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728 Politics of Teaching

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Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

T A van Dijk, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Ideology
The concept of ideology is often used in the media
ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. and the social sciences, but it is notoriously vague. Its
everyday usage is largely negative, and typically refers
to the rigid, misguided, or partisan ideas of others: we
have the truth, and they have ideologies. This nega-
Few areas in the social sciences are as closely related as tive meaning goes back to Marx-Engels, for whom
those of the study of politics, ideology, and discourse. ideologies were a form of ‘false consciousness’; thus,
Politics is one of the social domains whose practices are the working class may have misguided ideas about the
virtually exclusively discursive; political cognition is by conditions of its existence as a result of their indoctri-
definition ideologically based; and political ideologies nation by those who control the means of production.
are largely reproduced by discourse. In this article we Throughout a large part of the 20th century, and both
examine these relationships more closely. in politics and in the social sciences, the notion of
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 729

ideology continued to carry its negative connotation, . Ideologies have both social and cognitive proper-
and was often used in opposition to ‘objective’ ties which need to be accounted for in an integrated
knowledge (for histories of the notion of ideology, theory.
see, e.g., Billig, 1982; Eagleton, 1991; Larrain, 1979; . Cognitively, ideologies are a special kind of social
for a useful collection of classical studies on ideology, belief systems, stored in long-term memory (see ).
see Zizek, 1994). . Socially as well as cognitively, these ideological be-
Originally, ‘ideology’ did not have this negative lief systems are socially shared by the members of
meaning. More than 200 years ago, the French phi- specific social groups, or ideological communities
losopher Destutt de Tracy introduced the term in order (see Distributed Cognition and Communication).
to denote a new discipline that would study ‘ideas’: . Ideologies, like languages, are essentially social.
idéologie. Also, in contemporary political science, the There are no personal or individual ideologies,
notion is used in a more neutral, descriptive sense, e.g., only personal or individual uses of ideologies.
to refer to political belief systems (Freeden, 1996). . The identity of groups is not only based on their
One of the many dimensions highlighted in the structural properties, but also on their ideology.
classical approaches to ideology was their dominant . Ideological belief systems – ideologies – form the
nature, in the sense that ideologies play a role in the axiomatic basis of the more specific beliefs or social
legitimization of power abuse by dominant groups. representations of a group, such as their group
One of the most efficient forms of ideological domi- knowledge and group opinions (attitudes).
nance is when also the dominated groups accept . Unlike in most traditional approaches to ideology,
dominant ideologies as natural or commonsense. ideologies are not necessarily negative. They have
Gramsci called such forms of ideological dominance similar structures and functions whether shared
hegemony (Gramsci, 1971). Bourdieu does not use by dominant or dominated groups, ‘bad’ groups
the notion of ideology very much (mainly because or ‘good’ groups. Thus, we may have negative as
he thinks it is too vague and has often been abused well as positive ideologies (utopias), depending on
to discredit others who do not agree with us; see the perspective, values, or group membership of the
Bourdieu and Eagleton, 1994), but rather speaks of one who evaluates them.
symbolic power or symbolic violence. It should be . Not all socially shared beliefs of a group are ideo-
stressed, however, that although related, his uses of logical. Thus, ideologically different or opposed
these terms are different from the (various) uses of the groups in the same society need to have beliefs in
notion of ideology. His main interest lies in the social common in order to be able to communicate in
conditions of discursive and symbolic power, such as the first place. This common ground consists of
the authority and legitimacy of those who produce socioculturally shared knowledge, which by defini-
discourse. tion is preideological within that society (although
To cut a long historical survey short, a specific it may later or elsewhere be described as ideological
concept of ideology will be used in this article, namely knowledge).
to describe specific, fundamental beliefs of groups of . Thus, the traditionally problematic relationship
people. Our working definition of ideologies is there- between knowledge and ideology is resolved as
fore as follows: an ideology is the foundation of the follows: general, sociocultural knowledge, shared
social representations shared by a social group. by an epistemic community, forms the common
Depending on one’s perspective, group membership ground for all social representations of all (ideolog-
or ethics, these group ideas may be valued positively, ical) groups in that community. However, each
negatively, or not be valued at all. That is, we do not group may develop specific group knowledge
exclusively identify ideologies with dominant groups (e.g., professional, religious, or political knowl-
(see also the discussion in Abercrombie et al., 1980). edge) based on the ideology of the group. This
In addition, dominated groups may have ideologies, knowledge is called ‘knowledge’ within the group
namely ideologies of resistance and opposition. Ideol- because it is generally shared, certified, and presup-
ogies more generally are associated with social posed to be true. For other groups, such knowledge
groups, classes, castes, or communities, which thus may of course be called mere belief, superstition, or
represent their fundamental interests. The theory religion. In other words, beliefs that are taken for
accounting for such ideological beliefs is complex granted, commonsense, undisputed, etc. within a
and multidisciplinary, and may be summarized as community, and shared by different ideological
follows (for details and many further references, see groups, is by definition non-ideological within
Van Dijk, 1998): that community.
