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Third Edition

The Complete Guide to




JS^* London
Preface to the Third Edition vi
Foreword vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Why Metal? 2
Chapter 2 Boat and Building Choices 8
Chapter 3 The Materials 16
Chapter 4 Tools and Safety Equipment 24
Chapter 5 Welding 30
Chapter 6 Building from a Precut Kit 38
Chapter 7 Building from Scratch—Getting Started 90
Chapter 8 Building from Scratch—Plating the Hull 105
Chapter 9 Building from Scratch—Decks and
Superstructure 118
Chapter 10 Painting a Metal Boat 145
Chapter 11 Engines and Accessories 155
Chapter 12 Preventing Corrosion 173
Chapter 13 Metal Boat Interiors 179
Chapter 14 Electrical Systems for Metal Boats 194
Chapter 15 Appendages, Fittings, and Alterations 207
Chapter 16 Choosing the Design—Sailboats 227
Chapter 17 Choosing the Design—Powerboats 256
Chapter 18 Passagemaking Powerboats 268
Chapter 19 Safety Afloat 273
Appendix 1 Recommended Reading 281
Appendix 2 Glossary 282
Index 291
Preface to the Third Edition
It has given me m u c h pleasure to have the o p - I m u s t again offer my sincere and grateful
portunity to update the information for this third thanks to all of the builders of o u r designs w h o
edition of my book, The Complete Guide to Metal have contributed suggestions, building tips, and
Boats. photos of their partially built and completed ves-
M e t a l boat building is u n d e r constant d e - sels. Seeing evidence of some of the m a n y t h o u -
velopment and as designers we have the o p p o r - sands of o u r boats o u t t h e r e makes o u r job so
tunity to take advantage of these improvements in much more worthwhile.
materials and building techniques. G o o d boatbuilding!
Even those of you who have read the previ-
ous editions of this book will find sufficient new Bruce Roberts-Goodson
information to make r e a d i n g this t h i r d edition
worthwhile. September 2005


Who is this book written for? If you have an in- and w o r k i n g with metal will have m u c h to gain
terest in metal boats, and perhaps a desire to own from my discussions of boat design and metal boat
one, this book is for you. Building a metal boat building techniques. In this regard, Metal Boats is
from the ground up is a technically challenging intended to turn a welder into a boatbuilder.
project. I haven't attempted to cover every aspect On the other hand, you may come to metal
of the subject—and I doubt any one book could. boats with a solid background in boating and boat
In particular, this book will not teach you how to design but little experience of working with metal.
weld. T h o s e of you with experience of welding If so, you may choose to subcontract out the weld-

This boat can be built

from scratch as the
Roberts 542 or from a
precut kit as the Voyager
542. There are many
examples of this design
sailing in various parts
of the world. (Full details
available at www.bruce
viii Foreword

The Euro 2300 version is a semidisplacement motor yacht (12-15 knots) and the Euro 2400 is a planing hull con-
figuration (16-30 knots). The underwater shape of the hull together with the horsepower of the engines govern
the performance and cruising speed that you can expect from this and other similar Euro Series Motor Yachts.

ing portions of the project. Many novice builders the primary choices in some detail. O t h e r major
have attended evening classes in welding and be- topics include choosing a suitable design, build-
come proficient enough to handle the easier welds ing from plans and precut kits, preventing corro-
and assist an expert b r o u g h t in for the critical sion, and selecting and installing an engine.
welds. You can learn a great deal by watching over Finally, pride of ownership plays a big part
an expert's shoulder. in the pleasure of boating. I hope that by under-
Or you may plan to buy a used metal boat, s t a n d i n g the design and c o n s t r u c t i o n of your
or oversee the construction of a new one. In this metal boat you will also deepen your enjoyment
case, my i n t e n t i o n is to provide an overview of it.
of the whole process so you can make informed G o o d boatbuilding.
O n e of the most frequently asked questions Bruce Roberts-Goodson
is, "Which metal should I use?" I have compared
My sincere thanks go to all those builders of metal Special thanks are due to my wife, Gwenda,
boats in Europe, especially those in the N e t h e r - w h o has s u p p o r t e d me in my work for over 30
lands, who gave me such good advice w h e n I years; as a very active first mate, she never hesi-
needed it most, back in 1973. To Grahame Shan- tated to impose the woman's view when it came to
non, the developer of Auto Ship and other com- designing items in which she was particularly in-
puter programs that have changed yacht design terested. She certainly didn't restrict herself to
forever. To Max Pille, who provided me with ad- the galley or other stereotyped areas of design.
ditional information on things electrical. And to My thanks to Andrew Slorach, my long-time
Del E Kahan, for his insights into the special re- partner and associate who is always ready to of-
quirements for electrical systems in metal boats. fer constructive advice; to George Love, my boat-
To the many hundreds of builders of metal building mentor, and to all those in the boating
boats constructed from my plans w h o have sent industry who, over the past 35 years, have helped
photographs, asked intelligent questions, and of- me c h a r t a course t h r o u g h the shoals that have
fered valuable suggestions; these builders have claimed so many who have tried to turn a hobby
made a great contribution to the development of into a business.
our metal building techniques.

