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Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

PROGRAM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ELM-490 8/13/2018 11/25/2018

COURSE: _____________________________________________________ START DATE: ____________________________ END DATE: _____________________

George J Anderson Elementary School

COOPERATING SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL STATE: ___________________________________

Patty Bachellor
COOPERATING TEACHER/MENTOR NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Kathy Hoernke
GCU FACULTY SUPERVISOR NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


140.82 points
POINTS 93.88 %
25.00 2,500.00 2,347.00 150






0 0

150 0 0 0 0 0 0

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 1: Student Development Score No Evidence

1.1 1.00
Teacher candidates create developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual
students’ strengths, interests, and needs and enables each student to advance and accelerate his or her 93
Teacher candidates collaborate with families, communities, colleagues, and other professionals to promote 1.00
student growth and development.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Students were working on writing and editing stories they have written. Each student wrote a story about themselves. The lesson was designed to allow students to show
their strengths, share something unique about them, and provide flexibility to address the various academic levels within the classroom.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 2: Learning Differences Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates design, adapt, and deliver instruction to address each student’s diverse learning 1.00
strengths and needs and create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways.
Teacher candidates incorporate language development tools into planning and instruction, including 1.00
strategies for making content accessible to English language students and for evaluating and supporting 98
their development of English proficiency.
Teacher candidates access resources, supports, specialized assistance and services to meet particular 95 1.00
learning differences or needs.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
The lesson provided time as a group for students to practice editing a story written by an anonymous student in another grade level. Karen used the checklist they were given
for editing their own stories so they could practice each stage of the editing process. They worked on spelling, punctuation, detail in the story, and illustrations. As the
students worked on editing their own stories, she roamed around the room to check on their progress and assist as needed in the editing process. For those who could go a
little beyond the basics, she guided them to expand on their stories. This flexibility allowed her to address each students' learning needs.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 3: Learning Environments Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates manage the learning environment to actively and equitably engage students by 1.00
organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and students’ attention.
Teacher candidates communicate verbally and nonverbally in ways that demonstrate respect for and 1.00
responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives students bring to the learning 92
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Karen has learned to plan well in advance for each activity. The classroom is set up with caddies for supplies to make it easier to transition between lessons and hands-
on activities. When they finished reading their story and group editing a story, the class transitioned to working on their own stories. The student desks are arranged into
groups and caddies are filled with supplies for each group. The necessary supplies are prepped before class so students are not left waiting. Her transition between
lessons and activities is very smooth and helps keep students on task. The students stay focused better and are less likely to roam and get off task. Karen has
established a routine of verbal and non-verbal signals to get the students' attention. Karen's class is not your typical 2nd grade. To work with each group independently
and differentiate the lessons for so many levels is tough even for the most experienced teacher. Karen is doing a great job!

