comparisons. Create
columns using the int datatype, and identify them as the rs_address datatype when
you create a replication definition.

bulk copy-in A feature that improves SAP Replication Server performance when replicating large
batches of insert statements on the same table in SAP ASE 12.0 and later. SAP
Replication Server implements bulk copy-in in Data Server Interface (DSI), the SAP
Replication Server module responsible for sending transactions to replicate
databases, using the Open Client™ Open Server™ Bulk-Library.

Bulk copy-in also improves the performance of subscription materialization. When

dsi_bulk_copy is on, SAP Replication Server uses bulk copy-in to materialize the
subscriptions if the number of insert commands in each transaction exceeds

bulk materialization A materialization method whereby subscription data in a replicate database is

initialized outside of the replication system. You can use bulk materialization for
subscriptions to table replication definitions or function replication definitions. For
example, data may be transferred from a primary database using media such as
magnetic tape, diskette, CDROM, or optical storage disk. Bulk materialization involves
a series of commands, starting with define subscription. See also atomic
materialization, nonatomic materialization, and no materialization.

centralized database A database system where data is managed by a single database management system
system at a centralized location.

class See error class and function-string class.

class tree A set of function-string classes, consisting of two or more levels of derived and parent
classes, that derive from the same base class. See also function-string class.

client A program connected to a server in a client/server architecture. It may be a frontend

application program executed by a user or a utility program that executes as an
extension of the system.

Client/Server The SAP interface standard for programs executing in a client/server architecture.
Interfaces (C/SI)

concurrency The ability of multiple clients to share data or resources. Concurrency in a database
management system depends upon the system protecting clients from conflicts that
arise when data in use by one client is modified by another client.

connection A connection from an SAP Replication Server to a database. See also Data Server
Interface (DSI) and logical connection.

connection profile Information required to establish a database connection.

coordinated dump A set of database dumps or transaction dumps that is synchronized across multiple
sites by distributing an rs_dumpdb or rs_dumptran function through the replication

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38 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Glossary
database A set of related data tables and other objects that is organized and presented to serve
a specific purpose.

database generation Stored in both the database and the RSSD of the SAP Replication Server that
number manages the database, the database generation number is the first part of the origin
queue ID (<qid>) of each log record. The origin queue ID ensures that the SAP
Replication Server does not process duplicate records. During recovery operations,
you may need to increment the database generation number so that SAP Replication
Server does not ignore records submitted after the database is reloaded.

database replication A description of a set of database objects—tables, transactions, functions, system

definition stored procedures, and DDL—for which a subscription can be created.

You can also create table replication definitions and function replication definitions.
See also table replication definition and function replication definition.

database server A server program, such as SAP ASE, that provides database management services to

data definition The set of commands in a query language, such as Transact-SQL, that describes data
language (DDL) and their relationships in a database. DDL commands in Transact-SQL include those
using the create, drop, and alter keywords.

data manipulation The set of commands in a query language, such as Transact-SQL, that operates on
language (DML) data. DML commands in Transact-SQL include select, insert, update, and

data server A server whose client interface conforms to the SAP Client/Server Interfaces and
provides the functionality necessary to maintain the physical representation of a
replicated table in a database. Data servers are usually database servers, but they can
also be any data repository with the interface and functionality SAP Replication Server

Data Server SAP Replication Server threads corresponding to a connection between an SAP
Interface (DSI) Replication Server and a database. DSI threads submit transactions from the DSI
outbound queue to a replicate data server. They consist of a scheduler thread and one
or more executor threads. The scheduler thread groups the transactions by commit
order and dispatches them to the executor threads. The executor threads map
functions to function strings and execute the transactions in the replicate database.
DSI threads use an Open Client connection to a database. See also outbound queue
and connection.

data source A specific combination of a database management system (DBMS) product such as a
relational or non-relational data server, a database residing in that DBMS, and the
communications method used to access that DBMS from other parts of a replication
system. See also database and data server.

decision support A database client application characterized by ad hoc queries, reports, and
application calculations and few data update transactions.

