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1. The process 3

2. Work conditions 5

3. Accommodation 6

4. Registration municipality 6

5. Bank account 8

6. Health insurance 9

7. Cost of living - The Netherlands 10

8. Payroll 11

9. Salary 11

10. Sickness absence regulation 14

11. Pension 14

1. The process

1.1. Selection:
You have been interviewed by one of our staff members. The most important criteria to be selected:
• You have sufficient experience in the automotive branche and proven quality (panel beater,
car painter, preppers, car-mechanics )
• You are able to provide a reference, who we may contact and ask how you worked at that
• You are in possession of a valid ID or passport, at least for 6 months
• You have sufficient English or German language skills, we will check this by phone.

You receive a copy of this onboarding guide so you know what to expect.

1.2. Testing:
Once you fulfill the above conditions and we have received a positive reference, you will be invited
for a test so one of our specialists will test your skills. This will be organized in one of our test
locations in The Netherlands:

• You will receive an invitation for test day with the date and location for a test
• One of our staff members will pick you up from the airport and bring you to your
accommodation for the night, arranged by D. Toeback.
• If you pass the test you will stay, and after the onboarding you will be assigned to a work
place within a week.

1.3. Selected candidates:

Once you are selected for a test, please ensure you have the following documents:
• Valid ID or passport valid for at least 6 months
• Valid driver license valid for at least 6 months
• Verify if the information in the Onboarding guide The Netherlands is clear to you. If you have
questions, direct these by email to
• Arrange EU Birth Certificate in case you plan to stay longer than 4 months and get it
translated in English

1.4. Onboarding:
After you have passed the test day, you will be informed about the project you are assigned to and
the starting date.
• We will organize your accommodation
• We will assist you with the registration for a social security number at the city hall.
• After registration we will accompany you to open a Dutch bank account (chapter III & IV)
• We will arrange a proper Health Insurance for you (chapter V)

• We will provide you with address details of the location you start to work after the
• If you do not have your own car, we can provide you with own for travel to from the
accommodation to work only. No private travel.

1.5. Should you not pass the test:

• You return to your home country
• If travel by plane: We give you a ride to the airport.

àFor questions or emergencies, please contact us:

Dennis Toeback
T +31 (0)622 050 761

2. Work conditions
D. Toeback Automotive Professionals is working with various high profile car damage specialists and
car dealerships across The Netherlands. If you are selected, you can expect the following conditions:

• A minimum of € 11,25 gross per hour (Dutch income tax applicable). Higher wages based on
experience and skills.
• Weekly pay on your Dutch bank account.
• Overtime is rated 125% of the gross rate.
• An average work week is 40 hours. Amount of overtime depending on the work location.
• Workhours are mostly from 08.00 - 17.00 except for Tesla candidates. They work in three
different shifts, also nights and weekends.
• Travel compensation € 0,19 per km for the one way trip from the accommodation to work.
• High quality locations provide the newest tools to work with.
• In Holland working shoes are required for your own safety. You need to bring these yourself.
• When you work with chemicals from the car-damage repair, be sure you wear good safety


• Use of a car: € 3 per work day for carpooling with a D. Toeback rental car from your
accommodation to work, and back.
• Accommodation: € 75,- a week for housing, incl. water, electricity, gas and internet
• You are responsible for your health care insurance. We can sign you up for our collective health
insurance with Holland Zorg during onboarding. The monthly cost of our Holland Zorg no risk
insurance are € 20,80 per week (see Chapter VI).
• You are responsible for a liability insurance that covers any incidents in your spare time where
you cause damage to others and they claim the damage with you.
• You are responsible for an insurance of your own possessions, in case anything gets stolen or
lost during your stay in Holland.


3. Accommodation

D. Toeback will provide you with accommodation that are conform our CCA standards (Comfortable,
Clean and Affordable):

Private bedroom in a shared furnished apartment or house with living, bathroom, cooking & washing
facilities. A good internet connection and big enough for 5-6 people.

The room will be handed over clean.

Rent is € 75 per week.

Teambuilding and availability
At D. Toeback we value teambuilding. We want you to feel at home and happy in our team and
therefore we organize team events on a regular basis, like barbeques or karting.

