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Advanced Multiparty


Dr. Caneel K. Joyce

1 July 2011


Mouse & Debrief

Principled Negotiation

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 2

You do not need to end in impasse

•  Hint #1: French cultural norms

•  Hint #2: What are some of the keys to integrative

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 3


•  Should I share information?

–  Yes. Focus especially on sharing your interests, which
are the end goals you want to achieve.
–  But do not share your reservation point (RP) or BATNA.
•  What’s the difference between RP and BATNA?
–  BATNA is your best alternative to a negotiated
agreement. If you walk away, you get your BATNA, and
all it’s associated risks.
–  RP is the least favourable agreement you’re willing to
accept. You will often have several equivalent RPs in a
multi-attribute deal.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 4

Mouse  Groups  and  Roles        
First  Name   Last  Name   Group  ID   Role  
Ankit   Khurana   1   Government  
Warda   Tazi   1   Mouse  Representa:ve  
Tania   Rodriguez   1   Mayor  of  Bailly  
Hana   Yoshimoto   1   Mayor  of  Coupvray  
Dennis   Woudsma   1   Mayor  of  Magny  
Rodrigo   Scholtbach   2   Government  
Marie   Osnes   2   Mouse  Representa:ve  
Raluca   Boroianu-­‐Omura   2   Mayor  of  Bailly  
Kirsten   Pansegrow   2   Mayor  of  Chessy  
Miguel   Linares   2   Mayor  of  Coupvray  
Mondlane   Morte   2   Mayor  of  Magny  
Aart   Vollenhoven   3   Government  
Aly   Popat   3   Mouse  Representa:ve  
Guido   Hagemann   3   Mayor  of  Bailly  
Mohammed   Mebjar   3   Mayor  of  Chessy  
Omar   Awad   3   Mayor  of  Coupvray  
Michael   Pearson   3   Mayor  of  Magny  
Jan   Hann   4   Government  
Felipe   Kudiess   4   Mouse  Representa:ve  
Ademola   Oladimeji   4   Mayor  of  Bailly  
Jamiu   Eniola   4   Mayor  of  Chessy  
Marianne   Rasmussen   4   Mayor  of  Coupvray  
Nicholas   Gould   4   Mayor  of  Magny  
Jane   Pade   5   Government  
Isabel   Manrique   5   Mouse  Representa:ve  
Alain   Siebert   5   Mayor  of  Bailly  
Moritz   GueXnger   5   Mayor  of  Chessy  
Parag   Sharma   5   Mayor  of  Coupvray  
Arpine   Korekyan     5   Mayor  of  Magny  

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Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 6

90 minutes

Groups 1, 2, 3 Groups 4 & 5

Room 109 Room 114

Feel free to use the NAB open spaces

- please leave a note for us in your
room or let us know where to find you

11:10 - 11:40

Negotiation Journals
Individual Observations
Class Results
Peer Feedback
Individual Reflection & Summary

Key strategies for Mouse negotiation

1.  Trade-offs & Priorities

2.  Sequencing
3.  Agreement in Principle
4.  Packaging and Linking

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 10

Juggling multiple chainsaws

•  To agree, you had to figure out how to

trade low-priority items for high-priority
–  Keep all 5 issues at play simultaneously.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 11

Keep concessions in your pocket

•  Sequencing:
–  If you start by agreeing about the easy issues,
by the time you’ve reached your high-priority
issues, you’ve run out of items to trade-off.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 12

Walk around, not through, gridlock

•  Agreement in principle:
–  Nothing is final until it’s final.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 13

Enable tradeoffs for everyone

•  Packaging and linking:

–  Negotiate multi-issue proposals.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 14

Negotiation Journals
Individual Observations
Class Results
Peer Feedback
Individual Reflection & Summary

Mouse Results: Out of five teams...

Impasse __ teams
Partial impasse __ teams
(no agreement on some issues)
Agreement __ teams

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 16

Cultural differences

•  Mouse believes park is a benefit to towns

–  Property values, employment
•  Towns see park as affront to treasured
way of life
–  Traffic, tourists, property costs, August holiday
–  “Your aspiration is our catastrophe”

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 17

Mouse Must Pay!

•  Towns want Mouse to pay them (business

tax, voluntary payment, revenue sharing)
•  Mouse will resist: Overheard threat: “I’m going
back to America!”
•  Mayors also want government to pay but
they have no power to induce this.

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 18

Mayors must agree because they
need each other to win
•  Mouse needs Bailly & Magny not to block
•  Bailly & Magny will only agree if Chessy &
Coupvray agree to equal revenue sharing
–  Yesterday 10 of 16 teams shared equally
•  Mouse should agree to €1M per year if no
blocking access

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 19

Cultural differences à lose-lose

•  Mouse prefers revenue sharing, would

agree to 2-4% (€2-4M/year)
•  Towns forego higher total for fixed
payment (suspicious/risk averse)

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 20

Permits and Planning

•  To expedite permits, Mouse will offer to provide

community planning assistance
•  Mayors will refuse that offer.
–  Stay out of offices, hated MouseWorld planning
•  Mayors will accept planning & expediting permit
assistance from government
•  Government will provide if mayors cease
negative publicity and insure no blocking

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 21

Press Release

•  Mouse and government both want positive

press release
•  Mayors can trade this in exchange for
€250k each in annual payments

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 22

Mouse Results
Group 1* Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Payment Mouse: 2% payroll Mouse: payroll tax Mouse: payroll tax Mouse: 1M fixed Mouse: 750k/year
tax. 1% + 500k annual 1% (gov guar 3M fixed + payroll tax
(gov guar 3M to to towns) 5% (Bailly &
towns) + 100k one- Magny: 250k,
off per town + 1% Chessy &
tourist tax on tix (est Coupvray: share
15M/yr, w/ gov guar 50% of 250k +
10M) 0.5% payroll tax)

Press release Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes

Community Admin & 80% of employees Admin supp’t and Hire 12 admin, 2 Gov paid
involvement Community from local towns communities engineers and 1 community planner
planning paid by planner from govt community planner & admin support.
govt. Part of park to the regions. per town. Free tix Property taxes for
will promote Produce bought to all locals. residents (10yrs),
French culture. from local farms. jobs (75%?). Buy
Tix for town kids. local products
when possible.