730 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

. Ideologies embody the general principles that con- ideologies, but are usually mediated by more spe-
trol the overall coherence of the social representa- cific social representations at the group level and by
tions shared by the members of a group. For concrete, personal mental models at the individual
instance, a racist ideology may control more specific level.
attitudes about immigration or affirmative action. . Conversely, ideologies are personally acquired and
. Ideologically based social representations (such as socially reproduced by the social practices, and
feminist attitudes about abortion or glass ceilings especially the discourses, of a group.
on the job), are general and abstract. In order . Groups may organize the discursive acquisition
to relate to concrete social practices and dis- and reproduction of ideologies, for instance
courses about specific events, they need to be- through special forms of education, indoctrination,
come contextualized and specified in mental job training, or catechesis, and by specialized group
models. These (ideologically biased) mental mod- members (ideologues, priests, teachers, etc.) and in
els, stored in episodic memory, are the mental special institutions.
constructs that control discourse, interaction, . Not all group members have – nor need to have –
and other social practices. And conversely, it is the same level of ideological knowledge or exper-
through mental models that discourses are able tise, nor need their ideological knowledge always
to influence social representations and ideologies be very explicit. Using an ideology is like being
and reproduce these. able to use a language without being able to formu-
. Ideologies represent one of the dimensions of the late the grammar of that language. Many men are
social identity or self-image of groups. sexist and their sexist ideology may control much
. Unlike less fundamental social representations and of their discourse and other social practices, but
much more than variable personal models, ideolo- they need not always have explicit access to the
gies are relatively stable. One does not become or contents of their ideologies.
cease to be a feminist, socialist, or pacifist over- . However, since many social ideologies develop as
night. Many ideologies are acquired over many part of group relations, conflict, or domination and
years and remain active for a lifetime of group resistance, and hence involve ideological debate
members. that is often published in the mass media, many
. Ideologies are structured by a social schema con- group members know at least the main ideological
sisting of a number of categories that cognitively tenets of their group – and of other groups. Indeed,
represent the major social dimensions of groups, when their interests are threatened they often know
such as their distinguishing properties, membership how and why to protect these.
criteria, typical actions, goals, norms and values,
reference groups, and basic resources or interests. These are some of the main properties of ideologies
. Both cognitively as well as socially, ideologies de- as formulated in a multidisciplinary, sociocognitive
velop especially as socially shared resources for theory. Thus, ideologies are the axiomatic basis of
intragroup cohesion and cooperation, as well as the social representations of a group and – through
for efficient means for intergroup relations. specific social attitudes and then through personal
. Many – but not all – ideologies are relevant in mental models – control the individual discourses
situations of competition, conflict, domination, and other social practices of group members. In this
and resistance between groups, that is, as part of way, they also are the necessary resource of ingroup
a social struggle. This also explains why many of cooperation, coordination and cohesion, as well as
the mental structures of ideologies and ideological for the management of intergroup relations, competi-
practices are polarized on the basis of an ingroup– tion, conflict, or struggle. It is only within such a
outgroup differentiation, typically between Us and theory that we are able to account for ideological
Them, as ideological discourses also show. discourse and other social practices, namely as being
. Because individual people may be members of sev- derived from ideologically based social representa-
eral groups, they may participate in various ideol- tions, and as instantiations of social relations between
ogies. Thus, someone may be a nationalist, groups.
socialist, feminist journalist, and thus share in the More than traditional approaches, this multidisci-
ideologies of these different kinds of social and plinary approach not only emphasizes the social and
professional ideologies. Obviously, when activated political nature of ideologies, but also their sociocog-
(used) at the same time, in discourse or other social nitive nature. It should be emphasized though that
practices, this may sometimes lead to conflicts. this does not mean that especially or only this cogni-
. The social practices, and hence discourses, of group tive dimension is important. Unlike traditional social
members may be (indirectly) controlled by group or socioeconomic approaches, the theory emphasizes
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 731

that – trivially – ideologies have to do with ideas of emotions, only individual persons and not groups can
some kind, and hence also need a cognitive account have, bodily based, emotions. When we sometimes
besides a social theory of groups and group relations, speak of ideologies of hate, as is the case for racist or
power, and interests. The point is that these different sexist ideologies, we are not speaking of emotions but
approaches need and can be integrated in one multi- of shared negative evaluations (opinions). Emotions
disciplinary theory. Hence, this approach does imply are temporal, contextual, and personal, physiologi-
that a theory of ideology without an explicit cognitive cally based, and cognitively interpreted events. Thus
component is incomplete: dealing with ideologies one can have and share a more or less permanent
without talking about the nature and functions of negative opinion about immigrants, but one cannot,
socially shared ideas is theoretically unsatisfactory. in the strict sense of the term be permanently angry
We see that ideological social practices are by defi- about immigrants, nor literally share an emotion with
nition based on ideologies defined as shared mental others. Thus, since ideologies are socially shared, they
representations of some kind, in a way that might be by definition cannot be emotional. However, their
compared with the way language use is based on a uses or applications by individual group members in
shared grammar or discourse and conversation rules. concrete situations may of course trigger and be
It is in this sense that ideologies as socially shared expressed as emotions. Also for this reason, it is es-
cognitive resources are fundamental for social prac- sential to analytically distinguish between ideologies
tices, interaction and intra- and intergroup relations. and their actual uses or manifestations in discourse,
Conversely, the general social functions of ideological interaction, and other social practices.
practices must hence be represented as part of their
underlying ideologies. This is one of the many reasons Ideology and Politics
why cognitive and social approaches to ideology need
The general theory of ideology summarized above
to be integrated.
needs to be specified for the huge social field of poli-
The theory proposed here accounts for both the
tics, that is, for politicians, political cognition, political
relatively stable as well as the flexible, dynamic,
processes, political practices, and political discourse
changing, contextualized, and subjective aspects of
as characterizing political groups, such as political
ideology. The first dimension is explained in terms
parties, members of parliaments, or social movements.
of relatively stable, socially shared mental representa-
As soon as ideologies not only have general social
tions of groups. The second dimension is accounted
functions but more specifically (also) political
for by ideologically based, specific, subjective mental
functions in the field of politics, we will call them poli-
models of group members that control discourse
tical ideologies. Thus, socialism is more obviously a
and other social practices in each situation. Unlike
political ideology than the professional ideology of
other approaches, for instance in discursive psy-
dentists, as long as we interpret ‘political’ here as
chology and other constructionist approaches (Billig,
describing processes in the field of politics, and not
1988, 1991; Potter, 1996), this theory does not attri-
as part of the fields of health care, education, or jus-
bute the flexible, subjective or contextually variable
tice, among others. Thus, one way of classifying
aspects of ideological practices to the nature of ideol-
ideologies – as well as discourses – is by the social
ogy itself, but to its uses by individual members.