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declared datatype The datatype of the value delivered to the SAP Replication Server from the Replication

● If the Replication Agent delivers a base SAP Replication Server datatype, such as
datetime, to the SAP Replication Server, the declared datatype is the base
● Otherwise, the declared datatype must be the UDD for the original datatype at the
primary database.

default function The function string that is provided by default for the system provided classes
string rs_sqlserver_function_class and rs_default_function_class and classes
that inherit function strings from these classes, either directly or indirectly. See also
function string.

dematerialization The optional process, when a subscription is dropped, whereby specific rows that are
not used by other subscriptions are removed from the replicate database.

derived class A function-string class that inherits function strings from a parent class. See also
function-string class and parent class.

direct route A route used to send messages directly from a source to a destination SAP
Replication Server, with no intermediate SAP Replication Servers. See also indirect
route and route.

disk partition See partition.

distributed database A database system where data is stored in multiple databases on a network.

Distributor An SAP Replication Server thread (DIST) that helps to determine the destination of
each transaction in the inbound queue.

dump marker A message written by SAP ASE in a database transaction log when a dump is
performed. In a warm standby application, when you are initializing the standby
database with data from the active database, you can specify that SAP Replication
Server use the dump marker to determine where in the transaction stream to begin
applying transactions in the standby database. See also warm standby application.

Embedded The SAP SQL Anywhere database that stores SAP Replication Server system tables.
Replication Server You can choose whether to store SAP Replication Server system tables on the ERSSD
System Database or the SAP ASE RSSD. See also Replication Server System Database (RSSD).

Enterprise Connect An integrated set of software applications and connectivity tools that allow access to
Data Access (ECDA) data within a heterogeneous database environment, such as a variety of LAN-based,
non-ASE data sources, and mainframe data sources.

error action An SAP Replication Server response to a data server error. Possible SAP Replication
Server error actions are ignore, warn, retry_log, log, retry_stop, and
stop_replication. Error actions are assigned to specific data server errors.

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40 © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Glossary
error class A name for a collection of data server error actions that are used with a specified

exceptions log A set of three SAP Replication Server system tables that holds information about
transactions that failed on a data server. The transactions in the log must be resolved
by a user or by an intelligent application. You can use the rs_helpexception stored
procedure to query the exceptions log.

ExpressConnect for A set of libraries that can be used to provide direct communication between SAP
HANA DB Replication Server and an SAP HANA database.

ExpressConnect for A set of libraries that can be used to provide direct communication between SAP
Oracle Replication Server and an Oracle database.

Failover SAP Failover allows you to configure two version 12.0 and later SAP ASEs as
companions. If the primary companion fails, that server’s devices, databases, and
connections can be taken over by the secondary companion.

For more detailed information about how SAP Failover works in SAP ASE, refer to
Using SAP Failover in a High Availability System, which is part of the SAP ASE
documentation set.

fault tolerance The ability of a system to continue to operate correctly even though one or more of its
component parts is malfunctioning.

function An SAP Replication Server object that represents a data server operation such as
insert, delete, select, or begin transaction. SAP Replication Server distributes such
operations to other SAP Replication Servers as functions. Each function consists of a
function name and a set of data parameters. In order to execute the function in a
destination database, SAP Replication Server uses function strings to convert a
function to a command or set of commands for a type of database. See also user-
defined function, and replicated function delivery.

function replication A description of a replicated function used in replicated function delivery. The function
definition replication definition, maintained by SAP Replication Server, includes information
about the parameters to be replicated and the location of the primary version of the
affected data. See also replicated function delivery.

function scope The range of a function’s effect. Functions have replication definition scope or
function-string class scope. A function with replication definition scope is defined for a
specific replication definition, and cannot be applied to other replication definitions. A
function with function-string class scope is defined once for a function-string class
and is available only within that class.

function string A string that SAP Replication Server uses to map a function and its parameters to a
data server API. Function strings allow SAP Replication Server to support
heterogeneous replication, in which the primary and replicate databases are different
types, with different SQL extensions and different command features.

function-string class A named collection of function strings used with a specified database connection.
Function-string classes include those provided with SAP Replication Server and those

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you have created. Function-string classes can share function string definitions
through function-string inheritance. The three system-provided function-string
classes are rs_sqlserver_function_class, rs_default_function_class, and
rs_db2_function_class. See also base class, class tree, derived class, function-
string inheritance, and parent class.