We will do whatever we can to help you find you way in the Netherlands. Should you have any
questions, we are also available in evening hours and weekends. T: 0031 622 050 761.

4. Registration Municipality
àRegistration for short stay (<4 months)
If you are staying in the Netherlands for less than 4 months in any six-month period, you can register
with one of the municipalities in the Netherlands (including Eindhoven) as a non-resident under a
special registration provision for the ‘Registratie Niet-Ingezetenen, RNI’ (Registration of Non-

àOne of our DToeback team members will make an appointment with the municipality and
accompany you.

Conditions to obtain a BSN as a non-resident:

-You must present a valid EU ID or passport (Driver's licenses are not accepted as identity cards).
-Fill out attached form with your address details in The Netherlands and in your native country.

Delivery Period BSN:

You will receive the BSN number directly after your registration.

àIf you are planning to stay longer than 4 months in The Netherlands, the process is a bit a different
and please take an EU Birth Certificate with you. Below you will find the registration process for
permanent registration:

àRegistration for long stay (>4 months ‚ingezetene‘)

Register with the City Hall

If you plan to stay in Netherlands for more than 4 months and have found a place to live, then you are
required to register with the local municipal authorities. You need to make an appointment with the
Civil Affairs desk (Burgerzaken) at the City Hall (Gemeentehuis) and take following:

• A valid EU ID or passport (no driving license) for each person who wants to register;
• Tenancy contract accommodation The Netherlands*
• In case you do not have a tenancy contract, you require a written approval of the landlord and
copy of his / her identification*
• A legalised copy of your Birth Certificate, Marriage / Divorce Certificate translated in English

*So you need to bring your passport/ID and a document showing you have the right to live at your
address. This could be either a rental contract, a letter of permission from the house owner with a
copy of their ID or an official letter from a housing corporation. The tenant can provide you with a
letter upon request: please

àInternational Birth Certificate:

Regardless if you plan to stay short term or longer term it is advised to take an International Birth
Certificate with you:

Go to your municipality / institute that issues Birth Certificates and explain the purpose. They can issue
an International Birth Certificate that you require if you stay more than 4 months in The Netherlands.

(In case you take your spouse with you to The Netherlands, the municipality may also need to see a
notarised copy of your Birth certificate).

5. Opening a bank account
A D. Toeback staff-member will accompany you to the bank to assist you with opening your bank
account. To open a Dutch ING Bank Account, you will need to bring the following documents with

1-Identity Document - A valid ID or passport is always best, alternatively identity cards from certain
EU countries can be accepted. If you have a residence permit card, you should also bring this.

2-Your BSN number - When you register in Netherlands you will receive a Burger Service Nummer
(BSN or citizen service number, see chapter 4). This is used both as a fiscal number when dealing with
the tax authorities and also as a general identifier for government services and healthcare.

3-Email Address – In order to have access to online banking you will need to provide the This could
be the rental contract for your house/apartment or written approval of the landlord (see chapter II –
Registration Municipality).

4-Dutch Mobile Number - You need to provide a Dutch mobile number so in case of emergency they
will be able to reach you. Ensure you will obtain a Dutch SIM Card D.

If you are banking with an international bank already back home, you can revert to your local branch
to see what the requirements are to set up an account with their The Netherlands branch but most
probably either of the guidelines below will apply.

Always ensure you have sufficient money with you to cover the first weeks ensure that you:
a) Have online access to your current bank account online
b) Have following documents with you:
-IBAN & Swift/BIC code of your current bank
-Recent original bank statements from your bank back in your home country
-Proof of address of your current address in your native country (tenancy contract or utility bill)
-Original drivers licence from your country (if you have one)
-Original signed employment contract

These documents can be helpful as support documents in case there are questions.

Examples of Dutch Banks:



6. Health Insurance
Once you have registered at the municipality and have applied for your BSN number, you also need to
take care of your Health Insurance and register with an insurance company. We can sign you up with
our collective health insurance during your onboarding in Holland or you can arrange own by yourself.

