Tefl Observasi

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Learning Script

At 06.15 bell is ringing. It is about 12 students have waited for their

teacher. This is class of VII A in SMP Nur Hidayah Surabaya. When the teacher
has coming, she opens the lesson today with salam (Assalamualaikum), then say
greeting to the students.

Teacher : Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Students : Walaikumsalam wr.wb

Teacher : Hello, how are you today?

Students : I’m fine

Teacher : You have any answer except I’m fine?

Students : (No respond)

Teacher : Bagaimana kalian menjawab kalau ada yang bertanya how are you?,
kalian bias jawab apa selain I’m fine ? ada yang tahu ?

Students : (Confused n small smilling)

Teacher : No one? Padahal kita sudah yang namanya greeting ya. Ayo, ada
yang tahu tidak? Come one, Raise your hand, please?, why don’t you
open your book? Kok buka bukunya aja nunggu di komando?

Students : (Open their English book learning)

Teacher : Jadi bagaimana? Kalian bisa menjawab apa? Very well, thank you;
I’m fine; terus I’m good. Ok, sekali lagi ya, How are you today?”

Students : I’m good. (silence)

Teacher : Don’t you ask me about my condition?

Student A : And you?

Teacher : Ok, I’m very well, thank you. Well, class do you have any
homework today? Let me check your homework. Letak kan PR
kalian di atas meja!.

(teacher look around to check students’ homework one by one,

If there is a student who didn’t do the homework, teacher will sign the student

After check the homework,

Teacher : Well class, today we will learn about announcement, how do you
like an announcemen. Jadi kemarin kita sudah belajar menulis apa?

Students : Pengumuman.

Teacher : Iya, karena kemarin kita sudah belajar tentang membuat

pengumuman, maka sekarang kita akan belajar apa?

Students : (silent)

Teacher : Kalian kemarin lihat VII B? apa yang mereka lakukan?

Student B : Mengumumkan di aula.

Teacher : Iya, mengumumkan pengumuman di aula. Now, it’s your turn. Jadi
sekarang giliran kalian. Tapi jangan khawatir, kita akan belajar dulu.
Belajar apa anak-anak? How to announce something. Kemarin kalian
sudah tahu kalo pengumuman itu ada yang tertulis dan ada yang
spoken. Jadi ini berbeda dengan membaca announcement tertulis ya.

(then, teacher writes an announcement in the white board)

“ Attention please! For VII graders please gather in the auditorium for
our English Course, on Sunday at 7 o’clock. Don’t forget to bring
your dictionary.


Teacher : Ok, ini kemarin contoh announcement –nya. Kalo seandainya ini
diumumkan secara langsung. Kira-kira siapa yang mengumumkan?
Siapa ?

Student A : The coordinator

Teacher : Good, jadi kalo tertulis, maka yang mengumumkan namanya

tercantum , kalau jadi spoken announcement maka nantinya yang
akan mengumumkan adalah koordinatornya. Sekarang kita akan
mengubahnya menjadi text yang bisa kita bacakan di sekolah ini.
Kira-kira mana yang bisa dirubah?

Students : (silent)

Teacher : Kalau spoken announcement maka Sunday bisa berubah menjadi

Today, hari ini karena diumumkannya saat itu juga.
(Teacher read the announcement with good and correct intonation
and also correct pronounciation)

Teacher : Nah sebelum kata don’t forget, kita bisa menambahkannya dengan
“well friends”. Jadi ini tidak harus selalu begini. Kita bisa
mengembangkannya agar tidak terlalu formal. Well class, listen
carefully, dengarkan baik-baik, karena setelah ini kalian akan
mencoba mengumumkannya. Sudah ya? Telinganya sudah dipasang?

Students : (Finally keep silent)

Teacher : Coba diperhatikan ya! (the teacher read the announcement once

Teacher : Jadi bisa ditambahi apa lagi kira-kira?

Students : Salam

Teacher : Boleh ditambahi salam, karena kebiasaan kita disini memulai segala
sesuatu dengan salam. (read the announcement once again with

Ada yang mau mencoba? Raise your hand please ? 10 point if you
want to try it.