field in which they function. That is, we have political,
Again, the comparison with relatively stable – and
educational, legal, religious, and health care ideologies,
slowly changing – grammars of natural languages,
among others.
and their variable, contextualized, personal uses, sug-
It is beyond the scope of this brief article to define
gests itself. For the same reason, ideologies are not
and theorize in detail about what characterizes the
reduced to their observable uses, discourses, or other
field of politics (see, e.g., Goodin and Klingemann,
social practices, but defined as members’ socially
1996). However, apart from being defined by its pro-
shared underlying representations or resources that
totypical participants (politicians), this field may
govern such practices. Nor do we reduce ideologies to
briefly – and somewhat traditionally – be defined by:
discourses, because obviously they also control other
social practices, such as forms of discrimination or . its overall systems (democracy, dictatorship, etc.);
violence. In sum, the theory presented here is not only . special social macro actions, such as government,
multidisciplinary, but also nonreductionist. legislation, elections, or decision making;
Finally, ideologies are accounted for in sociocogni- . and their micro practices, interactions, or dis-
tive rather than in emotional terms, because they are courses such as parliamentary debates, canvassing,
by definition socially shared, and in our definition of or demonstrations;
732 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

. its special social relations, such as those of institu- specific political attitudes (for instance on legislation
tional power; concerning abortion or divorce) that are controlled
. its special norms and values (e.g., freedom, equali- by ideologies.
ty, etc.);
. its political cognitions, such as political ideologies.
Political Discourse and Ideology
If there is one social field that is ideological, it is
If the political field is thoroughly ideological, then so
that of politics. This is not surprising because it
are its political practices, and hence its discourses
is eminently here that different and opposed groups,
(among the many books on political discourse, see,
power, struggles, and interests are at stake. In order to
e.g., Chilton, 1995, 2004; Chilton and Schäffner,
be able to compete, political groups need to be ideo-
2002; Wilson, 1990; Wodak and Menz, 1990; see
logically conscious and organized. Few ideological
also the other contributions to this section). Indeed,
groups besides political parties have programs that
political ideologies not only are involved in the pro-
formulate their ideologies explicitly, and that com-
duction or understanding of political discourses and
pete for new members or supporters on that basis.
other political practices, but are also (re)produced by
Few ideologies are as explicitly defended and con-
them. In a sense, discourses make ideologies observ-
tested as political ideologies, as we know from the
able in the sense that it is only in discourse that they
history of socialism, communism, liberalism, and so
may be explicitly expressed and formulated. Other
on. In other words, the political process is essentially
political practices only implicitly show or experience
an ideological process, and political cognition often
ideologies, for instance in practices of discrimination
simply identified with ideology (see Freeden, 1996;
on the basis of sexist, racist, or political ideologies. It
Ball and Dagger, 1999; Eatwell, 1999; Leach, 2002;
is in discourse that we need to explicitly explain that
Seliger, 1976).
such discrimination occurs ‘‘because she is a woman,’’
The social organization of the field of politics, and
‘‘because he is black,’’ or ‘‘because they are socialists.’’
hence of politicians and political groups, is largely
Thus, it is largely through discourse that political
based on ideological differences, alliances, and simi-
ideologies are acquired, expressed, learned, propa-
larities. The overall organization of social beliefs
gated, and contested. The rest of this article will
as a struggle between the left and the right is the
discuss these relationships between political discourse
result of the underlying polarization of political
and political ideologies. Interestingly, despite the vast
ideologies that has permeated society as a whole.
literature on ideology (thousands of books in English
Elections, parliaments, political campaigns, propa-
alone), there are virtually no monographs that
ganda, demonstrations, and many other phenomena
explore the details of the relations between discourse
of the political field are thus profoundly ideological.
and ideology, although many books in critical lin-
Debates in parliament pitch opposed political ideolo-
guistics and critical discourse analysis deal with
gies as a basis for political policies, measures, deci-
at least some aspects of this relationship (see, e.g.,
sions, or actions. One’s political identity, stances,
Fairclough, 1989, 1995; Fowler et al., 1979; Fowler,
and allegiances are not so much defined in terms of
1991; Hodge and Kress, 1993; Pêcheux, 1982; Van
structural group membership, such as membership
Dijk, 1998; Wodak, 1989; Wodak et al., 1987;
of a political party, but rather in terms of one’s ideol-
Wodak and Menz, 1990; Wodak and Meyer, 2001).
ogy. Most socialists or neoliberals do not have a
membership card. The same is true for other social
Political Situations and Contexts
ideologies that have profound political implications,
such as feminism, pacifism, ecologism, or racism. The relations between discourse and political ideolo-
Although primarily defined in sociocognitive gies are usually studied in terms of the structures of
terms, political ideologies permeate the whole politi- political discourse, such as the use of biased lexical
cal field, for example in overall systems such as items, syntactic structures such as actives and pas-
democracies (based on democratic ideologies), over- sives, pronouns such as us and them, metaphors or
all acts and processes (such as government, coalition topoi, arguments, implications, and many other prop-
building, or elections), everyday political practices erties of discourse (see the references given at the end
(such as parliamentary debates or demonstrations), of the preceding section).
group relations (such as domination and resistance, It should be emphasized, however, that discourse
government, or opposition), fundamental norms and should be conceptualized also in terms of its context
values (such as equality and independence that are structures (Duranti and Goodwin, 1992). It is not
constitutive categories of ideologies), as well as more sufficient to observe, for instance, that political
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 733

discourse often features the well-known political pro- Obviously, these categories are culturally variable:
noun we. It is crucial to relate such use to such cat- members of parliament, prime ministers, or party
egories as who is speaking, when, where and with/to secretaries are not exactly universal political partici-
whom, that is, to specific aspects of the political pant categories. Other cultures may have their own
situation. specific political event types, political actions, parti-
Since such political situations do not simply cause cipants, locations, time management, and of course
political actors to speak in such a way, we again need their own political knowledge, attitudes, ideologies,
a cognitive interface between such a situation and norms, and values.
