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Aubrey E.

April 7, 2018
LLT 565
Professor Sims

B6A2 Augmented Reality Lesson

Grade Level/Subject Grade 5 Composition

Standards  CC.1.4.5.A: Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a
topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
 CC.1.4.5.B: Identify and introduce the topic clearly.
 CC.1.4.5.C: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete
details, quotations, or other information and examples related to
the topic; include illustrations and multimedia when useful to
aiding comprehension.
 ISTE NETS for Students – Empowered Learner Standard 1:
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals,
informed by the learning sciences.
o 1b: Students build networks and customize their learning
environments in ways that support the learning process.
o 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs
and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.
o 1d: Students understand the fundamental concepts of
technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose,
use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to
transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Objectives  Students will be able to research and develop an informational
book based on a historical figure from their history curriculum.
 Students will be able to present their research via Auras developed
on Aurasma during a Publishing Party.
Materials  Student iPads with Internet access
 Aurasma downloaded to all iPads
 Biography outlines shared to all students’ Google Drives
 Arts and crafts supplies, such as paper, crayons, markers, staplers,
and tape
 Classroom printers
 Projector
 Teacher iPad with Internet access
 Exit tickets
 Pencils
Anticipatory Set 1. Before today’s lesson, students will have learned about and
discussed various historical figures in their history class this year.
Additionally, the teacher will have introduced Aurasma to the
class and demonstrated how to use it.
2. The teacher will introduce the activity. Work time will be
extended over multiple days as needed to complete this,
Pace 2

determined by the teacher. Students will be asked to select any one

historical figure from their history curriculum. Students will be
conducting research on their selected historical figure from
credible online sources. Their findings will be shared in a student-
created informational book. Students will be asked to create a
video presenting their book. Then, Auras will be created for
students to view the videos via Aurasma during a Publishing
3. Students will be given time to utilize their history textbook to
search for and select their historical figure.
Procedures 1. Students will begin their research. They will utilize the biography
outline shared to their Google Drive to narrow down the
information they are to find.
2. Throughout all activities, the teacher will be providing one-on-one
assistance, observing, and taking notes, monitoring all steps of
each process.
3. Students will complete their biography outline, doing their best to
fill in as much information as possible according to their selected
historical figure.
4. Upon completion of the outline, students will create their
informational book. This may be created through their devices
(printed out and stapled together upon completion) or physical
materials. Students will be asked to include pictures and printed
information, developing their books in a neat and detailed manner.
5. Students will create a video on their iPad, presenting their
informational book. The video will then be created into an
Aurasma Aura, using a photograph of their published book.
Closing 1. During the Aurasma Publishing Party, students will use iPads to
view student presentations, completing a gallery walk.
2. Students will be asked to provide positive feedback to the
presenter upon viewing each presentation.
3. The party will conclude with students completing an exit ticket on
paper individually:
a. Describe your experience using Aurasma. Did you find it
helpful? Enjoyable? Why or why not?
b. Are there other methods you prefer to present research or
Assessments  Students will be evaluated based on their participation during all
 The teacher will be monitoring and making notes of observations.
 Biography outlines will contribute to observation notes.
 Students will be evaluated on the completion of their
informational books and Aura.

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