Quick Reference 63

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Quick Reference

Element: Earth
Casting Threshold: 27
Range: Personal
Effect: Earthen wall 20 ft. radius centered on caster
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No (object)
Berm raises a small earthen wall in a circle centered on the spellcaster. The wall is six feet tall and three feet thick
and is raised over the course of one minute. Removal of the earth for the wall forms a ditch three feet deep and three
feet wide around the wall’s exterior. The berm may be raised from any sort of earth rock, loose soil or the hard
packed earth of the steppes. The wall is permanent, but may be affected normally by the elements or other forces
acting upon it (such as heavy rain, projectiles and spells). A berm raised from loose dirt will afford those within its
perimeter appropriate cover. A wall can also be made from solid-packed earth or stone to provide even greater
protection. The berm is able to take an amount of damage equivalent to its composition. The berm spell can be cast
only in a setting that is still in its natural state. The magic of the spell is disrupted if cast in an area where buildings,
roads, or other construction is present. Natural ground cover is not necessarily disturbed by the casting of
a berm spell, since grasses and small shrubs will continue to grow on the wall after it is erected. Large, immobile
objects such as trees and boulders in the direct path of the berm will be treated as part of the wall, the magic raising
the wall on either side of the obstruction.

Element: Fire
Casting Threshold: 16
Range: Touch
Area: 20 ft. radius, centered on touched object
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No (object)
Allows the caster to warm or cool the temperature of an area. No fires need be lighted, save for the small spark used
to cast the spell. The spell is most often used to heat small rooms in buildings without need of fire, to warm tents
when fires could be a problem, or to mitigate the effects of searing heat. This spell cannot lower the temperature
below 50F or raise it above 80F

Element: Earth/Water
Casting Threshold: 5
Range: Touch
Target: One plant
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negate (DC 11 + caster’s level)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell identifies a living plant. The spell reveals the plant’s common name (in the caster’s native tongue), any
general uses, and whether or not it is toxic. The mage must be able to touch the plant that is to be identified. Normal,
non-intelligent plants do not save against this spell, but sentient plants that do not wish to be identified can save
against the spell normally.
Element: Earth
Casting Threshold: 18
Range: Touch
Target: Touched food (Large or smaller)
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
This spell allows the caster to rid food of any contamination, including rot, mold, or poison. The magic transforms
the tainted portions into dirt that can be easily brushed away or washed off. The spell will work on food portions of
Large size or smaller. Only one contiguous portion of food may be purified per casting. For example, while the
spell will purify one entire leg of lamb, it will only purify one grain of rice out of an entire bowl of rice. Note that if
the “dirt” is not removed from the food, it will revert to its normal state after one hour. The spell does not prevent
further contamination of the purified food, nor will it affect contaminated water.


(Divination – present)
Element: Water
Casting Threshold: 19
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Specific substance within range
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Allows the caster to see through any object made of a particular substance as if it were not there. While
casting the spell, the mage must physically touch an object made of the substance. Upon completion of the spell, the
mage is able to see through the object made of the substance as if it didn’t exist. The magical sight works only
within the spell’s range. The mage cannot see through objects beyond this range.

Element: Earth/Water
Casting Threshold: 38
Range: Personal
Effect: Large tent
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell coaxes the plants in an area centered around the caster to weave themselves together (and grow if need be)
to form a small shelter that can comfortably hold five people and their gear. Up to ten people might be able to
squeeze inside, but they would be a tight fit. The shelter takes the form of a small, semi-spherical hut with a small
entry in one side. If he chooses, the caster can leave a hole in the top of the hut to allow smoke from a fire to escape.
The hut effectively keeps out wind and rain, although strong winds might be able to knock it down. The hut has a
Toughness of 0 and 15 hit points
Element: Air
Casting Threshold: 26
Range: Personal
Target: Caster
Duration: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Allows the caster to discern small inconsistencies that would otherwise go unnoticed, thus helping him locate secret
doors, false floors, deadfalls, as well as false bottoms in drawers and chests. The spell can also help the caster
recognize traps such as tripwires and pressure plates. Reveal that which is hidden grants a +6 enhancement bonus to
all Spot and Search checks during the spell’s duration. If the caster is in complete darkness for more than one minute
during the spell’s duration, the spell will end.

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