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Evaluation of Two Line Probe Assays for Rapid Detection of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculosis (TB) Drug Resistance, and

Non-TB Mycobacteria in HIV-Infected Individuals with Suspected TB
Anne F. Luetkemeyer,a Michelle A. Kendall,b Xingye Wu,b Maria Cristina Lourenço,c Ute Jentsch,d Susan Swindells,e Sarojini S. Qasba,f
Jorge Sanchez,g Diane V. Havlir,a Beatriz Grinsztejn,c Ian M. Sanne,h,i Cynthia Firnhaber,h,i Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5255
Study Team
HIV/AIDS Division, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, California, USAa; Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research, Harvard School of
Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USAb; Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilc; Clinical Laboratory Services and
School of Pathology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africad; Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha,
Nebraska, USAe; Montgomery County Health Department, Silver Spring, Maryland, USAf; Asociación Civil Impacta Salud y Educacioó, Lima, Perug; Clinical HIV Research
Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africah; Right to Care, Johannesburg, South Africai

Limited performance data from line probe assays (LPAs), nucleic acid tests used for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB),
nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance are available for HIV-infected individu-
als, in whom paucibacillary TB is common. In this study, the strategy of testing sputum with GenoType MTBDRplus (MTBDR-
Plus) and GenoType Direct LPA (Direct LPA) was compared to a gold standard of one mycobacterial growth indicator tube
(MGIT) liquid culture. HIV-positive (HIVⴙ) individuals with suspected TB from southern Africa and South America with <7
days of TB treatment had 1 sputum specimen tested with Direct LPA, MTBDR-Plus LPA, smear microscopy, MGIT, biochemical
identification of mycobacterial species, and culture-based drug-susceptibility testing (DST). Of 639 participants, 59.3% were
MGIT M. tuberculosis culture positive, of which 276 (72.8%) were acid-fast bacillus (AFB) smear positive. MTBDR-Plus had a
sensitivity of 81.0% and a specificity of 100%, with sensitivities of 44.1% in AFB smear-negative versus 94.6% in AFB smear-posi-
tive specimens. For specimens that were positive for M. tuberculosis by MTBDR-Plus, the sensitivity and specificity for rifampin
resistance were 91.7% and 96.6%, respectively, and for isoniazid (INH) they were 70.6% and 99.1%. The Direct LPA had a sensi-
tivity of 88.4% and a specificity of 94.6% for M. tuberculosis detection, with a sensitivity of 72.5% in smear-negative specimens.
Ten of 639 MGIT cultures grew Mycobacterium avium complex or Mycobacterium kansasii, half of which were detected by Di-
rect LPA. Both LPA assays performed well in specimens from HIV-infected individuals, including in AFB smear-negative speci-
mens, with 72.5% sensitivity for M. tuberculosis identification with the Direct LPA and 44.1% sensitivity with MTBDR-Plus.
LPAs have a continued role for use in settings where rapid identification of INH resistance and clinically relevant NTM are

R apid laboratory identification of tuberculosis (TB) and Myco-

bacterium tuberculosis drug resistance are critical to ensure
timely initiation of therapy, to inform appropriate TB therapy,
endorsed the use of line probe assays for detection of M. tubercu-
losis drug resistance; however, use was recommended on culture
specimens and AFB-positive (AFB⫹) sputum specimens only,
and to facilitate infection control. Early diagnosis of TB and drug- given the lack of data for use in AFB-negative sputum (4). Given
resistant disease is of particular importance in human immuno- the prevalence of paucibacillary disease in HIV-TB coinfection, it
deficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals, as delay of therapy (1, is important to understand line probe performance across the
2) and drug-resistant TB (3) can be devastating in those with com- spectrum of bacillary loads in HIV-infected persons, in whom
promised immune systems. Diagnosis of TB in HIV can be a par- there are limited data to inform use of line probe assays.
ticular challenge, as 24% to 61% of HIV coinfected individuals The GenoType MTBDRplus (MTBDR-Plus) (Hain Lifesciences
with pulmonary TB have acid-fast bacillus (AFB)-smear-negative GmBH, Nehren, Germany) identifies rifampin (RIF) and isonia-
sputum (2). Culture-based testing for M. tuberculosis and M. tu- zid (INH) resistance by detecting the most common mutations of
berculosis drug resistance requires an unacceptably long turn- the rpoB gene and the katG and inhA genes, respectively, and can
around for results, is limited by contamination rates, and requires be used on both cultured and direct specimens. MTBDR-Plus LPA
considerable infrastructure and human resources.
Molecular line probe assays (LPA) permit rapid diagnosis of
TB, isoniazid and rifampin resistance, and clinically relevant Received 3 October 2013 Returned for modification 9 November 2013
non-M. tuberculosis mycobacteria. In these assays, DNA or RNA is Accepted 8 January 2014
isolated from culture or direct (i.e., sputum) respiratory samples Published ahead of print 15 January 2014
and then amplified and reverse hybridized onto a nitrocellulose Editor: K. C. Carroll
strip with immobilized probes for different mycobacteria or for Address correspondence to Anne F. Luetkemeyer, aluetkemeyer@php.ucsf.edu.
mutations that confer resistance. These strips can be quickly in- Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
terpreted using a template, with the entire testing process taking a doi:10.1128/JCM.02639-13
day or less in most cases. In 2008, the World Health Organization

