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Year 9F Period 1 Practical, 1/06/18

Topic area: Skill testing Stage of Learner: Year 9 Syllabus Pages: 35

Date: 1/06/18 Location Booked: Hall Lesson Number: 1

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 23 Printing/preparation:

Activities set up during home

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes: Aspects of movement skill Demonstrate movement skills
LS.19 - demonstrates skills required to development in increasingly complex and
participate in preferred physical - body control and challenging activities.
activity awareness
LS.21- uses appropriate - anticipation and timing
communication strategies in a variety - technique
of contexts
LS.24 - Moves confidently in a range of

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
 Critical and creative thinking  Communicating
 Personal and social capability  Decision – making
 Interacting

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self-regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the lesson.
Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
0 – 10 Teacher will gather all the students to the hall to mark the roll. Teacher: Instruct students to get changed and sit T
Send a student to the oval if some students are missing. Make sure down with their device. Mentor teacher marks
that all the students are dressed in appropriate sports uniform. If the roll.
students are NOT IN UNIFORM they are to write lines: “It is school Student: Change into sports uniform and then sits
policy to bring my sports uniform to sport” (in diary page 33). If on the basketball court with device.
students are injured and have a note they are allowed to work on Teacher positioning: In front of the free throw
assignments or homework. Once students are changed instruct line on the basketball court.
them to sit down with their device in an area on the basketball Resources: Laptop, lesson plan sheet, whistle,
court. keys.
10 - Warm up game alternative Pac man: Pac man rules: Teacher: Starts the warm up. T/S
20  Students run along lines. Student: Students position themselves ready for
 Two students in tipping the others. the warm up.
 Once tagged join as a Pac man. Teacher Positioning: In front of the students
Alternative: Instead of running have students side stepping, grape explaining the activity.
vine, lunges, bear crawl, hopping. Resources:
20 - Explain aims of this lesson to test various skills of students. Relate Teacher: Teacher will explain each activity with T/S
52 the tests to that of the NFL and NBA professional drafting or the help of students as demonstrators.
known as combine (as must of the boys will have an interest in Student: Listens to the explanation of each
this). Afterwards go through as a class in explaining each activity activity and ask questions if necessary.
including Teacher Positioning: Appropriately viewable for
 Sit and reach test – emphasise breathing in and not students.
injuring yourself, keep legs straight. Resources: Equipment needed for activities
 Pushups – emphasize form as explained on sheet. including:
 Situps – emphasize form as explained on sheet.  8 X red cones.
 Reaction test.  6 X white cones.
 Agility (Illinios) run.  2 X green cones.
 Vertical jump – feet shoulder width apart, arms swing up.  Hand strength dynamometer.
 Standing long jump – similar to above except body  Sit and reach box.
weight forward.  Ruler.
 Hand strength test.  Tape measure.
Run students through each test according to the worksheet sent to  Vertical jump spindle.
them via canvas (below) with detailed note on form and
importance of test. After explanations, split students into groups of
three or pairs. Each group starts at a different activity and rotate
after 4 minutes (as called out by teacher).
Teacher then circulates the area correcting technique or assists
when needed.
50 - Pack up and instruct students to take equipment back to sports Teacher: Instructs students to pack the
60 room. Students will then change into their regular school clothes. equipment away and then follows the rest of the
class to the change rooms.
Cool Down (if time): Stretch line or circle – students take turns to Student: Walk to the change rooms with the
do a stretch and the rest of the line has to follow. teacher and then waits patiently for the bell to
Teacher Positioning: Outside of the change
Resources: -

Were all the students actively participating and contributing to class discussions?

Were there any students who seemed disengaged or uninterested? If so, how did you
accommodate to these students or how did you resolve this issue?

What worked well? What could be changed?

Do you feel as though your students gained something useful from the lesson?
Health and Skill Related Components of Fitness
Physical fitness is required in maintaining total body health. It is comprised of several important
elements which can be labelled as being health-related and skill-related.

Students are to perform and measure the following fitness tests to determine your fitness level.

- Agility test - Sit and Reach

- Standing Long jump - Sit-ups in a minute
- Dominant hand dynamometer test - Push-ups in a minute
- Vertical Jump - Reaction test with ruler

Agility test
1. Starting behind the white cone, weave in and out of the green cones back to the end white cone.
2. Record time it takes to get back to cone.

Standing long jump

1. The subject stands with feet parallel to each other several inches apart and toes behind the
starting line.
The subject is instructed to jump as far as possible, take off both feet simultaneously and land on
both feet.
3. The tester observes the landing of the subject’s feet very closely, marking the landing point of
the back of the foot closest to the starting line.
4. The shortest distance from the landing mark to the starting line is measured to the nearest cm.

Dominant hand dynamometer test

1. The subject takes the dynamometer comfortably in the appropriate hand, holding it in line with
the forearm and letting it down by the thigh.
2. The dynamometer is held away from the body and squeezed tightly, the subject exerting
maximum force of which he is capable.
3. The maximum force generated is read off the dynamometer and recorded in kg.

Vertical jump
1. The subject stands sideways to a wall, extends their arm up and touches the number that they can
reach without jumping.
2. Feet shoulder width apart, swing arms and jump up as high as possible and touch the number.
3. Record score by subtracting reach score from jump score.

Sit and reach test

1. Sit down with your legs straight out against a sit and reach box.
2. Exhale and extend your arms as far as possible in front of yourself, using your hands to push the
metal tab.
3. Your maximum flexibility is measured according to the distance of the metal tab on the sit and
reach box in cm.

Sit-ups in a minute
1. Record how many correctly performed sit ups are achieved in a minute.
2. Hands crossed on chest, movement going all the way to the ground, partner stand on toes for

Push-ups in a minute
1. Record how many correctly performed push-ups are achieved in a minute.
2. Arms shoulder width apart, chest all the way to the ground, straight back, squeeze core and lower

Reaction test with ruler

1. Partner drops ruler at any time and catch it as quick as you can with two fingers. Record how
many cm’s you caught it on.


Method/Procedure Score
Agility test (sec)
Standing Long jump (cm)
Hand dynamometer (kg)
Vertical Jump (jump score - reach score)
Sit and Reach (cm)
Sit-ups in a minute (number)
Push-ups in a minute (number)
Reaction test with ruler (cm)

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