function-string The ability to share function string definitions between classes, whereby a derived
inheritance class inherits function strings from a parent class. See also derived class, function-
string class, and parent class.

function-string An identifier used in a function string to represent a value that is to be substituted at

variable run time. Variables in function strings are enclosed in question marks (?). They
represent column values, function parameters, system-defined variables, or user-
defined variables.

function subscription A subscription to a function replication definition used in both applied and request
function delivery.

gateway Connectivity software that allows two or more computer systems with different
network architectures to communicate.

generation number See database generation number.

heterogeneous data Multi-vendor data servers used together in a distributed database system.

hibernation mode An SAP Replication Server state in which all data definition language (DDL)
commands, except admin and sysadmin commands, are rejected; all routes and
connections are suspended; most service threads, such as Data Server Interface
(DSI) and SAP Replication Server Interface (RSI), are suspended; and RSI and
Replication Agent users are logged off and not allowed to log on. This is used during
route upgrades, and may be turned on for an SAP Replication Server to debug

high-performance An SAP® in-memory online transaction processing and online analytical processings
analytic appliance solution.

high-performance The SAP in-memory database.

analytic appliance
database (SAP HANA

high availability (HA) Very low downtime. Computer systems that provide HA usually provide 99.999%
availability, or roughly five minutes unscheduled downtime per year.

high volume adaptive Compilation of a group of insert, delete, and update operations to produce a net
replication (HVAR) result and the subsequent bulk application of the net result to the replicate database.

hot standby A database application in which the standby database can be placed into service
application without interrupting client applications and without losing any transactions. See also
warm standby application.

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ID Server One SAP Replication Server in a replication system is the ID Server. In addition to
performing the usual SAP Replication Server tasks, the ID Server assigns unique ID
numbers to every SAP Replication Server and database in the replication system, and
maintains version information for the replication system.

inbound queue A stable queue used to spool messages from a Replication Agent to an SAP
Replication Server.

indirect route A route used to send messages from a source to a destination SAP Replication
Server, through one or more intermediate SAP Replication Servers. See also direct
route and route.

interfaces file A file containing entries that define network access information for server programs
in an SAP client/server architecture. Server programs may include SAP ASE,
gateways, SAP Replication Servers, and Replication Agents. The interfaces file entries
enable clients and servers to connect to each other in a network.

latency The measure of the time it takes to distribute to a replicate database a data
modification operation first applied in a primary database. The time includes
Replication Agent processing, SAP Replication Server processing, and network

local-area network A system of computers and devices, such as printers and terminals, connected by
(LAN) cabling for the purpose of sharing data and devices.

locator value The value stored in the rs_locater table of the SAP Replication Server RSSD that
identifies the latest log transaction record received and acknowledged by the SAP
Replication Server from each previous site during replication.

logical connection A database connection that SAP Replication Server maps to the connections for the
active and standby databases in a warm standby application. See also connection and
warm standby application.

login name The name that a user or a system component such as SAP Replication Server uses to
log in to a data server, SAP Replication Server, or Replication Agent.

Log Transfer A subset of the Replication Command Language (RCL). A Replication Agent such as
Language (LTL) RepAgent uses LTL commands to submit to SAP Replication Server the information it
retrieves from primary database transaction logs.

Log Transfer The Replication Agent program for SAP SQL Server. See also Replication Agent and
Manager (LTM) RepAgent thread.

maintenance user A data server login name that SAP Replication Server uses to maintain replicate data.
In most applications, maintenance user transactions are not replicated.

materialization The process of copying data specified by a subscription from a primary database to a
replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate table. Replicate data can be
transferred over a network, or, for subscriptions involving large amounts of data,
loaded initially from media. See also atomic materialization, bulk materialization, no
materialization, and nonatomic materialization.