1052 jcm.asm.org Journal of Clinical Microbiology p. 1052–1059 April 2014 Volume 52 Number 4
TB Line Probe Assays in HIV-Positive Patients

RIF and INH resistance results can be interpreted only if M. tuber- with auramine and a potassium permanganate counterstain and evalu-
culosis has been successfully identified by the assay probe for it. ated with a Lumin portable light-emitting diode (LED) objective (40⫻)
Several studies have suggested excellent performance of MTBDR- (LW Scientific, Lawrenceville, GA) for a minimum of 100 fields, using the
Plus in AFB-negative direct specimens with interpretable results WHO/International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
in 80.0% to 95.8% of specimens (5, 6), but interpretable test rates (IUALTD) scale for fluorescence microscopy (FM) (14). Sediment was
prepared for culture in mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) cul-
have been as low as 13.7% in one series (7). Of note, these studies
ture (Becton, Dickinson) according to the manufacturer’s instructions
were conducted in populations that were either HIV uninfected or
(15). In cultures with mycobacterial growth, identification to the species
HIV status unknown. The GenoType mycobacteria direct line level was performed using biochemical testing (13). Cultures in which the
probe assay (Direct LPA) (also Hain Lifesciences GmbH) is an- species was identified as M. tuberculosis underwent drug susceptibility
other line probe assay that uses nucleic acid sequence-based am- testing using Bactec MGIT streptomycin, INH, RMP, and ethambutol
plification (NASBA) to identify the mycobacterial species-specific (SIRE) (16), and the critical concentration was 1.0 ␮g/ml for RIF and 0.1
23S rRNA, thus differentiating the M. tuberculosis complex from ␮g/ml for INH. Mycobacterial blood cultures were performed at clinician
four other clinically relevant mycobacterial species, Mycobacte- discretion using Bactec 9050 or Myco/F Lytic (both Becton, Dickinson).
rium avium, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii, and M. malmoense. The Line probe assay testing. Testing was conducted in accordance with
nontuberculosis species M. avium and M. intracellulare (collec- manufacturer’s recommendations and was performed by laboratory staff
tively known as the M. avium complex [MAC]) and M. kansasii members trained by the manufacturer. DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, and
are important causes of pulmonary and disseminated disease in reverse hybridization were conducted in separate rooms to minimize con-
tamination. Tests were performed and interpreted without knowledge of
HIV-infected patients (8–11). Importantly, these pathogens
culture results.
would be missed with rapid diagnostics that identify only Myco-
GenoType MTBDRplus (version 1.0). Testing was performed on de-
bacterium tuberculosis. The Direct LPA is designed for use on di- contaminated sputum sediment as well as culture with confirmed TB
rect sputum specimens. Data are limited for AFB-negative direct growth. Briefly, 500 ␮l of decontaminated sediment was centrifuged and
sputum samples and in HIV-infected populations, but small stud- resuspended with 100 ␮l ultrapure water or 1,000 ␮l of bacterial suspen-
ies have reported sensitivities of 69.0% to 89.6% (6, 12). We sion heat killed at 95°C for 20 min. DNA was extracted using an ultrasonic
sought to determine the accuracy of the MTBDR-Plus and Direct bath. Multiplex PCR was performed using HotStar Taq DNA polymerase
LPA in HIV-infected TB subjects, with both AFB⫹ and AFB-neg- 250 U (Qiagen GmBH, Hilden, Germany), with 40 amplification cycles
ative sputum specimens, in comparison to liquid culture. We also for sediment and 30 cycles for cultured specimens. Hybridization was
evaluated the incremental yield of a second Direct LPA performed performed with a TwinCubator (Hain Lifescience GmbH). Test strips
on an additional sputum specimen as well as an additional were interpreted in a two-step procedure. (i) The presence or absence of
MTBDR-Plus LPA performed on mycobacterial culture. M. tuberculosis was determined and (ii) for strips with M. tuberculosis
present, INH and RIF susceptibilities were interpreted. Strips that could
MATERIALS AND METHODS not be definitively interpreted were repeated if possible using extracted
Study population. This was a cross-sectional analysis of HIV-infected DNA; definitive test results were reported from the second test or the final
