Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmo) :: Are They Healthy FOR The Environment?

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VOLUME-16 ISSN: 09742476 JUNE, 2010







Phone: 033-2580-8749, Telefax: 91-33-2580-8749

PROF S.C.SANTRA GMOs are just one product of the rapidly
growing field of biotechnology. New
techniques have been developed that make
ENVIS STAFF it easier for plant breeders to monitor the
outcomes of conventional crossing and
Dr NANDINI GUPTA selection; allow useful genes to be
(PROGRAMME OFFICER) identified and cloned; and make it
(INFORMATION OFFICER) possible for genes from the same species
Mr SOURAV BANDYOPADHYAY to be utilized more quickly and precisely
(DATA ENTRY OPERATOR) than do the methods of traditional plant
breeding. GMOs incorporate genes from
another plant species, an animal, a
bacterium, or a virus. GMOs are one
product of a remarkable expansion in
ENVIS Newsletter on Environmental agricultural biotechnology. They offer the
Biotechnology is a half-yearly publication possibility of addressing some difficult
publishes articles related to the thematic problems but they also present a number
area of the ENVIS Centre. Popular or easily of uncertainties. Their development has
intelligible expositions of new or recent sparked debates about the direction of
developments are welcome agriculture and the control of technology.
Manuscripts should be typewritten (font
should be Times New Roman and font size The most pressing need is for good
ought to be 12) on one side of the paper in information. These are complex issues that
double spacing with maximum of 6-8 typed cannot be debated using formulae, slogans
Figures and typed table should be in
or slick advertising. The majority of the
separate pages and provided with title and reporting and analysis on both sides of the
serial numbers. The exact position for the GMO issue has not been accompanied by
placement of the figures and tables should adequate technical information. Thus, in
be marked in the manuscript. Volume-16, we have emphasized on the
genetically modified organisms and major
Articles should be sent to issues and controversies related to this
technology. Further we appreciate the
The Coordinator views of the reader /user groups about this
ENVIS Centre newsletter.We also invite relevant articles,
Department of Environmental Science
news, events on this topic for publication
University of Kalyani, Kalyani-741235
in newsletter in future
Nadia, West Bengal




A genetically modified organism (GMO) are combined into one molecule to create
or genetically engineered organism a new set of genes. This DNA is then
(GEO) is an organism whose genetic transferred into an organism, giving it
material has been altered using genetic modified or novel genes. Transgenic
engineering techniques. These organisms, a subset of GMOs, are
techniques, generally known as organisms which have inserted DNA
recombinant DNA technology, use DNA that originated in a different species.
molecules from different sources, which

B uilding the Transgenes

O N /O F F S w itc h M a k es P rotein s to p sign

P R O M O TE R IN TR O N C O D IN G S E Q U E N C E poly A signal

P lan t T ra ns g en e

P la n t S e lec ta ble
M ark er G e ne

P la sm id D N A
C on struct
b ac te rial g e ne s
•antibiotic m arker
•rep lication origin


Genetic engineering was made possible expressing a Salmonella gene. This led
through a series of scientific advances to concerns in the scientific community
including the discovery of DNA and the about potential risks from genetic
creation of the first recombinant bacteria engineering which has been thoroughly
in 1973, i.e., Escherichia .coli discussed at the Asilomar Conference in

Pacific Grove, California. Herbert from frost damage (ice-minus bacteria)
Boyer’company, Genentech, in 1978 at a small biotechnology company called
announced the creation of an E. coli Advanced Genetic Sciences of Oakland,
strain producing the human protein California, were repeatedly delayed by
insulin. opponents of biotechnology. There
onwards started the advent of genetically
In 1986, field tests of bacteria engineered microbes.
genetically engineered to protect plants


Selective breeding GM

Slow Very fast

Imprecise Precise
Modification of genes that naturally Can introduce genes into an
occur in the organism organism that would not occur

Traditional plant breeding

Traditional Commercial New
DNA is a strand of genes, donor variety (many genes are
much like a strand of transferred)
pearls. Traditional plant
breeding combines many
X =
genes at once.
Desired (crosses
Gene )

