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In this minor assignment, students will work individually to conduct a comprehensive study on a
typical gas turbine / piston aerodynamics engine. The choice of the gas turbine / piston
aerodynamics engine selected should be agreed between the lecturer and the student and
should not be similar for one student to another.

Through this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to apply the
aircraft propulsion theories into the design and operational behaviour of aircraft engine major

The output of the assignment would be a technical report that the student must submit before
or on the last day (Thursday) of week 8.

The content of the technical report should cover the following:

a. The engine selected general information.
b. The engine maker background, which covers the historical establishment, strength of the
company, the services provided, and products available in the market.
c. The engine significant features, general specifications and its performance rating
d. The engine component description and its working principle.
e. The list of aircrafts that use the engine.

Criteria of assessment and the distribution of marks are as follows:

No Criteria of Assessment Marks

1 Technical content 40
 Discussion should be a technical discussion.
 Figures and graphs included must be discussed.
 Content must be related to the topic assigned.
 Content needs to show originality of your work. ‘Copy and paste’ from
other sources without your personal view is unacceptable.
2 Writing technique and grammar 10
 Ideas that are interesting and important.
 Organization of the idea should be logical and effective.
 Should use the right words to say just the right things.
 Should have fluent sentences that are easy to understand and fun
to read.

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No Criteria of Assessment Marks

3 Reference 5
 Figures, tables, ideas, or writings that were taken from other literature
needs to be properly cited using the IEEE format.
 Any reference listed in the article needs to be cited in the writing.
4 Article presentation 5
 Article is well presented and content is well organised.
 Details of the writer are given
 Figures or tables given are significantly related to discussion.

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