Ahs 8100 Week 9 Review 181111

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Carol King-Ries Wilmington University

Week 9 Review November 11, 2018

Time Account:

Tuesday, 11/6/18 9am – 2:30 pm

5.5 hours DVI Offices

Thursday, 11/8/18 8:30 am – 2:30 pm

6 hours DVI offices

Friday, 11/9/18 10 am – 12 noon

2 hours GAC Meeting

Total: 13.5 hours this week

96.5 hours to date


This week I continued my parent work by calling some parents for interviews. I also interviewed
Keriann Pringles, the Transition Counselor. I thought it would be interesting to find out what she does to
support the transitioning youth. We talked about some of the challenges with the parents and the
youth. She introduced me to the new counselor, Elaine Huitt.

On Thursday, I met with Elisha for our supervision meeting. We set up the meetings I would
attend with her next week. I also participated in the screening of the movie “Do You Dream in Color”. It
seemed well received. I received a lot of positive feedback.

On Friday, I attended the Governor’s Advisory Council. Elisha, Jill, Sandy and Mark presented for
the agency, with Wayne presenting for BEP. It was a very interesting, although somewhat adversarial,

Task Assigned:
Do a Focus Group session for the Parent Information meeting

Assigned by Erin and Shirley

Will perform on Nov. 13th at 6 pm

Complete all work for Volunteer Coordinator

Assigned by Rich Huber

Complete by Nov. 26th

Arrange meeting with Erin, Shirley, and Rachel

Assigned by C. King-Ries

Arrange for the week of Nov. 26th

Schedule for next week:

I will be in the DVI offices on Tuesday and Thursday this week. I will attend the Parent
information session on Tuesday evening, and the Education meeting in the Chapel on Wednesday

People I met with:

Keriann Pringle and Elaine Huitt Transition Counselors

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