Plant biotechnology
Desired Commercial New
Using plant biotechnology, gene variety (only desired gene is
a single gene may be transferred)
added to the strand. =


GMOs have widespread applications. 1. Bioremediation

Genetically modified microbes can be 2. Industry
used for the following applications:
3. Agriculture

1. Bioremediation Using content and level of different gases in
Genetically Engineered the soil.
o Genetically engineered microorganism
for treating oil-spills
Bioremediation of environmental
contaminants using genetically
The first genetically engineered
engineered organisms (GEMs) holds
organism for bioremediation was
tremendous potential.
actually produced by Dr. Ananda Mohan
Chakrabarty in USA. This GEM was a
o Genetically engineered microorganism
Pseudomonas, which was capable of
(GEM) for detecting PAHs in the soil
degrading 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4,5-T). the strain contained two
One of the areas, where genetically
plasmids, each providing a separate
engineered organisms have been used
hydrogen degradative pathway, and
and are likely to be used include
therefore was claimed to be effective in
biodegradation of polyaromatic
treating oil spills. Several other microbes
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil. These
have been developed through genetic
PAHs include naphthalene,
engineering for treatment of oil spills.
phenanthrene, and anthracene, whose
occurrence in the soil is due to spills or
o Genetically engineered microorganism
leakage of fossil fuels or petroleum
for sequestering of heavy metals
products. In USA, Pseudomonas
fluorescens isolated from PAH
A new approach for bioremediation that
contaminated soils, was genetically
was suggested recently, involved
engineered with lux genes from Vibrio
engineering of microorganisms to
fischeri, a bacterium that lives in the
enhance their ability of sequester heavy
light generating organisms of certain
metals in the soil. In this approach, the
deep sea fish. The lux gene was fused
toxic metal within the soil remains
with a promoter normally associated
bound to the GEM, so that it is less
with the naphthalene degradation
likely to be taken up either by the
pathway. These lux genes do not need
underground part (roots) of the terrestrial
any independent substrate for light
plants, or by other plants or animals
production. The modified strain, P.
living in the soil. The enhanced ability to
fluorescens HK44 responds to
sequester heavy metals (e.g. cadmium)
napththalene by luminescence, which
was achieved by transfer of a mouse
can be detected with the help of light
gene, encoding metallothionein of a
sensing probes. This will allow the
Ralstonia eutropha (a natural inhabitant
detection of PAHs in the contaminated
of soil). Metallothionein in this GEM
soils, so that the biodegradations can
was expressed on the outer surface of the
now be optimized by altering moisture
cells to help in sequestering of cadmium.

synthesis and
1. 2. Ralstonia
export of MTβ
3. inoculation 4. sensitive

Engineering of Soil Bacterium for

Enhanced Sequestration of Toxic
Metals. MTβ = metallothionein

Issues involve in application of GMO human growth hormone and viral

in bioremediation vaccines. Microbes are also being used
to meet effectively the crisis in both
Many issues remain to be resolved environment and energy sectors. They
before this method is adopted widely. can reduce environmental pollution
Priority areas of research include the through a variety of processes and other
following: means including the following:

 Improving microbial strains; (i) Recovery of metals from polluted

 Improving bioanalytical methods for waterways-
measuring the level of contaminants (ii) Elimination of sulphur from
 Developing analytical techniques for metal ores and coal fired power and
better understanding, control and (iii) Use of biofertilizers and
optimization of environmental and biopesticides
reactor systems (iv) In the energy sector, they can be
used for production of single cell
2. Using Genetically Engineered proteins (SCP) to meet food and
fodder problems, and for biogas
Microbes in Industry
production to provide energy to
electrify villages.
In recent years, micro organisms have
found their application not only in the
production of a variety of metabolites 3. Using Genetically Engineered
but also in the bio- transformation of Microbes in Agriculture
several chemicals. The genetically
engineered micro organisms are also To date the broadest and most
being used for the commercial controversial application of GMO
production of some non microbial technology is in agriculture especially in
products such as insulin, interferon, patent-protected food crops which are

resistant to commercial herbicides or are  Potato - modified to produce a
able to produce pesticidal proteins from beetle killing toxin
within the plant, or stacked trait seeds,  Yellow squash – modified to
which do both. The largest share of the contain viral genes that resistant
GMO crops planted globally is owned to the most common viral
by the US firm Monsanto. diseases
 Develop foods that contain
Different application of GMO in vaccines and antibodies that offer
production of crops which resist valuable protection against
different types of viral, bacterial and diseases such as cholera,
insect pest : hepatitis, and malaria
 Canola – modified to resist one
type of herbicide or pesticide