individuals with suspected tuberculosis enrolled from 7 sites: Rio de Ja- test results was reported as “indeterminate.” MTBDR-Plus drug suscep-
neiro, Brazil; Lima, Peru; 2 sites in Botswana (Gaborone and Molepole); tibility results were interpreted only from specimens in which M. tuber-
and 3 sites in South Africa (1 in Johannesburg and 2 in Durban). Quali- culosis was present. Strips with mixed resistance results (i.e., both wild-
fying participants on ⬍7 days of TB therapy were referred from clinical type and resistance mutations present) were reported as resistant for
care to the research sites with either (i) confirmed TB (sputum AFB⫹ or sensitivity and specificity calculations.
culture positive) or (ii) probable TB (no smear- or culture-positive spec- GenoType direct line probe (version 4.0). RNA was extracted from a
imen but empirical TB treatment anticipated based on clinical symp- 500-␮l resuspended decontaminated pellet using a magnet separator
toms). Clinical TB symptoms and signs were defined as one or more of the (Hain Lifescience GmbH), followed by denaturation and isothermal nu-
following: fever for ⬎2 weeks, unintentional weight loss, night sweats, cleic acid amplification performed on 10 ␮l purified RNA. We used 20 ␮l
radiographic findings compatible with TB, or contact with TB-infected of amplified solution hybridization with a TwinCubator (Hain Lifescience
individuals. All participants provided one sputum specimen, with a min- GmbH). Test strips were interpreted as follows. First, the presence of the
imum volume of 3 ml, either expectorated or induced, tested for the conjugate control band was confirmed, and then species identification
following: AFB smear, liquid mycobacterial culture, GenoType Direct was interpreted according to a manufacturer-provided template. Strips
LPA (decontaminated sediment), and GenoType MTBDR-Plus (decon- lacking conjugate control or lacking amplification control (in the absence
taminated sediment and culture). The first 109 participants enrolled pro- of positive banding indicating species) were considered uninterpretable
vided a second sputum specimen which was tested with AFB smear as well and the specimen was rerun if possible. As with MTBDR-Plus LPA, if
as Direct LPA and MTBDR-Plus LPA on decontaminated sediment. All repeat testing provided a definitive result, this was recorded; otherwise,
participants with initial negative M. tuberculosis culture or with contam- final results were recorded as “indeterminate.”
inated/missing results were evaluated 24 weeks after enrollment for all Statistical methods. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using
interim mycobacterial results and follow-up TB status. Follow-up TB⫹ standard epidemiological methods. The gold standard comparator for M.
cases were defined as those with sputum cultures positive for TB after tuberculosis detection was liquid culture (MGIT), for mycobacterial iden-
enrollment. Lab testing occurred at one of three laboratories: (i) Contract tification it was biochemical species determination, and for INH and RIF
Laboratory Services in Johannesburg, South Africa, (ii) Fundação Os- drug susceptibility it was MGIT SIRE testing. Because of indeterminate
waldo Cruz Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas Laboratório de results, sensitivity and specificity were calculated both from an intent-to-
Bacteriologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and (iii) Blufstein Laboratório screen approach, where indeterminate LPA test results were interpreted as
Clínico, Lima, Peru. false negatives, and from the subgroup for which all test results for LPA
Conventional microbiology testing. Sputum samples were digested and M. tuberculosis culture were definitive. In the participants with two
and decontaminated with 1% N-acetyl-L-cysteine–sodium hydroxide specimens and among those, the participants who had a negative result on
(NALC/NaOH) as outlined by Kent and Kubica (13). After digestion and the first specimen, the incremental yield was calculated as the number of
decontamination, specimens were neutralized and centrifuged at 3,000 ⫻ second specimens that were positive divided by the number of first spec-
g for 15 min. AFB smears were prepared from decontaminated sediment imens that were negative. The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) on these