This Spray Trawler Yacht 52/58 has been built in steel and makes an excellent long-distance powerboat or
motor sailer. (Steve Davis illustration)


My first and later intense interest in metal boats was quickly followed by several other sailboat and
came a b o u t almost by accident. By 1 9 7 3 , 1 was powerboat designs for steel construction, includ-
already established as a designer of custom fiber- ing the R o b e r t s 34, the Offshore 44, and the
glass sailboats and powerboats, and fiberglass ma- Roberts 53. Early steel powerboat plans included
terials were inexpensive and readily available. O u r the C o a s t w o r k e r 30, the W a v e r u n n e r 34, the
building techniques were proven and widely ac- W a v e r u n n e r 4 0 / 4 2 , and the W a v e r u n n e r 4 5 . As
cepted around the world; who needed any other of now, over 20,000 steel sailboats and p o w e r -
building material? T h e oil e m b a r g o of the early boats have been successfully built to our designs.
1970s changed all that. Up until 1984, only a few boats of our de-
Since our clients still wanted to build boats, sign were constructed in round-bilge steel (these
we were forced to consider the options. Ferroce- were built to modified versions of the fiberglass
m e n t was already t h o r o u g h l y discredited as a hull lines). At that time, most of the steel and alu-
boatbuilding material; w o o d - e p o x y was estab- m i n u m boats built to our plans were constructed
lished, b u t the materials were expensive and using the d o u b l e - c h i n e t e c h n i q u e . In 1985, we
didn't have a wide enough appeal. By the process switched to computer-aided design and this made
of elimination, we turned our attention to metal. it possible to draw radius-chine designs that were
In 1973, there were relatively few designers easy to build and had all the beauty of a r o u n d -
and builders of metal pleasure boats apart from bilge hull. At last we could offer metal hull shapes
those in E u r o p e , and especially in the N e t h e r - that rivaled their fiberglass sisters. T h e s e radius-
lands. W h e r e to start? T h a t was easy. T h e Dutch chine hulls can be built by anyone with some
had been building metal, particularly steel, boats welding experience, and are as simple to build as
for a century, so I spent several weeks visiting any hard-chine boat.
many b o a t b u i l d i n g yards in the N e t h e r l a n d s . We were i n t r o d u c e d to a l u m i n u m in 1974
Fortunately I was able to study the building tech- when a client requested a design to be con-
niques and discuss c o n s t r u c t i o n m e t h o d s with structed in that material. Since that time, many
several established builders. aluminum boats have been built from our plans.
In Chapters 6, 16, and 17, you'll find a wide My preferences will no doubt become obvious as
selection of designs for metal sailboats and this text develops, so I might as well state right off
powerboats. T h e y range in size from 26 to 73 feet that I prefer the use of aluminum to be restricted
(7.9 to 22.2 m), and all are intended for amateur to high-speed planing powerboats. In the latter
construction. O u r first plan designed for steel case, the benefits of the material can be fully ex-
construction was the Mauritius 43 sailboat. Over ploited. Fortunately for the sake of variety, not all
the following t w e n t y years, 800 of this design builders agree with m e . We often prepare plans
were built by individuals and a n o t h e r ISO were for aluminum-hulled sailboats and semidisplace-
constructed by professional yards a r o u n d the m e n t powerboats, as well as for steel hulls and,
world. T h i s first plan designed especially for steel more recently, for copper-nickel hulls.

chapter 1


ful career and the restored vessel is now on per-

HISTORY m a n e n t display in Bristol H a r b o r in E n g l a n d .
Metal boats have a long and distinguished h e r - T h e s e incidents did much to popularize all-metal
itage s t r e t c h i n g back 200 years. T h e first r e - vessels, so that gradual acceptance turned into a
corded instance of a small metal boat was a 12- flood of orders for builders of metal ships.
foot (3.66 m) iron hull built on the banks of the Shipowners soon found t h a t metal ships
River Fosse, in England, in 1777. Ten years later, were more resistant to the stresses of the sea in all
the next known example, a 70-foot (21.33 m) iron weathers, and b e t t e r able to keep schedules.
canal boat, was built using 'A-inch (13 m m ) riv- M a n y wooden ships had been lost with all hands
eted plates laid over a timber frame. In 1818, the because some of the fastenings let go u n d e r ex-
first all-metal commercial boat was built in Scot- treme weather conditions. Shipowners found that
land. T h e Vulcan was 63 feet (19.20 m) in length although fire can occur in boats and ships c o n -
overall (LOA) and had a beam of 13 feet (3.96 m). structed out of any material, metal vessels are bet-
T h i s boat, with its flat-bar frames and riveted ter able to stay afloat, giving the crew more time
iron plates, was the forerunner of h u n d r e d s of to control the fire. As early as 1853, a survey of
boats and ships built using similar techniques. sailing ships operating in the Far East trade r e -
As suitable timber for boatbuilding became vealed that to build and operate metal ships cost
increasingly hard to find, designers and ship- as little as 80 percent of the cost of wooden ones.
builders turned to metal. In 1834, a violent storm Comparing equal-sized vessels, it was proved that
drove hundreds of wooden boats and ships ashore metal ships, because of their greater interior vol-
in England, marking a milestone for metal boats. u m e , smaller frames, etc., were able to carry as
Most of the boats were totally destroyed, but one m u c h as 25 p e r c e n t m o r e cargo than otherwise
exception was the 125-foot (38.10 m) all-metal identical wooden vessels. T h e published results of
Gary Owen. After being driven ashore, this boat this extensive survey gave a great boost to metal
was able to withstand the severe p o u n d i n g until shipbuilding, and no doubt helped Great Britain
the storm subsided. It did not go unnoticed that become the largest builder of commercial ship-
the Gary Owen suffered only a few scrapes and ping until World W a r II.
scratches, and that she returned to port under her In 1858, the all-metal Great Eastern was built
own power. A n o t h e r boost for metal ships o c - in the U K ; at the time it was the world's largest
curred w h e n the first all-metal liner, Great ship—700 feet (213 m) l o n g with a b e a m of 85
Britain, came to grief on the Irish coast and was feet (25.9 m). In a world where trade was increas-
later floated off to r e s u m e active service. T h e ing at a great rate, this proved that there was vir-
Great Britain went on to have a long and success- tually no limit to the size of ship t h a t could be

Why Metal? if 3

built using metal. It's interest-

ing to compare this early metal
ship with the longest w o o d e n
ship ever built, the Dunderberg,
which was a m e r e 377 feet
(115 m) long.

