2010 Fall Festival

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Saturday, November 6, 2010 11-3p.m.

Vendor/Exhibitor registration form
Anthem K-8 School
2700 N. Anthem Way, Florence, AZ 85132

Business/Organization/Individual Name ____________________________________________________________

Authorized Representative _____________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________ State ____________ Zip Code __________________________________

Phone __________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________

Booth Fee: $20 payable at time of registration.

Booth will be located outdoors.
Equipment will not be provided by the PTA (table, chairs, canopy, electrical outlets etc. )

Item(s) to be sold/exhibited:_________________________________________________
Vendors/Exhibitor may begin to set-up starting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday November 6, 2010 and MUST stay set up
until end of event.
Please check-in at information table upon your arrival
** Please, no home baked goods or yard sale items **

Security/Liability Waiver: It is mutually agreed that Anthem K-8, Anthem Eagles PTA, Florence Unified School District
(FUSD) and all affiliates shall not be liable for any damage to, or loss or destruction of, exhibit displays or materials or
injuries resulting from any cause. All claims for any such loss, damage or injury are expressly waived by the vendor. I, the
authorized representative, agree to the terms of fee as stated above.
Signature of authorized representative:_______________________________________ Date:__________________

For more information, contact Shawn Lindauer at 520-955-3338 or elindys@yahoo.com

Please submit: Vendor Registration and check, made payable to Anthem Eagles PTA.

Sponsored by Anthem Eagles PT A, 501©3 Non-Profi t Organi zati on. Anthem Eagles PTA, as an affi li ated consti tuent of Ari zona PTA, pledges that
members hi p i n PTA shall be open, w i thout di scrimi nati on, to anyone w ho beli eves i n and supports the mi ssi on and purposes of Nati onal PTA. Florence
Uni fi ed School Di stri ct (FUSD) does not fund, sponsor, or endorse thi s event. FUSD i s not responsi ble for conducti ng or supervi si ng this event. FUSD
employees w ho choose to parti ci pate i n thi s event are not acti ng i n thei r capaci ty as FUSD employees and do so at thei r ow n risk.

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