Laporan Projek Line h1 16

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This study presented a flood estimation models for Pahang River, Malaysia using

Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software Floods have

always been natural disaster which are associated with human and financial losses and also

have influenced human’s life. We must accept the fact that flood is not fully controlled but its

losses can be reduced by floodplain management. Behaviour survey of river events by its

simulator models which accurately predict the flow of the river, and its result leads to

produce flood zoning maps which are among the useful tools in the management of

floodplain. This project is about to develop a model for river flow at Sungai Pahang

tributaries. We have been instructed to develop this model to analysis the effectiveness of

drain for CH-16. This software allows us to perform one dimensional steady, one and two

dimensional unsteady flow hydraulics, sediment transport/mobile bed computations, water

temperature modelling and generalized water quality modelling. Moreover, HEC-RAS

requires less time consuming for simulations. These are sufficient reasons why HEC-RAS is

selected to use to primarily understand flood parameters and characteristics. This software

also used for modelling water flowing through systems of open channels and computing

water surface profiles. In addition, HEC-RAS also finds particular commercial application in

floodplain management and flood insurance to evaluate floodway encroachments. Some of

the additional uses are, bridge and culvert design and analysis, levee studies and channel



Malaysia is blessed with abundance of rainfall that contributes to an average of 2000-

4000mm a year. With the exception of extreme events, the annual average may exceed the

above average. Flood has always been the major natural catastrophe causing tremendous

losses. Generally, losses can be due to tidal floods, monsoon floods, flash floods and it is not

impossible resulting from a combination of all three. Heavy downpours when combined with

the increasing number of impervious lands and poor drainage systems have reduce the

amount of water to infiltrating into the ground thus increase surface run off, and as the rivers

or drainages are not able to endure the sudden water capacity, therefore the water spills and

flood happens.

The flood risk in Malaysia which has increased alarmingly in recent decades largely

due to changing physical characteristics of the hydrological system caused by human

activities, continued development of already densely populated floodplains, encroachment on

flood-prone areas, destruction of forests and hill slopes development. The flood losses are

quite high but the disastrous flood events which occurred in the past as a consequence of

rapid development and environmental degradation are being forgotten quickly. This is

because people are choosing to see only the positive benefits of a booming economy while

turning a blind eye to their negative impacts.

The flood estimation that involves the development of hydrologic models is one of the

non-structural measures that may help to reduce the amount of damages incurred. This is very

necessary for the identification of possible inundated areas, so that a timely warning can be

issued to the people in the affected area.


The objectives of this project are as following:

 To develop a model of river flow by using HEC-RAS software.

 To recommend a suitable measures to assure safe flood conveyance for the study

reach by increasing height of retaining wall, proposing new bunds or embankment at

the particular cross-sections.

 To determine adequacy of existing section to carry flood of various magnitude.


Water is the crucial element to life. No human, animal or plant will be able to live

without water. However, excessive water can causes havoc and create a terror in the form of

floods. Floods washes away everything that comes in its way, destroying crops, livestock,

houses and other properties. The events floods are responsive to the intricate hydrological

system and the aggressive changes caused by continuous human interventions in nature’s

processes. Furthermore, floods also do not only cause immediate damage but also leave

extensive problems that occur during and after the water receded such as health problems.

Floods are still will occur in the future, therefore people all over the world have learned to

adapt with floods. Nevertheless, the communities sometimes are taken completely by surprise

when flood happened because they are unaware of what can happen and have no single idea

on how to adapt if nature strikes.

Definition Of Flood

It is a natural event or occurrence where a piece of land or area that is usually dry land,

suddenly gets submerged under water. Some floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly.

Others take days or even moths to build and discharge. When floods happen in an area that

people live, the water carries along subjects like houses, cars, furniture and even people. It

can wipe away farms, trees and many more heavy items. Floods occur at irregular intervals

and vary in size, duration and the affected area. It is important to note that water naturally

flows high areas to low areas which means low areas may flood quickly before it begins to

get to higher ground.

The Cause of Floods

Here are a few events that can cause floods:

 Rains

- Each time there are more rains than the drainage system can take, there can be

floods. Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very short period that can result in

floods. In other times, there may be light rain for many days and weeks which can

also result in floods.

- Depending on the rainfall distribution, the amount of rain and soil moisture

content, short rainfall period can also result in flooding. The rain water erosive

force can weaken the foundations of buildings, causing tumbles and cracks.

 River overflow

- Rivers can overflow their banks to cause flooding. This happens when there is

more water upstream than usual and as it flows downstream to the adjacent low

areas which can also called as a floodplain, there is a burst and water gets into the

land. Dams in rivers may also at times overwhelm rivers when the carriage

capacity is exceeded, causing the water to burst and get into the floodplains. Flood

caused by river overflow has the potential of sweeping everything in its path


 Lakes and coastal flooding

- Lake and coastal flooding occurs when large storms or tsunami causes the water

body to surge inland. These overflows have destructive power since they can

destroy ill-equipped structures to withstand water’s strength such as bridges,

houses and cars.

