Pawat 1bio 1

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1 What is protoplasm?

Apakah protoplasma?

A Structure consists of nucleus

Struktur yang terdiri daripada nukleus
B Structure consists of cytoplasm
Struktur yang terdiri daripada sitoplasma
C Structure consists of nucleus and cytoplasm
Struktur yang terdiri daripada nukleus dan sitoplasma
D Structure consists of all organel dalam sel
Struktur yang terdiri daripada semua organel di dalam sel

2 Diagram shows one of the cell organelle.

Rajah menunjukkan satu organel di dalam sel.

Which process occurred in the organelle ?

Antara berikut, proses yang manakah berlaku di dalam organel tersebut?

A Photosynthesis C Excretion
Fotosintesis Perkumuhan
B Respiration D Digestion
Respirasi Pencernaan

3 The following are three types of organs in a human body.

Berikut adalah tiga jenis organ yang terdapat di dalam badan manusia



Which of the following systems consists of the organs mentioned above?

Antara berikut, sistem manakah yang terdiri daripada organ-organ di atas?

A Lymphatic system
Sistem limfa
B Circulatory system
Sistem peredaran
C Excretory system
Sistem perkumuhan
D Endocrine system
Sistem endokrin

4 The structure labelled X in Diagram 1 is known as a
Struktur berlabel X di dalam Rajah 1 adalah

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

A cholesterol C phospholipid
kolesterol fosfolipid
B pore protein D carrier protein
protein liang protein pembawa

5 Diagram 3 shows an animal cell.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan sel haiwan.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

Which of the following statements is true about structure X?

Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang struktur X?

A It allows only water to pass through it

Ia membenarkan hanya air melaluinya
B It does not allow any substances to pass through it
Ia tidak membenarkan mana-mana bahan melaluinya
C It allows only selected substances to pass through it
Ia hanya membenarkan bahan-bahan terpilih sahaja melaluinya
D It allows all substances to pass through it
Ia membenarkan semua bahan melaluinya

6 The graph shows the result of an experiment to determine the concentration of the cell sap of
potato tissues.
Graf menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang.

At which point A, B, C and D is the concentration of sucrose solution hypertonic to the cell sap of
potato tissues?
Yang manakah antara titik A, B, C dan D merupakan kepekatan larutan sukrosa yang hipertonik
terhadap sap sel tisu ubi kentang?

7 Diagram 8 shows the structure of a plasma membrane.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan membrane plasma.

Diagram 8 / Rajah 8
The proteins labelled X and Y are
Protein berlabel X dan Y ialah

A Pore protein Pore protein
Protein liang Protein liang
B Carrier protein Carrier protein
Protein pembawa Protein pembawa
C Pore protein Carrier protein
Protein liang Protein pembawa
D Carrier protein Pore protein
Protein pembawa Protein liang

8 Diagram 2 shows a monomer of DNA.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu monomer DNA.

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
What is K? // Apakah K?

A Nucleotide / Nukleotida C Nitrogenous base / Bes bernirogen

B Phosphate group / Kurnpulan fosfat D Deoxyribose sugar /Gula dioksiritsosa

9 Which of the protein organisation refer to haemoglobin?

Aras organisasi protein manakah merujuk kepada haemoglobin?



10 Which of the following are true about saturated fats?

Yang manakah antara berikut benar tentang lemak tepu?

I Low content of cholesterol

Kandungan kolesterol rendah
II Solid form at room temperature
Berbentuk pepejal pada suhu bilik
III Maximum content of hydrogen atoms
Kandungan atom hidrogen maksimum
IV At least one double bond between the carbon atoms
Sekurang-kurangnya satu ikatan ganda-dua di antara atom-atom karbon

A I and IV only // I dan IV sahaja C II and III only // II dan III sahaja
B I, II and III only // I, II dan III sahaja D II, III and IV only // II, III dan IV sahaja

11 Diagram 6 shows the action of an enzyme.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan tindakan suatu enzim.

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

What is shown by the diagram?

Apakah yang ditunjukkan melalui rajah ini?