Other 30 day permits. (1) Special cultural (1) Employment Mayors do what Committee for
committee and houses for they can to stop planning? Levy?
(2) Task force for Mouse ee’s (2) blockades
accelerating admin towns will
process cooperate in
(3) Fiats action: 30d speedy
Dr. Caneel Joyce completion. (4)
Executive Summer School 23 Mouse apology to

Other Creative Ideas

Open wine employ
-ment French
bar in park food &
for town across
towns local
residents traditio
Tax imports
Mouse to induce
builds hotels to Agri-
museu purchase cultural
m from local activiti
about farmers es for
town youth

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 24

Negotiation Journals
Individual Observations
Class Results
Peer Feedback
Individual Reflection & Summary

Feedback from Mouse team

Behaviours  that     Behaviours  that    

Increased     Increased    
Individual  gain   Joint  gain  

Behaviours  that     Behaviours  that    

Decreased     Decreased    
Individual  gain   Joint  gain  

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 26

Negotiation Journals
Individual Observations
Class Results
Peer Feedback
Individual Reflection & Summary


Mouse & Debrief

Principled Negotiation

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 28

The most commonly used negotiation
method is called positional bargaining
•  Each side clarifies their position and
commits to it
•  Often choose extreme position, knowing
concessions will be made
•  Ego becomes identified with position
•  As try to convince other side can’t change
position, it becomes true
•  If negotiation involves more than one
person per side (i.e. constituents, bosses,
etc), is even harder to change position

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 29

How does positional bargaining

measure up against our criteria?

OUTCOME Final agreement is wise?

Produces unwise agreements

PROCESS Process is efficient?

No incentive for efficient process

IMPACT ON Relationship between two parties

RELATIONSHIP improves or, at least, is not damaged?
Endangers an ongoing relationship
Fisher & Ury, Getting to Yes

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 30

Soft / Hard negotiation is just a
form of positional bargaining

“Tough” Negotiator “Soft” Negotiator

• Participants are adversaries • Participants are friends
• The goal is victory • The goal is agreement
• Distrust others • Trust others
• Dig in to your position • Change your position easily
• Make threats • Make offers
• Mislead as to your bottom • Disclose your bottom line
line • Accept one-sided losses to
• Demand one-sided gains as reach agreement
the price of agreement • Try to avoid a contest of will
• Try to win a contest of will • Yield to pressure
• Apply pressure

Result: harm relationship Result: feel exploited

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 31

The 3rd option: Principled negotiation

•  Separate people from • Focus on interests,
problems not positions
•  Participants are
problem-solvers (not
adversaries or friends)
People Interests
•  Proceed independent
of trust

• Whenever possible, • Generate a variety of

use objective possibilities before
standards to decide deciding what to do
• Reason and be open
to reason Criteria Options
• Yield to principle, not

Fisher & Ury, Getting to Yes

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 32

If they won’t cooperate, use
“negotiation jujitsu”
Jujitsu: a martial art & method of close combat for defeating an
armed/armored opponent in which one uses no weapon.

Striking against an armored opponent proved ineffective, so

Jujitsu practitioners learned that the most efficient methods for
neutralizing an enemy by using an attacker's energy against him,
rather than directly opposing it.

Jū ="gentle, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding"

Jutsu = "art" or "technique”. Represents manipulating the opponent's

force against himself rather than confronting it with one's own force.

Takahashi, Masao (2005) Mastering Judo. Human Kinetics

Skoss, Meik (1995) Jujutsu and Taijutsu. Aikido Journal

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 33

Negotiation Jujitsu Maneuvers

•  When they announce a firm position, resist the urge to
Don’t attack their position,
look behind it
•  Inquire into principles/interests behind it

•  Instead of asking them to accept/reject an idea, invite

Don’t defend your ideas, them to criticize it
invite criticism and advice •  Ask for their advice

•  Listen, allow them to let off steam

Recast an attack on you as •  Show you understand and then recast what they said
an attack on the problem

•  Statements generate resistance; questions generate

Ask questions and use answers
silence •  Pause after posing the question
•  Respond to unreasonable proposals or attacks with
silence; they will feel compelled to fill it

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 34

Never stop learning

•  I will post practical resources to my website:

-  Negotiation planning document (feel free to share this at work)
-  Book recommendations
-  Slides (including some new ones)
(I’ll email you the link when it’s live)

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 35

Keep in touch

•  Linkedin group?
•  Please keep in touch and let me know how
you find using what you’ve learned.
–  Twitter: caneel

Dr. Caneel Joyce

Executive Summer School 36

If you only remember one thing....

You don’t ask,

you don’t get!

But you won’t know

what to ask for until you
know what you want.
Dr. Caneel Joyce
Executive Summer School 37


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