Wills Case Digest

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In re: Will and Testament of the deceased REVEREND SANCHO ABADIA.

SEVERINA A. VDA. DE ENRIQUEZ, ET AL. vs. MIGUEL ABADIA, ET AL. Spring Giberson, son of the deceased, filed an opposition claiming that the will is
G.R. No. L-7188 apocryphal, that it does not represent the true will of the deceased, and that it has
August 9, 1954 not been in accordance with law. The trial court dismissed the application stating
that under our existing rules only those wills that have previously been proved to
Facts: Andres Enriquez, as one of the legatees in a document purporting to be the be allowed in the United States, or any state or territory thereof, or any foreign
last will and testament of Father Sancho Abadia, which was executed on country, according to their laws, may be allowed to be filed or recorded in the
September 6, 1923, filed a petition for its probate. Some cousins and nephews of proper court of first instance in the Philippines. Hence, this petition
the deceased, who would inherit his estate if he left no will, filed opposition. The
trial court ruled in favor of Enriquez, stating that even if the said document is a Issue: Whether the will of William Giberson can be authenticated in the
holographic will, one which is not permitted by law at the time it was executed Philippines, although such document
and at the time of the testator’s death, such form of a will is already allowed at the
time of the hearing of the case since the new Civil Code is already enforced, and Held: No. A will awarded outside the Philippine can be legalized and registered in
that to carry out the intention of the testator which according to the trial court is the Philippines, provided that it was awarded in accordance with the laws of the
the controlling factor and may override any defect in form. Hence, this petition. State or country where it was awarded. This is supported by Article 637 of the Civil
Code wherein it was stated that wills authenticated and legalized in the United
Issue: Whether the reckoning period in deciding the validity of the holographic will States, or any state or territory thereof in accordance with the laws of that state,
of Rev. Sanchio, the time of the hearing of the case shall be considered and not the may be be legalized and recorded in the CFI of the province in which the testator
time of its execution has a real property or estate.

Held: No. The validity of a will is to be judged not by the law enforce at the time of PAULA DE LA CERNA, ET AL. vs. MANUELA REBACA POTOT, ET AL., and CA
the testator's death or at the time the supposed will is presented in court for G.R. No. L-20234
probate or when the petition is decided by the court but at the time the December 23, 1964
instrument was execute, as supported by Art. 795 of the new Civil Code. One
reason in support of the rule is that although the will operates upon and after the Facts: Spouses Bernabe de la Cerna and Gervacia Rebaca, executed a joint will
death of the testator, the wishes of the testator about the disposition of his estate and testament in the local dialect whereby they willed that the properties during
among his heirs and among the legatees is given solemn expression at the time the their marriage be given to Manuela Rebaca, their niece, because they did not have
will is executed, and in reality, the legacy or bequest then becomes a completed any child. Bernabe died on August 30, 1939, and the aforesaid will was submitted
act. to probate by said Gervasia and Manuela before the CFI of Cebu. Upon the death
of Gervasia, another petition for the probate of the same will insofar as Gervasia
When one executes a will which is invalid for failure to observe and follow the was concerned was filed on November 6, 1952 of the same CFI, but failure of the
legal requirements at the time of its execution then upon his death he should be petitioner and her attorney to appear, the case was dismissed.
regarded and declared as having died intestate, and his heirs will then inherit by
intestate succession, and no subsequent law with more liberal requirements or The CFI ordered the petition heard and declared the testament null and void, for
which dispenses with such requirements as to execution should be allowed to being executed contrary to the prohibition of joint will in the Civil Code. On appeal,
validate a defective will and thereby divest the heirs of their vested rights in the the CA reversed the decision on the ground that the decree of probate in 1939 was
estate by intestate succession. The general rule is that the Legislature cannot issued by a court of probate jurisdiction and conclusive on the due execution of
validate void wills. Hence, the trial court’s decision was reversed. the testament.