April 2014 Volume 52 Number 4 jcm.asm.org 1053

Luetkemeyer et al.

TABLE 1 Baseline characteristics

Median (quartile 1, quartile 3) or n (%) for:
Data by result of MGIT culture
Participant characteristics Total (n ⫽ 639) Positive (n ⫽ 379) Negative (n ⫽ 224) Failure/missing (n ⫽ 36) Pa
Age (yr) 36 (30, 42) 35 (29, 41) 38 (33, 45) 36 (31, 42.5) ⬍0.001
Male 358 (56.0) 202 (53.3) 129 (57.6) 27 (75.0) 0.306

Site of enrollment
Southern Africa 438 (68.5) 316 (83.4) 101 (45.1) 21 (58.3) ⬍0.001
South America 201 (31.5) 63 (16.6) 123 (54.9) 15 (41.7)

CD4 count at enrollmentb

CD4 ⱕ 50 cells/mm3 135 (21.3) 69 (18.4) 52 (23.5) 14 (38.9) 0.129
CD4 ⱕ 350 cells/mm3 503 (79.5) 316 (84.0) 156 (70.6) 31 (86.1) ⬍0.001
BMI (kg/m2)c 20.8 (18.3, 23.4) 20.8 (18.3, 23.1) 21.1 (18.3, 23.7) 20.1 (17.9, 22.2) 0.573
Abnormal CXRd 481 (76.6) 296 (79.6) 157 (71.0) 28 (80.0) 0.018

TB symptoms reportede
Coughf 621 (97.6) 373 (98.9) 215 (96.0) 33 (94.3) 0.016
Feverg 399 (63.0) 222 (59.5) 155 (69.2) 22 (61.1) 0.018
Night sweatsh 450 (70.8) 274 (72.7) 151 (67.7) 25 (69.4) 0.196
Unintentional weight lossi 567 (90.3) 347 (93.8) 189 (84.8) 31 (88.6) ⬍0.001
Wastingj 350 (55.1) 213 (56.5) 120 (53.8) 17 (48.6) 0.522

On ART at time of sputum collection 143 (22.4) 71 (18.7) 63 (28.1) 9 (25.0) 0.007
On TB treatment (⬍7 days) at time of 152 (23.8) 109 (28.8) 32 (14.3) 11 (30.6) ⬍0.001
sputum collection
AFB FM smear positivityk 301 (47.3) 276 (72.8) 14 (6.3) 11 (32.4) ⬍0.001
P values were for comparisons of MGIT culture positive versus negative. The Wilcoxon test was used for age and body mass index (BMI), and the chi-square test was used for
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 633, 376, 221, and 36, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 631, 375, 221, and 35, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 628, 372, 221, and 35, respectively.
Reported in past 30 days, any duration.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 636, 377, 224, and 35, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 633, 373, 224, and 36, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 636, 377, 223, and 36, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 628, 370, 223, and 35, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 635, 377, 223, and 35, respectively.
Due to missing data, sample sizes were 637, 379, 224, and 34, respectively.

measures were calculated using Wilson’s score binomial method. Two- 379/639 (59.3%), of which 276 (72.8%) were AFB smear positive.
sided Fisher’s exact and chi-square tests were used to compare sensitivities MGIT was positive for nontuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM)
and specificities within subgroups, with results considered significant in 14/639 (2.2%) (9 MAC, 1 M. kansasii, and 4 others); no MGIT
when alpha was ⬍0.05; other statistical comparisons were done using culture yielded both TB and a second mycobacterial species. Of
two-sided Wilcoxon and chi-square tests.
MGIT cultures, 210/639 (32.9%) were negative for any growth,
The study was reviewed and approved by ethics committees at all
participating sites and all participants gave written informed consent. 27/639 (4.2%) were contaminated, and 9/639 (1.4%) had no re-
sults due to site/lab error. Follow-up evaluation of participants
RESULTS with MGIT TB-negative or contaminated/missing results identi-
From September 2009 to October 2011, 639 eligible study partic- fied an additional 7 (1.1%) pulmonary M. tuberculosis culture-
ipants with suspected TB provided sputum for evaluation. The positive cases.
median age was 36 years (interquartile range [IQR], 30, 42), 56.0% MTBDR-Plus LPA. MTBDR LPA was positive for M. tubercu-
were male, and 68.5% were enrolled from Southern Africa (South losis in 315/639 (49.3%) specimens, negative for mycobacteria in
Africa and Botswana) and 31.5% from South America (Brazil and 314 (49.1%), and had no available result in 10 (1.6%) due to test
Peru). The median CD4⫹ cell count was 151 cells/mm3 (IQR, 61, failure (7) or site/lab error (3). Table 2 provides the MTBDR LPA
308) with 22.4% receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) and and MGIT results for the detection of M. tuberculosis in sputum,
23.8% having initiated TB treatment at the time of sputum collec- with MGIT as the gold standard. With the use of an intent-to-
tion (median 3 days [IQR, 1, 5]). Table 1 shows baseline charac- screen approach (Table 3), MTBDR correctly identified M. tuber-
teristics and predictors of M. tuberculosis MGIT positivity. culosis in 306 of 378 M. tuberculosis culture-positive specimens
Figure 1 indicates the specimen flow. There were 639 speci- (sensitivity, 81.0% [CI, 76.7%, 84.6%]) with a specificity of 100%
mens that yielded smear microscopy, MGIT culture, Direct LPA, (224/224 [CI, 98.3%, 100%]). When evaluating the 595 specimens
and MTBDR LPA results. MGIT was positive for M. tuberculosis in with interpretable results for both MGIT and MTBDR LPA, we

1054 jcm.asm.org Journal of Clinical Microbiology

TB Line Probe Assays in HIV-Positive Patients

FIG 1 Specimen flow schematic.

