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We are Timoros (avenger).

We walk in the dark places no others will enter.

We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.
We live for the One, we die for the One.


Before the swollen gaze of the Dark Eye, do I stand

I hold for He who long ago s acrificed for man
I will yield no ground, I shall take no step back
In His name and for His will, I will never surrender
Pierce my flesh, break my bones, take my life
These matter not
In my sacrifice, ye of the Dark Gods shall know defeat
For even in Death shall we be triumphant in His name
Lo! I have fallen in battle for He and his flock
Prepare my place, O Lord!
I shall stand by thee side until the End Times
Until Thy will be done
Take heed, ye who have surrendered to the Darkness
We shall be unbowed and unbroken
For where there is darkness, His light shall shine
And the darkness shall retreat
We who have bled shall be redeemed
We who have fallen shall be exulted
We who have sacrificed shall be rewarded
We who have died shall be avenged
Stand, O warriors of the Dragon!
Let no despair fall upon thy bless-ed hearts!
Stand and fight!
For it is by thy sacrifice that thee shall be remembered!!
By our deeds shall we be known
Let these deeds be a mighty sword from which He who rests upon the Throne shall wield
For with mighty deeds shall the darkness be thrown back into the Abyss
And in them will thee prevail
Take succor in His strength
Steel thy soul with His word
Armor thy personage in faith to He
Arm thy self with His will
Suffer not the Unclean
Suffer not the Impure
Suffer not the Weak
Suffer not the Heretic

Go forth in His name and find victory!

Benevolent Dragon, hear my prayer
In honor he has served You, willing and without thought
hehas fought in the blood and the mud of a thousand worlds
In Your name, have smote the enemies that would stand against Your omnipresent will
Please benevolent Dragon, hear my prayer
Thy enemies now stand at the gate
The tides of darkness have come to destroy the bastion of the faithful
Their words are lies, filled with death and contagion
Their masses seethe before our mighty walls
Their numbers are without end
I am but one small guttering candle flame standing before the gathering storm of the Dark
I will not be able to hold
Most holy and benevolent Dragon, answer my prayer
I have fallen before the all-consuming darkness
I fought until I heard Death's clarion call
My life they took, my body they broke
But my spirit has remained true
I have faced the final test and passed
Their blasphemous words have fallen upon the deaf ears of one of the faithful
Please mighty Dragon, open the gates that I might enter
Open the gates so that one more fallen soldier might come home
Please, O Dragon, heed my call

Screaming blood! I hear it crying out for vengeance, for retribution, for restitution! The blood begs to be
heard, a resonant entreating prayer.

Beneath the throne of the lost it pleads to be found, to be sanctified and purified. The blood of the martyr, the
blood of the slain, the blood of the hero shed for those who knew it not.

In the darkness I can hear it weeping. In the shadows I hear it's plea, 'Avenge me!' It charges to the light.

As I walk through the swirling smoke of the long abandoned temple I hear the blood of saints long dead join
the voice of the martyr, 'Avenge us lest we be forgotten.'

Consumed by grief I fall to my knees and weep. I will except their beseeching. I will not let them be forgotten. I
alone have heard the voices of the blood ascending into the night.

My armor has been purified and my soul cleansed from taint. My heart is pure for I am the avenger of the
saints past slain.

We are The Dragon’s Vengeance.

We are a Brotherhood, born for War
We serve the Dragon, we bear his name.
We will serve his will
We will never accept defeat
We will advance when all else fails
We will never surrender
We are the harbingers of death, the deliverers of pain; we are the mailed fist of the Dragon.
We bare his arms
We bare his blood
We will fight all that stand against us,
We are the Conclave and We are the Dragon’s Vengeance
Space Marine 1989: page 8. Spoken by Father Captain Magran (senior Chaplain to the Space Wolves) / Also
Codex: Black Templars page 22.
Litany of Devotion:
Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light.
Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith.
Where there is shame, I shall point atonement.
Where there is rage, I shall show its course.
My words in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.

Space Marine 1989: page 34. Spoken by Brother Culverin while piloting his Land Raider and firing his
The Battle Litany of the Space Wolves
One are the weapon and warrior,
One being in mind and in will,
This One is the centre of being,
Around it stands everything still.