Up to the early 1860s, all metal
ships were built of w r o u g h t
iron, but thereafter a new ma-
terial became available: steel.
Steel was lighter than iron, but
this new w o n d e r material had
one major drawback: it cost
four times as m u c h as the iron
it would soon replace. E c o n -
o m y of scale soon prevailed,
however, and steel became af-
fordable. T h a t , t o g e t h e r with
the fact that it was available in
large sheets, soon established
steel as the premium shipbuild-
ing material. T h e giant liners
of the past w e r e built from
steel, i n c l u d i n g the France,
which was 1,035 feet (315 m) This steel Spray 40, Mirounga, was built in Germany by Ulrich Kronberg.
long and displaced over 70,000
tons. T h e liner United States holds the fastest pas- moved almost all c o n s t r u c t i o n of commercial
sage time for a N o r t h Atlantic passenger ship, s h i p p i n g o u t of the t i m b e r era and into steel,
having made the trip between Europe and N o r t h small boats continued to be built of wood, except
America in only 3 days and 10 hours, averaging in E u r o p e — a n d t h e r e , mainly in the N e t h e r -
35.59 knots for the crossing. High-speed ferries lands.
and o t h e r similar vessels are challenging this T h i s situation prevailed until the early 1960s
record. M o r e recently, a large n u m b e r of new gi- when the advent of fiberglass changed the plea-
ant liners e n t e r i n g the c h a r t e r t r a d e have sure-boat scene forever.
spawned a great revival of steel shipbuilding.
Steel warships and oil tankers dwarf the fa-
mous passenger ships of the past. T h e aircraft Aluminum (or Aluminium)
carrier USS Nimitz displaces 95,000 tons, and the T h i s metal is refined from the natural material
oil tanker Seawise Giant, which is 1,504 feet bauxite. Although it was discovered early in the
(458.5 m) long and 225 feet (68.6 m) wide, weighs nineteenth century, it was not until 1886 that the
in at 564,763 tons. first practical refining methods were developed in
W h i l e this revolution in building large ships France. As early as 1894, an aluminum alloy was
4 • Chapter One

The Tom Thumb 26 is ideal for building in steel or aluminum. It would make a great first project for the novice
metal boat builder.

used in Switzerland to build the power yacht Alu- fenders of the period, had hulls of Tobin bronze,
mina for Prince Wilhelm zu Wied. fastened with rivets of the same alloy.
T h e designers of the liner United States T h e practice of cladding the hulls of wooden
made extensive use of this metal, saving over ships and pleasure boats with c o p p e r was c o m -
27,000 tons compared to a similar-sized all-steel m o n until the mid-1950s, when m o d e r n antifoul-
vessel. Today, aluminum is used to build sailboats i n g paints came into c o m m o n usage. C o p p e r
and power yachts of all sizes. T h i s material is es- cladding was the forerunner of m o d e r n copper-
pecially useful where w e i g h t saving is the m o s t nickel alloys that combine superior resistance to
important factor. corrosion with excellent antifouling properties.
Copper-nickel is sometimes used to clad the u n -
derwater sections of commercial vessels b u t for
Copper-Nickel several reasons—including difficulty in obtain-
In electro-chemical terms, copper is one of the ing the material, difficulty of welding, and great
most noble metals in c o m m o n use. It has excel- expense—it is n o t suitable for constructing plea-
lent resistance to corrosion in the a t m o s p h e r e sure craft.
and in salt water. T h e British Royal Navy i n t r o -
duced copper cladding to wooden warships in the
eighteenth century to prevent the hulls from be-
ing eaten by marine borers and fouled by o t h e r
marine growth. T h e hulls of the Cutty Sark and It is only in recent times that steel and aluminum
o t h e r famous clipper ships were clad with c o p - have been considered mainstream boatbuilding
per. T h e s e vessels were required to make fast pas- materials. Metal boat building has come a long way
sages, and the copper ensured that their bottoms in a few years, and even as recendy as 1965 very few
remained smooth. In 1893, the America's C u p de- small craft were built from these materials.
fenders Vigilant and Enterprise, and other C u p de- In the early 1970s, in Brisbane, Australia, I
Why Metal? it 5