talk or text, that is, a mental model of the political A detailed explanation of the cognitive processes
situation (van Dijk, 1999, 2001, 2003). Such mental involved in the way context models control political
models define how participants experience, interpret, discourse is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it
and represent the for-them-relevant aspects of the to say that the information in the various categories
political situation. These specific mental models of the (pragmatic) context model – for instance who
are called contexts. In other words, contexts are are participating in the communicative situation –
subjective participant definitions of communicative first of all controls the speech acts and other acts of
situations. They control all aspects of discourse the current situation. Thus, the current utterance may
production and comprehension. be defined as a political promise or as a threat,
Political discourse, thus, is not only defined in terms depending on the power or relationships of the parti-
of political discourse structures but also in terms of cipants, their political position (government or oppo-
political contexts. Thus, acting as an MP, prime min- sition, my party or your party), as well as the
ister, party leader, or demonstrator will typically be intentions to help or harm the recipient. Secondly,
perceived by speakers or recipients as a political rele- pragmatic context models control the selection of
vant context category in political discourse, whereas information in the (semantic) mental model that
being a dentist or a doorkeeper much less so. Similar- (inter)subjectively defines what participants talk
ly, political contexts may be defined by special set- about, such as the war in Iraq. Thus, an MP or
tings, featuring locations such as parliamentary minister addressing his or her peers in parliament
buildings or events such as debates or meetings, as will express and presuppose very different knowledge
often controlled by precise timing, as is the case in than does a politician giving a speech or an interview.
parliamentary debates. Moreover, political discourses Thirdly, context models control all levels of style of
and their structures will only be able to have the political discourse, such as lexical choice, pronouns,
political functions they have when they are enact- syntactic structure, and other grammatical choices
ing political acts or processes, such as governing, that depend on how situations are defined. Thus,
legislating, or making opposition, and with very spe- lexical and syntactic style in a parliamentary debate
cific political aims in mind, such as defending or will be much more formal than an informal political
defeating a bill or getting elected. And finally, politi- meeting of party members or a propaganda leaflet.
cal actors obviously do not participate mindlessly in Finally, context models control the overall format or
political situations, but have political knowledge, schema of political discourse, such as the formal turn-
share political norms and values, as well as political taking organization, openings and closings of a de-
ideologies. Indeed, it is through this form of contex- bate in parliament, the conversational structure of a
tualization that we are able to link the ideologies of political interview, the overall organization of a party
the participants to their discourses (Gumperz, 1982). program, or the layout of a political advertisement in
Text or talk show ideologies discursively, but it is a magazine or on a billboard. For instance, only the
people, politicians, or protesters, who have ideologies Speaker, as specific participant category in the British
– not only in this social practice or discourse, but House of Commons, may open and close parlia-
typically also in others. mentary sessions and debates, distribute turns, and
These then are some of the types of categories that decide when interruptions or questions will be
make up our political context models, that is, politi- allowed, among many other things. Thus the rules
cal categories that we use to define political situations and structures of parliamentary interaction and
of text and talk. In the same way as discourses may their participants are closely related to the discur-
be ideological when based on ideologies, the struc- sive structures of the debate being engaged in by
tures and practices of political contexts may also the MPs.
have such an ideological basis. Obviously, being Relevant for our discussion in this case is that it
an MP presupposes a parliamentary system and is especially the political ideology of the participants
hence a democratic ideology, whereas being a dictator that not only controls much of what they say
presupposes another ideology. themselves, but also how they will understand other
734 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

speakers. Thus, a call to limit immigration by an following overall strategies of what might be called
extremist right wing party member will typically be the ideological square:
heard and commented upon as racist, whereas similar
. Emphasize Our good things
proposals by left wing MPs of our own party will
. Emphasize Their bad things
obviously seldom be interpreted as such.
. De-emphasize Our bad things
. De-emphasize Their good things.
Political Discourse and Political Ideology
These overall strategies may be applied to all levels
If political ideologies are relevant properties of politi- of action, meaning, and form of text and talk. Thus,
cal situations, namely as being shared by participants, political speeches, interviews, programs, or propa-
then how are they expressed and reproduced by the ganda typically focus on the preferred topics of ‘our’
structures of text and talk? group or party, on what we have done well, and
A first question we need to deal with is whether all associate political opponents with negative topics,
properties of political discourse are influenced by such as war, violence, drugs, lack of freedom, and so
underlying ideologies. The response to that question on. Thus, many politicians and media associate immi-
is: obviously not, because only those properties of grants or minorities with problems or delinquency.
discourse can be influenced by ideologies that can For decades, communism was associated with aggres-
be contextually variable in the first place. Thus, sion, lack of freedom, and rigid ideology. Similarly, if
choice of more or less polite pronouns is contextually communism is good or better than ‘us’ in the area of
variable, whereas much of syntactic structure, such social services, health care, or education, anticommu-
as the position of articles in front of nouns in nist discourse will typically ignore or downplay such
English, is not. People of different ideologies do not good things of its opponent.
have different grammars, although they use such What is true for meanings or topics also holds for
grammars sometimes a bit differently. Sociocultural form or structure: we may enhance meanings in many
knowledge, including language, defines communities ways by intonation or stress, visual or graphical
and not ideological groups. In that respect, the left or means, word order, headlining, topicalization, repeti-
the right, socialists or neoliberals, racists or antira- tion, and so on. The opposite will occur when we
cists, will not speak or write very differently. This want to downplay our bad things. Very bad things
suggests that ideological differences should rather be of our arch enemies – such as a terrorist attack – will
sought in what people say, rather than in how they thus appear on the front page, in a big article with
say it. Political ideas may be persuasively defended big negative headlines, or in an emergency debate in
by the right or the left, so ideologically differences parliament, and so on.
