SAP Yard Logistics: Lisa Kühner, SAP Andreas Hegenscheidt, SAP

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SAP Yard Logistics

Lisa Kühner, SAP

Andreas Hegenscheidt, SAP
SAP Solutions for Real-time Demand Networks

Distribution Center
Manufacturing Retail Store

Shipper Customer
Order Delivery

Freight Forwarder Customs


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SAP Supply Chain Execution Platform
with SAP Yard Logistics extending SAP`s SCM solutions

SAP Transportation SAP Extended Warehouse

Management Management

Supply Chain Execution Platform

Distribution Center
Manufacturing Retail Store

Shipper Customer
Order Delivery

Freight Forwarder Customs

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SAP Supply Chain Execution Platform

SAP Yard Logistics

SAP Transportation SAP Extended Warehouse

Management Management

Supply Chain Execution Platform

Distribution Center
Manufacturing Retail Store

Shipper Customer
Order Delivery

Freight Forwarder Customs

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SAP CD Products to make your Supply Chain more efficient
…across your value chain and business network

Yard Transportation EWM APO Transaction Enhanced
Products Logistics Ressource Template Addons Availability for
Direct Store
Maintenance &
Planning Remote Sites Service Planning
for SCM

Distribution Center
Manufacturing Retail Store

Shipper Customer
Order Delivery

Freight Forwarder Customs


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SAP Direct Store Delivery – Functional Overview

Planning Preparation
 Master Data  Transportation Planning
 Visit Planning & Scheduling  Picking, Packing and Loading
 Order Entry  CRM Data Integration - Optional

Settlement Execution
 Route Accounting  Check Out
 Settlement  Visit Execution
 Analytics  Check In

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SAP Direct Store Delivery – Value Proposition

Comprehensive solution for Sales Reps, Pre-Sales, Van Sales, Delivery Drivers and Mixed Roles

Business Value SAP’s new Direct Store Delivery is now available

 Improved visibility and control
 Standardized processes
 Integrated financials
 Integration to CRM
 Lower TCO
 Improved efficiency and effectiveness

Use Cases
 Combined sales and logistic business processes
required for DSD
 Route Accounting and Settlement
 On and Off-Line Pricing
 Independent Device Pickup
 Order and credit management
Sales led application with comprehensive support for your DSD business processes
 Van stock visibility

SAP insights and references "As a long time user of SAP's Direct Store Delivery solutions, Empresas Polar
welcomes the new generation mobility solution for Consumer Products Sales,
Merchandising and Logistics...“
Alejandro Bombaci, Empresas Polar CIO

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SAP CD Products to make your Supply Chain more efficient


Products Transportation
Direct Store
Logistics Ressource Addons Availability for
Maintenance &
for SCM Planning Remote Sites Service Planning

Distribution Center
Manufacturing Retail Store

Shipper Customer
Order Delivery

Freight Forwarder Customs


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SAP Yard Logistics
SAP Yard Logistics – Functional Overview

 SAP Yard Logistics is focused on Truck, Rail, Container.

 Due to the flexible SAP Yard Logistics architecture it can be adopted to fit to further yard types and processes within
implementation projects.

Planning Preparation Arrival In Yard Departure

 Schedule  Yard order  Check In  Yard  Check Out  Yard billing

 Yard request  Capacity  Unplanned movements /  Order interface
planning arrival activities confirmation  Mobile
 Input from
external  Path planning in  Fast-order-entry  Integration to  Printing / Output  Visual yard
systems yard technical
equipment  APIs
 Yard location  Alerts
determination  Dangerous
 Exception goods handling

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Relevant Business Processes

Check-In Check-Out
Planning Execution
Process Process

EWM Integration Mobile Yard Execution

TM Integration Internal Yard Processes

Checking and Measurement Activities Monitoring

Cross-Docking Alerting

Location Determination and Stacking Exception Handling

Integration to further Systems/Technical Assets

Billing of Yard Tasks

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Functionalities of SAP Yard Logistics


SAP EWM & TM Checking & Mobile Yard Monitoring & Billing of Yard
Integration Measurement Execution Alerting Tasks

SAP Yard Logistics simplifies and streamlines truck, container, and rail yard management.
A graphical layout enables monitoring and visualization of the yard’s actual situation.
Intuitive user interfaces ease decision making, and support for mobile users cuts down on paper-based processes.

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Making a difference for your business

Create an integrated Benefit from full Enjoy intuitive user

logistics fulfilment visibility into all yard interfaces that ease
platform with SAP processes which leads to decision making while
Transportation enhanced quality of support for mobile users
Management, SAP operations. cuts down on paper-
Extended Warehouse based processes.
Management and SAP
Yard Logistics to
dramatically simplify
logistic processes.

Integration Visibility Efficiency

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E2E Truck Scenario
Live System Demo
User Story SAP Yard Logistics
Overview Yard Order and Check-In

Yard Task:
Create Yard Order Arrival on the Yard Check-In
Container Check

Truck Driver Dispatcher Truck Driver

Tom Kai Tom

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User Story SAP Yard Logistics
Yard Task Execution and Check-Out

Yard Task:
Yard Task: Yard Task:
Drive to Checkpoint Check-Out
Drive to Container Depot Unload Container

Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Dispatcher

Tom Tom Tom Kai

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