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1) A client has been diagnosed with thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger ’s disease). The nurse is
identifying measures to help the client cope with lifestyle changes needed to control the
disease process. The nurse plans to :refer the client to a

A. Dietitian
B. Smoking cessation program
C. Pain management clinic
D. Medical Social worker
2) Which of the following is not directly related with Buerger’s disease?

A. Claudication
B. Thromboangitis obliterans
C. Night sweats
D. Poor tolerance of cold
3) A 76 year old man enters the ER with complaints of back pain and feeling fatigued. Upon
examination, his blood pressure is 190/100, pulse is 118, and hematocrit and hemoglobin are
both low. The nurse palpates the abdomen which is soft, non-tender and auscultates an
abdominal pulse. The most likely diagnosis is:

A. Buerger’s disease
C. Secondary hypertension
D. Aneurysm
Answers and Rationales

1. B. Smoking cessation program . Buerger ’s disease is a vascular occlusive disease that

affects the medium and small arteries and veins. Smoking is highly detrimental to the client
with Buerger ’s disease, so stopping smoking completely is recommended. Because
smoking is a form of chemical dependency, referral to a smoking cessation program may
be helpful for many clients. For many clients with Burger ’s disease, symptoms are relieved or
alleviated once smoking stops
2. C. Night sweats
3. D. Aneurysm . The symptoms exhibited by the client are typical of an abdominal aortic
aneurysm. The most significant sign is the audible pulse in the abdominal area. If
hemorrhage were present, the abdomen would be tender and firm.

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