knew every small craft in the area. O u t of some ous disadvantages in building, owning, and main-
200 boats, only 3 w e r e built of steel. By 1974, taining a steel boat.
when I started to design in metal, there were still
fewer than 10 steel boats in Brisbane. W h a t a dif-
ference today, when metal boats are much more
widely accepted, and are regarded by many as the N o w widely accepted as a boatbuilding material,
best for serious offshore cruising. It's c o m m o n for aluminum has the advantage of being about one-
our office to receive from cruising people letters third the weight of equal-size steel, although this
that read: "We are anchored off [a popular cruis- is partly offset by the fact that you need a thicker
ing area] and there are 20 boats here, and 12 are material for boatbuilding. A l u m i n u m is easy to
built from steel." A rare dash of modesty prevents work with. In fact, you can use hand tools on alu-
me from q u o t i n g the large p e r c e n t a g e of these minum, even some woodworking ones. It's ideal
boats that are to my design! for decks and s u p e r s t r u c t u r e s w h e r e its light
weight can be used to advantage. In some areas of
the world, a l u m i n u m has b e c o m e popular for
Steel building commercial craft and fishing boats;
when the correct marine grades are used, the en-
Steel is the m o s t c o m m o n l y used b o a t b u i l d i n g
metal. It has m a n y advantages including great tire boat can be left unpainted.
strength, low cost, and ease of fabrication. T h e r e T h e disadvantages include greater cost and
are great n u m b e r s of experienced welders in all relatively greater susceptibility to galvanic corro-
parts of the world. Add to this the ease of repair, sion. A l u m i n u m requires expert fabricators and
and the availability of a wide selection of suitable experienced welders who are used to handling it.
plans designed especially for
building in steel, and it's easy
to see w h y this material has
b e c o m e so popular with the
cruising fraternity. Successful
steel cruising boats can be
small, too—as little as 25 feet
(7.62 m) in length. T h e Dutch
even build steel dinghies of
a r o u n d 15 feet (4.57 m) and
use t h e m as tenders on their
barges and other commercial
Steel is heavier than
other boatbuilding materials,
but that hasn't proved to be a
disadvantage in cruising sail-
boats or powercraft. Steel
needs s o m e care and a t t e n -
tion, b u t m o d e r n coatings
have greatly reduced the
chances of rust forming. As
the o w n e r of several steel
boats, I m u s t confess I have This tidy pilothouse would look equally attractive on a sailboat or a
found it hard to find any seri- powerboat.
6 • Chapter One

1 are considering building a fast, planing,

J metal powerboat, t h e n a l u m i n u m will
| be w o r t h your consideration. A n o t h e r
I instance is where a vessel has a high su-
I p e r s t r u c t u r e ; t h e n a l u m i n u m m a y be
I used for the constuction of those areas
I w h e r e its light w e i g h t will add to the
J posative stability of the vessel. Seek
I your designer's advice on this matter. It
J is a waste of money to use aluminum to
i build m o d e r a t e to heavy displacement
1 boats; steel is preferable as a construc-
1 tion material for these heavier hulls.

| Copper-Nickel
\ In 1938, a 45-foot (13.7 m) m o t o r
I cruiser, Miss Revere, was built in the
I United States using an alloy of 70 per-
1 cent c o p p e r and 30 p e r c e n t nickel,
I welded over framing of the same alloy,
and fitted with a l u m i n u m b u l k h e a d s .
Between 1938 and 1965, m a n y U . S .
Coast G u a r d m o t o r whaleboats w e r e
sheathed at the waterline in c o p p e r -
nickel. In 1968, the pleasure yacht As-
perida was built, using 70-30 c o p p e r -
nickel hull plating over framing of the
same material; this boat is still in service
T h e first of several copper-nickel
commercial fishing boats was built in
1971. T h e hull of the 67-foot (20.4 m)
Copper Mariner was constructed from a
'A-inch (6 mm) alloy containing 90 per-
cent copper and 10 p e r c e n t nickel, in-
stalled over steel framing. M o r e r e -
cently, several o t h e r trawlers and
Aluminum was the material chosen by Leuder Kerr for his Spray 33 general-purpose fishing boats have been
Brass Loon. This strong hull has successfully withstood contact built using copper-nickel alloys.
with many deadheads (near-submerged floating logs) in the Gulf O n e interesting example of copper-
Islands of British Columbia, Canada. nickel construction is the sailboat Pretty
Penny. I inspected this boat in Faver-
W h e n it comes to repairs, experience won't be a sham, England, after she had been removed from
p r o b l e m if you have built your own a l u m i n u m t h e water for the first t i m e in 16 years. Pretty
boat. Aluminum should be used where its benefits Penny was also scrubbed o n c e a year, and t h e r e
can be exploited to the full. F o r instance if you were only a few barnacles present when she was
Why Metal? a 7

hauled. I was most impressed with

her condition.
All the advantages of steel ac-
crue also to copper-nickel, which
has the additional benefits of being
resistant to corrosion and fouling
by m a r i n e organisms. C o p p e r -
nickel requires n e i t h e r p a i n t i n g
nor anodes. It's a natural antifoul-
ing element. T h e s e benefits may
make it the choice of those w h o
can afford the costly material. An-
other advantage is that you will
never be s h o r t of conversation
with your peers if you choose cop-
T h e disadvantages of copper-
nickel include the s h o r t a g e of
boatbuilders with experience in
handling this metal, much greater
cost, and the sense of being a pio-
neer w h e n you decide to build a
copper-nickel boat.

