28jun Meet - Letter

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Bhopal, Dated: 20" June, 2017 Meeting with Dr.Rakesh Kumar, (IAS), ACD, UNDP with SPC 1, Honorable Chief Minister, of Madhya Pradesh had invited Mr. Yuri Afanasiev, United Nations Resident Coordination, (UNRC), to participate in the ‘Namami Devi Narmada Yatra! on 17 April, 2017 at Jabalpur. During the course of discussions, it was indicated by the Mr. Yuri Afanasiev that UN system would like to work more closely with the Government of Madhya Pradesh, To this, the Honorable Chief Minister expressed his concurrence and invited the UN Officials for further discussions at Bhopal. 2. In this connection, it has been decided that Dr. Rakesh Kumar (IAS), Additional Country Director/Chief-Policy, Planning & Field Services, United Nations Development Pragramme, ‘New Delhi would interact with various officials on the issue of long term cooperation between UNDP and GoMP.. \ 3. The tentative schedule for deliberations is proposed as follows: Wednesday, 28th June, 2017 11:00 am Meeting with Shri Deepak Khandekar, ACS Planning, GoMP 12:00 noon Meeting with Dr. Rajendra Mishra, PA, SPC, GoMP 1:00 to 2:00 pm LUNCH 2:00 to 2:30 pm Meeting with VC 2:30 to 4:00 pm PA’s and Advisor of SPC, International Co-operation Division, Exenve Diecor Jan Soiven Praia Bae eta Mahakosal Pradikara, Vidhya Vikar Pradikaran, Addl. Director DES & DD (I-T), Principal Coordinator & Programme Coodinator Narmada L Seva Mission, at SPC Meeting Room 4. It is requested that the officials as indicated above may please make it convenient for the meeting.