Student A : (quite hesitate to raise her hand, and finally she raise her hand)

Teacher : Ok, Ririn please come forward!

Students A: (Read the announcement with incorrect pronounciation and

intonation, but not at all, only some words)

Teacher : Ririn boleh pakai salam, karena kita harus menyesuaikan dengan
tempatnya. Come on, repeat once again. Yang lain silahkan dikoreksi
pronounciation yang salah. 2 point for you if you can correct your

Student A : (Read the announcement again with some of words are incorrect)

Teacher : Ok, ada yang mau mengkoreksi?

Students : (silent)

Teacher : 2 points if you can correct the pronounciation.

Students : (still silent)

Teacher : Ok, dengarkan sekali lahgi. Kalian akan tahu mana yang salah.
(teacher repeat the announcement one more time)

Teacher : Ok class, come on repeat after me.

“Attention, please!”

Students : “Attention, please!” (incorrect intonation)

Teacher : “Attention, please!” (repeat once more)

Students : “Attention, please!”

Teacher : Ok, Ririn, “attention, please!”

Student A : “Attention, please!” (correct intonation and pronoun)

Teacher : Agus, (ask one of the student to repeat these sentences)

Student B : “Attention, please!” (correct intonation and pronoun)

Teacher : Yuke!

Student C : “Attention, please!” (incorrect intonation and pronoun)

Teacher : “Attention, please!” (repeat once more to correct the student)

Student C : “Attention, please!” (in slow voice)

Teacher : Kalau suaramu pelan seperti itu, mana ada yang dengar? Ayo sekali

Student C : “Attention, please!” (correct intonation and pronoun)

And then the teacher continues to the others to spell the sentences. And correct

Continue to the next sentence,

Teacher ; “for the seventh graders of SMP Nur Hidayah”

Students : “for the seventh graders of SMP Nur Hidayah”

Teacher : “please, gather in the auditorium”

Students : “please, gather in the auditorium”

Teacher : “for our English Course”

Students : “for our English Course”

Teacher : “Today, attention 7 o’clock”

Students : “Today, attention 7 o’clock”

Teacher : “don’t forget to bring your dictionaru”

Students : “don’t forget to bring your dictionaru”

Teacher : Jadi Don’t bukan dount ya!

Now, I will give you 5 minutes untuk belajar bagaimana

mengumumkan dengan baik, bagaimana spoken announcement yang
baik, tidak hanya berbicara saja. Kalian siapa yang biasanya
mengumumkan di aula?

Students : Pak Sultan, Pak Doni, Pak Fatur.

Teacher : Pak Sultan, Pak Doni, Pak Fathur, terus siapa lagi ?

Student D : Pak Nur.

Teacher : Pak Nur. Kalo mereka mengumumkan masak begini “Untuk anak-
anak ku kelas sembilan, diharap segera berkumpul di Aula untuk
melaksanakan sholat duha” (with intonation like reading the students
of elementary school).

Students : Tidak.

Teacher : Tidak kan?

Teacher : “Untuk anak-anak ku di kelas sembilan, diharap segera berkumpul di

Aula untuk melaksanakan sholat duha”. ( read the announcement
once again in correct intonation). Seperti itu , cuman sekarang kita
akan mengubahnya kedalam bahasa Inggris. Ok, 10 points yang bisa
membaca dengan intonasi yang tepat. Boleh diberi tambahan-
tambahan. Ok, sudah? 10 poins, come on raise your hand!.

Students : (no one raise the hand)

Teacher : Masak kalah dengan anak VII B?, ketika mis bilang” raise your
hand!”, one two three, semua angkat tangan, masak disini tidak ada
yang berani ?

Student A : (raise her hand)

Teacher : Ok, Ririn.

Student A : (start read the announcement ),(some pronoun are missing)

Teacher : Please correct!

Student D : “Don’t”

Teacher : Ok, don’t bukan dount. Any else?

Students : (silent)

Teacher : Ririn, please read once again!

