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Justice League Dark: Midnight Chronicles

Real Name: Daniel Andrews

Alias (If applicable): Dozens. Lee Roberts, Tommy Jackson being the two most common.
Face Claim: Max Martini
Age: 192, Appears 40
Height: 6’1’’
Weight: 230lbs (his muscles are a bit denser than normal humans)
Gender: Male.

Personality: Calm, a bit slow in his decisions, though incredibly stubborn upon making them and is a man of few words. He is unfailingly polite to women and
children and any of an ‘Authority’ position that he respects, which is an extremely small number of people that shrinks with every year. He does suffer from some
Anachronisms here and there, modern technology sometimes confounds the poor man. Daniel does have a very honorable streak to him, if his word is given he’ll
hold to it till he dies or the one he made a promise to betrays him. Superstitious to a fault.

Affiliations: US Army 2nd Regiment of Dragoons (Currently known as the 2nd Cavalry.) Former. Confederate Army of Louisiana, Cavalry Battalion Former. Pinkerton
Agency Officially Retired, consults secretly and maintains his rank and clearance. Rough Bunch (Occasional Member) Former. Justice League Dark, consultant on
Native American Mythology and Magic.

Ursine Shapeshifter, Ancient Breed.
Normal Human form abilities: Enhanced Strength and Constitution. Can handle lifting weight up to a Ton. Rapid Regeneration of physical damage. Enhanced sense
of Smell and hearing.

Arthen Form abilities. Strength and constitution are enhanced further as is natural durability. Skin thickens up a bit to be similar to a natural Kevlar. Can handle 3-4
tons of weight. Height increases to about seven and a half feet tall, weight increases by two hundred pounds of thick corded muscle. Claws and fangs do appear,
albeit short ones.

Bjornen Form. Massive Short Faced bear. On all fours standing around ten feet tall, almost twenty feet tall. Completely bear like at this point. Massive and savage
running on primal instinct mostly. Can easily handle 5-6 tons. Upend large vehicles and claws can shred metal like paper. Weighs around 2 and a half tons of furry
wrath and vengeance.

Ursus Form. Normal Short faced bear. About 8 feet at the shoulder, fourteen feet on hind legs. Weighing in at an impressive ton and still larger than any other bear
in the land.

Crinos Form. The Battle Form. Rarely ever used by Daniel, he grows to a terrifying twenty eight feet tall and is capable of lifting and throwing upwards of twenty five
tons. Himself weighing nearly eight tons himself. Claws extend around two full feet from his paws. Nigh invincible to most personal weapons. Skin and fur so thick
it’s hard to cause him damage at all. A veritable Tank.

Frenzy: When pressed into a rage Daniel can enter a state of mindless fury and berserk nature. His mind gives way to nothing but pure unadulterated wrath and
fury, strength doubling almost and natural healing improving to almost instantaneous. Though it is extremely hard for him to work up the hatred and rage within to
unleash the Frenzy. It is also even harder to snap him out of it once he’s entered the frenzy.

Gifts of the Bear: As a Werebear and champion of the Bear Totem Daniel can receive many boons and abilities from the Spirits.

Shamanic Magic: He has been taught and learned a great deal of the Shamanic practices. While he will never claim to be a Shaman or a Medicine man he is truth a
rather skilled practitioner. Though he does prefer to not use magic in any form.

Enhanced Senses: Hearing, Taste and most importantly Smell.

Spirit Sight: Can see spirits and interact with them.

Magic Sense: Can sense magic and its rough nature (Good, Bad, Neutral etc…)

Bear Tongue: Can speak with any Ursine species and they tend to regard him as neutral if not friendly.

Immune to pretty much all damage and disease. Silver, Magic and a few other things can cause him harm though.

Extremely slow aging. He ages but 1 year for every 20-25 years that pass.

Bio-rhythmic Mastery: Complete and utter control over his body and its functions.

Horsemanship. Over a century in the saddle Daniel is probably one of the best horse riders to ever live at this point. He’s also exceptionally skilled at taming and
breeding them as well.

Gunfighter: A veritable lifetime of using firearms has given him an uncanny and unprecedented amount of skill with them. Specifically good with Pistols, Revolvers
being his favorite and most practiced.

Swordsman: As a Cavalry officer he was taught how to use a Saber effectively, a skill he’s honed further with Machetes as they’re a bit more practical to his line of

Melee Weapons: A long career of hunting monsters and men have imparted a incredibly level of talent in utilizing small hand held weapons such as Hatchets,
Tomahawks, clubs and Knives. Is also skilled with the use of a Spear.

Archery: Has learned how to operate a bow and arrow quite effectively. Prefers guns though.

Leadership: He has led men into battle in multiple wars and conflicts. He is more than capable of making the hard choices needed for the greater good. His skill in
tactics is also quite impressive, though a bit old fashioned.