The Cost of Metal Boats

Steel is the cheapest metal suitable
for boatbuilding. It's considerably
cheaper than fiberglass or the ma-
terials used in w o o d / e p o x y c o n -
struction. Steel is definitely today's Another attractive pilothouse. This one graces the steel Roberts 370 Tensile.
bargain b o a t b u i l d i n g material.
A l u m i n u m comes next in price, t h e n fiberglass allows this, then choose the material that is most
or wood/epoxy. C o p p e r - n i c k e l costs a b o u t ten suitable for your needs. After you have examined
times more than any other material and hence is the building techniques explained in later chap-
the most expensive of all. ters, you will be in a better position to make an
But you have to r e m e m b e r that the cost of informed decision. Q u i t e frankly, even if steel
the hull (meaning hull, deck, and superstructure) were the most expensive material, which it is not,
represents only about 3 3 percent of the total cost because of its great strength advantage, you could
of the vessel. T h u s , a good argument can be made still make a good case for choosing steel as the
for ignoring the cost of the hull. If your budget primary boatbuilding material.
chapter 2


CHOOSING power may be your choice. T h e r e are m a n y ex-

ceptions to the above but it's my experience that
A SUITABLE BOAT the happiest boaters fall into the age/sail/power
Before your decision-making process gets into top categories outlined above. We are c u r r e n t l y
gear, you would be well advised to get your part- p r e p a r i n g a c u s t o m sailboat design for a client
ner and family involved. Over the past 30-odd w h o has just t u r n e d 50; he admits t h a t his next
years, we've seen many boating projects come to boat will be a trawler.
grief because the senior family m e m b e r failed to M a n y people enjoy the comfort, c o n v e -
consult with, or listen to, the wishes of the o t h - nience, "level playing field," and perceived safety
ers. You'll have to forgive us if we repeat this ad- of p o w e r b o a t s . T h e y d o n ' t particularly like
vice elsewhere; we feel it is worth the telling. preparing meals and generally keeping house at
You'll find m a n y fine designs for sail and varying degrees of heel. If m o r e sailors chose
power in C h a p t e r s 6, 16, and 17. But d o n ' t be cruising powerboats, or at least comfortable sail-
tempted to buy or build a boat that is larger than boats like the Spray type, they and their families
you need. Reaching this decision is harder than would be (and would remain) m o r e enthusiastic
you may imagine. If you have children w h o will about serious boating. Introduce your partner to
accompany you t h r o u g h o u t your boating adven- b o a t i n g in a sensible way. Do n o t choose the
tures, make sure you think t h r o u g h the options. r o u g h e s t day to show off y o u r b o a t i n g skills; if
For instance, if you have teenagers, the chances you do, then from then on you may boat alone.
are that within a few years they will be doing their T h a t ' s our idea of the comfortable cruising
own thing and n o t interested in a c c o m p a n y i n g lifestyle. In the many years we've spent designing
their parents. It's a fact, though, that many fami- and supervising the construction of h u n d r e d s of
lies cruise with young children. H o m e schooling, boats of all types, we have m e t many families be-
and other concessions to your y o u n g crew, can fore, during, and after their boating adventures.
turn cruising into a wonderful experience for the O u r suggestion is that you give stability and com-
entire family. fort some serious consideration before you make a
W h a t type of boat is right for you? Power, decision about which boat will suit you and your
or sail, or perhaps a 50-50? That's a decision you family. Most modern "off-the-shelf sailboats sail
may already have reached before you discuss the to windward at considerable heel; in our case we
options with your spouse and other family m e m - prefer to design boats that sail with m i n i m u m
bers. Age has a bearing on this decision; if you're heel. Surprisingly (to many), when tested u n d e r
u n d e r 40, t h e n you will m o s t probably o p t for actual passagemaking conditions, these boats of-
sail; up to 50, it may be a toss-up; and over 50, ten outperform so-called performance cruisers.

Boat and Building Choices 9

Western Grace, built by Christensen Yachts in British Columbia, is a very successful charter vessel. See for details.

If y o u ' r e new to boating, you may want to a list of books that can help you to make an in-
consider a b o a t that's suitable for weekend and formed decision.
holiday cruising as opposed to a fully equipped
liveaboard cruiser. T h a t would be j u m p i n g in at
the deep end. Again, your age will have a bearing
on your decision; the younger you are, the more If you're considering owning a powerboat in Eu-
time you will have to c o r r e c t any mistakes of rope, you will have a wide choice of metal boats.
j u d g m e n t you may make w h e n choosing your T h e r e are many builders of fine steel cruisers in
boat. M o s t people w h o enjoy b o a t i n g will own Holland, Britain, and elsewhere in the European
three or more boats in their lifetime. You'll need U n i o n ( E U ) . T h e off-the-shelf m o t o r cruisers
to consider if y o u r first b o a t is truly " t h e " boat built by the D u t c h used to be mainly intended
or just a stepping-stone in that direction. for coastal and canal work. T h e quality of hull
A metal weekend cruiser can be as small as
25 feet (7.6 m) in length or as large as you can
afford or handle with your family for crew. My
advice is never to own a boat that cannot be handled
by a crew of two. M o s t boats t h a t are used r e g u -
larly, as opposed to those that languish in the lo-
cal marina, are crewed by a couple. H o w big is
too big? We have many Roberts 53-foot sailboats
successfully cruised by healthy and active (not
necessarily young) couples. N e i t h e r crew m e m -
ber is required to have an outstanding physique.
M o d e r n e q u i p m e n t makes it possible for small
persons to h a n d l e the sails and associated gear
Before deciding on the size and type of ves-
sel that will best suit your needs, you may wish
to read more on the subject. See Appendix 1 for Frank Ozannes built this steel Roberts 36 from scratch.
10 Chapter Two