Some Approved
Agricultural Biotech
Products Bollgard® Insect-Protected Cotton
Roundup® Ready Cotton

Milk Production
Canola Chymogen®
LibertyLink® Canola Posilac® Recombinant Bovine
InVigor® Hybrid Canola Somatotropin
Roundup Ready® Canola ChyMax®
Corn Potatoes
Attribute™ Bt Sweet Corn NewLeaf® Insect-Protected Potato
CLEARFIELD Corn® NewLeaf® Plus
DeKalBtTM Insect-Protected New-Leaf® Y Insect- and Virus-Protected
Hybrid Potatoes
DeKalb Brand Roundup Ready®
Gray Leaf Spot -Resistant Corn Tomatoes
Hybrids FreshWorld Farms® Tomato
StarLink Corn FreshWorld Farms Endless Summer®
YieldGardTM Insect-Protected Corn FreshWorld Farms® Cherry
Soybeans Sunflowers
High Oleic Acid Soybeans High Oleic Sunflower
Low Linolenic Soybean Oil High Oleic Sunflower Oil
Low Saturate Soybean Oils

High Oleic Peanuts

Rainbow and SunUp

WHAT ARE THE genetically engineered seeds, all the
seeds have identical genetic structure. As
DANGERS OF USING a result, if a fungus, a virus, or a pest
GMO TECHNOLOGY? develops which can attack this particular
crop, there could be widespread crop
failure. (Robinson 1996)
Following issues are of great concern
regarding GMO Threatens Our Entire Food Supply—
Insects, birds, and wind can carry
1. Fundamental weaknesses of the genetically altered seeds into
concept neighboring fields and beyond. Pollen
2. Health hazard and environmental from transgenic plants can cross-
hazard and related food safety pollinate with genetically natural crops
3. Increased corporate control of and wild relatives. All crops, organic and
agriculture and unintended economic non-organic, are vulnerable to
consequences contamination from cross-pollinatation.
(Emberlin et al 1999)
1 Fundamental Weaknesses of the
Concept 2. Health and environmental
hazard and related food safety
Imprecise Technology—A gene can be
cut precisely from the DNA of an Health Hazards
organism, but the insertion into the DNA
of the target organism is basically No Long-Term Safety Testing—
random. As a consequence, there is a Genetic engineering uses material from
risk that it may disrupt the functioning of organisms that have never been part of
other genes essential to the life of that the human food supply to change the
organism. (Bergelson 1998) fundamental nature of the food we eat.
Without long-term testing no one knows
Side Effects—Genetic engineering is if these foods are safe.
like performing heart surgery with a
shovel. Scientists do not yet understand Toxins—Genetic engineering can cause
living systems completely enough to unexpected mutations in an organism,
perform DNA surgery without creating which can create new andhigher levels
mutations which could be harmful to the of toxins in foods. (Inose 1995, Mayeno
environment and our health. They are 1994)
experimenting with very delicate, yet
powerful forces of nature, without full Allergic Reactions—Genetic
knowledge of the repercussions. engineering can also produce unforeseen
(Washington Times 1997, The Village and unknown allergens in foods.
Voice 1998) (Nordlee 1996)

