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Classroom Management Philosophy

Karen Sepulbeda

GCU: ELM-490

September 7, 2018
Classroom management is a skill that I have been working on improving from the day

that I started my program of study. Classroom management will determine the classroom

environment, and will communicate the educational and personal expectations of the students.

An effective classroom management plan will create an optimal learning environment for

students, in which they will be given infinite number of opportunities to participate in classroom

activities and lessons. Student engagement in the classroom is not only important during

instruction, but it is also important to the overall management of the classroom. Incorporating

classroom strategies that foster student engagement will prevent students from feeling bored and

will allow students to connect with their peers, which will in turn maintain and improve their


Establishing procedures, routines, and behavior expectations early on in the school year is

vital in maintaining the classroom management plan established. In my future classroom, I plan

to establish procedures, routines, and behaviors by modeling them to the students. The students

and I will continuously practice these and incorporate them into every aspect of the student’s life

in school. In addition, I will have students brainstorm behavior expectations to add to the

established ones, so that students are motivated to follow procedures, routines, and behavior

expectations set on a regular basis. With the students’ input, we will create a student-teacher

contract which will outline the classroom rules and expectations for the students and the teacher

to follow, and the appropriate consequences for failure of not abiding by the contract. Requesting

the students’ input will not only take into consideration each of the students’ views on rules and

consequences, but it will foster an environment of inclusion for students of all backgrounds and

cultures, which will lead students to feel as an integral part of the classroom. The students

thorough understanding of the procedures, routines, and behavior expectations are essential in
them exhibiting respect towards their peers, teacher, and school, and creating an optimal learning

and engaging environment in which students can have their best chance at succeeding


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