A Enzyme is a protein
Enzim ialah satu protein
B Enzyme and substrate are specific
Enzim dan substrat adalah spesifik
C Enzyme is denatured by temperature
Enzim ternyahasli oleh suhu
D Enzyme speeds up the biochemical reaction
Enzim mempercepatkan tindak balas biokimia

12 Diagram 1 shows a stage of mitosis in the plant.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu peringkat mitosis pada tumbuhan

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

Which of the following is the next stage?

Antara berikut, manakah merupakan peringkat seterusnya?



13 Diagram 4 shows a cell cycle in an animal cell.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu kitar sel dalam satu sel haiwan.

Diagram 4 / Rajah4

What is phase P and R?

Apakah fasa P dan R?

A Meiosis / Meiosis Interphase / Interfasa
B Interphase / Interfasa Mitosis / Mitosis
C Growth / Pertumbuhan Interphase / Interfasa
D Meiosis / Meiosis Growth / Pertumbuhan

14 The diploid chromosomal number of a cat is 38. If one of the homologous chromosome pairs
does not separate during meiosis I, how many chromosomes can be found in the gametes?
Nombor kromosom diploid bagi seekor kucing ialah 38. Juka satu daripada pasangan homolog
tidak terpisah semasa meiosis I, berapakah bilangan kromosom yang mugkin didapati pada

I 18 III 20
II 19 IV 38

A II only / II sahaja C I and III only / I dan III sahaja

B I and II only / I dan II sahaja D IV only / IV sahaja

15 Diagram 3 shows a process during cell division

Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu proses semasa pembahagian sel.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

Which of the following organs involves in the process?

Antara organ berikut, yang manakah terlibat dalam proses tersebut?

A Skin / Kulit C Anther / Anter

B Root / Akar D Heart / Jantung

16 Organisma manakah yang menjalankan nutrisi holozoik
Which organism practises holozoic nutrition ?

A Cendawan
B Rafflesia
C Bakteria
D Arnab

17 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan aras pada suatu pyramid makanan untuk gizi seimbang.
Diagram below shows the levels in a food guide pyramid for a balanced diet.

Aras 4
Level 4

Aras 3
Level 3

Aras 2
Level 2

Aras 4
Level 4

Makanan manakah berada pada Aras I ?

Which Food is in Level 1 ?
A Telur // Egg
B Nasi// Rice
C Lobak // Carrot
D Mentega // Butter

18 Gambar rajah di bawah menunjukkan system pencernaan manusia.

Antara bahagian A , B, C dan D, manakah menghasilkan enzim yang menghidrolisiskan
The diagram shows a human digestive system.Which of the parts A, B, C or D, produces an
enzyme that hydrolyses fats?

19 Proses manakah yang berlaku di dalam suatu sel hati ?
Which process occurs only in a liver cell?

A Sintesis protoplasma baru

Synthesis of new protoplasma
B Membaiki tisu yang rosak
Repair of damage tissues
C Sintesis hempedu
Synthesis of bile
D Sintesis membran plasma
Synthesis of plasma membrane

20 Apakah mineral yang diperlukan oleh seseorang penghidap goitre?

Which mineral is needed by a person suffering from goitre?
A Zink // Zinc
B Ferum // Ferum
C Iodin // Iodine
D Kalsium // Calcium

21 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan organel di dalam sel tumbuhan.

Diagram below shows an organelle in a plant cell.

Antara struktur A , B , C atau D , di manakah fotolisis air berlaku?

In which structure, A, B, C or D does photolysis of water occur?

22 Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan struktur kloroplas dilihat di bawah mikroskop electron.

Diagram below shows the structure of a chloroplast seen under and electron microscope.

Antara proses berikut,yang manakah berlaku di X?

Which of the following processes occurs in X ?

