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Global Health

Health Care Attacks Continue (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant

in 23 Countries Around the World (XDR) tuberculosis (TB) are expected to
The extensive violence perpetrated against increase by 2040 in India, the Philippines,
health workers, health facilities, and pa- Russia, and South Africa, countries that
tients in conflict-ridden countries around the already have a high burden of MDR TB.
globe last year is documented in the report Despite gains against TB in recent years,
Impunity Must End: Attacks on Health in 23 the disease remains 1 of the top 10 causes
Countries in Conflict in 2016. of death worldwide. MDR TB is resistant to
The fourth annual report, produced by at least 2 of the most potent drugs used to
the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coali- treat TB, isoniazid and rifampin. XDR TB is
tion, details the killing of health workers, defined as MDR TB with additional resis-
emergency medical personnel, and pa- tance to fluoroquinolones and second-line
tients; the bombing, shelling, and looting of injectable drugs for TB.
hospitals and clinics; the intimidation, as- The investigators used data from
sault, arrest, and abduction of health work- World Health Organization reports and
Attacks on health care continue around the globe.
ers and patients; the obstruction of access drug resistance surveys estimating the
to care; and the takeover and occupation of number of drug-resistant TB cases to
health facilities by police, military, or other develop a mathematical model to forecast factor in the diverse trial outcomes, but
armed factions. the future burden of MDR and XDR TB. little is known about the biological factors
Syria was most affected in 2016, with According to the model, between 2000 that may contribute to variable results.
108 attacks on health facilities and and 2040, MDR TB cases as a proportion In this study, the researchers compared
91 deaths of health professionals veri- of incident TB cases will increase from the vaginal bacterial communities of 688
fied by Physicians for Human Rights. The 24.8% to 32.5% in Russia, from 7.9% to South African women who were HIV-
level of violence in other countries, includ- 12.4% in India, from 6% to 8.9% in the negative when enrolled into the random-
ing Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and South Philippines, and from 2.5% to 5.7% in ized controlled trial (CAPRISA 004)
Sudan, was also high. The report notes that South Africa. The percentage of XDR TB evaluating the efficacy of 1% tenofovir
the extent and severity of attacks may be among incident MDR TB cases will intravaginal gel in preventing HIV. The
underreported because documentation of increase from 1.3% to 9.0% in Russia, from researchers identified 2 major types of vagi-
the violence is not comprehensive. 0.9% to 8.9% in India, from 1.6% to 9.0% nal bacterial communities—one populated
These attacks profoundly undermine in the Philippines, and from 0.4% to 8.5% mainly by the genus Lactobacillus and the
the availability of health care by degrading in South Africa. other dominated by a diverse bacterial mix
the health care infrastructure and limit- The study predicts that fewer cases of of non-Lactobacillus microbiota, namely
ing the number and effectiveness of drug-resistant TB will be caused by strains Gardnerella vaginalis. Gel adherence was
health workers, which has resulted in out- that acquire resistance but will instead similar in both groups.
breaks of disease, among other issues. increasingly result from person-to-person The researchers found that tenofovir
Combatants continue to target hospitals transmission of existing resistant strains. significantly reduced HIV incidence only in
despite the resolution adopted last May by The authors note that these results support women with Lactobacillus-dominant vagi-
the United Nations Security Council to the need for additional efforts to halt the nal microbiota (61% vs 18% in women
protect medical personnel and facilities spread of MDR and XDR TB. with non-Lactobacillus dominance). In
under conflict. vitro studies showed that G vaginalis and
The report calls on the Security Council Vaginal Microbiome Affects Efficacy other anaerobes metabolized tenofovir
to establish national data collection and of HIV Microbicide before the body could absorb it, while 2
analysis systems to better document at- Certain species of vaginal bacteria can Lactobacillus species did not.
tacks on health care and strengthen na- inhibit the efficacy of the topical microbi- The findings indicate that differences in
tional mechanisms for investigating viola- cide tenofovir, which is used to prevent bacterial metabolism contribute to tenofo-
tions of laws aimed at protecting health care HIV, by breaking it down before it is vir’s variable effectiveness in HIV preven-
personnel and facilities. absorbed, reports an international team of tion and suggest that screening vaginal
investigators in Science. microbiota could be useful in identifying
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Predicted Women using the vaginal antiretroviral women most likely to benefit from such
to Increase in High-Burden Countries gel tenofovir to prevent acquisition of HIV topical HIV microbicides. − M.J. Friedrich
AP Images

According to a report published in The Lan- have experienced inconsistent results. Vari- Note: The print version excludes source references.
cet Infectious Diseases, multidrug-resistant ability in adherence has been shown to be a Please go online to (Reprinted) JAMA July 18, 2017 Volume 318, Number 3 231

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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