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materialization A stable queue used to spool messages related to a subscription being materialized
queue or dematerialized.

missing row A row missing from a replicated copy of a table but present in the primary table.

mixed-version A replication system containing SAP Replication Servers of different software

system versions that have different capabilities based on their different software versions and
site versions. Mixed-version support is available only if the system version is 11.0.2 or

For example, a replication system containing SAP Replication Servers version 11.5 or
later and version 11.0.2 is a mixed-version system. A replication system containing
SAP Replication Servers of releases earlier than release 11.0.2 is not a mixed-version
system, because any newer SAP Replication Servers are restricted by the system
version from using certain new features. See also site version and system version.

more columns Columns in a replication definition exceeding 250, but limited to 1024. More columns
are supported by SAP Replication Server version 12.5 and later.

multi-site availability Methodology for replicating database objects—tables, functions, transactions,

(MSA) system stored procedures, and data definition language (DDL) statements from the
primary to the replicate database. In MultiSite Availability (MSA) setup, replication
definitions are not required for tables without LOB columns while replication
definitions with standby clauses are required for tables with LOB columns. See also
database replication definition.

Multi-Path SAP Replication Server feature that improves performance by enabling parallel paths
Replication™ of data from the source database to the target database. You can configure multi-
path replication in warm standby and multisite availability (MSA) environments.
These multiple paths process data independently of each other and are applicable
when sets of data can be processed in parallel without transactions consistency
requirements between them while still maintaining data consistency within a path, but
not adhering to the commit order across different paths.

name space The scope within which an object name must be unique.

nonatomic A materialization method that copies subscription data from a primary to a replicate
materialization database through the network in a single operation, without a holdlock. Changes to
the primary table are allowed during data transfer, which may cause temporary
inconsistencies between replicate and primary databases. Data is applied in
increments of ten rows per transaction, which ensures that the replicate database
transaction log does not fill. Nonatomic materialization is an optional method for the
create subscription command. See also autocorrection, atomic materialization,
no materialization, and bulk materialization.

network-based Secure transmission of data across a network. SAP Replication Server supports third-
security party security mechanisms that provide user authentication, unified login, and secure
message transmission between SAP Replication Servers.

no materialization A materialization method that lets you create a subscription when the subscription
data already exists at the replicate site. Use the create subscription command

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with the without materialization clause. You can use this method to create
subscriptions to table replication definitions. See also atomic materialization and bulk

online transaction A database client application characterized by frequent transactions involving data
processing (OLTP) modification (inserts, deletes, and updates).

Origin Queue ID (qid) Formed by the Replication Agent, the qid uniquely identifies each log record passed to
the SAP Replication Server. It includes the date and timestamp and the database
generation number. See also database generation number.

orphaned row A table row that is present in the replicate, but not in the primary database.

outbound queue A stable queue used to spool messages. The DSI outbound queue spools messages to
a replicate database. The RSI outbound queue spools messages to a replicate SAP
Replication Server.

parallel DSI Configuring a database connection so that transactions are applied to a replicate data
server using multiple Data Server Interface (DSI) threads operating in parallel, rather
than a single DSI thread. See also connection and Data Server Interface (DSI).

parameter An identifier representing a value that is provided when a procedure executes.

Parameter names are prefixed with an @ character in function strings. When a
procedure is called from a function string, SAP Replication Server passes the
parameter values, unaltered, to the data server. See also searchable parameter.

parent class A function-string class from which a derived class inherits function strings. See also
function-string class and derived class.

partition A raw disk partition or operating system file that SAP Replication Server uses for
stable queue storage. Only use operating system files in a test environment.

physical connection A connection from an SAP Replication Server to a database.

primary data The definitive version of a set of data in a replication system. The primary data is
maintained on a data server that is known to all of the SAP Replication Servers with
subscriptions for the data.

primary database Any database that contains data that is replicated to another database via the
replication system.

primary fragment A horizontal segment of a table that holds the primary version of a set of rows.

primary key A set of table columns that uniquely identifies each row.

primary site The location or facility at which primary data servers and primary databases are
deployed to support normal business operations. Sometimes called the active site or
main site. See error class and function-string class.

principal user The user who starts an application. When using network-based security, SAP
Replication Server logs in to remote servers as the principal user.

