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1. Null Hypothesis-:
 Data set is normally distributed. (Confidence interval-95%)
 Alternate hypothesis Hypothesis-: Data set is not normally distributed.
(Confidence interval-95%)
 Maths score is normally distributed according to Kolmogro-Sminrov test
(Significance value is greater than .05) but it was not normally distributed
according to Shapiro-Wilk (Significance value is less than .05). Hence we
consider Shapiro-Wilks over Kolmogro-Sminrov as it mostly considered by
researches on the basis of accuracy and importance.
 Total score is not normally distributed according to Kolmogro-Sminrov and
Shapiro-Wilks test (Significance value is less than .05).

Looking at histogram the graph appears to shift towards right which confirms
graphically that maths and total score is not normally distributed. If it would have been
normally distributed then it would have been symmetric about origin.

2. Null Hypothesis:
 Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science / total score mean score
across male = Read/Write/maths/social science/science/total score mean score
across female
Alternate hypothesis-
 Null Hypothesis: Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science / total score
mean score across male ≠ Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science /
total score mean score across female

Alternate hypothesis-
After performing independent T test we found that:

 Reading score mean across male is equal to that of female (Significant value is
greater than 0.05 hence null hypothesis cannot be rejected)

 Writing score of male is not equal to mean score across female (Significant
value is less than 0.05, hence null hypothesis is rejected)

 Social Science score mean across male is equal to that of female (Significant
value is greater than 0.05 hence null hypothesis cannot be rejected)

 Science score mean across male is equal to that of female (Significant value is
greater than 0.05 hence null hypothesis cannot be rejected)

 Total Score score mean across male is equal to that of female (Significant value
is greater than 0.05 hence null hypothesis cannot be rejected)
3. Using K-Independent samples
 Null Hypothesis: Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science / total score
mean score across White = Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science
/ total score mean score across African-American = Reading / Writing / maths /
social science / science / total score means score across Hispanic = Reading /
Writing / maths / social science / science / total score mean score across Asian

Alternate hypothesis-
 Reading / Writing / maths / social science / science / total score mean score
across White =≠
 Read/Write/maths/social science/science/total score mean score across African-
American =≠
 Read/Write/maths/social science/science/total score mean score across
Hispanic =≠
 Read/Write/maths/social science/science/total score mean score across Asian
 Read/Math/Write/Social Science/Science/Total Score mean scores across all
races are equal.(Significant value is less than 0.05 hence null hypothesis is

4. A variable high n low score in maths is created for maths by choosing transformation
of a variable to different variable where 0-50 is chosen as low and 51-100 is chosen as

Null Hypothesis-: Average score of high n low across male = Average score of high n
low across female.
Alternate Hypothesis-: Average score of high n low across male =≠ Average score of
high n low across female.

Mean score of high n low score across male is equal to mean score of high n low across
female. (Significant value is greater than .05)

Null Hypothesis-: Average score of high n low across male = Average score of high n
low across female.
Alternate Hypothesis-: Average score of high n low across male =≠ Average score of
high n low across female.

Mean score of high n low score across male is equal to mean score of high n low across
female. (Significant value is greater than .05)

Null Hypothesis-: Average score of high n low across low socio economic = Average
score of high n low across medium socio economy = Average score of high
Alternate Hypothesis: - Average score of high n low across low socio economic =≠
Average score of high n low across medium socio economy =≠ Average score of high
socio economic

Average score of high n low across low socio economic =≠ Average score of high n
low across medium socio economy =≠ Average score of high socio economic
(Significant value is less than .05 hence the null hypothesis is rejected)

Null Hypothesis: high n low score mean score across White = high n low mean score
across African-American = high n low mean score across Hispanic = high n low score
mean score across Asian.

Alternate hypothesis-
High n low score across White =≠
High n low l score mean score across African-American =≠
High n low mean score across Hispanic =≠
High n low mean score across Asian

High n low across all races are equal. (Significant value is less than 0.05 hence null
hypothesis is rejected)


1. Values are negatively co-related. (Increase in one value reduces the value of other).
Null Hypothesis- Independent of each other.
Square of correlation- 0.28944
So percentage variance between both quantities is 28.94%.
2. Values are positively co-related. (Increase in one value increases the value of other)

Level of literacy is not playing much role without level of literacy the correlation is .84
and when level of literacy is used as control variable then the correlation is .824.

Square of correlation- 0.6789

So percentage variance between both quantities is 67.89%.

3. Sex ratio = 4.305*female work participation rate+ 0.132*level of literacy +
0.075*population density -0.817* growth rate of population + 779.903

Female work participation is highest contributor among independent variable.

While growth rate is linear but sloping downwards.

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