will hardly be defined only in terms of rhetoric. Thus, In other words, there are systematic means to ex-
although there are probably political uses of dis- amine discourse at various levels when looking for
course forms such as the use of pronouns as ingroup ways ideologies are (not) expressed or enacted in such
and outgroup markers, or rhetorical means of persua- discourse: Whenever a meaning is associated with
sion, it is likely that most ideological variation will be good things, it will tend to be associated with the
found at the levels of meaning. ingroup of the speaker, and all structural properties
In order to avoid a rather arbitrary discovery pro- of the discourse may be brought to bear to emphasize
cedure of the potentially huge amount of ideologi- such meanings. And the opposite will be the case for
cally variable structures of text and talk, it is more Others, Opponents, or Enemies.
useful to proceed in a more systematic and theory- Besides the general, combined strategy of positive
driven way. Thus, we have seen that ideologies often self-presentation and negative other-presentation,
have a polarized structure, reflecting competing or ideological discourse structures may appear as expres-
conflicting group membership and categorization in sions of other underlying ideology structures, and not
ingroups and outgroups. These underlying structures only as an expression of the polarized relationship
also appear in more specific political attitudes – for between (opposed) ideological groups. Thus, if iden-
instance racist attitudes about immigration – and tity, characteristic actions, aims, norms, values, group
ultimately in the biased personal mental models of relations, and resources are fundamental ideological
group members. These mental models control the categories, we may expect that references to the con-
contents of discourse, and if they are polarized, it tents of such categories will be prominent in the dis-
is likely that discourse will thus also show various courses of ideological group members. Thus, if people
types of polarization. Thus, much research has talk as group members, in terms of ‘we,’ and positive-
shown that ideological discourse often features the ly evaluate their own actions, norms and values, and
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 735

defend the resources or other interests of their group, (1) In one case, a man from Romania, who came over
then such talk will also usually be ideological. Again, here on a coach tour for a football match (. . .) decided
such will typically be true for the meaning or context that he did not want to go back, declared himself an
of discourse, but the ways such meanings are asylum seeker and is still here 4 years later. He has never
done a stroke of work in his life (Gorman).
expressed and especially persuasively conveyed
may of course also involve many formal aspects of AUTHORITY (ARGUMENTATION). Many spea-
grammar, discourse and conversation. kers in an argument, also in parliament, have recourse
These are the general strategies of ideological dis- to the fallacy of mentioning authorities to support their
course production and also a handy discovery or case, usually organizations or people who are above the
recognition procedure for ideological analysis of fray of party politics, or who are generally recognized
political discourse. The more detailed and subtle experts or moral leaders. International organizations
ideological discourse structures will be examined in (such as the United Nations or Amnesty International),
a concrete example. scholars, the media, the church or the courts often have
that role. People of different ideologies typically cite
Examples different authorities. Thus, Mr Corbyn ironically asks
Mrs Gorman whether she has not read the reports of
By way of examples, I will use some fragments from a
Amnesty or Helsinki Watch.
debate in the British House of Commons on asylum
BURDEN (TOPOS). Argumentation against immi-
seekers, held on March 5, 1997. Mrs Gorman, rep-
gration is often based on various standard arguments,
resentative of Billericay for the Conservative Party,
or topoi, which represent premises that are taken
then still in power, had taken the initiative for this
for granted, as self-evident and as sufficient reasons
debate, which she opened with a critique of the al-
to accept the conclusion. One of the topoi of anti-
leged costs of asylum seekers, costs she claimed were
immigration discourse is that asylum seekers are a
being paid by poor old English ratepayers. Among
financial ‘burden’ for ‘us’:
those who opposed her was Jeremy Corbyn, of the
Labour Party. (2) It is wrong that ratepayers in the London area should
In order to enhance the usefulness of our analysis, bear an undue proportion of the burden of expenditure
we shall assign an analytical category to each exam- that those people are causing (Gorman).
ple, and order the categories alphabetically. After the
category name I shall add the domain of discourse CATEGORIZATION (MEANING). As we also
analysis to which the category belongs (e.g., meaning, know from social psychology, people tend to categorize
argumentation, etc.). The main point of the analysis is people, and so do speakers in parliament, especially
to show how various ideologies, especially those of when Others (immigrants, refugees, etc.) are involved.
racism and antiracism, are expressed in various kinds Most typical in this debate is the (sub)categorization of
of structures. There are in principle hundreds of such asylum seekers into ‘genuine’ political refugees, and
categories, so we make a small selection (for details, ‘bogus’ asylum seekers, a categorization formulated in
see a more detailed ideological analysis in Van Dijk, the following ways:
2000; no further references are given to the many (3) There are, of course, asylum seekers and asylum
hundreds of studies that deal with the respective ana- seekers (Gorman).
lytical categories mentioned above; see Van Dijk,
1997, for a general introduction to many of these (4) . . . those people, many of whom could reasonably be
called economic migrants and some of whom are just
notions; for further analysis of parliamentary debates
benefit seekers on holiday, to remain in Britain (Gorman).
on immigration, see Wodak and Van Dijk, 2000).
