Texas For Sale

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Texas for Sale


[On screen: Voiceover: After  Dallas Morning News, Rick Perry says he’s
Image from Rick ten years under ‘close’ to donor whose firm got tech grant,
Perry TV ad of Rick Perry, Texas Oct. 14, 2010.
Perry smiling isn't open for
 Dallas Morning News, Gov. Rick Perry
behind a "Texas business for
is open for everyone. approved $4.5 million for donor's start-up
business" sign] firm without regional board's OK, Oct 12,
[On screen: A VO: It's for sale to  "More than $17 million of the $83 million
"for sale sign" in Perry's friends and Perry has raised since 2001 during his
the foreground contributors. governorship came from people he appointed
with a story from
to state boards, commissions and agencies or
the Dallas
Morning News in their spouses, according to the report by the
the background. nonprofit Texans for Public Justice."
Associated Press, White raises questions on Perry donors,
The headline appointees, Sep. 30, 2010
reads "Rick Perry
 An analysis of the most recent fundraising
appointees lavish
governor with
period shows an additional $790,000 in
campaign cash" campaign contributions from Rick Perry's
and is from appointees.
Texas Ethics Commission, Campaign Finance Reports; Bill White
for Texas, New Contributions from Appointees, Oct. 11, 2010
 "An investigation by The Dallas Morning
News found that more than $16 million from
the Emerging Technology Fund has been
awarded to companies with investors or
officers who are large campaign donors to
Dallas Morning News, Perry's tech fund aided firms with ties to his
donors, Oct. 3, 2010
 "Four investment funds that received more
than $6.6 million are led by donors who gave
Perry $460,000 in campaign contributions."
Bill White for Texas, Perry puts teachers at risk, Sep. 29, 2010
[On screen: VO: And Texans  “Texas' estimated public high school
Photo of Rick are paying the graduation rate for 2009 — 43rd, with 61.3
Perry with the price -- high
percent of students who were enrolled in
words, "high dropout rates,
dropout rates, skyrocketing
ninth grade graduating....Texas' graduation
skyrocketing tuitions, one million rate has been sliding. In 2001 the state ranked
tuitions, one Texans 35th, with 65 percent of students graduating
million Texans unemployed. from high school. In 2008, Texas ranked
unemployed" 42nd with 62.6 percent of students
rotating on the graduating.”
screen.] Politifact, Texas has the 43rd best graduation rate in the United
States, Feb. 1, 2010
 From Spring 2003 to Fall 2009, total average
tuition and fees at state colleges and
universities increased from $1,725 to $3,322.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Tuition Deregulation,
April 2008 and  April 2010
 "White is correct that the number of
unemployed Texans -- almost 1 million -- is
an all-time high."
Austin American-Statesman, White says almost 1 million people are
unemployed in Texas -- a state record, Mar. 6, 2010. U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics: Texas Unemployment Numbers 2009 Screenshot,
2010 Screenshot, Sep. 23, 2010
[On screen: Bill Bill White: Help
White walking me take down that
with a for sale sign in
playground in the Austin. I'll work
background] hard for the young
people in Texas,
not the Austin
insiders.  That
means preparing
them with the
critical thinking
they need for
college and the
skills for careers.
After all, that is
Texas' future.
[On screen: Bill VO: Bill White: he's
White In It for in it for Texas.

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