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profile Allows user to configure a connection with a pre-defined set of properties relative to
the server SAP Replication Server is connecting to.

projection A vertical slice of a table, representing a subset of the table’s columns.

publication A group of articles from the same primary database. A publication lets you collect
replication definitions for related tables and/or stored procedures and then subscribe
to them as a group. You collect replication definitions as articles in a publication at the
source SAP Replication Server and subscribe to them with a publication subscription
at the destination SAP Replication Server. See also article and publication

publication A subscription to a publication. See also article and publication.


published datatype The datatype of the column after the column-level translation (and before a class-
level translation, if any) at the replicate data server. The published datatype must be
either an SAP Replication Server base datatype or a UDD for the datatype in the
target data server. If the published datatype is omitted from the replication definition,
it defaults to the declared datatype.

query In a database management system, a query is a request to retrieve data that meets a
given set of criteria. The SQL database language includes the select command for

quiescent A state in which log scanning has stopped and all scanned records have been
propagated to their destinations in a replication system. Some Replication Agent and
SAP Replication Server commands require that you first quiesce the replication

quoted identifiers Object names that contain special characters such as spaces and nonalphanumeric
characters, start with a character other than alphabet, or correspond to a reserved
word and need to be enclosed in quote (single or double) characters to be parsed

real time loading High volume adaptive replication (HVAR) to an SAP® IQ database. Uses relevant
(RTL) commands and processes to apply HVAR changes to an SAP IQ replicate database.
See high volume adaptive replication.

remote procedure A request to execute a procedure that resides in a remote server. The server that
call (RPC) executes the procedure could be an SAP ASE, an SAP Replication Server, or a server
created using SAP Open Server. The request can originate from any of these servers
or from a client application. The RPC request format is a part of the SAP Client/
Server Interfaces.

RepAgent thread The Replication Agent for SAP ASE databases. Replication Agent is an SAP ASE
thread; it transfers transaction log information from the primary database to an SAP
Replication Server for distribution to other databases.

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replicate database A database that contains data replicated from another database (the primary
database) through a replication system. The replicate database is the database that
receives replicated data in a replication system. Contrast with primary database.

replicated function A method of replicating, from a source to a destination database, a stored procedure
delivery that is associated with a function replication definition. See also applied function,
request function, and function replication definition.

replicated stored An SAP ASE stored procedure that is marked as replicated using the sp_setrepproc
procedure system procedure. Replicated stored procedures can be associated with function
replication definitions or table replication definitions. See also replicated function
delivery and asynchronous procedure delivery.

replicated table A table that is maintained by SAP Replication Server, in part or in whole, in databases
at multiple locations. There is one primary version of the table, which is marked as
replicated using the sp_setreptable system procedure; all other versions are
replicated copies.

Replication Agent A program or module that transfers transaction log information representing
modifications made to primary data from a database server to an SAP Replication
Server for distribution to other databases. RepAgent is the Replication Agent for SAP
ASE databases.

Replication The commands used to manage information in SAP Replication Server.

Command Language

replication definition Usually, a description of a table for which subscriptions can be created. The
replication definition, maintained by SAP Replication Server, includes information
about the columns to be replicated and the location of the primary version of the

You can also create function replication definitions; sometimes the term “table
replication definition” is used to distinguish between table and function replication
definitions. See also function replication definition.

Replication A distributed management agent that you can use to easily set up and manage
Management Agent replication from any supported databases to an SAP HANA database.

Replication Server A thread that logs in to a destination SAP Replication Server and transfers commands
Interface (RSI) from the source SAP Replication Server RSI outbound stable queue to the destination
SAP Replication Server. There is one RSI thread for each destination SAP Replication
Server that is a recipient of commands from a primary or intermediate SAP
Replication Server. See also outbound queue and route.

replication system The system administrator that manages routine operations in the Replication Server.

Replication Server The SAP ASE database containing an SAP Replication Server system tables. The user
System Database can choose whether to store SAP Replication Server system tables on SAP ASE or

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embedded in an SAP SQL Anywhere database hosted by SAP Replication Server. See
also Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD).