Some Categories of Ideological
TION). Different from rhetorical similes, compari-
Discourse Analysis
sons as intended here typically occur in talk about
ACTOR DESCRIPTION (MEANING). The way refugees or minorities, namely when speakers com-
actors are described in discourses also depends on pare ingroups and outgroups. In racist talk, out-
our ideologies. Typically we tend to describe ingroup groups are compared negatively, and ingroups
members in a neutral or positive way and out- positively. In antiracist talk, we may negatively com-
group members in a negative way. Similarly, we will pare our country or government with loathsome un-
mitigate negative descriptions of members of our democratic regimes. In the following example,
own group, and emphasize the attributed negative Mr Corbyn uses an argumentative comparison with
characteristics of Others. Here is how Mrs Gorman the Second World War to emphasize the plight of
describes a Romanian asylum seeker: asylum seekers:
736 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

(5) Many soldiers who were tortured during the Second whereby people can legitimately become part of our
World War found it difficult to talk about their experi- community (Gorman).
ences for years. That is no different from the position of
people who have been tortured in Iran, Iraq, West (10) [Apparent Denial] I did not say that every eastern
Africa, or anywhere else. (Corbyn). European’s application for asylum in this country was
bogus. However. . . (Gorman).
or insist on cross-party or national consensus is a EUPHEMISM (RHETORIC; MEANING). (see
well-known political strategy in situations where the Taboo, Euphemism, and Political Correctness.) The
country is threatened, for instance by outside attack. well-known rhetorical figure of euphemism, a seman-
Immigration is often seen as such a threat. Thus, tic move of mitigation, plays an important role in
Mrs Gorman insists that the current immigration talk about immigrants. Within the broader frame-
law is the fruit of consensus, and hence should not be work of the strategy of positive self-presentation,
tampered with: and especially its correlate, the avoidance of negative
impression formation, negative opinions about immi-
(6) The Government, with cross-party backing, decided
to do something about the matter (Gorman, C). grants are often mitigated, especially in foreign talk.
The same is true for the negative acts of the own
COUNTERFACTUALS (MEANING, ARGUMEN- group. Thus, racism or discrimination will typically
TATION). (see also Counterfactuals.) ‘‘What would be mitigated as resentment or unequal treatment, re-
happen, if . . .’’ the typical expression of a counterfactu- spectively. Similarly Ms Gorman in this debate uses
al, is often used in this debate by the Labour opposition the word ‘discourage’ (‘‘to discourage the growing
in order to suggest that the conservatives try to imagine number of people from abroad. . .’’) in order to refer
what it would be like to be in the situation of asylum to the harsh immigration policies of the government,
seekers, an persuasive argumentative move that is also and thus mitigates the actions of the conservative
is related to the move of asking for empathy: government she supports. Similarly, the Labour
(7) I suggest that he start to think more seriously about (Corbyn) opposition finds the condemnation of
human rights issues. Suppose he had to flee this country oppressive regimes by the Government ‘very muted’
because an oppressive regime had taken over. Where instead of using more critical terms. Obviously, such
would he go? Presumably he would not want help from mitigation of the use of euphemisms may be explained
anyone else, because he does not believe that help should both in ideological terms (ingroup protection) as well
be given to anyone else (Corbyn). as in contextual terms, e.g., as part of politeness con-
(8) If that happened in another country under a regime of ditions or other interactional rules that are typical for
which we disapproved, the British Government would parliamentary debates.
say that it was a terrible indictment on the human rights EVIDENTIALITY (MEANING, ARGUMENTA-
record of that regime that prisoners were forced to un- TION). (see also Evidentiality in Grammar.) Claims
dertake a hunger strike to draw attention to their situa- or points of view in argument are more plausible
tion (Corbyn). when speakers present some evidence or proof for
their knowledge or opinions. This may happen
DISCLAIMERS (MEANING). A well-known com-
by references to authority figures or institutions
bination of the ideologically based strategy of positive
(see ‘Authority’ above), or by various forms of
self-presentation and negative other-presentation
evidentiality: How or where did they get the infor-
are the many types of disclaimers. Note that disclai-
mation. Thus people may have read something in
mers in these debates are not usually an expression
the paper, heard it from reliable spokespersons, or
of attitudinal ambiguity, in which both positive and
have seen something with their own eyes. Especially
negative aspects of immigration are mentioned, or
in debates on immigration, in which negative beliefs
in which humanitarian values are endorsed on the
about immigrants may be heard as biased, evidentials
one hand, but the ‘burden’ of refugees is beyond our
are an important move to convey objectivity, reliabil-
means. Rather, disclaimers briefly save face by men-
ity, and hence credibility. In stories that are intended
tioning Our positive characteristics, but then focus
to provoke empathy, of course such evidence must
rather exclusively on Their negative attributes.
be supplied by the victims themselves. When sources
Hence our qualification of the positive part of
are actually being quoted, evidentiality is linked to
the disclaimer as Apparent, as in Apparent Denials,
intertextuality. Here are two examples:
Concessions, Empathy, etc.:
(9) [Apparent Empathy] I understand that many people (11) This morning, I was reading a letter from a constit-
want to come to Britain to work, but there is a procedure uent of mine (. . .) (Gorman).
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 737

(12) The people who I met told me, chapter and verse, IMPLICATION (MEANING). For many pragmat-
of how they had been treated by the regime in Iran ic (contextual) reasons, speakers do not (need) to say
(Corbyn). everything they know or believe. Indeed, a large part
EXAMPLE/ILLUSTRATION (ARGUMENTA- of discourse remains implicit, and such implicit infor-
TION). A powerful move in argumentation is to give mation may be inferred by recipients from shared
concrete examples, often in the form of a vignette or knowledge or attitudes and thus constructed as part
short story, illustrating or making more plausible a of their mental models of the event or action repre-
general point defended by the speaker. Concrete sented in the discourse. In debates about immigra-
stories are usually better memorized than abstract tion, implicitness may especially be used as a means
arguments, and have more emotional impact, so they to convey meanings whose explicit expression could
are argumentatively more persuasive. Of course, the be interpreted as biased or racist. Thus, when
right and the left each will have its own stories to tell: Ms Gorman says that many refugees come from
countries in Eastern Europe who have recently been
(13) The Daily Mail today reports the case of a woman liberated, she is implying that people from such
from Russia who has managed to stay in Britain for 5 countries cannot be genuine asylum seekers because
years. According to the magistrates court yesterday, she
democratic countries do not oppress their citizens (a
has cost the British taxpayer £40,000. She was arrested,
of course, for stealing (Gorman).