found that sensitivity was 82.3% (306/372 [CI, 78.1%, 85.8%]) tum identified 22/24 RIF-resistant specimens (sensitivity,
and specificity was 100% (223/223 [CI, 98.3%, 100%]). MTBDR 91.7% [CI, 74.2%, 97.7%]) with specificity of 96.6% (339/351
M. tuberculosis detection varied by AFB smear status, with sensi- [CI, 94.1%, 98.0%]). When restricted to the 282 samples with
tivity of 95.6% (261/273 [CI, 92.5%, 97.5%]) in smear-positive interpretable results for both MTBDR and MGIT DST, sensi-
versus 45.5% (45/99 [CI, 36.0%, 55.2%]) smear-negative speci- tivity was 100% (22/22 [CI, 85.1%, 100%]) for RIF resistance
mens (Fisher’s exact test, P ⬍ 0.001) (Table 3). and specificity was 95.4% (248/260 [CI, 92.1%, 97.3%]).
Of the 379 MGIT TB-positive specimens, gold standard con- Within specimens with interpretable results, sensitivity was not
ventional RIF and INH DST testing by MGIT was successfully affected by smear status; results were smear positive 100%
performed on 374 (98.7%); an additional two specimens had only (20/20 [CI, 83.9%, 100%]) versus smear negative 100% (2/2
RIF DST results. Of these, 5/376 (1.3%) were RIF monoresistant, [CI, 34.2%, 100%]) (Fig. 2). In 66 MGIT M. tuberculosis-posi-
15/374 (4.0%) were INH monoresistant, and 19/374 (5.1%) were tive specimens with interpretable DST results, MTBDR LPA did
both RIF and INH resistant (MDR) (Table 4). not detect M. tuberculosis and thus yielded no LPA DST test result;
In an intent-to-screen analysis, MTBDR performed on spu- of these, 65 were RIF susceptible and 1 was RIF resistant. MTBDR

TABLE 2 Mycobacterial detection by MGIT versus line probe assays

MGIT results (n [%])
M. tuberculosis NTM MAC or Other NTM No mycobacterial Not
Sample type present only M. kansasii only Contaminated growth available Total
MTBDR-plus LPA results
M. tuberculosis present 306 (80.7) 0 6 (22.2) 0 3 (33.3) 315
No M. tuberculosis present 66 (17.4) 14 (100.0) 21 (77.8) 209 (99.5) 4 (44.4) 314
Not available 7 (1.8) 0 0 1 (0.5) 2 (22.2) 10
Total 379 (100.0) 14 (100.0) 27 (100.0) 210 (100.0) 9 (100.0) 639

Direct LPA results 0

M. tuberculosis present 334a (88.1) 0 6 (22.2) 12 (5.7) 3 (33.3) 355
MAC or M. kansasii 0 5 (50.0) 1 (25.0) 0 1 (0.5) 0 7
Indeterminate 3 (0.8) 0 0 0 2 (1.0) 2 (22.2) 7
No mycobacteria present 36 (9.5) 5 (50.0) 3 (75.0) 21 (77.8) 194 (92.4) 2 (22.2) 261
Not available 6 (1.6) 0 0 0 1 (0.5) 2 (22.2) 9
Total 379 (100.0) 10 (100.0) 4 (100.0) 27 (100.0) 210 (100.0) 9 (100.0) 639
M. tuberculosis and MAC were detected in 3 out of the 334 specimens by Direct LPA.

April 2014 Volume 52 Number 4 jcm.asm.org 1055

Luetkemeyer et al.

TABLE 4 Detection of rifampin and isoniazid drug resistance by

209/221 (94.6) (90.8, 96.9)

212/224 (94.6) (90.9, 96.9)

223/223 (100) (98.3, 100)

224/224 (100) (98.3, 100)

culture-based drug susceptibility testing versus MTBDR line probe assay
Culture-based DST results (n [%])

tuberculosis Not
Drug and result Resistant Susceptible negative available Total
Rifampin MTBDR-Plus
Detection specificity (no. positive/no. detected [%]) (95% CI)

LPA results



Resistant 22 (91.7) 12 (3.4) 0 2 (5.1) 36

Susceptible 0 248 (70.5) 0 10 (25.6) 258
Indeterminate 1 (4.2) 20 (5.7) 0 0 21
195/207 (94.2) (90.1, 96.7)

198/210 (94.3) (90.3, 96.7)

210/210 (100) (98.2, 100)

210/210 (100) (98.2, 100)

M. tuberculosis negative 1 (4.2) 65 (18.5) 223 (99.6) 25 (64.1) 314
Not available 0 7 (2.0) 1 (0.4) 2 (5.1) 10
Total 24 (100.0) 352 (100.0) 224 (100.0) 39 (100.0) 639

