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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune-37

Tutorial Booklet :Engineering Mechanics (ES 105)


F. Y. B. Tech (ECIT Group)

Formulated by : P.B.Kulkarni

D. E. S. H. (Civil Engg. Department)

w. e. f. Jan 2017 Sem 2

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Tutorial No. 5
Q 1) If motion of particle is defined by y  (4 t 3  3 t ) m and ax  12 t m / s2 . If it is known that,
vx  4 m / s at t  0 , calculate resultant velocity and acceleration at t  1 sec .
Ans: v  13.45 m s , a  26.8 m s 2

Q 2) At instant t , position of balloon is defined by x  30 t , y  . Determine
i) Distance OA at t  2 sec
ii) Velocity and acceleration at t  2 sec .

Ans: OA  69.97 m , v  46.86 m s , a  18 m s 2

Q 3)

Q 4)

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 5)


Problems on n-t system

Q 7) To anticipate the dip and hump in the road, the driver of a car applies her brakes to produce a
uniform deceleration. Her speed is 100 km/h at the bottom A of the dip and 50 km/h at the top C of
the hump, which is 120 m along the road from A. If the passengers experience a total acceleration
of 3 m/s2 at A and if the radius of curvature of the hump at C is 150 m, calculate (a) the radius of
curvature at A, (b) the acceleration at the inflection point B, and (c) the total acceleration at C.

Q 8) Determine the maximum speed for each car if the normal acceleration is limited to 0.88g. The
roadway is unbanked and level.

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 9 ) The two cars A and B enter an unbanked and level turn. They cross line C-C simultaneously,
and each car has the speed corresponding to a maximum normal acceleration of 0.9g in the turn.
Determine the elapsed time for each car between its two crossings of line C-C. What is the relative
position of the two cars as the second car exits the turn? Assume no speed changes throughout

Q 10) A particle moves along the curved path shown. If the particle has a speed of 12m/sec at A at
time and a speed of 14m/sec at B at time , determine the average values of the acceleration of the
particle between A and B, both normal and tangent to the path.

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q11 ) The speed of a car increases uniformly with time from 50 km/h at A to 100 km/h at B during
10 seconds. The radius of curvature of the hump at A is 40 m. If the magnitude of the total
acceleration of the mass center of the car is the same at B as at A, compute the radius of curvature
of the dip in the road at B. The mass center of the car is 0.6 m from the road

Q 12) The figure shows two possible paths for negotiating an unbanked turn on a horizontal portion
of a race course. Path A-A follows the centerline of the road and has a radius of curvature atA = 85
m, while path B-B uses the width of the road to good advantage in increasing the radius of
curvature at B =200m. If the drivers limit their speeds in their curves so that the lateral acceleration
does not exceed 0.8g, determine the maximum speed for each path.

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 13) Consider the polar axis of the earth to be fixed in space and compute the magnitudes of the
velocity and acceleration of a point P on the earth’s surface at latitude 40° north. The mean
diameter of the earth is 12 742 km and its angular velocity is

Q14 ) The car C increases its speed at the constant rate of as it rounds the curve shown.
If the magnitude of the total acceleration of the car is at the point A where the radius of
curvature is 200 m, compute the speed v of the car at this point.

Q 15) The driver of the truck has an acceleration of 0.4g as the truck passes over the top A of the
hump in the road at constant speed. The radius of curvature of the road at the top of the hump is 98
m, and the center of mass G of the driver (considered a particle) is 2 m above the road. Calculate
the speed v of the truck

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 16) A small particle P starts from point O with a negligible speed and increases its speed to a
value where y is the vertical drop from O. When x= 15.5 m , determine the n-
component of acceleration of the particle.

Q 17) The particle P starts from rest at point A at time and changes its speed thereafter at a constant
rate of 2g as it follows the horizontal path shown. Determine the magnitude and direction
of its total acceleration (a) just before point B, (b) just after point B, and (c) as it passes point C.
State your directions relative to the x-axis shown

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials


Q 19) At a given instant, the plane moving on curve has speed 500 m / s and acceleration 80 m / s2
as shown. Determine: i)Rate of increase of speed i.e. at , ii)Radius of curvature at point ‘A’.

Ans: at  27.36 m s 2 ,   3325.5m

Q 20) A particle moves with a constant speed 3 m / s along a parabolic path shown in figure. Find
resulting acceleration at the position when x  0.5 m .

Ans:   5.27

a n  1.7 at t  0

a  1.718 m s 2

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Problems on r- θ system

Q 21) Rotation of the radially slotted arm is governed by ɵ = 0.2t + 0.02t3, where

ɵ is in radians and t is in seconds. Simultaneously, the power screw in the arm

engages the slider B and controls its distance from O according to r = 0.2 +

0.04t2, where r is in meters and t is in seconds. Calculate the magnitudes of the velocity and
acceleration of the slider for the instant when t = 3 s.

Q 22)

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 23)

Q 24)

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 25)

Q 26)

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

Q 27)

Q. 28) The particle ‘P’ moves along the spiral with the relation defined by r  10t and   (2t ) rad.
Determine position, velocity and acceleration at i) t = 0 sec and ii) t = 0.3 sec.

Ans: i) At t = 0, r = 0, θ=0, v = 10 mm/s along vr , a = 125.6 mm/s2 along aθ

ii) At t = 0.3, r =3mm, θ=1.88 rad, v = 21.34 mm/s, a = 172.65 mm/s2


@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

ES 105 Engineering Mechanics (ECIT Group) Tutorials

@ P. B. Kulkarni VIT PUNE (w.e.f 18/08/2016 )

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