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Question 1

a) Briefly explain the following terms:

i. Office
- An office means a room(s) used as a place of business. An office also means
government department, including the staff, their work and duties.
- An office is also a place in which the affairs of a business, professional
person, or organization are carried out

ii. Intranet
- Intranet is a computer network within an organization that is meant for the use
of its employees or members

iii. Freelancer
- Freelancers is independent contractors who works for others, usually on a
project by project basis

b) List 4 activities in processing information.

- Editing and proofreading
- Keyboarding
- Preparing outgoing communications
- Preparing spreadsheets
Question 2
A. State and briefly describe three core values which may develop character
- Ethics. Ethics is a system of moral standards or values
- Integrity. Integrity is honesty and trustworthiness, sincerity, being of sound
moral principle.
- Reliability is being dependable or trustworthy

B. Name four characteristics of a matured person.

- Accept criticism ordisappointment tactfully
- Admit that you made mistakes
- Demonstrate\Respect for differences of individual
- Acknowledge that you do not know or understand something
Question 3

a. List and briefly explain three elements of speaking skills.

 Pronunciation
- Correct pronunciation of words is essential for understanding. Proper
enunciation (how clearly you say a word) is also important.
 Grammar
- Also as important as pronunciation. When not understand, ask for explanation
 Vocabulary
- State your ideas in simple terms and use standard English to express yourself

b. Name and describe two types of specialized long-distances calls.

 Person-to-Person calls
- Person to person call is an expensive type of specialized long distance call
first, dial the operator’s number, inform the operator that you wish to do a
person-to-person call. Secondly, give the her, the area code, and the telephone
number of the individual or business you are calling. Charges from the call
begin only after the person that you wish to speak is on the line

 Collect Calls
- A charges for a collect call are billed to the telephone number being called.
people who travel for a business may find it necessary to make collect calls to
their offices.
Part c
Question 1
1. Based on the above situasion,list three Nauras’s expectations towards Encik Shahrul.
Justify you’re answer.
 Direction regarding the work for your department or individual job
- Naura believe that Encik shahrul’s will give work instruction to the staff. But a few
months of working in the company, Naura can see that Encik Shahrul’s has failed in
giving work instruction to the staff.
 Schedules and deadlines
- Naura also thought that there will have a systematic schedule and deadline for
each work. But as a superior Encik Shahrul’s like to quickly assign tasks and
ask Naura to complete them without giving her any proper guidance or

2. List three reasons of Encik Shahrul’s reluctance to delegate task.

- He believe that he can perform them more efficiently rather that giving them
to someone else
- He does not know the appropriate ways in delegating tasks
- He is not able to understand background characteristics of his employees

3. Suggest four delegation guidelines which may be followed by Encik Shahrul’s

 Company have to select the appropriate person to perform the task to be
 Encik Shahrul’s Select tasks that can be delegated like routine tasks, tasks that
involve minimal amount of judgment, tasks with steps that are easily identified
 Help the person to whom tasks have been delegated
 Make sure that work assignments are fully understood.

4. State three background characteristics of employees that need to be understand by Encik

- Reliability
- Productivity
- Independence in learning

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