Isoniazid MTBDR-plus
LPA results
Resistant 24 (70.6) 3 (0.9) 0 2 (4.8) 29
Susceptible 4 (11.8) 257 (75.8) 0 12 (28.6) 273

Indeterminate 1 (2.9) 12 (3.5) 0 0 13



M. tuberculosis negative 5 (14.7) 60 (17.7) 223 (99.6) 26 (61.9) 314

Not available 0 7 (2.1) 1 (0.4) 2 (4.8) 10
Total 34 (100.0) 339 (100.0) 224 (100.0) 42 (100.0) 639
14/14 (100) (78.5, 100)
13/13 (100) (77.2, 100)

14/14 (100) (78.5, 100)

14/14 (100) (78.5, 100)

Nineteen specimens were RIF and INH resistant (MDR TB).

mixed RIF resistance was present in 2 specimens, 1 RIF resistant


and 1 RIF sensitive by MGIT DST.



Overall, MTBDR detected 24/34 INH-resistant specimens

(sensitivity, 70.6% [CI, 53.8%, 83.2%]) as identified by conven-
374/378 ⫽ 98.9) (97.3, 99.6)

tional DST, with specificity of 99.1% (335/338 [CI, 97.4%,

334/370 (90.3) (86.8, 92.9)
306/372 (82.3) (78.1, 85.8)
374/378 (98.9) (97.3, 99.6)

334/378 (88.4) (84.7, 91.2)

306/378 (81.0) (76.7, 84.6)

99.7%]). When restricted to specimens with both MTBDR and

conventional DST results, sensitivity for INH resistance was
All available LPA test results were used for the calculations; indeterminate was considered false negative in the calculations.

85.7% (24/28 [CI, 68.5%, 94.3%]) and specificity was 98.8% (257/
260 [CI, 96.7%, 99.6%]). Sensitivity for INH resistance was not
impacted by smear status; results were smear positive 84.6%
(22/26 [CI, 66.5%, 93.8%]) versus smear negative 100% (2/2 [CI,
Specificity was not calculated, as LPA tests were performed on known M. tuberculosis-positive cultures only.
TABLE 3 Sensitivities and specificities of line probe assays for M. tuberculosis detectiona


34.2%, 100%]); however, there were only 2 INH-resistant smear-

Detection sensitivity (no. positive/no. detected [%]) (95% CI)

negative specimens (Fig. 2). MTBDR LPA yielded mixed INH re-
100/103 (97.1) (91.8, 99.0)

100/103 (97.1) (91.8, 99.0)

sistance results for 3 specimens, 2 INH resistant and 1 INH sensi-

74/102 (72.5) (63.2, 80.3)
45/102 (44.1) (34.9, 53.8)
74/99 (74.7) (65.4, 82.3)
45/99 (45.5) (36.0, 55.2)

tive by MGIT DST.

Of the 19 specimens identified as MDR TB by MGIT DST,
MDRTB LPA correctly identified 16/19 (84.2%), did not yield
interpretable results in 1 (5.3%), did not detect M. tuberculosis and


260/271 (95.9) (92.9, 97.7)

261/273 (95.6) (92.5, 97.5)
274/275 (99.6) (98.0, 99.9)

260/276 (94.2) (90.8, 96.4)

261/276 (94.6) (91.2, 96.7)
274/275 (99.6) (98.0, 99.9)

One LPA test result was not available due to site error.


MTBDR-Plus (sputum)

MTBDR-Plus (sputum)
both MGIT and LPA

MTBDR-Plus (culture)

MTBDR-Plus (culture)
Intent-to-screen resultsb
Interpretable results for

Direct line probe

Direct line probe

Result type

FIG 2 MTBDR-Plus LPA by smear status.


1056 jcm.asm.org Journal of Clinical Microbiology

TB Line Probe Assays in HIV-Positive Patients

imens (14/14 or 100% [CI, 78.5%, 100%; Fisher’s exact test P ⫽

1.0 for the comparison). Direct LPA sensitivity did not differ sig-
nificantly (chi-square test P ⫽ 0.46) in those with CD4⫹ values of
ⱕ50 versus ⬎50 cells/mm3 (59/67 or 88.1% versus 273/300 or
91.0%, respectively). Of the 12 MGIT TB-negative and Direct LPA
M. tuberculosis-positive specimens, 9 were assessed as clinical TB
(no positive culture reported but responded to empirical TB treat-
ment) and 3 as not TB in follow-up evaluations at 24 weeks.
Incremental yield of second Direct LPA. In the subset of 109
participants with two sputa tested and the first tested as M. tuber-
culosis-negative in 70, the second sputum with Direct LPA identi-
fied 1 additional MGIT TB⫹ case (incremental yield 1.4% [CI,
0.3%, 7.7%]).

