Soshi Soumas Spell Selection

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By Tae Licur or tir Moon Ring/Mastery: Air 1 Range: Personal ‘Area of Effect: 20" radius around the caster Duration: 1 minute Raises: Area (+5 radius), Duration (+1 minute) ‘You call upon the kami to reveal that which has been bid- en, All concealed objects within the area of effet appear 25 slightly luminous outlines 9 you. Any non-maglcal conceal- ‘ment is revealed including secret compartments, trap doors, concealed weapons, et. Only you can see the presence of these objects ‘Tempest oF Ane © ingatery: Ae 1 (Thunder) © Range: Peron © Area of Effect: A cone 75'long and 15° wide atts nd © aration: istamaneous (© Raises: Area (+5 tothe width of the cone), Damage (110, Range (+5 othe length ofthe cone, Special (65 to AirTN against Knockdown per Rls) ‘You summon 2 powerful gust of air emanating from your poshion thar crashes into all nits path, Knocking them to the ground. All agets within the area of eet suffer kt ‘Wounds and must make a Contested Roll using ther Earth against your Air Every target that fal suffers Knockdown. ‘Catt Upon Tae Wino © Ring/Mastery:Air2 (Travel) @ Range: Personal or 20 © Area of Effect: Target individual (may be the caste) @ Duration: 1 minute © Raises: Duration (+1 minute), Range (+59 ‘The winds can lif and buoy, carrying even the heaviest bur- den Into the skis for short periods. The target ofthis spell ‘ins a limited form of light, allowing him to move through the air unimpeded. The target of the spell may make Free ‘Move Actions, but not Simple Move Actions, and may never ‘move more than 10° per round. Heavy winds can interfere ‘with this movement or prevent it altogether. At the end ofthe sll’s duration, the target drifts harmlessly othe ground, no ‘matter how high he might be. ‘Winp-Born SLuMBERS Ringhatery:Alr2 Range: 50 Area of Effect: One age person Duration: § mines Raises: Range (+10 per Raise, Area of fect (4 son per 2 Raises), Duration (rl mlaute per aise) onnee “Tis pl ass the Ai am to sty insite tem selves ito the tinge body, uring hit oward weariness nd sleep. A target who i phyially and mentally nac- five (oul a «guard standing post at night, ora sama ‘metatng in his dj) wil automatically fal alep when fangeted wit this spel Te target will awaken normally the touched o hears loud noise, bu others sleeps unt the spel duration expe the targets physically fr mentally activ. the spel wl not put him see, but he wl safer the effets of being Fatigue forthe = atom of the spell the target already Fatigue, is Fes cr ns heh bd oe me day without se) Exvious Fiawes RingiMasery: Fee 1 Range: 30 ‘area of Effect: Ove wget Fires most hie power is destction and summoned Fre spins can easly be unleasbed on ane’ ener Thi spell, Invokes singe Fire Kam, wich lances tsar the tage, hiting wertngy so long asthe age is within ange Toe Spel dais 212 Words The bm hs pel ifs re quite lf aif he spel ages a shugena who is esing 2 Spel bis Willpower al iss TM of 20 pls the damage el, Instead of the normal 10 ps damage dal. Brive Sree © Ring/asery Fie 3 (Cat) © Range: Touch © Area of fet 1 bladed weapon © uation: 1 minate (© Raises: aration (+1 minute) Fire spints cam infuse metal with tel own fury, uring a Sharp ee int a supremely perfect on. This spell enances ‘he damage of ste laded weapons, such a5 sword, knives, naginta, et. Biting Steel cannot affect weapons which ae rot metal blades, which are nemuranal, of which have al ready Been enhaied by magleal effec. The wespors DR i Increased by 1k forthe duration ofthe spel ‘Par o Iyer Pace Sean ee ey ss RangeTowt 0 Arenal cr Oe args indvia © Dames nsurnens ex rama hastening th maura being proces You ne hi pel Yo el Wounds that anor aia Bs sulted hin pel rare ramer of Wout the gee eal tothe ane! by which he pel Casing Rel exceed

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