construction, interior joinery, and general finish N o w , having painted that picture of d o o m
i s f i r s t - c l a s s . W i t h the advent o f the E U N o r m and g l o o m , let us say t h a t t h e r e are s o m e fine
rules for marine craft, the cruising capabilities of used metal boats out there, but you'll have to sort
the boats built in Holland and elsewhere in E u - through a considerable number of undesirable ex-
rope are superior to those built elsewhere. T h e amples before you find your dream boat. We have
strict and comprensive rules of construction and owned many boats, mostly new, but the last two
general engineering ensure safe, seaworthy boats. were used steel boats. Both these boats were u n -
All the boats designed and built by my own com- der 5 years old and had been only lightly used be-
pany in H o l l a n d are Class A, which means they fore we purchased them. W i t h one of our previ-
are classified as suitable for u n l i m i t e d offshore ous boats, K*I*S*S, a 28-foot (8.53 m) steel Spray
ocean cruising. design, we were able to recover all of our invest-
In the United States and Canada, there are ment after two years' use.
a few builders of metal boats, m a n y of w h o m If y o u ' r e able to deal directly with the
build fine vessels. Fortunately, the s h o d d y owner, you may avoid some of the pitfalls associ-
builders soon disappear; b u t make sure you are ated with this type of purchase. You m u s t make
n o t one of their customers before they quit the sure you are absolutely satisfied before you hand
scene. You may wish to contact one of our offices over your money. Always hire a qualified surveyor
for a current list of builders and kit manufacturers to check o u t y o u r boat; also the r e p o r t may be
in your area. Visit o u r website at www.bruce used to help with the price negotations depend- for additional up-to-date information. ing on what the surveyor finds. Again make sure
you have all the facts before you p a r t with any
substantial amounts of cash.
BUYING USED In the U n i t e d States, boats are often docu-
m e n t e d with the C o a s t G u a r d , w h i c h proves
Buying a used metal boat is another option, but ownership. Another way to check ownership is to
the purchase of any s e c o n d h a n d boat can be contact the yacht's insurers and the harbormaster
fraught with traps for the unwary. T h e t e r m where the boat is kept. It's as well to r e m e m b e r
"buyer beware" is never more apt than when buy- that if you buy a boat from someone who doesn't
ing a used boat. W i t h any boat, age has its poten- have legal title to the vessel, and it's later r e -
tial problems, so younger is usually—though not claimed by its lawful owner, you may lose b o t h
necessarily—better. Naturally, t h e r e are cases t h e b o a t and y o u r money. T h e r e ' s always a
where a well-built and m a i n t a i n e d older metal chance that the boat y o u ' r e considering buying
boat is superior to a jerry-built nearly new ves- may be subject to a loan a g r e e m e n t , or it m a y
sel. Nevertheless when buying a used boat try to form p a r t of a legal dispute, or t h e r e m a y be
consider only boats that are less than 5 years old. some i m p e d i m e n t in the title. Carefully check
T h i s advice applies to any boat, no m a t t e r what builders' certificates, bills of sale, and any o t h e r
material was used to build the hull. d o c u m e n t a t i o n that's offered to prove the cur-
Older boats with teak decks are to be viewed rent ownership.
with added suspicion. In fact, any boats with teak Surveys are essential when y o u ' r e buying a
decks should be inspected with the u t m o s t care. used boat. You'll have to bear the costs of haul-
Assume you may have to replace or extensively ing for a full survey, b u t before you c o m m i t to
repair the decks, and factor this into your offer. that, here's a tip. To cut your potential costs, con-
R e m e m b e r t h a t a boat t h a t needs extensive r e - duct a very detailed inspection of the interior, gal-
pairs and renovation will cost you nearly as much ley equipment, pumps, heaters, batteries, mast(s),
as—or often more than—building a new one, and rigging, sails, dinghy, and electronic e q u i p m e n t
the result will still be an older boat with a doubt- before you c o m m i t yourself to a full survey. Do
ful resale value. it yourself, and don't be rushed. Take your time,
Boat and Building Choices 11

and don't be afraid of being a nui-

sance. If you have trusted and
knowledgeable friends, seek their
help and advice at this early stage.
D o n ' t i g n o r e advice because
you've fallen in love with the
boat. Assemble your facts, and on
no account part with your cash
before you are in possession of all
the information about the boat's

Many of you will be considering
having y o u r metal boat fully or
partially built by professionals.
But most owners of metal boats
are better informed than owners
of vessels built from other mate-
rials, and m a n y are capable of Build carefully if you wish to emulate this Spray 40 sailed to the Antarctic
by her owner-builder, Alan Sendall.
building or supervising the con-
struction of their new vessel.
If you o p t for a c u s t o m - b u i l t metal boat, t r a d e discounts; make n o mistake, they want
you'll need the services of a c o m p e t e n t naval y o u r order, so make it easy for t h e m to supply
architect or b o a t designer w h o is familiar with you at trade or discount prices.
your chosen material. Fortunately, there are sev-
eral designers w h o have e i t h e r specialized in,
or had experience in, designing boats in steel or
A custom-built boat need cost you no more It is now possible to purchase a kit of parts that
than o n e from a p r o d u c t i o n r u n . O n e way to have been precut from plate. Your job then is to
save money is to act as your own contractor. You assemble them into a hull, deck, and superstruc-
rent the b u i l d i n g space and hire local w o r k e r s t u r e . Some designers (including this one) have
to do the work. And here you reap another ben- the ability to prepare a special computer disk with
efit of building in metal: any c o m p e t e n t welder the parts "nested" to allow more economical cut-
with experience in y o u r p a r t i c u l a r m e t a l can ting. It's necessary, of course, for the c o m p a n y
build a metal boat, given a kit or a detailed plan. producing the kit to have the automatic, comput-
All the materials and e q u i p m e n t , engines, elec- erized cutting devices. T h i s service initially costs
trical gear, and everything you need to build and a little more, but if you can afford it, you will find
equip your vessel can be purchased locally. If you this a practical and perhaps even economical way
go a b o u t this in t h e r i g h t way and buy m o s t of getting your project off to a quick start. Recent
items at t r a d e prices, you can save a g r e a t deal cost comparisions have established that building
of money; perhaps this will enable you to afford from a precut kit or cutting files does not involve
a larger boat. A letterhead with your "Boatbuild- additional costs when considering all the aspects
ing C o m p a n y " n a m e and address will go a long of assembling your hull deck and superstructure
way t o w a r d c o n v i n c i n g suppliers to give you (often referred to as the shell).
72 Chapter Two