This study demonstrates that MTBDR and direct line probe assays
can be used effectively in HIV-infected patients undergoing TB
FIG 3 Direct LPA by smear status. evaluation, including those with AFB smear-negative specimens.
For identification of M. tuberculosis drug resistance, MTBDR
demonstrated similar performance in an HIV-infected popula-
tion as has been previously shown in HIV-uninfected populations
thus yielded no test result in 1 (5.3%), and was not MDR in 1 (17), detecting 91.7% of rifampin resistance and 70.6% of INH
(5.3%; MDRTB LPA identified RIF resistance only). resistance. Sensitivities increased to 100% for RIF resistance and
Yield of second MTBDR LPA and MTBDR LPA on culture. 85.7% for INH resistance when assays were restricted to samples
Performing MTBDR LPA on a second sputum sample identified 3 with results interpretable by both MGIT and LPA.
more MGIT M. tuberculosis-positive cases out of 109 participants When considering performance by AFB smear status, the Di-
with two sputa tested and 81 of these with the first tested as M. rect and MTBDR line probes both had excellent sensitivity of
tuberculosis negative, for an incremental yield of 3.7% (CI, 1.3%, 95.6% to 95.9% on AFB⫹ direct sputum samples. In AFB-negative
10.3%) and identified no additional drug resistance cases. Testing specimens, the Direct line probe identified culture-confirmed M.
MGIT M. tuberculosis-positive culture specimens with MTBDR tuberculosis in 74.7% of AFB-negative and 66.7% of scanty smear-
LPA did not improve the yields of drug resistance, detecting 22/24 positive specimens, similar to the sensitivity of 68 to 75% (18)
(91.7%) of RIF-resistant and 28/34 (82.4%) INH-resistant speci- reported with Xpert MTB/RIF in AFB-negative specimens (19,
mens compared to conventional DST. 20). MTBDR was less sensitive than the Direct line probe for M.
Direct LPA. The Direct LPA was positive for M. tuberculosis in tuberculosis detection, but did identify culture-confirmed M. tu-
355/639 (55.6%) specimens tested, positive for M. kansasii or M. berculosis in nearly half (45.5%); these specimens were able to
avium only in 9 (1.4%), negative for mycobacteria in 261 (40.8%), undergo rapid drug susceptibility testing as well. An updated ver-
indeterminate in 7 (1.1%), and with no available result in 9 sion 2.0 of MTBDR-Plus was released in 2011 with reported im-
(1.4%), due to test failure (6) or site/lab error (3). Of the 7 Direct proved sensitivity in AFB-negative specimens, ranging from 58%
LPA indeterminate results, 3 were AFB smear positive and 4 were to 80% (21, 22), further bolstering the ability to use this assay in
AFB smear negative. Direct LPA was positive for NTM in 10/639 smear-negative specimens.
(4 MAC, 3 M. kansasii, and 3 with mixed infections with both M. The landscape of M. tuberculosis diagnostics has undergone
tuberculosis and MAC detected) (Table 2). Five of the 10 MAC or remarkable changes with the development and accelerated rollout
M. kansasii cases detected by MGIT culture were detected by Di- of rapid, self-contained PCR platforms such as the Xpert MTB/
rect LPA. RIF. The Xpert MTB/RIF provides an attractive alternative to line
Direct LPA correctly identified 334/378 (sensitivity, 88.4% [CI, probe assays, which requires skilled laboratory staff, specialized
84.7%, 91.2%]) of MGIT TB positive specimens (Table 3), iden- equipment, and dedicated PCR space to reduce the risk of con-
tifying an additional 9 specimens with M. tuberculosis in which tamination. Given the advantages of this increasingly available
MGIT failed, due to contamination (6) and site/lab error (3) (Ta- technology, what is the current role of line probe assays for rapid
ble 2). Of the 591 with interpretable MGIT and Direct LPA results, detection of M. tuberculosis, NTM, and M. tuberculosis drug resis-
the sensitivity of Direct LPA for M. tuberculosis detection by AFB tance? Line probe assays are still important tools for both current
smear grade was as follows (Fig. 3): smear negative 74.7% (74/99 TB clinical care and research due to several advantageous aspects.
[CI, 65.4%, 82.3%]), scanty 66.7% (10/15 [CI, 41.7%, 84.8%]), First, the MTBDR assay is one of the few rapid diagnostics that
1 ⫹ 97.1% (67/69 [CI, 90.0%, 99.2%]), 2 ⫹ 95.9% (47/49 [CI, evaluates INH susceptibility, which is not part of the current
86.3%, 98.9%]), 3 ⫹ 98.6% (136/138 [CI, 94.9%, 99.6%]), with an Xpert MTB/RIF test. For clinical trials of new TB treatment
overall sensitivity in smear-positive of 95.9% (260/271 [CI, 92.9%, regimens, establishing INH susceptibility is an enrollment cri-
97.7%]) and in smear-negative specimens of 74.7% (74/99 [CI, terion for many drug-sensitive protocols (e.g., Evaluation of early
65.4%, 82.3%]). Of the 221 MGIT M. tuberculosis-negative spec- bactericidal activity in pulmonary tuberculosis with clofazimine
imens, Direct LPA was negative in 209 (specificity 94.6% [CI, (C)-TMC207 (J)-PA-824 (Pa)-pyrazinamide (Z) (NC-003) [http
90.8%, 96.9%]), with slightly lower specificity in smear-negative ://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01691534?term⫽NC003&ran
(195/207 or 94.2% [CI, 90.1%, 96.7%]) than smear-positive spec- k⫽1]) and MDR-TB protocols (23). Rapid identification with line