A Penurunan karbon dioksida oleh hidrogen

Reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen
B Penguraian air oleh cahaya matahari
Dissociation of water molecule by sunlight
C Penghasilan glukosa
Production of glucose
D Penghasilan kanji
Production of starch

23 Antara kaedah-kaedah di bawah yang manakah meningkatkan kuantiti penghasilan makanan
dengan cara meningkatkan keseragaman hasil tuaian?
Among the methods below , which increase the quantity of food production by increasing the
uniformity of the harvest?

A Aeroponik
B Hidroponik
C Tabur Terus
Direct Seeding
D Kultur tisu
Tissue culture

24 Diagram 6 shows an equation for aerobic respiration.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan persamaan untuk respirasi aerob.

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

What are P, Q, R, S and T?

Apakah P, Q, R, S dan T?

A Glucose Carbon Oxygen Water ATP
Glukosa dioxide Oksigen Air ATP
B ATP Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water
ATP Glukosa Oksigen dioxide Air
C Carbon ATP Glucose Oxygen Water
dioxide ATP Glukosa Oksigen Air
D Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water ATP
Glukosa Oksigen dioxide Air ATP

25 Diagram 4 shows two organisms P and Q.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan dua organisma P dan Q.


Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

A Tracheole Lungs
Trakeol Peparu

B Tracheole Gills
Trakeol Insang

C Lungs Tracheole
Peparu Trakeol

D Lungs Gills
Peparu Insang

26 Which of the following statements are true when a person inhales?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar apabila seseorang individu menyedut nafas?

I More oxyhaemoglobin will be formed.

Lebih banyak oksihemoglobin terbentuk

II Oxygen diffuses from X into the blood capillary.

Oksigen meresap dari X ke dalam kapilari darah

III The partial pressure of oxygen in X is higher than the partial pressure of oxygen in
the blood capillary.
Tekanan separa oksigen di X adalah tinggi dari tekanan separa oksigen di kapilari

IV The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in X is lower than the partial pressure of
carbon dioxide in the blood capillary.
Tekanan separa karbon dioksida di X adalah lebih rendah dari tekanan separa
arbon dioksida di kapilari arah

A I and II only C I, II, and III only

I dan II sahaja I, II dan III sahaja

B III and IV only D I, II, III, and IV

III dan IV sahaja Kesemua I, II, III dan IV

27 Diagram 9 below shows the respiratory system in humans.
Rajah 9 di bawah menunjukkan sistem pernafasan pada manusia.

Diagram 9 /Rajah 9
What are X, Y and Z?
Apakah X, Y dan Z?

A Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole
Trakea Bronkus Bronkiol
B Trachea Bronchus Alveolus
Trakea Bronkus Alveolus
C Oesophagus Trachea Bronchus
Esofagus Trakea Bronkus
D Oesophagus Trachea Alveolus
Esofagus Trakea Alveolus

28. Diagram 24 shows the Punnett's square used to determine the F1 generation when two tall
plants were crossed.
Rajah 24 menunjukkan segiempat sama Punnett digunakan untuk menentukan generasi F1
bila dua pokok tinggi dikacukkan.

Diagram 24 / Rajah 24

What is the percentage of short plants obtained?

Berapakah peratusan pokok rendah yang diperoleh?
A 100%
B 75%
C 50%
D 25%

29 Which of the following traits was used in Mendel’s experiment?
Antara trait-trait berikut, yang manakah digunakan dalam eksperimen Mendel?
A Colour of leaf
Warna daun
B Number of seeds
Bilangan biji
C Size of fruit
Saiz buah
D Height of plant
Ketinggian pokok

30. What is the genotype of the offspring in the F1 generation in a monohybrid cross between BB
X bb?
Apakah genotip anak dalam generasi F1 hasil kacukan monohibrid antara BB X bb?
A 100% are Bb
100% ialah Bb
B 100% are BB
100% ialah BB
C 100% are bb
100% ialah bb
D 75% are Bb and 25% are bb
75% adalah Bb dan 25% ialah bb

31. Which of the following is a discontinuous variation?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan variasi tak selanjar?
I Able to roll the tongue
Boleh menggulung lidah
II Ear lobe shape
Bentuk cuping telinga
III Have cheek dimple
Mempunyai lesung pipit
IV Blood group
Kumpulan darah
A I and II only / I dan II sahaja
B III and IV only / III dan IV sahaja
C I, III and IV only / I, III dan IV sahaja
D I, II, III and IV / I, II, III dn IV

