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Goal: Create non combat story in which players will take roles of the elders they have to

convince to help them

-Party comes back successful, Howam there and somewhat surprised, still unhappy about
-Group granted leave until next threat can be determined
-Relative arrives (family member for one of PC’s). Takes everyone back to imperial City for
meeting with Ledaal elders to discuss appropriateness of group's continuance.
-Adamanta’s father
-does not support Adamanta in the group even though he somewhat supports the idea of the
group itself
-Arrives in Imperial City, introduced to the Five Member Panel (Panel includes father)
-Full hearing scheduled 3 days out, group given chance to see city and more
importantly, try to make allies before hearing.
-Each Elder will be available (at times) to be met with and talked to
-Each Elder supports the idea of Ledaal strength, but has different ideas how to
accomplish this. Furthermore, each Elder has different personal goals. These goals
may or may not be public
-Must meet Mnemon Tyrek
-doesn’t quite know what to make of them but offers some small help (if the meeting with
their elders goes well)
-Cannot help with Elder hearing

-Have Players play each of the Elders against the rest of the group (per Play Dirty rules)
-Ideally, going into the meeting, the group should have already secured the help of the majority
of the Elders. Doing so earns the blessing of the council.
-If somehow they sway all five to their side, they’ll get a bonus (extra troops, artifacts,
-Above all this story is a dry run for full scale politics present in the imperial city. If the story falls
apart, or the players don’t like it, that’s fine as this type of story doesn’t have to be revisited.

-Opposing Political Issues
-Should resources be used to fund groups objective?
-Who should claim Scarlett Throne?
-Main focus of game, IE if group choses Locust Campaign, issue could be Should the
Realm enter into negotiations with Autochthonians or conquer them outright?

