Ar Student Interview Protocol

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Interview Protocol

Interviewer: Mike Tira Interviewee:______________________________

Date of Interview:_____________ Permission slip collected yes/no

Ideal Participants:
Eighth grade math students at the O’Farrell Charter school. Students will be chosen from the
interviewer’s homebase, because of the relationship the interviewer has with them.

You have been asked to complete a short, 15-25 minute interview on your feelings towards the
exhibition project. This research project seeks to understand how to improve the exhibition for it
to be more useful for all students. Our study does not seek to assess your understanding of the
project and you will not be graded based on your responses. You honest feedback is
appreciated, as it will help modify the exhibition for future students. It is the goal of the
researcher to better understand how students learn and how the project can be modified to help

Research Question: In what ways can the students exhibition be modified in order to promote
students’ self reflection and critical feedback skills?

Background Questions
1. Tell me about your feelings towards school.

2. Tell me a little bit about how your family feels about school.

3. What motivates you to do well in school?

4. What is your favorite part of math class.

5. What part of math class do you think will best prepare you for life?

Research Questions

6. What is your favorite part about creating an exhibition at the end of the year?

7. What is your least favorite part about creating an exhibition at the end of the year?

8. Do you feel that the exhibition does an adequate job of allowing you to reflect on

learning throughout the year?

9. Is the format of the math exhibition better or worse that the old exhibition format?

a. Probe: Why do you feel this way?

10. What would you change about the math exhibition?

a. Probe: Why do you feel this way?

Demographic Questions

11. How old are you?

12. How long have you attended the O’Farrell Charter School?

13. In what area do you live? Can you tell me your zip code?

14. How do you identify yourself, with respect to race, ethnicity, etc.?

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