You alone can tell if the additional initial electricians, mechanics, and o t h e r tradesmen to
cost is justified; discuss these matters with the de- do them for you. You're in charge; you decide just
signer and with the company supplying the kit or how much or how little you want to do yourself.
cutting files. T h e best of these precut kits are cut O n e thing is for sure: you'll save a great deal of
from shotblasted and primed steel that has been money, and end up with a boat that you are totally
coated with a specially formulated weld primer. familiar with and can then easily maintain. If you
T h i s coating doesn't give off fumes when you're plan any extensive cruising, it's imperative t h a t
welding. A n o t h e r benefit of the weld p r i m e r is you be familiar with every aspect of your vessel.
that there is little cleanup after welding; all you W h a t better way t o learn a b o u t y o u r boat than
need to do is lightly grind the welds and t h e n to work on the construction? After studying all
touch up the primer by hand in these areas. of the options, you can personally select all the
equipment you need to complete your vessel.


Many metal boat owners start with a hull, deck,
and superstructure that have been built to their M a n y thousands of owners have built their metal
order and delivered to a suitable site for them to boats from scratch. T h e s e determined individuals
c o m p l e t e . Again, the owners buy all the e q u i p - have selected a design, purchased plans and basic
ment and finishing materials and then undertake materials, and built their own hulls, decks, and
as much of the labor as they wish. It's still a good superstructures. D e p e n d i n g on the size of y o u r
idea to print your letterhead, as mentioned ear- boat, and whether you are building part-time or
lier, and buy at trade prices. full-time, this process will more than double the
T h e r e are m a n y books for those w h o want overall building time.
to build or partially build their own boats; you'll T h e r e are m a n y of you w h o have some
find some suggestions in Appendix 1. If you don't welding experience. If you feel you would like to
want to do some jobs yourself, you can hire local build from the ground up, don't be put off by the
size of the project, b u t keep in
mind that you should never build
more boat than you need. Choose
a design that has been especially
drawn for the less-experienced
builder; there are many designers
w h o can provide you with suit-
able plans. S o m e designers, in-
cluding us, provide full-size pat-
terns for the frames and o t h e r
parts of the hull structure.
W e ' r e often asked how long
it takes an a m a t e u r to build a
boat. H e r e are a couple of ex-
tremes. O n e Roberts 53 steel sail-
boat, including the hull, deck,
This steel Spray 40 shows several attractive and sensible features, includ-
and superstructure, was built and
ing substantial pipe guardrails (stainless would have been nice) and a
nicely laid teak deck. Note the wide covering board around the edge, a
equipped ready for sailing by one
sturdy pair of stainless steel bollards on the foredeck, a timber rubbing Australian man and an occasional
strip "stood off" the hull, a pair of stainless steel bow fairleads, and a helper in the unbelievable time of
well laid out fore-cabin top. 10 m o n t h s . We have to assume
Boat and Building Choices 13

