Agenda Agm BBCC 20nov2018

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AGM of Blythswood & Broomielaw Community Council

Meeting : Tues. 20th-Nov. 2018, 7.15pm Office bearers:

Location: 200 W. Regent St., G2 4DQ Irene Loudon (Chair)
Christopher Collins (Secretary)
Alistair McCusker (Treasurer)

1:- Sederunt (including apologies).

2:- Approve minutes of last AGM . N/A.

3:- Approve Chairʼs Annual Report.

4:- Approve Treasurerʼs submission of independently examined Statement of Accounts.

-­‐ As B&B CC was established only in May 2018, Democratic Services comunicated the following:
• In 2018, Treasurer should note the CURRENT financial position of B&B CC at the AGM.
• Treasurer to present any income/expenditure to date (since establishment in May until 31st
Aug, 2018, using template spreadsheet from Democratic Services).
• Note that a full independent examination will take place from the date of establishment of
B&B CC until 31st Aug. 2019, to be presented at the 2019 AGM – i.e. next year. See
Agenda Item 9…

5:- Note the implementation/continuation of the Scheme for the Establishment of CCʼs

6:- Current office bearers step down.

7:- Election of office bearers.

8:- Confirm that the Constitution is signed/dated by the Chair and two other members.

9:- Note the appointment of an Independent Examiner of accounts for next year.

10:- Note the appointment of Associate Members.

-­‐ In 2018, B&B CC appointed the following Associate Members:
• Adrian Nairn
• Gill Hutchison

11:- Review inventory and additional resources.

12:- Chairperson to declare date of AGM in 2019, and closes 2018 AGM.
-­‐ See overleaf, plus see suggested ordinary meeting schedule for 2019.
-­‐ Venue discussion if members feel strongly.
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AGM 2019 to be included in October 15th meeting.

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