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The Scope and Function of Art

The Scope and Functions of Art

Whatever the form of art that we see, its main characteristic

is to please our senses. Art expresses the feelings of the
artist that can be interpreted by us in various ways. This
lesson will discuss the different forms of art, its elements
and principles of art design that make our life more

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. Discuss the different forms of art

2. Distinguish the functions of art

3. Reflect on the functions of art with regard to their

personal contributions to the development of art

Scope of Art
There are different forms of art. We consider these two
classes: visual art and performing art.

Visual art includes paintings, sculpture, literature,

calligraphy, photography and architecture.

Performing arts are all forms of dance, music, theater and

films. Art can also be classified as fine art, commercial art,
and applied art.
The Scope and Function of Art

Visual Arts

Visual art can be explained as a form of art that uses

any medium to represent the artist's idea, emotion and

They are those creations we can look at.

Visual arts can be further classified as:

 Drawing –It is a representation of any form or object

by hand.

 Painting - Paintings are classified according to the

style in which they are made as well as the genre
and main object of the painting. Still life, landscapes,
seascapes, abstract and pop are the different types
of painting genres that are popular among artists.

 Sculpture - Sculptures are also among the different

forms of art that falls under visual art that are made
in two ways: either chiselled or carved.

 Architecture - Architecture is a form of applied art

that is concerned with designing and building any

 Calligraphy - The art of writing letters in a manner

that it looks visually appealing. It is a form of visual
art that has great commercial value and is much
sought after.

 Photography - Photography is the art of producing an

image of an object on a photographic film. The way
the image is captured with the use of light differs
from photographer to photographer.

Performing Arts

There are many forms of arts but the performing art is

much appreciated and enjoyed by us such as dance, music,
films, theatre and drama. Artists that perform these are
The Scope and Function of Art

known as dancers for those who perform dance, musicians

for music, actors for films, theatres and drama etc.

Performing arts may be classified as:

 Dance – It is a form of non-verbal communication

where the movement of the body along with the
accompaniment of music which is delightful and
harmonious conveys the artist’s thoughts, feelings
and emotions.

 Singing – This is an act of producing sound with the

voice in a rhythmic manner that is pleasing to the
ear. It is often accompanied by the use of musical

 Films and Theater – These are forms of art that use

stories that capture our imagination. They are
performed by artists in front of an audience.

 Music – It is one of the most admired form of art and

is difficult to define. It is any harmonious sound from
human voice or musical instrument. It has the power
to change our mood, and lift our spirits and move our

Functions of Art

1. In architecture, art allows the artist to express his

compassion for beauty.

2. In music, art is used entertain people, soothe their

feelings, worship the gods and for rituals.

3. Sculpture and paintings are used to narrate, to

commemorate events and to portray people.

To understand the functions of art, we must

remember the following points:

1. Context - It is very important to note who did the work,

where the work was made and when, (which comprise the
half of the context) and who the viewers are and what does
the artwork mean to them (take the other half). All parts of
The Scope and Function of Art

the artwork should convey its clear meaning to us, the

viewers, before we can really assign its function. If we take
art out of context, then we will never understand its

2. Personal function – when art is used to express a

person’s thoughts or innermost feelings about themselves,
about their perceptions of the world around them, about the
crises in their lives and their responses to the religious and

3. Social function

 it influences a human group. For example, products

sell well because of their package design.
 it is made to be seen or used in public situations.
 It describes aspects of life shared by all as opposed
to personal kinds of experience.
 Artists influence us to accept certain religious,
economic, or social ideologies
 to identify with a particular class or ethnic interest;
or to see our social situation in new ways.
 visual arts can function as languages of praise and
celebration, anger and protest, satire and ridicule.
 Advertising art is a common illustration.

4. Physical function

 serves a useful purpose, such as architecture (which

encloses space for utilitarian or symbolic reasons),
containers, tools or weapons.
 paintings and buildings can be symbols, but only
buildings serve a physical function.
 industrial designers create anything – from jet
planes to cigarette lighters to houses to storefronts
 build environment: how it looks and how it works; art
means more than enhancing or beautifying
The Scope and Function of Art

Bhuyan, R. (2010). Different Forms of Art. (Retrieved on
April 1, 2011 from

Esaak, S. “What is Visual Art”. (Retrieved on April8, 2011

from ).

Strong, B.H.The functions’ of art. (Retrieved from on April12, 2011)

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