that this person purchased m a n y items ready- terest and o t h e r associated charges. We've seen
made. Another builder of the same design took 10 t h o u s a n d s of fine boats built or completed by
years part-time, but he made everything himself, owners who, on launching day, have had the extra
including the sails. T h i s tenacious builder even thrill of knowing that their pride and joy was debt
made patterns for his cast winches, and then fin- free. Some builders even have it both ways—they
ished t h e m himself. Photographs taken while he build as m u c h as they can afford (paying cash),
was sailing his 53-foot (16.2 m) boat off the Aus- and then they raise a loan, using the partly built
tralian coast show a happy couple enjoying their boat as security.
boat and cruising far from h o m e . In fact, this
builder then completed a circumnavigation of the
world before returning home to Germany. In our BUILDING SITES
records t h e r e are h u n d r e d s of letters from
If you decide to build your own boat from a kit,
builders who fall between these two extremes.
c u t t i n g files, h u l l - a n d - d e c k package, or from
T h e r e have been many attempts by others
scratch, you'll need a suitable building site. If you
and us to try and calculate building times for in-
live in a warm area, a simple shelter will suffice.
dividual boats. In most cases this has proven a fu-
If your boat is to be built or completed in a cold
tile exercise. Factors such as starting from scratch
climate, you'll need to consider a heated struc-
versus buying a kit, cutting files, or a ready-built
t u r e . In any case, you'll need some form of se-
hull; the amount of help available from your part-
cure building in which to keep your tools and
ner and friends; how many hours a week you can
valuable supplies. Fortunately, when you're build-
devote to the project; and just h o w badly you
ing a metal boat the lower perceived value of the
want to get the job d o n e all play a part in h o w
materials will mean the need for security is rela-
long it will take you to complete the project.
tively less than if you were building in fiberglass
or plywood. T h i s benefit lasts only until you start
on the interior. Even if y o u ' r e working outside,
FINANCE, it's a good idea to keep your more valuable items
out of sight, or maybe in more secure storage, un-
til they can be properly installed in the boat.
Unless you are financially i n d e p e n d e n t , you'll Part of the advantage of building in a place
have to consider how you're going to pay for your that's secure, comfortable, and w e a t h e r p r o o f is
new boat. If you buy a new or a used vessel, you purely psychological; it will be easier to make the
may decide to finance part of the purchase. Many effort to work on the boat. Also, if you're paying
finance houses will give you a loan, perhaps as a r e n t on a building, y o u ' r e m o r e likely to get on
second or refinanced mortgage on your home. Of with the job. If you're building outdoors, exposed
course, you'll pay for this in interest, loan setup to the elements, t h e n you'll often have to stop
fees, and so forth. You may get a m o r e favorable work because it's rainy, cold, or windy. T h e disad-
interest rate if you obtain a marine mortgage, as vantages of building outdoors can add months to
opposed to a simple bank or finance c o m p a n y your building program.
loan. M a n y banks, savings and loan associations, To determine how much space you'll need to
and similar lenders will give you a loan for 10, house your boatbuilding project, plan for a space
15, or 20 years to purchase a new boat. But before 50 percent longer and 100 percent wider than the
you sign any finance agreement, make sure you're finished boat. F o r instance, if y o u ' r e building a
aware of all the interest and o t h e r expenses boat 40 feet long by 13 feet wide (12.2 by 4.0 m),
involved. your working space should ideally be 60 feet long
Paying as you build is our preferred option, by, say, 26 feet wide (18.3 by 7.9 m). W h e n
and means n o t only t h a t will you save on the it comes to h a n d l i n g plate and o t h e r c o n s t r u c -
overall cost of the boat, but you'll also avoid in- tion m e m b e r s , you'll need plenty of space for
74 Chapter Two

This Roberts 342, built in Europe, is a fine example of what you can achieve using the radius-chine technique to
build in either steel or aluminum.

tools and materials, as well as r o o m to move Local building ordinances may govern just
around. what you can do in y o u r own backyard. C h e c k
For maximum efficiency, plan your building them before you start building a shelter or erect-
site so t h a t you spend as little t i m e as possible ing boat frames beside y o u r h o u s e . G e n e r a l l y
walking from one area to another. T h e position- speaking, the farther you live from the center of
ing of benches and frequently used tools will play town, the b e t t e r chance you have of b e i n g able
a part in m a k i n g a comfortable and productive to build or c o m p l e t e a boat on your own p r o p -
workplace. erty. If you're not committed to a mortgage, you
Your boatbuilding project should not be too may consider renting a suitable house away from
far from h o m e ; this becomes even more i m p o r - the t o w n c e n t e r and building your boat on the
tant if you're only working part-time on the boat. grounds of your rented property. Obviously, you
Travel time can eat into valuable work time, and need to check with the o w n e r first and get per-
distance can be a d e t e r r e n t to g e t t i n g started mission in writing before you sign the lease.
evenings and weekends. Make sure also that your If you start with a hull and deck, all you may
work site is accessible to the large trucks needed need in the way of a building is a toolshed; the hull
to deliver long lengths of plate and other neces- can be heated, and the outside work can be com-
sary supplies. If you're working outdoors, be sure pleted in fine weather. Another advantage of start-
you have a flat, level site. Carrying tools and ma- ing with a ready-built shell or kit is that you may
terials up even the smallest gradient can soon be- be able to complete the boat in y o u r own yard.
come a tiring exercise. And you'll be g e t t i n g M e t a l w o r k i n g is noisy, especially w h e n y o u ' r e
plenty of that already. building the hull and deck. If you're building in a
O n e obvious choice is to build your boat be- residential area, make sure the noise that can be
side your house. Many fine boats of 65 feet (19.81 heard outside the boat is kept to a minimum.
m) have been built to our designs beside the own- H e r e are a few suggestions for boatbuilding
ers' homes. To make this a practical proposition, locations: your own yard; unused corners of mari-
you need to live on a large lot or in an isolated area. nas and boatyards; fenced-in, but unused, indus-
Boat and Building Choices il 15

The Dutch love to build everything out of metal, as is evidenced by this attractive steel dinghy.

trial sites; beside or in an engineering business; and your insurance company may consider this a
inside old w a r e h o u s e s ; inside or beside an old worthwhile investment.
storage barn. T h e s e are just a few of the m a n y M a k e sure you think ahead to the day that
possibilities and these locations can often be the boat is completed and ready for launching.
rented cheaply. Can a low-load trailer and lifting crane get to your
If you are building from a p r e c u t kit, you site and move your boat to the water? Have you
may want to consider using an " o w n - y o u r - o w n surveyed the route? Check for low overhead wires
container" for transporting the kit from the sup- and sharp corners in narrow streets. We've seen it
plier to your building site. If you are n o t c o n - all; there are hundreds of stories about boats being
structing your boat in a secure building, the con- lifted over houses and hoisted from mountain sites
tainer makes a fine lock-up tool- and storage by large helicopters. Some boats have been liter-
shed. T h e s e containers cost about $1,500, so you ally dragged through villages by willing helpers.

The ultimate metal boat building project! This Waverunner 706 can be built in aluminum, steel, or a combination
of both materials.

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