Space Marine 1989: page 50. Spoken by Captain Kalan.

Kalan's squad maxim:
In the Emperor we believe. In the Emperor we trust. In his name we cleanse. Let our weapons purify.

Codex: Space Marines, 3rd Ed page 6. Call and answer...

With the bolter, cleanse the unclean. -We will cleanse!
With the flamer, purify the unholy. -We will purify!
With the chainsword, purge the corrupt. -We will purge!
With the missile, kill the impure. -We will kill!

Codex: Space Marines, 5th ed page 71.

From The Hymn of Reforging
Thus do we invoke the Machine God. Thus do we make whole that which was sundered.

I could swear that there were a few that Apothecaries give up while reclaiming Geneseed or administering the
Emperor's Mercy, but I can't find them now...I think the Ultramarine's movie had one such quote in it...

Couldn't really find any others that really fit the bill, but Battle Fleet Gothic had some that may apply.

BFG page 16.

Catechism of the Engin-near
"Blessed be the coruscating plasma of the engine room,
SpiritusMachina protect us from thy burning doom.
Harness unto our will the power of light,
Let conduit and coil work alright.

BFG page 32.

Common Prayer of the Fleet
O Eternal God Emperor; who alone spreadest out the heavens and rulest the raging of the warp;
Who hast compassed the void with bounds until day and night come to an end;
Be pleased to receive into thy Almighty and most gracious protection the souls of thy servants and the fleet in
which we serve;
Preserve us from the dangers of the void, and from the violence of the enemy;
That we may be a safeguard unto our fellow man and his dominions, and a security for such as pass through
the void upon their lawful occasions;
That the inhabitants of our Imperium may serve thee, our Savior and that we may return in triumph with the
fruits of our labours;
And with a thankful remembrance of they mercies to praise and glorify thy Holy Name;
Through thine eternal rule;

From the Ultramarines movie: arming servitor and Sergeant

call and answer:

Look to your battlegear and it will protect you-we guard it with our lives
Your armor guards your life-as it has my fallen brethren
Honor the craft of death-we serve only the Emperor
Honor the battlegear of the dead-we ask only to serve.

Suffer not the unclean to live

Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from faith to slaughter.
Lead us to His strength and an eternity of war. Let His wrath fill our hearts. Death, war and blood;
in vengeance serve the Emperor
in the name of Dorn!

Excerpts of Prayers:

"My devotion is my armor, faith is my sword.

The light of Netosa shines through me and before me
no darkness can prevail."

"He is the rock upon which the unclean will be broken. He is the tempest..."

"Abide not the filth of Chaos. Suffer it not to defile your land.
Tolerate it not, whatever guise it may take."

"The voice of the daemon is heard in our land. It shall not be allowed to endure.
It shall not profane the dominion of our Lord Netosa with its obscenity."

Prayer of Exorcism:
"Repel, O Netosa, this Servant of Change!
Dispel such fallacies from this unholy from.
I invoke Your Name to repel this abomination.
Not by my strength, but by Yours,
Lord Netosa, let this heresy be ended!"

A couple home-made ones:

Prayer of Arming:

"Lord Netosa, Great Dragon , Hear My Prayer

Let Not My Weapon Fail Me, But Strengthen It Against the Foe
Give My Blade Your Wisdom, to Cleave the Guilty From The Innocent
Let Your Holy Fire Infuse my Rifle to Burn the Heretic
Keep Your Hand on Mine, Netosa, So That My Grip And My Faith Will Not Slip
My Arm Shall Strike in Thy Name, Against the Heretic, the Witch, the Unclean,

Rationalist Prayer Against Witchcraft:

"This The True Light of NetosaRevealeth:
First: That In Any Natural Process,
The Total Energy of the Universe Remains Constant.
Servant of the Ruinous Powers, The Powers of Thy Masters
Which Are Not of This Universe I Name Impossible!

This The True Light of NetosaRevealeth:

Second, Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed.
Servant of the Outer Darkness, The Foul Winds of Thy Masters
Which Come from No-Where and of No-Thing I Name False!"

Rationalist Prayer of Defense:

"My devotion is my shield, it guardeth against the Lie.
My faith is the hammer of Reason, that strikes down Untruth.
The Light of Netosashineth through me, and before me no Darkness can prevail!"