Widespread Crop Failure—Genetic Decreased Nutritional Value—

engineers intend to profit by patenting Transgenic foods may mislead
genetically engineered seeds. This consumers with counterfeit freshness. A
means that, when a farmer plants luscious-looking, bright red genetically

engineered tomato could be several the local ecology. The new organism
weeks old and of little nutritional worth. may compete successfully with wild
relatives, causing unforeseen changes in
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria—Genetic the environment. (Metz 1997)
engineers use antibiotic-resistance genes
to mark genetically engineered cells. Gene Pollution cannot be cleaned
This means that genetically engineered Up—Once genetically engineered
crops contain genes which confer organisms, bacteria and viruses are
resistance to antibiotics. These genes released into the environment it is
may be picked up by bacteria which may impossible to control or recall them.
infect us. (New Scientist 1999) Unlike chemical or nuclear
contamination, negative effects are
Problems Cannot Be Traced—Without irreversible.
labels, our public health agencies are
powerless to trace problems of any kind 3. Increased corporate control of
back to their source. The potential for agriculture and unintended
tragedy is staggering. economic consequences
Can Side Effects Kill Human Beings?- Another concern associated with GMOs
37 people died, 1500 were partially is that private companies will claim
paralyzed, and 5000 more were ownership of the organisms they create
temporarily disabled by a syndrome that and not share them at a reasonable cost
was finally linked to tryptophan made by with the public. Use of genetically
genetically-engineered bacteria. modified crops will hurt the economy
(Mayeno 1994) and environment, because monoculture
dominates over the diversity contributed
Environmental Hazards by small farmers who can't afford the
Increased use of Herbicides—
Scientists estimate that plants genetically POSSIBLE BENEFITS
engineered to be herbicide-resistant will
greatly increase the amount of herbicide OF GM FOODS
use. (Benbrook 1999) Farmers, knowing
that their crops can tolerate the
herbicides, will use them more liberally. Easing of world hunger
Development of crops that can be grown
in marginal soil
More Pesticides—GE crops often
manufacture their own pesticides and
may be classified as pesticides by the Reduced strain on nonrenewable
EPA. This strategy will put more resources
 Development of drought resistant
pesticides into our food and fields than
ever before. crops.
 Development of salt-tolerant crops.
 Development of crops that make
Ecology may be damaged—The
more efficient use of nitrogen and
influence of a genetically engineered
other nutrients.
organism on the food chain may damage

Reduced use of pesticides and Ethics
 Development of pest resistant crops. o Violation of natural organisms'
 Reduced herbicide use is better for the intrinsic values
environment and reduces costs for o Tampering with nature by mixing
farmers. genes among species
o Objections to consuming animal
Improved crop quality genes in plants and vice versa
 Development of frost resistant crops. o Stress for animal
 Development of disease resistant
crops. Labeling
 Development of flood resistant crops.
o Not mandatory in some countries
Improved nutritional quality (e.g., United States)
Development of foods designed to meet o Mixing GM crops with non-GM
specific nutritional goals products confounds labeling attempts

ARISES REGARDING New advances may be skewed to
GMOS interests of rich countries.


o Potential human health impacts, MODIFIED ORGANISMS
including allergens, transfer of IN INDIA
antibiotic resistance markers, unknown
o Potential environmental impacts,
including: unintended transfer of In India, the Genetically Modified
transgenes through cross-pollination, Organisms are regulated under the
unknown effects on other organisms Environment Protection Act 1986
(e.g., soil microbes), and loss of flora (EPA).
and fauna biodiversity
In addition the Indian biosafety
regulatory framework comprises:
Access and Intellectual Property

o Domination of world food production  Rules for the “Manufacture, Use,

by a few companies Import, Export and Storage of
o Increasing dependence on Hazardous Microorganisms,
industrialized nations by developing genetically Modified Organisms
countries and Cells" (1989 Rules),
 Department of Biotechnology
o Biopiracy, or foreign exploitation of
natural resources guidelines, the 1990 "Recombinant
DNA Safety Guidelines" (1990
DBT Guidelines)