Health insurance – The Netherlands

• Check your personal situation: are you required to be insured under the Dutch Health Insurance
Act? – If your employer is Dutch you are required to enroll Health Insurance!
• You must obtain a social security number (‘burgerservicenummer’ or BSN) before you can enroll
for health insurance and the healthcare allowance (see previous chapter II).
• Do you have an international health insurance? Please contact us to find out if it is accepted in The
Netherlands, to prevent a financial penalty from Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN).

Examples of large Dutch Health Insurance companies: €100 a month €95 a month €86,86 a month with a no risk guarantee

It is up to u if you want to take care of it by yourself, or that we arrange this for you. It is important
that you are insured before we start at the job, and we will check if you are insured before we start
working on the clients location.

àdo you need any help or advice?

Please visit and if you need further help or advice,
contact the ‘zorgverzekeringslijn’ 0800 64 64 644 or ask your DToeback staff member for assistance.

Please note If you don’t earn much you can enroll Healthcare Allowance (zorgtoeslag):

Healthcare allowance
The healthcare allowance (‘zorgtoeslag’) is a contribution by the government towards the health
insurance premium and is issued by the Belastingdienst. Visit to calculate whether
you qualify for the healthcare allowance. The amount of healthcare allowance depends on your
income. The healthcare allowance also applies to children aged over 18 who are living with their
parent(s). The healthcare allowance is not dependent on the parents’ income. You can apply for the
healthcare allowance online or by mail.

Sample Health Insurance Card

7. Cost of living – The Netherlands


8. Payroll
We work with two different Payroll companies for the salary administration. One for the Tesla
project and one for all other candidates.

Tesla candidates
Your payroll company is Randstad. You will receive instructions about the hour registration and salary
payment in person from Randstad the day before you start working at Tesla.

All other candidates

Your salary will be paid by Accres, on a weekly basis. We will provide you with timesheets. You need
to fill in the timesheet every week, have it signed by the manager on the work location and send it to every Friday afternoon or Monday the week after the worked week. You can do
this by making a picture of the timesheet with your phone. Please note: Without a signed timesheet,
we cannot pay your salary. So please make sure you send the sheet to us every week.

9. Salary

Your gross hourly wage

Your gross hourly wage depends on your qualifications, experience and the client. This will be
determined after the test day. The minimum amount of your salary should of course be at least equal
the statutory minimum wage payable in the Netherlands.

The remuneration system:

We offer employees a wage in conformity with the clients remuneration of the NBBU-CAO.
The clients remuneration comprises the following elements:
• Exclusively the applicable periodic salary in the pay scale;
• The applicable weekly/monthly/periodic reduction of working hours. This can be
compensated in time in lieu or pay at the company's discretion;
• Allowances for overtime, postponed hours, irregularity (including public holiday allowance)
and shift work allowances;
• Initial pay increases, the amount and timing as determined in the clients organisation;

Expenses (to the extent that the temporary employment agency is able to pay them free of
payroll tax and national insurance contributions): travelling expenses, pension and other
expenses necessary to holding the job position);
• Salary increments, the amount and timing as determined in the clients organisation.

Travelling and other expenses

For the use of a D. Toeback rental car, we deduct € 3,- per working day of your salary. You will be
traveling with two - three persons per car most of the time. You will receive compensation for the
gasoline: € 0,19 per km from your accommodation to work (single trip). This will be paid with your
weekly salary.

No private travel with the cars

The cars of D. Toeback are equipped with a black box. Private travel is not allowed. Fines are
applicable, as described in further detail on the drivers declaration form that you will have handed

over during onboarding. You are responsible for the registration of the mileage. This is obliged by the
Dutch Tax authorities. Please email a copy of the mileage every week to

When you do you receive your salary?

If we receive your timesheet before 5 pm on Tuesday, your salary is paid to you in the same week on
Thursday. Your salary is always paid in arrears. That means the week after the worked week.
So be sure every end of the week, you have you manager signs your timesheet and you email a copy
to This way the money will be on your account every Thursday.

Please note! the salary cannot be paid until we have received the following forms, completely filled-in
and signed:
• Contract of employment
• Copy of valid proof of identity

The Annual Statement

Around February of each year, you will receive a statement showing the income you have earned
during the previous year: the annual statement. This annual statement will be required by you for,
among other things, your income tax return, applying for housing benefit, a residential permit, a
study scholarship or for a benefit payment. Keep this statement carefully, since it is provided only
once. The annual statement will be sent automatically to you by email to the address known to us.

