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Unit 1 Lesson 1

1. Grammar Activity 1 – rearrange the sentence

1. cold – month – January – is - a

2. favorite – What – your – day - is?
3. month – is – second – the – February

1. January is a cold month.
2. What is your favorite day?
3. February is the second month.

2. Grammar Activity 2 – drag the correct word into the space

1. My favorite __________ is Monday.

a. day
b. month
c. year

2. What is your favorite ____ of the week?

a. month
b. year
c. day

3. ______ do you do on Friday?

a. what
b. who
c. why

1. My favorite day is Monday.
2. What is your favorite day of the week?
3. What do you do on Friday?

3. Grammar Activity 3 – ‘shoot’ the correct response to the question

1. What is your favorite day?

a. My favorite day is March.

b. My favorite day is a week.
c. My favorite day is Wednesday.

2. What do you do on Saturday?

a. I like Saturday.
b. Saturday is a day of the week.
c. I play basketball on Saturday.
3. What month do you like?

a. I don’t like January.

b. I like Monday.
c. I like April.


1. c. My favorite day is Wednesday.

2. c. I play basketball on Saturday.
3. c. I like April.

Unit 1 Lesson 2
1. Grammar Activity 1 – rearrange the sentence

1. hot – month – August- is - a

2. born – you – when – were ?
3. in – June – I – born – was


1. August is a hot month.

2. Where were you born?
3. I was born in June.

2. Grammar Activity 2 – drag the correct word into the space

1. I ____ born in July.

a. am
b. was
c. is

2. When ____ you born?

a. was
b. were
c. is

3. May is a _____ month.

a. cold
b. warm
c. snowy

1. I was born in July.
2. When were you born?
3. May is a warm month.

3. Grammar Activity 3 – ‘shoot’ the correct response to the question

1. When were you born?

a. I was born in a house.
b. I was born in a car.
c. I was born in May.

2. What month is the 7th month of the year?

a. It’s June.
b. It’s January.
c. It’s July.

3. What do you do in August?

a. I go to school.
b. I swim and eat ice cream.
c. I ski and make a snowman.

1. I was born in May.
2. It’s July.
3. I swim and eat ice cream.

Unit t 1 Lesson 3
1. Grammar Activity 1 – rearrange the sentence

4. December-we-in-Christmas-We-celebrate
5. school-go-back-September-We-to-in
6. October-born-you-in-Were?

4. We celebrate Christmas in December.
5. We go back to school in November.
6. Were you born in October?

2. Grammar Activity 2 – drag the correct word into the space

1. I ____ born in October.

a. am
b. was
c. is

2. Were you ____ in December?

a. month
b. born
c. year

3. November is a _____ month.

a. cold
b. warm
c. snowy


1. I was born in October.

2. Were you born in December?
3. November is a cold month.

3. Grammar Activity 3 – ‘shoot’ the correct response to the question

1. Mike, were you born in November?

a. Yes, I was.
b. I’m a student.
c. It’s October now.

2. What month is the 12th month of the year?

a. It’s November.
b. It’s September.
c. It’s December.

3. What do you do in December?

a. We go back to school.
b. We celebrate Christmas.
c. We wear shorts and T-shirts.

1. Yes, I was.
2. It’s December.
3. We celebrate Christmas.

Unit t 1 Lesson 4
1. Grammar Activity 1 – rearrange the sentence

1. old-dad-My-is-years-thirty
2. 11th-month-November-is- the
3. week-second-Tuesday-is-the-day-of-the

1. My dad is thirty years old.
2. November is the 11th month.
3. Tuesday is the second day of the week.

2. Grammar Activity 2 – drag the correct word into the space

1. My mom is forty _____ old.

a. days
b. months
c. years

2. He got 100 points in the test! He’s the _____ in the class.
a. second
b. first
c. third

3. November is the _____ month.

d. 3rd
e. 4th
f. 11th


1. My mom is forty years old.

2. He got 100 points in the test! He’s the first in the class.
3. November is the 11th month.

3. Grammar Activity 3 – ‘shoot’ the correct response to the question

1. What floor do you live on?

a. I live on the ten floor.
b. I live on the floor.
c. I live on the tenth floor.

2. When is your birthday?

a. It’s a sunny day.
b. It’s cold.
c. It’s June 24th.

3. What is the third month ?

a. It’s January.
b. It’s September.
c. It’s March.

1. I live on the tenth floor.
2. It’s June 24th.
3. It’s March.
Unit t 1 Lesson 5
1. Grammar Activity 1 – rearrange the sentence

1. old-grandpa-My-is-years-fifty
2. 10th-month-October-is- the
3. were-you-When-born?

1. My grandpa is fifty years old.
2. October is the 10th month.
3. When were you born?

2. Grammar Activity 2 – drag the correct word into the space

1. My brother is twenty _____ old.

a. days
b. months
c. years

4. What’s your ____________ day of the week?

d. like
e. love
f. favorite

5. It’s cold ______ December.

g. in
h. on
i. at


1. My brother is twenty years old.

2. What’s your favorite day of the week.
3. It’s cold in December.

3. Grammar Activity 3 – ‘shoot’ the correct response to the question

1. When were you born?

a. I was born.
b. I born in November.
c. I was born in November.

2. When is your birthday?

a. It’s May
b. It’s a birthday.
c. It’s August 1st.

3. What is the fifth month ?

a. It’s January.
b. It’s May.
c. It’s March.

1. I was born in November.
2. It’s August 1st.
3. It’s May.

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