 Revised Guidelines for “Safety in
Biotechnology" (1994 DBT The regulations classify activities
Guidelines) involving GMOs into four risk
 Revised Guidelines for “Research in categories
Transgenic Plants and Guidelines
for Toxicity and Allergenicity o Category I comprises routine
Evaluation of Transgenic Seeds, recombinant DNA experiments
Plants and Plant Parts" (1998 DBT conducted inside a laboratory;
Guidelines). o Category II consists of both
 Seed Policy, 2002 laboratory and greenhouse
experiments involving transgenes
Objectives of regulations that combat biotic stresses through
resistance to herbicides and
o The objective of EPA is protection pesticides;
and improvement of the o Categories III and IV comprise
environment. The Act calls for the experiments and field trials where
regulation of Environment the escape of transgenic traits into
Pollutants, defined as any solid, the open environment could cause
liquid or gaseous substance, present significant alterations in the
in such concentration that tend to be ecosystem.
injurious to the environment.
o The 1990 and 1994 DBT guidelines The regulatory framework for
recommend appropriate practices, GMO in India
equipments and facilities necessary
for safeguards in handling GMOs in The two main agencies responsible for
agriculture and pharmaceutical implementation of the rules are the
sectors. These guidelines cover the Ministry of Environment and Forests
R&D activities on GMOs, transgenic (MoEF) and the Department of
crops, large-scale production and Biotechnology (DBT), Government of
deliberate release of GMOs, plants, India. The rules have also defined
animals and products into the competent authorities and the
environment, shipment and composition of such authorities for
importation of GMOs for laboratory handling of various aspects of the rules.
research. There are six competent authorities as
o The 1998 DBT guidelines cover per the rules:
areas of recombinant DNA research
on plants including the development 1. Recombinant DNA Advisory
of transgenic plants and their growth Committee (RDAC)
in soil for molecular and field 2. Review Committee on Genetic
evolution. It also calls for the Manipulation (RCGM)
toxicity and allergenicity data for 3. Genetic Engineering Approval
ruminants such as goats and cows, Committee (GEAC)
from consumption of transgenic 4. Institutional Biosafety
plants. It also requires the generation Committees (IBSC)
of data on comparative economic 5. State Biosafety Coordination
benefits of a modified plant. Committees (SBCC)

6. District Level Committees CURRENT NEWS
Out of these, the three agencies that are
involved in approval of new transgenic Researchers Synchronize Blinking
crops are: 'Genetic Clocks' -- Genetically
Engineered Bacteria That Keep
o IBSC set-up at each institution for Track of Time
monitoring institute level research in
genetically modified organisms. Researchers at UC San Diego who last
o RCGM functioning in the DBT to year created genetically engineered
monitor ongoing research activities bacteria to keep track of time by turning
in GMOs and small scale field trials. on and off fluorescent proteins within
o GEAC functioning in the MoEF to their cells have taken another step
authorize large-scale trials and toward the construction of a
environmental release of GMOs. programmable genetic sensor. The
scientists recently synchronized these
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol bacterial "genetic clocks" to blink in
unison and engineered the bacterial
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, genes to alter their blinking rates when
the first international regulatory environmental conditions change. Their
framework for safe transfer, handling latest achievement is a crucial step in
and use of living Modified Organisms creating genetic sensors that might one
(LMOs) was negotiated under the aegis day provide humans with advance
of the Convention on Biological information about temperature, poisons
Diversity (CBD). The Protocol was and other potential hazards in the
adopted on 29th January, 2000. One environment by monitoring changes in
hundred and forty three countries have the bacterium's blinking
signed the Protocol. India has acceded to rates. "Programming living cells is one
the Biosafety Protocol on 17th January defining goal of the new field of
2003. The Protocol has come into force synthetic biology according to Jeff
on 11th September, 2003. As of date, Hasty, associate professor of biology and
143 countries are parties to the Protocol. bioengineering at UCSD who headed the
research team with Lev Tsimring,
Some Useful links regarding the associate director of UCSD's BioCircuits
details of biosafety regulations Institute.Synchronization of clocks and
oscillators in general has been a fascinating subject for physicists and
/geac/geac_home.html applied mathematicians for centuries. This began with the Dutch mathematician and astronomer
Christiaan Huygens, who is credited
with its serendipitous discovery in 1665
when he suspended a pair of nearly
identical pendulum clocks (which he
invented and patented some 8 years