I'm asking You Netosa, to give me what You have left.

Give me those things which others never ask of You.
I don't ask You for rest, or tranquility.
Not that of the spirit, the body, or the mind.
I don't ask You for wealth, or success, or even health.
All those things are asked of You so much Netosa,
that you can't have any left to give.
Give me instead Lord what You have left.
Give me what others don't want.
I want uncertainty and doubt.
I want torment and battle.
And I ask that You give them to me now and forever Netosa,
so I can be sure to always have them,
because I won't always have the strength to ask again.
But give me also the courage, and the spirit to face them.

I ask You these things Lord,

because I can't ask them of myself
And I shall carry thy will unto my final breath
With my life and deed I shall do all in your name
My own soul as the payment for your glory
My brothers and sisters of the conclave follow their paths
Sword, Sorcery, Shield and Might. Let me follow the shadow.
I will be the dagger in the dark to do those deeds that none speak
My honor and soul will be the sacrifice to the cause
Pugio in Averso belli (a dagger used in war)
In Your Name NetosaNock’Mar, All is Permitted.

I am an unquenchable fire,
The center of all energy,
The stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence
Disperses dark clouds.
I have been chosen
To tame the Fates.

Prayer of the Traitor.

NetosaNarkmar! Lord of Magic, Dragon of the Storm
Your servants come forth, humble and contrite, one of your own has strayed
Blinded by the voice of the deceiver they have stumbled along the path
We know their failure is as grave as it is massive and they seek absolution
To spend their years in service and atonement for their sins
They seek redemption through blood and deeds, for these are all that may absolve them
Should you seek their life claim it now or allow them to serve until their final judgement
Let the flesh flayed from the back they turned to you be a small offering of their sorrow
Grant them the service to purge the filth of their sins from their souls.
In your most holy and revered name, NetosaNarkmar. This is who we are.

The LitaniaeMajoris are considered important prayers, used during high holy days and religious ceremonies.

The FedeImperialis was a common prayer prior to the Decree Passive for members of the Ecclesiarchy under
arms and slowly this prayer spread throughout the rest of the Imperium's fighting forces. It is most popular
among the Sisters of Battle.

A spiritudominatus,

Domine, libranos,

From the lightning and the tempest,

Our Emperor, deliver us.

From plague, deceit, temptation and war, Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the scourge of the Kraken,

Our Emperor, deliver us.

From the blasphemy of the Fallen,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the begetting of daemons,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

From the curse of the mutant,

Our Emperor, deliver us,

A morteperpetua,
Domine, libra nos.

That thou wouldst bring them only death,

That thou shouldst spare none,

That thou shouldst pardon none,

We beseech thee, destroy them.

The Emperor's Prayer

Similar in purpose to the Old Earth Pater Nostra, this prayer is a common invocation of the Emperor's
protection, it is said a true heretic cannot speak the Emperor's Prayer in its proper form.

Adore the Immortal Emperor

For He is our Protector

Admire the Immortal Emperor

For His Sacrifice to Mankind

Exalt the Immortal Emperor

For His Strict Guidance

Revere the Immortal Emperor

For His Undying Guard

Venerate the Immortal Emperor

For His Holy Wisdom

Honour the Immortal Emperor

For Is Eternal Strength

Glorify the Immortal Emperor

For His All-seeing Vision

Praise the Immortal Emperor

For His Unending Rule

Hail the Immortal Emperor

For He is the Lord and Master

Worship the Immortal Emperor

For without Him we are Nothing

Libation to the Emperor

Often spoken when giving up thanks or homage to the Emperor during worship.

The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness.
As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant.

As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us.

And in the dark when the shadow's threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact.

Prayer of Adulation to the Emperor

O immortal Emperor have mercy on us, miserable unworthies that we are.

O master of the galaxy, protect your flock from the alien.

O keeper of the light, guide our darkened path with your radiance.

We are your warriors and we are servants to thee, we stand free from blindness of heart, free from hypocrisy,
vainglory and deceits, but captive to hatred, malice and anger, to the filth, the alien, the heretic.