Tracking: Be his quarry man, beast or monster. He’s probably ran it to ground at some point or another.

Multilingual: Speaks and is Literate in all Native American Languages (There was some Magic involved with that). Spanish, French, German, Creole, Russian.
Conversational in Sami, Finnish, Swedish and Icelandic. Basic Proficiency in Chinese and Mongolian.

Survival: Is an expert at surviving in almost any terrain, especially Forests, Mountains and High Desert.
Folk Remedies: Has learned the ins and outs of several cultures folk lore, their methods for dealing with bad spirits, good luck, misfortune and all of that sort.

Beekeeping: Sue him, he likes his honey fresh and is very good at tending the little buggers.

Cooking: He’s been a bachelor for almost two centuries. He’s learned how to cook and how to cook well.

Incredibly Stubborn.
Slow to make decisions.
Takes a bit to wake up in the morning.
Needs a horrendous amount of food every day.
Seasonal Lethargy. He does not do much of anything during the winter unless prodded out of the door and given enough Coffee to float a small city.

History Timeline (Year and short summary of event below)

1826: Born Daniel Liam Andrews at a small Plantation owned by the Andrews Family, Later would be built as Belle Grove Plantation
1841: Enrolled in West Point Academy.
1845: Graduated West Point and Enlisted in United States Army.
1846-1848, Deployed with the 2nd Cavalry to Mexico for the Mexican-American War. Wounded Twice, A saber cut across his left shoulder and a musket shot into his stomach.
Was promoted to Captain during the waning days of the war. Resigned his commission upon the end of the conflict.
1849-1861. Returned home and married a lovely French Heiress. Isabelle was her name. Had several children with her over that time.
1861-1865. Resumed his Commission as a Captain in the Cavalry in the Confederate Army. Assigned to the North Virginian Army under General Lee.
1866. Takes off to join the Pinkerton Agency. Wife perishes from a fever while he’s away.
1867-1875. Works for Pinkerton Agency, Specializes in hunting down Indian Criminals. Remarries in 1868 to Irish Immigrant woman, Tabitha. Has three children by her. In late
summer 1875, retires from Pinkerton Agency and moves to New Mexico near the Arizona Border.
1876. Attacked by an Wendigo at his Ranch. Family and workers are slaughtered and eaten. Is saved from death or corruption into a Wendigo by a Shaman and Skinwalker of
the Chiricahua, name of Kuruk.
1877-1909. Hunts and destroys every Wendigo Between the Mississippi River and California. Battles several other supernatural and natural foes during this time. Encounters a
small town of Mormon Settlers in 1890. A witch nearby uses illusions to corrupt his vision and send him into a Frenzy in full Crinos form. His rage lasts for seven hours during
which he destroyed the entire settlement and all four hundred and twenty seven inhabitants. Upon returning to his senses he hunted down and killed the Witch. Having a crisis
and suffering from particularly nasty wounds from the battle he entered a hibernation which lasted until 1909.

1909. Awakes and finds a vastly different world than the one he knew. Is able to gain help from an old friend, Bartholomew ‘Bat’ Lash and get caught up on nearly two decades
of missing time. Secures a confidential contract with the Pinkerton Agency in secret to continue work for them on assignments that ordinary Agents would be incapable of
completing. This also allows him to get new Identities as time progresses.

1910-1919. Operates world wide as a Occult Investigator and Trouble shooter. When WW1 Broke out he returned to North America and concentrated his efforts there. Refusing
to take part in the war.

1920-1941. Travels the Globe once more, dealing with Occult issues as they crop up. Spent several years in the early 1930’s in the employ of the Thule Society, unaware of
their true goals. When WW2 Broke out in Europe he was devastated and returned to America in disgrace. With the Attack on Pearl Harbor he offered his services to the US
Army once more.

1941-1945. Assisted in halting many of the Third Reich’s Occult operations and battled against their Werewolf forces. Acquired a large amount of Nazi Artifacts and Artwork
during this time. Something he’s used to keep his own personal operations afloat, among them the famous Nazi Gold Train that was “lost” in Poland.

1946-1980. Once more Operating across the globe dealing with monsters for people, taking contracts from Governments to handle creatures of lore that had popped up and
quite a few excursions that were of his own volition to deal with growing threats to humanity.

1981-1990. Hibernated.
1991-Current. Doing what he does best, tracking down foul creatures and ending them.

Other Important Information:

Has several artifacts that help him out with his work. Nothing astoundingly impressive. But a few fetishes, a dozen or so ‘Dens’ he has scattered across the world.
Most of them in the US. A collection of Artwork that would be the envy of the Louvre. And a firearms gallery that would make a small army happy to see.

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