Karen Sepulbeda
TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ 20330198
STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates stimulate student reflection on prior content knowledge, link new concepts to familiar 98 1.00
concepts, and make connections to students’ experiences.
Teacher candidates use supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure accessibility and 93 1.00
relevance for all students.
Teacher candidates create opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master academic language in 92 1.00
their content area.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
The story writing and editing activity has been a work in progress for several weeks. The students have chosen one of their stories to edit that will eventually be read to
the Kindergarten students at their school. As they work on their stories and the editing process, they are connecting prior learning, expanding on their current vocabulary,
and expanding their knowledge of proper punctuation by sharing a personal experience. The students are very excited about their stories and are eager to share them.
The students are very engaged! By writing their own stories, they are using vocabulary that is beyond their grade level which allows them to expand on their current
knowledge. During my recent visit, the lesson when through 3 stages: a story was read to them, the worked on editing a student written story, and then they began to edit
their own stories. A good mix of technology and hands-on learning was used throughout the lesson.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 5: Application of Content Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates engage students in applying content knowledge to real-world problems through the lens 95
of interdisciplinary themes (e.g., financial literacy, environmental literacy).
Teacher candidates facilitate students’ ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives that expand 92 1.00
their understanding of local and global issues and create novel approaches to solving problems.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
The student created stories allow them to address real-world problems/situations and share their various perspectives and life experiences with their classmates.
As the students read their stories to me, I noticed that many of them shared a personal experience, a problem, and a happy ending. They were very proud of their
stories and eager to share them. The stories shared the uniqueness and creativity of each student. This activity is a perfect example of learning at its best. It
allows the teacher to support each student at their level of need and push each one just a bit beyond their level of experience. Students are given the freedom to
be creativity, share their personal experiences, learn about each other, and grow in their love of reading and story telling.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 6: Assessment Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates design assessments that match learning objectives with assessment methods and 92 1.00
minimize sources of bias that can distort assessment results.
Teacher candidates work independently and collaboratively to examine test and other performance data to 93 1.00
understand each student’s progress and to guide planning.
Teacher candidates prepare all students for the demands of particular assessment formats and make
appropriate modifications in assessments or testing conditions especially for students with disabilities and
93 1
language learning needs.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Karen knows her students very well and has learned how to tailor her assessments and lessons to address the various levels of need and interest. Karen is working very
well with her cooperating teacher as they design lessons, activities, and assessments. Karen's class is made of up students with a wide variety of academic levels. It is very
challenging to adjust every lesson, activity, and assessment to meet the needs of such a wide range of skills and needs. Karen has done an outstanding job as she has
worked with her cooperating teacher to meet the needs of her students. This is a difficult task for any teacher at any level. In every lesson plan outlined by Karen, she
addresses every modification for each level of student in the class. I have also seen these modifications at each visit.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates plan how to achieve each student’s learning goals, choosing appropriate strategies and 95 1.00
accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of students.
Teacher candidates develop appropriate sequencing of learning experiences and provide multiple ways to 95 1.00
demonstrate knowledge and skill.
Teacher candidates plan for instruction based on formative and summative assessment data, prior student 92 1.00
knowledge, and student interest.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Each lesson observed has outlined in great detail her plans to address the various learning goals and needs of each student. Each lesson is well planned so that the build up
and transition between the various stages of learning go smoothly. The students have lessons modeled for them by the teacher, they have group discussion and sharing time
to work on the skills together, and the independent time as the teacher roams from group to group to help students individually. At this age, the transition between listening
time, talking time, and hands-on learning is crucial. Each stage is timed well for their attention span. During the independent time, students are able to work at their level with
a little push beyond to grow more in their learning.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates vary their role in the instructional process (e.g., instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) 95 1.00
in relation to the content, purpose of instruction, and student needs
Teacher candidates engage students in using a range of learning skills and technology tools to access, 92 1.00
interpret, evaluate, and apply information.
Teacher candidates ask questions to stimulate discussion that serve different purposes (e.g., probing for
student understanding, helping students articulate their ideas and thinking processes, stimulating curiosity, 93 1.00
and helping students to question).
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Each lesson is designed to shift student and teacher roles. During this visit, Karen started by reading a story to the class. At the end of the story, the moved into editing a
student story as a group. She would ask guiding questions and call on students to offer suggestions on the necessary changes. Karen took on the role of a guide while
students instructed her on the changes that needed to be made. The final stage of the lesson put Karen into the role of audience/coach and the students became the
instructors and story tellers. At each stage, the students were given more control in the learning environment. Each visit has followed this model of teaching/learning. This
instructional approach allows Karen to work with each student at their level, differentiate the learning, and push each student a little beyond their current level of skill and
knowledge. The lesson is tailored to their unique level of need and learning preference.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice Score No Evidence

Independently and in collaboration with colleagues, teacher candidates use a variety of data (e.g., 1.00
systematic observation, information about students, and research) to evaluate the outcomes of teaching and
learning and to adapt planning and practice.
Teacher candidates actively seek professional, community, and technological resources, within and outside 92
the school, as supports for analysis, reflection, and problem solving.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Karen is using a variety of resources, data, and input from her team to plan and implement lessons. The stories the students were writing and editing will eventually be read to
the Kindergarten students at their school. This a a unique opportunity for the students to share their stories with others and for Karen to work with other team levels in the
school. The story the class edited as a group was written by a student in a different grade level. Karen is learning to work with various teams throughout the school. She is
helping her students reach beyond their own grade level to share their learning and unique experiences with students they may not see very often. This is a great opportunity
for the students as well as Karen to focus on the school as a community of learners and not just isolated grade levels.

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this standard in future
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this standard insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this standard and consistently exceeds this
or expectations for a Teacher standard and expectations for this standard and expectations standard and expectations for a expectations for a Teacher standard and all expectations
Candidate during student a Teacher Candidate during for a Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student for a Teacher Candidate
teaching. student teaching. during student teaching. student teaching. teaching. during student teaching.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates use technological tools and a variety of communication strategies to build local and 95
global learning communities that engage students, families, and colleagues.
Teacher candidates advocate to meet the needs of students, to strengthen the learning environment, and to 92 1.00
enact system change.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this standard. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
I have been very impressed with Karen's work toward building a sense of community with her students. Each lesson has incorporated opportunities for the students to share
personal experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, share their uniqueness, and work at their own academic level. She has done a great job of meeting the needs of
each student, differentiating the lessons and activities for each student, and expand their current knowledge across a variety of content areas. During my last visit, I was very
excited to see the students working on stories they will get to share with the Kindergarten students. The students are also excited about sharing their stories. They are
learning how to share their story in writing, learning to edit, and learning to illustrate their story. The students are very engaged in this activity!

Karen Sepulbeda 20330198

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Please review the "Total Scored Percentage" for accuracy and add any attachments before completing the "Agreement and Signature" section.

Total Scored Percentage:

93.88 %
Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:


This evaluation reflects the results of a collaborative conference including feedback from the Cooperating / Mentor Teacher. The GCU Faculty
Supervisor and Cooperating /Mentor Teacher should collaboratively review the performance in each category prior to the evaluation meeting.

I attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.

GCU Faculty Supervisor E-Signature Date

Kathy Hoernke (Oct 24, 2018) Oct 24, 2018

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