Pay specification
After the processing of wages, a salary slip will be emailed to you. Below you find an example.

Vacation days
Every employee with a contract of employment is entitled to 24 days' leave for each fully-worked
year, under the Collective Agreement for Temporary Employees. You can take holiday in consultation
with your workshop manager. When you take holiday you can request payment of (part of) the
reserves you have accumulated.

Public holidays
Apart from vacation days, you have a right to public holidays with continued payment of salary. This
concerns the generally recognised public holidays in accordance with the NBBU-CAO. If you cannot
work due to a public holiday and the order continues you will continue to receive your salary as if you
had worked on that day as usual. The calculation of the number of hours will be based on the
average number of hours worked in the previous 13 weeks and this amount will be paid out to you. If
the company where you work also works on public holidays, you will generally also be required to do
so. If you take the day off despite that, these hours will be covered by the holiday entitlement that
you have accumulated. Other reservations apply to holiday workers.

Holiday allowance
8% holiday allowance is set aside for you over and above the gross hourly rate. Holiday allowance is
automatically paid out in June and you will be informed in good time each year of exactly when this
payment will be made. If required, we can pay out your holiday allowance earlier than in June if you
are taking a holiday of at least five working days. If you stop working with D. Toeback sooner, you will
also automatically be paid the holiday allowance sooner.

Attention! We are often asked why the holiday allowance is taxed so heavily. Unfortunately this is out
of our hands. The tax authorities add your holiday allowance directly to your annual income. This
means that no tax credits are applied and that tax is levied at the highest rate. Holiday allowance can

therefore be taxed at a rate of 52%. Those who claim deductions on their tax return can later recover
some of the holiday allowance due to the fact that the rate of tax applied was too high.


A: The gross salary that applies to you

B: The amount of income tax you pay
C: You net salary that will be paid into your account
D: Reserved vacation money
E: Accumulated vacation days in hours

10. Sickness absence regulation

If you report sick you will be subject to a sick leave regulation. Regarding the procedures, please refer
to the guidelines stated in this regulation.

1. Procedure
In the event of illness, you must personally report yourself sick before 10:00 to the manager on the
location you are working at that time. This must be done by an e-mail, and a phone call after this
mail. Be sure the mail you send is to the right person at the working locating and put one of the staff
members of D. Toeback in the CC of this mail.

If necessary, you should consult a GP. If you do not have a GP, you can contact staff members at D.
Toeback to assist you with finding one.

Reporting sick outside of office hours

In case of reporting sick outside of office hours, call T: +31(0)622 050 761 or email

2. Payment of salary during sickness

In case of payments of your salary for the period of illness, you should take 2 waiting days into
account. You will not receive salary for these two days. During the period of your contract of
employment you will receive a benefit under the Dutch Sickness Benefits Act (ZW), which will be paid
out by the Payroll company. If you have a fixed number of hours, you will receive sick pay during the
contract based on this number of hours. If you have a contract with variable hours, the sick pay will
be based on the average number of hours in which you worked in maximum 13 weeks preceding the
date on which you reported sick. You will receive sick pay equaling 90% of the gross salary during the
course of the contract. If your employment contract has ended, you can apply for sickness benefits to
the UWV benefits agency. The sickness benefit is 70% of the gross salary.

If you have questions about continued wage payments in case of illness, the timing and/or the
amount of the payment, you can contact Accres Payroll on workdays from 08:30 to 17:30 on
telephone number +31 (0)493 319 900.

11. Pension
StiPP offers employees the choice of two pension plans: the Basic Plan and the Plus Plan. The Basic
Plan is intended for temporary employees aged 21 and older, who have been working for the same
employer for at least 26 weeks. These 26 weeks do not have to be continuous. You will remain in the
Basic Plan for a maximum period of 52 working weeks. If you continue to work, you will start to
participate in the Plus Plan. For more information about these plans, you find on the website of Stip.
They have information brochures in Dutch, English, German andPolish.


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