April 2014 Volume 52 Number 4 jcm.asm.org 1057

Luetkemeyer et al.

probes can facilitate trial conduction and help ensure inclusion of empirical TB treatment planned, with 64.6% receiving TB treat-
appropriate participants. In clinical care, there has been debate ment within 30 days of enrollment. Thus, the population may
about the significance of INH monoresistance and effects on TB have been enriched for AFB⫹ specimens, given these eligibility
treatment outcomes (24–27). However, a South African study criteria. However, nearly 100 AFB smear-negative, MGIT M. tu-
(27) and a meta-analysis (26) have both demonstrated poor TB berculosis-positive specimens were available for analysis of LPA
outcomes with INH monoresistance, and two studies suggest that performance.
early detection of INH resistance with modification of treatment This study represents the largest series evaluating line probe
led to better outcomes (24, 25). Further, the presence of rifampin assays in a known HIV-infected population. Our findings sup-
resistance alone cannot be relied upon to predict INH resistance; ports the use of the MTBDR line probe assay for rapid M. tuber-
INH susceptibility ranges from ⱕ11% to ⬎40% of RIF-resistant culosis drug resistance identification in HIV-infected TB suspects,
isolates, depending on the setting (28, 29). Thus, there remains a specifically in settings where rapid identification of INH resistance
need for rapid assessment of INH resistance in both research and is a priority. While AFB-negative sputum decreases test sensitivity,
clinical care settings. It is important to note that molecular detec- use in this setting may still be considered, because MTBDR pro-
tion methods for INH resistance detect only a portion of muta- vided interpretable results in nearly half of smear-negative speci-
tions leading to INH resistance (17), as reflected by the MTBDR mens. The Direct LPA has improved sensitivity over MTBDR for
sensitivity in this series of 70.6% to 85.7%. The MTBDR-Plus M. tuberculosis detection in AFB-negative specimens and per-
version 2.0 has improved INH detection, with sensitivities of 89% formed similarly to the Xpert MTB/RIF. However, the benefit of
to 100% in recent series (21, 22). identifying clinically relevant NTM in HIV-infected patients was
A second advantage of line probe assays is the ability to detect not clear in this series with a low prevalence of NTM. Use of line
nontuberculosis mycobacterium that are of particular clinical rel- probe assays that can detect NTM should be explored in other
evance to the HIV-infected population, specifically MAC and M. settings of high HIV prevalence where increased NTM prevalence
kansasii, and which may present similarly to or even in conjunc- may justify the additional testing.
tion with TB infection. However, in this series, NTM were infre-
quently identified by either MGIT (2.2%) or Direct LPA (1.6%). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Direct LPA identified 7 NTM (MAC or M. kansasii) as well as 3 We thank the study participants, the site principal investigators and staff,
mixed infections with MAC/M. tuberculosis. Thus, detection of and the site laboratories for their exceptional efforts to conduct the study;
NTMs may be of limited utility in a rapid M. tuberculosis diagnos- the data manager, Linda Wieclaw; the clinical trials specialist, Evelyn
tic in this study’s settings of particularly high TB prevalence but Hogg; the field representative, Holly Boyd; the study’s laboratory technol-
may have increased utility in settings with higher prevalences of ogist, David L. Shugarts; the laboratory data managers Courtney N.
Ashton and Anthony Bloom; and the community representative, Flavia
MAC and/or M. kansasii (9, 30–32).
When considering line probe assay performance in compari- This work was supported by award number U01AI068636 from the
son to culture-based methods, liquid-based mycobacterial culture National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Statistical
is limited by contamination rates that can be as high as 14.0% to and Data Management Center (SDMC) (UM1 AI068634) funded by the
18.6% (7, 33, 34). The line probe invalid rates were substantially National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. A.F.L. reports re-
lower, at 1.6% with MTBDR and 1.1% with Direct LPA, than the search grant support to the University of California, San Francisco, from
MGIT contamination rate in this series of 4.2%. Cepheid.
The study used one MGIT culture as the comparator strategy
for M. tuberculosis identification, as access to culture-based M. REFERENCES
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