IN THE MATTER ESTATE OF EDWARD RANDOLPH Issue: Whether the joint will executed by the spouses, despite its prohibition
A.W. FLUEMER vs. ANNIE COUSHING HIX under the Civil Code, can be considered as valid
G.R. NO. L-32636
MARCH 17, 1930 Held: Yes. Admittedly the probate of the will in 1939 was erroneous, however,
because it was probated by a court of competent jurisdiction it has conclusive
Facts: The special administrator of the Estate of Hix appeals from the decision effect and a final judgment rendered on a petition for the probate of a will is
of Judge Tuason of the CFI denying the probate of the document alleged to be the binding upon the whole world. Still, this is only true with respect to the estate of
last will and testament of the deceased. Petitioner alleged that the will was the husband but cannot affect the estate of the wife, who was then still alive, and
executed in Elkins, West Virginia, on November 3, 1925, by Hix who had residence over whose interest in the conjugal properties the probate court acquired no
in that jurisdiction. jurisdiction, precisely because her estate could not then be in issue. Be it
remembered that prior to the new Civil Code, a will could not be probated during
Issue: Whether the will should be allowed probate in the Philippines despite the testator's lifetime.
the absence of proof showing compliance with the laws of West Virginia for the
execution of wills Considering that a joint will is a separate will of each testator, It follows that the
validity of the joint will, in so far as the estate of the wife was concerned, must be,
HELD: No. The laws of a foreign jurisdiction do not prove themselves in our on her death, reexamined and adjudicated de novo . Hence, the undivided interest
courts. Such laws must be proved as facts. There was no printed or published copy of the wife should pass upon her death to her intestate heirs and not to the
under the authority of the State of West Virginia, as required by the law nor was testamentary heir
the extract from the law attested by the certificate of the officer having charge of A decree of probate decree is conclusive on the due execution and the formal
the original, under the seal of the said state. There was even no evidence validity of the will subject to such probate.
introduced to show that the extract from the laws of West Virginia was in force at
the time the alleged will was executed. In addition, the due execution of the will Testate estate of the late Bernabe Rodriguez.
was not established. There was nothing to indicate that the will was acknowledged MARTINA ARANIEGO vs. ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ ET AL. No. 1627-R. July 1, 1948
by the testator in the presence of two competent witnesses, that these witnesses
subscribed the will in the presence of the testator and of each other as the law of Facts: Martine Araniego, widow of the deceased, filed a petition for probate of the
West Virginia seems to require. On the supposition that the witnesses to the will latter’s alleged will before the CFI of Bulacan. Herein respondents, the deceased’
reside outside the Philippines, it would then be the duty of the petitioner to prove brother, niece and heirs of Bernabe’s brother, opposed the petition alleging
execution by some other means. among others that the will was obtained by undue influence, that the deceased
had no mental capacity to execute the same and such was not the will of Bernabe.
Probate of the late William R. Giberson. The will was then admitted for probate by the court. Oppositors then alleged that
LELA G. DALTON vs. SPRING GIBERSON the deceased named petitioner as universal heir and was likewise named the
G.R. No. L-4113 deceased by the latter as her universal heir in her own will, making them
June 30, 1952 reciprocal beneficiaries of each other, thus violating the prohibition on joint wills
under the Civil Code.
Facts: Lela Dalton presented an application in the CFI of Cebu asking for the
legalization of a document, which was awarded in San Francisco, California, Issue: Whether the will is valid, given that it violates the prohibition on joint wills
purporting to be the holographic will of William Giberson, who was a citizen of the under the Civil Code
State of Illinois, USA, a resident of Cebu and died in Manila.
G.R. No. L-54919
It will be noted that the law prohibits two or more persons to make a will May 30, 1984
conjointly or in the same document. In the case at bar, the subject wills are not
conjoint since they are in a separate documents. Hence, the provision in the Civil Facts: Adoracion Campos died, leaving her father, petitioner Hermogenes
code does not apply. As to other allegations of the respondents, no sufficient Campos and her sister Nenita Paguia, private respondent herein, as the surviving
evidence was presented. In fact, there is a testimony by a medical doctor that heirs. Hermogenes, as the only compulsory heir, executed an Affidavit of
testator is of sound mind when the will was executed. Hence, the decision was Adjudication unto himself the entire estate of the deceased testatrix. Eleven
affirmed. months later, Nenita filed a petition to reprobate the will, which was allegedly
executed in US, and for her appointment as administratix of the estate.
ADOLFO C. AZNAR and LUCY CHRISTENSEN vs. HELEN CHRISTENSEN GARCIA Paguia alleged that the deceased was an American citizen at the time of her death
G.R. No. L-16749 and a resident of Pennsylvania and her last will and testament were made
January 31, 1963 according to the Laws of Pennsylvania. That after the death of Adoracion, the will
was probated and registered with the Registry of Philadelphia and the appointed
Facts: This is an appeal from a decision of the CFI of Davao approving among administrator declined and waived his appointment as executor, thus, there is an
others, the final account of the executor, directing the executor to reimburse urgent need to appoint another to administer the properties in the Philippines.
Maria Lucy Christensen the amount of P3,600 paid by her to Helen, respondent
herein, as her legacy, and declaring Maria entitled to the residue of the property. An opposition to reprobate was filed alleging that such will was a forgery and that
the intrinsic provisions were null and void. Respondent judge allowed to reprobate
Helen filed an opposition alleging that it deprives her of her legitime as an the will and appointed Nenita as administrator. Hence, this petition.
acknowledged natural child of the deceased Edward and that the distribution
should be governed by Philippine Law. Issue: Whether a compulsory heir may be validly excluded by a will executed
by a foreign testator
The lower court ruled that the deceased was a US citizen (State of California) at
