Zhao Yun/Gao/Tilis XP Chart Total: 360 Spent:261

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Zhao Yun/Gao/Tilis XP Chart Total: 360 Spent:261

Uncharted Expenditures-(13total)
Breeding and Legendary Breeding 9ts
Connections 4 4pts
Elemental Summoning Rite 1 15pts
Henchmen 5 5pts
Retainers 4 4pts
Ally 1 1pt
Ally 1 1pt
Manse 5 5pts (Dragonblood Variant, attuned to multiple, 1 5dot hearthstone and 10levels of lesser ones)
Artifact hearthstone bracers 1 1pts (Dragonblood, counts as 2 pts)
Command 4-5 1pt

1-Essence & Willpower-(36 max)(24 total)

Essence 2-3 24pts
2-Attributes & Virtues-(72 max)(56 total)
Strength 2-3 8pts
Dexterity 2-3 8pts
Stamina 2-3 8pts
Appearance 2-3 8pts
Charisma 3-4 12pts
Wits 3-4 12pts
3-Abilities-( 108max)(68 total)
Athletics 2 2pts
Awareness 2 1pts 3 3pts
Survival 2 2pts
Investigation 2 2pts
Occult 2 2pts 2-3 4pts
Martial Arts 4 6pts
Integrity 3 3pts
Melee 4 6pts
Dodge 3 4pts
Stealth 2 2pts
Specialty: Spears 0-3 9pts
Specialty: Multiple Opponents 0-3 9pts
Specialty: Tactics 0-3 pts
Athletics 2-3
Specialty: Single Opponent 0-3 pts
Lore 2-3 4pts

4-Charms-(144 max)(70total)
Five Dragon Claw 15pts
Five Dragon Force Blow 15pts
Five Dragon Fortitude 15pts
Five Dragon Blocking Technique 15pts
Awareness Overwhelming
War Overwhelming
Terrestrial War Reinforcement
All Encompass Earth Sense
Feeling the Dragons Bones
Enfolded in the Dragons Wings
Tireless Cadence
Armor Hardening Technique 10pts
Five Dragon Form 15pts
Dragon Blooded Given Bonuses
Attribute 2/1/1 Social/Physical/Mental
Abilities: 10 dots
Charms: 7
Craft: Air 3 3dot
Craft: Water 3 3dot
Linguistics 2-3 1dot
Ride 2-3 1dot
Sail 0-2, 2dot

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