point later attacked by the Labour opposition). And
the same is true when she describes these refugees as
(14) The people who I met told me, chapter and verse, of ‘able-bodied males,’ which implies that these need no
how they had been treated by the regime in Iran – of how help from us.
they had been summarily imprisoned, with no access to IRONY (RHETORIC). (see Irony.) Accusations
the courts; of how their families had been beaten up and
may come across as more effective when they are
abused while in prison; and of how the regime murdered
one man’s fiancée in front of him because he would not
not made point blank (which may violate face con-
talk about the secret activities that he was supposed to be straints), but in apparently lighter forms of irony.
involved in (Corbyn). There is much irony in the mutual critique and
attacks of Conservatives and Labour, of course,
GENERALIZATION (MEANING, ARGUMEN- and these characterize the proper interactional di-
TATION). Instead of providing concrete stories, mension of the debate. However, when speaking
speakers may also make generalizations, in racist dis- about immigrants, irony may also serve to derogate
course typically used to formulate prejudices about asylum seekers, as is the case for the phrase ‘suddenly
generalized negative characteristics of immigrants. discover’ in the following example, implying that
Similarly, in a populist strategy, conservative speakers such a ‘sudden discovery’ can only be bogus, since
may generalize the negative feelings against asylum the asylum seekers allegedly knew all along that they
seekers: came to the country to stay:
(15) Such things go on and they get up the noses of all (16) Too many asylum seekers enter the country initially
constituents (Gorman). as family visitors, tourists, students, and business people,
HYPERBOLE (RHETORIC). Hyperbole is a se- and then suddenly discover that they want to remain as
asylum seekers (Shaw).
mantic rhetorical device for the enhancement of
meaning. Within the overall strategy of positive self- LEXICALIZATION (STYLE). At the local level of
presentation and negative other-presentation, we may analysis, debates on asylum seekers need to express
thus expect in parliamentary debates about immi- underlying concepts and beliefs in specific lexical
grants that the alleged bad actions or properties of items. Similar meanings may thus be variably
the Others are expressed in hyperbolic terms (our bad expressed in different words, depending on the posi-
actions in mitigated terms), and vice versa. Sometimes tion, role, goals, point of view, or opinion of the
such forms of hyperbole are implied by the use of speaker, that is, as a function of context features. In
special metaphors, as we observe in Mrs Gorman’s conservative discourse opposing liberal immigration
use of ‘opening the floodgates’ in order to refer to the policies, this will typically result in more or less
arrival of many asylum seekers. And conversely, on blatantly negative expressions denoting refugees
the left, Labour speakers will of course emphasize the and their actions, thus implementing at the level
bad nature of authoritarian regimes, and like of lexicalization the overall ideological strategy of
Mr Corbyn, will call them ‘deeply oppressive,’ and negative other-presentation. Thus, also in this debate,
the conditions of refugees coming from those we may typically find such expressions as ‘economic
countries ‘appalling.’ immigrants,’ ‘bogus asylum seekers,’ or ‘benefit
738 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

scroungers,’ as we also know them from the tabloid in sometimes explicit norm statements about what
press in the UK. On the other hand, lexicalization in ‘we’ (in parliament, in the UK, in Europe, etc.) should
support of refugees may focus on the negative presen- or should not do:
tation of totalitarian regimes and their acts, such as
(18) We should have a different attitude towards asylum
‘oppression,’ ‘crush,’ ‘torture,’ ‘abuse,’ or ‘injustice.’
seekers (Corbyn).
other articles on metaphor). Few semantic-rhetorical NUMBER GAME (RHETORIC, ARGUMENTA-
figures are as persuasive as metaphors, also in debates TION). Much argument is oriented to enhancing
on immigration. Abstract, complex, unfamiliar, new, credibility by moves that emphasize objectivity. Num-
or emotional meanings may thus be made more fa- bers and statistics are the primary means in our cul-
miliar and more concrete. Virtually a standard meta- ture to persuasively display objectivity, and they
phor (if not a topos) is the use of flood metaphors to routinely characterize news reports in the press. Arri-
refer to refugees and their arrival, symbolizing the vals of immigrants are usually accompanied by num-
unstoppable threat of immigration, in which we bers, also in parliament. The same is true for the costs
would all ‘drown.’ Thus, Ms Gorman warns for of immigrants:
changes in the present law by saying that such
changes would ‘‘open the floodgates again.’’ Another (19) It would open the floodgates again, and presumably
the £200 million a year cost that was estimated when the
notorious semantic realm of metaphors is to describe
legislation was introduced (Gorman, C).
people in terms of (aggressive, repulsive, etc.) ani-
mals, for instance asylum seekers as ‘parasites,’ as POLARIZATION, US–THEM CATEGORIZA-
does Mrs Gorman. TION (MEANING). Few semantic strategies in
NATIONAL SELF-GLORIFICATION (MEAN- debates about Others are as prevalent as the ex-
ING). Especially in parliamentary speeches on immi- pression of polarized cognitions and the categorical
gration, positive self-presentation may routinely be division of people in ingroup (us) and outgroup
implemented by various forms of national self- (them). This suggests that especially talk and text
glorification: positive references to or praise for one’s about immigrants or refugees is also strongly moni-
own country, its principles, history, and traditions. tored by underlying social representations (attitudes,
Racist ideologies may thus be combined with nation- ideologies) of groups, rather than by models of
alist ideologies, as we have seen above. This kind of unique events and individual people (unless these
nationalist rhetoric is not the same in all countries. are used as illustrations to argue a general point).
