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‘THE RUIN! rhitetue isthe only atin which the great srogle be ra il of te spice and the necesy Of aa ase smeet paces Wich the woul ins upward svg and Jnr rot pracy ae held blanc. ht postr paincing, mae Ene goerning the atria tat be made Bo se Ncbmve the anc conception which ia the sau work, why an vsbly sbi em Even in Feeac the tangible pec of marble mot the work of art serrne or bree of thecneles conte t he work bat tea sly az man of exposing spit Aldbough tee gre to, et ad dibute the wea ad ang power Fidler cording toa plan conceal ony in the Homan earth tnis pn the mater works by mean off owe See aryng dr the plan, a ewer, with i own fore JT the moe subline vaory ofthe pit over naarea ‘Mascon tke tat which obtain en me ow how side 3 permon mo that he reales our will though his nm. is wl Eoc been overpomereds ater, te very tendency of ove ‘Ths ungue balnce~beoveen sachin, inert matter which pasively ress presute, ad informing” spiitaliy ich pushes upwand-besl however, the fee» buliding {rumble For is ancane nothing ce tan hae see natura fees begin to become rte over the work sf mans the bal tnce beeen nate al sp, hich the bling mane, {Bein for of ure, Thi hit beeomes 3 cane waged Sich, so we fel, males every sin am bjt if with ont Towa, for now the Sey sppens ss natures revenge forthe {Bric having vied tc by hang a form i Tu on nage $Tae wrote htuny of mankind is gradual re of he spit marcy over the fature which i fs ote, but a certain fewest ile rin theater atthe pre bends the ferme ad evento this nture to command, archietre Ae hapes mats mass irene force une, av Hf of sete sri can ion shy piven nd bcs) he sk Sas am element of there nature Thir characters a Sony urban Tung, ike thot il inhabited often fou oe Tay off the main rood. Ia these abs, what tikes us et to be sure that human Beings destroy the work of man throm eed achieved by watute—but hat men Le deny From {he standpoint ofthe idea of man, such indiference 50 to a postive pasivty, whereby man mater wel the zompice of nature and Of that one ofits herent tennis sich is dramateally opposed to his own essential ntereae Flere the inhabited un kes or us that enssoussupeaersons balance of te conicting tendencies of cxstence which We ee In the abandoned one. This halnee nee, goes its prob tematic, unsctling.ofen unbearable chascer Such pao Sinking om ie, sl strike ua etings of ie ork of man appears tow entiely a8 product of nature ‘The fame fores which give a nountain hs shape though weather ing. erosion, faulting. and the growth of egeaion, here do their work on old walls Even the cham of alpine fos~-whigh ae after all forthe mow pare. clumy, aceldena arsteally inipid—rexts on the fee counesplay of two come endencie, ‘oleaicerptions or gavalsratieation have bul the nou tein upward: rain and som, weathering and Inside, cher al dioltion, and the eet of gray inttding vegetation ave sawed apart ad hollowed Sut the upper ledge, Rave exe downward parts of what hat Boen tase op, thw giving he onto its form. To this form, we fc the Yeality ofthe op Posing tendencis,and-—instintivly srsng thee amtteses Sa ounelves—we notice, beyond everything terely formal nd tthe the sigaficace of the configuration in ‘whose serene ‘miy they have thelr synthesis Bidety separated segments of existence What hs led the Bul Jog upward is human wil: what gives i ts Present appearance fe brute, downvard-ragsing. cording, crumb power of satore. Stil, mo long a re Can speak of ruin at a aed ‘Rot of mere heap of ones, this power dos not snk the work ‘fan into the formless of mere matter There tse 8 new ee completely mar cnr shes merely exes ight anal now sa enained len bt which Seve ee emnes Beth va, the un aes ws 0 ten a gibt noe ss mdvbeaune detraton here 'b net sent ce ning ton the out bat ier ieee ey Shen ching wien we ecrne 5 yous 4 SmI inan,ruoay valuable oes we ides ene gi eng ele through tse endo ee ee ‘fh does not exit all We baler nahn or eels Sing steal that bots wih i Dat nc ey rin thee 150 oan mor tas tee aan dat ite by itr cf pron 3 Seta somthing te: ut se a Tee eu perey lr Se oe el eg B; the ruin oder itself into the surrounding landicape ition, stra goving ogee wih ieee oer pikes, want howe seen eases Se the Ind ofthe nda: toa re Be Pe ero hing at nd wih ce ee Wer ld bing in open com aes eee Geoetel sound them. The cause of this phenomenna sees he Bs

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