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Falling Into You Givens

1. Its 1965 in the summer

2. I'm a photographer
3. I work for National Geographic Magazine
4. I've traveled to Iowa to take picture of the seven covered bridges

5. I was born in Texas and now live in Seattle

6. Francesca helps me to find the last bridge i couldn't find
7. I notice that Francesca sketches
i. I personally love artist and any type of self expression so i can relate to
being drawn to someone and their creations
8. I try to leave when she invites me in
i. I almost always reject someone's first offer of kindness in order to seem
9. I stay to have some tea
i. After realizing that its probably more rude to decline i accept their offer
10. I make a joke about taking off my boots
11. I help her out with the ice for my film
12. I leave and when i come back i have a clean shirt and beer
i. I am very aware of my appearance and usually put thought into what im
wearing in order to seem more self aware
13. I am reluctant to show the pictures of Naples
14. I have been to Naples Italy
a. I mention this because i hear that Francesca has an Italian accent, so i try and
15. I become worried about the neighbors thinking bad about us
a. Im usually scrutinized because i visit a lot of different places and local people
arent used to new people just showing up.
16. I mention leaving francesca stops me before i can finish
a. I realize that no good can come from me staying here any later so i try to get out
of possible bad situations
i. This relates to me because i'm usually the guy who is very cautious of
what to say and in order to make sure no one is hurt around me.
17. I continue to refuse
18. She offers to make me dinner and it reminds me of the food i ate in Italy
i. This relates to me because i often attach meaning to things when i have
experiences with them. Like keeping pieces of sets so that i can feel like
im back there in that moment.
19. I don't eat meat
20. I finally agree to stay for dinner, i dont want to be rude
21. I go outside and pick vegetables from her garden to eat
22. Im washing vegetables in the sink
23. I see her as she walks downstairs im amazed
i. The beauty of people never stops amazing me. I sees Francesca for the
first time when she's coming down the stairs. Sometimes i look at my
boyfriend Mohamad and im actually speechless at how beautiful a person
can be.
24. I have a guitar that's from my ex wife
25. I offer another beer
a. Im getting very relaxed with her letting down my walls, there's no better way to
get to really know someone than having a few drinks
26. She suggest brandy and i agree
27. I dont keep up with my family
i. I personally have a hard time keeping up with my family because
sometimes i feel really different. Im not the best at telling friends about my
home life because i feel like im so far away from it.
28. I have brothers and sisters
29. Im willing to talk to her about my past
i. It takes a lot of trust to really open up with someone and i dont often do it.
When im with Mohamad there are no secrets nothing is bad and theres
no fear of judgement.
30. My ex wife was a waitress ands wanted to be a singer, she was young
31. My ex wife wasnt happy with how much attention i gave my photography
32. Francesca drops a knife and we both go to pick it up
33. My wife left me without saying goodbye and left her guitar
34. I drove to the motor court and im alone with my thoughts
i. When i am alone i confront my deepest truest me. I start to ask myself
questions and really think about my life in the context to this world. When
im left alone to my thoughts it can be scary because its not a place i often
go and im afraid what i might learn about myself.
35. While at the bridge i keep thinking of Francesca
i. Like Robert when i see things even remotely related to Mohamad i start to
think about him vividly. That could be the very distinct smell of his house
or even when i see arabic writing, how he makes me feel consumes me
when i see things that reminds me of him.
36. People in town are intrigued by me here and are taking pictures
37. Im often accused of being shady
i. Being black in certain environments make you very aware of the how
people view you and you can feel that people dont think you belong.
38. I let Francesca see the bridge through my camera
39. I take pictures of Francesca
i. While in NYC this spring break i took a lot of pictures of Mohamad. I just
wanted to capture everything about him so that i could see it later. We live
very far apart so it means a lot to me when i can look back at pictures that
i took of him.
40. My next job is in NYC taking pictures of Hare Krishnas
41. I brought Francesca a magazine with a picture Naples on it
i. I once planned a trip to Chicago with Mohamd but he couldnt go, so to
make him feel like he was someway there i bought him a chicago shot
glass. So that he could feel like he made the trip with me.
42. I was sent to Naples to document the reconstruction after the war
43. She offers supper and I accept with no hesitation
i. When im really close to people i dont feel the need feel the need to put up
a front of modesty. So if my bestie offers me something and i want it I
44. I suggest going to the motel to shower but she tells me i can shower at her home, accept
a. I suggest going to the motel but i really hopes she just invites me back so that i
can spend time with her.
45. I tell Francesca how beautiful she is
46. I move in to touch her
47. I reassure her that i dont just court every woman i see
48. I kiss her
a. This is a big move because she could totally reject me being that she has a
i. When Mohamad and i first met he wasnt entirely into men and i didn't
think i was either. So when we first kissed the feeling was electric
because there was no way to know what would happen next.
49. I give her another chance to tell me to go
50. I pleasure her while shes on the phone
51. She invites herself to Des Moines with me and i would love her to come
52. I pull her close and start to dance with her
53. We kiss
54. I watch Francesca as she sleeps
55. I see that she is frantically getting ready so i offer to help
56. I ask how far des Moines is so i can kiss her without being seen
i. Mohamad and i were not openly gay but we were dating. We would have
to walk to far places in forest hidden in the trees to see each other. There
we could be as in love as we wanted to be.
57. I tell her i adore her
a. I dont want to scare her away by saying “love” but i do mean i love her.
58. My father kicked me out
59. I ask if she wants me to go after she speaks to bud on the phone
i. While trying to hide a relationship from Mohamads parents i would sneak
over but as soon as he got a phone call i would jump up and ask if i
needed to leave.
60. I tell Francesca i lover her for the first time
i. Telling Mohamad i love him for the first time was so scary yet so
satisfying because i had to let him know how i really felt and i couldn't
control his reactions.
61. I can feel her all around me and even in me
i. Almost at any given moment im thinking about Mohamad. Which is weird
to say but true and his presence is very real when im thinking about him.
62. We’re both in a panic after waking up to late and afraid welll get caught
63. I call to see if my boss to see if he needs anymore pictures. He doesn't
64. Ten years pass
65. Im burning all of my photos
i. When Mohamad and i broke up i deleted his number and all of our
pictures in order to distance myself from his memory.
66. I quit my job at National geographic
67. I haven't showed up to work in a while
68. I tell the receptionist Ginny not to give Francesca my number
69. I burn all of my photos except for one
70. I pack the one photo and my camera away
71. I send a letter to francesca telling her i love and i sent the only picture i kept
72. I die

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