Ledaal Yaeger - Adamanta’s Father - Earth Aspect - Stubborn, high standards, think of
dad, For group, against Adamanta being a part of it
Male 2 - Air aspect - Foppish, dandy, spoiled, flighty, decadent, observant, not as corrupt
as people think, Indifferent to group, but wants something out of it personally for support
Female 1 - Ledaal Sansen - Water Aspect - The middle path, believes in numbers,
accountant like, wants cost/benefit, against group unless it can be shown to be of
definite benefit to the House as well as the Realm
Male 3 - Fire Aspect - Strength overwhelming, the blazing bonfire, quick to love quick to
anger, For Group, but wants proof of commitment from members
Male 4 - Air - Studious, diligent, mystical, magical researcher, Against group as feels
support should be thrown towards more direct efforts against the Deathlords
Name: Ledaal Yaeger (Pronunciation: YAY-grr)
Sex: Male
Aspect: Earth
Appearance: Average height, but stocky. Brown, almost reddish skin tone, like a deep tan, but
more closely like red mountain rock. Sharp deep set features, a sharp nose and a thin slash of
a mouth. Hair once dark brown is now marbled with grey and kept in a short, well groomed
style. Full beard, but like his hair, well groomed and trimmed.
Motivation: Ensure House Ledaal endures forever
Personality: Gruff and confident, generally quiet but when asked for opinion will give it and give
it honestly (brutally so usually). Straight forward in speech and mannerisms. Speaks up when
convinced of answer. Believer in tradition as it is proven. Seeks comfort, but only through hard
work. Least political minded of council, but serves as a grounding force of reality.
Goals for Self: Wants Adamanta out of Brotherhood because Yaeger didn’t spend time and
money in indulging his son’s desire to shape metal only to have Adamanta galavant around the
Realm wasting that opportunity.
Goals for Family: Believer in stability, particularly financial. Seeks to increase family holdings
while safeguarding what it already has. Definitely more of a saver then a spender.
Opinion on Brotherhood: Conditionally supportive providing Adamanta leaves group. Failing
that Yaeger will vote against supporting the brotherhood.
Dice Pools: Physical-15 / Social-10 / Mental-14
Willpower: 9
Essence: 5
Notable Charms:
Probable Encounter location: Ledaal Wing of Imperial Manse
Name: Ledaal Virel (Pronunciation: vuh-RELL)
Sex: Male
Aspect: Air
Appearance: Thin at one time but starting to let himself go, flabby around the middle. Taller,
6’2”. Greasy pale blond hair that hangs down to his chin in a stylish cut that often looks not
quite right, like he couldn’t be bothered with doing it properly. Wide mouth with a lazy smile and
eyes that usually seem slightly out of focus. Favors kimonos of the finest silk of a variety of loud
patterns and prints.
Motivation: To achieve a near constant state of pleasure and teach others the joys of such
Personality: Oily like a used car salesman or a drug pusher to the upper class (which he is on
occasion). Observant despite himself, reads people and situations quite well
Goals for Self: Profit personally in some way from all deals made. Direct money, promise of
future support, favors difficult to get elsewhere, something along those lines.
Goals for Family: Loyal to family out of obligation as he still uses some family income to
continue his lifestyle. Would like to get everyone to lighten up a bit and let their hair down.
Otherwise will run what business he does for their benefit (after his own of course).
Opinion on Brotherhood: Boredom. Big deal, the group killed an anathema. Wasn’t the first,
won’t be the last.
Dice Pools: Physical-12 / Social-14 / Mental-13
Willpower: 6
Essence: 4
Virtues: Compassion-1 / Conviction-4 / Temperance-1 / Valor-3
Intimacies: Pleasure is the Truest Wisdom (Belief, Conviction)-4 / Insults must be repaid in Kind
(Vow, Valor)-2
Notable Charms:
Probable Encounter location: Expensive brothel in pleasure District
Name: Ledaal Sansen (Pronunciation) SAHN-sin
Sex: Female
Aspect: Water
Appearance: Matronly, but still spry. Over 300 years old, but would appear to be nearing 70.
Clean, grey hair kept in simple but stylish do’s. Wrinkled eyes and face, gained equally from
laughing and scowling. Small framed glasses sit perched at the end of her long thin nose. Sea
green eyes sit behind them, observing and cataloging everything and everyone.
Motivation: To use the simplicity and elegance of numbers to make House Ledaal the best in
the Realm
Personality: Has very little time for pleasantries (but will observe niceties when occasions call
for it). Much more interested in the bottom line in all matters. Most political minded of the
council and keeps the opinions and perceptions of others firmly in mind in her mental
calculations. That said will not let those opinions stop her from doing that which benefits the
family most
Goals for Self: At her age, family is most important. The family goals are her goals. Does want
comfort and well being, but she’s already wealthy and well connected.
Goals for Family: To keep the Arjuf Dominion firmly under Ledaal control. To keep well abreast
of information on what the other Houses are up to. To not appear too weak or too strong as
both invite attention. To make sure all deals end with a profit of some kind.
Opinion on Brotherhood: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being total support) she’s a 4. Mostly
ambivalent but an all Ledaal Wyld Hunt could make the other houses rally against the
perception of Ledaal gaining too much power and support. However, they are making contacts
within the Order as well as the places they travel so she could be swayed to back them, if the
price is right.
Dice Pools: Physical-9 / Social-13 / Mental-15
Willpower: 8
Essence: 6
Notable Charms:
Probable Encounter location: Office of Trading house on Outskirts of Imperial City
Name: Ledaal Barono (Pronunciation) - bah-ROW-no
Sex: Male
Aspect: Fire
Appearance: Middle aged but still spry. Carries himself with a military bearing. Long hair black
hair that glints red in the sun kept in a tight topknot at the back of his crown. Angular face with
intense amber eyes. Long face, long neck and a noticeable cleft in chin.
Motivation: To lead men into the greatest battle creation has ever seen
Personality: The burning bonfire. Quick to love, quick to anger. A true devotee of “overkill is
just enough kill” and applies this to all things in his life. Subtlety is an utterly foreign (and
aggravating) concept. In his heart of hearts he’s disappointed that the family called him back
from the military to help deal with matters in the Imperial city, but he will do his duty to the best
of his ability.
Goals for Self: Would return to Legions if he could but that is HIGHLY unlikely. Will accept
crushing foes politically and financially. Would love to look better for old legion friends. Also
loves war stories and impressive weapons.
Goals for Family: Military strength is crucial. Let others see Ledaal’s might and tremble or
throw themselves against Ledaals power and be swept away. Desires large armies, large
bankrolls and the favor of the legion commanders.
Opinion on Brotherhood: The Brotherhood rode out and smote a anathema taking direct action
against a coming evil. Such action should be supported and commended. He already supports
the group, but would like assurances or signs of commitment that they will continue.
Dice Pools: Physical-16 / Social-13 / Mental-10
Willpower: 7
Essence: 5
Virtues: Compassion-2 / Conviction-4 / Temperance-2 / Valor-5
Intimacies: The Imperial Legion (Valor) - 5 / Death to my Enemies (Conviction) - 3
Notable Charms:
Probable Encounter location: Outside city proper, training security forces
Name: Ledaal Kopek (Pronunciation) COH-pick
Sex: Male
Aspect: Air
Appearance: A man of average height and build with tan skin, he has an aloof feel about him.
He has tired, large light blue eyes, a big nose, and a round chin. His long, straight, dark purple
hair is painstakingly styled and maintained. His clothing is form fitting and fine. A particularly
noticeable feature is his accent which people usually find annoying.
Motivation: Kill the Mask of Winters
Personality: Slightly absent minded, but more due to being incredibly intelligent and having to
consider too many things at once. Carefully considers options before taking an action. Much
more interested in the Long View than short. Master Sorcerer. Doesn’t really trust mortals as
their lives are too short to form a real perspective.
Goals for Self: Wants any information on the Deathlords and/or the Abyssals. Also interested
in lost first age knowledge, particularly sorcery
Goals for Family: Considers gaining knowledge on and fighting the Deathlords and their agents
to be of most benefit to family. They represent too much of a threat due to the invasion of
Thorns plus how little is NOT known. Recognizing other items as important (the generation of
funds through business, the protection of assets, political maneuvering, etc) but as far as once
those matters are addressed, Kopek always supports items that gain information on the undead
Opinion on Brotherhood: Does not support. While the Anathema doe need to be addressed, at
the moment he doesn’t consider them to be the most pressing concern.
Dice Pools: Physical-12 / Social-12 / Mental-15
Willpower: 8
Essence: 5
Virtues: Compassion-4 / Conviction-4 / Temperance-3 / Valor-2
Intimacies: Ledaal Family (Compassion)-3 / Knowledge is Power (Conviction)-4 / No Sorcery on
a New Moon (Temperance)-2
Notable Charms:
Probable Encounter location: Palace Sublime

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