earlier) on the same wooden beam. This Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa
phenomenon has a myriad of decemlineata Say) (CPB), which is
applications in modern technology, from resistant to most classes of chemical
communication networks to GPS. This pesticide. A prospective solution to this
study demonstrates how inherently noisy problem is to use a protein (Cry 3A
gene oscillators can operate together protein) toxic to CPB, produced by a
with beautiful synchronicity and naturally occurring soil bacterium,
regularity once coupled together in a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The
specific way. mechanism of Cry 3A protein on CPB
does not differ from that of other Bt Cry
Over the past decade, researchers have proteins, known to possess high
gone from wiring genetic toggle selectivity for different pests. The
switches and oscillators in living cells to primary action of Cry toxins is to lyse
building living circuits capable of midgut epithelial cells in the target insect
pattern generation, noise shaping, edge by forming pores in the apical microvilli
detection and event counting. In their membrane of the cells leading to severe
latest development, the UCSD septicemia and insect death. The benefits
researchers took advantage of a type of of using such Bt-plants include increased
bacterial communication in which crop yields, reduced pesticide use, less
bacteria exchange small molecules. environmental damage and reduced
Many bacterial species are known to labor. CPB-resistant potatoes were first
communicate by a mechanism known as developed and sold in the USA in 1994
quorum sensing, that is, relaying under the NewLeaf trademark to control
between them small molecules to trigger CPB. Although there is no commercial
various behaviors. Other bacteria are production of Bt-potatoes in Russia, the
known to disrupt this communication Russian Center of Bioengineering has
mechanism by degrading these relay adapted the technology developed by
molecules. Monsanto (St Louis, MO), one of the
world's biggest biotechnology
The researchers constructed devices to companies, for three varieties of potatoes
precisely control the sizes of the commonly grown in Russia.
bacterial colonies between two different General property of Bt-plants is an
scales: a micron, or a millionth of a elevated level of lignin. This peculiarity
meter, and a millimeter, or one- is poorly expressed in CPB-resistant
thousandth of a meter. potatoes, where not only lignin, but also
(Source: Science Daily , Jan. 24, 2010) starch, carbon and nitrogen
concentrations are close to those of non-
Anomalous accumulation of modified plants. The lack of information
selenium by genetically modified on the selenium (Se) content in Bt-crops
has prompted Russian investigation on
potato, stable to Colorado beetle the Se status in CPB-resistant potatoes,
as this element is implicated in the
Potatoes are the fourth largest crop protection mechanism of plants against
grown in the world, exceeded only by insect attack.
wheat, rice and corn. The major limiting Using a fluorimetric method of analysis,
factor in growing potatoes in many areas Russian investigators have demonstrated
of the world, including Russia, is the

extremely high Se accumulation in The response differs in different milk
leaves of CPB-resistant potatoes (more products with regard to the fat content of
than 1 mg kg−1 dry weight) and the milk. Due to short assay time of less
moderate accumulation levels of Se in than 3 h and automation the approach
tubers (1.39 times more than in ordinary can be used as a bioavailability and
plants). Leaves of genetically modified activity screening method prior to more
potatoes are shown to possess a detailed chemical analysis.
decreased concentration of ascorbic acid
(1.5 times less than controls) and slightly (Source: Journal of Microbiological
elevated levels of nitrates. The Methods, Volume 80, Issue 1, January 2010,
possibility of Se participation in the Pages 44-48)
protection of genetically modified
potatoes against CPB is discussed in Towards a super H2 producer:
their research paper. Improvements in photofermentative
biohydrogen production by genetic
(Source: Journal of Food Composition and
Analysis, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2010,
Pages 190-193)
The fossil fuels are limited and being
consumed rapidly. Therefore, new
A novel biosensor based on alternative energy sources are to be
genetically modified investigated. Hydrogen as an energy
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain carrier could be produced from
for the detection of zearalenone renewable and sustainable energy
family mycotoxins in milk sources and it could safely be used due
to following reasons. Today, although
Scientists of Finland developed a the hydrogen gas was mostly produced
method for detecting estrogenic through the non-biological means
mycotoxin residues in milk was (chemical ways) such as steam
developed utilizing bioluminescent reforming, biological hydrogen
whole-cell biosensors. Milk products of production methods are still being
various compositions were spiked with investigated and being improved.
the estrogenic mycotoxins zearalenone Hydrogen, the candidate for the
and its metabolites zearalanone, α- worldwide future alternative energy
zearalanol, β-zearalanol, α-zearalenol carrier, can be produced through
and β-zearalenol. The estrogenic photofermentation by photosynthetic
response was detected by a whole-cell bacteria, such as Rhodobacter
biosensor based on a genetically sphaeroides, Rhodobacter capsulatus,
modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rhodospirullum rubrum and
strain that in the presence of an Rhodopseudomonas palustris.
estrogenic compound produces firefly
luciferase-enzyme and further light Photofermentative hydrogen production
emission within a system provided with by purple non-sulfur bacteria is a
D-luciferin substrate. The results show potential candidate among biological
that the yeast sensor reacts to hydrogen production methods. Hydrogen
mycotoxins with typical sigmoidal is produced under anaerobic conditions
response at nanomolar concentrations. in light using different organic substrates