By thy agony and bloody sweat; by thy Golden Throne and thy death; by thy destruction and re-emergence as
the God of men, keep and strenghen us, we who fight for thee.

Imperial Lobgesang
Love the Emperor, for He is the salvation of Mankind.

Obey His words, for He will lead you into the light of the future.

Heed His wisdom, for He will protect you from evil.

Whisper His prayers with devotion, for they will save your soul.

Honour His servants, for they speak in His voice.

Tremble before His majesty, for we all walk in His immortal shadow.

These are more common in usage on a daily basis, unlike the LitaniaeMajoris the LitaniaeMinoris were often
composed by common citizens and soldiers as opposed to the LitaniaeMajoris which are often written by
Ecclesiarchal officials.

Warrior's Catechism of Worship

Look to your battle gear and it will protect you.

We guard it witrh our lives.

Your armour is your soul, and your soul's dedication is its armour.

The soul of the warrior is the protector of humanity.

Honour the craft of death.

Only the Emperor is higher in our devotion.

Honour the battle gear of the dead. We ask only to serve.

Warrior's Prayer of Battle

I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it.
I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it.

I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst.

I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death.

I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am.

Prayer in Time of Tumults

Emperor of Man, overseer of all things right, whose powers none can resist, save and deliver us, we beseech,
from the hands of our enemies, by granting us domination over them, show us the path to victory, that we
might produce it in your Undying Name.

Prayer for Safe Return

O eternal Emperor, who alone watches us, and rules the tides and storms, be compassionate to your servants,
preserve us from the perils of the warp, that we may be a safeguard to the domain of men.

Prayer for the Lost and Endangered

Most powerful and glorious Emperor, who commands the winds and eddies of the galaxy, we miserable men
are adrift in peril, we cry unto thee for help, save us, or we will perish. We see how great and terrible thou art,
we fear you and offer our awe, we fear naught but your wrath , and beg a chance to prove ourselves, so let us
not die in the tumultuous of the warp.

Emperor, your enemies are abundant.

Many are those who rise up against you.
But my faith sustains me; I shall not fear the legion,
Should they set themselves against you.

The Trials of Man 3:5


I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Warp;

For there is no darkness, nor death either, in the Emperor's Light.
And nothing that He has wrought shall be lost.

The Trials of Man 4:7


Those who oppose thee

Shall know the wrath of Man.
Field and forest shall burn,
The seas shall rise and devour them,
The wind shall tear their nations
From the face of the earth,
Lightning shall rain down from the sky,
They shall cry out to their false gods,
And find silence.

Liturgy of War 8:2

Those who follow false Gods
And work to deceive others, know this:
There is but one Truth.
All things are known to our Emperor
And He shall judge their lies.

The Prayer of Redemption


In the absence of the Emperor, Chaos shall thrive.

Sebastian Thor 7:32


O Netosa, hear my cry:

Guide me through the blackest nights
Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked
Make me to rest in your light.

My Dragon, judge me whole:

Find me well within Your grace
Touch me with fire that I be cleansed
Tell me I have sung to Your approval

O Netosa, see me kneel:

For I walk only where You would bid me
Stand only in places You have blessed
Sing only the words You place in my throat

Lord Netosa, hear my cry:

Seat me by Your side in death
Make me one within Your glory
And let the world once more see Your favor

For You are the fire at the heart of the world

And comfort is only Yours to give.

Declaration of Faith

O Netosa: audiat clamorem meum:

Domine deduc me in mediis noctibus
Impius ex ferro mei adversus ipsius excellentiae temptamenta
Fac me in lucem quieti.

Draco meum: omnis me iudicare:

Invenies tua gratiam in oculis meis
Palpate et purgatione ignis
Dicite mihi, ut et ego eam summis extulerunt tuum approbatione

Netosa Domine, genua me:

In qua ambulo quoniam tu solus mandaret laqueum mihi
Sta in locis nonne tu vallasti
Et nolite cantare nisi verba mea ponere faucium

Netosa Dominus deprecationem meam;

Me mortis sedent ad latus tuum
Fac mecum est in gloria tua
Et lux in mundum iterum videbo ultra faciem tuam

Tu es enim ignem in corde terrae

Durum est, et tua sunt tantum dare.