Student A : (Read once more)

Teacher : “Please gather in ‘the’ auditorium”. Ada yang salah ? mana yang

Students : (silent)

Teacher : Give sign in the wrong pronoun in the announcement in white board.
“Please gather in ‘the’ auditorium”. Ini huruf apa ?

Students : Vocal.

Teacher : Vocal, maka cara bacannya “di” bukan “de”. Come on repeat after
me, “Please gather in the auditorium”

Students : “Please gather in the auditorium”

Teacher : Well, ada yang mau mencoba lagi?

Student E : (hesitate to raise his hand)

Teacher : Reza, mau mencoba?

Student E : Yes, mis.

Teacher : Ok, come forward! Yang lain dengarkan Reza masih kurang apa.

Student E : (start to read the announcemen)

Teacher : Ok, correct buat reza? Tidak ada ya? Sudah benar ya! Baik yang
lain? Satu orang lagi ?

Student F : (Raise her hand)

Teacher : Ok, anita.

Student F : (read the announcement in front)

Teacher : Ok, good. Sekarang silahkan buat pengumuman sederhana yang bisa
digunakan di sekolah ini, make a simple announcement that you can
use in this school. Pengumuman apa saja contohnya?
Students : Shalat duha, mengaji, shalat dzuhur.

Teacher : Ok, jadi sekarang tugas kalian membuat announcement memilih

salah satu. Bisa shalat dzuhur, shalat duha, atau kegiatan mengaji.
Lalu bagaimana cara mengumumkannya? Kalian hanya perlu
meminta mereka untuk dating ke aula. Butuh waktu berapa menit? 5

Students : Satu.

Teacher : Satu menit?

Students : Satu jam.

Teacher : Bagus, satu jam. Nanti kalian mengumumkannya sendiri di aula. Oke
come one, 5 minutes. Start!

(The teacher looking around to check the students work)

(5 minutes left)

Teacher : Have you finished?

Students : No.

(Teacher gives several minutes more)

Teacher : Ok, semua letakkan bolpointnya. Who wants to try? Raise your hand
please! Kok tidak ada yang angkat tangan? Kalo begitu miss tunjuk

Teacher : Reza, Ririn, Anton, Eko, sama Anita.

Teacher : Ayo, Reza dulu.

Student E : (Reza make an announcement of shalat duha)

Teacher : Next, selanjutnya Ririn. Ririn can you read without text? Coba tanpa
membaca buku.

Student A : (make an announcement to join the speech Contest, on Monday, 21st

December 2009)(not too fluently)

Teacher : (teacher reads Ririn’s announcement once more) ok, sekarang Anton.

Student D : (make an announcement for the students who still outside to follow
the class learning)(wrong pronoun and not fluently)

Teacher : (correct Anton’students mistake)

Teacher : Dani, kamu bisa memahami apa yang dikatakan Anton? (teacher ask,
because this student didn’t pay attention to Anton)

Student G : (shake his head)

Teacher : Kamu tidak mengerti karena dari tadi kamu tidak menyimak Anton.
Yang lain mendengarkan Anton, kamu sibuk sendiri. Ok, Anton
repeat once again.

Student D : (read his announcement once more)

Teacher : Now, last is Anita.

Student F : (read her announcement but some words are incorrect


Teacher : (teacher correct and guide Anita to read her announcement)

Teacher : Well, 20 points untuk mengumkan di Aula, 25 points untuk

mengumkan di Aula tanpa text tapi lancer. Jadi siapa yang
mengumumkan untuk shalat duha?

Student E : (Raise his hand)

Teacher : Ok, Reza. Yang mengumumkan extrakurikuler?

Students : (no one raise hand)

Teacher : Ririn ya ?

Student : (Nod her head)

Teacher : Ok, jadi yang mengumkan untuk shalat duha Reza, dan untuk
extrakurikulernya Ririn.

Teacher : For next meeting, don’t forget to bring a clock. Because we will
study “how to read a time”, most of you still confuse to tell time in
English. Ok, that’s all for today. Bye.

Students : Bye Miss.

Class is over.

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