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October 2009 Marin Agricultural Land Trust Newsletter

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving's origins are rooted in a celebration of the land and its bounty. And while Thanksgiving Day has come to mean
different things to different people (football, anyone?), in Marin County it is still a time to give thanks to the land and to the farmers
who steward it.

We at Marin Agricultural Land Trust would like to add our thanks to you, our members, without whom we would not have been able
to preserve more than 41,500 acres of farm land over the past 30 years. We are grateful for all of you, farmers and ranchers,
board members, and community members, who make our work possible.

Join our community of supporters at

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MALT makes the cut...

It should come as no surprise to our friends that MALT ranks among the top organizations of its kind in the country. This was
recently confirmed when the national Farmland Preservation Report released its 2009 ranking, placing Marin 11th on its "Top 12"
list of locally operated farmland preservation programs in the nation (thank goodness it wasn't a "Top 10" list).

There is one distinguishing factor, however, that separates MALT from the others on this list, and it's worth pointing out: Marin
County has the only program operated by a private organization and supported primarily by donated funds.

Bob Berner, MALT's Executive Director, says, "It is our hope that some time in the near future, the political climate will be suitable
for a County-sponsored ballot measure favorable to MALT's preservation efforts. Such a measure would allow voters to approve
public funding for some portion of the cost of pursuing MALT's mission to permanently preserve Marin agricultural lands for
agricultural use. Until that time, we count on you, our friends, for your continued support." Visit for details.

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It's official...we're almost official!

Open comment period through December 17
Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT) is pleased to announce its application for accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation
Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance (LTA). The land trust accreditation program recognizes land
conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting important natural places and working lands forever.

Now that our pre-application has been approved, we need your help! The Commission invites public input and accepts signed,
written comments on pending applications. Comments must relate to how MALT complies with national quality standards. These
standards address the ethical and technical operation of a land trust. Learn more about the accreditation program or submit a
comment about MALT at

Comments also may be faxed or mailed to:

Land Trust Accreditation Commission
Attn: Public Comments
112 Spring Street, Suite 204
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Fax: 518-587-3183
Comments will be most useful by December 17, 2009.
Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.

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What do hamburgers & Hummers

have in common?
Plenty, according to former VP Al Gore
In "The Carnivore's Dilemma," an aptly titled op-ed piece in last Saturday's New York Times, Bolinas rancher Nicolette Hahn
Niman begs to differ. The focus on meat has been over-simplified, she says, a sentiment echoed by such luminaries as Wendell
Berry and Michael Pollan. Nonetheless, she's willing to offer, "It's true that food production is an important contributor to climate

We at MALT are proud to say that, as part of the Marin Carbon Project (MCP), we are working toward dealing with the realities of
climate change in a productive way. The MCP, by investigating the potential for soil carbon sequestration, is creating a common
ground for environmentalists, ranchers, and farmers to work together toward reducing the environmental impact of greenhouse
gas production.

Food & Farming on the Urban Edge

Can Farmland Mitigate Climate Change?
Join us at Cavallo Point on Thursday, December 3, to learn more about soil seqestration and possible land management practices
that can help reduce global warming. Hear about MCP's investigation into soil cultivation and tillage techniques that reduce or
eliminate soil disturbance as well as specialized grazing strategies. Lead scientist, Dr. Whendee Silver of UC Berkeley, will report
on results to date. MALT Executive Director Bob Berner will explain the value to local farmers. We'll also hear from Project Director
John Wick and rangeland expert Jeff Creque. Presented in collaboration with the Institute at the Golden Gate.

Cost: $10/$15 non-members. Not a member? Join here.

Space is limited. Pre-registration required.

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"Good news," room for improvement

Funding meets some expectations, falls below
in others
"The news on federal conservation funding this year is good," says Jon Scholl, President of
American Farmland Trust. "However, there is always room to do more when it comes to

While significant cuts made to the Environmental Quality Incentives Program were cause for
disappointment, funding of $150 million for the Conservation Loan Program was seen as a bright
spot, according to Scholl. In addition, the absence of cuts to the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) was also
perceived as a positive highlight during this period of economic downturn. FRPP funds have helped MALT protect more than 2100
acres in the past two years, so this is welcome news!

Visit our website to read the full profile of a Marin County ranch protected in part by FRPP funds.

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MALT's friends are totally excellent!

Marin Economic Commission announces awardees
MEC will host its eleventh annual Awards of Excellence Luncheon on Friday, November 13 at
the Embassy Suites Hotel in San Rafael and they'll be presenting awards to two of MALT's
close friends.

These prestigious awards recognize and honor community leaders who contribute to a vibrant
and sustainable Marin County economy. So while MALT's Education Director Constance
Washburn sits on the MEC board of directors, we assure you that the following recipients
earned their awards fully on their own merits!

We congratulate MALT board Vice-chair Sue Conley (pictured) who, along with partner Peggy
Smith, will receive the "Agricultural Viability - For Profit" award for their business Cowgirl
Creamery. Purveyors of delicious artisan cheese made with milk from Straus dairy (a MALT-
protected property), their environmentally responsible business includes two creameries and
multiple retail outlets.

We also applaud Chris Giacomini for the impressive "Community Leadership & Service - Individual" award. Chris generously
opens the doors of his business, Toby's Feed Barn, not only as a gathering place for those in the community, but also as a
resource for organic fruits and vegetables, local food products, and high quality feed and pet supplies. Clearly his work is inspired
by his late father Toby who once said, "If you're good to the people, then they're good to you."

Read the press release for more details.

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Thinking of sharing your shares?

Gifts of stock benefit you, preserve farmland
As you consider your year-end giving plans, remember that a gift of stock is a great way to fulfill your charitable giving goals and
maximize tax savings. Now is an excellent time to receive a charitable tax deduction and avoid paying capital gains taxes on
appreciated stock by donating the stock to MALT. If you wish to use securities which have lost value, sell the stock so you can
claim the loss and donate the proceeds to MALT.

Making a gift through publicly traded securities is easy. The first step is to download our simple stock donation instructions. Please
ask your broker to convey your name as the donor so we can thank you and acknowledge your generous gift. Questions? Contact
Deborah White, Annual Giving Officer by phone at 415-663-1158, ext. 312, or by email at

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We like a good party, how about you?

Holiday Open House December 11
Marin Agricultural Land Trust invites you to ring in the season with local food and wine at our annual gathering. Please save the
date and look for details in our December e-news.

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