as carbon source. The hydrogen realised. In order to compete with fossil
evolution occurs mainly through the fuels on the world market, the Brazilian
catalytic activity of the nitrogenases government intends to increase
under non-repressive concentrations of sugarcane farming further in the next
ammonia. However, total hydrogen years and to make the production of bio-
production is constrained due to several ethanol more effective.
reasons in purple non-sulfur (PNS) Today, Brazil already is the site of
bacteria, such as consumption of almost one half of sugarcane production
hydrogen by uptake of hydrogenase, world-wide. Commercially available
inefficient hydrogen production capacity fuels in the country contain a bio-ethanol
of nitrogenase, limited electron flow to admixture of between 20 and 25 per
the nitrogenase, sensitivity of cent.
nitrogenase towards ammonia, etc.
Hence, PNS bacteria need to be With regard to the cooperation, the CTC
manipulated genetically to overcome institute can provide a great deal of
these limitations and to make the process experience in the breeding and
practically feasible. In this article processing of sugarcane, while Bayer
scientists of Turkey focuses on various CropScience has announced that the
approaches for the genetic improvement company primarily will provide access
of biohydrogen production by PNS to "gene technologies". The common
bacteria. goal is the development of new varieties
(Source: International Journal of Hydrogen with higher sugar content. According to
Energy, 2010,Article in Press) press information from Bayer
CropScience, early research results
indicate a rise of 30 to 40 per cent.
Brazil: greater sugarcane yield
Approval applications for the first
through gene technology commercial products are expected as
early as 2015.
In the next years, genetically modified
(GM) sugarcane is expected to enter the CTC executive director Nelson Boeta
Brazilian market and to deliver a sugar states, "We predict a great increase in
content that has been increased by 30 to yield through the combination of our
40 per cent. Bayer CropScience and the sugarcane varieties with the technology
Brazilian research institution CTC have from Bayer. Sugarcane is the most
agreed upon "comprehensive competitively capable plant to date with
cooperation" towards this goal. regard to winning renewable energy and
this cooperation with Bayer will
The aim of the cooperation between the continue to increase competitive
agro-firm, based in Germany, with the capacity."
leading Brazilian research institute for
sugarcane, CTC (Centro de Tecnologia (Source: GMO compass: www. gmo-
Canavieira), is the development of new, 29th May 2010)
varieties with significantly enhanced
sugar content.
Sugarcane is the plant from which the
highest exploitation of bio-fuel may be


11th International Novemer, 20, 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Symposium on the Biosafety Web:
of Genetically Modified Email:
Organisms (ISBGMO)
Brussels and Ghent
GMO-FREE EUROPE September, 16-18 2010 Web:
2010, 6th European Email: info@gmo-free-
Conference of GMO-Free
Symposium HortGen:
Genetically Modified August 22-27, 2010 Lisbon ,Portugal
Horticultural Crops, from
the lab to the field E-mail symposium:
(xxviii international
horticultural congress –
IHC 2010)
ISHS Genetically Modified
Organisms in Horticulture September 12-16, 2011 Nelspruit , South Africa
Symposium: Paving the way
for a Sustainable Future E-mail:


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