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Statement of Objectives

A. General Objectives

This case analysis aims to increase the understanding and knowledge

of student nurses on how to care for patients with Legg Calve Perthes Disease
effectively and efficiently.
B. Specific Objectives

Specifically, this case analysis aims to:

1. Define Legg Calve Perthes Disease and its effects to the body as a
2. Illustrate the pathophysiology of Legg Calve Perthes Disease and in
relation to the signs and symptoms specifically observed in the
3. Describe and identify the common signs and symptoms of Legg Calve
Perthes Disease;
4. Discuss the medical and surgical interventions for the management of
Legg Calve Perthes Disease
5. Formulate appropriate nursing care plans suited for the patient based
on the assessment findings;
6. Identify care measures to be given to the patient and family to
promote continuity of care and independence after discharge.

III. Patient’s Profile

Name : Patient X
Ethnic Background : Pangasinense
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Occupation : Grade 6 student

Admitting Diagnosis : Legg Calve Perthes Disease, Hip Left

Final/Principal Diagnosis : Legg Calve Perthes Disease, Hip Left
Date and Time Admitted : September 6, 2018 4:30 P.M

IV. Chief Complaint

Limping Gait and Pain felt on Left Hip

V. Present History of Illness

1 year PTA, The patient occurred a Left Hip Trauma, He stated that while he and
his friends were playing Basketball he stepped on a rock. The size of the rock resembles
the size of his fist. He fell at first no pain was experienced and still continued playing. After
the game he was still able to go home by himself but after 5 days he observes himself to
walk differently compared before. The Family consulted 2 Hospitals PTA at BGHMC. They
first seek consultation at Lucao, Dagupan Hospital last August 8, 2017. In the Orthopedic
ward recommended the patient to have his surgery yet consulted another hospital for
second opinion. The second hospital they consulted was Region 1 Hospital also located
in Dagupan. The institution recommended to have a surgery if patient turned 18 years.
The pain reoccurred on his left hip and just consulted BGHMC after a month. He has bucks
skin traction on his first day of admission 8 lbs. each. After 3 days it became 10 lbs. and
on our duty 15 lbs. for each leg.

VI. Past History of Illness

The patient occurred an injury after playing basketball with his friends 1 year ago. He
also experienced minor illness like fever, cough and colds and was remedied with over the
counter medications and water therapy with rest.

VII. Family Health History

The patient stated that her mother has gall stones and had her surgery before. His father claims
no familial diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Goiter and PTB. No any
present illnesses are experienced by the family.

VIII. Developmental History:

The patient is the fourth son out of the other 5 siblings. 3 males and 2 females. He is a
14 year old teenager with the task of developing his identity according to Erik Erickson’s
Developmental history. He verbalized that even though he has a bigger body built compared
to other teenager with same age as him he is not ashamed and is confident about himself.
He attended school and was a Grade 6 student. He verbalized that when he will recover he
will continue studying to fulfill his dreams to become a Policeman in the future, His father
verbalized that the patient is a jolly person and always engages to program activities or
programs at school. He is also fond of playing basketball together with his friends.

IX. Social and Environmental History

He lives with his Mother Father, Grandmother and his siblings. The house is a 2 storey made
up of permanent and semi-permanent such as wood and cement. The house is located near
a river. Privacy was maintained with 2 separate rooms. The Father, his mother, patient and his
youngest brother stays on the first room and his three other siblings and grandmother sleeps
on the other room. The room is spacious and can accommodate the family. Water is supplied
by Dagupan Water District while the source of water is the water refilling station near the
house. He verbalized that garbages around their area is picked up by garbage collectors.
He verbalized that he walks from their house to school because it is just near. They are aware
of access to health care facilities and services but hesitates to consult because they can’t
afford it.

X. Lifestyle and Health Practices

The patient stated that he is fond of eating bread and his favorite dish is Adobo. He
make sure he drinks 8-10 glasses a day and is aware of the importance to his body. After
school, He and his friends play Basketball oftentimes. During weekends, He spent his time
playing computer games for 30 minutes in a Computer Shop near their house. If he is bored
he watches Filipino TV series – Probinsyano and Victor magtanggol. The family only consults
hospitalization when pain or when only they feel something.

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