Replication Server The SAP ASE with the database containing an SAP Replication Server system tables.
system Adaptive

replication system A data processing system where data is replicated in multiple databases to provide
remote users with the benefits of local data access. Specifically, a replication system
that is based upon SAP Replication Server and includes other components such as
Replication Agents and data servers.

replication system All replication system components that use the same ID Server.

request function A replicated function, associated with a function replication definition, that SAP
Replication Server delivers from a primary database to a replicate database. The
function passes parameter values to a stored procedure that is executed at the
replicate database. The stored procedure is executed at the replicate site by the same
user as it is at the primary site. See also replicated function delivery, request function,
and function replication definition.

resync marker When you restart Replication Agent in resync mode, Replication Agent sends the
resync database marker to SAP Replication Server to indicate that a
resynchronization effort is in progress. The resync marker is the first message
Replication Agent sends before sending any SQL data definition language (DDL) or
data manipulation language (DML) transactions.

route A one-way message stream from a source Replication Server to a destination

Replication Server. Routes carry data modification commands (including those for
RSSDs) and replicated functions or stored procedures between Replication Servers.
See also direct route and indirect route.

route version The lower of the site version numbers of the route’s source and destination SAP
Replication Servers. The supported SAP Replication Server versions use the route
version number to determine which data to send to the replicate site. See also site

row migration The process whereby column value changes in rows in a primary version of a table
cause corresponding rows in a replicate version of the table to be inserted or deleted,
based on comparison with values in a subscription’s where clause.

SAP Adaptive Server The SAP version 11.5 and later relational database server. If you choose the RSSD
Enterprise (SAP ASE) option when configuring SAP Replication Server, SAP ASE maintains SAP Replication
Server system tables in the RSSD database.

SAP Replication The SAP server program that maintains replicated data, typically on a LAN, and
Server processes data transactions received from other SAP Replication Servers on the
same LAN or on a WAN.

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schema The structure of the database. DDL commands and system procedures change
system tables stored in the database. Supported DDL commands and system
procedures can be replicated to standby databases when you use SAP Replication
Server version 11.5 or later and SAP ASE version 11.5 or later.

searchable column A column in a replicated table that can be specified in the where clause of a
subscription or article to restrict the rows replicated at a site.

searchable A parameter in a replicated stored procedure that can be specified in the where
parameter clause of a subscription to help determine whether or not the stored procedure
should be replicated. See also parameter.

secondary truncation A secondary truncation point marks the place in the primary database log up to which
point the RepAgent has processed transactions. The RepAgent periodically updates the
secondary truncation point to reflect transactions successfully passed to the SAP
Replication Server. SAP ASE will not truncate the log past the secondary truncation

site An installation consisting of, at minimum, an SAP Replication Server, data server, and
database, and possibly a Replication Agent, usually at a discrete geographic location.
The components at each site are connected over a WAN to those at other sites in a
replication system. See also primary site.

site version The version number for an individual SAP Replication Server. Once the site version
has been set to a particular level, the SAP Replication Server enables features specific
to that level, and downgrades are not allowed. See also software version, route
version, and system version.

software version The version number of the software release for an individual SAP Replication Server.
See also site version and system version.

SQL Server The SAP relational database pre-11.5 server.

SQL statement The process in which the SAP Replication Server receives the SQL statement that
replication modified the primary data, rather than the individual row changes from the
transaction log. SAP Replication Server applies the SQL statement to the replicated
site. RepAgent sends both the SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) and individual
row changes. Depending on your configuration, SAP Replication Server chooses
either individual row change log replication or SQL statement replication.

Stable Queue A thread that manages the stable queues. There is one Stable Queue Manager (SQM)
Manager (SQM) thread for each stable queue accessed by the SAP Replication Server, whether
inbound or outbound.

Stable Queue A thread that reassembles transaction commands in commit order. A Stable Queue
Transaction (SQT) Transaction (SQT) interface thread reads from inbound stable queues, puts
interface transactions in commit order, then sends them to the Distributor (DIST) thread or a
DSI thread, depending on which thread required the SQT ordering of the transaction.

stable queues Store-and-forward queues where SAP Replication Server stores messages destined
for a route or database connection. Messages written into a stable queue remain

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there until they can be delivered to the destination SAP Replication Server or
database. SAP Replication Server builds stable queues using its disk partitions. See
also inbound queue, outbound queue, and materialization queue.

standalone mode An SAP Replication Server mode used for initiating recovery operations.