- In coastal areas, strong and massive winds and hurricanes drive water onto dry

coastal lands and give rise to flooding. This situation is even worsened when the

winds blowing from the ocean carry rains in them. Sea waters from the tsunami or

hurricane can cause widespread damage.

 Clogged drainages

- Flooding also takes place when snowmelt or rainfall runoff cannot be channelled

appropriately into the drainage systems forcing the water to flow overland.

Clogged or lack of proper drainage system is usually the cause of this type of


 Dam breakage

- The potential energy stored in the dam water is used to generate electricity. At

times, the walls can become weak and break because o overwhelming carriage

capacity. Due to this reason, breakage of the dam can cause extensive flooding in

the adjacent areas.

- Flooding occurs when the embankment built along the sides of the river to stop

high water from flowing onto the land breaks. Sometimes, excess water from the

dam is deliberately released from the dam to prevent it from breaking thereby

causing floods.

 Ice and snow melts

- Heavy snow over the winter usually stays un-melted for sometime. There are also

mountains that have ice on top of them. When the ice suddenly melts because of

the increase of temperature, it will resulting in massive movement of water into

places that are usually dry.

Types Of Floods

1) Flash floods

- This kind occurs within a very short time and is usually as a result of heavy rain,

dam breaks or snow melt. Sometimes, intense rainfall from slow moving

thunderstorms can cause it. Flash floods are the most destructive and can be fatal

as people usually taken by surprise. There is usually no warning, no preparation

and the impact can be very swift and devastating.

2) Rapid on set floods

- This type takes slightly longer to develop and the flood can last for a day or two

only. With this type, people can quickly put a few things right and escape before it

gets very bad.

3) Slow on set floods

- This kind is usually as a result of water bodies over flooding their banks. They

tend to develop slowly and can last for days and weeks. They usually spread over

many kilometres and occur more in floodplains.

The purpose of conducting hydrological modelling is to estimate the flow hydrograph

from tributary catchments. From that, we can conduct the modification of the channel

to prevent the flood.


Following are the steps required for this project:

Step 1: Create a new HEC-RAS project.

Step 2: Select drive and path to store project in.

Step 3: Enter the project title, ensure the project File Name has the extension “.prj”.

Step 4: Enter geometric data

i) River system schematic

ii) Cross section data

Step 5: Enter steady flow data

i) Profiles:
-Enter number of profiles
-Each profile were given the name
ii) Flow data
-The flow data for each river station were entered.

iii) Boundary conditions

- Necessary to establish the starting water surface at the ends of the river system.
-Four types of boundary conditions:
 Known water surface elevation
 Critical depth
 Normal depth
 Rating curve

Step 6: Perform steady flow simulation

Step 7: View results

Step 8: Do the modification channel

Step 9: View results


1. Channel 0 m (Downstream)
i. 10 years

Figure 1: Before
Figure 2: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 3: Before
Figure 4: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 5: Before Figure 6: After

2. Channel 100 m
i. 10 years

Figure 7: Before Figure 8: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 9: Before Figure 10: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 11: Before Figure 12: After

3. Channel 300 m
i. 10 years

Figure 13: Before Figure 14: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 15: Before Figure 16: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 17: Before Figure 18: After

4. Channel 600 m
i. 10 years

Figure 19: Before Figure 20: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 21: Before Figure 22: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 23: Before Figure 24: After

5. Channel 800 m

i. 10 years

Figure 25: Before Figure 26: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 27: Before Figure 28: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 29: Before Figure 30: After

6. Channel 850 m
i. 10 years

Figure 31: Before Figure 32: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 33: Before Figure 34: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 35: Before Figure 36: After

7. Channel 900 m
i. 10 years

Figure 37: Before Figure 38: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 39: Before

Figure 39: Before Figure 40: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 41: Before Figure 42: After

1. Channel 1000 m

i. 10 years

Figure 43: Before Figure 44: After

ii. 25 years

Figure 45: Before Figure 46: After

iii. 50 years

Figure 47: Before

Figure 48: After

Total cut area = 28.24 m2

Cost for cut area per m2 = RM 14.50

Total cut cost = RM 409.44

Total fill area = 1.78 m2

Cost for fill area per m2 = RM 25

Total fill cost = RM 44.48

Total cost cut and fill = RM 453.92


This project is attempted to apply the HEC-RAS model to compute the water surface

profile through steady flow analysis. It can be stated that this software while using relatively

little input data can predict the water level and flood affected areas, for extreme hydrological

events, with a high degree of precision. Thus the outcome was generated into flood extent

and flood depth. The data that have been analysed by the HEC-RAS software can be easily

created and the estimation of flood risk analysis could be done. After that, the modification of

the channels can be conducted to prevent the channel from the floods. All results are able to

conclude that HEC-RAS is a great hydraulic tool for primary flood prediction in Sungai

Pahang. It is strongly recommended that the sections which water overtops over the existing

embankment or retaining wall need to be raised.




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