the time of his death. Thus, his successional rights and the intrinsic validity of the Held: Yes. Although on its face, the will appeared to have preterited the
will are to be governed by the law of California, in accordance with the testator’s petitioner and thus, the respondent judge should have denied its reprobate
right to dispose his property as he desires. outright, the private respondents have sufficiently established that Adoracion was,
at the time of her death, an American citizen and a permanent resident of
Issue: Whether or not the successional rights should be governed by the law Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
of California.
The law which governs Adoracion Campo's will is the law of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,
Held: No. There is no question that Edward was a US citizen and was which is the national law of the decedent. Although the parties admit that the
domiciled in the Philippines at the time of his death. The law that governs the Pennsylvania law does not provide for legitimes and that all the estate may be
validity of his testamentary disposition is his national law as provided in Art. 16 of given away by the testatrix to a complete stranger, the petitioner argues that such
the Civil Code. The term “national law” in Art. 16 does not mean any general law should not apply because it would be contrary to the sound and established
American law but the private law of the State of California. Art 946 of the Civil public policy and would run counter to the specific provisions of Philippine Law.
Code of California provides that the place where the personal property is situated,
it is deemed to follow the person of its owner, and is governed by the laws of his It is a settled rule that as regards the intrinsic validity of the provisions of the will,
domicile. as provided for by Article 16 (2) and 1039 of the Civil Code, the national law of the
decedent must apply. This was squarely applied in the case of Bellis v. Bellis
The Conflict of Law rule in California referred back (renvoi) the case in the wherein it was ruled that whatever public policy or good customs may be involved
Philippines. The Philippine Court must apply its own law for its determination. in our system of legitimes, Congress has not intended to extend the same to the
Hence, Helen is a legally acknowledged forced heir as provided in Arts. 887 (4) and succession of foreign nationals. For it has specifically chosen to leave, inter alia,
849 of the Civil Code of the Philipines. the amount of successional rights, to the decedent's national law. Specific
provisions must prevail over general ones.
G.R. No. L-23678 BELINA RIGOR et. al
June 6, 1967 G.R. No. L-22036
April 30, 1979
Facts: Amos Bellis was a citizen of the state of Texas of the United States. In his
first wife whom he divorced, he had five legitimate children; by his second wife, Facts: Father Pascual Rigor, herein deceased, left a will which was executed on
who survived him, he had three legitimate children. Before he died, he made two Oct. 29, Dec. 1933 and contained a provision that his ricelands shall be given to his
wills, one disposing of his Texas properties and the other disposing his Philippine nearest male relative who shall enter priesthood, and that during the interval of
Properties. In both wills, his illegitimate children were not given anything. The time that no nearest male relative of the testator was studying for the priesthood
illegitimate children opposed the will on the ground that they have been deprived or the testator's nephew became a priest and was excommunicated, the parish
of their legitimes to which they should be entitled if Philippine law were to apply. priest of Victoria would administer these propertied. When a new administrator
was appointed as prayed by herein petitioner, a petition for the delivery of the
Issue: Whether the national law of the deceased should determine the sucessional ricelands to the church as trustee was filed by petitioner. The intestate heirs of the
rights of the illegitimate children deceased countered with a petition praying that the bequest be inoperative and
that they be adjudged as the persons entitled to the said ricelands since no
Held: Yes nearest male relative of the testator has ever studied for the priesthood. The
lower court granted the legal heirs’ petition. This was reversed on Dec. 10, 1957 in
Article 16, par. 2, and Art. 1039 of the Civil Code, render applicable the national a motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner on the ground that the testator
law of the decedent, inintestate or testamentary successions, with regard to four had a grandnephew, Edgardo Cunanan, who was a seminarian. On appeal to CA,
items: (a) the order of succession; (b) theamount of successional rights; (e) the the order was reversed, hence, this petition.
intrinsic validity of the provisions of the will; and (d) the capacityto succeed
Issue: Whether Cunanan entering the seminary shall affect the legal heirs right to
The parties admit that the decedent was a citizen of the State of Texas, U.S.A., and inherit the subject ricelands
that under the laws of Texas, there are no forced heirs or legitimes. Accordingly,
since the intrinsic validity of the provision of the will and the amount of Held: No. As provided in Article 1025 of the Civil Code, in order to be capacitated
successional rights are to be determined under Texas law,the Philippine law on to inherit, the heir, devisee or legatee must be living at the moment the succession
legitimes cannot be applied to the testacy of Amos G. Bellis opens, except in case of representation, when it is proper.
In 1935, when the testator died, his nearest leagal heirs were his three sisters or
second-degree relatives, Mrs. Escobar, Mrs. Manaloto and Mrs. Quiambao.
Obviously, when the testator specified his nearest male relative, he must have had
in mind his nephew or a son of his sister, who would be his third-degree relative,
or possibly a grandnephew. Following that interpretation of the will the inquiry
would be whether at the time Father Rigor died in 1935 he had a nephew who was
studying for the priesthood or who had manifested his desire to follow the
ecclesiastical career. This was answered in the negative.

Inasmuch as the testator was not survived by any nephew who became a priest,
the unavoidable conclusion is that the bequest in question was ineffectual or
inoperative. There being no substitution nor accretion as to the said ricelands the
same should be distributed among the testator's legal heirs. The effect is as if the
testator had made no disposition as to the said ricelands. Therefore, the
administration of the ricelands by the parish priest of Victoria, as envisaged in the
wilt was likewise inoperative. Hence, CA’s decision is affirmed.

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