standby database In a warm standby application, a database that receives data modifications from the
active database and serves as a backup of that database. See also warm standby

stored procedure A collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under
a name in an SAP ASE database. Stored procedures supplied with SAP ASE are called
system procedures. Some stored procedures for querying the RSSD are included with
the SAP Replication Server software.

subscription A request for SAP Replication Server to maintain a replicated copy of a table, or a set
of rows from a table, in a replicate database at a specified location. You can also
subscribe to a function replication definition, for replicating stored procedures.

subscription The optional process, when a subscription is dropped, whereby specific rows that are
dematerialization not used by other subscriptions are removed from the replicate database.

subscription The process of copying data specified by a subscription from a primary database to a
materialization replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate table. Replicate data can be
transferred over a network, or, for subscriptions involving large amounts of data,
loaded initially from media.

subscription The process whereby column value changes in rows in a primary version of a table
migration cause corresponding rows in a replicate version of the table to be inserted or deleted,
based on comparison with values in a subscription’s where clause.

SAP® Control Center A Web-based solution for monitoring the status and availability of servers in a
for Replication replication environment.

symmetric On a multiprocessor platform, the ability of an application’s threads to run in parallel.

multiprocessing SAP Replication Server supports SMP, which can improve server performance and
(SMP) efficiency.

synchronous A command that a client submits where the client is prevented from proceeding with
command other operations before the completion status is received.

system function A function that is predefined and part of the SAP Replication Server product. Different
system functions coordinate replication activities, such as rs_begin, or perform
data manipulation operations, such as rs_insert, rs_delete, and rs_update.

system-provided SAP Replication Server provides the error class rs_sqlserver_error_class and
classes the function-string classes rs_sqlserver_function_class,
rs_default_function_class, and rs_db2_function_class. Function strings
are generated automatically for the system-provided function-string classes and for
any derived classes that inherit from these classes, directly or indirectly. See also
error class and function-string class.

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system version The version number for a replication system that represents the version for which
new features are enabled, for SAP Replication Servers of release 11.0.2 or earlier, and
below which no SAP Replication Server can be downgraded or installed. For an SAP
Replication Server version 11.5, your use of certain new features requires a site
version of 1150 and a system version of at least 1102. See also mixed-version system,
site version, and software version.

table replication Identifies a primary table and marks in order for SAP Replication Server to replicate
definition its contents when inserted, updated or deleted. It 'publishes' the data in the publish-
subscribe methodology used by SAP Replication Server.

table subscription A subscription to a table replication definition.

thread A process running within SAP Replication Server. Built upon SAP Open Server, SAP
Replication Server has a multi-threaded architecture. Each thread performs a certain
function such as managing a user session, receiving messages from a Replication
Agent or another SAP Replication Server, or applying messages to a database. See
also Data Server Interface (DSI), Distributor, and Replication Server Interface (RSI).

transaction A mechanism for grouping statements so that they are treated as a unit: either all
statements in the group are executed or no statements in the group are executed.

Transact-SQL The relational database language used with SAP ASE. It is based on standard
Structured Query Language (SQL), with Sybase extensions.

truncation point In an SAP ASE database that has an active truncation point, the active truncation
point marks the point in the transaction log where SAP ASE has completed the write
of the last committed transaction and will write the log record of the next transaction

user-defined function A function that allows you to create custom applications that use SAP Replication
Server to distribute replicated functions or asynchronous stored procedures between
sites in a replication system. In replicated function delivery, a user-defined function is
automatically created by SAP Replication Server when you create a function
replication definition.

variable See function-string variable.

version mixed-version system

See mixed-version system, site version, software version, and system version.

warm standby An application that employs SAP Replication Server to maintain a standby database
application for a database known as the active database. If the active database fails, SAP
Replication Server and client applications can switch to the standby database.

wide-area network A system of local-area networks (LANs) connected together with data
(WAN) communication lines.

wide columns Columns in a replication definition containing char, varchar, binary, varbinary,
unichar, univarchar, or Java inrow data that are wider that 255 bytes.

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wide data Wide data rows, limited to the size of the data page on the data server. SAP ASE
supports page sizes of 2K, 4K, 8K, and 16K.

wide messages Messages larger that 16K that span blocks.

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