It is unabashed in the USA, quite common in France Polarization may also apply to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sub-
(especially on the right), and not uncommon in categories of outgroups, as is the case for friends and
Germany. In the Netherlands and the UK, such allies on the one hand and enemies on the other. Note
self-glorification is less explicit. See, however, the that polarization may be rhetorically enhanced when
following standard example – probably even a topos: expressed as a clear contrast, that is, by attributing
properties of ‘us’ and ‘them’ that are semantically
(17) Britain has always honored the Geneva convention,
each other’s opposites. Examples in our debate
and has given sanctuary to people with a well-founded
fear of persecution in the country from which they are abound, but we shall only give one typical example:
fleeing and whose first safe country landing is in the
(20) It is true that, in many cases, they have made careful
United Kingdom (Wardle).
provision for themselves in their old age, have a small
NEGATIVE OTHER-PRESENTATION (SEMAN- additional pension as well as their old-age pension and
TIC MACROSTRATEGY). As the previous examples pay all their rent and their bills and ask for nothing from
have shown, the categorization of people into the state. They are proud and happy to do so. Such
people should not be exploited by people who are
ingroups and outgroups, and even the division be-
exploiting the system (Gorman, C).
tween good and bad outgroups, is not value-free,
but imbued with ideologically based applications POPULISM (POLITICAL STRATEGY). One of
of norms and values. Thus, throughout this debate, the dominant overall strategies of conservative talk
Mrs Gorman describes asylum seekers in terms of on immigration is that of populism. There are several
benefit seekers or bogus immigrants. Negative other- variants and component moves of that strategy. The
presentation is usually complimentary to positive basic strategy is to claim (for instance against the
self-presentation. Labour opposition) that ‘the people’ (or ‘everybody’)
NORM EXPRESSION. Anti-racist discourse is of does not support further immigration, which is also a
course strongly normative, and decries racism, dis- well-known argumentation fallacy. More specifically
crimination, prejudice, and anti-immigration policies in this debate, the populism strategy is combined with
Politics, Ideology, and Discourse 739

the topos of financial burden: ordinary people (tax- (24) Goodness knows how much it costs for the legal aid
payers) have to pay for refugees. Of the many that those people invoke to keep challenging the decision
instances of this strategy, we only cite the following: that they are not bona fide asylum seekers (Gorman, C).
(21) It is wrong that ratepayers in the London area
should bear an undue proportion of the burden of ex- DRAMATIZATION and POLARIZATION, discourse
penditure that those people are causing (Gorman). on immigration and ethnic relations is largely or-
ganized by the binary us–them pair of ingroups and
POSITIVE SELF-PRESENTATION (SEMANTIC outgroups. Thus, in order to emphasize the ‘bad’ nature
MACROSTRATEGY). Whether or not in combina- of immigrants, people may tell horrible stories about
tion with the derogation of outgroups, group-talk poor nationals:
is often characterized by another overall strategy,
namely that of ingroup favoritism or positive self- (25) Many of those people live in old-style housing
presentation. This may take a more individual form association Peabody flats. They are on modest incomes.
Many of them are elderly, managing on their state pen-
of face-keeping or impression management, as we
sion and perhaps also a little pension from their work.
know them from familiar disclaimers (‘‘I am not a They pay their full rent and for all their own expenses.
racist, but . . .’’), or a more collective form in which Now they are going to be asked to pay £35 to able-
the speaker emphasizes the positive characteristics of bodied males who have come over here on a prolonged
the own group, such as the own party, or the own holiday and now claim that the British taxpayer should
country. In the context of debates on immigration, support them.
such positive self-presentation will often manifest
The categories and examples shown above are not
itself as an emphasis of own tolerance, hospitality,
limited to racist or antiracist social ideologies, or to
lack of bias, EMPATHY, support of human rights, or
socialist or conservative political ideologies. Virtually
compliance with the law or international agreements.
all categories also apply to macho and feminist or
Positive self-presentation is essentially ideological,
pacifist or militarist ideologies and their discourses.
because they are based on the positive self-schema
That is, they are rather general resources that groups
that defines the ideology of a group. Here is an example:
and their members acquire and use in order to account
(22) I entirely support the policy of the Government to for and defend their ideas and social practices. Indeed,
help genuine asylum seekers, but . . . (Gorman, C). we need not learn totally new ways of ideological talk
and text as soon as we become a member of or identify
with another social or political group.
Presupposition.) Discourses are like the proverbial
icebergs: most of their meanings are not explicitly
expressed but presupposed to be known, and infer- Conclusions
able from general sociocultural knowledge. Strategi- There is a close relationship between discourse,
cally, presuppositions are often used to assume the ideology and politics, in the sense that politics is
truth of some proposition when such truth is not usually discursive as well as ideological, and ideolo-
established at all: gies are largely reproduced by text and talk. Tradi-
tionally, ideologies are vaguely and negatively defined
(23) I wonder whether the Hon. Gentleman will tell the
House what mandate he has from the British people to
in terms of ‘false consciousness’. In a more contem-
share their citizenship with foreigners? (Gill). porary, multidisciplinary approach, ideologies are de-
scribed in terms of the axiomatic foundation of the
VAGUENESS (MEANING). Virtually in all con- social representations shared by groups. Such general
texts speakers may use vague expressions, that ideologies form the basis of more specific group atti-
is, expressions that do not have well-defined refer- tudes, which in turn may influence group members’
ents, or which refer to fuzzy sets. Vague quantifiers individual opinions, constructions or interpretations
(‘few,’ ‘a lot’), adverbs (‘very’) nouns (‘thing’), and of specific events, as well as the social practices and
adjectives (‘low,’ ‘high’), among other expressions discourses in which group members engage. In poli-
may be typical in such discourse. Given the normative tics, ideologies specifically play a role to define politi-
constraints on biased speech, and the relevance cal systems, organizations, movements, political
of quantification in immigration debates, we may in practices and political cognition, all enacted or repro-
particular expect various forms of vagueness, as is duced by political discourse. Underlying political
the case for ‘Goodness knows how much,’ and ideologies are typically expressed in political dis-
‘widespread’ in the following example: course by emphasizing Our good things and Their
740 Politics, Ideology, and Discourse

bad things, and by de-emphasizing Our bad things Fowler R, Hodge B, Kress G & Trew T (1979). Language
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