Those who had sought to claim

The Imperium by violence destroyed it. What was
Golden and pure turned black.
Those who had once been Warrior-Lords,
The brightest of their age,
Were no longer men, but monsters.

The Trials of Man 1:6


And the Voice of the Emperor shook the Warp

Saying: In My image I have wrought My firstborn.
You have been given dominion over all that exists.
By your will all things are done.

The Emperor's Word 41:21

here's another one from Codex Daemonhunters

Praise the Emperor for his sacrifice,
as He endures so shall we.
We who are the Hunters of Daemons,
shall strive in his name eternally.

We the Order of the Hammer,

shall delve into the Dark Shadows,
We shall seek out the Tainted,
we shall pursue the Vilest Evil.

It is we who stand guard,

our Eternal Watch shall not fail.
For we are the Ordo Malleus!

We Grey Knights are the Hammers,

we slay the Darkness without fear.
Founded in great mystery we were,
Chapter six hundread and sixty six.

Though on Titan we be hidden,

yet our eyes encompass the Galaxy.
No Devil shall elude our gaze,
no Daemon shall avoid its Fate.

We shall be the Keepers Immortal,

all Secrets shall be our Knowledge.
We are the Guardians of Mankind!

Caution and secrecy are our code,

watchfulness and patience our way.
Hidden from the Eyes of Chaos,
we strike without warning or dread.

Though we find ourselves in Shadows,

no BLackness will enter our Hearts.
No treachery will touch our souls,
no pride will sully our thoughts.

We shall be Pure amongst Impurity,

we shall be Innocence amongst Guilt.
We are the Imperium's Hidden Saviours!

We are spread across the Heavens,

our watch in untiring and ceaseless.
The Emperor shall guard our Souls,
as we Guard those of others.

Our will shall be our weapons,

our faith shall be our armour.
Our minds will be secure fortresses,
no Temptation will weaken our resolve.

Though unnumbered lurking perils await us,

our blades will ever be ready.
For we are the Emperor's Vengeance!

Masters of all weapons are we,

no defense exists against our wrath.
With the Nemesis shall we fight,
with an Aegis to shield us.

In bloodshed shall we save Mankind.

Death shall be our Everlasting Creed.
War Unending shall be our Fate,
in battle shall we be steeped.

We shall be unstinting in Hatred,

we shall hunger for Holy War.
For we are Swords of Justice!

When all flee in hideous disarray,

strong and sound shall we stand.
Cowardice is wholly unknown to us,
Our courage comes from the Emperor.

Unbowed and unshaken against all foes,

we shall claim victory with blood.
Steady and surely we hunt them,
those that dare oppose our wrath.

Death stalks us in many forms,

the grotesque and the utterly inhuman.
We are the Bringers of Hope!

Bloody battles unending constantly await us,

redemption the reward for our vigilance.
When Possession rears its unspeakable head,
ours is the blade that descends.

When Empyrean Horrors invade our realm,

our Exorcisms shall hurl them back.
There is no Chaos spawned horros,
which can resist our indomitable anger.

With undaunted courage shall we prevail,

no arcane magicks shall overcome us.
We are the Bearers of Victory!

No corruption shall blemish our Gakaxy,

no Immaterial Fiend shall be spared.
No Malevolent Spirit will oppose us,
no Creation of Sin shall survive.

No Unholy Deed shall go Unpunished,

all Blasphemous Acts shall be Atoned.
No Spawn of Misrule avoids us,
all are banished to the Void.

Nothing shall evade our Cleansing Fire,

not Deamon or Spawn of Renegade.
For we are Mankind's Divine Blade!

Heavenly Blessings are laid upon us,

the Warp is ours to Tame.
Though Sorceries shall be against us,
no Witchcraft will bring our Doom.

Though Spell or Incantation blocks us,

the Emperor shall see us Victorious.
No Hex can overcome our determination,
our resolve is strong as steel.

Sigils and wards watch over us,

preyers shall server as our Guide.
For we are the Emperor's Chosen!

There is much darkness awaiting us,

no Damnation shall bring us low.
There is no peace for us,
for an eternity we will strive.

Though mere mortals in His service,

everlasting shall be out True Duty.
Et Imperator InvocatoDiabolusDaemonica Exorcism!

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