13 Health Benefits of Kerson Fruit

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11/17/2018 “13 Health Benefits of Kerson Fruit”

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“13 Health Benefits of Kerson Fruit”

Dr. Paul Haider Follow
Spiritual Teacher and Master Her… 13 8 0

Kerson Fruit or Muntingia calabura is a fast growing tree that has a cherry like fruit with multiple
health benefits: Such as lowering blood sugar, preventing cancer, promoting cardiovascular
health, lowering blood pressure, and blocking pain… just to name a few.

Where it Grows - Kerson trees grows in Mexico, the Caribbean, Asia, Indonesia, South America,
Japan, Philippines, China, India, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and many other places. It’s also
known in the states as Strawberry Tree, Panama berry, Jamaican cherry, Bajelly tree and
Singapore cherry… and in Spanish it’s called bolania, memizo, and yamanza,
Taste - The Kerson cherry has a tart cherry like flavor.
Antibacterial - The Kerson cherry contains many powerful antibacterial compounds, making it a
new source of antibacterial agents, And it’s especially good for treating Staph infections, S.
Epidemidis, P. vulgaris, K. Rhizophil, C. Diptheriae and other bacteria. This is important when we
have so many antibiotic resistant bacteria.

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Gout - Over the centuries many countries used Kerson Fruit to stop the pain associated with
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gout. Consuming 9 to 12 of the cherries three times a day seems to work well for treating the
Diabetes - Kerson Fruit also lowers blood sugar thus making it great for those who are diabetic.
Vitamin C - The fruit contains a good amount of Vitamin C a potent antioxidant that helps to
fight off colds, flues, and even cardiovascular disease. 100 grams of fruit yields 150 mgs of
Vitamin C.
Pain Blocker - Kerson leaves made into tea are great for pain because they block pain
receptors… a good antinociceptive agent similar to opiates.
Cardiovascular Protection - The leaves made into tea protect the heart from heart attacks,
because the leaves contain antioxidants that prevent inflammation which leads to myocardial
Cancer - The leaves have been studied and show great anticancer abilities and may be used
more extensively in the future for treating cancer… more research to be done.
Anti-inflammatory - The leaves can be used as tea for treating inflammation and swelling and
for lowering fevers.
Lowers Blood Pressure - Tea made of the leaves lowers blood pressure because it contains nitric
oxide which relaxes blood vessels thus improving blood flow.
Headaches - Eating the fruit and drinking tea made of the leaves works great for getting rid of
Antioxidant - Kerson Fruit and leaves contain lots of antioxidants in fact over 24 flavonoid and
phenolic compounds like that found in green tea… plus saponin compounds.
Contains - Kerson Fruit contain fiber, water, carbs, protein for strong muscles, calcium and
phosphorus for strong bones, iron for anemia, and B-Vitamins for vitality and good mood.
Flowers - The flowers boiled for tea are a good antiseptic agent for skin wounds and also works
well for treating abdominal cramps.
Forms and Finding - Kerson Fruit can be found fresh at Asian and Latin Markets (Check the other
names for the fruit), in jams and jellies, and in liquid form for medicinal purposes on-line.
Other Uses - The tree is fast growing and can be used for light duty projects… also the bark
makes great rope.
Do you know someone with a Kerson Tree? The leaves may be very valuable for making tea… and
not many people are marketing the fruit and the leaves.
Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist
Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research
on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational
purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or
medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a
scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to
recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs,
and at www.paulhaider.com – feel free to connect with him any time.
Here is a short video bio – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U
Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect. —

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Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, USA, Health and Wellness, Kerson Fruit, Kerson Tree,
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Flowers, Antioxidants, Headaches, Anti-inflammatory, Lowers Blood Pressure, Cancer,
Cardiovascular Protection, Pain Blocker, Vitamin C, Diabetes, Gout, Gout Pain, Antibacterial,
Feel Free to Contact me, I love talking with people and being of service - email -
drpaulhaider@gmail.com, - Skype - drpaulhaider - and my cell phone is (831) 869-9119 - I am in
EST Time Zone.,
Make a Love Donation on Paypal using the Paypal address — relax@paulhaider.com

Dr. Dr. Paul Haider

Spiritual Teacher and Master Her… Follow


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Joey Joey Miral

Miral Student at Kalayaan National High School

can I make a capsule Dr. Paul Haider as part of our scientific research? 
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jussielle Abon 5mo

jussielle Student at University of the Philippines
Can i make this as a smoothie or shake?
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Victoria Murdock 1y
Victoria Director at Acana Concrete Pty Ltd
One of my favourite fruits
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Ronald Abasolo 3y
Ronald Student at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Dr. Paul Haider, which part of the tree has the greater anti-bacterial property?
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Dr. Dr. Paul Haider 3y

Paul Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist
The leaves are the best - make some tea with the leaves.
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11/17/2018 “13 Health Benefits of Kerson Fruit”

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Ronald Abasolo 3y
Ronald Student at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Dr., which part of the tree has the greater anti-microbial properties?
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Khuyen Tuong 3y
Khuyen Manager at Local Services for Foreigners in Vietnam
I'm lucky that I found this tree nearby my house today
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Dr. Dr. Paul Haider 3y

Paul Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist
Wonderful - Enjoy
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