32. The diagram shows a karyotype of a male suffering from a type of genetic disease.
Gambar rajah menunjukkan kariotip seorang lelaki yang mengalami sejenis penyakit

The genetic disease suffered by the man is
Penyakit genetik yang dialami oleh lelaki tersebut ialah
A Haemophilia / hemofilia
B Tumer's syndrome / sindrom Turner
C Down's syndrome / sindrom Down
D Klinefelter's syndrome / sindrom Klinefelter

33. The following is information about two individuals, P and Q.

Berikut adalah maklumat tentang dua individu, P dan Q.
Individual P; Can roll the tongue
Individu P: Boleh menggulung lidah
Individual Q: Cannot roll the tongue
Individu Q: Tidak boleh menggulung lidah
Which factor causes the difference in traits for the two individuals?
Faktor yang manakah yang menyebabkan perbezaan trait bagi kedua-dua individu itu?
A Genetic / Genetik
B Environment / Persekitaran
C Mutation / Mutasi
D Hormone / Hormon

34 Which of the following substance transports oxygen?

Antara bahan berikut. yang manakah mengangkut oksigen?

A Haemolymph
B Haemoglobin
C Fibrinogen
D Plasma

35 What is the function of septum in a heart?

Apakah fungsi septum dalam jantung?

A To ensure that blood flows smoothly form one chamber of the heart to another
Untuk memastikan darah mengalir dengan lancar dari satu ruang jantung ke ruang
jantung yang lain
B To separate oxygenated blood from deoxygenated blood
Untuk mengasingkan darah beroksigen dan darah terdeoksigen

C To ensure that the heart is divided into two sides

Untuk memastikan jantung dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian

D To strengthen the structure of the heart

Untuk menguatkan struktur jantung.

36 The diagram shows the circulatory system of a fish.
Rajah mununjukkan sIstem peredaran darah ikan.

What is organ X?
A Lung / Peparu B Stomach / Perut
C Kidney / Ginjal D Heart / Jantung

37 The diagram shows a longitudinal section of the human heart.

Rajah menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung manusia.

Which of the labeled parts, A, B, C or D, pumps blood to the lung?

Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mengepam darah ke peparu?

38 Which types of leucocytes are capable of carrying out phagocytosis?

Antara leukosit berikut, manakah boleh menjalankan proses fagositosis?
I Basophils // Basofil
II Eosinophils // Eosinofil
III Neutrophils // Neutrofil
IV Monocytes // Monosit

A I and II only
B III and IV only
C I, II and IV only
D II, III and IV only

39 A gardener experiences non-stop bleeding after hurting his foot while gardening. What will
happen if his blood is unable to clot.
Seorang pekebun mengalami pendarahan tidak henti setelah kakinya tercedera semasa
Apakah akan terjadi jika darahnya tidak dapat membeku?

A Blood pressure decreases

Tekanan darah menurun
B Blood capillaries enlarge
Kapilari darah membesar
C The rate of heart beat increases
Kadar denyutan jantung bertambah
D The rate of respiration increases
Kadar respirasi bertambah

40 The diagram shows the concentration of antibody in the blood after two injections of
Rajah menunjukkan kepekatan antibody dalam darah selepas dua suntikan antiserum

What type of immunity is shown in the diagram?

Apakah jenis keimunan yang ditunjukkan oleh graf dalam rajah ?

A Acquired active immunity

Keimunan aktif buatan
B Acquired passive immunity
Keimunan pasif buatan

C Natural active immunity

Keimunan aktif semulajadi
D Natural passive immunity
Keimunan pasif semulajadi

41 The diagram shows a cross-section of the coronary artery of individuals X and Y.
Rajah menunjukkan suatu keratan rentas arteri koronari bagi individu X dan
individu Y.

Individual X Individual Y
Individu X Individu Y

Which food should be avoided by individual Y?

