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May 1, 1957 © with send my Messenger To Lead you info ALL TRUTH? AckQ:l MOJAVE DESERT EXPERIENCE Jo experience sbared tx continuing Soy, vhen it oon e€ity or Belp in sone way. Breryone.on the platet enr'h in growine and leerningy ad all experde ‘toes are wordreus in tho txperientinl vorif: trea the atanipelst of nou) ceowthe My experience in the Mojave Desert Se uniquely different, and 1¢ tas teen sy cbwervation over fifteen youre of seseeseh inte Unidentified Faying Object sat ‘teh alehting seport Je unigue and different in wows wage, Exyeriences with paste (grate. goen tack through history snd ie recorded in faneksit,, the earliest trove Uesguage on eesti. "ALL caltures have reported the Vinttore'fron apace, 81) nations tbave thee record of thea, all religions tave some mention of thes wethe ventions fates, such as, host of Teaver, chariote of the potty uhes! cf Beckiely ater In our examination of ideas ant whether to believe om dlsbeliem, ve sould add & tied category: put it on the nentel shelf fake it dow for Goontiepal review ae further Anferastion becones evediable, emt our osope of Life expante, ‘That hich stretches the inaginetion of one generation beceaoe the sscceptance level of the nexts LIBRARY ‘Convrieht 1972 by Wayne 85 Aho THE UNIVERSITY ie Ney Age Fouation, Tmo. OF CALIFORNIA Pout Oftioe Box 367 Batonviile, Wechiraton 98526 SANTA BARBARA. MOJAVE DBSDRT BXPRATENCE on the Nojare Desert at the full noon of May, 1957, a epaovoraft landed ‘uaz ne ead guided me throughout the nights” Prophecies vere ven to'Be conosr— {he the Geatiay of the planet and ite ofviitastion, I'vas instructed about certain Gilele pertota for the world, the probable outocas of these, and ay pert in thea. Se experience vas profound tnt changed the oouree of my iife, Tt in recanted Ierevith for posterity ad fer anyone xo can benefit from 1%, ‘he T nave analysed this expestance over the years, T cealine there i & tote 11f% sequasoe involved, Bronte iseding up to 1t began early in life 42 the Wile neat Westland, Washinevon, where I yar born, Ons of the Kaye end perhaps ‘Ge aout taportant, coowzred at the agy of tvelveon a vara suany day 10) sumer Pent to a hill Aoonlly lnovn ax Shoeaaker Yountaln overiocking the valley were a'Levis River joine the Columbia, tr T'zenember, Thad been reading about the Tarse’end Clase axpecstion and thinking about the wosk of the plonrers to open Op the weet, Py fthar and pother hed cleared fara out of the forest nine nile ‘Ben Woodland, Pathor had deoribed how he built the fret road of three or {fe lve vith only hand toole, (S'tiey followed the Colurbia to the Pastfto Oocan,. In the dlatance new nett Stace vith fencesy ovtiyine tulltingn, and Teale going dow the valley toward Woodland, Gr a clear ayy from thie Point ene could eee ao far un te Three Sisters Hountain in centr4l Oregon.” £11 thrvogh my childhood yeur™ Thad the puivilece of Livine vere vlaien veo unobetructed for hundreds of wiles,” The View of a far distant hortaon fror a High elevation was balpfil al) trough Life fer a 'ntnd te develop broad vielen. As T ont to introspection, muldenly I folt 2 Mihrill" feeling viich started ‘at the top of'by head and went down my entice qpine, In later Lifey learoed ‘de wan ere Anidoetion of the prowence of e spiritual being. A this fooling ame, T anked within ayaeif "Wat doos this wean, this vende:fl feeling?” To Wy Utoer heccing, tot From iy own wifay ome the’ sreyer, clear tnd perfects mere 48 soosthing you on do during thie Lifetine that will be of, wnefit to your ofvilisatisn," I'zewsober clearly etch vant to thin day. 7 Treling wes net feurfil but iether one of Punility. —T eli0 cove fron toe ottmp Si velkon howe aloely, deep in showehty wondering vAat a skieay Kia of tele mad do to baip a civilisation, Tout was a reel tig WoRt, T told no one of ay experience, not even iy Urothers or sisters to vhon van very clove, In wy nightly prayers T began to Anclede the words "Father, T srt to Be ready.” hie went an through the onthe ent years, fa T 200k back on Wis apertence, Z resitan that certain events and realinations have been a rest of thet prayess’ Thnoughost wy 2ife T felt very Evenly about the destructive rover of wary and the thoweht deweed that I'aight have nonething to do with ‘uline ware fven the, country of Linye came to sy conecionmens at a eoene vere ‘hie msphe happen inthe tutes.

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