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with United States (1952)

Mutual Defense Treaty 177 U.N.T.

S. 133

August 30, 1951.

Mutual Defense Treaty with US, August 30,
1951. (1952) 177 U.N.T.S
8 P.T.S. 978 November 13, 1994,

with United States T.I.A.S 96-


Extradition Treaty (1996).

Executive Order No. 13 Signed on November
15, 2010 Abolishing the Presidential Anti-Graft
Commission and Transferring Its Investigative,
Adjudicatory and Recommendatory Functions to
the office of the Deputy Executive Secretary For
Legal Affairs, office of the President

Exec. Order. No. (2010)
Proclamation No. 140, Signed on January 18,
2017 Creating and Designating a Parcel of
Land, Located at Barangay Tubtub, Brooke’s
Point, Palawan, As An Agro-Industrial Economic
Zone, Pursuant To Republic Act No. 7916, As
Amended By Republic Act No. 8748

Proc. No. 140 (2017)
Administrative Order No. 144 Signed on
December 9, 2000: Delegating to the Major
Services’ Commanders, Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP), the authority to approve the
retirement and separation from the military
service of AFP enlisted personnel

Adm. Order No. 144(2000)
General Order No. 10 Signed on September 30,
1972 Increased Rates of Monthly Quarters
Allowance of Enlisted Personnel of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines

Gen. Order No. 10 (1972)
Department of Agriculture Administrative Order
No. 1 Signed on February 08, 2017 Guidelines
on the Issuance of Certification for Land Use

DA Adm. O. No. 1 (2017)

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