Makanan manakah yang perlu dielakkan oleh individu Y?

A Fish / Ikan
B Bread / Roti
C Orange / Oren
D Beef burger / Burger daging

42 The diagram shows the lymphatic system.

Rajah menunjukkan sistem limfa.

Which of the following are functions of structure X?

Antara berikut manakah merupakan fungsi struktur X?
I It filters out foreign particles
Ia menapis keluar partikel asing.

II Macrophages in X engulf and destroy bacteria

Makrofaj di X mengepung dan memusnahkan bakteria.
III Lymphocytes in X produce antibodies to destroy antigens
Limfosit di X menghasilkan antibody untuk memusnahkan antigen.
IV It prevents accumulation of tissue fluid
Ia menghalang pengumpulan cecair tisu.

A I and III only
B I, II and III only
C I, II and IV only
D II, III and IV only

43 Which type of immunity is obtained by injecting antiserum into the body?

Apakah jenis keimunan yang akan diperoleh dengan menyuntik antiserum ke dalam badan

A Passive artificial immunity

Keimunan pasif buatan
B Passive natural immunity
Keimunan pasif semula jadi

C Active artificial acquired immunity

Keimunan aktif buatan

D Active natural acquired immunity

Keimunan aktif semula jadi

44 The diagram shows a cross section of a part of a plant.

Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas satu bahagian tumbuhan

The part of the plant is ....................

Bahagian tumbuhan itu ialah .................

A Dicotyledon root / Akar dikotiledon

B Monocotyledon rooi / akar monokotiledon
C Dicotyledon stem / batang dikotiledon
D Monocotyledon stem / batang monokotiledon

45. The diagram shows an experiment of bark ringing on a branch
Rajah menunjukkan eksperimen menggelang pada dahan.

Figure 4

Which of the following is the condition of the branch after six weeks?
Antara berikut yang manakah keadaan dahan tumbuhan itu selepas enam minggu?



46 The diagram shows a cross section of a young dicotyledon root consisting of a few main
Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas akar muda pokok dikotiledon yang terdiri daripada
beberapa tisu utama.

What is Y? // Apakah Y ?

A Phloem / Floem
B Xylem / Xilem
C Cortex / Korteks
D Cambium / Kambium

47 The diagram shows an open circulatory system of an arthropod .
Rajah menunjukkan sistem peredaran terbuka seekor artropoda

What is the colourless fluid found in X ?

Apakah cecair tidak berwarna yang terdapat dalam X?

A Lymph fluid / Bendalir limfa

B Plasma / Plasma
C Haemolymph / Hemolimfa
D Interstitial fluid / Bendalir tisu

48 Diagram shows capillaries, tissues and vessel X.

Rajah menunjukkan kapilari darah, tisu dan salur X

A Blood / Darah
B Plasma / plasma
C Lymph / Bendalir limfa
D Interstitial fluid / Cecair intertis

49 Which of the following description is true about blood cells?
Antara keterangan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang sel-sel darah?

Blood Cell Description

A Erythrocyte Biconcave in shape to enable the exchange of shape
Eritrosit while passing the blood capillary
Berbentuk dwicekung supaya boleh berubah bentuk
semasa melalui kapilari darah

B Platelet Without nucleus and involved in the blood clotting

Platlet mechanism
Tanpa nuklues dan terlibat dalam mekanisme
pembekuan darah

C Monocytes Produced in the bone marrow and produce antibodies to

Monosit destroy pathogens
Dihasilkan di sumsum tulang dan menghasilkan antibodi

D Neutrophil Without granules and destroy pathogens by phagocytosis

Neutrofil Tanpa granul dan memusnahkan patogen secara

50 Which of the arteries carries blood with the lowest oxygen concentration?
Arteri yang manakah mengangkut darah dengan kepekatan oksigen yang paling rendah

A Renal artery // Arteri renal

B Hepatic artery// Arteri hepatik
C Mesentric artery // Arteri Mesenteri
D Pulmonary artery // Arteri pulmonari


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