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Vojisiav Jereb - David Spencer adamié pieiran Poinir VOJISLAV JEREB - DAVID SPENCER IMPROVIZIRANA OKLOPNA VOZILA 1991.-1995. CROATIAN IMPROVISED AFVs 1991-1995 adamié — DIGITAL POINT Rijeka, 2002. Boliotca HRVATSKA RATHA PCWLEST/ CROATIAN WAR HISTORY Book Series Knjiga 2. / Book No. 2 \Vojislav Jereb, David Spencer IMPROVIZIRANA OKLOPNA VOZILA 1991. - 1995, Foto elbum CROATIAN IMPROVIS: 7997-1995 Appctoral history AEVS Urednisivo bibloteke / Book Series Editors Danijel Frka, Vojilay Jereb, Dinko Predaevié ledavati / Publishers Adame 4.0.0., Croatia, Rijeka, Zvonimitova 208 tel ++385 $1 650 180, waw adamic he Dagital point d.0.0., Croatia, Rijeka, Trg Rjecke rezolucife 4/ tel ++385 51 214 838, wmdigitalboit hr 2a iedavate / For the publishers Franjo Butorac edo lie Prijevod na engleski/ Translared by Volislav Jereb, David Spencer Gralidko uredenje, hompjutorska obrada i fotolti/ Graphi Ait Design, preparation and photoltes: Digital point d.o.0., Rijeka and. Tisak / Pint: ORD Naklada / Zcltion 850 kormadaicqpies {© 2002 Vojslav Jereb, David Spencer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, ‘stored in a retival system or asmittedin any form by means electrical, ‘mechanical or othervse without written permission of the publisher enka rons Autor! fotografia ra naslovro| strani: (vel) Egon Hrelancuie, imate, odozga ne dole) Glebus via Daxid Spencer Unjslay sere, Volar lee, ‘authors of front page photos fags) Egon Mrelanave, (snater from top ta bottom) Gibbs vie David Spencer Vojsle Jere, Vojslv Jere, Sika na prethodnoj strani Ruta Hats proaal ulema Varaina na dan isporuke sragarna ZG Foto: Kies Due wa Josip Novak. Photo an provious page: The Ruta Hrvatela’ (Croatian Rese) driving through streets of Varascin the cay i wes delvere fo the ZNG forces fphto. Kreso Derié via ose ova ‘koko imate zanimiivh materials, how il teksto, i bile hoeg ‘atnog peieds sovh nai pedruep, aston pode shat trate isle promos nam obavino oan je bos trjguo tome u bus {re Sal aeralktiey em poke lope aro wat wong Nak on oblku, Aor foroyae, Johari else BCE razors kota s © objaw. Stop ploge mete at na Uredrifto biblioteke HRVATSKA RATNA POVLEST Adarié 40.0. 2vonenrora 203, Rika, drain tel 4385 51 650 180, wwrwadamic hr 1 you have any moteral, photographic oF textual, tom’ any period ‘orcerniag war avers these tetris, hy not share the with and belp us t make sintar or even better boots in the fitae. Any ‘aera sent 10 us wale copied and the ong returned The don il be aly credited fr ary rater used Pease send ther (0 HRVATSKA RATNA POWUEST book series eo, Zvenimitove 20a, Rjek®, Croat, wove tel +4385 57 650 180, unewadamic hr GP - Katalogiacisu publhaci Sveutisna knidnice Reka uD 623.438)487 5)" 1991/1995) JRE, Votan Improwairena oklopra vozlla 1991 ~1995, = Croatian improvised EVs 1991-1995 / Vojay Jereb, David Spencer — Ripka : Adamié Dita poin, 2002 (@ivioeks Hinata retna poviest: kr. 2) Tekst usparado ra hr na engl jeiku Isa 953-219.025.2 4. Spencar, Did 190610008

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